tomtenadia · 2 years
For the love of a kingdom - 31
Yours truly is back in good ol’ kingdom of Alba (aka Scotland) and ready for some updates...Tonight we have FTLOAK and I hope you will love this chapter... let’s just say it was about damn time....
cw: Maeve and death...and some language
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“I finally found you.”
Aelin’s hand went on her sword on instinct, the one Rowan made for her. On their first day in the cave she had infused the sword with her fire power. Rowan had been sceptic but she had said that it wouldn’t hurt to have a special sword.
“Do you want a prize?”
“Yes, you, your kingdom and your life. Make this easy and give it up now.”
Aelin swinged the sword “such demands, maybe if you had said please.”
Maeve growled and attacked Aelin but Rowan promptly protected her. He had been plunging in his well of powers for days now and knew that Aelin had been doing the same. Their powers joined together by the carranam would make them difficult to defeat. But that was the last resort.
Aelin strutted and he stiffened. He knew his mate was mad at the woman but that was risky.
“You are not getting my kingdom or my life that easily.”
“What about your pretty boy?”
Rowan landed on his knees and started screaming.
Aelin lunged forward but ended up snatching air. Maeve had moved to another spot. How could they compete with such power?
The darkness seemed to intensify but the more the dark queen pushed to break the bond, the more the carranam fought back and light enveloped Rowan. 
She ran to him and kneeled at his side “are you okay?”
He nodded lightly and stood defiantly and Aelin did the same.
“You can’t break the carranam bond, you should know by now,” had shouted Rowan in anger.
“The carranam…” the queen paused “it can’t be… it’s just a legend.”
Aelin folded her arms at her chest “Well, turns out it’s not.”
Maeve attacked but Aelin raised a wall of fire and kept the woman’s magic at bay.
Rowan intercepted one of the shots from Maeve and sent it darting away and took off a piece of the mountain. Behind them rocks crashed on the ground and a cloud of dust rose up in the air.
Aelin went to the offensive once more and from her hands erupted swords of fire and daggers. Rowan had taught her that trick and slowly with his help she had perfected it until it became second nature. But it seemed that with Maeve they needed a new strategy. 
“Why don’t you both just surrender to me?”
Rowan in response sent a lance of ice through Maeve. The woman seemed to falter at the attack but then straightened up once more as if nothing happened.
Aelin groaned in frustration.
She then started feeling queasy again and her energies faltered. Rowan noticed and stepped in front of her. His nervousness rose. He knew that together they were stronger but having his mate in harm’s way was against all of his instincts.
“I am fine,” croaked Aelin from behind but he ignored her. Rowan was busy with an exchange with Maeve and she was afraid he was using too much of his power. 
“I am getting tired of you both,”
A dark spear went through Rowan and Aelin screamed as he collapsed on the ground.
“Now you went too far, bitch.”
The area got enveloped in fire and Aelin was happy they were away from vegetation. She unsheathed her sword and started fighting Maeve.
“Not that strong without him, right?” Maeve walked to Rowan and brushed his hair “He is such a wonderful warrior, but then he fell in love and fled,” her violet eyes landed on her “so I had my revenge. Some of my men joined Adarlan under false names and were in charge of killing his wife.”
Aelin’s anger surged.
“He was wasted on a female like Lyria. He could have been mine, I would have made him the most feared warrior in all of Erilea. I was so mad at him so I had to make him pay.”
Aelin screamed in anger and attacked Maeve with all the fire she got. That woman had hurt Rowan and now was time to pay.
While the fire burned around her she quickly ran to Rowan, grabbed his hand and twinned his fingers with hers, letting her power dance around and waiting for a reaction from him. And when ice danced around her hand and his eyes opened she relaxed.
“I am fine,” he stood shakily under Aelin’s intense gaze.
“Where’s Maeve?”
Aelin extinguished the flames and found the woman ready to attack. She lounged for Rowan while blocking Aelin and placed her hand on his forehead
Rowan was walking in a desolated land. A city laying destroyed after a war. Houses still burning, bodies abandoned on the streets and people screaming. He was walking in a daze to the castle. The main gate to the castle in ruins. He walked slowly up the familiar path and reached the castle. It was in ruins just as the rest of Orynth. He ran for a room in particular. Ran for her. Along the way he saw the lifeless bodies of all of his friends. Aedion’s body was covering the ones of Lysandra and little Aidan. They were all dead. Rowan’s fear grew. He finally found the door and ran inside.on the floor, in a pool of her own blood lay a heavily pregnant Aelin. Dead. He screamed.
Aelin stared at Rowan screaming while unable to move a finger. 
Rowan, I am here. I need you to wake up. Follow the bond. Come back to me, my love.
Rowan could not tell if it was a dream or reality. He was ready to let desperation engulf him fully until he heard her voice through the bond. She was near. She was alive. He concentrated on that and broke the spell.
He jerked awake and lunged forward and grabbed the queen by her neck “I am so fucking tired of you.”
The woman laughed maniacally “antagonise me and the image I showed you will become reality.”
Aelin was freed as well and joined Rowan at his side “This ends here.”
Maeve smirked “you cannot kill me.”
Aelin brushed her hand on her sword and cut her palm then grabbed Rowan’s hand and discreetly cut him too.
He looked at her and nodded.
When they palms touched their powers joined and erupted from them. Maeve stepped back and then replied with her own magic. The plateau was engulfed in a wall of fire and ice and at the centre of it three figures. They raised their joined hands and directed the power towards Maeve. The woman started screaming and they intensified their power. Together they were something to behold.
Maeve fell on her knees and Aelin walked away from Rowan and pointed her sword at the queen’s chest “this is for all you have done to me and my mate. To Doranelle. To innocents. I told you you would pay.” Rowan joined her again and their cut palms went together once more, then Aelin lifted her blade and impaled the evil queen and the sword erupted with power. A tower of fire climbed up in the sky surrounding Maeve. Rowan could feel the power was all Aelin’s. The flames burned high and the raw power hit him and he gasped. Aelin had plunging deeper in her well that he could have thought. The fire emanating from his mate was as fierce the one of a forge. Aelin burned but his power shielded her, wind caressing her features and somehow fuelling the inferno.
He stared at the image until he heard screams and relaxed when he noticed it was Maeve. She finally collapsed, but before dying her own dark power exploded all around them and Aelin and Rowan’s magic reacted and the whole place exploded and the mountain came down on them. 
Aedion had gone to see his father and was happy to see that him and his friends too were not too eager about staying back at the castle and be idle when Rowan and Aelin were somewhere in the mountains. Slowly he had adjusted to the fae warriors and a semblance of friendship had started to blossom. Lorcan seemed to be the most reticent but both Elide and his father had been working on him and the man had started to complain a bit less. The relationship with his father was improving too. He had discovered that Gavriel was a good man and people respected him deeply. He was the oldest of the group and everyone trusted him. His wife loved her father in law too and they had introduced Aidan to his grampa and the little boy had loved the man from the start.
“Any idea where to start searching?” The question had come from Connall.
“They said that they were heading for the Staghorns. A bloody big place but I would start walking and leave Oakwald behind,” he explained “with Aelin’s power they have to be clear of the forest.”
“A wildfire is the last thing Orynth need at the moment,” added Fen who was walking happily. Aedion was amazed by the fact that the man always seemed full of joy. He wondered how he managed. 
“I can go and fly around and see if I spot something. That might help.”
“Vaughan, that is a brilliant idea.”  Aedion really loved having the fae warriors as allies. Their powers were amazing and their ability to shift in other forms was an asset. They were superb allies and was glad that fate had brought them together.
The dark-haired man shifted in his osprey form, let out a cry as in salute and flew away.
It took Aedion and his men a few hours to clear the forest and finally reach the edge of the mountains. Snow was deep and he was expecting difficulties. They decided to camp and wait for Vaughan to come back. The Staghorns were an impressive chain and they could not afford to choose just a random place. They needed pointers.
The men retreated at the edge of the forest for some shelter. It had started snowing again and Aedion cursed the gods and their horrible timing.
“This year the winter in Orynth is harsher than usual,” Kyllian nested in his cloak “I am dreaming of a warm stew from Emrys.”
All the guys groaned dreaming about the food.
Aedion looked up at the mountains and hoped that Aelin and Rowan were fine.
It was a good hour later when they saw the osprey circle around their area.
“We need to follow him,” added Connall.
They all gathered their stuff and started following the bird. The progress was slow and painful in the heavy snow. The weather was turning too and the wind had picked up too. They huddled in their  cloaks and kept going until the path started to climb. If this was the way, how was it that Rowan had dragged Aelin up there?
They stopped all of a sudden when from the distance they saw it. The entire side of the mountain had collapsed. 
He picked up the speed and jumped at the front of the group. He had to reach the mountain quickly.
But no matter if they walked non stop and at a gruesome pace, it still felt as if they were making no progress. 
“The weather is getting worse and visibility is limited too,” commented Kyllian.
Gavriel studied the storm “this is not a regular winter bad weather,” he added “This is Rowan’s power. I can smell the magic.”
“What does it mean?”
“Hopefully that he is alive,” added Gavriel all worried. He wondered why his friend was unleashing his powers that way.
Vaughan had landed and transformed back into fae. Flying had become too difficult in the blizzard.
The climb had taken another two hours and once at the top they were all exhausted. The group finally turned the corner and saw the collapsed mountain. Signs of magic were everywhere and the storm had gotten stronger and it was impossible to move forward.
“We can’t get through.”
“This must be Rowan trying to protect them. It’s a defensive mechanism.”
“Con and I can try and transport through the blizzard and see what is the situation and if we can find them.”
“If Maeve is on the other side…”
“I can’t sense her,” added Connall “and Fen is right. We will walk through and try and save them.”
They all nodded and let the twins go.
Fenrys and Connall reached the other side and the storm was calmer. There were rocks everywhere and they both tried to locate the couple. The two men started removing big rocks, but it was hard work so Con went to guide the rest of the men through the blizzard a few at a time. The group started clearing the area and Gavriel was the first one to find a hand “I have Rowan.” They all concentrated on the spot and the man was free very quickly, but still remained unconscious and his power raging. 
“We need to stop this storm.”
“And find Aelin,” added Aedion while he kept moving rocks.
Gavriel kneeled beside Rowan and with his hand he started healing Rowan and slowly the blizzard started to abate “he suffered a burnout.”
Aedion started walking around looking for Aelin “can someone give me a hand? Aelin is missing,” he shouted in anger.
Fen joined him “Let’s find her…”
They all split and started looking for Aelin. It was half an hour later when Fen saw blonde hair from between some rocks.
“Please… please….” The blonde man started frantically moving all the rocks “please Aelin…”
Until he saw her. 
Aelin lay on the ground. Looking broken. Her hair matted with blood her face pale and her eyes close.
Fenrys landed on his knees in desperation.
“I found her…”
@rowaelinismyotp​ @swankii-art-teacher​ @whimsicallyreading​ @elentiyawhitethorn​ @aelin-bitch-queen​ @bruiseonthefaceofhumanity  @mis-lil-red @thegreyj​ @sailorsassley @leiawritesstories​ @clairec79 @morganofthewildfire​ @sv0430 @heartless--aromantic @autumnbabylon​ @rowanaelinn​ @backtobl4ck​ @susumaus98  @gracie-rosee @mybloodrunsblue @tanvee1231 @avenrebekah @whoever-you-choose-to-love  @theywillnotsingforme @universallytreepost @black-daisy-water @goddess-aelin @whispers-in-the-darkest-heart
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tomtenadia · 1 year
First off, I just wanted to say congrats on finishing thicker than blood! 🥳🥳🥳 and wanted to ask what was your favorite thing/part about writing that fic?
Also for the fic writer ask meme: 36, how do you come up with fic titles? What is the one you're most proud of?
Hi, thanks, ❤️ I struggled so much... I almost abandoned it because of the little success. My favourite part... I loved writing Rowaelin relationship develop from his wanting to arrest her to well.. do more fun things. I enjoyed writing Rowan being a simp for Aelin and him fussing... that is always a pleasure and I think in this fic he reached new levels for me.
Uhhh fic titles... I am bad at them. I tend to use something in the fic. ALB came from a song.. Thicker than blood I actually have to thank @leiawritesstories because she helped me with this.
FTLOAK I just loved how it sounded. But yeah I struggle a lot with titles.... I usually have a tempo one and then mull it over until it's time to post.
Thanks for the ask ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
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tomtenadia · 2 years
🥫 - What’s a scene you’ve really enjoyed working on? Uhhhh that's a tough one... For TTB the hockey one, it was fun and a few scenes later on towards the end of the story. For FTLOAK"Rowan in the smithy... I mean I was drooling while writing that one. ALB: The scene when east station goes to the airbase, the proposal, the navy party, the scene at the bench when Aelin pushed him ti face their feeling... and these are just a few...
🍉 - Favorite character/story trope As I said in the other answer, our bird boy is a good subject and for tropes, fake marriage, enemies to lovers, idiots in love, there was only one bed, pregnancy anything cute 😂
💡- What’s a idea you’ve enjoyed but never/couldn’t write? A Rowaelin fake marriage AU which I really wanted to write and I just couldn't go past one page. A Firefly AU that I desperately wanted to write but Puck (my inspiration buddy) said no... so I binned the 500 word I wrote down. Maybe one day Puck will stop being stubborn
Thanks for the ask❤️
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tomtenadia · 2 years
For the fic writer ask game:
🎧 A certain song you listened to while writing a fic?
👀 What’s an idea you had for a fic that you never did anything with?
🌈 Your favorite tropes to write about?
🎡 Your favorite scene to write in [A Little Braver]?
🎧 A certain song you listened to while writing a fic? So, while I was writing FTLOAK I happened to listened a lot to an Italian band called Rhapsody of Fire (a symphonic power metal band). some of the songs are very epic and I always felt they have a great vibe for FTLOAK, The are good and also sing in English. THeir only Italian song that I listen and I adore is this one: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z0DIPOg4aDc. (IL canto del vento - song of the wind) it's stunning and yes... good for Rowaelin ❤️
👀 What’s an idea you had for a fic that you never did anything with? The Rowaelin Firefly AU - I tried writing it a few times but then I just give up.
🌈 Your favorite tropes to write about? Idiots in love, fake dating, single parent, fake marriage, enemies to lovers, babies, it was always you, second chances.
🎡 Your favorite scene to write in [A Little Braver]? One scene might be challenging... -definitely the one at the bench where Aelin pushed Rowan to admit his feeling and they become a couple.
The scene in the library towards the end when Aelin tells Rowan she wants to start trying. That was for me them officially having pushed aside all of their fears. The worst had happened. They both almost died. Now they had a house and it was finally time to actually start living. For me it was a big scene.
Any bickering scene.
And finally the one where the posh boys take the station team to the airbase. I know it was a chapter and not a scene but that was sooo much fun to write. Thank for the ask ❤️
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tomtenadia · 2 years
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Officially writing the epilogue of FTLOAK
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tomtenadia · 2 years
First of all I need to say that "For the love of a kingdom" is so good, I just love the world building and how we had a focus on the carranan bond in the early chapters. Now that that's out of the way...
I want Perrington dead!!!!!
I wanted this for the last few chapters but chapter 16 just bought a whole different level of hatred towards that disgusting piece of shit, I thought only STT Arobynn by @morganofthewildfire could make me react this way but you proved me wrong, I want Perrington to have a slow and painful death, but like very slow and very painful and even then I don't think it'll be enough compared to everything he put Aelin through.
Hi anon, thank you for your message :)
The carranam bond was an experiment. In the book it focuses a lot on the mating bond. The carranam just get mentioned briefly and then appears again when they have to use it. I have decided to make it important. Little spoiler, but Rowan will use it to help Aelin mentally recover from her Endovier ordeal.I just wanted to give it more importance that it got in canon. It was fun.
Perrington... oh the slimy bastard. I am glad he evokes such strong feelings, it means I have done my job. Also I am honoured you compared him to @morganofthewildfire Hamel's in STT... because I have very strong feeling of hate towards him too. Perrington will pay... I just don't know how yet. FTLOAK is my problem child at the moment. I am stuck in terms of plot and how to resolve things. This was not meant to be a long fic, but even so I need to find a satisfactory way to deal with the bad guys. Eventually it will come and when it does, don't worry... Perrington will be the one to suffer the most. There's a few people ready to skin him alive already so it shouldn't be so hard.
Thank you for your message anon :)
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tomtenadia · 2 years
For the love of a kingdom - 27
Hello my dear readers... so here we are with another instalment of FTLOAK..
I hope you will love this one.
There is no actual warning apart from perhaps for your poor ovaries... We have blacksmith Rowan. I don’t know ya’’ll, but the idea of him blacksmith version makes me drool heavily...
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Rowan rode like a desperate man and arrived at the castle within a few hours. Maeve’s mansion had been deep in the forest. The fact that the woman was not in the castle was worrying but for now all he cared was his mate. She was his only focus. He reached the gate and a strange man stopped him “Halt.”
“I can’t let you in.”
Rowan extracted his sword “you listen to me you little jumped up shit. You let me in or I will cut you down to ribbons.” In those moments anything that came between Rowan and his goal of taking his injured mate to safety was considered a threat and needed to be dealt with.
“I am the captain of the guard.”
“And I am the king consort so move before I hang you for treason.”
In the distance he heard a familiar voice. Kylian, Aedion’s second was running to them “Westfall, let him in, you fucking idiot.”
“He could be a spy and lie he is the king consort. The queen is not married.”
Kyllian nodded to Rowan and saw the woman in his arms “Go Rowan, I will deal with him.”
Rowan nodded as a thank you and rode to the stables, dismounted and then gently took Aelin in his arms.
He was almost at the royal quarters when Aedion spotted them. He growled ferociously.
“Rowan how is she?”
“Call the healer to her chamber. Only the Yrene. No one is coming in.”
Aedion nodded, fully aware of fae male protectiveness. He was only demi-fae but he would react the same way if Lysandra or Aidan were injured.
Yrene was summoned by Aedion and ran to the royal chambers and as she got in she noticed Rowan kneeling at her side, patting her head and whispering probably words of love. He had changed so much from the man she had met at the beginning.
“Rowan…” she took a tentative step.
The man nodded and she walked closer “how is she?”
Rowan stood and looked down at the healer siting on the bed “he tortured her… Gavriel has healing magic and helped.”
Yrene opened the cloak and saw burnt marks on the body, deep cuts that were slowly healing. 
Behind her she heard Rowan growl “I will fix her.”
“Aelin is pregnant,” his voice soft all of a sudden, “I felt it when she was last in the castle. Her scent…”
Yrene quickly placed a hand on the queen stomach and a moment later she gasped. She looked at Rowan and nodded “the baby feels fine and strong. I will look after both. Fae pregnancies can be difficult.”
He knew. Lyria had suffered a lot in her first few months.
While Yrene worked on his mate he forced himself to go and take a bath to wash off all the blood. Once done, Yrene was standing and smiling “Another session after my magic is replenished and she will be okay, physically at least. Mentally she will need you again.”
He extended his hand “Thank you, Yrene.”
“Am I okay to inform the others?”
Rowan nodded and the healer left him alone.
He took his mate and carried her to the bathroom. He had filled the tub once more and added all her favourite bath soaps and salts. Gently he deposited her body inside the water and saw it relax.
“We’ll face this too, together,” with a cloth he cleaned her face and then gently scrubbed her body until he paused on her belly “You are pregnant,” Rowan found the strength to chuckle “I will protect you both. You are my everything.”
In the privacy of the bathroom he allowed silent tears to flow down his face. Losing Lyria had been hard, but if he had lost his mate there would not have been a way back from his own self destruction.
Once Aelin was bathed and clean and back in bed he sat at her side until a knock came at the door. Annoyed he stood and found Aedion on the other side. He walked the man to the small studio so they could talk quietly without risking waking Aelin.
“How is she?”
“Yrene healed most of her physical injuries.”
Aedion’s hand gripped the armrests very hard.
“She was tortured and I have no idea what Maeve did to her. I have to hope that when she wakes up she is herself again.”
“I hope the bastard paid for it.”
“I am sure his skin can be sold to some merchant interested in gory stuff.”
Aedion almost laughed if it wasn’t that he was not in the mood.
“We hung Hamel,” he confessed quietly “His people torched the steading after they found out he raped five young girls.”
Rowan’s rage burst out so quickly that wind hit the room for a second.
“King Dorian helped me. He was found guilty of treason and sexual assault. We hanged him two days ago.”
Rowan was in silence and thought how he felt about having the king of Adarlan in their castle.
Aedion must have read his mind “he is nothing like his father. He is helping us a great deal. He will support Aelin back on the throne.”
“We still have Maeve to deal with. And it’s what worries me the most,” confessed the warrior.
“One thing at a time. Aelin first.”
Rowan nodded “she is pregnant.”
Aedion smiled and patted the man hard on his shoulder “welcome to the fathers club.”
“Speaking of fathers… Gavriel is okay. I rode here, they are walking back with Lorcan. I took his horse.”
“I am acting as regent, but you are king consort, you can take over if you want.”
Rowan shook his head “no one, apart from our circle, knows I am king consort, I have no claim at the moment,” he looked away “You are second in line, the place is yours by right.”
Aedion breathed deeply “I hate it so much.”
“We need you right now,”
“Being a warrior was so much easier.”
Rowan was silent. All he wanted was to be a blacksmith again, have his life with Aelin and now their child and be happy. He had simple dreams.
Yrene and Gavriel had been doing their rounds around Orynth as usual. At the news of Hamel and Perrington’s demise, the town had started to look prosper again. They knew it might take a while before it went back to its former glory but the people looked happier. Some of the citizens had been asking when Queen Aelin was taking the throne back and Yrene had explained that she was really unwell at the moment and that Aedion was acting as regent. Dorian’s presence had been accepted too. After Hamel’s sentence he had walked around the citizens and offered his support and explained that he was endorsing Aelin as a queen. Yrene was speechless. The man had charm and did manage to impress people who hated everything connected with Adarlan.
She could see Aelin and Dorian forming an even stronger alliance.
Gavriel led her to another house and a young man opened the door. The very same boy that until a while ago was lying in bed gravely sick.
“Yrene, Gavriel,” he had the brightest smile “I am well, look at me.”
The healer hugged him “you look wonderful.”
His mother joined them and patted her son “he started improving after your last treatment.”
“Now you need to put on some muscle, young man,” added Gavriel patting him gently on his shoulder and Luca grinned.
“I have been looking for a job again.”
“I told him to recover properly, but he keeps saying that he wants to help.”
“I will ask around, I am sure Emrys will be delighted at having you around once again.”
Yrene gave them a basket “we have a few more supplies. The help from Adarlan is a couple of days out but for now you have some flour, a few eggs, fruit and veg and cheese,” her smile faded “still no meat, but hopefully it will change soon.” The boy’s mother walked to the healer “this is still a great help, all you have done for us, I will never stop being grateful.”
“Normality is slowly coming back and once the queen is back she will need all of your support.”
The woman looked nervous “where is she? We haven’t heard from her in ages.”
That was what Gavriel feared. A lack of support in Aelin because of her absence “she is not well. Her enemies attacked her again Your queen is fighting very hard to be back.”
“Gavriel, people still like her but her absence is causing rumours. Some even suggested she should abdicate in favour of the general.”
“Aelin has been to Endovier twice for her people. Any ideas what that did to her? I do because I treated her both times,” Yrene was raging “And now she laying unconscious in her bed while a dark spell is affecting her and after having been tortured once more.”
The woman apologised “I had no idea. We all had no idea. I miss her. I loved her and I will support her.”
“Queen Aelin is so badass,” grinned Luca “don’t worry I tell all my friends how awesome she is.”
Yrene calmed down “She will guide Orynth and Terrasen with it to its former glory.”
Rowan had left Aelin with Elide and Lysandra. It had been a terrifying feeling but he needed a break. Aelin was in pain, he could feel it through the bond and it was maddening because there was not much he could do aside from holding her hand and be at her side.
He had rage in him. So much rage that he feared she would feel it and he didn’t want that. Love was all he wanted to pass to her.
He trusted the two women and the fae were in the castle too and the Bane had the place surrounded and heavily guarded.
So he had decided to visit a place he hadn’t seen in a while. He took the familiar path and was happy to see Orynth slowly looking alive again. A few vendors were selling meagre solstice treats and it pained him. During the land’s biggest holiday the city would turn festive. Decorations on the buildings, vendors crowding the streets, the air filled with the smells of foods from far away exotic lands and the sound of sellers calling out to customers. He missed that buzz. Soon. There was a lot of healing to do, but they were all working on it.
He finally reached the familiar door and walked in. The smithy had been silent for too long. Jack had passed it to him and he was going to have the place running once more. He loved being a blacksmith. Slowly he walked around the familiar place and started all the steps to have the forge up and running again. They still had a lot of supplies and metals and that allowed him to work on his new project. It would be a surprise for Aelin, a sword fit for a queen.
It was a few hours later when the furnace was hot enough to allow him to start. The smithy slowly warmed up and soon would be filled once again by its usual sounds. He removed his shirt and wore his leather apron, thick leather gloves and then the protective visor and finally tied his long hair so they were out of the way. Once all ready he finally went back to work and choose the metal for her sword. He wanted something strong, like her.
Rowan heated the metal and poured it in a basin with a sword shape in it. Once it was the colour he needed he lifted it from the part where the hilt was meant to be and walked to the anvil. Hammer in hand he started the long and precise job of shaping the metal. The movements familiar and a good way to release the anger in him. His arms pounding hard, the muscles on his left arm bulging and relaxing with every hit. 
Hit after hit after hit the metal was taking shape in front of him. The finishing touches would come later. Every so often he would lift it in his hand and wave it around. It had to have the perfect balance for Aelin. Then back in the fire to heat the metal once more and then back to the anvil. It was exhausting work but Rowan craved it. He paused from time to time to remove the sweat from his forehead, he had forgotten how hot it would become. For a second Rowan had the courage to chuckle and think of Aelin and all the naughty jokes.
The hours passed without him realising. He loved working in the forge.
Rowan also wanted to be king consort and help Aelin rule, but he was not good with court life. He needed to do things. To help, keep his hands active. He enjoyed hard work. He wanted to keep the smithy going, not a kingly profession but maybe if he begged Aelin… convince with a few special kisses and some chocolate cake. He missed her. A while ago she was his enemy. He wanted her dead because he had no idea. He only saw the missing monarch who did not seem to care about her people. How wrong he had been. His mate cared and she had been shouldering that pain alone for too long. Now he was at her side and he’d made sure to be at her side no matter what.
His muscles had started to ache. He hadn’t done that in a while and his left arm started protesting from the constant hammering.
Then he paused and chuckled to himself. Had Aelin been there they would probably end up having sex against the wall maybe surrounded by blades. He had not forgotten her blade kink and his mind travelled back to the early days. He stopped for a second and closed his eyes imagining her hands sliding around his waist. He tugged at the carranam bond and was surprised when he felt a tug back. He relaxed and kept working on the sword. Another intense session and a few tweaks and her sword would be ready.
A sword for his queen.
His fireheart.
@rowaelinismyotp​ @swankii-art-teacher​ @courtofjurdan​ @whimsicallyreading​ `@bruiseonthefaceofhumanity @acreativelydifferentlove @mis-lil-red​ @thegreyj​ @sailorsassley​ @leiawritesstories​ @clairec79 @morganofthewildfire​ @sv0430​ @heartless--aromantic @autumnbabylon​ @rowanaelinn​ @backtobl4ck​ @susumaus98​ @gracie-rosee​ @mybloodrunsblue​ @tanvee1231 @avenrebekah​  @whoever-you-choose-to-love​ @theywillnotsingforme​ @universallytreepost @black-daisy-water​ @goddess-aelin​
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tomtenadia · 2 years
8. running fingers through your lover’s hair
Any couple u want😊
I don't have an actual fic but I can give you some head canons for Rowaelin in my fics
ALB Rowaelin: - Rowan's hair is now just below his shoulders and Aelin loves to sit wit his his head on her lap and brush his hair with her fingers and complains a lot that it is far nicer and softer than hers. sometimes she steals his products and is disappointed when it's not the same. - when he was still in the airforce and had short hair she complained so one night she gave him her red wig but then it was not the same - when Rowan had his bad episodes of PTSD, Aelin running her fingers through his hair was a way to get him to relax and fall asleep.
FTLOAK Rowaelin: -Rowan pretends to be the tough guy but when alone in their chambers he lay down on her lap and grabs her hand and place it on his head as a suggestion to run her finger through his long hair. - Rowan actually purrs at the gesture.
TTB Rowaelin: - They have to take turns and do in intervals of twenty minute each. Aelin moans that he is always the one who gets it, so after once he fell asleep and Aelin didn't get anything she is now timing it. - Once she v=braided his hair on purpose so she was the one to get all of his attentions.
Thanks for the ask. I know it was not what you were expecting but I hope you liked it ❤️
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tomtenadia · 3 years
Aelin parked the ambulance and she and Elide joined the team in the common room. It was weird, having the wrong uniform on, not riding with her team and also having Ilias subbing for her. ---
It was a prison again. She had no way out. Fate had chosen for her. A wave of panic and nausea hit her. --
“Open your bag.” He said visibly shaking “open your damn bag and pull out the drugs or I kill your friend.” His knife dangerously close to Elide’s throat. ---
Aelin turned and pushed him to the wall and a knife appeared in her hand “Tell me you did not know.” ---
Elide found the strength to grin “Lorcan Salvaterre, are you fussing?” ---
“I know about Endovier.”
Her heart stopped. No. No. ---
He looked up and the man holding up his phone “isn’t that your girlfriend?”
He grabbed the phone and rewatched the video. That was Aelin. And when she swung the rope his heart sank.
“Damn man, she is amazing.”
“It was. I used to live here with my wife.”
Aelin turned to him at the admission “used to?”
“Not good, he lost a lot of blood and the bullet went in quite deep. They rushed him to surgery.” ---
Rowan did not respond and carried her to his bed. He threw her on the blankets and she pulled him down with force “Kiss me, Whitethorn.” ---
“Dispatch alarm startled me.” She looked at him with interest. He was used to it. It was not the first time “In the middle of the night it just brought back memories…”
Aelin kissed his temple “Oh Rowan…” she brushed his hair from his face and this time it was her turn to envelop him in her embrace. Her legs draped over his in a protective gesture “I am here. You are safe.” Rowan tilted his head toward her “I am the luckiest man alive to have you at my side.”
Aelin grinned and kissed him “Let’s try and sleep a bit.”
Enjoy them all... these are a mix of ALB and FTLOAK
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tomtenadia · 3 years
1, 5 for the writer ask
1.When did you start writing? How?
This is a cool question. soooo... around 14yrs ago, when I was still back in Italy I used to be a Pottered and I started to write fan fictions. That lead me to actually write a vampires original story set in Scotland which will forever stay on my pc. Then I experimented with Doctor Who for a while, Battlestar Galactica and the Honorverse and that's when I also started writing in English instead of Italian. Then I moved to Scotland and I finished my original + sequel but stopped writing fan fictions as I had no fandoms that appealed to me. Until I discovered TOG and my Rowaelin obsession started.... and here I am. 40 yrs old in 6 days and still loving it <3
5. Do you plan? Or do you “wing it”?
I'll give you an example based on ALB. I started planning it when I began writing the first chapters. But for example, something that was meant to happen around ch 30 now happens around ch 50 odd. ALB is mostly the story flows. I cannot plan it. I was much better with ID and I did manage to plan it and mostly stick to it FTLOAK is a bit of a revbel. I need to plan it, but I just can't so I am winging it and at ch 18 currently down on my draft I made something happen which I am not sure is the right time yet.
Thanks for this lovely ask <3
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tomtenadia · 3 years
A mix of ALB and FTLOAK
His fingers closed around hers and the carrannam bond danced. Their magic danced following the symphony of their souls joining in that ancient bond.
The gods had blessed him with a carranam who was his equal. ----
At the discovery in front of him he froze. Scars, her back was a mosaic of crisscrossed scars that could have only come from whip lashings. With his fingers he brushed the now healed scars gently and anger rose in him. Somehow he had desired to inflict that punishment on whoever did this to her. ----
Because that night, while running with Aelin in his arms he had accepted something. A word had resonated in his souls as the arrow stroke her. ---
“but what’s is important is what Aelin said. In this house no one will ever call you weak or make fun of you. We all have been through the rite of passage of puking our guts after a bad call.” Asterin was quiet for a moment “Find your coping mechanism. Whatever sends you to your happy place and helps you go on.”
“Maybe those guys are right. Women are not cut out for this.” ----
In the yard she stood in an almost perfect at ease position and smiled when Fen was the first one to report back “Captain,” he saluted with military precision.
“At ease Fen, this is not the airforce, but Rowan would be proud of the perfect salute.”
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tomtenadia · 2 years
Tell us a fun fact about your current WIP! i'd love to know!
I don't know if it's fun but for TTB I have been having ideas about the plot in the most random places. The plot is more complicated than ALB and FTLOAK so I am constantly thinking about what it works, they whys and piecing everything together. I had ideas on the bus to and from work, while swimming, under the shower, while grocery shopping... even at work. All places when I cannot write... so I forget the intricate plot I built in my head and I have to start from scratch when I can finally write,
Thanks for the ask <3
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