#ftws gif
papa-evershed · 5 days
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Rob James-Collier as Saul Silva
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babeydollx · 1 year
Snuggles & Warmth
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Warnings: cursing, smut, fluff, cockwarming, snuggles, some aftercare
Pairings: Riven x Female Fairy Reader
Summary: In which after Riven and Y/N have sex, they snuggle together and cockwarm.
© Maybanks-Luver 2023, please do not steal, copy, repost, or translate my work.
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Riven finished using the warm cloth on your skin and he put it in the bathroom before coming back out and laying down beside you. You smiled and slowly crawled over to your boyfriend before laying down beside him. "Hey." Riven said with a smile. "Hi.." You said with a small giggle. You played with his fingers and then looked up at the brunette boy above you.
"Baby?" You asked softly. "Yeah?" He asked as he looked down at you. "I know we've done having sex for the night but, can I at least keep it warm for you?" You asked with a giggle and a small smirk as your hand slid down to the bulge in his sweatpants. Riven smirked a little as you did so. "Well, since you asked so nicely." He said with a smile as he leaned down and kissed you.
The two of you made out for a few minutes before you crawled onto your boyfriend. You pulled off your baggy night shirt before pulling off Riven's sweatpants. You positioned yourself on top of him before slowly sinking down onto his cock, causing both of you to sigh out in pleasure. Once his dick was all the way inside of your cunt, you laid down on top of Riven resting your head on his chest.
He smiled and gently played with your soft hair before kissing the top of your head making you smile and giggle softly. You always felt so lucky to have Riven in your life. You honestly didn't know what you would do without him. You needed him. Riven also didn't have much luck himself when it came to love but, when it came to you, you were the first women he truly felt in love with.
You used your fingers to gently draw invisible shapes on your boyfriend's chest. The feeling of Riven caressing your head was making you sleepy. You yawned softly and he smiled as you grew tired. Your eyes gently fluttered shut and you quietly fell asleep laying on top of Riven while he held you in his arms.
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Author's Note: tysm for reading!
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partiallypearl · 6 months
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I loved my friend. She went away from me. There’s nothing more to say. The poem ends, soft as it began,— I loved my friend.
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fitztragedy · 9 months
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lttlewing · 2 years
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danny griffin as sky
→ 2/∞ — your newfound popularity
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winxsource · 9 months
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Thank you for everyone that participated in the Holiday Exchange 2023!
In case you missed any work posted during this week, here’s the recap list. Make sure to like/kudo/comment/reblog and support these amazing creators!
@jenni3penny made this Andreas/Farah Fanfic for @amchara
@amchara made this Lunrah Fanfic for @emylilas
@emylilas made this Saundreas fanfic for @djino04
@djino04 made this Silrah Fanfic for @jenni3penny
@billieb0i made this Silrah Fanfic for @lottiehenrietta
@lottiehenrietta made this Silrah Fanfic for @foullightdiplomatcreator-blog
@foullightdiplomatcreator-blog made this Silrah Fanfic for @anne-in-dreamland
@anne-in-dreamland made this Silrah Fanart and Fanfic for @billieb0i
@stormywhitelies made this Rivusa Fanfic for @gossipqueen2000
@gossipqueen2000 made this Rivusa Fanfic for @medusanova
@medusanova made this Rivusa Fanfic for @leadingrebel
@leadingrebel made this SkyRiv Fanart for @queen-of-the-wallflowers15
@queen-of-the-wallflowers15 made this Rivusa Fanfic for @polelover91
@polelover91 made this Rivusa Fanfic for @rivusa
@rivusa made this saundreas gifset, these 3 Sebastian and Grey Gifsets (1, 2, 3) and this Skyriv gifset for @skloomdumpster
@skloomdumpster made this saundreas fanfic for @septemberrie
@septemberrie made this silrah fanfic for @veritaserum07
@veritaserum07 made this silrah gifset for @myalchod
@myalchod made this silrah fanfic for @astridv
@astridv made this silrah fanfic for @crazycatfaery
(PART 2 IN THE REBLOG - too many links for tumblr to handle)
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herstuf · 2 years
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Okay look I can’t turn my brain off this and I need to make it other people’s problem.
The way Sky looks at Riven as he tells Musa to run just fucking gets me. There’s something about the mild confusion/surprise/delayed response on his part that stands out. Sky is watching Riven and I imagine he’s thinking about how Riven double checked before, to make sure Musa was okay with doing this. Even though for all intents and purposes Riven shouldn’t care, wouldn’t check if it was someone else, especially not because they’re going after Beatrix.
And now here Riven is trying to protect her first and foremost. And Sky is so taken aback by this that his reaction to pulling his own weapon is delayed. Sky, who is largely considered one of the best specialists, who should’ve had his weapon pulled already, is so surprised by Riven’s behavior that his reaction time is actually slowed. I’m literally obsessed I can’t stop thinking about it. Sky is Riven’s best friend, even when they don’t get along they fucking know each other and he’s obviously starting to process that something is going on in Riven’s mind about Musa. I can’t get enough ugh.
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sehnsuchts-trunken · 2 years
can maybe do one w the riven where reader is sky's little sister (so obviously off limits... right?!) and riven starts bickering w her w his usual snark and when she replies with equal snark he's stunned/in awe like yep, she's the one
absolutely I can. I have so many drabbles where the reader is sky's sibling omg! I mean it's amazing I'm not complaining, but y'all really seem to see him as a good brother figure
um. this is long. like really long. lmao (for a drabble ofc. idk if it'd deserve the title oneshot tho)
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Riven held his cigarette out to you with one hand, the pack in his other. You looked up at him from where you sat cross-legged on the ground opposite him and raised your eyebrows.
"Cig?", you mocked. "So that I can get lung cancer and die? No, thank you."
Riven laughed, put the pack away and lit his cigarette anyway. Admittedly, it was attractive, yes. But still very very bad for his health and he should definitely have stopped doing it long ago.
God, even when he'd come over for the breaks, he'd been smoking like all the time. So this conversation wasn't rare. Back then, you'd at least forced him to smoke outside, not in the house. Which had kind of worked.
"You won't die from one cigarette", he said, grinning at you.
"One of us is definitely gonna die though if you don't stop offering your goddamn cigarettes to me", you snapped, scrunching up your nose. "And it'd be nice if you just stopped smoking in close proximity to me, like, at all."
Riven rolled his eyes and leaned forward, elbows on his thighs, to get on the same level as you. This, if possible, was even more infuriating than his smoking. Because he was generally taller than you. And always did it. He always, always, always leaned down - you would have said he had some problem if you didn't know very well why he did it.
Because the first time he had leaned down - god, the very first time you'd seen him, standing there in the doorway next to Sky in his leather jacket, a cigarette in one hand and his bag in the other - you had forgotten what you'd wanted to say to him about his annoying habit of smoking. Actually, you'd forgotten how speaking worked entirely, and breathing right along with it, and you'd swallowed so hard and gone so weak in the knees that you'd almost tripped.
Now he wouldn't let you live that down. Ever.
"Why?", he grinned, interrupting your thoughts, bringing you back to the present (of him hovering close to you, as always). "You wanna kill me?"
"Or myself", you snorted, shoving all your feelings deep down. You would definitely rather kill yourself than admit any of the things you felt. Or what you imagined whenever you looked at him. He was your brother's best friend, god! Someone help you.
"Anyway", you said, clearing your throat and deciding then and there that you'd just ignore him glancing down at your lips for the rest of eternity instead of commenting on it like you usually had. Just that usually Sky was in the room as well, which made it much, much easier to hide your obvious attraction to this asshole. "Where's Sissy? I thought he said he was gonna come back 'in a second'?"
Riven laughed and shook his head slightly, only to lean forward even more. You had to will yourself to keep staring into his eyes.
"We should make the best of the time he's gone", he said, glancing down at your lips as you gritted your teeth.
"Riven", you said warningly.
It wasn't that he hadn't tried flirting before. He had. Often. Like, every time he had seen you. At first, it had seemed like he'd just wanted to piss off Sky (which, obviously, had worked), but by now he did it whenever you were alone, too. Which somehow, coincidentally, happened more often the longer you knew him. Of course it had made sense, at first, because you'd started Alfea, but after a while, it had become almost comical. Not that you didn't like spending time with him though.
"What?", he asked, pretending he didn't know what you were talking about.
"Riven", you said again, - sadly - already much softer. Dear lord, why couldn't you pull yourself together?
You bit the insides of your cheek and closed your eyes. Could he be any more obvious? It had become so irritably obvious over the last week that you almost felt embarrassed. Sky'd noticed too. Of course
"Riv, don't", you whispered. At this point he'd learned forward as far as he could without falling off the edge of his bed, but he was already close enough so that if you just moved a bit, you could kiss him.
You didn't particularly know why you didn't.
Because he was Sky's best friend? Because he was an asshole? Because he smoked? Because.... oh, you didn't know. Maybe all of it. Maybe none. Maybe you were just scared that this was a game to him, as everything was, just to piss Sky off, or just to be able to say he won. Maybe you were scared, yes.
"Your brother won't come back for another hour", Riven muttered, as if to coax you into finally giving in. You were close to. But that had nothing to do with what he said.
"Another hour?", you asked, frowning and opening your eyes again.
Riven must've realised that he'd killed the mood because he just sighed and fell back down on his bed. You were somehow both relieved and upset that he did.
"Look at your phone", he grunted, having gone back to smoking. You rolled your eyes but said nothing, only fished your phone from the bed behind you and unlocked it.
Sky had texted. He'd run into Bloom and would drive with her to your house, to get some old book.
Cool. So you'd waited here for him for nothing.
"Ass", you muttered and threw away the phone. You didn't have anything else to do anyway. So you just watched Riven smoke for a while.
Maybe you should just go and open the window. Maybe-
"I know I'm hot, but there's no need to stare", Riven said after a minute (which almost had you flinching, that's how immersed in your thoughts and watching him you'd been).
"I wasn't staring, you bastard", you argued, grabbed a pillow and threw it at him.
"No?", he laughed, easily blocking your halfhearted attack.
"No. I just so... happened to be looking at you while I was zoned out. Idiot."
He put out his cigarette in the ashtray on his bedside table while you watched him with crossed arms, debating why you had not already left and pretending it was because there was nowhere you needed to be.
"Yeah?", he laughed. "And what were you thinking about? How good I looked?"
You snorted again. Not that it hadn't been like that, god, and how you had been thinking about that. But what were you gonna say? Yes? Definitely not. Sadly, just continuing to say no didn't work with Riven. He wouldn't let it go. So you sighed.
"How it'd feel to run my hands through your hair while you're eating me out", you said instead, trying your best to sound disinterested, not even looking at him.
He let out a breathy chuckle in surprise. You could barely conceal a grin. What was it again, that saying - honesty's the best lie? Something like that.
It wasn't even that you particularly had meant to say it. But with his constant jabbing and bickering and flirting, a retort like that had been looooong overdue.
"Were you?", Riven asked, grin apparent. You rolled your eyes at him.
"Of course not, dipshit", you snorted. "Like I'd ever let you eat me out."
He shook his head as he got out his pack of cigarettes, pulled one out and lit it.
"You should", he said, new smoke filling the room. Your nose scrunched up almost involuntarily. God, how many of those did he smoke in a day? Where did he even get the money? "I've been told I'm the best."
You rolled your eyes and finally got up, deciding you'd had enough of him for today.
"Sure", you said sarcastically. "And I've been told I'm the pope and just won the lottery. Get a new line."
You'd turned around, away from him, to collect your phone and your jacket from Sky's bed, and when you turned back, he'd stood up as well, pulling you close with his hands on your hips before you could even let out a sound of surprise. His lips were so close to yours that your gaze flickered down at them almost immediately. If you'd had the mental capacity, you would've scolded yourself.
"I could show you", he muttered, that damned grin on his face. You swallowed. And then again. And forced yourself to look into his eyes.
"Another time, maybe", you whispered, trying your hardest to make it sound ironic.
Riven leaned so far down that you could feel his breath on your skin. His fingers were digging into your hips firmly, but you were well aware that you could have moved. If you'd wanted to. Which you did not.
"Really?", he asked. "Now seems like the perfect time."
You closed your eyes as you tried to pick up the little pieces your mind had shattered into and puzzle them back together so that you could form a coherent sentence.
"Riv, we shouldn't", you whispered (it was the only thing you could think of).
"Why not?", he muttered. "Because you're Sky's little sister?"
You chuckled.
"That too."
For a second, he was silent. You dared to open your eyes again. He looked like he was searching your face for an indication of something.
"What else?", he asked, frowning.
You bit your lip. You weren't really going to tell him all the reasons why. You couldn't. How pathetic would it be if you started rambling about how you didn't think he was actually into you? God.
"Riv", you said instead, and trailed off. You just didn't know. You didn't know what to tell him.
"What else?", he repeated, now a little more forcefully. His fingertips digged harder into your hips. You took a deep breath.
No getting out now, was there?
"I just... It feels like you're not actually interested in me, you know? I'm scared you'll kiss me and I'll fall hopelessly in love with you while you move on with the next foolish idiot."
Here - your shovel, have fun starting to dig your own grave!
There should really be an advertisement that sold shovels like that.
Riven was so quiet for so long that you started worrying he'd somehow malfunctioned and turned off like a robot. Maybe the fact he hadn't yet dropped dead from all his cigarettes should have indicated that he actually was a robot.
Then he said your name, quietly, softly, almost, taking your chin in one hand and forcing you to look into his eyes again.
"I fucking despise those declarations of love", he said, somehow not sounding like he despised anything at all at the moment. "But you're basically forcing me to say it, so-" He took a deep breath. "You're not some game, okay? You're... I mean, you're funny, and you're stubborn, and you always have some retort to what I say. You're adorable when you try to resist getting close to me, like when your cheeks get red and your eyes blown wide like fucking Bambi. You're perfect, I just-"
He hadn't even finished when you'd suddenly leaned forward, surprising even yourself, and pressed your lips onto his.
He tasted of smoke. Which was disgusting. And if he wanted to kiss you in the future, he'd have to lay off the cigarettes, but for now, it was perfect. He was perfect.
"Riv", you muttered when you pulled back. He opened his eyes with a grunt. "Riv. If you compare me to Bambi one more time, I swear I'll drop you quicker than you can apologise."
Riven laughed, took one of his hands from your hips and put the cigarette back in between his lips. You raised your eyebrows. You hadn't even realised he'd still been holding it.
"Whatever you say, Bambi."
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honeybear-yammy · 2 years
Snuggles & Warmth
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Warnings: cursing, smut, fluff, cockwarming, snuggles, some aftercare
Pairings: Riven x Female Fairy Reader
Summary: In which after Riven and Y/N have sex, they snuggle together and cockwarm.
Kinktober Day 12 - Cockwarming
© Honeybear-Yammy, please do not steal, translate, copy, or transfer my work.
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Riven finished using the warm cloth on your skin and he put it in the bathroom before coming back out and laying down beside you. You smiled and slowly crawled over to your boyfriend before laying down beside him. "Hey." Riven said with a smile. "Hi.." You said with a small giggle. You played with his fingers and then looked up at the brunette boy above you.
"Baby?" You asked softly. "Yeah?" He asked as he looked down at you. "I know we've done having sex for the night but, can I at least keep it warm for you?" You asked with a giggle and a small smirk as your hand slid down to the bulge in his sweatpants. Riven smirked a little as you did so. "Well, since you asked so nicely." He said with a smile as he leaned down and kissed you.
The two of you made out for a few minutes before you crawled onto your boyfriend. You pulled off your baggy night shirt before pulling off Riven's sweatpants. You positioned yourself on top of him before slowly sinking down onto his cock, causing both of you to sigh out in pleasure. Once his dick was all the way inside of your cunt, you laid down on top of Riven resting your head on his chest.
He smiled and gently played with your soft hair before kissing the top of your head making you smile and giggle softly. You always felt so lucky to have Riven in your life. You honestly didn't know what you would do without him. You needed him. Riven also didn't have much luck himself when it came to love but, when it came to you, you were the first women he truly felt in love with.
You used your fingers to gently draw invisible shapes on your boyfriend's chest. The feeling of Riven caressing your head was making you sleepy. You yawned softly and he smiled as you grew tired. Your eyes gently fluttered shut and you quietly fell asleep laying on top of Riven while he held you in his arms.
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Author's Note: tysm for reading!
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papa-evershed · 24 days
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Rob James-Collier as Saul Silva
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atrxides · 2 years
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Wish That You Were Here
hi @forestelfo I was your secret santa for the FTWS Holiday Exchange! ❤️ Here’s a silrah x stellatrix gift for you, I loved making this and they are my absolute favourite fate ships, hope you like it and happy holidays love!! xoxo  
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partiallypearl · 11 months
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Chess is a game of strategy, and while all pieces have an assigned value at the start, during play, strength is constantly shifting and changing, depending on the moves. But the overall outcome remains the same. The King is the central piece, the Queen is his strength and protector, and the other pieces act on their behalf, to guard and capture.  insp.
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jenni3penny · 1 year
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(If the gifs are yours please let me know so that I can source/credit properly!)
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lttlewing · 2 years
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abigail cowen as bloom peters
→ 5/∞ — poor unfortunate souls
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fitztragedy · 8 months
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On the Nature of Daylight
a fic by @skloomdumpster for @gossipqueen2000
Happy (early) Birthday Mo!!
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Bloom X Transformation
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