#ftws skyriv
hibiscusia · 7 months
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SkyRiv my beloved ! I missed making gifset about this two.
Who are they without a sword in their hands, who are they if they loose their fights.
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winxsource · 1 year
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Aaaand that's a wrap on the 2023 Fate: The Winx Saga Reverse Big Bang!! Huge thanks to all those who participated as a writer or an artist, as well as to everyone who engaged with the finished works. This event resulted in twenty-three new works in the ao3 collection!
Not all art was posted to the ao3 collection, so be sure to check out the summary below of all the works created for the event.
@leadingrebel wrote this Riven + Saul h/c fic for this art/gifset by @astrid-v
@daisiehoney wrote this Riventrix vigilante fic for this video animation by @skloomdumpster
@claracivry wrote this SkyRiv angst for this art by @leadingrebel
@queen-of-the-wallflowers15 also wrote a SkyRiv angst fic to go with @leadingrebel's art.
@infp-obsessing-over-everything wrote this Stellatrix angst for this gifset by @hibiscusia
@amchara wrote this Bloom/Sky/Andreas medieval AU for this gifset by @skloomdumpster
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@crazycatfaery wrote this Bloom angst fic for this art by @veritaserum07
@shadowofnight wrote this Andylind angst fic for this art by @faytalepsy
@lustrouswhite wrote this Andylind Soulmates AU for this gifset by @shadowofnight
@myalchod wrote this dark Skloom fic for this video edit by @sklooms
@amchara wrote this Skloom angst fic for this video edit by @widadsadki
@gossipqueen2000 wrote this Skloom Battle Royale AU for this gifset by @fitztragedy
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@aserene wrote this Farah the Fern fic for this art by @crazycatfaery
@rxnefairs wrote this Farah + cat fic for this art by @crazycatfaery
@junkshop-disco wrote this Silrah fix-it fic for this art by @faytalepsy
@somenamewithepineapple wrote this Silrah gala fic for this art by @faytalepsy
@myalchod wrote this Silrah introspective fic for this art by @anne-in-dreamland
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@septemberrie and @fitztragedy wrote this Rivusa future fic for this art by @theperfectrose
@lilfuturescars wrote this Rivusa Assassin AU fic for this video edit by @septemberrie
@medusanova also wrote a Rivusa Assassin AU fic for Septemberrie's video edit
@theperfectrose wrote this Rivusa College AU for this video edit by @loveisthemoment
@septemberrie wrote this Rivusa Bridgerton AU for this gifset by @fitztragedy
@whenshesayshush wrote this Rivusa S2 angst fic for this gifset by @rivusa
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leadingrebel · 1 month
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A/N: Written for Fate Wips and Chains Whump Event.
Swimming in Burning Rivers
Word count: 3471
For a second, Riven thought he could smell it —awful like fire, worse than smoke, like how death smelled when there were too many bodies— and even though he knew it was just his medical brain supplying details, his throat fought it.
“What the fuck?” Riven choked out. “What happened to you?”
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rivusa · 1 year
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hey, sometimes love hurts, man.
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medusanova · 1 year
Finally getting around to sending this prompt: I'd love to see a mash-up / fusion of Fate and The Shadowhunter Chronicles. Particularly in the context of Sky and Riven being parabatai and how that works in the Fate universe. 👀 (or any of the characters as parabatai would be v cool too- like, Bloom and Aisha maybe?)
There is nothing I love more than the complexities of a parabatai bond — and I could never pass up on a sky/riven moment, especially when I found these as inspiration..
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It’s been three years since Sky laid eyes on an Elapid demon. Not since the portal to the dark realm had been closed for good.
Or so they thought.
For a few seconds, it’s the only thing that takes up his vision — a swarm of scaled creatures crawling around Alfea, neither serpent nor insect, their jagged claws buried into the spines of his fellow specialists and tearing them to pieces — before the rune on his neck tingles and the image fades.
Just in time for Sky to duck and roll away from the snap of its teeth.
Amber-colored venom drips to the ground, sizzling into the cobblestone where Sky had been frozen in place just seconds ago.
The demon’s cobra-shaped head turns in his direction, red eyes bleeding violence and hunger, only to stumble back with a piercing shriek when an arrow gets embedded into its neck.
“That sword in your hand? It’s to defend yourself from things like that,” a low voice taunts from behind him. Sky turns in time to see Riven aim another marked arrow, sending a shockwave of an angry yowl through the village when the sharp tip grazes the top of the demon’s head. “Would be bloody helpful if you used it right about now.”
The sardonic words make him smile despite himself, sending the unsettling flashback to the back of his mind. Shaking his head in amusement, he pulls the seraph blade from its scabbard, letting it illuminate his hand with a soft, divine glow.
Running toward the demonic creature, he arcs through the air, dodging a taloned arm, and slices through one of the demon’s legs — just in time to sidestep another one. Taking advantage of his crouched position, Sky pierces his blade through the underside of its belly. It explodes in a shower of burning ichor.
He turns to face his partner. “Two!” he calls out, breathless from the headiness of adrenaline.
“One and a half,” Riven shoots back with a smirk. He plants an arrow into the head of the third and final Elapid and doesn’t even stop to make sure it’s fully banished to the demon realm when he stows his bow away, strutting in Sky’s direction. Cocky bastard. “I helped you with the first one.”
The lightness in Riven’s voice, however, doesn’t match the intensity of his eyes as they absorb every detail about Sky. Gaze determined and evergreen. So intense it never fails to feel like Riven’s hands are slowly checking over every inch of him.
Like it always does, Sky’s heart pounds against the prison of his rib cage at the sight, sending a pulse of warmth down his spine.
It took years for Sky to understand that look. That unwavering stare. Intended to painstakingly ensure the soul bound to Riven’s was uninjured, unharmed. But once he did, once Sky allowed himself to feel the full weight of Riven’s attention, well, it’s been a steady descent since.
Sky does his best to shrug it away as they head back to the institute, tucked away behind a First World trinket shop in the middle of Blackbridge. “But I was the one to kill it.”
“I knew your hero complex would go to your head one day, I just didn’t expect it to be so soon,” Riven teases, bumping his bicep — inked with the rune identical to the one on his neck — into Sky.
“Weren’t you the one who told Silva we didn’t need a team for this patrol?”
Riven scoffs. “Like I could’ve predicted an Elapid nest? I know a higher level of demon activity has been reported, but where the fuck did those even come from?”
It’s a good question, actually. They weren’t even supposed to be on a mission today, just an ordinary patrol. One they’ve done countless times without encountering Elapid-level demons. It’s relatively uneventful most of the time, but today they stumbled upon a swarm of them for the first time in years and Sky—
He thinks of lifeless eyes, of blood-soaked grass squelching beneath his boots as he surveys the loss of his fellow warriors. Of the cries of pain and sorrow pervading through Alfea.
“Sky!” Riven warns urgently, pulling him out of his daze.
His body responds before his mind can even process the words, flattening to the ground as a demon flies through the air just a few feet above him. Sky’s palms sting from the cut of the cobblestones when he clambers to his feet, scanning the area around them for the nearest source of danger.
An Elapid demon comes at him seconds later, swooping with a visceral screech. Sky grunts as he blocks its leg with his seraph blade and pushes it back, his teeth gritting together with effort. From his periphery, he sees another leg loom over him, ready to spear through his body, only for it to get pierced with a marked arrow, exploding in a splash of ichor.
The demon howls and Sky strikes, swinging his sword through its neck. Black-green blood splatters onto him, biting at his exposed skin, but the thrill of killing the demon, of sending it back to the hell it came from, is much more powerful.
He turns to face Riven with a grimace. “Thanks for having my back.”
“Always,” Riven replies easily, and the smile he sends Sky is devastating, entirely out of place on a battlefield. “Except for when it’s Silva. Demons I can handle. Silva’s lectures? You’re on your own, mate.”
Sky’s about to tell him that Silva’s lectures are pretty much exclusively reserved for Riven when he hears an all-too-familiar scuttling sound. He barely has time to lift his sword when there’s a blur of movement, a sickening squelch, and—
Riven screams.
Sky’s body is hollow as he stares at the claw that’s run straight through Riven’s thigh, blood glistening on its black shell. It starts to shudder as though it’s about to jerk upwards – three, two, one, – and tear Riven in half.
Sky moves without thinking, spinning past his parabatai to sever the leg off at the back, thrusting his sword through the demon’s belly with an anguished, vengeful roar. He doesn’t even care to watch it be banished to the demon realm, and just turns to catch Riven as he collapses backwards, sinking to his knees. Two bound souls on the ground.
“Always the bloody white knight…” he gasps, sounding half out of it already. Sky fumbles for Riven’s hand, his fingers sliding in between his. “A lot of blood, Sky. It’s- my thigh. There’s too much blood.”
“I know,” he says, catching his voice before it cracks. “It’s okay, just- just let me get my stele, okay? We need a healing rune and-“
“N-no. Won’t work. Too much blood.” Riven exhales a short, mirthless laugh. “I don’t- it’s not going to work.”
“It will, okay? You’re going to be fine. Where I go you go, remember?”
“Sky don’t... I’m fine.”
But it’s not. It’s not fucking fine because Sky can feel their parabatai bond weakening by the second. Can feel the life-force that constantly exists within him, the axis of his whole world, fading away.
Riven just rests there on his chest. His breaths shallow, his fingers trembling against Sky’s neck, and his eyes trained on Sky’s face. He flinches when something wet drips onto his cheek, but he still doesn’t look away.
And Sky knows, he knows that a healing rune on Riven’s body isn’t going to be enough to fix him.
He knows that there are some wounds that are fatal wounds — heads crushed by stone, stomachs pierced by swords, hearts stopped with lightning — that are just too big, too permanent to heal. A femoral artery ripped apart by a demon is one of them.
But there’s nothing in this realm, nothing in this world or any world, that can stop him from reaching out with a bloodstained hand to draw one on anyway.
It’s not his best. He’s too shaky, too frenzied to make it his best. The lines aren’t sharp or precise and he can’t even breathe much magic into it like he usually would—
But then the rune glows. Steadily brighter and stronger than he’s ever seen. An iridescent blaze of light that beams through the village and nearly blinds everyone in it.
When it fades, any remaining demons are gone — expelled in a series of cataclysms that reverberate through Sky’s knees — and Riven has stopped bleeding. There’s a spiked claw on the ground next to his thigh and the skin where his wound should be is whole, unmarred. As if he wasn’t just on the brink of death. His puddle of blood is nothing more than a rusted stain that’s faded into his black gear.
Sky feels their parabatai bond flare against Riven’s palm on his neck, red-hot and electric. The rune on his bicep grows as hot on Sky’s chest as the liquid fire in his gaze. He breathes Sky’s name, hushed and reverent.
They haven’t looked away from each other.
Sky doesn’t say anything in reply. He just stares back at Riven, droplets of sweat and pain still caught in his lashes. His chest feels warm, his body heavy. Like he could stay here forever. Riven held close to chest, their feelings burning like heavenly fire through their bond, the rest of the world a universe away.
Sky and Riven. Just Sky and Riven.
There’s a sharp crunch of boots and Silva falls to a crouch beside Sky, startling them both out of their reverie.
“What,” he says in complete bewilderment, “the fuck was that?”
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whenshesayshush · 1 year
The dead of the winter of my life (in the middle of the summertime)
Fandom: Fate: The Winx Saga Ships/Characters: Musa/Riven, Sky, Saul Silva, Kat Word count: 4829
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He can sense it the moment Musa’s eyes land on him again. It’s not that he doesn’t want to acknowledge her, look at her, but his entire body — from his eyelids to his legs — just feels so heavy, heavier even than Sky’s limp body over his shoulder had felt, and he can’t wrap his head around how that’s possible. “Has he been checked for injuries?” Her voice is much quieter now, but it’s not a large room, so he can still hear her just fine. “It’s not his blood. Or, most of it isn’t. He got to Sky first, improvised some kind of tourniquet to stop the bleeding. It must have come from an artery, it looked…” Kat trails off, but he knows what she’s thinking. It had looked like he didn’t have any left. “He hasn’t said a word since we got back. I’m not sure he’s even here, right now.”
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greymantledlady · 1 year
the urge to literally screenshot everything in Riven's bit is REAL. this kid is so fucking funny help
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agdhdhsjfhks this poor kid
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Ah yes, his cool leather jacket.
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he just. hates being a Specialist so. much.
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oh Riven sweetie 🫣😭
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emylilas · 2 years
This is my contribution to the Winx Source Holidays Exchange!
@xlightwcds I hope you’ll like this edit! Just read the plot before watching or you might get confused! I hope I did your ship justice, I had a lot of fun editing something about them.
Happy Holidays!!
Plot : Sky is a new to Alfea, a first year specialist, who has to share his room with Riven, the second year specialist he has a crush on. Problem is, Riven already has a boyfriend, Dane, and Sky is a tiny bit jealous. Also, Riven is not very kind to Sky until he finds him day drinking in their room and realises that poor guy probably needs a friend. They become friends, and a bit more, until they're dating.
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amchara · 2 years
Confluence (Sky/Riven, Mature)
Riven, Sky (Skyriv), most main Fate characters in the background, background Riven/Dane/Beatrix, Sky/Bloom
Wordcount: 6,564 words
Rating: Mature
Riven felt these days he barely ever saw Sky except on the other end of a training sword. It wasn’t exactly that he was jealous or lonely without Sky around… it just felt fucking strange. Like sword-fighting without a shield or additional blade. Like smoking without chasing it with a shot of whisky. Like he was missing a part of himself. 
For nearly three years they had seen each other every day, at every conceivable hour and in practically every conceivable state.
Five times Sky and Riven shared a bed (and one time they fucked).
Notes: Happy holidays @leadingrebel! I hope you enjoy the meandering path Sky and Riven take in this fic, eventually converging (a confluence, if you will... ;) together and realising what they mean to each other. It's a fine line between friendship and romance and it was my pleasure to explore the blurring of it for Skyriv.
Thanks to @whenshesayshush for the beta read, and to the mods of the FTWS discord server for running the holiday exchange!
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skloomdumpster · 2 years
What are your current FTWS ships rn?
LMAO so many, it's pathetic. Somewhat in order:
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hibiscusia · 2 years
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For my amazing Holiday Exchange buddy @skloomdumpster !!
I hope you like it I put all my love in it !
(and I had a hard time posting it since tumblr seems to hate me )
“Sometimes, what people are looking for isn’t advice, sympathy or appreciation. What they really want is to be known, to be read and lastly, to be understood.”
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winxsource · 2 years
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WinxSource’s 2023 Events Calendar
FEBRUARY 11 - 28 || KinkMeme: Anonymously send and write your kinkiest prompts.
MAR 19 - APRIL 1 || March Madness (Discord only): Type half a story not knowing the other half.
APRIL 15 - 16 || Rare Pair Weekend: Create something with underappreciated ships.
MAY 20 || F* Canon, fix-It!: Change the ending of a canon scene.
JUNE - JULY || Reverse Big Bang: Visual artist and fic writers pair up.
AUGUST 19 || AU-Gust: Give us your take of one of these 3 AUs.
SEPTEMBER 10-16 || Season 2 Appreciation Week: A week about what we love most in S02
OCTOBER 16-20 || Trick or Treat?: Same prompts, different genres. Who will win?
DECEMBER 26-30 || Holiday Exchange 2023: Ask your heart's desire, grant someone's wish.
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leadingrebel · 9 months
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A moment of warm and christmas-y happiness for Riv and Sky
Happy HEX day for you, @queen-of-the-wallflowers15!
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leadingrebel · 1 year
Tears of rain by @claracivry
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Summary: There's been a stabbing. Riven is losing a lot of blood. Sky's losing his mind.
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Amor Vincit Omnia by @queen-of-the-wallflowers15 
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Summary: It all happens in a matter of seconds- seeing Riven on the other side of the battlefield to seeing Riven crumpling on the ground, a knife in his chest. But falling in love with him? That had taken what felt like a lifetime.
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A/N: We loved working on these collabs together for FTWS RBB and hope you like it!
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medusanova · 9 months
Skyriv + One finds he has curious reactions to hearing the other moan (innocently)
Let’s just say I applied a very loose interpretation to the word ‘innocently’ and that Sky’s eyes here tell us everything we need them to
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“So he is able to leave our room,” Riven says flippantly, lips curling into a smirk as Sky approaches his table in the canteen. “Was starting to worry you’d been turning it into the Otherworld’s largest coffin.”
Flipping him off, Sky drops into the seat across from Riven, setting down the apple he’d chosen over Doris’ best efforts to serve him his favorite.
“I’m not,” he mutters, already regretting his decision to leave bed.
Riven closes his eyes to savor his bite of food. Sky had forgotten his favorite is also Riven’s favorite. “Maybe not, but you are going to turn into a corpse if you don’t start eating more than that,” Riven warns, gaze narrowing on the fruit between his hands.
Sky shakes head, watching Riven’s tongue flick to the corner of his lips as he takes another bite. “Not hungry.”
What Doris or Riven don’t know, he thinks as he spins the apple on the table, is that he finds himself starving for only one thing.
And she’s gone.
The peace he felt with her is gone. The purpose he found with her is gone. The warmth and intimacy that kept his chest filled, gone.
The sound of Riven’s satisfied sigh after another bite makes his eyes flick up. “She made our favorite, mate. At least take one bite,” Riven encourages.
Lifting the food to his mouth, a low moan rumbles from Riven’s throat. So quiet that, had they had been here during the dinner rush, Sky would’ve never heard it.
But he does hear it. And suddenly, he regrets not waiting for dinner rush because there’s something about the sound that shoots straight to his core.
It’s the sound of fullness, of satisfaction.
Riven looks up, gaze catching Sky’s as he speaks in a coaxing voice, “C’mon, you know how good it is.”
Sky quickly looks down at his apple, attempting to anchor himself, to swim away from his growing stiffness. Only, all he can seem to remember are those rumors he’d heard last year. The gossips’ whispers of shared bites and breaths through shared apples and—
Sky surges from his seat and speeds out of the canteen, a lone apple left abandoned on the table with a confused Riven.
Loss makes people do things they would otherwise never consider. 
Sky tells himself this over and over again, but it doesn’t stop him from listening to the old pipes squelch and scream as Riven showers on the other side of his wall.
He could afford Riven the privacy if he wanted to. Listen to music, leave the room. He’d done it so many times when the walls of their shared room felt like they were shrinking around him.
But that’s the thing about loss: it leaves you empty. Hungry. A gluttonous king turned into a starving beggar. And something in Sky’s chest had been clawing at him to fill the hollowness she’d left there for weeks. Months. To satisfy the craving.
Up until this point, he’d labeled his previous lapses in judgment as an adrenaline-fueled night a few weeks ago. In his mind, their one-time thing is summarized by one bold word, whispered over and over in his own voice: Mistake. 
So the occasional knock of something against the shower wall, the echo of panted grunts, and the sound of those familiar low moans sketch pictures in his mind that Sky will never admit to seeing. 
But that doesn’t stop him from closing his eyes and remembering. 
Greedy, grasping hands. Heated breaths against skin. Synchronized groans and the rasped sound of his own name in his ear.
Any measure of relief to be found has gone from tempting to necessary. As vital as air, water, sustenance.
Besides, only he would know. A victimless crime, he reasons.
His imagination reignites his senses, and there’s no point in lying to himself when he slips his hand under the waistband of his briefs and makes quick work of timing his moans with Riven’s.
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greymantledlady · 1 year
Sky's pov
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saul ffs 🤦🏻‍♀️ USE YOUR WORDS
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Sky... something tells me there's more than one piece of information Saul's not giving you when it comes to that 'unbreakable bond' he had with your dad
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Saul, i get that that comment is coming from a place of trauma, but i'm ready to SMACK your goddamn head! YOU MORON give this sweet child some love and praise!
It's even worse because later in Saul's own pov the huge love he has for Sky just comes bubbling out in every second sentence. But he's SO BAD at displaying it!
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oh no no no no no fuck this 😭😭😭😭 nooooo JUST BE HIS DAD SAUL. i know you don't feel worthy of him but CHRIST
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