#fuck Émilie Agreste
chickensoup1025 · 5 months
Onto Bubbler...
Before it starts I wanted to say I have beef with Nino in this episode cause he makes his best friend's birthday about his hurt feelings and it's annoying and he didn't even get him a present
It was actually pretty nice of Plagg to try to give him that present
We love Sabine on this blog
Did Nathalie not even try to get him something herself??? She practically raised him!
Y'all should throw a small party at school if a house one isn't gonna work
Marinette is beyond thoughtful for MAKING him a gift.
Are you seriously telling me Paris's Teen Sweetheart didn't have a fan club that is celebrating his birthday at all? He's not getting letters in the mail? Or fans coming up to him at school? Or MORE people telling his dad to throw a party/throwing one for him??? This episode is just. Idk man.
Marinette has been a called a push over in the last two episodes (and this is the SECOND EPISODE) so it's amazing to see how far she's come!!!!
Bro. Nino says he's gonna go to Adrien's house and Marinette and Alya are in the background. Cut to only Marinette and Alya at Adrien's house. Did Nino get lost????
Alya can you please tell Adrien later that it was from Marinette?
Wild how Gabriel really did come out to talk to Nino. Ohhhh he wanted to make Nino an akuma. Gotcha.
DONT SIT ALONE AND BE UPSET NINO. THIS ISNT ABOUT YOU. BE WITH ADRIEN. HE WAS JUST TOLD ON HIS BIRTHDAY THAT HIS BEST FRIEND COULDNT EVER COME AROUND HIS HOUSE AND YOURE JUST GONNA WALK AWAY??? GO BACK TO SCHOOL TOGETHER AT LEAST????? Speaking of, that photoshoot was super quick? And why was he dropped off at his house? No way lunch break is that fast???? Go to school??????
Ugly ass akuma
Gabriel seriously made an akuma who specifically hates and is mad at him 🤦🏽‍♀️
What even counts as an "adult" here? 18+ or like out of university or like old enough to have kids or-
I'm a Nathalie hater I dunno yall I can't believe her this episode.
Just a weird ass akuma
This being his first party makes me wanna cry.
I think Ladybug should be allowed to use her power selfishly like this more often.
Did no one hear when Ladybug said "yours truly"??? It was pretty loud
No one knows how old ladybug and chat noir even are so people might be imagining they're also just stuck in bubbles lol. Oh god, if Adrien and Marinette were adults then they wouldn't be able to transform like that out in the open and THIS COULD HAVE BEEN SUCH A GOOD PLAN TO TRAP THEM OR FIND OUT THEIR IDENTITIES HAWKMOTH JESUS. What you have to do is: Bubbler brings all the bubbles together so you can see them all in one spot. Have Bubbler WATCH, not just throw a party. If someone inside transforms then great! You know who they are. But if LB and or CN show up anyway then you know they're not an adult and that whittles down your search BY A LOT.
Girl is pretty brave for writing "Love, Marinette"
Nathaniel has some Shuichi energy hm
Cool moves...
"But adults keep children, safe, and protected. They care for their kids, they love them!" "Most adults do, anyhow." JESUS CHRIST WAY TO GO STRAIGHT FOR THR HEART
Him throwing his staff for her to swing her yo-yo around was completely unnecessary-
You can really see how the stakes change between the beginning and end of the show. "Oh I'm stuck in a bubble for awhile and just have to wait an hour at most to go back to my normal day" to "oh the world is ending"
Adrien is such a good boy...
One day- NO ONE HOUR of no adults and suddenly every thing everyone is trying to mail will be late for another week. Huh
Marinette didn't take the credit 🥺
"You're amazing Marinette, someone Adrien will see that too." Cut to not even a full season later Adrien leaning back in Marinette's desk chair, "You're amazing, Marinette."
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bittersweetresilience · 5 months
au where amélie kills her sister. au where amélie is the one who creates félix. au where amélie was the one who left and émilie was the one who stayed. au where amélie rips the rabbit's arm herself. au where amélie and émilie switch places. au where amélie visits her sister on her deathbed and asks her if dying feels like love
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The best version I've seen of the whole Gabriel situation is that, Émilie was way toouch of a Do-Gooder and free for Gabriel "Control Freak" Agreste, so he was trying to bring her back in a way that he could actively control her like he already controls Adrien.
Okay see that'd be so fucked up that I kinda like it if we're committing to the bit.
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mmikmmik2 · 5 months
Morally grey and fucked up Émilie Agreste interpretations are so good but it’s also really funny-horrifying to imagine that she was actually a fairly well-adjusted and kind person who clearly made mistakes that hurt Adrien but overall had reasonably good judgment about what was best for her family, and she was dying, and she had to watch Gabe and Nathalie gearing up to do All Of That. like imagine you are dying and you barely even get to grieve yourself because you are trying so hard to stop this train wreck in progress. internally screaming all the way to the grave creepy stasis tube
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tsuki-chibi · 3 years
Ladynoir July Day 18 - Can’t transform
This story is part 5 of a series: a sequel to my Marinette March, Adrinette April, Marichat May, and Ladrien June stories; I highly recommend reading those first.
You can also read this story on AO3: Hurricane
Rena’s mouth dropped open. Chat wanted to look away, but he couldn’t bring himself to. He found himself staring at her face, watching as the information clicked together at an incredible rate. Alya had always been a very smart girl, after all, and journalists needed to be able to put two and two together to come up with four. He could tell the exact moment that happened.
“Oh,” Rena said. “Oh, that makes so much more sense. I couldn’t figure out why you two were so willing to put Adrien in danger. But that means – your father - ?” She looked over at Ladybug, like she was hoping that Ladybug might tell her differently.
Ladybug just silently shook her head; Chat was the one who said it out loud.
“I’ve been fighting against my own father all this time,” he declared. Under any other circumstances, the realization might have been humorous. As it was, it just made Chat feel kind of sick.
“Well fuck,” Rena whispered. “This is a real shitstorm, isn’t it?”
“It really is,” Chat said. There must have been something in his voice, because Rena looked at him suddenly. Her face collapsed.
“Oh Adrien,” she said, and then, the next thing Chat knew, he was hugged so tightly that it fell like all of the breath was being squeezed out of him. Over Rena’s shoulder, he saw Ladybug giving the two of them a sad smile. She met Chat’s gaze.
“I told you,” she mouthed at him.
Chat’s throat suddenly tightened, and his eyes burned. He dropped his eyes and wrapped his arms around Rena, hugging her back.
“I should have noticed earlier,” he mumbled into Rena’s shoulder.
“Don’t you start that crap,” Rena said instantly. “Adrien Agreste, absolutely nothing about this situation is your fault. No one could expect you to think of your own father as Hawkmoth.”
“I don’t know how many people have to tell you that before you start to believe it,” Ladybug added.
Chat didn’t know either. Trixx, Ladybug, and now Rena had all told him the same thing.
So… maybe they were right?
“Does this have something to do with why your costumes look so different? And why you said they have the Ladybug and Black Cat miraculouses, even though you’re both standing right in front of me while transformed?” Rena asked. She let go to Chat, which allowed him to breathe, but kept a supportive arm around his shoulders.
“Let’s just say that we can’t transform the way we normally do,” Ladybug said.
“Okay, I’m sensing there’s way more to this story you’re not telling me,” said Rena.
“If we can get through today, I’ll tell you everything,” Ladybug replied. There was a heavier meaning to her words, and Chat glanced at her quickly.
Did she mean everything?
He thought that she just might.
Rena picked up on it too. Her eyes widened. “You mean you’ll tell me who you are?”
Ladybug smiled. “Help us win today, and you’ll find out.” Her eyes twinkled teasingly.
“Okay!” Rena pumped her fist into the air, narrowly avoiding Chat’s head, and Ladybug laughed. Chat found himself smiling too. It felt good to smile.
“So is this the plan we want to go with?” Ladybug asked them both.
“The only other option I can think of is me making a Mirage to lure Émilie and Nathalie out,” Rena said. “If they saw a Mirage of Adrien, they’d probably come, wouldn’t they?”
“But that would only give me and Chat five minutes to search. That’s not long,” Ladybug said.
Chat cleared his throat. “What if I send the message to get them to meet me, but Rena follows them? Then she could make a Mirage whenever Émilie and Nathalie get to wherever we’re sending them. If she made it seem like the Mirage ran away, that would give us a little extra time.”
“Now that, I like,” Rena said with an approving nod and a squeeze to Chat’s shoulders.
“Me too. I think it gives us the most time,” Ladybug said.
“How are you going to get in? Will they be alerted if you disarm the mansion’s alarm system?” Rena said.
“We have a work-around,” Chat told her, flashing her the Horse miraculous.
Rena nodded appreciatively. “Nice.”
“Rena, you’ll have to message us the second that you seem them doubling back,” Ladybug said. “Émilie and Nathalie aren’t stupid. They’ll probably catch on pretty quick. Chat and I will need to know.”
“Got it,” Rena said. “You can count on me, Ladybug!”
“I know,” Ladybug said, smiling again.
“I guess I’ll send the text. Where should I tell them to meet me?” Chat asked.
Rena and Ladybug looked blankly at each other. Chat sighed but smiled. Okay, maybe there was just one more thing that needed to be worked out.
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ladyanput · 5 years
Seeing Green Ch.14
Mayura led them to the top of Wayne Tower, where Hawkmoth had been waiting. She carried the unconscious Adrien over to him.
"I got him for you, sir. Are you sure about this?" She asked as she gave the man his son, then took a step back to put some distance between them.
"Of course. You saw, Mayura, that akuma had almost gotten the Miraculous. There are powerful people here, imagine what I could do if I could akumatize the likes of Batman, or of any of the numerous villains here." Hawkmoth gave his partner a thin smile as he laid his sleeping son on the ground, near the rooftop door. "Then I can finally get her back, Mayura. I can get her back and everything will be perfect again."
"Hawkmoth!" A voice drew both of their attentions away from Hawkmoth's usual dialogue, and drew back in shock at the sight of Ladybug and the other Miraculous holders joining them on the roof. Ladybug began marching forward, murder clear in her eyes. "Enough is enough! 
"Ah, Ladybug. Are you here to finally hand over your Miraculous?" Hawkmoth grinned, and it took everything in Ladybug not to march over and slammed her fist into his face. She let herself get angry, get truly furious at him, for this was the end, she could just taste it. "I'll take the new Chat Noir's as well."
"The name is Tadmir, and we'll be taking yours first." The new Black Cat stepped forward to stand beside Ladybug, the others followed suit. They all stared Hawkmoth down, who simply let out an amused laugh and tightened his grip on his cane.
"You're all just a bunch of children, especially you, Ladybug. All these years and you've still barely tapped into your powers, still unable to hold onto your transformation after using your powers. How pathetic." He nudged the sleeping Adrien at his feet, causing him to stir. Green eyes snapped open and he sat up abruptly, letting out a startled gasp. Hawkmoth knelt next to him, wrapping a supportive arm around his son's shoulders. "Remember what I told you, Adrien. This is our only way to get our family back."
"Gabriel. Gabriel Agreste." Queen Bee snarled, her hands curling into fists as she took a step forward. "I knew it, I just knew it! You were always a crazy, creepy son of a bitch."
"I'd watch your language, Miss Bourgeois." Hawkmoth sneered, not seeming troubled by the fact they had figured out his identity. In fact, Ladybug felt unease curl in her gut at how casual he appeared.
Hawkmoth opened his cane, where a small dark butterfly was being kept. At the same time, Mayura pulled a blue feather from her face. In sync, both villains let their items float towards the boy kneeling at their feet.
Ladybug's yoyo shot out abruptly, catching the akuma before anyone could react, but missed the feather by a hair. She watched in horror as the blue mask framed Adrien's eyes, and something began to form.
It emerged from the shadows, a massive, sickly looking cat that looked over then all. It's glowing green eyes pierced the night, sending shivers down Ladybug's spine.
"What the fuck is that?!" Red Robin gripped his weapon tightly, the rest of his team joining suit. They watched as the cat yowled at them, showing off rows of sharp, yellowed teeth.
"Whatever it is, we're going to have to put it down!" Red Hood snapped and charged forward. The massive amok swiped one of its large paws, slamming it into Red Hood and sending him sliding across the rooftop, catching himself before he could go over the edge.
"You think you can handle it?" Ladybug kept her gaze on Hawkmoth, her body tensed as she readied herself to spring.
"We'll take care of it. You get those Miraculous before those two get us killed." Batman called out, and everyone leapt into action.
The Miraculous holders divided themselves; with Ryuko, Viperion, and Queen Bee going after Mayura, and Lady Vixen, Ladybug, and Tadmir going after Hawkmoth.
Hawkmoth was surprised by the sudden barrage of attacks he was hit with. Tadmir seemed to be more brutal than his son had been as the Black Cat. His strikes were more precise and had more weight to them, obviously of someone who trained and trained hard. But Hawkmoth had trained as well, and was certain he would never lose, not when his goal was just within reach.
Ladybug put her all into every punch, every kick, every scratch, aiming for one thing and one thing alone; the butterfly pin. 
When she saw it, it only further enraged her. This psychopath had used and abused the Miraculous, abused Nooroo. This bastard was the reason her life had gone spiraling like it had. She could have had a normal life, with normal friends! She could still have Alya, have everyone else! Adrien wouldn't have been messed up so badly, she might have even ended up dating him, because she had loved him!
Tears burned Ladybug's eyes as she fought and fought and fought, her muscles soon screaming from the excess of stress.
But Hawkmoth did not go down easily, neither did Mayura, meanwhile Adrien rode atop his massive shadow cat and tried to reduce the Gotham vigilantes to paste. But when he saw Tadmir, realization hit him hard and he snarled in anger.
"That is my Miraculous!" Adrien's strong emotions made the cat grow bigger, its claws growing longer and sharper. Adrien's face became a mask of twisted rage as he turned his attention back to Batman and other others. "First, I'll kill all of you! Then I'll get my Miraculous back!"
The boy was under great delusions thanks to his father.
"Once I revive your mother, Adrien, I will allow you to make a wish of your own, I promise."
And Adrien completely disregarded that his father usually went back on every promise he had made before, more enraptured in the thought of what his wish would be; for Ladybug to be hopelessly in love with him. And then with that, she'd surely give him his ring back.
Ladybug risked a glance over to his teammates. Vixen was currently trying to avoid Hawkmoth's swings with his cane, while Tadmir was trying his hardest to land a solid blow to either his face or between his legs.
But all of them, even Ladybug herself, were so focused on the pin, on retrieving it, that Ladybug didn't notice the cane swinging in her direction. She let out a startled cry as it cracked against her head, sending her sprawling onto the ground, her vision going blurry, before blacking out.
When Ladybug came to, she was sprawled out on the rooftop, her visions full of dark spots. Once she blinked them away, she saw all of her comrades scattered across the roof, looking beaten and bloody. Luka, Kagami, and Chloé were all huddled, detransformed, bruised and thoroughly defeated. Evangeline was cradling a bloodied Red Hood close, her face battered with dark bruises, and Damian was sprawled out beside her, bleeding heavily from a wound in his gut.
"Damian!" Ladybug tried to get to her feet as frantic fear overtook her, but she whimpered when a foot stepped on her back, keeping her pinned. Then a bloodied silver blade pressed against her throat before she could even make a move. 
"Well, well, I suppose that it's all finally come to this. I told you that I would get your Miraculous, Ladybug. Finally, I can get what it is I truly desire." Hawkmoth grinned as he knelt down and grasped one of the spotted earrings. He relished in pulling it free from her ear, detransforming her. Hawkmoth stared down at the teen girl who had been a thorn in his side for years, staring at her face, trying to place it but not quite able to.
"Marinette!" Adrien spat out, before turning towards Hawkmoth, a triumphant grin on his face. "I told you father! I told you it was her, she couldn't trick me!"
Hawkmoth paid no intention, instead taking the other earring. As Mayura stepped forward, Hawkmoth reared back his sword, then jabbed it into Marinette's back, making her cry out in pain.
"You can heal her with a wish." Hawkmoth said casually to Adrien as he slid on the Black Cat Miraculous, then forced the Ladybug earrings into his ears, despite not having them pierced. A little bit of pain was worth being with his Émilie again,his perfect, stunning, obedient wife.
"You bastard.." Eva snarled as she stood, her body shaking from her overtaking herself, but was knocked down by Mayura rushing over and backhanding her, making her collapse.
"Sir, I congratulate you in succeeding." Mayura smiled as she strode over to Hawkmoth, and Marinette wanted to hurl when she saw the look of adoration on her face. "I'll be happy when she returns."
"We'll be a happy family again." Adrien put it as both Tikki and Plagg appeared. Both Kwami looked devastated when they saw the condition of all of their allies, before their gazes turned hateful upon seeing Gabriel drop his transformation and stumble a few steps. The weight of such powerful Miraculous were a bit too much for him.
"Tikki, Plagg, I am now your Master." Gabriel grinned, and poor Nooroo flinched when he realized his dearest family would be subjected to the same torment to which he had been a long suffering victim. "I have a wish to make, and you shall give it to me."
 "And what is your wish?" Plagg spat out acidicly, while Gabriel merely smiled.
"I wish for my wife to be alive and well once again. The damaged Peacock Miraculous had greatly hurt her and she lay dying beneath my home." Gabriel announced, and Marinette felt bile rise in her throat.
Tikki was quiet for a moment, before flying closer to Gabriel, meeting his gaze.
"Are you sure you want to do that, Gabriel? There is a law of equivalent exchange, no wish is for free." She warned, before Gabriel suddenly snatched her, squeezing her tightly.
"Do not question me! I am your owner and you will do my bidding!" Gabriel snarled, giving Tikki a sharp shake, before finally letting her go.
Once he did, Tikki and Plagg exchanged regretful looks before bowing their heads.
"As you wish, Master. Transform and make the wish." Plagg spoke out, his tone sounding flat and reserved, causing Gabriel to grin in triumph.
He transformed and made his wish, causing the entire area to quickly be filled with blinding golden light.
Then it faded and Adrien crumpled to the ground, his vacant eyes staring up at the dark night sky.
"Adrien?!" Mayura knelt beside him, then began to have a violent coughing fit. Her body shook once and she collapsed to the ground as well, her transformation dropping to reveal the body of Natalie with a now permanent look of shock on her face.
"What…?" Gabriel stared in shock down at the two people he had cared about most in the world. The man dropped the transformation as he went and knelt by the body of his son, cradling him close and he glared at the two Kwami that were now floating over him. "What did you do?!"
"Adrien..? Gabriel?!" Gabriel's head snapped up and he stared as his beautiful Émilie stood on the other side of the roof, looking horrified.
Marinette couldn't move and her vision was becoming blurry, then dark around the edges. She managed to reach a hand out and grasp Damian's, though her fingertips were beginning to feel cold.
Was this what it was like to die…?
"It's okay, sugar cookie.." A soft, warm voice murmured into her ear, and a gentle hand stroked Marinette's hair. "I'll save you, I promise."
Marinette went to speak, but she couldn't, her vision slowly going black as she listened to the clicking of heels move away from her and a cry of outrage. 
Golden light flared, nearly blinding her, then everything went black.
She awoke to the feeling of being cradled in someone's arms. She glanced up and a sob left her as she saw it was Damian. Before he could say anything, she leaned up and hugged him, beginning to sob.
"I thought I had lost you.." She whispered, burying her face into his neck. He hugged back and they say there for what felt like the longest time, before she abruptly pulled back and frantically looked around. "Wait, Hawkmoth, he-"
"Don't worry about him." Batman smiled down at her, then pointed to where Gabriel Agreste was handcuffed and looking quite miserable. 
Marinette stared at the man for the longest time, finding herself pitying him, in a way. The man had gone through all of that trouble just to revive his wife. He was quite pathetic.
A soft groaning sound could be heard and her attention snapped towards where Adrien lie, watching in shock as the boy sat up, holding his head.
Everyone was silent for the longest time, then Marinette got to her feet and slowly made her way over to him. Once their eyes met, she watched as tears began streaming down his face.
"Marinette..?" Adrien whispered, his eyes looking clear for the first time in a long time. Then a horrified expression flickered across his face and he began to sob. "Oh god, I was- Marinette- I was a monster…"
Marinette knelt beside him as he broke down in front of her, before she embraced him and let her own tears begin to fall. The Waynes, Luka, Kagami, and Chloé watched as the two broke down in tears, finally free from this burden that had plagued them for so long.
Once their tears subsided, their gazes shifted over to Natalie's body.
"I can't believe she sacrificed her life to make a wish, to save us." Marinette whispered, reaching out and closing Natalie's staring eyes. "I hope she finds peace, she really turned herself around in the end."
"Marinette!" Tikki came rushing forward, nuzzling her Chosen's cheek, holding the earrings tightly. "I was so scared, I thought I was going to lose you!"
"You'd never lose me, I'm your Guardian afterall. It takes more than a stab wound to take down Marinette Dupain-Cheng." Marinette grinned, quickly putting on the earrings, feeling a sense of relief and familiarity. Plagg, after realizing the coast was clear, flew over to Damian and handed him his ring, the two of them sharing a smile.
The cops soon came and hauled off Gabriel and Adrien, who went willingly, the heroes stood there and felt free for the first time in a long time.
"I guess we can go back to Paris." Ryuko hugged Ladybug, Queen Bee and Viperion soon joining in. "We'll see you when you get home. Should we be ready to give the Miraculous back?"
"I think so.. With Hawkmoth gone, I think the Miraculous need to go back into hiding again." Ladybug smiled sadly, looking down at the Peacock and Butterfly Miraculous in her hand. "I can't have these fall into the wrong hands again. But I'll give you time to say goodbye, I'll be home tomorrow."
Kalki came when summoned and allowed the Parisians to go home, with Ladybug turning back to Tadmir, and hugging him once again.
"I guess we need to get going. My parents want to go home and get the school board to fire Bustier's ass." She joked, taking his hand as Kaalki changed the portal location to the Wayne Manor. "I think I'll have fun with that one."
"I can't imagine how your class survived with only her chaperoning." Nightwing joked, stepping through the portal with a slight skip in his step. Ladybug watched with a smile as everyone headed inside and was about to join them, before something caught her eye.
A few feet away from her was the Fox Miraculous, looking as if it had been tossed carelessly on the ground. She frowned and picked it up, this catching Tadmir's attention before he stepped through the portal.
"Tadmir, do you remember me giving the Fox Miraculous to anyone?" Ladybug asked as she made her way back to the portal. Tadmir looked thoughtful, before shaking his head. "Huh,maybe I accidentally summoned it. I didn't forget it, so I guess it's nothing worth worrying about."
When they stepped through the portal and arrived in the main hall of Wayne Manor, Jason strode up and ruffled Marinette's hair as soon as she detransformed.
"Well, pixie pop, what took you guys so long? I'm trying to convince Bruce here to let us get drunk and party it up." He joked, earning an eye roll from his brothers.
"I was just getting this." Marinette held up the Fox Necklace, and as she stared at it, she felt tears burn her eyes, and a few slid down her cheeks. And when she next looked at Jason, she could see he was crying as well, but looked as baffled as she.
"Marinette, you're okay!" Alix burst from the class as they exited the hotel to see Marinette standing by the bus that was waiting to take them to the airport. Marinette opened her arms and accepted the hug as Alix rushed to her. "Did you get him? Is it… Is it all over?"
"Hawkmoth is gone." Marinette smiled as she pulled back, and the entire group began to cheer and some even began to cry. The terror of Hawkmoth's reign was finally over.
"Now you and I have so much more time to spend with your best friend!" Alya shoved her way to the front of the group, then moved to hug Marinette, only for said girl to hold up a hand and stop her in her tracks.
"What the hell are you talking about?" Marinette rose a brow, not missing the looks Nino and Alix exchanged.
"Miss Bustier explained everything. I know all of that stress made you more susceptible to act out, but the stress is gone now and we can be best friends again, like how it used to be!" Alya explained, and Marinette turned her cold gaze to the smiling Caline Bustier.
"Well that's bull." Marinette snapped out, setting her hands on her hips. "Because you're not my best friend. You're Lila's, remember? And I'm too jealous of her because of Adrien, right?"
"Girl, please, she's a liar, she tricked me. And Adrien is a piece of trash, he convinced Nino to dump me, remember?" Alya rolled her eyes. 
"Marinette, please, Alya is really trying." Miss Bustier spoke up, then motioned to the bus. "Now let's just make up and get to the airport."
"Oh that's enough out of you, she certainly wasn't trying when she threw champagne in my face and called me loose." Marinette snapped, her eyes full of fury now, as she could finally let loose and get it all out. "You can't keep enabling this kind of thing! It's not healthy, and it only makes things worse!"
"No, I won't be the example! You didn't even contact my parents, Mr. Wayne had to do that!" Marinette shook her head, then took a deep breath. "My parents called the education board."
Marinette turned away as she saw Miss Bustier go white, and went over to where Damian was waiting for her.
"I'll see you in a few months." She hugged him tightly, then softly kissed his cheek. "Take good care of Plagg."
"I already have some camembert ordered for the glutton." Damian joked, then gently cupped her cheek, gazing deep into her blue eyes, then softly kissed her. "I'll be counting the hours until I can see my angel again."
"I'll be counting the minutes, Mon Prince." She kissed him back, then gave him one last hug, before boarding the bus with her friends.
Damian watched, hands stuffed in his pockets, as the bus drove off, carrying his love back home. And he found himself smiling as he fiddled with the ring on his finger, feeling a rather bright future ahead.
Taglist: @realrandomposts @interobanginyourmom @ladybug-182 @ladylb @zalladane @mochinek0 @persephonebutkore @urbanpineapplefarmer @vixen-uchiha @angelofmusickaterinapetrova @thewheezingbubbledragon @northernbluetongue @violatiger8 @thequestionablyhuman @ginamarie1512 @maude-zarella @2sunchild2 @saphiraazure2708 @ayuchan07 @virgil-is-a-cutie @thepeacetea @miraculous786 @enchanted-nerd @ficsforthestars @emo-elaine13 @caffeinetheory
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alexseanchai · 4 years
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@ao3commentoftheday Six Sentence Sunday challenge version Writers: post (approximately) six sentences from something you’re working on. [Ideally by stealing the banner and making your own post. 🙂] If you aren’t ready to do that, add six sentences to your WIP.
I wrote this a while ago and forgot what I was doing with it (except that yes it's another "Émilie Agreste wakes up confused as fuck", shush) but I want to share something, an untitled Miraculous Ladybug fanfic:
Émilie's first sight of the so-called Heroes of Paris is when the girl with ragged black pigtails rises, leaning on the cracked glass of Gabriel's work table, and tries to climb to the main level of the atelier. The girl trips, sprawling, and swears in a language Émilie does not know, and she on her hands and knees crawls over smashed statuary and broken tile to the man on his, where he stares at the floor by the ostentatious portrait of Émilie, the gold-edged purple fabric of his suit shaking as he tries to breathe. With sharp motions she strips the rings from his fingers—Émilie does not have voice to question or strength to protest—and dons one and hands the black kwami thus summoned a crushed green macaron from the pocket of her torn pink jeans; Émilie doesn't hear her words, but they must be the kwami's name and the transformation command.
The Cat girl takes the earrings from the man's ears and the brooch from his neck, pinning the brooch to her own collar, and says something to Nooroo—whisper or shout, Émilie is unable to know—that sends the kwami rushing off. A silver baton swings from the Cat girl's hip: she takes it, splits it, and with a staff in each hand she rises: supporting her weight on one, she knocks Gabriel to the floor with the other, rolls him over, cracks him across the face hard enough to break bone.
The only other person in the room, Émilie sees when she collects the strength to lift her head, is a blond boy the Cat girl's age or a bit older, bruised and bleeding and chained down by a sentimonster shaped of interlocked rings; the Cat girl frowns at the ring she holds and the sentimonster moves away.
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bittersweetresilience · 5 months
Thoughts on unhinged/evil Emilie Agreste?
i don't personally read her as unhinged but i think the idea RULES. what do you do if your identity is defined on being loved but the love you get isn't enough! what do you do if your body is breaking into pieces! autumn made a fantastic unhinged émilie post for the unhinged émilie lovers just recently hehe
as for evil émilie, FUCK YEAH GIRL. émilie is characterized by three things for me, those being a desire for romance, a desire to look perfect, and a desire to be free. she's after ideas more than people. a happy family, a beautiful image, a pretty ending. and that means she is full of potential to do evil things. pulling the wool over adrien's eyes most of all. enforcing silence on her family, burying things. a different flavor of evil, but one that's much more compelling to me >:33
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tsuki-chibi · 4 years
Swap (Ladynoir July) Day 12: Falling
Or start from the beginning AO3: Swap
His landing was not graceful.
Mister Bug rapidly developed renewed sympathy for Ladybug’s first fumbling attempts with her yoyo. His boot clipped the edge of the roof the yoyo’s trajectory had led him to, and – instead of the landing he had planned for – he went down face first. Sheer momentum had him rolling ass over head for several feet until he came to a miserable heap in the middle of the roof, face down and limbs splayed.
The crowning glory of it all was when the yoyo unwound from whatever it had caught on, automatically reeled itself in, and cracked him on the top of the head in the process.
“Fuck,” Mister Bug said raggedly, not lifting his head. Had Plagg been around, the little kwami would’ve been laughing hysterically.
Or maybe not.
Even Plagg would have been able to appreciate the severity of this.
He closed his eyes, trying not to see the moment when he’d glimpsed that broach. It could just be a piece of jewelry that Gabriel liked to wear, as unlikely as that was. But when that broach was paired with Gabriel’s behavior –
“My father is Hawkmoth.”
Mister Bug tasted the words, felt his lips shaping them, but they were no less ridiculous. Crazy.
How could Gabriel Agreste be Hawkmoth?
He was a fashion designer for crying out loud! He hadn’t even left the house in over a year. Not since –
Not since Émilie had died.
Gabriel had changed a lot in the days following Émilie’s death. He had never been an overly demonstrative father; Mister Bug could count on one hand the number of times that Gabriel had ever hugged him. But Gabriel had smiled a lot less after that. When he looked at Adrien, it was like he was looking through him. As though Adrien was no longer worth looking at.
He had become a lot sterner too. Restricted Adrien’s activities even more, which was one of many reasons why Adrien had fought so hard about going to public school. Some people might think Gabriel’s begrudging, hard won agreement to that was a sign of him changing –
But Mister Bug knew better.
School was something for his father to hold over him. Something that would make Adrien acquiesce even when he didn’t want to. And it worked. Losing the right to go to school, and by extension his friends, was a terrifying thought. At least when he’d been locked up before, Émilie had been there. This time, Adrien would have no one but Plagg.
And Ladybug.
He bit his lip at the thought of her. As much as he wanted to see her, he also didn’t want to see her. What would she think?
He couldn’t hide this from her. She needed to know.
Yet he also didn’t think he could hide why this was impacting him so much.
She didn’t want to know who he was…
If he told her, she would know.
“My father is Hawkmoth,” Mister Bug whispered again. Resignation was a heavy weight indeed, settling on his shoulders like an unwanted blanket.
He thought about all the times that Gabriel had been locked up in his office, ‘too busy’ to see his son. He thought about all the pressure he had put himself under, trying to gain some scrap of his father’s approval. Trying to be the perfect son. He thought about how Plagg had once remarked that in Gabriel’s eyes, Adrien seemed to be nothing more than another commodity for the Gabriel brand; Adrien had scolded him at the time, but only because the comment had rung painfully true.
He thought about all the people of Paris who had been akumatized – the anger, the grief, the denial. He thought about the damage, the injuries, the deaths: Ladybug’s magical Cure may have erased them all, but they had still happened. He thought about his lady and the tears she had cried and the pain she'd gone through.
Chat Noir had still been thrown off buildings, throw into buildings, beaten, stabbed, brainwashed, erased from the timeline, and more.
Because of his father.
Because there was something his father wanted badly enough that no one else mattered.
Including his son.
Gabriel hadn’t known that Adrien was Chat Noir before now…
But it wouldn’t have mattered.
It wouldn’t matter now.
The weight became heavier still, seeping into his chest and squeezing hard until his breathing stuttered. It was not a surprise, but that didn’t make it hurt any less. His hands shook as he pushed himself up, standing on equally shaky legs. When he licked his lips, he tasted the salt of tears; he hadn’t even realized tears were falling, but the cool breeze told him his face was wet.
He stooped and picked up the yoyo, tracing one of the black spots. Then, before he could change his mind, he threw the yoyo out again and leapt off the roof.
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