#fuck amber turd
wanderervenom · 2 years
Amber Heard and Johnny Depp Settle Defamation Case, She'll Pay $1 Million
Amber Heard and Johnny Depp Settle Defamation Case, She'll Pay $1 Million https://www.tmz.com/2022/12/19/amber-heard-paying-1-million-settle-johnny-depp-defamation-case/
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Remember all the self-proclaimed activists and feminists who refused to comment on the Depp/Heard trial? Those who always said „Educate yourself if you don’t know anything or not enough about a topic!“ Those who always demanded to speak up if you experienced some sort of injustice.
They refused to comment on this because they wouldn’t allow themselves to think that a woman might be an abuser spreading lies. They couldn’t admit that yes, there are actually women who abuse other people (and in this particular case, men) mentally and physically. They just closed their ears and eyes and pretended that this wasn’t real. That it didn’t happen. Although the entire world witnessed it (fortunately). They are such pathetic hypocrites and I can’t take them seriously anymore.
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colorisbyshe · 6 months
watching the “i’m just a girl” girlies and the “lol amber turd” girlies and the “girl math” girlies (who are often… all the same exact girlies) bounce from bimbo empowerment, pink barbie shit to literal separatist feminism is fucking crazy
like y’all will absorb any ~girl ideology~ as your entire personality for a week or two so long as it shows up in your algorithm of choice often enough
doesn’t matter how contradictory or vapid or evil or misogynistic or racist or hollow it is
if someone in a cute outfit tells you it’s girl power or Relatable Content you’ll make it part of your bio and lingo until the new thing pops up
i’m rly tired of feminism (and “feminism”) being seen as mainstream and trendy these days if this is what you’re going to do with it
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anadrenalineslut · 6 months
i genuinely think the most disgusting thing about the depp trial was that amber was like "yea so he abused me for years and the final straw was when he accused my friends of shitting in the bed before leaving for coachella. when i called my friend to talk some sense into him, he started wailing on me so my friend called the cops" and her friend was like "yes amber called me to ask about if we shat in the bed and i could hear the fight devolve over the phone so i called 911" and yall were like "amber turd the liar!!!!! i cannot believe u and ur friends would lie to get pirate guy in trouble!!!! gone girl!!!!!"
fuck all of you for that.
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legallybrunettedotcom · 11 months
what the fuck do you mean by being pissed at a girl showing support for Johnny Depp? have u even watched the entire trial? amb*r lied under the oath like the shameless bitch she is.. you're all toxic feminists for believing amber 'fake victim complex' turd and all her lies...
oh suck my dick
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Welp, The nutjob has shown her true colors on Twitter. She's started attacking the victims of internet comedian Colleen Ballenger (I think), wo is now being exposed as a child groomer and exploiting her workers. And of corse, like with Chris D'elia in Reddit, if Effie sees someone famous is a paedo, with her being a paedo herself, she started victim blaming and attacking the CSA victims of Colleen on Twitter. She's being called out for it (and rightfully so) and, of course, she deflects with the typical "make everything about me, use the Ukraine tragedy and blame them for bullying me, a 'victim' " tactic. It is not working, and seems like her followers are finally watching this and waking up, since she lost 60 followers in the span of a few hours.
TBH, this is why outside of reporting her we should let her "be", bc more often than not she likes to attack victims of SA/CSA for not liking them or those victims not supporting her/who she supports or simply bc she's bored and craves the attention (Some weeks ago she made fun of a woman who was SAd nearly to death bc she didn't support Amber Turd). She only has one setting, and that setting includes defending paedos, better to leave her to that. Only a few of her Amberd Turd stans are as n0ncey as the she is, most of them fly in droves when they see her supporting other n0nces or being disgusting towards victims of abuse, and even more so if the victims are women.
The nutjob showed her true colours 2 1/2 years ago, but that didn't stop those same people from liking her sick online fantasies about child rape and molestation. Watching her lie and lie and lie. Contradict. Bully and indimidate those STILL stupid enough to support her, then twist themselves into pretzels because NObOdiEs A PErfeCt VIcTiM.
60 followers growing a clue is something, but I won't be giving them any medals.
Elizabeth Chambers holds the ultimate responsibility for giving this clown a circus, but it's people like them who gave her the validation to keep going. Maybe if they spoke up too. Condemned her for the things they've seen, I'd have a higher opinion. But they won't. They'll just skulk off into the shadows like everyone else who's attacked and spread proven bullshit since 2021.
Mark my words: those same 60 will be frothing at the mouth to take down the next man accused of something before the evidence is gathered and assessed, because in all of this, they sure as hell haven't looked up the meaning of accountability.
The bar is set so fucking low, yet they've still managed to bash their heads on the way out.
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zoeywades-spouse · 1 year
Lol you think Amber Turd is innocent as a Lesbian I dont support her and for her to make up that her beong bi is what led to her getting "abused" is ridiculous Amber is a narcissist
The insane biphobia anon you’re spouting is actually crazy
The CDC stated that the lifetime prevalence of rape, physical violence and/or stalking by an intimate partner for bisexual women is 61.1% the highest out of any other sexuality and much higher than straight women
The bisexual community has time and time again said that we are experiencing at horrific rates domestic abuse, sexual assault, and sexual abuse and nobody listens. They ignore the trauma we experience and the fact that we are actually an incredibly vulnerable community
The stereotype that bisexual people are hypersexual literally leads to sexual assault and sexual abuse. Nearly half of bisexual teenagers have been raped. That is doubled compared to straight women. We have extremely high rates of mental illness and suicide and the highest out of any other sexuality for domestic abuse
These statistics are brought out of the lived reality of the insidious biphobic beliefs that so many perpetuate including you. And that biphobia affects so many of us including Amber Heard
Amber Heard’s bisexuality is a factor in the sexual abuse and physical violence she experienced. Johnny Depp even said biphobic and homophobic things about her multiple times.
Amber Heard was abused. Over 130 organizations and experts signed a letter saying that Amber Heard was abused and that they support her. Furthermore, in UK court they literally found Johnny Depp guilty of abusing Amber Heard on at least 12 different occasions
Also how dare you? How dare you use being lesbian as an excuse to be biphobic? I’ve never met another lesbian who uses their sexuality as an excuse to be biphobic so seriously shut the fuck up and leave lesbians out of this because I have all the respect in the world for the lesbian community and know that you don’t represent them or their values
Furthermore, you’re going to defend a man who stated that he would murder and rape his wife and laughed about it?? A man who said biphobic and lesbophobic things about Amber Heard. Those words are indicative of violence themselves but they also reflect Depp as abusive.
Finally, Johnny Depp’s defamation suit is just another tactic abusers use to silence their victims
But sure, anon, come into the inbox of a domestic and sexual abuse survivor who is bisexual to defend a biphobic abuser who abused and raped his bisexual wife. This message you sent me clearly shows that you just wanted to harass me and be a biphobic misogynistic piece of shit
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melis-writes · 1 year
amber heard's turds are the worst. like, they no NOTHING about the trial, i see them on twitter constantly admitting to not having watched, saying she's a hero for hitting him etc. i'm convinced they only consist of a group of like 5 people who just has a ton of different accounts where they do nothing but spew incorrect "facts" because when you go out in the real (which i'm sure they don't) then everyone believes johnny because THEY WATCHED THE TRIAL! it's that fucking simple - no one who has actually watched it believes johnny is quilty because all the evidence points to turd.
like, i'm not even a depp stan, i watched it just because i'm into true crime and thought it would be interesting to see a trial in a live setting but obviously what i went away with from watching it is that clearly johnny was innocent based on the (lack of) evidence. so just forget these people, they're a waste of time just like their beloved leader turd.
Lmao Tw*tter is just a cesspool of sheer fucking stupidity and cringe, which is why I'll never touch it again or ever bother. I value my peace and sanity lol. 💀 No matter what, you're always going to get disgusting, hate filled people like this and I really don't care whether that stems from their morals/values or political beliefs or whatever, but there was a whole ass trial done in a fair court of law with shit unearthed from like 8+ years ago, all put out there and dissected to pieces by lawyers, witnesses, etc. 🫠
At this point, we all know the truth and what we saw. We watched the SAME trial, we saw the same information, so it's a blatant choice to be fucking braindead. 🫡 Nobody even has to be a Depp stan to understand real logic here. That common sense and comprehension flew out the window and was replaced by confirmation bias from the most insane shit possible. 🥴
I'm pretty sure we all have better, more productive things to do in our lives than stalk tags and fans for hours, write/send hate, death wishes, etc and base our entire personalities off of how unbearable we are unlike the turd stans because you know, doing that shit everyday isn't normal. 💀😭
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whatiwillsay · 2 years
you’re disgusting for being a amber turd apologist. shes an abuser you idiot.
johnny depp is an court certified verified wife beating, abusive, decrepit, rapist piece of shit. he’s racist, misogynistic, vile, and ugly as fuck. when he dies (which will be soon he literally looks like he’s rotting right now) alone and shitting his adult diapers as his last rotting tooth falls out of his gangrenous mouth i will throw a party.
congrats on having the wrongest opinion ❤️ die mad and ugly.
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At this point, everyone who is still defending the turd and claims she is innocent and has done nothing wrong, is still defending her because doing otherwise is not an option anymore without looking like a total clown. I mean, her followers/fans/fellow abusers are looking like clowns anyway, but you know what I mean.
At a certain point, there’s no going back. Either go on defending that poor excuse of a human being or getting ripped to shreds by other Turdians. It’s wild.
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uncertain3teeth · 2 years
orion pulled an amy dunne from gone girl im so mad bitch like as a person with bpd HE makes us look bad HELL MAYBE HE DOESNT EVEN HAVE BPD like its like amber turd claiming she has bpd like fuck off and dont make us look bad and also as a SA survivor this is so vile and disrespectful like PPL LIKE HIM IS THE REASOM VICTIMS DONT COME OUT
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silliestcreature196 · 2 years
So # / IStandWithAmberHeard is fucking trending again on Twitter.
Lemme make this clear:
If you "stand with", eat dick for, or otherwise act as an apologist for ANY abusive piece of human garbage like Amber Turd, then tie your fucking noose, and get the fuck off my page.
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internetaddict104 · 1 year
Why the fuck is Amber Turd in my Criminal Minds episode and why is she the sort of love interest for my boy Spencer
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expromqueen · 2 years
I reported your last two replies to me for telling me to kill myself. I told my friends to as well. You and anyone else who talks like you is disgusting trash who need to be taught some fucking manners.
I don't even want Scambuser Turd dead. I just want her in prison where she belongs for her abuse and her lies. But I don't want her dead. Why not? Because I am not a monster.
And yet I’m still here. You call her scambuser turd and think you’re morally superior to me? I have to laugh. What is it about Amber that brings all the weak willed, insecure, ugly, unemployed bitches like you out of the woodwork. Direct that energy towards filling out your resume instead of riding the dick of a man who can’t even get it up.
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imperiumallaboveall · 2 years
Watch "Pete Buttigieg struggles to list Biden’s accomplishments" on YouTube
Imperium fuck up Texas and all their fucking locx. Can't trust these alien and get them off of my countries and planets.
Your dumbfucking stupid fucking dipshit ass fucks gay faggots from compass great shut the fuck up federal reserve.
So fucking sick of your white trash ways if you get rolled fuck, don't be in public you stick dity diseased fucking turd of a whiyr trash. Amber I hope you are not and all these fucking aliens need to fucking get killed.
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suzypepper · 2 years
You know I’m not into hating someone forever and ever for being shit in the past but it’s so wild to me to hear people talk so syrupy sweet positively about Amber Heard now, a hundred thousand people liking nice tweets about her hanging out with her daughter and partner, meme-ing her as a gorgeous goddess mother whatever, rushing to mock Johnny Depp and his stans at any opportunity, etc., when I know!!!!! Five months ago it was totally flipped —except way fucking worse! Seemingly everyone in the entire world being unbelievably cruel toward Amber at every single turn, hosting and lauding right wing misogynists and grifters, calling the racist rapist homophobic court-approved wife beater a kind soul who deserves a second chance, talking about I stepped on a bee and turds and straight up laughing at the gruesome recounting of several sexual assaults. What happened?? Do we just forget about all of that now?????
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