#fuck dude i love mt ocs so much
hello hello mx ghostiezone once again i am sending u 1am asks ^___^ anyway. 1) this is also a free pass 2 talk about YOUR ocs from what i have heard. their lore is so neat i am so so so curious i would love to know more. pls pls pls. 2) u r so cool actually. fond of mac ghostiezone. sending u excellent vibes & also sharing my raspberry tea with u rn >:) ok gn!!!
HIII HI ROSWELL IM FINALLY ANSWERING THISSS it's been sitting in my inbox for like a fucking month now I'm SO sorry but I am finally able to form coherent thoughts so I hope u don't mind if this is SO long. I am going 2 tell u ALL about tfobh. which is likeeee. the oc universe/story I am the most obsessed w nowadays. btw i post all of my oc thoughts @ghost--core so if u wanna know all abt my cringe little guys.... eyes emoji
so. the basics. there r 5 (technically 6?) main characters, and they're all supposed to feel like they've been dropped from totally different stories into one group.
Oliver Brody is the wholesome sitcom/slice of life anime. he really likes bugs, rides a skateboard everywhere, dresses in bright colors and is generally a rlly optimistic dude!!! he LOVES his wife and kids so much but during the plot of the story he is separated from them because. his wife works as a park ranger n got a job at a HUGE national park. so she and the kids moved out there to their permanent home while Ollie stayed behind in the city to finish his last few semesters of school (he wants 2 graduate n get a good job to support his family.... he is the world's SECOND most perfect man. you'll find out who the first is later.) he calls his wife every night to kiss his kids goodnight and talk to her about her day !! he's connected to the main group because he and henrik were roommates the first time he went to college :]
Jackie Bowers is the superhero/comic book. He's a freelance urbex photographer and spends a lot of his time exploring abandoned buildings. hes the youngest of the group n is still very much a child at heart, he LOVES movies and comics and gets excited very easily! he's very impulsive and that's kind of a detriment more often than not. he's also got magic! jackie has something called intrinsic magic, meaning he can call on his magic at will whenever he wants without any outside help. this makes it VERY unpredictable and hard to control and he's not very good at that (he's got lightning magic btw. he got struck by lightning when he was a little kid 😌 he calls it his origin story). he's very justice-minded and even though he's not Actually a superhero he's got a very black and white view of good vs evil. he's connected to the main group through henrik as well, who he met during his Frequent visits to the hospital for parkour-related accidents.
Merrow Atwood is a high fantasy/dnd style fae (half-fae, technically. his father was a human). there r two types of magic in the tfobh universe- intrinsic and ritualistic. fae can only have ritualistic magic, meaning they need some sort of outside force to call upon their magic, whether that be a wand or certain ingredients or a potion or a book or whatever. they can't just conjure things all willy nilly so it's a much more controlled, tame form of magic. they consider intrinsic magic dangerous because it's so much harder to control. so BECAUSE merrow is half-fae though. his dad had intrinsic fire magic. So merrow inherited that and hes got both types. during an accident when he was younger, he ended up setting a huge section of the forest on fire and was banished by his village, deemed cursed and too dangerous to ever return. he wandered in the woods on his own for a rlly long time, but one night he ended up sleeping in an abandoned building and that's when Jackie found him!! blah blah story stuff happens but. oh my god they were roommates. are they in love? are they just homies who kiss sometimes? who knows, least of all them! merrow is very level-headed, kind of aloof and mysterious without meaning to be and he knows NOTHING about pop culture/media/current events/ANYTHING like that. Jackie, known movie lover and big fucking nerd, has a FIELD day introducing him to everything
HENRIK SOMMERFELD. THE MAN HIMSELF. there's not really a single ""main character"" in tfobh. but god. henrik sure is something. he is like. the Frankenstein/Dr.Jekyll of tfobh. science man that tries to play god (thank u aster). he is SO morally grey and fucked up. HE DIDNT START LIKE THAT THOUGH. he and Ollie went to college together, became great friends n stayed in contact even after ollie dropped out the first time and hen went on to med school. he works at the big hospital and every day on his lunch break he walks down the road to the same bakery. this bakery just so happens to be run by his best friend in the whole world! henrik is. very tired and grumpy and closed-off and VERY hard to talk to. so he doesn't have a whole lot of friends. with the exception of Adrian, who I will get to next.
henrik and adrian are SO interconnected with each other that i CANNOT talk about one without including the other. so fuck my organization this is why I did these two last.
Adrian Daugherty is!!!!!! the world's most perfect man. he's the punk with a heart of gold trope. he's the older brother that loves horror movies. he's. so sweet. he dresses in all black with ripped jeans and a flannel shirt and piercings ALL over his face. he rides a motorcycle to work and looks like he could kick anyone's ass at any given moment. and he works at a bakery making cookies and pies all day. he risks being late to work in the morning to talk to stray cats on the sidewalk. he and henrik become friends solely because Adrian saw this miserable wet blanket of a man walk into the shop every day at 1:16 pm SHARP, order a black coffee and a croissant and sit in the corner to gloomily stare out the window until he had to go back to work. Adri dealt with this for about a week and a half before he started setting out the usual order 5 minutes before he walked in the door so it'd be ready when he got there. eventuallyyyy they started talking and adrian was the extrovert that adopted him. they became SO incredibly close.
and then. you see. you have to understand why I am choosing to call henrik the viktor frankenstein of this story. you see. Adrian dies.
Adrian dies, and henrik becomes SO consumed by his guilt and grief that he steals a book of spells from merrow. henrik doesn't believe in magic or ghosts or anything like that, but he's so desperate that maybe *something* will be able to give adrian back to him. he performs some VERY forbidden necromancy, and because he wasn't born with any sort of magic and knows absolutely NOTHING about what he's doing, he fucks it up ROYALLY. he ends up summoning a creature the book calls "the shadow" and accidentally fuses it with adrians corpse. this creates a new being that is neither shadow nor adrian. he names himself azrael.
Azrael. is. hmmmm. hes like. the sympathetic villain I guess? he's the horror movie monster. he's both somehow the protagonist and antagonist at the same time. he is. absolutely PISSED at the fact that he exists. he doesn't remember anything about adrians life, he just remembers suddenly being woken up to loud noise and a splitting headache and all the pain and agony of existence all at once. He lashes out at henrik and disappears.
Merrow finds out his book was stolen and is RIGHTFULLY pissed about it. he and Jackie are the ones that find henrik in the aftermath. they decide azrael needs to be found and destroyed because he was created with dangerous magic and realistically should have never existed in the first place, much to henriks dismay.
so the story goes, you've got two separate groups trying to hunt azrael down. henrik and Ollie don't want to kill him, theyre trying just to talk to him and maybe get him to calm down enough to be civil. The problem with their strategy is that henrik refuses to stop calling him Adrian. this just pisses Azrael off more because hes not who they think he is, hes not Adrian, he doesn't even know who Adrian is so he doesn't understand why theyre expecting him to be this. guy. on the other hand Jackie and merrow are hunting him down to try to kill him. Neither of these is a good option.
I REFUSE to create a story with an unhappy ending though, so it does get better in the end. merrow has a change of heart after some plot stuff and ends up figuring out a way to separate shadow from Azrael enough that he can still exist but won't have all the murderous tendencies of a demon. they have like. weird found family vibes at the end :]
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quillsink · 2 years
Okay so if you’ve followed me for a bit you’ve probably heard about my OCs. I have a Lot of them but the main three whom I love with all my heart are James, Alan and Chris!! Putting this under cut because it is Long as hell. Please send me asks about them I love them so fucking much
Okay so James, Alan and Chris are a trio of friends! I created them in January 2021. James is the most developed character and my personal fav (don’t tell alan and chris shhhh) he was the first one to be created! Alan, his best friend, followed and then Chris. 
The trio are a group of low ranked soldiers in the Revolutionary War, all of the trio in their early twenties with Alan being the oldest at 25 and a half and James the youngest at 21/22/23 (haven’t decided his age yet rip). 
All three have very different personalities although they all look like your average dude and they all bond over a bunch of shit especially mental illness and being queer (totally not projecting here. nope not at all)
Anyways enough rambling time to introduce them!!
In this post I’ll be talking about James, I’ll talk about Alan and Chris in other posts!
James Evans
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Okay now time to actually introduce him to yall!
James is your average mentally ill white boy, you can find millions of them in high school classrooms across America. He was born to a poor family and his parents were okayish but he basically fucked off and did his own thing like jon clark and then proceeded to be traumatised because I can’t let my OCs have nice things!
James is cis, he uses he/him, is the sort of guy who’s like “i do not understand what trans people are in the slightest but if anyone misgenders you i will push them into a river,” and yeah he’s pretty cool!! He’s gay and I basically coped with my internalised homophobia by projecting it onto him so yeah that fucked him up Badly.
I basically like invented him because I needed a gay character for a fic and then realised I accidentally gave him like, character traits, and now here I am over a year later still obsessed with this white guy I made up
Anyways him being gay is pretty central to his character, it reallt contributed to the alienation he faced growing up and this whole sense of being different from everyone else, it also made him more withdrawn but it also made him stronger and helped him learn how to endure the unendurable and being gay led to him making some reallt strong connections with some of his closest friends.
He has depression and anxiety and is some form of neurodivergent, probably adhd but he has no clue what is going on Up There except that he is Different  and it fucked him up as a kid. He was bullied and teased a lot so he became reallt withdrawn and quite. He wasn’t like teacher’s pet gifted kid but he was decently smart and got through til tenth grade, then had to work to support his family.
Now, when he’s like 20ish, ✨ le amrev ✨ starts and this mf signs up to be a soldier because like idk why not. That’s his entire motto brosties hes literally just some guy. He wakes up and he does things and he’s gay and then he goes to sleep. That’s it that’s his life and that’s very sexy of him actually
Anyways he signs up for the army and so does our bestie Alan. Alan and James are very very different but they end up becoming besties and James being the gay idiot (affectionate) that he is ends up falling head over heals for this depressed mf and spends his days being gay for Alan! They’re very close friends and I haven’t decided when they met yet, childhood or teens or army but ah well
Anyways onto James’s personality! He is my sweet baby boy and I love him very much in case I have not made that clear! Anyways he is Anxious. A lot. All the time. And he’s a major people pleaser as well and he often puts others before himself to his detriment at times until alan is like motherfucker take care of yourself
James is also one of the victims of something I like to call the great depresso  and he’s had it since he was like twelve but he’s just like vibing at this point. Like yeah I hate my life and I want to (redacted) sometimes but idk life’s pretty neat. Depression is shitty for him and he can be pessimistic at times 
but at the end of the day he is an optimist and he always finds hope in *everything* to the point where alan is like brostie if you don’t stop being happy then you’ll cute mt depression and the one steady thing in my life will be gone and james is like well what about me and they have an awkward gay moment 
ALAN AND JAMES’ DYNAMIC THO >>>>> i love them sm it’s unreal i will literally just think about them. like just have thoughts about them. like literally.
I’ll talk abt that later after I introduce Alan’s character!
James and John are like, besties and I love their dynamic so fuxking much. I would kill to see the two of them interact like i fucking love them so much you don’t even understand.
Anyways James and my interpretation of John are very very similar. Both very withdrawn very quiet very repressed desperate for affection sensitive affected really badly by homophobia internal and external dont trust very easily. They bond instantly and there is something there and they don’t really know what it is bevause it’s like they’ve never met anyone else so similar to them before. They’re like brothers.
The two of them have a quiet understanding. They can wander the woods for hours and say barely a few words but they understand, one heart can speak to another if they are designed to fit together. They met and they....clicked. It took time for both of them to learn to trust the other and realise the other wouldn’t betray them and report them for being gay but soon they’re the closest of friends. And then John fucking dies 
Also like the dynamic between James and John is entirely platonic btw they don’t have any romantic feelings for each other, they’re like soulmates but platonic 
Also I cannot understate how much I love James and John silently wandering the woods together. The woods are very very important for James and Alan and to John too and James and John find a shared peace in this. They just wander the woods for hours on end John lying down with his eyes closed head resting on a log James staring up at the canopy watching the sunlight filter through asking John why God invented sunlight John saying because he needed a place to put love.
Wait that was oddly poetic 
Anyways James james james. James my sweet beloved boy. James james james anxious smiles hugging his best friend coming to terms with being gay nervously approaching people he thinks are cool laying in grass fields wooden cabins soft breezes James. James mt angel darling child. I would die for this man. *shakes you by the shoulders* DO YOU UNDERSTAND HOW MUCH I LOVE HIM
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Horikoshi: This will probably not be super popular, but it’ll be fun!
Us: Oh, well that sounds nice!
Us, 290 chapters later: This Isn’t Fun Anymore Horikoshi
Horikoshi: :)
Anyways, welcome to the beginning of - hopefully - a long term and engaging project. I am basically aware of all of canon, and am up to date with the manga, but I haven’t actually read from the beginning of the series, and I’ve only watched the series up to the Deku v Todo fight in the sports festival. However, I’ve been curious as to how the manga portrays stuff that I’ve seen in anime gif form, and so I figured, hey, make this a project!
If you have questions or anything, the ask box is open for now. Meanwhile, I am going to head into the first chapter proper!
[No. 1 - Izuku Midoriya: Origin]
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Wow, you’d almost think this kid would grow up to be a villain or something, with that kind of attitude, huh? No way that this kind of attitude would ever come to bite him in the ass and force him to reevaluate his entire character and kickstart his character development.
(Before you say anything, I like Katsuki as a character, but DAMN did he have to do a lot of growing up. I suppose when one is at the bottom, the only way to go is up… unless you have a pickaxe.)
One thing I actually noticed right away, and I dunno how much it’s used in other manga (seeing as I currently am not reading any other manga and the last ones I read were… a long while ago…) is the shape of the text boxes in order to convey emotion! It’s actually hella neat and a little detail I wouldn’t think about adding if I were in his position (not that I can draw all that well, but that’s not my point). You can practically hear the warbling in Izuku’s tone and the rougher edges in Katsuki’s!
(Also, question for the English sub while we’re at it, why the fuck does Katsuki sound like he’s a goddamned adult when he’s fourteen. What the fuck.)
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Interesting little thing here, Katsuki not actually using his quirk here against Izuku; his hand is trailing smoke from his explosion, but it’s not a direct burn wound. Not that he should be doing this at all, but with the number of fics I see where Katsuki literally gives Izuku second or third degree burns, I think this is a reminder that canon Katsuki has some modicum of restraint, even this early.
Before I forget, hello winged kid who definitely has no plot significance whatsoever. No siree.
(If you are new to the manga/show and are reading this as among your first introductions to the fandom, first off, I am so sorry. Secondly, expect me to be… definitely making a lot of sarcastic quips to things in the future.)
Onto the second/third page, which is supposed to be a full spread, but is split up into two pages on the online reading site. RIP, but I will not complain about free access to the whole manga. 
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Lookit this green bean. I love him so much. I can’t wait for him to suffer.
Izuku: wait, what?
Anyways, a few things to note:
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Who the fuck is this guy? I looked into the wiki but he apparently doesn’t warrant a page or even a mention as one of the background faces of the series, but look at that fucking claw, man! And those boots and jets! He’s very obviously themed after a baseball catcher, so I’m going to guess that he has some kind of quirk that deals with either drawing projectiles to him, or perhaps in throwing projectiles… in either case, it’d be something like Snipe’s quirk, so maybe this is his less howdy-happy sibling.
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Oh right, the chapter. The other heroes we see on the scene in this two-page spread are Death Arms, Air Jet, and Kamui Woods. 
Also, something I want to point out that I’m sure others have but just struck me while looking at this spread - multiple people are recording / taking pictures of this. I wonder if part of the reason for the villain industry to be as strong as it is is because the villains, even if they know they’ll lose, still get their own sort of fame in being in the news? That… might explain a lot about how there can be enough villains to even run an entire damn industry.
(Well, that and a lot of sociopolitical commentary on BNHA society, but we don’t need to get into that now. Maybe wait two hundred or so chapters first.)
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Not gonna lie, I had to double take because I was like ‘wait, what is Ochako doing here?’ but then I realized it was just a random civilian; she doesn’t have those side bangs Ochako does. But now I almost wonder what sort of world we could have had, if they’d met a bit earlier.
Onto the fifth page (fourth is just a filler page, nothing on it), and we get treated to this gem:
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Tag yourself I’m the guy who’s slackjawed because his kid is fucking glowing.
The first four examples of quirks shown in this flashback are the luminescence, telekinesis, ice, and that flame-headed(?) mutation. Of them, we actually see hints to the fact that quirks have drawbacks, as the girl with ice is drawn with the same frostbite backlash as Shouto, while the flame-headed kid is… well, I have no idea, but they do not look to be happy.
Also, I love the nod Hori does to the heroes of our era as silhouettes! This is just more evidence to me, along with the fact that the first quirked kid is born and presented in a modern hospital, that this series takes place sometime in the future. I… even calculated the years it could technically be, based on information we get in a few chapters, but I’ll save that for then.
Onto the sixth page! A nice shot of Kamui Woods getting into position, and man is that giant quirk unnerving.
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What the fuck is with those feet, Hori. Those aren’t feet.
Next we see how the crowds are reacting, basically with no panic or concern. One guy is just casually letting his boss know he’ll be getting in late. And Backdraft! That is some serious water manipulation, but it seems like it has to be the water they’re in contact with? Also, is it just me or is that a portable pressure hose on their back?
And of course, Izuku being excited over hero stuff, as one does. He’s so babey faced, going back to current chapters after this is gonna be fucking wild.
Onto the seventh page, and here we are with the ‘you’re pure evil’ speech to someone who’s… just a robber. Seriously, dude? I get that you’re still fairly new to the scene (I think he might not be from a hero high school, but a late join program, but that’s another post), but like. You can’t just call random people ‘pure evil’ and correlate petty crime with like, actual mass murderers, or else people might start to see things in black and white and, you know, create the idea of ‘villainous people’ and so push even more innocents down the path of desperation and criminality.
Wait, sociopolitics later. Izuku being a hero fanboy now. Even able to utter Kamui’s attack call as he’s calling it out, with some seriously cool visual effects-
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And on the eighth page, we have Mt. Lady crash the scene. Literally. She just fucking shows up outta nowhere and fucking leaps up and delivers a kick right to the villain’s chin, throwing him back through the train bridge wall and sending debris down to the ground below. Sure hope there weren’t civilians there!
Also, hello to that random guy on the roof watching this. I think in Smash they made that guy her manager or something.
I love how Izuku and the other guy are like ‘what the fuck’ while the press just shows up out of nowhere and is like. Hyperfocused on her. (I’ve heard some issues with the portrayal of media/reporters in the series, but since I have no experience with that sort of thing, I can’t say much on it.)
The last panel of this page shows that, fortunately, there were no civilians on that part of the street (even though it being rush hour and the huge crowds on the other side of the bridge should have suggested otherwise… but what do I know?)
With page nine, we get to see our first case of villain apprehension, which to note does not include any sort of quirk suppressors. Because those don’t exist. Otherwise Aizawa and the Eight Precepts’ erasure bullets would not be such huge deals to everyone. I mean yikes, though, the guy is fucking muzzled. And you can see the damage done by Mt. Lady in the background, both physical and emotional. Not to mention…
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What the fuck is that face.
But yeah, this notes that performance in heroics determines not only what they’re paid by the government, but also how much fame they get. No way a system like this could backfire in any capacity, right? Right? (cough).
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I love how Hori uses Izuku’s muttering habit as the border for the text bubble when the kid zones into his little world. Also, gigantification is noted to be a common and strong quirk, so we really should see more OCs with size altering quirks in fics in the future, you hear me? Honestly, with it being common, I would almost expect there to be entire buildings, or maybe even neighborhoods / blocks dedicated to catering to size shifters… wonder what those places look like.
Also aww, the guy saying good luck on the heroics dream to Izuku and Izuku just sparkling. What a cutie. Can’t wait for him to suffer. :D
Izuku: No seriously, what-
Anyways, I’m cutting off here since we then transition into the next ‘scene’ and this is a long chapter - 55 pages! Besides, this has already surpassed 1700 words, I don’t need to ramble on too long in one post. 
Lemme know what you think, and I’ll be back with more soon!
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floof-reppu · 5 years
[omg, so... I may or may not have written a first part to what I hope will be a long ass series... about a Villain AU Mt. Lady. I.. kind of ended up throwing my OC in there, but why the fuck not? anyways... if this is well-received, I’ll definitely continue it soon!!]
Word Count: 2.8k
“You’re absolutely disgusting. You’re a terrible person, and I never want to see you again-”
“You really believe you’ll never see me after this? Think again. I’ll be on the front of each and every published print in Japan, and then the entire earth. You’ll remember me as more than just a pretty face; you’ll remember me as your goddess.”
It was easy for Yu to get the upper advantage in a situation. On the streets during daylight hours, everyone knew her as the likable Mt. Lady. She was loved by all, children and adults alike. But the fame was beginning to get to her. If she wasn’t on the front page of every published tabloid and magazine in Japan, nobody was allowed to be on the front.
It was this ideology that made the pro into somebody sinister, someone who was willing to cross the lines between heroism and villainy alike.
Yu Takeyama wanted to make it bigger than every other hero, no matter what.
Even if that meant turning to crime as the answer.
Another day, another crime, another interview; the cycle always repeated itself.
Today, us as The Lurkers just so happened to have an easy criminal to apprehend. I sustained minimal injuries, even as I haphazardly took a chunk out of a nearby building without thinking and threw it at the villain. I was lucky I didn’t injure any surrounding civilians in the process with how forcefully I threw the concrete. Today definitely wasn’t the best of days. 
And to top it off, I was berated by Edgeshot and Kamui for acting recklessly. Come on, can’t you give a girl a break every once and awhile? I’m lucky the press showed up after the fact and had no clue of the… mistake I made.
“Mt. Lady, tell us, how do you feel about the rising crime rates in Japan? Do you believe that pro heroes such as yourself and your fellow members of The Lurkers are going to be able to keep up?”
Interviews were just another part of being a pro hero. The citizens always want to believe that everything is going to be okay, that every single villain that attacks the city is going to be apprehended. I always made sure to sugarcoat the truth in order to keep chaos at bay, because hell, I’m busy enough as it is.
“Of course! It’s our duty as heroes to keep crime at bay. Just because the rate is rising doesn’t mean we aren’t doing our jobs right.” Smiling at the camera was about all I could do to ease the nerves in my stomach. Was I scared? A little. The future of society was starting to become uncertain with the number of crime syndicates rising, as well as independent criminals.
Sometimes I question if what I’m doing is the right thing. But all I could do is put on a brave face and act like everything is okay, at least for the time being.
“I see! Thank you for your time!”
“We- ...I-It’s no trouble at all!” That’s usually not how it goes, at least most of the time. I’m sure there was a reason the reporter cut me off short. 
I took a look through the window of one of the nearby shops. 5:38 P.M. Damn, it’s already that late? I guess I was so caught up with the media that I didn’t really pay attention to the time, since I was technically done patrolling a little over a half hour ago. 
I really am an attention hog, aren’t I?
Do I ever go out during the night? It usually depends on how busy the day was, or my mood. Sometimes I’ll go out for a drink or two, out of costume of course (since if I didn’t I’m sure my reputation would be ruined if I was seen drinking in public), at one of the local bars near my apartment. It’s not uncommon for people to recognize me, but I’m technically off-duty when my entire costume is off and put away in my dresser. It’s always nice to unwind after a long day of doing my duties as a pro, alcohol or not. 
“Ah, come in for yer usual, Takeyama?” The bartender greeted me, grin plastered on his grungy face. You could tell that he spends most of his hours here, the disgusting five o’clock shadow dusting his jawline. 
“Nah, I’ll go for a whiskey on the rocks tonight,” I leaned across the bar and placed a thousand yen bill over to him, “and keep the change. Don’t get the wrong idea, though.”
“Aye, so are you really with Nishiya-”
“Not in a million years. We’re just good friends, is all. I’m as single as the next woman that walks into your bar for a drink.” God, how I hate this dumbass. Just ‘cause I’m on the same team as Shinji and we spend time together as friends doesn’t mean shit. 
I watched him grab a glass full of ice and pour bourbon whiskey over top until it was almost ready to spill over.
“Got’cha. Here’s your drink.” 
The cheap smell of alcohol flooded my senses as the drink was slid over to me. I took it in my free hand, pinky dangling over the edge, and went over to the darker corner of the bar to survey my surroundings. Sitting down in an old wooden chair, the bar was mostly empty, save for a few of the normal groups of coworkers who frequently drink together. You wouldn’t catch me drinking with any of my coworkers, though.
There was one man, however, who caught my eye. Clad in a nice shirt and dress slacks, it seems like he just came back from working himself, and you could clearly tell that he dyed his hair, white being the predominant color on top and neatly cut raven locks underneath. He looked quite familiar to me, but I just couldn’t pinpoint exactly who he was.
No better time like the present to find out.
“Hey, you.” I spoke in a monotonous voice, my face showing almost no emotion as I tried to get the man’s attention. He looked up from his smartphone to glance at me, but didn’t give me a second thought as he went back to what he was doing.
Oh, hell no. 
I stood up and started to march my way over to his table while resisting the urge to get up in his face and cuss him out in more ways than one. His grey irises were fixed on one of the many social media platforms installed on his damn phone, which was a bit aggravating, but I guess he was used to it since he was sitting by himself. 
“Did you not hear me? I was trying to get your attention,” I placed my palms on the opposite end of the table and leaned over, staring straight into his soul.
“I heard you, I’m just a bit preoccupied, lady.” 
“Then I don’t think you’d mind if I took this from you-” The classy glass of wine that sat on the table right next to him was wide open, so of course my right hand took a dive to grab it, but then out of nowhere it seemed to vanish and reappear on the other side of him. “Okay, what the fuck was that?!”
“Don’t you know not to touch what’s not yours?” The man grinned, finally setting his phone down. “Aren’t you Mt. Lady?”
“Wow, aren’t you smart.” I snorted, rolling my eyes and sitting down across from him. “What gave you that idea?”
“Platinum blonde locks of hair styled to look the way they are, hair all the way down to the top of your ass, the ‘give me attention’ attitude? Yeah, it wasn’t that hard.” He leaned back in his chair, folding his arms across his chest and gazing down to my hands. “I never figured you as the type to go to disgusting bars like this.”
“It’s my choice, not yours. Besides, you’re also here, right? Means you don’t think this place is half bad.” 
“You’re smart and intuitive. Shame that you’re going out with-”
“Don’t you fucking dare. There is nothing going on between Kamui Woods and I, thanks.” 
“Then let me be the one to introduce myself,” he stuck his hand out over the table. “Hayato Kurosawa. I’m a pro hero just like yourself, but you’ll just have to find out-”
“Chrono, right?” I should have known, especially with the way he made his drink disappear like that. His quirk is labeled as Time Manipulation, but I just call it plain trickery. I’ve only worked with him once on a mission, and I haven’t seen him since. No wonder I didn’t recognize him at first glance. 
“-damn, you remembered. It’s been awhile since we’ve seen each other, but even then we never got introduced formally-”
“Takeyama. Yu Takeyama.” I shook his hand with a firm grip, giving him the most genuine smile I could muster. Man, was his palm sweaty.
“Ah, well, er, it’s nice to meet you? Hahaha…” Kurosawa averted his eyes, a small blush creeping onto his face. Was this dude seriously flustered?
“Anyways…” I retracted my hand back to my side of the table, palm down. “Care to share why you were sitting alone?”
“Going to the bar with other pros is unethical, at least in my opinion.” 
That entire statement made absolutely no sense to me. How is going to the bar with a couple of buds from the hero biz unethical? I decided to stay silent and not voice my opinion, but something tells me that Kurosawa isn’t all that he’s cracked up to be.
“I have a question for you, Takeyama,” he started, folding his hands neatly on the table, “why are you so interested in the media?”
“I’m sorry, what?”
“Your entire costume, at least to me, screams sex appeal just as much as your hero persona. But yet you’re so much more relaxed and carefree now that you’re out of costume. Are you just trying to put on a show to get attention?”
I instantly froze up.
At first, I wanted to be a pro so I could not only make money and provide for myself and any future family I might have, but also so that I could help those who couldn’t help themselves. My quirk turned out to be more destructive than useful in an urban area, but that didn’t stop me from establishing my agency in the big city. If I had gone to a much more rural area, I would never have gotten the attention that I’m currently getting.
Am I being fake? 
I’d like to think that I’m not, but the more that I pondered this thought, the more that I came to the realization that I wasn’t being true to my purpose as a pro hero. Does that make me a hero, or does that make me, in theory, a villain? 
Honestly, I don’t know what I am anymore.
I went home that night with a few more glasses in my system. 
Kurosawa thankfully escorted me back to my apartment, as the post-it note on my counter-top claimed, along with his phone number scribbled hastily below. Honestly, I’m surprised he didn’t try to take advantage of me in my drunken state. It wasn’t the first time I’d gotten horribly drunk, but it was the first time that someone had thought to escort me back to my apartment.
I’m sure I told him where I lived while I slurred my speech or some shit. 
Waking up this morning was a nightmare. Immediately, I had to rush to the bathroom and vomit all of the contents in my stomach from last night into the toilet. God, I absolutely hate hangovers. After a solid minute of throwing up and wiping my lips off with toilet paper, I walked to the kitchen and saw the note he’d left for me.
‘Text me if you want to talk about last night, or if you’re bored.’ 
“What the hell…” Kurosawa is definitely an interesting man, and who knows what he might turn out to be to me. But right now, I should probably try to get rid of this nausea.
Grabbing a bottle of water from my fridge, my mind drifted back to the words he said last night. I couldn’t recall what I said after that, but chances are I avoided the question and started to drink my problems away like usual. I hate how I got so worked up over what Kurosawa said, whether his question was out of sheer curiosity or seriousness. I went to go sit on my sofa, turning on the television and opening the water bottle, taking a swig of it before screwing the cap back on. 
The interview from last night was on. My smile was forced, my words a lie... I was no better than the criminal I helped to apprehend. I’m still no better than them. I put on a brave face to hide my fear, even now my face was scrunched into an expression I couldn’t begin to describe with words. All the movements I made were exaggerated, exuberant, fake. I wanted the camera to focus on me, on what I had to say, not the damn reporter. It seems that the cameraman got the memo and zoomed in on all of the parts I wanted to be highlighted.
That’s why, when my phone buzzed, I didn’t know what to expect. It was my day off, after all. The name Shinji Nishiya flashed on the screen multiple times, and I picked up my phone.
“Yeah, what’s up?” I propped my legs on the coffee table, laying back on my sofa. 
“Yu, are you watching the National News?” Shinji’s voice was laced with concern, which made me worry.
“No, what’s on the National News?” I picked up the television remote and changed the channel, and instantly I dropped everything. What was the headline, you might wonder?
Mt. Lady: A Hero, or a Villain in disguise?
What the fuck. 
“Last night, civilians recall the pro hero Mt. Lady endangering the lives of innocent bystanders as she violently hurled a chunk of a nearby building at a criminal. While this managed to take said criminal out, there is no excuse for this kind of behavior as a pro hero.”
“That’s very true. If she had common sense, she would have never risked civilian casualties, nor would she have purposefully damaged public property.”
“She’s only in it for the attention. Either that, or she’s just that dumb.” 
She’s only in it for the attention.
Either that, or she’s just that dumb.
“Yu? Yu, are you-” I hung up on Shinji, tears forming at the corners of my eyes.
My career, my reputation as a hero, is ruined. One of those goddamn civilians said something out of spite, and now look what happened. I’m done for. 
I turned off the television and threw the remote across the room. The tears came flowing out like a waterfall, and I sobbed uncontrollably, head in my hands as I started thinking about what would happen next. I didn’t want this to be the end of my career, no, I wanted to make it big, I wanted to be the smiling face that people of all ages would come to love and enjoy. But it was all taken out of my hands as soon as that report aired. 
But I… kind of liked the attention that I was getting. I loved the way they talked about me as if I was famous nationwide, as if everyone in Japan knew my name. If they didn’t know before, they sure did know now. That’s when I knew it had to be true, what I had thought about earlier.
If I was willing to do something like that just for the attention, I really must be fake.
But... I’ll show Japan that I don’t have to be a hero to make a name for myself.
Fuck the system, I can do whatever the hell I want and get away with anything I want to. I’ll be on the front of every magazine, be the highlight of every news report, have entire articles about me, myself and I. Today, I was reborn as a different being. One that didn’t care what the media thought, and one who wasn’t fake, because I’m being true to my personal goals.
Because this is the real me, and this is who I want to be.
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eloarei · 7 years
As copy-pasted from that one BNHA ask meme: ALL my answers, since @oldseablues suggested I do that.  Under a cut because it’s long.
BNHA Ask Meme™ Reblog this if you want your followers to send you one of these:
~ B A S I C S ~
1: What part of the anime/manga piqued your interest? Like, what did I see that made me want to watch it? TBH I don't know! I guess it was All Might lol. I just saw that a bunch of people on my dashboard were talking about it and about him and I was like "Okay, I'll watch it." (A few people IRL had reccommended it to me before but I was like 'eh'.)
2: Did you think Midoriya would be a good protagonist in the first few chapters/episodes? Answered before. I think the gist of it was that I thought he was gonna be fine, I just didn't know if the story was gonna be any good.
3: How do you think Midoriya’s conflict with Bakugou will end? Honestly I think it'll turn out fine. I mean, I think that they'll repair their friendship (if you can even call it that). I think Izuku has to stop focusing on Bakugou and Bakugo has to start respecting Izuku. I think it'll happen just fine as they grow into themselves. I would be surprised if they didn't repair their relationship, just based on common shounen tropes.
4: What was your first reaction to Bakugou’s treatment towards Midoriya? First reaction? Hmm, let me see if I can remember. I guess I didn't think about it much because I wasn't sure he was going to be an important character. But when I realized he was... I guess I was just surprised that Izuku put up with it all that time. Of course it could be because of his lack of confidence, but I guess I see it more as him having faith in Kacchan actually being worth maintaining a friendship with, despite the bullying? He's too sweet for his own good ^^;;
5: What do you think of All-Might as a hero? Pfft, well he's great, obviously! Isn't that like... the one thing you're supposed to know when you start the series? "The sky is blue. All Might is great." He's a good guy. He does what he can and he does it well.
6: Do you think that Midoriya deserved to get OFA? Of course. He's clever and determined and passionate and kind. Who else would have been that appropriate?
7: Aside from Midoriya, which character in the series do you think has had the most character development? I'm gonna SKIP this one, since I'm still only a lowly Season 2 graduate. I haven't seen enough change in any of the characters to say.
8: Favorite unpopular character? Honestly? Mineta. I know everyone hates him, but I like him for the same reasons. Yes, he's dumb and sleazy, but I think he acts as a sort of balance, and it's good to have a character that occupies peoples' soft-hatred but isn't a villain. Not every 'good guy' is unproblematic, and I think he has the greatest capacity for growth because he's starting so low on the likeability chart. XD
9: Favorite overall character? I mean, that's an easy tie between Izuku and All Might. Obviously. If I had to pick someone else though... Tsuyu. She's precious. Or Ochaco. She's also precious. Or Iida, who is (surprise) also damn precious.
10: Do you have any OC’s? Describe them! If you don’t, create one on the spot. Create one? Yeesh. Uh. Okay, I'll port some original OCs over. Addisson: chivalrous lesbian hero, dresses like a knight. She conjures 'light-weapony' (or other items; made of light/air/whatever, they function as intended until she lets go of them. Only for melee weapons though, not projectiles unfortunately.)
~ S H I P S ~
Pink: What are your main/favorite ships? As surprises nobody: Dekumight, for sure. But side ships? Erasermic, and anything involving Ochaco. (Roughly in order: Ocha/Iida, Ocha/Bakugo, Ocha/anyone else. Oh! Never seen it before, but how about Ochaco/Gunhead?!)
Blue: Do you have any NOTPs? By principal, no. I don't do NOTPs. But if you're asking which ships I just don't really like or don't really get, the winner would have to be TodoDeku. It's very popular? but it just doesn't pique my interest at all.
Yellow: Favorite fanfiction about your OTP? Ooh man, it's only on chapter 2 ATM but @thenightisdarkandfullofbooty’s "Fettered" is really really great so far! Other than that, I don't generally recc explicit fics, but Motte-Gwappo and Jabor pretty well cornered the market with good E-rated oneshots.
Green: Any preferred rarepairs? Ahah yeah, I main a rarepair. And from what I understand, pretty much everything that doesn't include Todoroki or Bakugou is a rarepair, so... uh huh.
Purple: Do you have any works centered around your OTP? HELL YEAH. Anyone who's reading this probably knows. I've got 11 posted Dekumight fics so far, and *counts* 4? WIPs? and... uh... roughly 30+ more ideas? *sweats*
Orange: Fluff or Angst? Good lord I love both, but if you're gonna angst me, PLEASE give me a happy ending.
Red: What do you like the most about your favorite ship? Aaaaaaahhh gosh. Everything. *sighs dreamily* Did you see me the other day, comparing them to freaking Christian worship music? Gawd. They have SUCH a great dynamic, and it's one that has a lot of potential for shifting in various ways too. I guess what I really love most about them is how genuinely devoted to each other they are. Shipped or not, they really love each other! It's so wonderful. =]
Turqoise: What do you hate about your favorite ship? Alright now this is silly question. Why have an OTP if you don't just adore every fiber of their being? In the case of Dekumight, despite what I think a lot of other people would think, I don't even hate the things that make it a controversial pairing. I don't hate that Izuku is underage, and that there's a fairly massive age gap between them, and that there's a 'power imbalance' between them, because that all adds to their dynamic. It makes them very interesting. I don't wish that Izuku was older. I mean, I've written that fic, and I think they're still interesting together, but honestly, the fact that they at least met when Izuku was young is pretty important to their dynamic and-- *goes on forever and ever* ADDENDUM: One thing I do hate is that the majority of the fandom can't (or isn't interested in even trying to) see how goshdarn much sense the ship makes.
Lavender: Does your ship get a lot of hate? If so, why? Hahahaha yes. I don't pay a lot of attention to the fandom at large, but I'm fairly certain it's the most hated ship in the fandom? And it's the only ship I've ever gotten hate over! (Wonderful. Wish I'd get more. It'd be a good outlet for my blabbering haha) I understand /why/ it gets hate though. It's underage. It's frequently read as a father-son relationship. Oh, and it interferes with other popular ships, of course.
Grey: Realistically speaking, will your ship ever become canon? I guess there's a remote chance. Like, top of Mt. Everest remote. haha wouldn't that just fuck with people. Naw, look, I'm fully accepting of the fact that there are at least 5 other drastically-more-likely options, which are, in approximate order of likeliness: 1. Izuku/Ochaco, 2. Izuku/nobody, 3.Izuku/another girl, 4.Izuku/Bakugou, 5.Izuku/another guy. I give Dekumight a .01% chance haha and I think that's a liberal estimate. XD; BUT! I would be more than happy for there to be at least a throwaway line somewhere about Izuku having (or having had) a crush on All Might at some point, and I give that a very generous 5% chance of happening haha.
~ T H E O R I E S ~
Pop: Do you think the “Dabi and Shouto are brothers” theory is true? Don't know who the hell Dabi is.
Indie: Opinions on the Traitor Kaminari theory? Never heard it. Sounds implausible.
Punk: Opinions on the Traitor Kirishima theory? Never heard it. Don't like it.
Rock: What do you think of the “The doctor from Midoriya’s childhood is affiliated with the League Of Villains” theory? (in reference to this post) I mean... sure?? I didn't read the post, but I have no strong opinions on theories.
Jazz: What do you think will happen now that Eri has been saved? Honestly, I only know Eri through fanfic, so I'm gonna say, "No clue, my dude."
~ S T U D E N T S ~
11: Dekusquad or Bakusquad? Porque no los dos? But Dekusquad.
12: Most underrated student? Hagakure. That's the invisible girl, right? That's quite a power!
13: Dadmight or Dadzawa? Porque no los dos? But my ship dictates I vote Dadzawa. Honestly though, they could both BE dads; there's no one way to be a dad. All Might makes me think a little more of an uncle. Aizawa strikes me as more dad-like from my own experience, but they're both supportive in their different ways. I know, let's be contrarian and say "DadMic" =P HE'S the one that reminds me of several of my allo-dads.
14: Whose quirk do you think is the most unique? I think I said Tokoyami when I answered this before. I can't think of a better answer right now, so let's just go with that again.
15: Aside from Midoriya, who do you think has the most potential to be #1 Hero? I guess Todoroki.
16: Should Mineta be replaced by Shinsou in the hero class? Porque no los dos? If you get rid of Mineta, there's gotta be someone else for everyone to hate. Just shove another desk in there and have them both. Make them share, I dunno.
17: Favorite student(s) outside of Class 1-A? Hatsume Mei!
18: Any HCs for the entirety of Class 1-A? Headcanons for the whole class? Is that a thing? I guess I HC that they all genuinely love Izuku and are encouraged by his attitude. =]
19: Do you remember their seating arrangement by heart? lol heck no. I think I have an idea of where a few of the characters sit? But honestly, I blasted through the series once and haven't looked back on it yet, so I haven't had time for memorization.
20: Which of the students do you think has the most potential to become a villain? Gosh. Any of them could. I mean, being a villain instead of a hero is so based on circumstance. If things go wrong, any of them could go that way.
~  V I L L A I N S ~
Techno: Favorite villain? Stain. Not interested in any of the others just yet.
Classical: Eight Precepts of Death or League of Villains? what.
Metal: Which villain’s quirk would you want for yourself? I don't?
Soul: Shigaraki or Chisaki? Who?
Alternative: Most obnoxious villain? Shigaraki.
~  M I S C ~
Apple: Favorite popular HC? I haven't the slightest clue what's popular, but I'll reiterate my own personal headcanon: Izuku has or has had a huge pre-teen crush on All Might.
Strawberry: Who is your favorite pro-hero? Uh... Hmm.... Predictable answer: All Might. Less predictable answer: Best Jeanist, because his fucking outfit drives me nuts and I hate it so much I like it.
Banana: Which of the pro-heroes’ quirks fascinates you the most? Eh. I dunno. I guess I'm not really 'fascinated' by anyone's abilities. ^^; I just like them as whole characters.
Cherry: Should Endeavor die like right now Nah. He's important, even if we hate him. In fact, that might be part of why he's important. You can't love every 'protagonist'.
Pear: What was your reaction to Todoroki’s backstory? I... didn't have a strong reaction. I'm not a huge fan of Todoroki to begin with. I mean, I felt bad for him, of course, but I guess I wasn't surprised or anything, so it was like, "oh. huh. poor kid." I'm more interested in what happens next.
Kiwi: Should the BNHA girls get more spotlight/recognition? Of course! They're all great.
Pineapple: What do you like the most about BNHA, as a whole? Well, I guess what I like is the characters! That pretty usual, for any story I get involved in. But of course I love superheroes, so there's that! But I do also like the feeling of the whole story, how it's inspirational but also with a looming bleakness, you know?
Watermelon: Dub or Sub? Sub sub sub all the way. Gotta watch it in its original form, whatever that is. I LOVE their original Japanese voices. I accidentally heard a tiny snippet of it in English and I regret it haha.
Coconut: How do you think Hokiroshi is doing, in terms of the plot? Well I'm not caught up so it's a bit hard for me to say, but I think it's going well so far. I'm still interested.
Blueberry: What makes BNHA unique from all the other shonen animes/mangas out there? I'm not sure. I think it's in the small details. I mean, I'm not sure it really IS unique from other anime, any more than they're all unique from each other. TBH I feel like it actually take quite a few elements from other popular series and puts them together in an effective way.
...and that's the end!
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