#fuck i love the scenes where the hair and makeup department get those crisp white curls bang on
crowlixcx · 5 months
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bucky-bear-barnes · 7 years
Left At The Altar - Part 1? (Bucky x Reader, Steve x Reader)
Title: Left At The Altar (Part 1?)
Pairing: Bucky X Reader, Steve Rogers X Reader 
Genre: Angst? 
Summary: It should’ve been the best day of (Y/N)’s life, that is, until she was left at the altar by her beloved metal armed soldier. 
PS, this could potentially be a multipart fic if anyone is interested in seeing where this goes. Let me know with your comments or messages! 
Part 2  Part 3  Part 4  Part 5
The church was decorated so beautifully it almost seemed ethereal. (Y/N) was dressed in the white wedding gown she picked with her best friends, Steve, Natasha, and Wanda. Settled on the plush couch, her heartbeat was erratic as she constantly fumbled with the soft fabric of her gown. It was going to be one of the most important moments of her life, a day she was dreaming about since she’s set eyes on a James Buchanan Barnes.
(Y/N) met James when he was first introduced to the Avengers facilities. A boisterous Tony Stark was sauntering around the building he owned whilst blabbering about his accomplishments with the Avengers Tower with a quiet Bucky tagging along behind.
(Y/N) was Pepper’s personal assistant and was heading to find Tony to sign an urgent document. Her heels clicked on the marble flooring as her eyes were trained to the document in her hand. As a genetically enhanced super soldier, Bucky picked up the sound of heels clicking from a far distance ahead but paid no mind to it, wanting nothing but to be brought into his bedroom so he could brood in peace.
Just then, Tony spotted the young girl up front; her hair up in a messy bun, a crisp white shirt tucked into her navy pencil skirt with a document she was burying her nose into. Stark couldn’t resist the prankster in him and fell quiet much to Bucky’s confusion. As the girl closed in, Stark performed an immature jump scare that proved to work, when (Y/N) let out a yelp and lost her balance on the thin stilettos she was sporting. Bucky’s fast reflex caught the tumbling girl at her waist, hoisting her up to prevent the nasty fall which resulted in Tony’s devious I-am-up-to-no-good smirk as he got Pepper’s personal assistant to help complete Bucky’s tour.
That was their first meeting three years ago and two and a half years into their relationship, Bucky popped the question in an intimate Christmas gathering with all the Avengers presence. (Y/N) agreed and here she was at their wedding with tears of happiness and a bright smile donning her face.
Natasha and Wanda were fussing around the bride, constantly touching up her makeup, giving her tea to help calm her nerves whilst giving her words of encouragement and admiration.
“You look absolutely beautiful (Y/N), Bucky would be awestruck at the altar, I promise you.” Wanda gushed, clasping the bride’s hands within her own.
Natasha agreed with a wide grin and said, “I’m just going to go check on Steve and Sam to see how everything is going alright? Be right back, sweetheart.”
Out in the decorated church hall was Steve and Sam busy greeting the incoming guests. There wasn’t much invited but everyone who was, is near and dear to the couple. However, missing in this almost picture perfect scene, was Bucky, the groom of this wedding. Sam had a huge smile on his face, greeting everyone that was coming through but Steve was always lacking in the “poker face” department and looked worried albeit smiling at the guest.
Natasha spotted the troubled expression Steve had on once she set eyes on the soldier and hurried towards him. It also did not escape the trained assassin’s eyes that the groom was missing from the crowd.
Grabbing Steve by his arm, the Russian assassin pulled him towards a corner and whispered harshly, “Where’s your best buddy?! Why isn’t the groom out here?! He better be in the bathroom calming down his nerves or I’ll rip his good arm off him.”
Steve’s frown deepened at the questions and he let out a frustrated sigh.
“Goddammit Natalia, I’m trying to locate Bucky myself. He was right beside Sam and I just a while ago. The next time I wanted to ask him if I should go check on (Y/N) he was gone! I tried calling him on his cell a couple of times but he isn’t picking up.” Steve replied in hushed tones, the frown lines on his face deepening with every word.
The super soldier took a deep breath and asked, “How’s (Y/N) holding up? Is she asking for Bucky? Is that why you’re here?”
“She holding up as best as a bride could be on her wedding day. She isn’t asking for Barnes. For now.” the redhead replied.
Every time a crisis is in the works, the captain in Steve Rogers took over as he squared his shoulders and said, “Nat, you go back in there and accompany (Y/N) and help calm her nerves, Sam is taking care of the guests, I’ll continue calling Bucky and get FRIDAY to try to acquire his location, alright? If all else fails, I’m just going to announce that (Y/N) is ill and the wedding is to be postponed. There’s no way I’m going to let the first and last time she walks down that aisle in disappointment and shame. If Bucky is going to cower away, then he’d better stay away. I didn’t give up on my feelings for (Y/N) to not see her happy.”
The captain turned around and made his way over to Stark, most likely to get his help with FRIDAY triangulating Bucky’s location, as Natasha looked at him, worried lines evident on her face as she contemplated ways to end Barnes’ life.
Steve stood at the corner of the now lively church, his hands gripping his cellphone as he typed his hundredth message to his best friend, hoping to get a reply. His calls were now directed to voicemail and texts were all left unread.
He let his mind flit to the night before when he spotted Bucky standing at the common room’s balcony, looking lost in his thoughts. He walked over to his friend and questioned if he was alright. Bucky gave Steve an unsure smile and asked him the oddest question.
“Do you think marrying (Y/N) is right for me?”
Steve replied with a bark of laughter and said they were the best couple he has ever met and will ever meet, why would he be questioning such a thing?
“The past couple of weeks I have been unsure about my feelings towards (Y/N). I mean she’s the first dame I met since I had Hydra erased from my mind. I wouldn’t know if there could be anyone else, any other type of romance, would I? Maybe, she just isn’t the one for me.”, Bucky’s words sounded unsure as he questioned the three long years he’s had with his girlfriend.
Steve didn’t think much of it and thought Bucky was simply having pre-wedding jitters. He reassured his friend and gave him a pat on his back, telling him to get some rest and stop letting his mind wander. He did not expect Bucky’s words to hold any sort of truth to it, until now.
A half hour has passed since the starting time of the wedding with no Bucky in sight. Guests were getting antsy at not seeing the bride or groom. Tony and Pepper have utilized the entire Stark industry technology to located the missing groom to no avail. Sam’s chatters to help keep guests distracted was also slowing down.
Steve looked at a frustrated Tony only to be met with a shake of his head and a whispered, “When a master assassin does not want to be found, he would not be so easily found. But when I do find him, don’t stop me from smashing his face in.”
The wedding was canceled with Steve announcing that the Bride was feeling unwell and was rushed to the doctors.  
His footsteps were heavy as he braced himself to break the news to (Y/N) that her fiancé was nowhere to be found. As he pushed the door open, he was met with (Y/N) red-rimmed eyes, a look of utter defeat on her face.
With a tired and dejected smile and tears rimming her eyes, (Y/N) said, “He left, didn’t he?”
Steve looked at the girl, his own heart breaking at the sight in front of him. He made his way to her side and carefully wrapped his arm around her.
As (Y/N) rested her head on his shoulder she said, “I should’ve known he wouldn’t go through with today. He’s been avoiding me for some time now since the proposal. Since he’s started going to the new technician, Jenny, I think it was, to get his arm checked out, he’s gotten less chatty with me and always seemed preoccupied with his phone when I try to talk to him. I should’ve known those were signs, shouldn’t I, Steve? I was just lying to myself and telling myself that he couldn’t possibly have lost interest in me straight after proposing, could he?”
“Oh (Y/N), you couldn’t have known doll. It isn’t your fault, and would never be your fault.” Steve replied, landing a peck on her forehead.
His eyes flitted towards (Y/N) bridesmaid and saw the anger in their eyes. Natasha and Wanda were probably the closest thing each other has as sisters and were all fiercely protective of one another. They were forced to be reckoned with when angry and they were more than just - angry. But Bucky had Steve to worry about first. He was not going to let this slide like all the other times Bucky fucked up.
(Y/N) has been Steve’s best doll ever since he’s defrosted into the 21st century. She’s been there when Peggy left him, when the accords happened, when he was desperately trying to find and prove Bucky’s innocence and was there when his best friend needed someone. And here his best friend was, doing the worst possible thing he could do as a groom.
Steve has always known he loved the girl. But he’s decided to bury his feelings as he looked at Bucky’s and (Y/N) feelings for each other grow and blossom. He has always been the self-sacrificing type of man. But he was done self-sacrificing, not when his best doll was being left at the altar by the very man he vouched for.
Steve is going to fight what Steve wants. And he’s going to make his best friend regret ever giving up the best thing God’s given them.
Tagging: @itsanerdlife @buckysmusculararm @klaus-is-king @katbird787 @dryerpet @captainfbffangirl99 @thatawkwardtinyperson @cassandras-musings @cleverwatson125 @universal-glitch @draconicuchiha @frickin-bats @smile-sugar @ryverpenrad @buckyywiththegoodhair @buckyappreciationsociety @17marvelousfreak @seeyainanothalifebrotha @winchesterandpie @northscorpio @winter-is-ending @feelmyroarrrr @marvelouslyloki @melconnor2007 @fab-notfat @musichowler 
Those who expressed interest in this particular fic: @orions-nebula @debzybrazy @jeleners143
It has been a long long time since my last fic and I’m sorry for the delay. Hope this was up to expectations, I am thinking to make this a multiple parts fic and was wondering if anyone would be interested? Please let me know. If there is little interest then I would most likely leave it as is, as sort of a bittersweet piece. If anyone would like to be tagged, or removed, just drop me an ask. Thank you!
For my other writings, search “Ting writes” on my Tumblr!”
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