#fuck lilllian
therealgchu · 8 months
Snippet Sunday - Sneak Peek
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tagging the coemancer crew, @silurisanguine, @fangbangerghoul, @toxiclizardwrites, @a-cosmic-elf (i finally got it right this time! for weeks i thought it was an _ =P), @eridanidreams, @aro-pancake, @aislingdmdt, @atonalginger, @staticpallour, @bearlytolerant, any anyone else i forgot.
we've got a new chapter on deck. it won't get published this week; this week will be another vignette. but, i want to show ppl what i've been working on and where it's going.
sorry, no smutty goodness in this one. will be titled Hart & Soul. i might have to split it into 2 parts, however. as it's pretty long already, and it's not even fleshed out yet.
if you wanna read the whole thing, it's hosted on ao3. warning, smuttiness, adult content, happy fun adult times, and trauma. so much trauma.
on with the sneak peek!
“It’s a narrow-beam transponder,” she shouted back. “No one’s here yet, though it’s likely they’re close, probably in low orbit.” He and Lillian jogged up to the small declivity. “They’ll land as soon as the transponder is triggered by this,” and she pointed to a simple wire trigger mechanism that was wrapped around the transponder.  “If you’d had pulled that out, the trigger would send the message. Damn sloppy, Cora could have designed a better trigger mechanism than this,” she mumbled. “If we wanted, we could disengage the entire thing without triggering it.”
“Then why don’t we? That would solve this whole ambush problem,” Lillian said.
Hwa turned to Lillian, “You pissed off the Syndicate. They’re not going to leave you alone until you hurt them and make them realize that making you a target is more expensive than taking you out. Do you have any clue of what you started?”
“I’ve dealt with the Syndicate before. I’m not some rookie,” Lillian replied defensively.
“No, you’ve dealt with the riff raff of Neon, the cannon-fodder and street thugs.” Hwa got directly into Lillian’s face, just inches from it. “You have never dealt with the actual people running the show. Let me tell you what they’ll do if we don’t take Valerie and her crew out today: they will hunt down every person you know and love. They will torture, rape, then kill them. In front of you. And laugh. You keep accusing Sam of putting Cora in danger? Well, you just painted a big fucking bullseye on her back because of your stupidity. And, for Cora’s sake, I’ll clean up the mess.” Hwa turned her back on Lillian and replaced the transponder.
“How the hell do you know that? You have no idea about the Syndicate!” Lillian shouted.
Sam grabbed Lillian’s arm, “Yes, she does, Lillian,” he said in a low, grim voice. “If you value yours and Cora’s life, you will listen to everything she says.”
“Sam, you can’t be,” Lillian started.
“No,” he cut across her. “This is not up for debate. You will do everything that Hwa instructs. Trust me.”
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mrsluthordanvers · 4 years
First of all, it's SO good. SO good. My favorite snippet you've posted is the bit about Lena freaking out to Sam after she found out... and now that I'm looking at it again, your tag about how Lena would hug her after. It just seemed like Lena was so scared about being a good mom but the kid is just like "omg you're perfect I've wanted to know you my whole life" and I LOVE that for both of them. ... and I realize that's not a question, but whatever. Hey.
gOD I love it for them too. Lara is totally the kiddo that hears Kara slip up telling her that Lena almost made it to the olympics for fencing and decides to learn bc it just makes her feel closer to Lena
Lena is 100% terrified of being a mom in this fic. Becoming Lilllian haunts her. ESPECIALLY because she was supposed to do this WITH Kara ya know? Like Kara was supposed to be her balance. And Lena had to find that without her and it terrifies her that she’s fucking it up
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katliveblogs · 6 years
I nodded.  “The whole idea was to start a localized riot.  If Cecil did his job and avoided getting eaten by Whiskers while running around in the rain, the Academy can arrive, shut down the riot in the early stages, and lay the blame at the Shepherd’s feet.”
Ah, I suppose that’s a reasonable plan. It gives the Academy an excuse to take Mauer into custody without seeming like they’re overstepping their authority, and once that’s done handling him should be a lot easier.
“Eaten by Whiskers?” Lillian asked, horrified.
“Not important right now,” I said.
“Cecil’s nice!”
“Not the word I would have chosen,” I said.  “Dense, unhelpful-”
“He’s nice, Sy!” Lillian said.  “He means well.”
I don’t know Lillian, it strikes me as a very condescending sort of well-meaning, which isn’t really a pleasant character trait, especially when coupled with his stunning lack of self-awareness.
“When someone says ‘means well’, they mean the person is dumber than a stitched chicken.”
“Sy,” Lillian said, her tone suddenly hostile.  “Not another word about Cecil.”
“Great!” I said.  “Because Cecil doesn’t matter.”
She reached out, grabbed the general vicinity of my nipple through my cloak and shirt, and did a twisty sort of pinch, hard.
Hm, does Lilllian have some particular fondness for Cecil? Or is she generally irked by well-meaning people having their intelligence put down? If it’s the second one I imagine it’s based on personal experience.
“Back on topic?” Jamie suggested, very diplomatically.
“Fuck, that hurts,” I said, rubbing my chest.
“Manageable stampede?” Jamie reminded me.
“Manageable stampede,” I said.  I looked over my shoulder at the Shepherd.  “No.  Even a regular stampede.”
Not the easiest thing to achieve, considering even Gordon’s stunt didn’t work.
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