#fuck neck deep mate theyre shit
littlecutiexox · 5 years
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They don’t know what we share in the briefest of moments x
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beeseaart · 7 years
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Happy Judgement Day- Neck Deep
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tonguetiedartist · 7 years
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Design based on Neck Deep’s song Motion Sickness, their newest album it’s the shit.
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vampiredecay · 3 years
What Did You Call Me?
A/N: hello!! this is my first x reader and im very excited. this wasn't requested or anything, i just had this scene stuck in my head and i needed to write it down. i hope yall enjoy!!
rating: teen
wordcount: 1,317
warnings/notes: swearing, playfighting, mentions of scratching + biting, no ones actually hurt tho, use of the word "fruit", yall will see lmao, marko x male!reader, male pronouns used, vamp!reader, implied poly!lost boys, or at least implied parko but marko is also sweet with the reader, but theyre all in love with each other <3 i think thats it!
summary: marko was wrestless, as usual, and wont leave you alone. playfighting and fluff ensues!
Everyone was chilling in the hotel, it was pouring outside like nobody's business. One would think that they wouldn’t care, but the rain made it incredibly difficult to get around, even to big bad vampires. Plus, food would be scarce anyway, no one wanted to get drenched out tonight.
Marko would just not leave you alone.
Star and Paul were sitting together in one corner of the cave, Paul rummaging through his tapes and Star sewing and patching up some old clothes. She was trying to teach him a thing or two, but he was only half paying attention, too caught up in trying to find one specific tape. The search was not going well.
David, Michael and Dwayne were playing card games, sprawled out on the floor and swearing. You didn't know how intense their games could possibly be, but they were all concentrating like their lives depended on it. You think that maybe Dwayne was winning, but you didn't know, not paying close enough attention.
You were trying to read a book peacefully on one of the many couches that littered the hotel, but a certain small blond vampire was hellbent on getting your attention. Marko could never stay still for long, always had to be moving or doing something. Usually Paul would handle that, roughhousing or flying or other activities with him until he was too worn out, but this time he was putting all of his energy into bugging you.
Marko was currently chucking things at your head, soft things like paper or pillows, and laughing when you looked over to scowl at him. You tried your best not to give into his antics, but you've been stuck on the same paragraph for ten minutes, and you were starting to lose your patience.
"Marko, quit it."
The little bastard was just giggling, you could hear him moving around from behind you, but at this point you were too tired to care. After a few seconds, Marko grew quiet, which should have raised your alarm bells, but instead you were led under a false sense of security.
But then, last minute, your hearing caught footsteps, but before you could turn around or react- Marko was pouncing on you and laughing maniacally. You shout in surprise, your book going flying as Marko pinned you against the couch.
"Fuck! Marko!" You squirmed and tried to get out from under him, but he was an older vampire than you, and he was a good deal stronger.
Star looked up from her sewing to see the commotion happening, and she raised an eyebrow. "Marko, stop tormenting Y/N, leave him alone."
You continue to struggle, wiggling your arms and legs in an attempt to throw him off. "Yeah!" You shout, frustrated, "Let go of me, you fuckin fruit bat!"
Suddenly, it was deadly silent. Paul stopped looking through his tapes, Michael, David and Dwayne looked up from their game on the floor, and Star was staring, eyes wide. Marko looked like he was trying to process what you just said. You barely realized what you said yourself.
The silence was interrupted by Paul's loud laughter. He howled and clutched his sides, he could not believe what you just said! This sparked a chain of the others laughing as well, even Star couldn't keep from chuckling.
Marko sat up and let go of your arms, still straddling and you, his eyebrows furrowing, "What the hell did you call me?"
"He called you a fruit bat!" Paul shouted, still laughing hysterically. You tried to keep a straight face, but you eventually burst into laughter, forgetting what you were even annoyed about.
The small vampire on top of you immediately grabbed a hold of you and rolled the both of you off the couch and onto the floor. You let out a scream, wrestling Marko until you somehow came out on top, pinning his arms against his head. You smirked at him. "Am I wrong?"
"Fuck you!" He shouted, but it was behind laughter, and a bright smile that made you dizzy for a few seconds. Marko saw this window of opportunity to break out of your hold of his wrists and lunge for you, sending you flying back on the ground. While you and Marko were grunting and cursing and rolling around on the floor, the others were laughing and yelling encouragement at the two of you.
"Kick his ass Y/N!" Michael said, while Paul hollered, "Marko baby, you got this!"
Wrestling with Marko always felt like wrestling with a baby mountain lion. He was all teeth and claws, biting and scratching, not afraid to play dirty. It hurt in the moment, but the both of you healed quickly, allowing you to land a good kick to his shoulder. It threw him off, and you smirked, quickly running behind him and locking your arms around his neck. The blond swore and gripped at your arms, but you held tight, refusing to give up.
This lasted for all of fifteen seconds however, because Marko got crafty. He planted his feet, took a deep breath, and then threw himself back, making you land on the ground hard. You wheezed as pain shot through your spine and Marko got up, not wasting any time. He quickly rolled you over and had you on your stomach, arms bound behind you as he straddled your back. You fought and struggled, but it was impossible to get the upper hand in your current position. Eventually, you had to throw in the towel, your spine was seriously starting to regret this.
"Alright, alright!" You said, out of breath and exhausted, "I yield! Get the hell off of me."
More laughter and clapping could be heard as Marko chuckled and let you go. He did a little bow as you rolled over and sat up, catching your breath and playfully glaring at your pack mates, the traitors. Once Marko was done being smug, he turned towards you and held out his hand for you to grab. You grasped his hand, and the blond hoisted you up, almost knocking you right into his chest. Marko gives you a shit eating grin. "You put up a fight, I'm impressed."
You roll your eyes and playfully shove his shoulder, fighting a yawn forming in your throat. "Shut up." You reply, too tired to come up with a clever response. Markos' expression softens, and he gently checks you over, even though it isn’t really necessary. “I didn’t really hurt you, did I?” You shook your head, but your chest filled with warmth. “I’m all good, killer.” He smiles at you real wide, then grabs your hand and leads you to the couch.
When you're both in front of the couch, Marko flops down, wiggling around to get comfortable, then motions you to join him. You fight back a smile before gently moving, placing yourself on top of the smaller vampire, your head resting on his chest, just below his chin. Marko wraps his arms around you, and you let out a large breath. You place a small kiss on his collarbone, which makes him hum happily, and you chuckle softly. Sure, the fighting was rough, but you could always count on Marko to make it worth it in the end.
As the two start to drift off, the rest of the pack go back to what they were doing, but not without sharing glances and smiles with each other. Michael, David and Dwayne go back to their card games, Dwayne having won in the end, and Paul turns to Star to listen to their mini sewing lesson.
All is calm now, in the hotel-cave, the rain having let up a tad, now a steady beat tapping outside their home. None of them could complain, really, about this turn of events. Sometimes, it's better to just have a quiet night in doors.
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dark0angel13 · 6 years
Check Mate
Okay everyone, here is part 2! From here on is NSFW so please be aware of that. I do hope you like it! ;)
His eyes widen, his nostrils flair; Lucy knows she has him right where she wants him. All it takes is a little seduction and he’s putty in her hands. He takes a deep breath in and motions for her to make her move.
She needs to focus now, losing is not an option, she decides with a spark in her eye. If it wasn’t a game of chess she wouldn’t mind really. Stripping for Natsu and getting laid for it? It’s a win, win. She just doesn’t want to lose to him. Levy she could accept because the little blue mage was a genius, but Natsu? Not a snowflake’s chance in hell.
She moves expertly, her fingers dragging her rook to capture his bishop; only after making sure she won’t lose it. He grimaces and leans in, bringing a hand to his chin. In one swift movement, he takes a pawn and leans back with a smirk on his face. Damn him and his smile. She should have been more specific at which pieces he needed to capture.
“I captured a pawn, start stripping.” His words are confident, husky, and makes breathing hard.
With shaky hands she removes both her shoes and socks, narrowing her eyes in amusement when Natsu huffs from across the table.
“That’s not what I had in mind.”
“You didn’t specify the order in which I had to strip.” She winks and holds up her shoes, dropping them with a smirk playing about her face; chuckling when they hit the floor with a thud.
“It’s you’re turn.” He sounds aggravated but she can see the amusement playing behind his eyes. She makes her move, taking one of his pawns.
The game moves quickly, and piece by piece her pawns fall until she’s clad in her bra and panties and her confidence wavers. Natsu is never this focused, not unless it’s a fight. He’s never even shown an interest in strategy games, so why now? Why was he beating her at a game she’s never lost at? She can’t fathom it.
“Just two more pieces…” his eyes are grazing her figure as he speaks and she feels the heat rush to her cheeks. This side of Natsu, this unknown part of him turns her on so much she almost says fuck it and jumps him. Almost. They’re standing as they play now, the tension hanging in the air like smoke while they fight for a winner.
“Good luck, you’ve only managed to capture my pawns.” She counters with a smirk when he looks to his side of the graveyard. She too has most of his pawns and a couple of his bigger pieces but it’s still anyone’s game; she’s not going to lose.
He steps closer now, his eyes bringing a flush to her skin, and when he raises a hand to her cheek her knees feel weak. His touch is soft, delicate even, and she finds herself leaning into him. A piece moves, his hand trails down and a finger hooks into her bra, pulling gently until she gets the idea. Her hands move swiftly, unclasping the metal at her back and the garment is falling.
If it hits the ground, she doesn’t hear it for the only thing ringing in her ears is the pounding of her pulse. Her breath quickens when his fingers trail up and graze her nipple; she bites her lip to keep a moan in.
“One to go.” His lips are at her neck while his hands roam her body; stopping only when they meet the fabric of her panties and she is having a hard time thinking, let alone playing.
She whimpers slightly but manages to capture his last remaining knight, sucking in a breath when his lips trail down to engulf her nipple. A moan escapes her this time and her hands tangle in his messy pink locks.
He doesn’t move much, coming up to kiss her before turning and watching the board. She uses his distracted expression to lean into him and drag her hand gently across the bulge in his pants. He stiffens and sucks in a breath and she smirks. It’s about time she gets even.
She watches the desire race across his eyes but he doesn’t look away from the board, instead bringing his rook to capture her bishop.
She doesn’t have time to react before he’s before her, his teeth latching onto the last piece of clothing on her; slowly dragging them down her legs until she can step out of them. He grips her hips tightly, his mouth so close to the coarse hair of her pelvic region that she can feel his breath. She braces herself agains the table when he drags his tongue up her thigh, her stomach, her breast; her neck before claiming her mouth in a heated kiss. Her hands are fumbling with the button on his jeans and after a flick of her wrist, he’s free and scorching her hand with the heat radiating from him.
“Don’t tease me Luce.” He groans into her mouth and she smirks, gripping his member with enough force to make him shiver, but not too tight that it hurts him. She drags her hand down the shaft before trailing it back up and running her thumb over the tip. His body stiffens and she feels him thrust into her hand.
“You seem to enjoy teasing me,” she coos, “it’s only fair I return the favor.”
He moves fast, spreading her legs and piercing her with two of his fingers. Electricity races down her spine and she arches her back, a moan coming from her lips as she digs her nails into his back. Her body is on fire; the ball in her stomach winding tighter with each thrust of his fingers and she can only match his pace with her hand on him. He’s breathing hard, thrusting into her touch in an animalistic manner before her words, albeit shaky, echo in the room.
“W-we have a game to finish…Natsu.” His name comes out in a moan when he curls his finger inside her and white flashes on the edges of her vision. She doesn’t really want to finish the game though. All she wants to do is fuck him until she can’t feel her legs. She widens her stance to give him better access, and with her new position, a new form of pleasure rips through her like a current. The shock of him hitting that one spot over and over, brings unintelligible words from her lips. She’s so close now, needing only a few more thrusts from him to chase the orgasm right in front of her.
Natsu, it seems has other plans though, leaving her at the edge of ecstasy to pull back and kiss her, his hands removing hers from his penis. She can feel the pleasure receding and she wants to scream; a huff coming from her instead.
“Why did you stop, I was so close?” Her words come out in a desperate whimper and he smirks, turning back to the board.
“We need to finish the game.” He answers matter of fact, like its as simple as that, and she is so close to screaming. She’s so close to throwing the game across the room and mounting him right there on the table, that her fingers actually twitch before she stops herself.
He can’t be serious? Her eyes roam over his body, dwelling on his engorged member too long while he scanned the pieces remaining on the board. An idea pops into her head and she’s smirking, kneeling down to give a quick lick to his shaft while he’s distracted. She hears his sharp intake of breath and wraps her lips around the tip of him. He’s so hard, so hot, and so ready for her that Lucy can only assume it hurts him.
She runs her tongue over the tip again, loving the salty taste that lingers in her mouth before taking him fully in. His hand comes to her head on instinct and she feels his fingers tangle in her hair.
“Shit Lucy-“ she hears desperation in his voice and she groans deep in her throat; loving how it makes him shake. He thrusts into her mouth and she finds it hard to keep up, to keep him in her mouth and not gag. She’s certainly not new to blowjobs, but when he gets overzealous she finds it hard to match his energy. Her hands come up to grip his ass and she gives a light squeeze, loving the way his muscles feel under her touch.
He’s breathing hard, she has hear it around the small moans coming from him and she picks up her pace. His legs tense, his thrusts go into overdrive and she grips him for stability and stills her head, content to just let him fuck her mouth. He thrusts once more, his body going rigid and she hears her name leave his mouth in a drawn out moan as he seed fills her. It’s hot, salty, and she almost can’t take it all before she feels him soften and she stands, wiping the small amount from the corner of her mouth while she swallows.
The look on his face is priceless. His cheeks are red, his eyes lidded and clouded with lust. His breath is coming in ragged pants and she watches as he grips the table for support and a part of her feels pride for bringing him to this state. He gave her oral last time, so it’s only fair that she do it this time.
“Enjoy that did you?” She chuckles and rests her hands on her hips.
“Yeah,” He is still breathing hard but she can already see his arousal coming back. The stamina of this Dragon Slayer was insane sometimes. “But I’m also going to enjoy this.” He moves a piece on the board but Lucy doesn’t pay attention, instead focusing on the predator approaching her.
She finds herself against the counter; the coolness of the tiles doing little to quell the fire raging within her. He lifts her and she spreads her legs again for him to step closer; she can feel his member, already hard again, against her thigh.
“That was a good game,” he begins, sliding into her painfully slow. She feels the heat radiate through her in waves, the ball already beginning to wind once more. He fills her so fully, so completely she can’t help but think they are made for each other. “But this is better.” His words only seem to turn her on more and she moans into his neck, wrapping her legs around his waist to pull him deeper still.
His thrusts are long and powerful, each one bringing her closer to the crest she wants so badly to reach. She’s so close, her vision tunneling; the ball winding so tight, she thinks it’s going to break.
Then everything does break, and she’s unraveling, her head going back and a moan ringing in the air. Her back arches and her body goes rigid as the pleasure rockets through her like molten lava. With each proceeding thrust her orgasm gets stronger, his own searing her from the inside a moment later, until she’s left clenching her legs around him from the over stimulation. He stills and they’re both breathing hard but he doesn’t remove himself.
Her vision is blurry, her body trembling slightly from the residual convulsions and a smile spreads across her face.
“Thank you for that.” It’s the only thing she can think to say and she leans in to kiss him.
“I should be thanking you.” He smirks and pulls out, wrapping his arms around her waist as he leads them from the counter back to the table.
“Check mate, by the way.” His smile brightens the world around her and she doesn’t even care that she lost, not after the amazing sex she just had.
“Well fuck me,” she pouts but knows he can see the glint in her eyes, “I lost.”
“We played that game too Lucy,” he leans in to kiss her, “you lost.”
“Wanna play again?” She knows what he is going to say; smiling when he says yes.
I hope you enjoyed reading this as much as I enjoyed writing it ;) I feel it’s not my best work but I think it turned out pretty damn good. By the way, Natsu totally had Levy teach him how to play chess and gave him tips on how to beat Lucy. xD that’s how I imagine it happening anyway.
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caryys890 · 3 years
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Fuck Neck Deep Mate They’re Shit Hoodie This hoodie is Made To Order, one by one printed so we can control the quality.
Please follow the link below to get this cool outfit >>> https://epiclothes.com/product/fuck-neck-deep-mate-theyre-shit-hoodie/
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nneoculture · 7 years
crush - mark lee bulleted scenario
a/n this is my first thing ever and my requests are open!!! request scenarios, reactions, and mtl’s pls! nct only!
summary: you have a huge crush on mark and donghyuck snitches and you try your best to avoid him as much as possible genre: fluff
- so you’re like ,, super close with donghyuck but not as close as he is with mark - and you like mark A LOT but you don’t even know him personally you just hear about him from donghyuck and see him around school - and OFCOURSE you wouldn’t tell donghyuck about your crush on mark. that boy can’t keep his mouth shut even if he tried - so like one day you’re just hanging out with donghyuck doing your own best friend-y things at this cafe - then suddenly mark and their other friends (literally the rest of 127 but thats so irrelevant) come in so donghyucks like YOOOOO U GUYS ARE HERE TOO - so he calls them over and hes like this is y/n they’re my bff - and you’re like . h-hi stutter stutter bc mark!!! lee!!! is standing right in front of you - and theyre like oh nice to meet you but we gotta get going now we’re gonna be late for our thing - so they leave and as soon as they’re out of the door donghyuck turns to look at you and goes - “i have no idea why i never realized” - and you’re like “bitch what” - and he’s like “you like mark DON’T YOU????” - and you’re like “I DONT EVEN KNOW HIM” - and he’s like “shut up i saw how you were looking at him earlier i bet you didn’t even see the other guys” - and you try to defend urself by saying “i paid attention to the other guys just as much as i did to mark!!!!! the hell are u talking about” - and so donghyucks like “then whats the name of the guy with the pink hair?” - you’re like “tae……yeon?” - and hes like SEEEEEEEEE - he doesnt stop teasing you about it - you eventually get fed up and youre like “OK I LIKE MARK NOW SHUT UP BEFORE I BREAK UR NECK!!!!! keep it a secret though or i’ll actually break your neck” - so donghyucks like “ofcourse your secrets safe with me” - you don’t trust him but you don’t really think much of it - so a few days pass and you’re at school and you notice marks kinda glancing at you but he never really says hi - but youre like oh maybe he just recognizes me from the cafe - and this happens a couple more times which makes u feel kinda :3333 bc mark lee is looking at u but maybe he just looks at everyone so ur also like ;(((( - then probably a week after the cafe thing you’re eating lunch with donghyuck at school and you notice he’s really quiet - and he’s being EXTRA EXTRA EXTRA nice for some reason and youre like. this can’t be real - so you’re like “what are you hiding” - and donghyuck stares at you in shock - then he stuffs a whole spoon of rice into his mouth - and he’s like “imayormaynothavetoldmarkyoulikehim” - and you obviously didn’t understand a thing he said because it was muffled by all that RICE - so you ask him “what did u say” - and he swallows his food and goes “DON’T GET MAD AT ME PROMISE YOU WON’T GET MAD” - you’re like ok i promise - and donghyucks like “i told mark you like him” - AND YOU KICKED HIM IN THE LEG FROM UNDER THE TABLE SO FAST - HE’S LIKE “YOU SAID YOU WOULDNT BE MAD YOU PROMISED” - and you’re like “YOU KNEW I’D GET MAD” - then you two are just sitting there in silence til u finally calmed down and went “when did u tell him” - and donghyuck says “like … last week maybe” - and you’re like UGH THATS WHY HES BEEN STARING but u dont tell donghyuck that because hes annoying so u say “what did he say” - so donghyuck goes “he just said oh really?” - and you’re like OH REALLY ? - TF DOES THAT MEAN - so ur over it (on the outside, because you don’t wanna talk about it with donghyuck anymore) but on the inside you’re silently freaking out and now you don’t wanna have any encounters with mark at all - so you start avoiding being near him at all times - see him in the library? RUN!!!! - oh he’s in the nurses office too? you’re suddenly not sick - donghyuck wants you and his friends to catch a movie together??? you suddenly have so much homework sorry can’t make it - you’re just doing everything in your will to not encounter mark because its kinda embarrassing if he addresses it ya know - so one day you’re walking your dog in the park - and you let her off her leash bc its safe anyway let her have fun ok whatever - then you’re just sitting on a park bench just on your phone texting and shit - then you look over at where your dog is and you see ANOTHER DOG HUMPING HER - so you’re like OH MY FUCKING GOD - and you rush over to where the two doggos are at - and so does the owner of the other dog - and you’re too busy RUNNING OVER TO YOUR DOG TO REALIZE THAT THE OTHER OWNER IS NONE OTHER THAN MARK LEE - so u finally get there and u look at him and you’re like AW CRAP - and he looks at you and goes “oh hey y/n…… sorry about this” - and you’re like “uhhhh its fine i mean i guess she’s old enough ugh what am i saying im sorry too” - and he just laughs and inside ur like HES SO CUTE - but yeah deep inside you’re like “UDHDHHDHDJD THIS IS SO AWKWARD OUR DOGS ARE LITERALLY MATING AND THERES NOTHING WE CAN DO” - so youre both just standing there awkwardly - ……waiting for your dogs to finish - and he breaks the silence by saying “you’re pretty close with donghyuck huh” - and you’re like “oh uh yeah our parents are friends” - and he’s like “if i hadn’t known better i would think you’re dating tbh” - and you’re about to say “BUT U KNOW I LIKE U” - but he doesn’t know that you know so you’re just like “hes like a brother to me i’d never date him” - but then he goes “so who would u date” - and ur like wtf is he trying to get me to say its him thats so cocky of him - and something just comes over you because bro. mark lee is right here talking to u just take ur chance RIGHT - and u go “i know donghyuck told you” - and hes like ???? what - and you’re like “you don’t have to deny it mark i know donghyuck told you about my crush on you” - and marks like “WHAT CRUSH HE DIDNT TELL ME ANYTHING” - and you’re like WHAT - but what you weren’t expecting was this - mark goes “DONGHYUCK TOLD ME HE TOLD YOU THAT I HAD A CRUSH ON YOU” - and youre just SHOOK - you’re like “THATS WHAT HE TOLD ME ABOUT YOU” - and youre both too shocked at how well donghyuck planned this - you’re literaly forgetting to acknowledge the fact that the feeling is mutual and YOUR DOGS ARE DONE MATING - then it hits u and ur like “wait u like me?” - and marks like “i always have??? YOU LIKE ME?” - and youre like “I ALWAYS HAVE TOO” - and marks like “damn….. donghyuck really did this…..” - and you tell him you’re already planning dh’s death - and marks like “count me in…. he’s dead to me too….” - and you’re like “ill hold his arms you hold his legs” - so mark goes “we should plan this thoroughly over lunch… maybe this saturday?” - and you’re like “is that a date?” - and he’s like “PSH NO obviously nOt its a plan to kill donghyuck” - you’re like :333 “see you on saturday then” - and hes like “lets not bring our dogs” - and you’re like “agreed” - so now you’re going on a date with mark all thanks to donghyucks devious plan. that boy lied to both of you to get the truth out GENIUS
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legogonkdroid · 6 years
im gonna start a band just so i can sell that one neck deep tshirt that says "fuck neck deep mate theyre shit" but like, unironically
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thugzshack · 8 years
Im ashamed ive been using tumblr for 6 years now and still dont know how to add a photo to a caption/comment
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poppxnk-af · 8 years
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head to the ground//neck deep
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fl-u · 9 years
so happy i found out about neck deep
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