#fuck phai and thanu
iguessitsjustme · 1 year
For this poll, unhinged does not necessarily mean bad. So things that might be unhinged that happened in a show, but were manipulative, toxic, abusive, etc. did not get included.
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heretherebedork · 3 years
Wait wait wait, they let the audience vote out the soulmates? Can someone explain? I chose to ignore everything not MarkKit in GenY, so I’m internally cackling at this information.
Let me explain my understanding of what occurred!
Fans on twitter were given the ability to vote between PhaYu and ThanuYu as the canon pairing that would occur in Gen Y 2.
The fans, apparently (fans I don't know) voted for the end pair to be ThanuYu.
Now, as we can see, there's an issue with this.
Because Thanu has a soulmate. They have a whole flashforward and instant attraction and the notes and literally everything that lead to the answer being them getting together but also maybe not having a happy ending.
But because of the vote...
That's not gonna happen.
Instead we all have to live with the single most boring person in Thailand (Thanu) somehow just winning Yu (who deserves better) despite Pha (fuck him) coming back but also despite Phai (also deserved better) being his supposed supernatural soulmate.
... Look, if Gen Y wasn't a total mess, what else would it be?
I'm here for PokTong.
And MarkKit, though frankly I just want them to be happy together with no drama.
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thequeenofsastiel · 3 years
Gen Y Season 2 Episode 5 Review
Or is what I'm doing count as a recap? I don't know, what even are words anymore
We begin with Tong doing his best Bella from the beginning of New Moon impression(yes I watched those movies, don't judge me, the number of issues I have with them could fill several posts), and taking out his heartbreak on Kalae, who deserves better. And look, Tong, I have sympathy for you, but it's not really fair to hold Pok to a promise that he made before he knew about what you did with his scores, something that both indicated a complete lack of confidence in him and opened him up to blackmail without his knowledge or consent.
I was originally pleased that the show thought we were capable of remembering the whole shirt thing and didn't feel the need to provide us with a flashback, but then they subjected us to one when it came to Pok's turn to be silently sad, so 0/10, Gen Y.
I just noticed that Sandee and Phai appear side by side several times in the credits, just like the other couples, so it looks like they'll probably be endgame, which I'm pleased about, tbh.
So apparently Dun actually can act, because he did a good job in this scene with Pha.
Idk if you know this, Pha, but being abruptly broken up with right after your partner gives you flowers, when you think the both of you are deeply in love with each other, and are given no explanation for it, is kinda traumatizing and ruins good memories, because you're not sure anymore whether the person was actually feeling what you were feeling at the time.
You want Thanu to explain the situation to Wayu after Pha dies? The situation being that no one respected Wayu enough to tell him the truth? Or give him a chance to say goodbye? Fuck off with that bullshit, Pha.
I know that I have mutuals(whom I adore) who are into the idea of "Darth Sandee"(a nickname I admittedly love), but I find mustache twirling villains dull. I like when they're at least somewhat sympathetic, and the show gave us a sympathetic Sandee this episode. There were no evil smirks. He just seemed like a guy who was resigned to never being with the person he loved, and was doing his best to make sure that the person he loved got to be with the person they loved. He's doing it all in a very misguided way, but I think his heart is in the right place.
Also I love that Phai hasn't given up on him.
Gotta say, if someone I love is looking all distant and then says that they have something to tell me after we eat, I'm putting my fork down and asking them to tell me now.
Oh yay, another feeding scene that couldn't be less sexy. Also I thought Thanu said he'd tell Wayu after the meal. Why is he doing archery now?
I'm sorry, Thanu, but that metaphor was bizarre. Honestly, though, I really appreciate that Thanu respects Wayu enough to tell him the truth.
Ngl, I thought at first that they were doing the whole "Pha can't see" thing so that Wayu could be there but walk away before Pha realized it was him.
Bas did an excellent job in this scene. Also I can't not love that Pha's hand is bigger than Wayu's face.
Wayu was a little unnecessarily indifferent towards Thanu after he came out of Pha's hospital room. Though admittedly it was the most natural he's ever seemed in a scene with Dun.
Why didn't we get to see Mark's reaction to Wayu finding out about Pha? The show is really doing Wayu and Mark's relationship dirty in this season. They have a great friendship. Mark was there for him so much during Wayu's heartbreak over Pha. And now we don't get to see them talk about it right after Wayu finds out? Come on, show, get it together.
Okay, the way Kit put Mark to bed was super cute, from the fluffing of the pillows to the elaborate hand gesture to the multiple kisses. But Kit, come on, you really think Mark, who is complete trash for you, is going to fall asleep with you sitting there gazing at him lovingly?
I love that Kit's immediate reaction to finding out that there's hope for Pha was to wake Mark up so that he could share the news with him.
It's weird for Wayu to hallucinate Thanu as Sab. It would make far more sense narratively for him to hallucinate Thanu as Pha. But whatever. I honestly don't think I could care less about the Pha-Wayu-Thanu love triangle.
Okay, it's a fucking crime that we're only seeing the aftermath of their date and not the actuality of it.
It looks like Koh is more willing to accept the idea of them dating than Jack is, at least emotionally. True, Jack sent the text, but Koh accepted and just assumed they'd go again. Also, he looked hopeful last episode that he and Jack might go on a date with each other than with Wayu, whereas Jack just looked frustrated.
Look, I want to be annoyed at the whole KohJack/JackKoh thing, because it has that "the receptive partner is lesser" idea, along with the obnoxious heteronormativity that you sometimes see in BL shows, but the way the two of them do it is just so charming and funny that I can't be too irritated.
WHY are Pok and Tong sitting next to each other? That's just...nothing about that makes sense. In my experience with painful breakups, if the two of you share friends you tend to try to not be with them at the same time until the painful feelings lessen. And even if you choose to be there together, you definitely aren't as physically close to each other as possible.
More Sandee looking forlorn instead of malicious. I'm here for it.
Who ARE those guys, and why are they fucking with Pok? Though I'm kind of relieved it was just a simple locking him inside the pool area prank instead of violence.
Okay, Pok has bad friends. If I found out that my friend was trapped, I'd drop everything to go help them, not leave them there while I did my own thing.
Mark barging into Pha's room playing the guitar was mega charming. I love Mark. And Pha ratting Kit out about having a crush on Mark while Mark was courting him was super cute.
Wait, so Wayu hasn't bothered to contact Thanu? Dick move.
Mark coming in with some free range truth here.
I'm confused. Is Kit planning on applying and not telling Mark, or not applying and still not telling Mark?
Ugh, that whole discussion was so irritating to watch. Mark is clearly trying to be brave and do what's best for Kit, and Kit takes that as Mark wanting Kit to leave? Come on, Kit, you have more emotional intelligence than that.
I know an episode is bad when I'm sitting there just waiting for it to end so I can write the review. And tbh I think I had more fun writing this than actually watching the episode.
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whymustyoube · 3 years
gen y season 2
This show is insane??? Awful in the most wonderful way?? Anyways time to list all the insane things it done
JACK AND KOH??? I love enemies to lovers, but I swear they’re going to give them the least amount of screen time which is a shame
I don’t care for Pok and Topang, which I’m even sure is either of their names which says a lot. The guy with the mullet is pulling it off though.
Mark and Kit are delivering as always, even though they’re not the focus of this season.
The Thanu, Wayu, Phai storyline is very convoluted??? Thanu just be clear and honest with Wayu, this man is traumatized from miscommunication.
FUCK PHA!!! I don’t care that he’s dying!! He should’ve told Wayu instead of just mysteriously disappearing and leaving him to guess! Also fuck him for making Kit stressed and putting responsibilities on him that aren’t his. Mark was right in saying that Wayu should know!!
Yes I am actually invested in the Wayu Thanu disaster. They’re cute together. Phai and Thanu had no chemistry in my personal opinion and also it was very weird that a older college kid such as Thanu would ever pursue a high schooler. Though now Phai is in college now, it still doesn’t sit right. Anyways Wayu and Thanu are a good couple to focus on. They’re cute and have chemistry. Would’ve been great if Wayu could’ve just been single and get a break from being messed with emotionally by men. Let my boy breathe.
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kurosawabestboy · 4 years
there are three types of people in the gen y fandom rn:
1. ppl that ship thanu with wayu
2. ppl that ship thanu with phai
3. ppl that are just plain fucking confused ????
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227moons · 4 years
Now that they confirmed we’re getting 2 more seasons of Gen Y, I bet we're getting an open ending on this one and I am MAD. I mean, there's just too much to unpack in 2 eps. Think about it:
The whole Pha thing: what happened to him? Why did he leave like that? What the fuck is wrong with him? 
Wayu + Thanu + Phai: I'm just lost here with the whole visions thingy. Like, I bet at the very end of the series Wayu isn’t gonna end up with Thanu but my poor boy has suffered so much already... LET HIM BE HAPPY AND IN LOVE, FFS
Phai and Sandee? I’m lost here too. I read a post saying that what if Sandee had visions about him and Phai in the far future and that's why he talks about destiny so much? I mean, makes sense to me
The beef between Padbok and Thanu: we still know NOTHING about them... I neeeeeed to know.
Jack and Koh: Are those two gonna end up together or...? I love the whole enemies to lovers trope, so I can only hope lmao
Sandee and Tong: what the flying fucking FUCK?! I did NOT see that coming, but there’s something off... Why did  he do that?
Tong. And. Pok. I'm confused about Tong's feelings for Pok tbh but... Idk man, idk.
I lowkey want to know about Jew and Yuki... I hope they end up together because they're cute.
I bet I’m forgetting something but yeah, there's just TOO MUCH and we only have 2 eps left. Also, I want more cute MarkKit scenes because I love them with all my heart and they're everything right in this world.
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konaizumi · 4 years
Gen Y ep 12 thoughts/reaction
- ok, so confirmed that wayu and thanu did in fact see shared visions
- a small part of my heart dies every time i see my baby wayu cry
- so, i wonder if there will be more visions next season
- i love wayu saying that he thought destiny brought him and pha together bc i think it’s going to make it more powerful when/if they [wayu and thanu] choose each other once wayu finds out about phai
- my poor baby phai tho, i just want all my babies to be happy
- i hope that once wayu finds out about phai they still stay friends, they’re very cute together and they care about each other and i hope they never start disliking each other or fighting
- very glad phai did what he did, i was was worried for a second that he was not going to give up, but he didn’t and i love him so much and i know he’s going to get a bunch of angst next season but i just want him to find a nice boyfriend whose uncomplicated and loves him like he deserves
- i still don’t know to feel about poktong, like i want them to end up together (i think), but i keep swaying back and forth bc sometimes their cute and fluffy but then you have the weird aggression and them saying they hate each other which is kinda uncomfortable to watch
- 25 min in and we finally see some markkit
- i live for every single one of kit’s awkward smiles (he’s so awkward in this scene and i love him)
- the scene where kit tells mark that he’s fully his boyfriend and past the probation phase had better be as amazing as it deserves
- can we pls stop with the romantic non-con, it’s these scenes that make me dislike poktong
- also they’ve been building up to it so much that when poktong finally kisses it had better be one fucking amazing kiss
- i hate it so much in bls when they kiss someone’s neck like that it looks very weird and not sexy
- jesus christ those fucking hickies
- can poktong just admit that they have feelings and get it over with already
- thanu is so cute and pure “this will be my first time and i’ll try my best” and he says this completely seriously, he’s too precious
- i want to see more of this padbok who just goofs off with his friends and isn’t an asshole with anger issues
- where can i find a partner as sweet as thanu
- thanu sending him and notes and wayu making a scrapbook, they’re so cute together
- i assuming it was pha who bought all the viva plus? they didn’t really comment further on it
- i knew pha was gonna be back this ep bc we saw his car last ep but i was hoping he wasn’t gonna come back just to start shit
- it’s not true love unless you can start a water fight with them
- also how long did the actors have to film the water fight, their shirts are so wet they’re see through lol
- markkit are living together confirmed!!!
- why did they have to make sandee an asshole? he was so sweet but now i have to unadopt him
- so i’m assuming sandee’s goal in showing the picture to wayu was to break them up so phai can get thanu, now the question is whether he did that out of friendship or love bc i still think phaisandee could potentially be endgame
- please stop hurting my babies
- i’m very glad wayu clearly intends to talk to thanu about it and not just immediately break up with him
- the high school babies ship markkit so hard
- the blindfold scene is so cute tho, kit trying to hold back a smile while mark is touching his face
- jackkoh, pls just admit you like each other and not wayu
- i really like the cinematography of the scene with pha, the cuts between his feet, oblivious wayu still touching people, people around him noticing pha
- y’all, i was really hoping it would be god as pha bc then i would feel some lingering sympathy with him but i have no idea who this actor is so he’s gonna have to work real hard to win me over
- i get that markkit’s story is over so they don’t need as much screentime but I do wish they had waited until season 2 before completely relegating them to the background, but i do hope the get a bit more screentime next season so they can really explore the consequences of pha coming back not just with wayu but also with kit, i wanna see pha jumping through fucking hoops to get kit to forgive him
- so next season we are getting thanu/wayu/phai/pha love square, resolution to poktong, resolution/redemption for padbok, possibly a sandee plotline, hopefully a kit pha storyline, hopefully a jackkoh storyline, more married markkit
- i love this show so much, i love markkit so much, i’m very excited for next season and i’m gonna die if something happens to season 2
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agmapansa3008 · 4 years
The beauty of Gen Y is that you have Mark and Kit and their story and then you have A BAZZILLION other characters who just get shuffled around.
Thanu had a moment with Wayu and Phai in the same episode.
Sandee seems to have a thing for Phai, but will he let him go if destiny tells him to? You can bet your arse he will!
That being said, the owner of the cafe also seems to have a thing for Phai, but aren't the three in highschool??
Sansab seems to have a weird thing with Padbok, but Padbok is literally a psycho, so do we want that to happen?
Then there's Tong and Pok, who I almost forgot completely. Also Phai is apparently desperate for Pok to manage his exams? So what's that all about? And who is Tong saving his first kiss for?
Thanu and Padbok have a weird history together that ended with betrayal. But there's also some hidden truth involved.
Koh and Jack are trying to get with Wayu, but really don't they just want to get with each other??
Poor Wayu just wants to have sketchy as fuck Pha back, who seems to be awfully jealous for someone who's literally dumped the poor baby and has never been seen on screen.
Who will they end up with? Nobody knows! Least of all them! And we haven't even met everyone!
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deshimango · 4 years
sumaya reviews gen y season 1
summary: gen y is another 2moons alternate universe where markkit (mingkit) are the main couple and get loads of screen time and also kit and wayu (wayo) have younger brothers and the brothers and their friends are all supporting characters as well as some of mark and wayu’s seniors. kit, wayu (wayo) and mark (ming) are all played by same actors as 2moons
rating: 5.5/10
spoiler warning!
-markkit get so much screen time so if you’re still mad at 2moons(2) for doing them dirty, watch this
-markkit have natural chemistry and play well off of each other and it doesn’t feel awkward
-the acting isn’t half bad
-mark and wayu are the bestest of friends and it’s just wholesome to see them support each other
-the characters got a fair amount of time to have friendships outside of their relationship/love interest and that was a nice change for these kinds of shows
-(all) the actors from the moment: i need you are in this
-i find both mark and kit really likeable as characters and wayu is cool too
-tong/pok were so fucked up?? i don’t even know what they were tryna do with their storyline because it didn’t make sense and also unclear consent
-sandee’s character was completely a plot device and his personality changed depending on which storyline he was a part of
-thanu’s indecisiveness is so annoying and i don’t like love triangles but at least he’s hot
-thanu and phai’s age difference made me uncomfortable because when they meet phai is in high school and thanu by age should be in his 3rd or 4th year of university that’s at least a 3 year age gap while one of them is 17/18
-the destiny/visions plot was kinda outta nowhere ??
-padbok is so annoying and violent for no reason?? he’s a complete asshole and i hate him
-honestly there were so many characters it was hard to keep track of (according to mdl there’s 19 main/supporting characters and only 2 of them are girls)
-there’s like 2? make out scenes where one of them is drunk, the drunk one being the one to initiate and idk how i feel about that but it did make me uncomfy
would i watch again: only the markkit parts but not the whole thing
overall: another mediocre bl show but i enjoyed most of it. if you’re planning to watch gen y, i would recommend skipping the tong/pok parts and if you’re sensitive to violence or anything i mentioned, please ask someone to find you the timestamps.
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smolbabu02 · 4 years
Okay okay oka let talk about Gen Y. Yes I had to wait a day to talk about this shit cause it gave me the biggest fucking headache. First off what the actual fuck was that ending. It’s like watching fucking 2moons2 all over it and that good forbidden ending. Another thing Fuck you Sandee I though you was Ight like I shipped fucking Sandee and Phai like yes good couple. I can see that been shipping it sense they both came on screen together. Look after Markkit got together I was lost. It’s like they stopped showing Mark and kit to focus on everyone else and year I see why but like wasn’t Mark and kit the main couple of the series. Like I was low key cheering for Thanu and Wayu. Thanu hasn’t pissed me off and I didn’t wanna shave his eyebrows but like that one scene when they were talking and walking and holding hands and PHA CAR WAS THERE I still wanna why the fuck that man was there like. But I don’t understand why Sandee would take the picture from Phai room like what was the purpose of him doing that. I don’t understand.
Ima make another part cause I don’t wanna make this messy
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heretherebedork · 3 years
The Battle is back! And the Pining is back too! This time, the contestants are reshuffled and you, will decide who pines better and meets your standard. And the contestants are:
Kongpob vs. Bbomb
Mhok vs. Fiat
Kaeng vs. Mon
Kurosawa vs. Na
Third vs. Aey
Un vs. Chon
Mark vs. Pok
Puth vs. Tue
Kim Taehyung (Ryu's Wedding) vs. Sanha (Mr. Heart)
Pete (DBK) vs. Tann
Sarawat vs. Cairo
Mork vs. Fighter
Haoting vs. YongJie
Mek vs. Wayo (2moons2)
Forth vs. Thanu
Tri vs. Prab
Yu Hao (CTL) vs. Lichen
Shide vs. Nubsib
Ae vs. Tew (SOTUS S)
Kao (Oxygen) vs. Solo
Ming (2moons2) vs. Tum
Mes vs. In (UWMA)
Ram vs. Boss
Jedi (Close Friend) vs. Zon
Blue vs. Team (Y-Destiny)
Pi vs. Tsuge
Yeon Woo (Color Rush) vs. Jack (Trapped)
Man vs. Shin (3willbeFree)
Kang Gook vs. Ryu Ho Seon (Ryu's Wedding)
Tin vs. Kengkla
Mark (En of Love) vs. Wayu (Gen Y)
Phai (Gen Y) vs. Hin (LBC2)
Kongpob vs. Bbomb
This is a cruel, cruel choice. I love both of these boys so much and they have such similar stories and they work so well in their shows and I just love them so much. But I had to go with Kongpob in the end because, honestly, he had more room to pine because he's had so much more show to work with. But Bbomb is catching up quick with this last episode.
Mhok vs. Fiat
Fiat is just so good at pining. I just can't. Mhok got better in the special but he wasn't a good piner before that. He was much more toxic then Fiat ever was because Fiat was just going to hide away and never, ever talk about his feelings instead. So Fiat has to win. I love a piner who's willing to pine themselves away.
Kaeng vs. Mon
How do I choose?!? They're both so different at pining and so adorable and I love them both deeply in their own way. I think I have to go with Kaeng based on my four pillars of pining because he really does the best of filling them... sort of? They're both adorable, damnit.
Kurosawa vs. Na
Sorry, Na. Love you! But Kurosawa pretty much always wins. I cannot deny him anything. He always wins because he's the cutest and the softest and the most loving ever. So he wins without hesitation. Sorry! Love Na, though.
Third vs. Aey
This was hard but for the opposite reason of most of the others. Ugh. I went with Third because, I mean, pining? All the boy did was pine and cry in showers uselessly. Aey might have been pining but he was also too severely damaged to really pine in an enjoyable or healthy way.
Un vs. Chon
DAMN. This choice is interesting. I really do like Un's small and soft pining. But Chon. CHON. I love Chon so much and his tiny relationship trajectory and his adorableness. Plus, his pining is just fantastic.
Mark vs. Pok
Mark went more with pursuit than pining so I'm gonna give this to Pok. Pok gets to fuck Tong AND pine and it's absolutely fascinating honestly. I love him. Please let Gen Y season 2 exist sooner rather than later. I just want more of their mess!
Puth vs. Tue
... This is a rough choice because, honestly, I'm not sure how good either of their pining is. I went with Puth because he was pretty cute with Payu but it was still barely pining, honestly. And Tue is just... man, they were basically together in like 5 minutes y'all.
Kim Taehyung (Ryu's Wedding) vs. Sanha (Mr. Heart)
I gotta give it to Sanha. That boy's the happiest piner I've ever seen and he deserved all the joy in the world when he finally got his man. Taehyung was adorable and historical himbo beauty and he really was grand... but Sanha, yo, Sanha.
Pete (DBK) vs. Tann
Gotta give it to Tann. I gotta! He met him in university, never said anything and then managed to fall into him a second time. And got his adorable happy ending but with the perfect drama. Love a man who gets his man.
Sarawat vs. Cairo
I just don't like Sarawat that much. I also don't buy his pining. Sorry, y'all. Cairo was at least cute and I believed all of his emotions and all his feelings and his wants and needs and such. But Wat? Nope.
Mork vs. Fighter
No one loses to Mork. No one, ever, loses to Mork. It's impossible to lose a pining battle to a cardboard cutout. I would pick a character I didn't know over Mork. But I don't have to because I got Fighter! And I love Fighter! And Fighter's relationship with Tutor and his desperate pining and his need to get closer while still avoiding his feelings at all cost... I love him so much.
Haoting vs. YongJie
I am going with HaoTing despite my poor memory re: MODC because I remember adoring him and, frankly, YongJie made a better pursuer than piner because he was going to Get What He Wanted no matter what.
Mek vs. Wayo (2moons2)
I love Mek. I love Mek more than I should ever be allowed. Mek wins. Mek wins and I will miss him forever and ever and ever and ever and I love him. Sorry, Wayo. Also, Wayo, you're just a biiiit too much for my taste in the useless department. Sorry.
Forth vs. Thanu
Thanu can go to hell. At least Forth was cute and ended up happy. Thanu is just obnoxious.
Tri vs. Prab The Twins (Mab and Mob)
Ughhhhhh, do I have to chose? They both suck. The twins were the best piners in Brothers. So I declare them the winners instead! Sorry. Twins win!!!
Yu Hao (CTL) vs. Lichen
This one is close. But Lichen's soft and sad acceptance that he was just going to pine after Muren wins this for me. Yu Hao was adorable and wonderful, no denials. But Lichen's soft acceptance of his rejection? Was so good.
Shide vs. Nubsib
Another hard one! I wnet with ShiDe because his pining included a willingness to never have anything while Nubsib was like 'mine, this is going to be MINE and I will never give it up'. And I love pining that's willing to be unreciprocated.
Ae vs. Tew (SOTUS S)
I had to do Ae because, honestly, I don't remember Tew at all. SOTUS S is on my rewatch list for summer, okay? Promise! Also I love Ae and his feral demisexuality.
Kao (Oxygen) vs. Solo
I had to go with Kao. Kao's pining and pursuit are my favorite in the show. He learns to love bunnies! Come on! Solo was adorable and I love him and Gui deeply but Kao and Phu became my favorite.
Ming (2moons2) vs. Tum
Ming wins. Mings so hard it almost hurts. I love Ming, I love MingKit, I love boys who can melt a tsundere heart and I love a melted tsundere so much it almost hurts. Plus, Ming does a great job of pining and flirting.
Mes vs. In (UWMA)
In is not a piner. In is the opposite of a piner. In does not pine. In walks up to a guy everyone says is dangerous and asks him out on a date. Anyone wins over In because In doesn't pine. But Mes is also adorable.
Ram vs. Boss
This one is hard. I don't actually consider Boss to be a good piner. I feel like he missed the mark, especially in comparision to Mek. But Ram also isn't the most pining of characters. Though he definitely does better than Boss. So Ram it is!
Jedi (Close Friend) vs. Zon
I had to go with Jedi because Zon is more pursued than pining. He does do some, no denial. But Jedi is the best and adorable about his whole pining and every time he sees Ray he turns into a tiny incoherent creature of nothing but want and need. Love. LOVE>
Blue vs. Team (Y-Destiny)
I miss Blue. I wish we'd gotten a special for that couple as well as the SaifanZon special, honestly. Because they deserved so much better than COVID gave them. Also, Team
Pi vs. Tsuge
Tsuge wins. He was so adorable and useless. Just adorable. And his love of cats and delivery boys and awkwardness and the fact that, in the end, he learned how to communicate... I love him so much, okay?
Yeon Woo (Color Rush) vs. Jack (Trapped)
Gotta go with Color Rush every time. Jack is adorable but Yeon Woo wins all pining wars. Ugh, the pining in that show. So good. Such a god show.
Man vs. Shin (3willbeFree)
Nearly impossible choice. But I love and miss Shin, okay? He deserves this. He was so soft and so in love and so unsure and he deserved in in every way.
Kang Gook vs. Ryu Ho Seon (Ryu's Wedding)
I gotta give it to Kang Gook. He was willing to give up so much and so willing to just keep going and just... yeah. Sorry. I gotta give it to him.
Tin vs. Kengkla
KENGKLA IS CANCELED FOREVER. Tin wins because he is both adorable and absolutely useless. I mean, breaking Can's phone just to get his phone number? SO GOOD. So stupid. I love it so much. Also, Kengkla can burn in hell.
Mark (En of Love) vs. Wayu (Gen Y)
This was hard. But I had to go with Wayu. I just... I had to give this to him, okay? He's cute and he's soft and he might be useless and their relationship was never that great but like... he's cute? And healthier than Mark. I dunno, I never loved Mark.
Phai (Gen Y) vs. Hin (LBC2)
This one was rough. But I gotta give to Hin. I mean, damn. DAMN. I love Hin. And I love his story. And Phai just ended up in such a mess... Oof. At least Hin came to his adorable pining senses.
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thequeenofsastiel · 3 years
Gen Y Season 2 Episode 6 Review
But again this is more accurately a liveblog with a review at the end.
So we begin with people attacking Pok for being better than them at pool. Is this really a thing that happens a bunch? And why tf isn't Pok reporting it? Is it some dumb alpha male thing?
We've got some stalker Tong with really intensely melodramatic music as he discovers Pok's...idk what it's called. Swimming head scarf thing. And how does he know that it's Pok's? It looks pretty plain and nondescript to me.
Oh yay, more Wayu/Thanu 🥱. The strongest emotion I felt watching the two of them and their flashbacks was concern about Wayu cutting the apple towards himself. When you're cutting something, never aim the sharp object towards any part of your body.
Honestly, a bedridden, sickly Pha has more chemistry with Wayu than Thanu ever has. I can't begin to express how little I'm looking forward to watching the two of them kiss. It'll be painful.
It's utterly precious but unsurprising that Mark has a heart next to Kit's name. I'm glad that they're being sweet with each other. I was concerned we'd get a weird estrangement.
Wow, they are really hamming it up with the light in the background and the romantic music and the wound tending. I love it. I also love that Koh appears to have accepted his attraction to Jack and is turning on the flirt.
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The way all these guys are standing around smirking 😂
Ngl, I almost turned off the episode after their scene ended.
Great, more pining. Tbh Bas and Dun have more chemistry with each other when they're not in the same room. Also I feel like there's gotta be some significance to the placement of the heart emojis next to each others name, but I can't really bring myself to care.
So Kit's plan is to wait until one of them cracks before he'll see Mark? That's...that's so deeply immature, but then again Mark is 19/20 and Kit is 20/21, which means that level of maturity isn't entirely out of place, so I'll let it slide.
I was wondering if Sandee was in that chat group. A big yikes right there.
I LOVE both the fact that Phai said a big fuck you to destiny and got a different tattoo, and the tattoo itself.
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Kinda want to steal it.
Also Bank has beautiful hands.
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I love how vulnerable and hopeful Sandee looks here. Ever since Phai told him about Thanu, I think Sandee resigned himself to never being with Phai. I think this is the first time since then that he's allowed himself to consider the possibility that he might get to be with Phai.
Holy shit Sandee and Phai have a fuck ton of chemistry.
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This might actually make up for having to endure the black hole of chemistry that is ThanuWayu.
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He's so soft! I love it. I'm entirely here for these two.
Moving on.
How did Kit know which bag to give Wayu? Oh wait I don't care.
Okay, this coach is a dick. Did he really have to embarrass that dude in front of the whole team?
How many times is Pok going to let those guys get away with beating him up? Especially since they keep hitting his abdomen. Has he heard of internal bleeding?
Wow, Tong, way to invade the living space of the dude who broke up with you. If I was Pok I'd be changing the locks. Honestly I'm getting tired of them. Forgive me, mutuals who love them.
Sandee redemption! I'll admit it: I'm trash for redemption storylines. Like, utter and complete trash. And I always liked Sandee before his villain storyline. Super hoping that that's over and done with.
Also, look at how soft Phai is for Sandee!
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He's so proud of him and so happy that they get to be friends again.
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The cuteness! All I want from the two of them for the rest of this series is sweetness and love.
There endeth the notes I took while watching this episode. I seem to recall the end of it being something to do with Thanu and Wayu, but I don't care enough to go back and check.
Overall a better episode than last week. I'm invested enough in SandeePhai and JackKoh to keep watching, but everything else is boring or annoying. Which is frustrating, because I used to be invested in MarkKit and PokTong. I hope those couples become interesting to me again.
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misterbitches · 4 years
what is going on in thailand as in specifically the thailand in gen y the series like whomstdve at this couple. this thanu storyline....absolutely stupid 
i only watch the show for one thing anyways but im like brehhhhhh at this s/l THAT’S FUCKED lmao 
it being serialized is obvious but if there are 3 more seasons that makes even more ense tbh. it’s a super dense show and this is a lot of material to get through in one season so tha’ts good. there’s nothing else to do tbh and it’ not abysmal. now what i wonder is how to make thanu and phai likeable in any capacity lmao 
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heesulovebot · 4 years
hmmm 🤔 wayu, phai (ha ha in case u forgot its kits younger brother 😌) and TEH 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰
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wayu 🥺
GENERAL OPINION: fall in a hole and die | don’t like them | eh | they’re fine I guess | like them! | love them | actual love of my life HOTNESS LEVEL: get away from me | meh | neutral | theoretically hot but not my type | pretty hot | gorgeous! | 10/10 would bang HOGWARTS HOUSE: gryffindor | slytherin | ravenclaw | hufflepuff BEST QUALITY: he’s super kind, sometimes a little too much. but, he’s still got some sass to him which is nice— i mean u gotta to handle the necio.   WORST QUALITY: lets ain’t shit bois affect him @p’pha 😤 SHIP THEM WITH: theoretically thanu but thanu on thin fucking ice.... he’s lucky he’s got nice eyebrows >:((( BROTP THEM WITH: markyu 🥺🥺🥺💕💕💕 NEEDS TO STAY AWAY FROM: p’pha’s dumb ass  MISC. THOUGHTS: the way i hated him so much in the beginning and once i got over the fact he looks like the sloth from ice age kdnfsdjn i grew to love him :’) 
phai 🙄
GENERAL OPINION: fall in a hole and die | don’t like them | eh | they’re fine I guess | like them! | love them | actual love of my life HOTNESS LEVEL: get away from me | meh | neutral | theoretically hot but not my type | pretty hot | gorgeous! | 10/10 would bang HOGWARTS HOUSE: gryffindor | slytherin | ravenclaw | hufflepuff | idc  BEST QUALITY: idc WORST QUALITY: idc SHIP THEM WITH: NOT THANU BROTP THEM WITH: ig sab idc  NEEDS TO STAY AWAY FROM: me, idc about the hs subplots lmfao MISC. THOUGHTS: i h8 u jay
teh 🥰
GENERAL OPINION: fall in a hole and die | don’t like them | eh | they’re fine I guess | like them! | love them | actual love of my life | my child, my baby HOTNESS LEVEL: get away from me | meh | neutral | theoretically hot but not my type | pretty hot | gorgeous! | 10/10 would bang | he is my son and if you thirst after him you’re going to hell HOGWARTS HOUSE: gryffindor | slytherin | ravenclaw | hufflepuff (tehoh slytherin boyfriends) BEST QUALITY: diligent, loyal, and caring 🥺 i will die a teh apologist lmfaoooo but bby boy is trying his best. literally worked so hard to get into uni, and ended up giving it up for oh-aew. honestly he can be selfish, but that was truly such a selfless act (honestly idt i could ever do that) and it goes to show that not only was it because he was in love with oh-aew, but because oh-aew is his best friend and he genuinely cares about him (the way he cried when his mom asked him “why?”— “what was i supposed to do? my friend wasn’t going to get in” these tears are thug tears dsjkfnsdkjnfjks 😭😭😭😭)    WORST QUALITY: PETTY af, impulsive, stubborn ass mofo. we really saw the ugliest sides of teh and maybe that’s another reason i can’t hate him???? he’s human, we’re all a fucking mess when we’re teenagers. idk it just felt really real to me. that we could scorn his behaviour but empathize with him the moment we saw the vulnerability and the motive behind his behaviour. i think also as an ethnic child with a single mom, it really hit hard when we saw that a lot of the things teh does is because of his mother (and then i saw his mother freak out at him and the ptsd was too real lmfao) SHIP THEM WITH: tehoh4lyfe 😩😩😩😭😭🥺🥺🥺💕💕 BROTP THEM WITH: hoon best brother 🥺 & tarn best girl 😩💖 NEEDS TO STAY AWAY FROM: “want me to tutor you?” is not a suitable pick up line anymore, teh 🙄 MISC. THOUGHTS: @NADAO ITSAY P2 WHEN👏👏👏👏
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konaizumi · 4 years
Gen Y Ep 10 thoughts/reaction
- I was excited for them to finally do it but kit falling asleep was pretty adorable, plus I always love to see a pouty mark (plus I’m glad their first time wasn’t when kit was drunk)
-  kit waking up, seeing mark’s clothes, realizing the situation, and immediately grabbing mark’s engineering shirt to cover himself up is just *chef’s kiss*
- petition for kit to wear mark’s engineering shirt at least once an episode
- mark: I want to give you my most important thing
  me: gear gear gear gear
  mark: grabs the gear
  me: *squeals*
- but seriously I loved that whole sequence it was so sweet
- markkit is def in my top 5 bl couples
- I am very glad phai is addressing the fact that some of those visions did not imply a happily ever after
- after watching this ep I am now pretty confident that it’s thanuwayu and phaisandee endgame
- I need them to stop introducing new characters i cant keep up (even if they are very cute)
- mark being ready to move in together and open a bank account together, I love the domesticity
- “should we go to his room...or the government savings bank” wayu I would die for you
- also markkit please keep it up with the matching couple outfits
- i fucking love the HS babies, they’re so cute like little ducklings
- kit hiding the second toothbrush and sandee pretending not to see mark’s laundry
- just move in with him already kit
- pls pls pls more interactions between the babies and markkitwayu
- how come when bls try to make a het couple as a serious sideplot it’s really bad but when the het couple is super minor it’s actually very cute? anyways yuki deserves someone who will love her like jiw
- can koh and jack pls just admit their feelings for each other and date and be cute already (glad to see them gracefully moving on from wayu tho)
- koh and jack need an our skyy ep, I just want 40 min of them being dumbasses in love
- I forgot jack and thanu used to be in the same friend group and i want to see more of them being friends
- im glad phai is being cautious about the whole soulmates things and isnt just trying to jump straight in
- kit watching mark dance the hippo song
- pls just stop hurting my baby he’s been through enough
- shout out to mark for being the bestest friend and calling out thanu
- though i do understand where thanu is coming from, he has feelings for wayu but also maybe for phai and he doesn’t think it’s right for him to be with wayu if he also has feelings for someone else (thus the whole “im not good enough for him”)
- jack and koh already act like a married couple and i love them
- boy do i not like the weird twist the poktong story has taken and i was already only lukewarm on it in the first place, but since this is kinda long already i’ll make a separate post about it
- all the schemes to keep wayu and thanu apart are cute but also sad
- damn this situation sucks bc there’s really no way to resolve it without wayu getting hurt in some way
- anyway, other than the poktong thing, my only complaint about the ep is not enough markkit but there’s never enough, other than that i’m just invested in seeing where this story goes, i’m also pretty hopeful that we’ll avoid the ep 11 breakup seeing how good and healthy markkit’s relationship is, so fingers crossed
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heretherebedork · 4 years
I hate ThanuWayo.
I... wasn’t expecting that.
But I genuinely hate them together.
They bring out all the things I don’t like in their characters.
They’re annoying in a sappy way that I’ve never really experienced before.
They’re just too obnoxiously perfect together without ever really talking.
I just want to shove them apart and never let them together.
It’s very weird.
I’m team Phai-finds-someone-better and Wayo-just-kind-of-stays-single and Thanu-goes-away-or-fucks-Padbok.
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