#fuck that. maybe i'll use the wips for later tho
smittyw · 6 months
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i wanted to make some dinky elevator pitch introductions for my fav ocs because.. i dont talk about them very coherently it seems. or at all! what!!
to finally make up for that i'll put my extended edition under the cut below. love peace taco grease and stay frosty forever
so from what i gather in my notes, razz is the only recognizable one around here who got their lore blasted from a megaphone the second i came up with it. after that i got shy.. i was too busy having thoughts to ever explain who molly and Q were or where they came from. and its been like 2 years. well!
nat and molly are formerly codependent childhood friends and funhouse mirror versions of each other who split paths after high school. theyre like if two besties fated to be a detective duo spat on fate's shoes and ran off in different directions to do the same thing but badly & alone.. molly actually hit the books to become a private investigator, champion of truth and justice, while nat hit the pavement to become a paparazzo, champion of clickbait. they hate each other a lot but given the slightest chance they will attach at the hip again and drain the life from each other.
Q is later to the party, a terminally exhausted college dropout and shut-in with a notable (anonymous) presence in the online music scene. every slight inconvenience in his life is a straw and when the last one hits boy is he ready to just drive into the sunset or maybe the ocean or maybe just live in his car and stop talking to people forever. if the band they joined out of peer pressure makes it big or they get found out for their alter ego its so over..but luckily they started dating the most nosy and paranoid idiot alive & inadvertently pissed off the second most nosy and paranoid idiot alive in the process, so surely nothing like that could ever happen
these goobs run in slightly different circles that overlap juuust enough to be a problem, and its hard not to run into the most annoying eccentrics in their unserious version of LA slightly stuck out of time. if i were reintroducing lore important characters itd include plenty more than just them (eg freddy mysteriously missing from this description of events as if he isnt also there) but imho i have no obligation to pay attention to anything outside the range of my hyperfixation blast. the important thing to me rn is just to let yall know what the hell im talking about when i make stupid jokes everyday about girlies who dont exist <3
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callmearcturus · 9 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers
tagged by @lo-fi-charming
1. How many works do you have on AO3? 82, 83 if you include the one I wish I hadn't orphaned.
2. What’s your total Ao3 word count? 2,721,477 words
3. What fandoms do you write for? Oh boy. Homestuck, The Magnus Archives, Mission Impossible, Borderlands, Welcome to Night Vale. Some one-offs in other fandoms. First really cut my teeth on The Dresden Files.
4. What are your top five fics by kudos? Let's seeeee.
dustsceawung (The Magnus Archives) with 4,600 kudos
a steady hand, a delicate man (The Magnus Archives) with 3,316 kudos
dripping with alchemy (Borderlands) with 2,663 kudos
The Eurydice Suite (Homestuck) with 2,164 kudos
I'll bring the motion (The Magnus Archives) with 2,163 kudos
5. Do you respond to comments? When I have something fun or interesting to say, yeah. I don't wanna just say "thanks!" on every comment so I tend to try to repay the comment with a tidbit or something?
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? Hmmm. See I'm a Happy Ending Guaranteed kind of writer so I don't know. Maybe we float before the sea at dusk because it's technically a bad end?
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? GOD that's hard... I think maybe all the world is earth and water or the Five Years Later ending of The Eurydice Suite.
8. Do you get hate on fics? Not anymore. 8)
9. Do you write smut? what's smut never heard of her
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written? I'm going to choose to interpret this as "fusions" instead of "crossovers" and in that case I have written....
Homestuck/Inception (The Eurydice Suite), Homestuck/Kinda Sorta John Wick (so we don't kill the ones we love), Homestuck/Fallout New Vegas (out here the good girls die), and WTNV/Good Omens (all plans are golden in your hands)
Out of those, I think the New Vegas one is the most out-of-left-field.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen? By now, at least 10 times that I'm aware or.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? A few times, yep! Russian and Ukrainian I think.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? BOY HAVE I.
14. What’s your all time favorite ship? I despise this question and if this question had a face, I would punch it. I assume this has to be a ship I have written since this is a writing questionnaire.
In my heart of hearts, it's Karkat and Kanaya. I enjoy their platonic love more than any romance pairing....
SEE THE PROBLEM WITH THIS QUESTION is that I... think for me personally, the pairing is a vehicle of the wider story/themes, so I can't say "Oh its DirkJake" because to me the KTOWL DirkJake is wildly different from, like, TES DirkJake.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? The barely-inspired-by-Hellboy AU that I should probably just write as an original story. But I won't because I'm a coward, lmao.
16. What are your writing strengths? Consistency and structure, I think. I'm a tradesperson, not an artist.
17. What are your writing weaknesses? I feel like I lack a lot of foundational material that other artists have due to my lack of education and just generally not knowing things. Like, the kind of works I personally admire and learn the most from, I lack the toolset to create myself, which is constantly frustrating.
Structure is sometimes a shackle, and I often feel like I can't execute something truly Artistic because to me, writing is a trade, not an art.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic? I do this sometimes and lemme tell you, every single fucking time I do, I rigorously check everything.
Like, I recently agonized over whether a character would use Verzeihung versus Entschuldigung in a fic, and that was a solid hour of research. Worth it tho!
I'm of the opinion that if you're just going to use google translate or something, then I would elect to write it as ["Excuse me," he said in overly-polite German as he passed], but that's me.
19. First fandom you wrote for? Uuuuuuuuh ppppppprobably Gundam Wing or something? Way back in the era when you could post smut on FF.Net.
20. Favorite fic you’ve written? Could it be anything other than KTOWL? Honestly.
I am taggingggggg @arquiving and @interropunct
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valeffelees · 6 months
An Ask Game for Writers to Procrastinate Working on Your WIP(s)
thank you kindly for tagging me @shrekgogurt @youarenevertooold, and @monbons i've been seeing this game make its rounds on my dash and was really hoping someone would pull me in!
🦈 Tell us the name of one of your WIP(s)
my main three wips at the moment are without sun, ballad of the final sparrow, which is more commonly known as bitverse, and fragile things (and how to break them), but i've also been fucking around a bit the last two or three weeks with a new (terrible, evil, very self-indulgent) wip called god-forbid.
🍄 Describe one of your WIPs in the format of “___ + ___ =___”  
i think i might be dumb bc i don't understand this question at all.
🌍 What tags or warnings will your WIP(s) need if you intend to share it?
bitverse: heavy angst, psychological horror elements, alcohol abuse, allusions to suicide, unhealthy coping mechanisms, dead dove: do not eat.
🧭 An alternative title to one of your WIP(s)?
ballad of the final sparrow -> baz is typing fragile things (and how to break them) -> there's a werewolf in london god-forbid -> the gap between a tragedy and comedy
⚠️ Which WIP you’re most likely to finish or update next?
i have no idea. i mean, you'd think the answer would be without sun since it's the only fic i actually have posted at the moment, but unfortunately i am an untrustworthy villain.
💾 What is the document of your WIP called? (Not the story title, but what you’ve saved it as.)
same as the fic title. if i start a new wip and don't know what to call it, i'll pick something at random and add (working title) at the end.
🖍 Post any sentence from your WIP
from without sun:
“You don’t like peppermint,” he says. But maybe she does. Maybe that’s one more thing he can add to his growing list of things he got wrong about Agatha Wellbelove. No. 1 — Dislikes peppermint; actually, she is quite fond of it. No. 2 — Likes Simon Snow; him, not so much.
♻️ A scrapped idea for your current WIP
one of the biggest changes i made to the plot of without sun really early on was penelope's role in the story. i had a clear idea of the story i wanted to tell as soon as i saw the prompt for the fic. without sun was always supposed to be about more than simon and baz. the story is about grief and love, and the space we take up in the lives of the people around us. but n e way, in my orig draft, penny was actually supposed to be able to communicate with simon a bit, and there was gonna be a whole sect of scenes in the middle of the fic where they sat around together trying to break simon's curse what we know and what we don't know style via passing notes. i ended up tossing this idea really quickly tho, and i'm glad i did bc one of my favourite moments i've ever written in any fic happens in chapter two of without sun and it belongs to simon and penny.
🤔 What’s a story you’d love to write but haven’t even started yet?
so many. or, well—what counts as "haven't even started"? i hate to let ideas sit around in my head bc it feels like leaving raspberries in the fridge for too long, like that shit is gonna get mould on it, so usually the first thing i do is rough out a few scenes and/or script out a very rough outline of the plot (like this / this / this style) so that i have something to come back to later. i have dozens of zero drafts just lying tf around. but otherwise, yeah, so many. one big idea i have is called heart on fire and it's based on fanart, but i haven't started it yet bc obvs i wanna get permission from the artist first but i've been holding off reaching out to them about it until i've knocked a few of my less intimidating longfics off my wip list bc heart on fire is gonna fucking hefty so i don't wanna give'r until i'm sure i can manage it.
🤡 How many WIPs are you actively working on?
🛠 Is there a scene or anything in the WIP you are struggling with right now?
i'm having a real bitch of a time with agatha's main scene in chapter two of without sun, i've been fighting with it on and off for months, but i can't get it to do what i want it to do.
❤️ Not a question, just a second kudos to send.
sorry for any doubles but, tagging: @drowninginships @cosmicalart @that-disabled-princess @fatalfangirl @cutestkilla @you-remind-me-of-the-babe @artsyunderstudy @thewholelemon @roomwithanopenfire @hushed-chorus @blackberrysummerblog @imagineacoolusername @nightimedreamersworld @prettygoododds @confused-bi-queer @mooncello and an open tag for anybody else who wants to procrastinate their wips!
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snarkythewoecrow · 11 months
20 Questions for fic Writers!
thanks for the tag @mammameesh @underwater-ninja-13 💙
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
9-1-1 (mostly buddie), MCU, dabbled in Torchwood, Sherlock, HP, and Old Guard, oh and supernatural for a while too, though I don't have a lot of my supernatural and Torchwood moved to ao3, something I've been working on since like 2012 (there aren't that many more to move, I am just amazing at procrastinating)
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Overall, these are my highest: Unexpected Finds (MCU, irondad)- 5 206 If I Could Do It All Over, I'd Find You Sooner (MCU, stuckony)- 2 593 emergencies only (MCU, irondad)- 2 154 between wanting and needing (MCU, stuckony)- 2 087 abuse at your hands, broken at your feet (MCU, irondad)- 1 960 But since I'm mostly writing 9-1-1, I'm going to include my top two from there, cuz I can: I choose you, Pikachu (or the ways two idiots finally say you’re mine) - 1 595 sometimes an onion really is just an onion (and that’s all there is to it) - 1 302
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I try really hard to respond, but sometimes I get behind, and there are times when I'm low on spoons and I put them off, and that doesn't mean I don't love them all, seriously, people who comment are so generous and sweet, but it does mean that sometimes they will get a random reply from me two years later lol
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
honestly, not super sure, cuz I can't remember them all off the top of my head, but I guess the one I wrote for irondad, where peter was using hard drugs and it didn't end with a promise of things turning out good, hugs didn't fix things in that one
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
no idea? they are mostly all happy to some degree
8. Do you get hate on fics?
eh, not often, but sometimes, more in the mcu than other fandoms
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
yes, and mostly gay, many kinks, from vanilla to wtf are you even writing type things, but i do seem to lean toward bdsm dynamic in smut, daddy kink often, and a/b/o (tho i really love writing non-traditional dynamic, a lot of omega/omega and alpha/alpha)
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
yes, and probably sam wilson/harry potter, honestly, I really still adore that one, it worked, I swearm, harry was older and fucked up with ptsd, and sam was awesome, as usual
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
not that i know of? well, i mean, i've once found them posted on small fan sites serving other countries and tbh, it didn't bother me too much, like it wasn't great, but like, hey, life's too short and they obvs liked them, and they did give me credit, sorta
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
yeah, a handful over the years, maybe 5 on ao3? and i know i gave others permisson over the years, but they never linked back so idk
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
yeah, totally, done it a bunch and had fun
14. What’s your all time favorite ship?
steve/tony, then stucky is a close second, like they are the true standbys, I'll always love them, but I have a armada of other ships that also serve me well
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
we don't talk about bruno, dude
16. What are your writing strengths?
description maybe, or writing emotional shit? and like with dialogue, I'm either a god of it or a pathetic feral creature that has never spoken aloud
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
depending on the day, the same as what is written in prior answer
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
honestly, i try not to do it anymore, cuz I don't like making it harder for readers in anyway to consume, so unless I can keep it short and clear enough that you can still gather what they are saying without knowing the language, then I leave it out. I will try hard to find other ways, and i'm not super into translations posted after the text, looks clunky, and not super into translations at the end, but yeah, to each their own
19. First fandom you wrote for?
dudes, i dont know when i ate last, no idea, like maybe some MASH or like Highlander in notebook as a kid? probably my first shared was interview with the vampire, resulting in much anxiety as a teen
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
I'm picking from more recent fics, and I kinda love this one atm: sometimes an onion really is just an onion (and that’s all there is to it)
tagging @buckybeardreams @limetimo @painted-doe @psychiccatpanda and anyone else who wants to do it!
Blank copy under cut for you to use 💙
20 Questions for fic Writers!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
8. Do you get hate on fics?
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
14. What’s your all time favorite ship?
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
16. What are your writing strengths?
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
19. First fandom you wrote for?
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
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silverstream2 · 1 year
Related to the fragment below, but I feel like the most hurtful thing Dante could say to Modeus about the whole Urizen situation in 5 (this'd be after Dante woke up from his super long nap) would be to stay out of it (in the case below, in Nero making a decision on how to handle Vergil), "Because you're not family".
Because Modeus has all this past history with Sparda, and that effects how he sees Vergil/Urizen, and what he thinks Nero and Dante should do about it. And Dante doesn't want to hear/deal with any of it (Dante, putting a hand over Modeus' mouth and growling at him with glowing red, demonic eyes: "Keep your mouth shut. Not another goddamn word, do you hear me? Keep your bullshit to yourself."), because he spent his whole life cleaning up after his father's messes and being punished for shit his father did, he doesn't want the same for his son/Nero.
The way Modeus reacts to it, Dante could've stabbed him and caused him less pain. Modeus doesn't flinch, tho- you don't, with fellow demons. Flinching shows weakness; it just makes the pain worse. So does begging, or crying. (Sparda: "If you're going to die, face it with some fucking dignity!") That and crying draws attention- a predator could hear it and show up to wonder what the noise was. Show up to investigate and eat any injured prey.
WIP from Modeus' past with Sparda. Put stuff I might wanna add or that adds context in brackets:
"... and we were both so close to calling him, 'Father'. [And I wonder, sometimes, if he was ever... If he ever would've- if he had ever been close to thinking of us as-] So close to maybe [being a family]..."
But none of us said anything."
"Yours?" Gwen asked [Sparda], pointing back to us [Modeus and Baul]. She had been talking about her own children. Sparda paused for a beat, giving one of those slow blinks that was just a bit too off to be entirely human, like he wasn't used to only having one eyelid per eye.
"No," he said. "They're my apprentices."
And Modeus had hugged his book to his chest, and noted the weight of the sword at his hip as he shifted his weight in what wasn't quite- but that he wished could be- a flinch, and tried to pretend like that didn't sting.
Also just. The general concept of Sparda being the first demon outside of Baul that knew about Modeus love for the Human Realm and the humans' creations, like their books, and being supportive of it. As something more than a tool of Mundus' war, too, eventually. Someone that shared Modeus' fascination and respect for the humans, and even nurtured and encouraged it. Which is a big thing, given how much power and influence Sparda had back when he was still Mundus' right hand man.
Set back when Sparda was still working with Mundus, and Modeus and Baul were still working under "Lord Sparda" as his soldiers, back when Baul and Modeus were both younger (maybe older teenagers? Or the demonic equivalent of):
Sparda catching Modeus reading a human book or studying human architecture or something else the humans made, and Modeus expecting to get yelled at and punished for it, maybe even killed and eaten. But instead Sparda just smiles in a way that manages to be gentle despite the other demon's sharp teeth, and reaches out one gauntleted hand (Don't flinch. Don't beg, or cry out. All those things just make the pain worse. Go still, go quiet, those things are safe. Like a stone, something that doesn't feel anything.) to, surprisingly gently, ruffle Modeus' hair. And maybe it's just Sparda's power, but his hand feels warm. And his tone is chiding, but surprisingly warm, and kind.
"Put the book down, Modeus. You can read it more later when we get back. I'll even show you how to store it in an archive crystal, if you want. Human books tend to wear out over time, especially in the Underworld- they last so much longer if you put them in a crystal. You can start your own collection."
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radellama · 7 months
the fun section of the writer's ask game
21. Who is/are your favourite character(s) to write?
MY OCS ATM. AND THE VERSIONS OF EVERYONE FOR MY STAR TREK AU. I put a lot of effort into them and making them feel real and understandable within their story!
Harland is super fun to write cause it's a chance to explore a world and characters I love while being respectful of the canon of the game, but seeing what aspects I can go further into with Harland. And all the snippets of Abe and Orc I've started writing is just AUGHHH THEY'RE COMING ALIVE!!!!
22.��Who is/are your favourite pairing(s) to write?
Magland... Abe and Orc...... There's some I want to write, like Leon x Ada or Hylink (again.... Sigh....) that I think I'll have fun with. I just like writing pairings that have interesting dynamics or bounce off each other in silly ways
23. Favourite author
Ahhh man. It's hard to say cause I feel like I haven't read anything consistently enough lately to say for sure. I can say when I was younger I really loved CS Lewis and as a teen I really enjoyed what little I'd read by Niel Shusterman, and maybe throw in Adachitoka for good measure
24. Favourite genre to write and read
I like other stuff like fantasy and drama and whatever too ofc but like. NOTHING QUITE SCRATCHES THE ITCH LIKE THESE TWO, ESP IF THEY'RE A PAIR.
Sci-fi is soooo broad and fun, it's interesting when it's low concept or high concept and I like that it's so easy to inject philosophical dilemmas into the bones of the story and leave you thinking, and I like how interesting it is when you can draw parallels to current life (it's especially interesting seeing retro future sorta stories, both the fun aesthetics of 90s shit but also just seeing what people thought the scientific advances could be the further back you go, and seeing things that used to be sci-fi become just sci)
AND THRILLERRRRS.... I find them more interesting and scary than horror, though I've often been mistaken for a horror head even tho I feel like I don't watch horror that much... (Unless it's overlapped with thriller I guess lol) Idk I just find that the kind of stories you can tell when you drag out the tension and let the scares settle in to the atmosphere instead of demanding attention front and centre affect me more. I like when there's some kind of conspiracy or danger to work around and it gets more horrific with worse implications the further you claw into it. I want the fear to linger in my mind instead of only speaking to my body (think like how a jump scare isn't really scary other than startling you, vs something that actually unnerves you and gets worse the more you think about it)
I guess all that to say. I like thinking about things and want the story to haunt me with everything it's got. I want to still be thinking about it years later cause there was something in there that lingered....
25. Favourite part of writing
Already answered here
26. Favourite writing program
Libre, I guess? There's certain things I miss from Microsoft word/google docs but fuck them LMAO 🖕🖕🖕 I just wanna be able to write easily and have basic formatting options, ya feel. Libre does the job so I use libre
27. Favourite line/scene
Of my own writing?? I feel like I haven't written them all yet..
Here's a Wip of a scene I really love from much later in harlands story that I really love:
"Well aren't you just a bundle of contradiction." Flea mused.
"Pardon?" Harland asked.
Flea sauntered up to Harland, circling around him as he spoke.
"A friend to both sides of the war." He swatted Harlands hair from his shoulder, watching it fall as he avoided eye contact. "A pacifist whose work has made weapons."
Harland opened his mouth to defend himself, but flea dragged his finger across his chest. Harland couldn't help but get distracted as the general's nail tugged at his collar.
"I don't make weapons." He said, unable to hide the slight waver in his voice.
Flea pouted at him condescendingly. "You may not make them, but would they exist without you?"
Harland clenched his jaw.
"Even when you fight-"
"I don't fight." Harland interrupted.
"EVEN WHEN YOU FIGHT," Flea continued, "you are offensively defensive."
Flea smiled, enjoying Harland struggling to keep himself composed. He stood in front of him, tracing his jawline. "What a contradictory mess of a man…”
28. Favourite side character
Ummmm. Every single one. Idk. Too hard to pick from media but I can tell you that I really like the kitty cat baker lady, shy cow girl and orc's sister from Abe and Orc. And obviously, my most favourite side character from their story is the Penis Wizard
29. Favourite villain
30. Favourite idea you haven’t started on yet
Oh man there's so much. I will say it's my screenplay, Misled Millionaire, that was an integral part to making me wanna study film. I've planned so much without it feeling ready and I knew I needed to learn more to do the idea justice, and I still have hand written notes from 2019 that I kept, and even found the original quick note I wrote in my phone all the way back when I just had it as a silly little idea:
Reclusive millionaire searching for new life purpose, unlikely friendship with a fake psychic.
The story has changed quite a bit, but the gist of it is that a younger entrepreneur type is feeling lost and lacking despite ticking off so many boxes that should mean he's successful and happy. While he tries to find himself, he grows dependant on his new friendship with a little old lady who gives him fortunes, until one day he can't find her when he really needs her. When I've made progress on other stories, I'll write the screenplay and hopefully direct it myself! So no stealing my ideas!!
Send me some writing asks
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maygrantgf · 1 year
temptation tuesday
tagged by @honestlydarkprincess 😘
another day another couple hundred ideas...will they ever become wips?? who knows!
buddie move into a "haunted" house crack exactly what it sounds like LMAO they move into a new house and its gonna basically be like
buck: babe our house is haunted that piece of furniture just moved RIGHT in front of us???
eddie: .... no i do not see it,,, im going to bed❤️
buddie first argument buck and eddie have their first fight and a couple and it leaks into the firehouse. chim and hen are nosy and want to know what they're fighting about (and bc they care!! like why are their friends fighting??) so they basically interrogate them separately and help them try to talk to each other like normal ppl
eddie buying anniversary present for buck cashier scares him with gambling story this is so sjfhjdks its really silly and came to me super randomly but eddie goes shopping with hen to buy an anniversary present and they come across this cute lil shop. eddie goes to pay and the cashier is VERY nosy and also VERY talkative. imma just say she tells eddie unprompted about her gambling addict (ex) bf who spent all of her savings and now shes broke but its so WONDERFUL him and his partner have been together 6 months happy anniversary!!!! eddie and hen leave the store like what the fuck? can we agree to never go back there?
buck is accused of murder or some other super serious thing uhh tbh idk if i'll ever write this its super angsty but im a sucker for this trope on tv soooo
buck disappears after almost running someone over OKAY so i pretty much have like more than half of this fic planned out i just. havent written it. u know how it is. y'all ready? okay lets do this under the cut:
this is def inspired by something ive watched before i just dont remember what. anyway. newly weds buck and eddie driving home from work (maybe) buck is driving. they're talking yknow shooting the shit and then all of a sudden this woman comes outta no where and runs in front of the car eddie yells "BUCK" and buck hits the breaks almost running her over but he doesn't. the woman has blood coming out of her eyes and she puts her hands on the hood of the car and tries to say something before she collapses on the ground. buddie get out of the car and try to help her but her heart stops and while eddie does cpr buck calls 911
so it goes the cops come and question them and buck is just sitting there like oh my god did I hit her? is it my fault she died and eddie is like um no !!!! it was obviously something else. anyway they get let go and they go home. there's an investigation n shit but no leads so the case goes cold. a few months later there's another victim and the 118 responds and it's the sameeee thing!! that happened to buddie and ofc they're freaked out
something something other things happen but I'm thinking buck somehow gets involved bc he's nosy and gets kidnapped by the baddie who did that to the other victims
the second part is the aftermath of his disappearance but imma leave it for another time bc this this is so loooong. hmu if yall want more tho !!
tagging @bigfootsmom @lovebuck @herodiaz @usercowboy @dollhousejee
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prismbearer · 2 years
...just gaming rambling ✨💠✨
Idk if I'll stick with this bc it's not even remotely what I was intending to make for a character but I spent so long messing with the face I couldn't do it again haha... Also I didn't realize you could use a color wheel and I was dissatisfied with the base color selection even with the variety so I didn't even alter the hair color or makeup from the base. Might re-make them. (Kinda impressed with the creation system in that regard, more options than I thought there'd be!)
Messy Bandit WIP character who just wants to survive at this point. Idk how classes work yet but I noticed bandits have arcane so I'll just boost that later and do like an arcane trickster concept or something? Who knows I don't know anything about this game.
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Named them Diar the Maid for now, obvs myth reference but mostly an inside joke. Idek about gender conceptually tbh, I even toggled between bodies and liked both 🤷 Might change it to something for the scar on their face even. Was going to go for the astro one buttttt I miss playing rogue/sneaky characters. Maybe I'll make a pair of twins for different endings anyway. (Some of the tatts seemed cool but I'm assuming they have significance somewhere rp/lore wise and I didn't want to lock something weird in on accident.) I'm always too malleable about that until I really feel the character comes together.
I spent most of the gameplay I was doing dying over and over again bc I thought I was supposed to enter the dungeon under the castle to get up into it and at lvl 5 with entry bandit gear I was just like forcing through tbh like I died So Much. (fuck those gargoyle things and the fire traps tbh) And then I realized I wasn't even supposed to be there. Not having a journal or something for quests is not it for me, tho I'm sure I'll get used to it.
Love the stealth kills and sneaking around option though, combat seems like it could be fun too. Also all the monster aesthetics and general weirdness and pretty. I haven't even messed with archery yet even tho it's usually a favorite, so curious to try that out. I haven't played a game by console in ages, but a friend suggested console was better for the combat. :/
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multi-lefaiye · 2 years
💬💬💬 and pen for eden!!!!!
yes thank u <3 heheeeee
okay so the first excerpt is gonna be from one of my flash fiction friday entries, a tftgs fic specifically:
For much of his life, Jack has felt like a used battery. He feels like an old, broken thing, low on energy and with very little left to give. He supposes it was only a matter of time before someone decided to throw him out.
and thiiis is from an older thing i wrote that i might go back to at some point?? not sure though. not gonna give context for now tho <3 (if you recognize the characters. don't look me in the eye rn i know this is self-indulgent):
“Did you just shoot someone!?” Saeyoung cried, still clearly panicking.
“I don’t know, maybe?” Addison replied, trying to drag him along as they tried to avoid looking in the direction they'd just fired. “Just get in the car, asshole!”
“Sorry, I kind of have a bullet in me right now!” he protested, but still did his best to get to his feet. “I told you to stay in the car!”
“Have your goddamn lovers’ quarrel later!” Vanderwood yelled at them over the sound of gunfire raining down on them all.
and theeen this is for another slightly older thing, but i like the comedy here :3
For a moment, Henry just stared at the unconscious man on his living room floor. Then he asked the question that was nagging at the back of his mind. “Why the fuck is he naked?”
AND a little Eden conversation!!! I'm gonna talk a bit about something I haven't talked about publicly in much detail: Eden's chronic pain and fatigue. I haven't talked about it in Great detail because I'm still trying to research n' such to make sure that my portrayal is as faithful and respectful as I can make it.
I won't go into how it's going to come into play story-wise in the campaign, nor the mechanics and accommodations and such planned for this, but I'll talk a bit about it! Under the cut though b/c this might be a bit long.
So Eden's mother, Hannah, dealt with chronic illness for most of her life. In the campaign, it's kind of an ambiguous illness because she wouldn't have had access to modern terminology (or even really a specific diagnosis in general, considering the healthcare available where she lived), but I think the closest to what she has would be fibromyalgia, which is what I'm focusing my research on for Eden.
(And also, if I do go ahead and write a standalone story/WIP with Eden outside of the campaign, this will be discussed and explored in greater detail since the focus would be on him specifically a bit more.)
The research I've done so far does say that fibromyalgia isn't always necessarily passed directly from parent to child, but I'm thinking it's still something that Eden has, and after his death and resurrection his symptoms start to flare up in a way they wouldn't have beforehand.
Like I said, I am still doing research into this because I want to give the most earnest, respectful portrayal I can, but I do still have some thoughts about Eden's personal experiences with it and how he processes it. Because Eden's thought process is my favorite thing to explore.
So Eden approaches everything in his life from a very analytical perspective, so once he registers that his symptoms aren't normal he immediately goes into analysis mode and tries to determine, to an incredibly exact degree, what his limits are. He's a scientist at heart, and his response to every situation is to experiment and learn everything he can.
This will have... mixed results for him. On one hand, over time, Eden will come to understand his condition very well, even without necessarily having access to a specific diagnosis in the campaign itself. On the other hand, it also means that Eden is going to push himself a TON and possibly seriously hurt himself trying to see how far he can go before he has issues.
I'm still looking into specific accommodations Eden could have as time goes on, but I'm definitely thinking mobility aids would be very useful for him--particularly forearm support crutches, if possible.
And last thing I do wanna say. While it might be easy to assume that, all things considered, Eden would be very against the idea of using mobility aids b/c he's just so stubborn.... that's not the case! Eden is a stubborn li'l asshole, but once he understands his limits better I do think he would want mobility aids and would actively seek them out.
Aaanyway okay I still have a lot of research n' such to be doing, but that's some of my thoughts so far!!! Thanks for coming to my ted talk
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