#fuckhing LAD
nuala-luna · 3 years
I fr feel so ugly and undesirable and gross what the hell is even wrong with me
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my self inserts
things that are always the same:
my name is charlie, i’m genderqueer, pansexual, and romantically polyamourous. i have autism, narcolepsy, cataplexy, depression, anxiety, ocd, ptsd, adhd and an auditory processing disorder.
marvel/x-men si:
//regeneration//superhuman strength, senses, and durability//iq of over 300//prehensile hair//levitation//manipulation of color//psychometry//empathy//telekinesis//telepathy//aura reading//portal creation//
their powers are based on sleep so the more they sleep, the more powerful they become
adoptive child of tony stark and a complete idiot. loves literally everyone and exists solely to receive hugs from beefy men.
superhero name is kid universe
supernatural s/i:
completely and most definitely a mortal. there is definitely nothing weird about any of the things that happen here. the fact that they’ve avoided death so much that they literally outnumber the winchester bros combined is,,,completely a coincidence. the fact that they met team free will at eleven and have only aged like,,,,,four years is,,,,,just a weird character trait!!! there is completely nothing going on here. now that you know that they are (completely) human, we can move on.
they kinda just,,,,slipped in to the bois lives around season two. like the bros saved them from a vampire and they just,,,kept showing up. eventually the bois just handed charlie a flannel and called it a day.
they don’t really like killing things but they could literally kill god. (not really, they just like to talk loudly about that in front of chuck)
usually they spend their time hanging in the bunker and other various places
they have the uncanny ability to just...be places. like they just hang with crowley in hell and death likes to go out for food with them. like, they’re just endearing enough to make everyone not hate them.
harry potter s/i:
muggleborn slytherin who probably belongs in hufflepuff. probably could smash hermione to the ground with their grades if they actually handed any assignments in. they most definitely suck up to their professors.
they were killed at like sixteen in the marauders era, then reincarnated but like they still had their memories. obviously they couldn’t do anything about their own death so they just chilled.
they would probably punch dumble-bore if they had the balls
criminal minds s/i:
child prodigy who literally got through high school by smoking weed and asking their teachers extensively uncomfortable questions.
cuts open bodies for a living and has never been shooketh by an unsub in their life. they did cry extensively when derek gives them a stuffed animal though.
sherlock s/i:
does literally all the drugs, could probably qualify for the book of world records from the amount of doors they’ve walked into. they ran away from home and ended up in london sobbing their eyes out to a very confused john watson. sherlock thinks they’re the shit.
lord of the rings/the hobbit s/i:
diplomatic representative of the fae. a deer centaur that literally just wants to be held. gives zero (0) shits. a pacifist but will punch smaug of he looks at their baby bois. no one really knows how to deal with them cause they’re technically an eldritch being. they refuse to wear shirts so they just walk around titties out.
umbrella academy s/i:
number eight, also known as the only hargreaves child who has any of their shit together. they can feel and manipulate emotions, and their hair changes color with their mood. they got a job as a teacher, and their kids think they’re the bomb.
an absolute meme lord.
their ‘dad’ made them drive people to suicide and they could feel the people dying so thats hot.
they fuckhing hate luther with a burning passion.
klaus thinks they’re dope. mostly cause they smoke weed with him.
doctor who s/i:
an absolute mad lad.
every other word they say is profanity or a meme.
the tardis loves them with so much force that one time charlie saved the day by sweet-talking her.
they’re basically just a kid from earth who tagged along and when the doctor finally realized they were there,,,,the gang was already surrounded by aliens and charlie was talking so fast and so rudely that they annoyed the aliens into putting them to death. at which point they decked the leader and smashed a chair over another dudes head.
percy jackson s/i:
kid of hecate who fights with a full on axe. just...a battle axe. the head of it is almost as big as their torso. they have big dick energy and also big axe energy.
they spend most of their time in arts and crafts. you know those beads that everyone’s got? yeah charlie be making those.
they should probably be a kid of demeter for the amount of plants they have.
dc s/i:
ch’laey was part of an alien species that was enslaved in a similar way to the concentration camps. their species was kept for fourteen sun rotations until ch’laey came into their powers, at which point they fought their way out of the camp. the enslaving force massacred the entire camp, and ch’laey escaped to earth, where world war one was in full swing. they hooked up with diana prince, and the rest is funnier.
one time they punched superman in the face and broke his nose.
called batman a furry and now he can’t look them in the eyes.
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