#fuckin androids
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she-3po · 5 months
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yeah y'all might fight me over this but im 3 beers deep and im dying on this hill
"good guys" version here
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one-berzerker · 6 months
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You ever seen a crossover fanfic between two games you've never played, but you know enough about the source material(s) for the fic's premise to fascinate you?
I was browsing the Dead Space tag one day and stumbled across a fic that @constant-mason24 posted, where Connor from Detroit Become Human joins Isaac Clarke and the Kellion crew, for their repair mission aboard the USG Ishimura. It only has one chapter so far, but the brainworm infestation is strong.
What can I say? I like imagining Connor in a steampunk spacesuit. And him being newly deviated on the Ishimura, figuring out what it means to be alive as monsters try to tear him and his crewmates to shreds.
Also thank you to the lovely @prismatic-cannon for taking my commissions, and creating these pieces for me! I adored their DBH fanart back when I was lurking in that fandom, and I enjoyed working with them for this~
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hi-im-kaybee · 1 year
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gotta love transparent plastics
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hi-there-buddies · 6 months
People: Dragon Ball focuses too much on Goku. He’s so strong, so nobody else has to do anything.
Goku: Loses first 2 tournaments in og. Dies twice. Only kills one major villain in all of Dragon Ball Z, and it’s the villain that everyone wanted Gohan to kill.
Also are we just gonna ignore how the Namek/Frieza saga was mostly Krillin, Gohan, Piccolo, and Vegeta just doin shit? They did so much in that entire arc
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I just watched the dragon ball super hero movie and I demand they use Shenron to bring Gamma 2 back I don't care if it breaks continuity gimme back my blue dork-
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nerdstreak · 10 months
realizing that for pyg au im also pulling the same plot inspo as my senior anim film and consequently still getting retroactively pissed at how much i had to change the og concept for it
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toffins · 4 months
6 year old me: did we end up marrying him?
me: who?
6 year old me: him
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yuujisnake · 2 years
hello tumblr
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songbirdstew · 1 year
Somehow my dashboard palette got reset to the default scheme and it was a real scary two minutes while I tried to remember how to turn it back to dark mode
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helljunker · 1 year
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some wips i have going on. we are drawing women and molecules
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paeonia-horse · 1 year
I fucking hate windows devices that are slow and bloated and need a fucking hour to think about updating one thing, and whine about installing updates every two fucking minutes. I fucking hate sharepoint and onedrive and their slow fucking uploads and syncing clashes. I fucking hate android devices that change their entire fucking UI every time a new version is farted out by google. I fucking hate applications that could be actual programs installed and ready to use whenever but instead are really shitty web apps in a wrapper and need to be online every fucking waking second. I fucking hate the passive way people just accept constant ads and sponsorship bullshit from every single fucking shill out there wanting to use them to make a fucking buck. I fucking hate that there are a fucking thousand streaming services leeching money from people and pulling the fucking plug on anything good after one season cos they want to exploit the creators and not pay for it. I fucking hate modern consumer computing, and the way it cannot be separated from dumbing down and exploiting the end user.
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letmeliedown · 11 months
keep having to switch up my ringtone once it becomes a panic trigger so the latest one is this like weird bouncy clown music called "playtime" and i don't mind it but i feel like it is a bit horror movie
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overlyimmersed · 2 years
It really is a shame that Arthur got Yamcha-ed and it didn't fuckin take -_-
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callmegkiddo · 2 years
Give them a Peace of Mind
Now, I did say that I was trying to work on requests. I AM, don’t worry I am, just, my motivation for requests turned to me wanting to make stuff for my OC’s-
Sentences I thought off that inspired this: “Like the sides of a coin, a simple flip gives you a whole new surface to observe” “Like the flip of a switch, your personalities change” “They are only whole when their souls have been mended back together” “You're only truly whole when you not broken and hurting”
A reflective surface stares back at the world, its cracks glistening in the light, the wooden frame enchanting, but mysterious. A mirror, so simple, but so deflating to see. A simple artifact, from a time in their history. Lying inside that mirror is a void that shifts and changes. Its atmosphere was cold and suffocating, the deep black of its world almost never-ending. Amidst that void, is a manor, big and eye-catching. A garden of soft grass, flowers, bushes, tall trees, and plants, surrounds its surface area.
Characters: Evalyn and the Splits
How peculiar it was, to see such a thing. A sign of life perhaps? Others have thought that it was abandoned, made by gods that decided to live in that mirror, waiting to be summoned by someone worthy. But no, instead, those living inside that manor, within the mirror, were old friends.
Fractions of various pieces of one's soul, a soul so cracked and broken it caused doubles from numerous dimensions to converge in on that soul and make use of those pieces. Thus, the forms of the splits came to life. And now, all of them reside in the mirror. With all their fates, told through time and time again, from all the loops, and rewinds. Time has become a mystery and an inconvenience to them.
The first split is the co-host and leader of the split. Evan Mook, the District Attorney and right-hand man of Dark. Their way of command, and iron fist around things. His rules were simple but held consequences when broken.
The main host, protector, and the one who roams the outside world the most was Evalyn Mook. They front the most and often have to do most of the work for the DA when the mirrors void prevents them from going out.
CD The Conductor or Casandra is the second in command. And for various reasons too, they are the sort of scientists of the group. And they specialize in the security system, making it easy for both the DA and CD to see if anyone has trespassed. She keeps everyone in line, making sure that nothing is out of place for the DA. She also ensures that all communications are online, and sends out messages for others to follow in case of a break from an “entity.”
Mundy, a former felon, cursed bound to a ring he was accused of stealing, and a formative leader of a group of explorers and archeologists. He is the perfect example of “Think now, talk later.” Thus why the DA chose him to be the next to lead in case CD or the DA are unavailable. His way of command is nearly second to none, and his persuasiveness gets everyone out of a jam. His main weakness, however, is his vulnerability. He prioritizes others first before himself. And that causes weakness, a weakness so severe it cost him his life before the splitting.
Rody is a rooly woman, and despite her slightly manly physique, she is rather feminine. A trans woman with an energetic and lively nature. Her cheery personality rivals Pinkiepie from My Little Pony. However, her high energy is a scary revelation, especially when fighting her. In times when she is angry, her energy becomes unbearably high, to the point, it looks murderous. Her mind is unstable, she thinks dying is a way to be free and escape this cruel world. This is why she is often around the DA, the one person who values life and is far more stable than Rody. A perfect balance to the chaos Rody brings to the table.
Captain Spencer, was a strict ruler, but also a tsundere at best. He hates to admit it, but he’s very affectionate. He’s great at encouragement, and he constantly tries to be at the top. His focus is always to make sure everyone is working as a team, and that no one is against him. He’s the one who gets assigned to be Mundy’s plus one whenever CD or the DA isn’t around. He doesn’t mind it really, quite enjoys it. He often bonds with Mundy over their musical tastes.
But, although Spencer is affectionate, that doesn’t mean he isn’t easy to anger. His patience is slim, but he tries his best to be considerate. He rules with an iron fist alongside Mundy, and he’s extra strict about how things are done. He’s a violent man, and he would resort to violence if the opportunity needed it. Often dubbed as the universe's child, due to his galaxy-colored hair, and his affiliation as Captain.
And finally, the youngest of them all, an android, and one of the first ones created after Bing. The one who makes and fixes the tech used all around the manor. The inventor of the splits, and probably the one who helps form plans with the DA. Firefox, the young feminine lad who was turned into an android at the age of 12.
And Firefox isn’t the only human that got turned into a living machine. CD, a cyborg, her mechanical body, made from spare parts of all the androids in part and service. She was made right after Firefox, many call her the “Creation” or the “Mangel” due to her mangled and spare parts. But thanks to the help and engineering from Firefox, all her parts were repaired and made to good use.
And, that isn’t the only thing that bothers those outside of the mirror. Constant reminders of everyone's deaths replay in their dreams and nightmares. Various things, remind them of what happened that night.
Getting locked up in a mirror, watching what used to be their body, and walking away, that body wearing the same face as someone close. Waiting, cooped up in that dark void, with thoughts and voices scratching at them like desperate claws. Hearing those deprecating thoughts from the “entity”, hearing it reminds them all of what their best friend did to them.
It brings despair to them all, to be reminded of how broken they all are, that their existence is all because of an accident. To be reminded that the “hero” of their story, is the same bastard that caused their demise.
It broke them, but…. They couldn’t help but feel free.
After all, that time stuck cooped inside that maddening prison, they felt free. Free enough to laugh with each other. Free enough to be able to feel compassion again. Free enough…. To feel like themselves.
Despite the broken pieces, despite the fractured soul. They still found a way to feel somewhat whole. Sure, it hurt whenever they switched places to the front. But they could bare it, as long as they get to see those they care about most.
Mundy, switches to be in the spotlight, only whenever Yancy, Illinois, or Magnum are in the room, often even forcing one of the others out of the fronting mind space just to say hi.
Evan, more formerly known as, The DA, fronts whenever Evalyn isn’t needed. But the people who frequently see them. Is Dark, Wilford, Actor, Abe, or anyone who was related to the accident back in 1923.
Rody, fronts whenever the opportunity struck. Most times she fronted if ever the others invited the splits to do anything related to games. Arcades, ice skating, anything. But she noticeably fronts whenever Wilford is involved.
CD, she fronts whenever someone has problems around things, like simple paperwork, security measures, security setups, or just any difficulty with some forms of tech she is familiar with. This is especially true, around Host, Annus, or Eric. Her specialty is equipment for making videos or recording booths. It’s why she was assigned to security.
Spencer, now this man fronts whenever his crew is around, or whenever the DA can’t help Dark with keeping the egos in line. He’s the leader, so of course, he has to help Dark. But, he only wants to appear before his crew. Gunther, Celci, Burt, Mark, Mack, First Mate Tyler… Even Wug is an exception.
Mundy, HO BOY, does this man like shoving Evalyn out of the spotlight-
He appears whenever Yancy is around, he always has ideas up his sleeve to try and get Yancy to make more songs. He adores his singing, and always pushes encouragement onto him, he doesn’t pressure him of course, but his excitement is always appreciated.
Mundy also comes glitching in whenever Illinois comes home, he greets the adventurer with wide open arms and sparkling eyes begging him to tell stories about his latest adventure. On more than one occasion, however, did he not greet Illinois, and he blames the ring he was bound to all for it. How could he not? He hates that thing to bits!
Now, Mundy hates the sea, scared shitless he goes below the waist into the salty waters. Thalassophobia is an intense fear of any natural body of water. But, he still makes an effort to be interested in what Magnum has to tell, even though it would probably give him nightmares, he loves the giant lug, and it hurts not to be interested!
Firefox, god this guy has quite a grudge against Google, but that doesn’t exactly do much from getting him to front. He loves to front whenever Bing wants him to. He is always approachable, especially so if you need something to get fixed. He is the one you should be looking to for devices or gadgets that are broken, especially whenever CD isn’t around.
And now Evalyn, sweet sweet, Evalyn, they front the most out of everyone. Being the main host was difficult, but they got the job done whenever possible. Loyal, and eager to please, they are assigned numerous assignments by Dark to help around the manor.
All of them do, they all have things to do around the manor, and they do it without fail. Always eager to please, always eager to make others proud. They don’t tire of taking anyone's part in the project. Loyalty has no bounds, they do anything asked of them. Whether it be dangerous, or simple.
They always had this problem, of being too loyal to certain people. They all became too eager to please, especially when Actor saved them from their hellish prison. They would all do anything to make him happy.
Their precious Actor… Evans precious and capable Actor…
Their very souls beat for the Actor, their very existence revolves around Actor and his many stories. Whatever that madman asks, they will do or take part in. No ifs, no buts, no coconuts.
And this loyalty, all stemmed from Damien. The glorious Mayor that betrayed the DA. And Evan, still trusts Damien, though a little less now, but he still does. He can’t help it, he practically dedicated his entire life to Damien until his very death.
Doesn’t this sound familiar?
Doesn’t this sound… Rather toxic?
The DA, the splits, all of them are so eager to do anything Actor or Dark asks of them.
Like a puppet on a string, they answer every beck and call.
Like in a trance they cannot break.
It worries me… It worries me that my creations will be hurt again. It hurts me knowing, that there will be a day that damned Actor will just abandon Evan again….
It scares me…. Like a lot….
The holiday is tomorrow, and the Splits are planning on celebrating it with the egos. If all goes well… Maybe, they will be whole again, and merge to form Evalyn Mook…
I can’t do anything to bring Evan back as the former host. But maybe, this Christmas, this holiday, will bring them back. Will give them peace of mind…
And maybe, they will finally get their happy ending.
G out.
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who-is-page · 2 years
One of these days I gotta come up with more polycule tags because rn I only have one for Chi and one for the nesting partner, but honestly I should probably have an overarching one and some other people-specific tags. [Minecraft villager thinking noise]
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