#fucking asshole i don't even want to imagine what you did for that poor dog to not eat anything in front of you
vettelcore · 4 months
the urge to tell this fucking piece of shit that just came with his dog to leave immediately and let me keep that poor baby was so strong i could hardly contain myself
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darlingpassion · 4 months
Okay I need to go to sleep because i close at work tomorrow and I already stayed up too late cuz I had a need the clean the whole house, but I had to ask this!!
I need to know- how would Terry respond if any one of the Toon Patrol tried to Come Onto Him? XD 😏 Would he say yes to any of them? Would he get the hell outta there? I must know XD
Right, now that I've thrown a spanner into the works, goodnight! XD 💤💤💤
Ohhhhh my god I did not expect this kinda ask today. I love it XD
My poor Terry. First Rena, now these assholes. Will he ever catch a break? (Probably not)
Alright! Let's go through weasel by weasel.
Short answer: "I thought he was a kid??"
Long answer: No, Terry doesn't think he's a literal kid XD but he did think Smartass looked pretty young to be in a bar setting (it's the height and the hat shielding the face. Shhh don't tell Smarty-). The angry weasel ain't his type, so Terry would brush him off after getting over the realization that this man is in his mid 30's.
Also, this is absolutely Terry reacting to Smartass in the bar if he was mean like Shiny XD
Short answer: "... Shiny, come get your man before he makes'a fool 'a himself!"
Long answer: Hmmm... It's iffy with Terry. Like, he can see why Shiny thinks he's handsome physically, he can appreciate what Greasy offers in looks. But unfortunately, the green bastard ain't got game XD and Terry can see that, and is not up for Greasy's loony pervert shenanigans 😅 so yeah, Shiny can keep him. Greasy'll be house trained under her better than with him 😅
Short answer: *side eyes Wheezy* "..." *grins in 'I'm game if you are'*
Long answer: Wheezy is where it's at with Terry. For starters, he and the weasel are part of the same old, kinda gross group. Wheezy is far worse than Terry with smoking, but they're both still tired old men who are buddies. And it also helps that they both speak practically the same lamguage; no words needed, only vibes. They're both slow, a little lazy, and Terry knows that Wheezy won't expect their fucking around to go anywhere past a friend's with benefits sort of thing... Also it doesn't hurt that Wheezy is pretty good looking whether or not he showered that day-
Short answer: "Wheezy for fucks sake, get your fuckin' dog outta here!"
Long answer: I can't imagine Psycho flirting with Terry, but for comedy's and arguments sake, let's say he wants that old man rat XD and Psycho when he flirts... Doesn't look like flirting 😅 Terry can tell what his intentions are, he's been around long enough to recognize how someone is trying to flirt even if they don't have the best game But he absolutely is not going to bring that rabid animal in bed. He prefers his crotch unscarred, thank you very much XD that rabbit girl can take this one. She seems to have a knack for the crazy men.
Short answer: "... Shit, ok. I can see it-"
Long answer: Look, it's a giant, fat, goofy and cuddly weasel!!! Who can resist that???? Granted, Stu's company isn't as relaxing as Wheezy's is (Terry's gotta verbally engage with the dummy. Answer so many questions. Terry is paitent, but not a talker XD), but if Stupid showed interest, Terry would definitely consider it. And if Stu is shaking up those fruity drinks you said he makes, well shit how can any sensible man resist that?
Tldr; Terry would be down to fuck Wheezy and Stupid, maybe Greasy... Smartass ain't his type, and Psycho is too much for him XDD
Thanks for sending this ask in! Ohhh I gotta send you a similar ask now, hang on-
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tsuki-sennin · 2 years
Deliciousmile~! ...hey wait a sec, that doesn't seem right. Well, y'know, what's a festival without food, eh? And, well, this is a very special watch for us today, y'know why? Why, because today is Inoue-sensei's birthday, of course~!
I don't exactly know how best to celebrate, but I do want to congratulate him for keeping Donbrothers as a non-stop banger of a season. Perhaps not the best we've ever had, but certainly not one I'd ever forget.
Now, enough delay! As they say in that other town with a Toei superhero team unified by a common theme, food brings smiles~! And it's the dog cooking, you know this'll be great~!
-Sonoshi will be back.
-Fancy eatin'...
-...are you some kinda circuit board?
-Oh dear god, she vores.
-Inoue what the fuck
-Have you been spending too much time on the internet again?
-Yeah, the Juto forest is... absolutely horrific, I don't blame Tsubasa for wanting out.
-"...can I go now? I wanna wash all this forest stink off of me."
-Nice weather :)
-Dog go nyoom!
-There he is.
-Oh hi Kijino.
-Are... you alright?
-"Okay I know I sold you out, but like... wanna go eat at a fancy restaurant with my wife?"
-"What the fuck, no."
-Tsubasa, this man who snitched on you is married to a doll and your first instinct is to hug him?
-Oh hey Rumi-chan! Jirou-kun!
-"My cringefail boyfriend is too pure to be alive."
-Gotta say, big missed opportunity to have a ton of Hoka-Hoka Hearts everywhere.
-"Y-you can have her man, Jesus Christ calm down."
-Oh hey, the cat came back.
-I gotta ask Tiger Jirou, are you perhaps a Juuto in some way?
-Keep things professional with your editors, folks.
-Oh yeah, Sononi did shoot you down lmao
-Sorry Shinichi, she's got a point there
-Jesus Christ, we couldn't have ONE peaceful dinner, could we!
-That chef is about to kill a man.
-Tsubasa, jkh,hlbl
-Shef Off
-"Wow! This reminds me of my imaginary food that I eat because money burns my skin off!"
-Hello food critic lady!
-Iida-sensei, okay!
-A cooking contest!
-Damn, a hundred million yen isn't even enough for this restaurant, huh?
-No wonder Tsubasa got all uppity.
-What is he cookin'?
-Tsubasa what the fuck why is the fugitive gene a thing
-"Good, but not award winning" is the highest praise I've ever heard Tarou give any food.
-Mop those floors, Tsuyoshi!
-Retrieve Egg
-The remaining
-"Give me those fucking eggs. Sonoshi ate all my spare like the fucking gremlin they are, and I can't send someone to the store. Sonoza scares the cashier too much, and if you ask a condor-themed woman for eggs, she gives you a very strange look."
-I love this.
-Yeah good job fellas!
-A field of flowers~!
-Damn Haruka, you really drew that background in five seconds, huh?
-Oh god here she comes
-What the fuck, Vore Dimension?
-Tsubasa, you don't just eat fruit you find in a random forest dimension!
-"Murasame! Let's cut them into sashimi!"
-Back off, everybody!
-Seiya Seiya!
-Nooooo, Murasame! Pick him up, Sonoza!
-Oh, good, we're not eating Helheim fruit. Good.
-Wow, Tarou really said "A gold bird does the job just fine, unlike you Kijino."
-Poor Murasame.
-"Good job buddy."
-Blue pasta!
-Iida-sensei's imagination is a good bit more professional, huh?
-Awwwww, Sonoi... :)
-Have a snacc, Tarou-san
-Holy shit, Tarou
-Holy shit, Rumi's cooking must cure every disease ever if it's that good!
-My god.
-Does this "button" just have an "Evil" setting you can press with all the sensitivity of a space bar?
-Oh well, this episode is either going to be peak comedy or absolutely horrifying. Or both. No in-betweens allowed here.
-Alright, let's pack it up folks, episode's done! We're done talkin' for today! Happy birthday again, Inoue-sensei!
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lucithecrow · 1 year
My mum has fostered dogs for as long as I can remember and ya know it's kind of traumatic to build a relationship with a dog and then see them die and to have this happen like every day but I guess I did get something out of my mum fostering dogs.
Oh, what did I get out of it, you ask?
Well... I fucking hate hound dogs. Idc what u say I will never forgive these stupid dogs from ruining my fucking life. Never. I hate most dogs but hound dogs are the ones u see most often and the most obnoxious of them all.
Imagine me, a sad child that wants to die, coming home to find out every single fucking stuffed animal I own has been ripped to shreds AGAIN because of these FUCKING DOGS. UGH. Every damn time I leave my door open for an hour and go back to find out this new fucker has taken the first present my dad EVER GAVE ME THAT WASNT A ROCK- and there she was, Cream Soda, her ear torn off and her leg as well. Would u not hate hound dogs forever? My dad has never paid attention to me and then one day he gave me a present! Finally! Poor little me (probably 10?) Getting his first present from dad, a cute stuffed rabbit that didn't look like he picked it up off the side of the road.
And then BAM. Here comes a new asshat to ruin any happiness I had and tear my Cream Soda (the rabbits name) to bits. AND THEN. my dear best friend gets me a present, a little cat that's donut themed, and guess what? That's right. A different fucking hound dog took it and no one even knows where that stuffie is, WE NEVER EVEN FOUND THEM.
I hate hound dogs. Nothing u could say will ever change my mind. They're so loud and "ph think about how they were abandoned by their owners, they don't know better!" Well guess what, I don't give a shit, actually. I hope those fuckers get eaten in a delicious soup. Assholes.
(Btw y'all, my hate for hound dogs is real, but I mostly blame my mum for letting them tear my shit up so dw I'm not hostile towards them)
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