#fucking this life is amazing if you can greet it with open arms ffs
churmandurr · 5 months
no im NOT crying about some dumb guy in a musical that doesn't even exist!!!! they were literally best friends and he got his best friend in his war and then inadvertently got him killed by being a dumbass and now the best friend haunts the whole fucking narrative!!!!!
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binniedeactivated · 4 years
𝐝𝐢𝐥𝐟!𝐲𝐞𝐨𝐧𝐣𝐮𝐧. || 🌪💦
[ m.list ]
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𝐏𝐀𝐈𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆 | 𝐝𝐢𝐥𝐟!𝐲𝐞𝐨𝐧𝐣𝐮𝐧 𝐱 𝐏𝐎𝐂 𝐟𝐞𝐦!𝐠𝐢𝐫𝐥
𝐆𝐄𝐍𝐑𝐄 | 𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐮𝐠𝐠𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐟𝐚𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫, 𝐬𝐦𝐮𝐭 𝐚𝐮
𝐖/𝐂 |  4k
𝐒𝐘𝐍𝐎𝐏𝐒𝐈𝐒 | 𝐈𝐧 𝐰𝐡𝐢𝐜𝐡 𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐠𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐞𝐧 𝐭𝐞𝐚𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐫, 𝐚𝐝𝐫𝐢𝐚𝐧𝐚 𝐜𝐚𝐧'𝐭 𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐢𝐬𝐭 𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐬𝐭𝐮𝐝𝐞𝐧𝐭'𝐬 𝐟𝐚𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫.
𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒 | 𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠, 𝐝𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐲 𝐭𝐚𝐥𝐤, 𝐟𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠, 𝐟𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐫-𝐟𝐮𝐜𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐠, 𝐫𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐞 𝐜𝐨𝐰𝐠𝐢𝐫𝐥
 POC = person of color
a/n; should this be a ff?
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adriana didn’t mean for it to happen, it just did. her dirty thoughts never stopped ever since he walked into her kindergarten classroom that one morning. with his sleek parted blonde hair, tall physique and lush pink lips she couldn’t keep her eyes off of him day in and day out. she had a job to do of course. teach the children, take care of the children and make sure each and every one of them were safe.
but myla rose’s father looked nothing like any man she had ever seen before. and it was a pity that his ring finger was occupied. that made her attraction to him even more difficult at the school’s open house.
adriana greeted every parent who stopped inside her classroom, guiding them to their child’s work display and giving short reviews of their performance in class. she was an excellent teacher. one of the school’s favorite in fact and every child loved her. the parents were always pleased with her enthusiastic attitude and compassion for their child. and this was evident especially when myla came running to hug her legs at the door.
“Hi ms. A!”.
in awe, adriana hugs her gratefully. “hey myla!”.
she glances up and with a warm smile the man takes her hand. “good evening, I’m choi yeonjun. myla’s dad”.
adriana smiles back a little harder than normal but she tried her best to conceal it. to her demise though, yeonjun didn’t come with just his beloved daughter.
“this is my wife, leah. our eldest son daniel. and this little guy right here--“.
yeonjun pauses for a moment to squat next to the baby stroller that his wife was pushing. he lifted the top of it a little, revealing the small one year old child who was currently dressed in a brown furry onesie with a dog ear hood. he sucks cutely on his blue pacifier glancing upwards at his father in wonder and being immediately surprised by the splashes of color around the classroom. he looked just like yeonjun.
“this is our youngest son logan”.
adriana smiles and coos at the younger child, “aww he is adorable. myla why didn’t you tell me about your little brother?”. she directs to the small girl with a  pink ribbon wrapped around her ponytail. she rolls her eyes.
“because he’s annoying”. she says with more attitude than she ever showed in class. adriana laughs.
“nice to meet you leah. and hey daniel”. she greeted the eldest. he looked to be at least 8 years old. not very far from myla. he waves shyly, burying his face into his father’s chest. how lucky leah was, to have a family with yeonjun. as a single woman, dealing with families was always hard. it’s just what adriana wanted especially at this stage of her life.
“well, first things first myla is a pleasure to have in my class. she is always doing her work diligently like I ask and she’s always the first one to answer questions when it’s time”.
yeonjun nods in approval rubbing his daughter’s back as they were then guided to myla’s work display. he was here for his daughter he had to remember that. especially when his eyes kept slipping below adriana’s waist as she walked. but it was something about the way she walked. she walked like she wanted to be seen. as if she were inviting yeonjun’s eyes to admire her every curve. nevertheless he snaps his eyes back up whenever she turned around.
“and right here is myla’s art work, her math work, and her reading caterpillar. as you can see she really loves watercolors. her math work is outstanding. she grasps every concept I teach. and her reading caterpillar--eh it can be longer”. she playfully laughs. she tried to make the conversation as general as possible but with leah on her phone pretending as if she had no care in the world adriana’s only focus was on yeonjun who, didn’t hesitate to give an unforgiving stare into her eyes every time she talked.
adriana was an afro-latina beauty. black spiral curls dropping just above her mid back, deep set brown eyes, and full sensuous lips that anyone wanted to kiss with just one glance. and yeonjun took advantage of admiring her every chance he got.
“and um,” she fidgeted. “for each book she reads she gets a segment added onto to her caterpillar. the first student to become a butterfly wins a prize”.
“you hear that myla? don’t you want a prize?”. yeonjun cooed holding her hand. she nods excitedly. “yes!”.
“you have to start reading more okay? see look, your caterpillar is short”. yeonjun pointed at the green bulletin board. “can you buy me more books daddy?”. she asks in the soft voice that she knew would touch his heart.
“you already have enough stuff myla”. daniel chimed in, annoyed. wanting nothing more than to go home and play his play-station already.
“hey! you have stuff too”.
“you’re always asking for the most”.
“so what! daddy will buy it for me”.
“that doesn’t mean you have to ask all the time”.
“guys. enough. we’re not at home we’re at an open house”. yeonjun settled. all the while leah just stood there just as annoyed as them. she could’ve helped yeonjun calm the kids down but she didn’t. she didn’t even seem interested in myla’s work nor her progress. much less wanting to be there in the first place.
“I’m sorry,”. yeonjun apologized. “my kids are spoiled”.
adriana chuckles. “it’s alright I understand”.
“so how are myla’s grades? is she getting along with the kids okay? I know she can probably be a little chatty”.
“oh myla’s grades are amazing. she’s great with the other kids, rather a leader. she’s only chatty when I allow it”.
yeonjun hums in approval. “good job baby”. he coos to her. he pays his attention back to adriana though. “she loves you. she always comes home with stories about what game you played with them or what you taught them that day”.
“oh really?”.
yeonjun nods. “yeah she does. you’re a phenomenal teacher. thank you for taking good care of her”.
“thank you yeonjun. it’s no problem I love these kids like they’re my own”. adriana spoke, sinking into the hypnotics of his lustful gaze. the one that made her feel like she was the most beautiful woman he’s ever seen.  “she’s a pleasure to teach”.
“thank you for this. so um--we go to the gymnasium now right?”.
“yeah, do you need help finding it?”.
“no it’s alright, I think I saw it on my way in. thank you though”.
“no problem. I hope you guys have a nice rest of your evening!”. she smiles sweetly.
“you too”, yeonjun nods, nudging his wife to push the baby stroller before they turned to leave. and adriana instantly wondered what he saw her in her. she was beautiful. but she wondered why he loved a woman with such an attitude. perhaps they had argument beforehand that she didn’t know about. but even that wouldn’t explain how careless she looked about her family.
and she was almost too careless. yeonjun could feel his adrenaline rushing at the sheer thought of fucking someone new. it’s been a while since him and his wife had any kind of sex. she’d always blame it on the fact that she was tired and would postpone it to another night. but yeonjun had needs and once he saw adriana he became desperate once again. he didn’t want to ruin his marriage. god knows he didn’t.
but things in the choi household never went how yeonjun wanted it to go.
“give me back my controller myla!”. daniel shouts.
“no! you shouldn’t have cut the hair off my dollie! now your controller is going in the toilet!”. the smaller girl runs to the bathroom and locks the door behind her, leaving daniel angrily banging on it in agony. “stop it myla!!”.
“no I’m flushing it away!”.
all the commotion in the next room over was enough to startle logan, who was sleeping so soundly leaving yeonjun thinking that he was out for the night. but he wasn’t in this case. now he was crying and screaming to the top of his lungs and rattling his hands wanting nothing more than his father’s warmth. 
daniel races to the kitchen, “daddy!! get myla she’s trying to flush my controller down the toilet!”. he screeches to his father who happened to be cooking over the stove top. “what do you mean she’s trying to flush it?”.
“get her! my controller is going to be broken!”.
overhearing the baby crying yeonjun rushes down the hall to get him, slowly lifting the infant out of his crib. still sobbing, the baby clings to his sweater and yeonjun shakes him gently hoping that his presence would be enough to calm him. but he could still hear daniel banging his fists against the bathroom door. yeonjun scrambles into the hallway and fiddles with the door knob.
“myla open up this door right now. you two are being too loud you just woke up your brother”.
“daddy?”. she asks innocently.
“yes this is daddy open up the door”.
there was faint shuffling on the other side of the door before she opened it. daniel gives a sigh of relief at the sight of his game controller sitting on the bathroom sink away from the toilet. myla glances up at her father with big eyes and the cutest face she could give. she’d do anything to avoid her father’s wrath.
“I wasn’t really going to flush it daddy”.
“give your brother back his game controller. why are you messing with him?”.
“he cut all my dollie’s hair off!”. she points, stomping her foot for good measure.
yeonjun looks back at his eldest son sternly. “daniel? why would you do that?”.
“daddy she’s always teasing me and being annoying”.
“give me the controller myla”.
she strolls to the sink and pushes the controller in her father’s hands while crossing her arms. yeonjun turns, “I’ll give you this controller but if i find out that you’re sabotaging myla’s toys again I’m selling your play station. If she’s annoying you come tell me so I can deal with her. I spend a lot of money on this stuff daniel”.
he huffs his breath with his back against the wall. “fine”.
“and myla,”. he turns, “if I find out that you’re trying to destroy your brother’s stuff again I’m selling your dolls. I spent a lot of money on that too”.
she gives a sigh that was identical to her brother’s. “fine”.
“good. you guys go play. where’s your mom?”.
“she said to tell you that she had to go someplace and that she’ll be back soon”. daniel exclaims while walking to his room. yeonjun checks his phone lock screen wondering where did she have to go at 9 o’clock at night. and the crazy part about it is that this isn’t the first time she’s done this.
“daddy?”. myla murmured fiddling with her fingers. yeonjun hadn’t notice she never went to her room.
“can you buy me a new dollie? since daniel ruined my last one?”.
“yes. but stop teasing your brother so much and maybe he won’t mess with your stuff”.
“go on your ipad and pick one out. after you’re done show it to me okay?”.
“okay!! thanks daddy!”. she jeers, scurrying to her room already having the perfect doll in mind. yeonjun sighs, now looking at his messy haired baby boy who inches his tiny fingers up to press on yeonjun’s bottom lip.
“are you ready to eat logan?”. he asks in spite of the chaos that was going on in his mind. throughout the night he was calling leah consistently and she never picked up, her phone going straight to voicemail. so it was up to yeonjun, pretty much like it was every night. for him to cook dinner, for him to feed and change the baby, for him to make sure the kids are washed and ready for school the next day. and as frustrated as yeonjun was he always made sure he got everything done with or without her.
he was laying logan down in his crib for the night, the sleeping baby’s head falling tiredly into his pillow. he kisses him on his forehead and his cheeks before he heard the front door open and close.
making his way downstairs he spotted leah walking into the house, no--stumbling into the house with her work attire on. he approaches her before she could knock the kitchen chair over.
“leah? what is wrong with you? where were you?”. he whispers. she gives him a solemn glance trying to make herself look sober. it was failing miserably.
“I had to finish some stuff back up at the office yeonjun. don’t start”. she kicks her heels off at the door.
“don’t start? you’re never here. when are you ever going to be here? the kids see you once in the morning and then somehow you disappear for the rest of the day”. 
“I just told you where I was. I’m going to bed now. I don’t feel like talking about this”. she brushes past him making her way to the staircase. the things yeonjun wanted to say to her-- but he bit his tongue. he didn’t want to pour his heart out just for her to leave him single and alone. had that been him coming in late and drunk she would’ve raised hell. accusing him of cheating and trying to kick him out the house. with three kids, the last thing yeonjun wanted was to be alone. it stressed him out. 
and adriana saw it all over his face.
“hey, um- myla left her lunchbox in the car I just wanted to drop it off”. he approaches the vacant classroom-- the kids playing outside for the hour with the P.E teacher. adriana softly smiles at the man whom she wasn’t expecting to see so early in the day.
“hey yeonjun. no problem you can just sit it right there on her desk”. she guides. she was at the back of the classroom stapling work to the bulletin board.
“are you okay? you look a little stressed”. she adds.
“yeah I’m fine you know--just kids. they’re a handful sometimes. I’m sure you understand”.
“of course! I know how they can be at school. i don’t have any of my own though so I have no idea how they can be at home”.
hm, so she didn’t have any kids. yeonjun was annoyed with himself for even taking note of that. even worse, wondering if she was single.
“imagine a 24 hour school day. that’s exactly what it’s like”.
adriana chuckled. “god that’s brutal”.
“it is. you’ll find out for yourself soon enough. whenever you and your significant other decide to have children at least. it’s a world you haven’t known”.
she hops off of the stool to grab another sheet of paper to staple. she chuckles a little, “i hope this doesn’t sound weird but i actually look forward to that. whenever I actually get a significant other”.
yeonjun nods his head in disbelief. he wondered how a woman so beautiful with such an enthusiastic, compassionate attitude could be single at all. maybe she had a secret past yeonjun knew nothing about. perhaps she’s a psychopath. maybe even a gold digger.
but with the way she carried herself, in confidence but with humility, it attracted yeonjun he wouldn’t care if she was both.
“you’re single?”. yeonjun blurted out, wanting to smack himself for thinking out loud. she grins.
“why do you sound surprised?”.
while she stretches her arms up yeonjun stares at the small dip in her back and swallows. “well because you’re gorgeous”.
she steps off the stool again stifling a blush. she toys with the stapler in her hands.
“thank you and if i’m not mistaken it kind of sounds like you’re flirting with me”. she accuses, the cute grin of hers twisting into an innocent smile.
yeonjun breathes. it’s been years since he flirted with anyone other than his wife. but with the stress he was feeling nowadays he was willing to take any type of chance he could. he approaches her,
“it’s because I am”. he reassured, looking down at her hoping she felt the same way. only if he knew how much she thought about this moment, he’d take her right then and there. she pushes her face closer to his teasingly.
“aren’t you a married man? choi yeonjun?”. she licks her lips at the up close sight of his.
 “please don’t mention my marriage while you’re licking your lips at me like that”. he monotones.
“or what? hm?“.
he grins, bending lower to hover his lips over her ear. “don’t test me adriana“.
his words sent chills down her spine. her heart races and before she could say her next word he was already glaring into her eyes soon after. he places his fingers at the bottom of her chin forging her attention on him.
“kiss me”. he demanded.
she clutches his wrist, half leaning in and half hesitant. she was uncertain. he had a wife. a family. children. but he was sexy and she could already feel her panties clinging to her now sticky folds. his lips were halfway there but he had other plans.
he sticks two fingers between his pretty pink lips while maintaining his gaze. adriana could feel her legs turning into jelly at the streams of saliva that slipped in between them and running down his hand. when they were finally drenched with the contents of his tongue he pulls them out and instead sticks his messy hand directly into her panties.
her lips parted and she tensed immediately, not gasping the air but gasping in his mouth---because it took almost nothing for yeonjun to pull her into a wet heated kiss. her lips felt just as yeonjun though they would. soft and full. she whimpered in delight as her tongue lolled into his hot mouth. his fingers slid through her slick liquid so easily, she was practically gushing for him and all he was doing was tracing his fingers around the circumference of her clit, not wanting to give her too much too soon. but the lighter his fingers were the more she twitched up into his hand. she wanted so much more. she needed so much more. her mind went blank.
“y-yyeonjun”., she mewls before he roughly sticks his tongue down her throat. she waited until she got another speck of air. “you’re m-married”.  she partially wanted to warn, mainly because she didn’t want him to do anything that he was going to regret. he only let his fingers do the talking,  allowing them to travel into her channel, pumping them into her gradually. she does that little innocent gasp again. the one that yeonjun likes, the one that made her seem like she’s never been touched before. the euphoric waves his fingers gave her was like venom, swimming through her nerves and making her legs tremble.
his hand searches for the back of her thigh and he lifts her leg around his waist, widening her legs.
“you’re thinking about my marriage and I’m thinking about pounding you into this fucking table”.
he watches her face contort in pleasure and he smirks. he couldn’t deny the hard on she gave him by her measly moans alone. she sounded so helpless and needy for more of him. she was dripping down his fingers and it took every instinctual part of him to not unbuckle his jeans. she pressed her body into his like a bruise, gasping into the crook of his neck as his fingers delve deeper into her. “ohh m-my god please ddon’t stop”.
pulses of arousal amended around yeonjun fingers and he sloppily kisses her hungrily. she steadily grinds her hips into his rhythmic thrusts in need.
“just like that adriana, fuck my fingers”. he groans into her mouth, she wondered if it was possible to get wetter at the sound of his voice. if not, she was definitely pulsating harder than before after he said that. with a shaky hand she reaches down to unzip his pants. “pplease fuck me I need it”. she whines, not being able to withstand anymore of the finger fucking. she wanted to be stretched. “pplease make it quick I have to go get the kids in 7 minutes”.
yeonjun lets her undo his pants, he enjoyed her desperation for him. it was hot and it was something he wasn’t used to. leah was never like this. but adriana was a woman who knew what she wanted and who she wanted it from. so it wasn’t as embarrassing for her to slide down on his dick the way she did. she was turned, her back facing his front where yeonjun could see her ass swallow his dick whole. he wasn’t going to fuck her initially since this was their first  sexual interaction. but he was hard and she was needy so he didn’t care anymore.
the setting quickly fades from his mind while he watches her bounce against him wildly. his breathing becomes weighty and he grips her waist in absolute heaven, her slick sheathing his dick faithfully. he hid his bottom lip behind his teeth to produce a curse word but couldn’t quite get it out entirely; everything felt so fucking amazing and unbelievably so. broken curse words fluttered from his throat.
“fu--fuckk”. he utters with a low grunt. with her own electricity shooting through her veins and torso obscene moans fled from her lips and yeonjun clasped his hand over her mouth before she could get any louder. he had no intentions on getting caught but on the other hand it was hot hearing her unable to control herself.
her hips rolled down as she took up a measured pace riding him, her thighs burning but her movements were pleasing the both of them and the way yeonjun smacked her ass in praise gave her every reason to keep going. he soon met her thrusts by gripping her ass and grinding against it, chasing the orgasm that wouldn’t come if she kept going at the same pace. “ohh my god”. she hissed. he was gripping her ass rough enough to leave a significant bruise. not that adriana cared anyway, it would be an honor to be bruised up by yeonjun.
“god I’m going to fucking cum all over you”. she whines, reaching down to play with her clit along the way. yeonjun fucked into her a bit harder, exhaling all the choked up groans he withheld until her juices was spilling down his dick with ease. she trembles, wiggling her ass on him a bit longer before rushing to pull her panties up and look presentable for the rest of the school day. she was shocked to see that yeonjun was still hard as a rock, yet he was zipping up his jeans.
she clutches her clipboard, totally not expecting yeonjun to grab her from behind and kiss her on the cheek the way he did. she felt his bulge pressed against her backside.
“next time ride my dick until I cum”.
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Soooo, this is officially firts ff I'm gonna post
Sabriel, background Destiel
Hurt/comfort, hurt Sam
3k Enjoy
It was evening. Sam and Dean sat in some quite cheap restaurant and waited. Suddenly Cas appeared out of nowhere.
“Hi, Cas,” greeted him Dean.
“Hi, Dean,” said Cas and blushed.
“Hi, emh, where is Gabriel. I thought, that you'll come together.” Sam looked something between nervous and worried.
“Don't worry, he'll come in a minute, he just got into an argument with Michael, when I was leaving.” Cas looked apologeticly towards Sam but it didn't seem to work.
‘‘What's so important, that he has to argue about it, when we have a date?!” Sam stood up and slammed his fists onto the table angrily. When he realized, what he's done, he sat down and sighed.
“Apparently, you.” Cas answered.
“Michael said, that he wants you just as his ‘fuckdoll’ and that he just pretends, that he feels something towards you.” Both brothers stared at him with anger written in their eyes. But after few seconds Sammy blinked and when he opened them again, he looked really hurt.
“What?! Yeah, I knew, Michael is an asshole but this-”
“- is the last thing he'll say 'bout you, I promise.” said Gabe as he slowly flounced towards their table.
“Gabe” Sam stood up again, this time not to shout, but to hug the archangel tightly.
“So now, when we're all finally here, I'd like to have something to eat” Dean smirked a little at Cas, as if the two of the knew something the others didn't.
“So, let's eat then” responded Gabe happily. They all sat down and ordered their food. Dean and Gabriel got burger with fries. Typically. And Cas and Sam got salad. How surprising...
“How's heaven doing now?” asked Sam with genuine concern. Mainly because of what he heard Cas saying, that Michael said about him and his lovely archangel.
“Well, it's complicated-” started Cas just to be interrupted by his older brother.
“Bullshit, it's total anarchy up there, don't suger coat it, sweetie.”
“I asked you at least million times to stop calling me like that.” Despite his words he blushed a little, he trully loved the shit of his brother.
“But, yeah, you're right. We don't have an idea, what to do.” Dean suddenly grabbed Cas' hand in silent declaration, that he'll stood by him, don't matter what. Cas shortly squeezed the hand and then smiled.
The supper continued silently for a while, only a tinkling of a cutlery could be heard.
“Are you currently working any case?” asked suddenly Cas.
“Well, it depends. We are trying to find some information about- well, it doesn't matter, so yes, but actually no.” answered Dean.
“You seriously should work on your verbalization. It's terrible.” snarked Gabriel. He loved teasing his maybe-soon-to-be-brother-in-law.
“You're just jealous, because I'm more handsome than you.” And Dean loved teasing him back.
“You? Handsome? Just maybe, because you'd rather use hand, than-”
“Guys, enough. Gabe, if you want to talk about my brother's sex life, I don't care, but please, do it when I'm not in the room! Have I made myself clear?!” Sam looked genuinely exasperated. But can you blame him? The boys were adult, they should act like ones.
“Yes, mom…” said Gabe and then giggled like a friggin five-year-old. Sam sighed.
“Than behave or l'll have to give you a spanking like to a bad kid.” Sam's face was deadly serious, but the corners of his lips were twitching upwards a little.
“Sammy, weren't you the one, who got angry at us like a minute ago, because we were talking about something, you, as my brother, don't have to know 'bout?” Dean seemed like he didn't know whether to laugh, cry, kill his brother or everything exactly in that order.
“OK, what about changing the subject?” uttered Cas into an awkward silence after a while.
“Sure. The food tastes like a mud, doesn't it?” joked Dean. The waiter unfortunately heard him, so she observed him judgingly, frowned and then let it go.
“You seriously don't have to insult everyone around you. After all those years it's rather annoying.” hissed Sam. Cas couldn't stand it anymore.
“I have an idea. We're all almost finished with our meals, so I insist we pay and go to motel before we” -he sent a significant look to both brothers- “got into some serious argument. Agreed?”
“No, it just started to be funny.” Dean threw on his don't-you-dare-steal-away-my-toys-
while-I-am-playing-with-them face.
“If this is your idea of fun, I really pity you.”
“What? He acts like a child!”
“And you don't?!”
“Cassie, Cassie. The only way I can relate to Dean is using dictionary of a child in kindergarten. Ain't it, Dean?”
“Enough, you assholes! This was supposed to be really nice dinner, but I can't be in here with you another fucking second!” Sam spitted his words out while rising from his chair. Then he simply run away from them. They haven't had a courage or maybe a certain dose of masochism to go after him.
“I should check on him. Fuck, this is my mistake.” breathed Gabe after few minutes.
“You have to let him cool down. Trust me, I know him. Right now he'd shoot you, if you'd try to approach.” admitted sadly Dean.
“I have to do something!” barked Gabriel in response.
“Gabe, Dean is right. Let's go to the motel. He'll came back when he'll think, he's able to face you two. Because he was right, you were really acting like assholes.” proclaimed Cas with his strong, yet soothing voice. And they did as he said...
When Sam came back, it was long after midnight. He tried to silently sneak in, but the first thing he's seen, when he turned on the light, was his furious boyfriend.
“Where do you think you've been?! I was fucking worried about you and I couldn't find you because of the sigils! And now you try to sneak in like teen-age boy, who's just drunk his first bottle of vodka and he's afraid of what his parents are going to say! So tell me. What do you think I'm supposed to say?!”
Gabriel shouted like he's lost his mind. He desperately wanted to punch him in his face and then kiss him, like there's no tomorrow.
“Who are you to blame me?! The date was my last hope to have a 'normal' life. I was looking forward it for like two months and you and the underdeveloped man, who calls himself my brother, have to ruin everything. I love you, OK? But right now I want choke you!”
“That can be arranged…” Gabriel winked and knelt down.
“That's exactly the reason, why I'm angry! You can't be serious for a moment! Stand up, or I'll leave again.” Gabriel stood up. He looked somehow, well, different. He was frowning and he seemed to be confused.
“Sammy, what's wrong? You are never running away. Not unless is something hunting you, but this is not the case, so, what are you afraid of?”
“I'm desperately trying not to get lost in this parody of reality. But I'm afraid it's too late. I'm already lost. Can you hug me, please? Because I'm not sure, whether you are actually here, or my mind is playing tricks on me. And you are one of a very few people who can hold me together, when I think, that everything is falling apart. So don't say anything and just hug me…” Sam seemed as if he lost a last drop of his energy, after he said it. He dropped on his knees and started to tremble. Gabe immediately knelt down so he could hug the shivering nothing, that's left of his boyfriend. The archangel wrapped this arms around Sam. ‘He lost so much weight, how could I not notice it?!’ he screamed at himself in his mind.
“Sammy, I'm so sorry, I had no idea, that yo-”
“Don't speak. I got used to silence and your words aren't going to help me anyway. Because you don't mean it. You'll leave me. I know it.” Sam was devastated. He was sobbing mess. And the worst part of this tragic moment was, the he truly believed to his words.
“Do you think so little of yourself? And of me and our relationship? Does it mean nothing to you?”
“No! It means everything to me. That's why I can't lose you. But yes, I think a very little of myself. I don't deserve you. You're an archangel and I'm fucked-up piece of-” Sam would continue but Gabe slammed his lips upon his. He kissed him fiercely although he got almost no reaction from Sam. Then he drew himself back.
“You say, you can't lose me. Than why are you letting me go?…”
“I don't know what to do. I'm tired and angry and I can't control it.” After this statement Gabe lifted Sam up and carried him bridal style to the bed. Then he laid down next to him and wrapped his hands around himself. The only good thing that happened in hours whas hearing Sam's breath deepening as he had fallen asleep.
“Cas, he'll be OK, I know it.” stated Dean as he led his boyfriend to the motel.
“But, we should-”
“The best thing we can do right now, is to let Gabe to take care of him. And you can be sure, that the first thing I'll do when I wake up tomorrow, will be hugging him. He has chaos in himself and unfortunately I can't help him to sort it out. He has to do it himself. But I will be there for him, forever and always.” Dean's vow was pure and full of love. He ment it, every single word. Cas was amazed. He has truly chosen the most loving and caring person on the entire world.
“Right now I want to spend time with you, though.” Dean giggled a little and than he winked at Cas. He leaned in and pecked him on the lips. Cas didn't hesitate for a second and deepened the kiss. Their tongues have been rubbing against each others'. The kiss was becoming sloppier and sloppier until the passion completely burned down.
“I'm not sure if it's not too soon, to say something like this, but Cas, I love you and I'm genuinely happy for the first time in my life.” Dean's voice was solemn. And this moment seemed perfect for such a declaration.
“And I love you too.” Cas conjured one of his magical smiles, that could break stones and then he kissed Dean again. This time it wasn't quick and passionate. No, it was slow, they both knew they had time, so the kiss celebrating their first ‘I love you’ has to be just perfect. Cas wrapped his arms around Dean's neck and Dean did the same but around the waist. Their lips slowly parted, but they stood still, enjoying each others' presence.
“We should go to bed, I'm quite tired.” admitted Cas after some time. Dean hasn't answered, he just led them to a bed and tucked them under a blanket.
“Good night, sweetheart”
“Good night, love.”
Dean did as he said the previous day. Checking on his brother was the first thing he has done in the morning.
“Sammy, how do you feel?” Dean sat down on the bed in Sam's and Gabriel's motel room. He sat next to Sammy but not too close to make him uncomfortable. Gabriel and Cas had done the best thing, they could. Walked away.
“I should be angry at you, but I feel too tired to do so. It's pity, though. If we'd got into an argument, then we'd atone and everything would be better.” Sam was visibly exhausted. He had dark circles under his eyes, that Dean was sure, it wasn't there last evening.
“If you want to argue, I'd arrange it, although it'd broke my heart.”
“Was it an irony, or not?” asked Sam with a glimpse of genuine concern.
“Well, both, obviously.”
“And now seriously. What can I do for you, Sammy? I've already sacrificed my soul for you, I'd gladly do it again.”
“You're saying, that we should be serious and you're being sarcastic. Yeah, don't say anything, I know. Denial is your shield. I know you, Dean. I know what are you terrified of.” Sam wrapped his arm around his brother's shoulders. ‘Everything is gonna be better,’ he said to himself. ‘It has to…’
“Wasn't it supposed to be 'bout you?” laughed Dean. Although he'd rather cry.
“I think that we're two halves of one whole. If is something wrong with me, it affects you too and vice versa. But you haven't said anything about my remark about you being in denial. So perhaps it is true.”
“It isn't! No, I'm not in denial. I-” Dean was interrupted in the middle of his inhale.
“-am denying that. As would any person in denial do. Dean, seriously, you have to move on. You are stuck in the beginning. Let it out, all of it. Go, be angry, crush things. Just stop pretending, it's not real, because it won't make the things you're afraid of smaller, you just won't see it for awhile. And do you know, what will happen, if you leave them unsupervised? They will grow! You have to say it. Right here. Right now.” In the middle of his speech Sam stood up to face his brother. After that act both brothers' face changed colour. Sam flushed and Dean paled.
“Weren't you deadly tired just few minutes ago?” snarked Dean in response, because he was trying to hide, how Sam's words had affected him.
“Well, I was, but someone has to look after you, since you are not able to do it yourself.”
“Are you trying to tell me, that you stopped being tired, just to make fun out my fears?”
“Do you really think I'm doing all of this, just to make a fun out of you?! I'm trying to help you, you asshole!”
“I'm sorry. You know, that you're not the one I doubt about…”
“Dean,”-Sam exhaled- “don't. Just don't.”
“So, since you are better,” Dean ignored his brother's remark, “you should spend some time with Gabriel, you two have a lot of talking to do.”
“Ugh, fine. I hate to admit it, but you are right..."
“Here,” Gabriel hugged Sam tightly, “I hold you and I won't let you go, 'till you learn, how to love yourself.” Sam smiled, then he leaned forward and kissed Gabe fiercely. Gabriel slightly laughed into the kiss.
“Although I find this unbelievably pleasant, it won't bribe me. I still cling to my words.”
“I know, you always do.” The archangel took a step backward and instead of a reply, he put on a serious face. It wasn't exactly pleasant for Sam, mostly because they just had a heavy make-out session like a few seconds before, but also because Gabriel was the least serious creature he knew. The room fell into a silence. The heavy, suffocating one.
“Baby steps, okay? You have to start with allowing yourself things. You made a mistake? You can allow it to yourself. Crave something? Allow it. It's the first step. Everybody has to indulge themselves sometimes. Got it?” While talking, Gabriel was looking Sam straight into the eyes and Sam felt a cold sweat run down his neck.
“Yeah, I guess. But about the mistakes- whenever I make a mistake, someone dies. It's not something to be proud of.” Sam replied resignedly.
“Sammy, how often do you think about, the people who died because of you?” Gabe asked with a sudden harsh.
“It's not like I think 'bout them constantly, it's more like they never seem to leave my head. Not really. Let me guess, it's not the answer you wanted to hear.”
“Yeah, you're right. That's exactly, what I didn't want to hear. But I can't say I'm surprised. I already know you. And here's my second question- how often do you think about the people, that are alive thanks to you, the people you saved?”
“I do think about them and I replay the memories of them but only, when I feel really, like, really bad. I do it on those days, when I'm too sick and self-pitying to even leave bed. It's when I think, I don't matter. The world doesn't need me. It needs Samuel Winchester, the man, who repeatedly saved it. Not Sam, who's more childish and broken inside, that he's willing to admit. And it's confusing, because in the end, there's just one man. Sam. Only Sam, a little boy who had to grow up too soon. Does it make any sense?” Sam looked like he just had an out-of-body-experience. He was there, he was talking, but his eyes were empty, like he was somewhere else.
“It does, actually. I'm really glad you told me.” Gabriel smiled sympathetically. Then he clapped his hands and put on a mischievous smile. “And now, since we don't have anything to hunt, I suggest we head into a bed for more pleasant activities to do. Agreed?”
“I'm sorry babe, but I'm actually kinda tired.” Sam changed his expression back to self-pitying one, even though he smiled just a moment ago.
“Let's go sleep, then. Is there anything, I can do for you?”
“Yes. I think I'd really like to sleep with my cute little spoon.”
Gabe snorted and responded, “First of all, I'm not a cute little spoon, I'm a fierce archangel. Heaven's most powerful weapon. And second of all I'm, I am, I…” Gabriel flushed. It's not usual for him to run out of words. But it was mostly because he just now at this exact moment realized how whipped Sam had him. Absolutely.
“Were you about to say something love?” Sam teased.
“Yes, let's go to bed.” Gabe's last words faded into silence. They laid on the small and crappy motel bed. To Sam it wasn't small and crappy, though. Maybe it was because Gabriel snapped his fingers and conjure a better one but he thought it was because of his love's hands running up and down his side...
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joiesomer · 5 years
Who: Somer, Jeff ( @xjefferxx )
Where: a trip home for Jeff’s birthday
When: Nov 8
Notes/Triggers: cute, nsfw, cute, silly, nsfw
Johnny knew his brother was coming into town but he didn't know he'd be there the night before. Having wanted his pillow he made his way back to his room, only to stop when he heard a noise he knew well. Jeff was home. He was about to break in and wake him when he saw something by him. So that was the boyfriend huh? Grabbing his pillow, Johnny ran back to tell his brother Jackson what he saw.
It was 6 as Jeff's alarm went off. He slowly moved and still held Somer in his arms. Morning wasn’t his thing but he wanted to be up and cook for his siblings and his lover. Kissing Somer's forehead, he smiled. "Baby, time to get up and make breakfast before you meet my siblings."
"Wh'tm's it?" Somer mumbled. He tried to clutch Jeff closer and ended up cuddling a pillow instead. "'ff?" A tousled red head lifted up, eyes barely open. "... 's y'r birthd'y."
"Yeah, it is, but we said we'd get the kids going then we can start the celebrating together." Kissing him once more. "Come on, I'll make you your favorite ... " Jeff climbing over him, and coaxing him from the bed.
Another grumble as Somer resisted waking. Jeff's departure let all cold air into the bed, though, and Somer yelped. "Nghhh! Jeff!"
"Come on, it's my birthday ... I promise we'll get back into bed soon." Pulling him to stand and kissing Somer in a way that he knew would wake him. Fingers laced, they made their way down the stairs to the living room. Jeff set Somer on the counter. "Coffee or cocoa?"
"Don't drink coffee." Somer made a bleah face, trying vainly to smooth his hair down. He swung his feet a bit, yawning, and watched Jeff move competently around the kitchen. "... we should get an apartment with Austin 'n' Mason."
Jeff was starting on the eggs as he warmed the water for cocoa and got down mugs. The eggs were scrambled and cooking as he looked to Somer. "I thought you waned a place just for us."
Somer pointed out, intelligently he thought, "Austin's cooking." Then he yawned so hard his jaw cracked.
"You haven't had mine yet," he said, handing him a cup of cocoa. "Drink up, they'll be down any moment." He grinned, stealing a kiss just as his sister walked in. Her eyes were huge at seeing Jeff there, running over to hug him. "Hey there, Jaylynn. Nice to see you too. Jay, this is Somer." The young blonde turned to him and waved. "I didn't think you'd be a redhead but you are cute." She giggled, grabbing a plate and some eggs. "Nice to have you home Jeffy," she called as she went to the dining room to eat.
The redhead barely managed to have a reaction to the blonde girl blasting in, just trying to keep the hot mug from spilling. He blinked at her owlishly, then reached up to feel his hair. "Was I supposed to be someone else?" he asked rhetorically.
"No, baby. I just didn't tell them you were a redhead." Jeff coming over to give him a kiss. "How is your cocoa?"
"Too hot to drink." Somer shook his head a little, trying to get his brain to go online, and chasing another kiss from Jeff. "She's ... like twelve. Your family is weird."
"She's 16, but I get it, she's young." Jeff gave him another kiss as Johnny and Jackson walked in. They both just chuckled, making Jeff flip them off. "Morning boys. Somer, this is Johnny and Jackson. Jackson is Jaylynn's twin." Both boys nodded to him.
The redhead watched the other two boys for a moment, then looked back to Jeff. "Alright, I'll bite. Why do all the names begin with J?"
"My parents named me Jeff after a friend from school, then Johnny for my mom's favorite movie character, so they just kind of kept with it, the youngest is Justin Joseph, or JJ." He explained as the boys grabbed some eggs.
"So like how much do you guys fuck?" Johnny asked flat out, making Jeff smack him in the head.
"Don't be rude."
Somer's mouth fell open, and his face flushed. "Wow," he blurted, then set his mug down and hopped down from the countertop. He got up into Johnny's space, eyes narrow and flat. "You've obviously never had someone you cared about before, or you would know better than to ask that question that way," he growled. "Jeff wants me to like you. Right now I can't /imagine/ why."
Jeff sat back, smirking as Somer seemed to come to life. Johnny raised his brow then walked off with his eggs. Jackson just grinned. "Nice one, Somer. I think I like you even more now." Jeff coming up behind him, he held his boyfriend for a moment. "Sorry about Johnny."
Somer leaned back into Jeff, tucking his head under the blond's chin. He was a bit surprised Jeff wasn't telling him off for telling Johnny off. There was just something about the way the question had been asked that got under his skin. "I never had a bratty younger sibling myself, but I know what they look like." His stomach growled, and he winced. "Did he leave anything for me?"
"Yeah, Johnny is pro at it but in his defense, like Winter, he's just trying to see if you're right for me. Protective a bit, they all are, just in different ways." Jeff  pointed out. "I did but I made you something special." Jeff uncovering a plate with a full omelet.
"That's a stupid way to find that out," Somer muttered. He took the plate, then side-eyed his boyfriend. "And ... where is yours? Birthday boy eats. Do you want to split this?"
"Birthday boy gets something special for breakfast," stated Rain as she walked in. Getting into the fridge, she pulled out the bacon and grabbed pancake mix.
"She always makes us foods we love, and I love me some bacon pancakes. Ever had it before, baby?" Jeff sitting at the bar now.
The redhead lifted his brows. "Jeff. Baby. I love you very much, but bacon does not go with everything. You know that, right?"
"Yes, I know, meanie." Kissing his cheek. "But I only get this once a year so I love it and I love you." Rain made a face only a mother would make when her children were acting as cute as these two were.
Somer laughed, shaking his head. "You eat your funny pancakes," he said fondly. "Can I have a couple of strips of bacon?" He settled down next to Jeff and started in on the omelet before it got cold, interspersing bites with cocoa.
Rain gladly gave Somer some bacon as jeff pulled him close and nuzzled him some. By then JJ had come in, but he was quieter then the others. He smiled to Somer and jeff. "You look cute together," he told his oldest brother when he sat on the counter and ate his eggs. "I'm Justin Joseph." He smiled to Somer.
Pushing Jeff off a bit so he could eat, Somer smiled back. "It's JJ, though, right?"
Jeff pouted, though his mom handed him his pancakes so he started to eat. JJ nodded. "Yeah, my name is too much of a mouth full to say so it's JJ, just like Jaylynn is Jay and Jackson is Jack. It makes life easier for everyone."
"Jeffrey, Johnny, Jackson, Jaylynn, Justin Joseph," Somer recited. He shook his head a bit. "And you say my family names their children strangely."
"You're named after seasons, baby," Jeff pointed out, offering a bite to Somer. "Just try it once for me. You haven't even met the dogs yet ..." He smirked. "They all start with the letter V."
Rolling his eyes, Somer accepted the bite, catching a drip of syrup with his tongue. "It's good," he said, noncommittally. "You have to admit, it's a lot harder to confuse our names, though."
"We never get confused for each other, but I get it baby." Jeff finished his breakfast and just like that it was whirlwind as the kids ran around to get dressed for school and were out the door. Marcus wasn't far behind, greeting the boys then off to work. Finally, Rain got herself dressed and told the boys she'd be back later. Leaving them alone, Jeff started to clean up and do the dishes. "You want to meet the dogs first or back to bed?" he smirked.
Somer did his best to help with the dishes, carrying things to Jeff or scraping plates into the trashcan. "I want to go flop," he said, and yawned. "Mornings bleh."
"Hmm I thought I was getting some fun though." Coming up behind his boyfriend. "You even said last night that you agreed to some morning fun times," he whispered into his ear, sucking behind it for a moment.
The redhead managed to mostly muffle his whimper. "True," he panted. "Don't care about ... barky things." He twisted in Jeff's arms to kiss him intensely. "Happy birthday. Jeffrey Anthony. Tell me ... what do you want for your birthday?"
Jeff smiled, kissing him back and pressing Somer against the wall. "Hmm you, just you, all day and all night," he whispered, moving to his neck once more. "I want you ... what do you want to give me?"
This time a moan slipped out. "Jeff ... everything ... " Somer breathed. "Give you ... everything -- god do that again. Please." It was oddly exciting, being in the Sterling house, but all alone. As if they were playing house together. As if it was five years, ten years in the future.
Jeff kissed him again, he reached down to pick Somer up as he carried him back to his room. Locking the door behind them, he laid Somer down. Kissing down the other side of his neck. "Hmm mine. My sexy redhead," he whispered, his hand cupping Somer through his pants, palming him a bit. "I love how you react to me."
Somer shuddered, arching up into Jeff's hand. "'s always you ... " He could lie here forever, letting Jeff do whatever he wanted. The redhead flung his arms wide, his t-shirt riding up and his sleep pants sliding down, giving Jeff all the room he had.
jeff smirked and rolled them over though, taking off Somer's shirt. "Hmm baby ..." His hand running down Somer's chest. He always found it funny that under his shirt, he had this amazing body. "Do you want to get me hard with that pretty mouth of yours?" his thumb rubbing over Somer's bottom lip. "Wanna see that pretty mouth on my cock ..."
"Don't think I'll /need/ to do much," Somer murmured, laughing softly. He slid down Jeff's body, mouthing at him on the way down, then peeled the waistband of his boxers back. "I love how /you/ react to /me/." Light fingertips grazed over the head of Jeff's cock.
Jeff moaned, smirking. "Yeah, well, it's all you baby." His fingers slipping into the red hair that he loved. He couldn't help but tug it some, just letting his eyes close and enjoy the feeling.
With a little huff of laughter, Somer licked slowly along the length of Jeff's dick, root to tip. Then he took the head into his mouth, softly sucking.
Jeff moaned, tugging his hair some. He let his head loll back as he just enjoyed the feeling of Somer's lips and mouth around his member as it was.
Happily, Somer teased his boyfriend, sometimes sucking on him, sometimes licking, sometimes bobbing up and down. He could feel Jeff tremble and squirm under him, and occasionally he would look up, laughter dancing in his green eyes.
Jeff looked down now, moaning and enjoying everything he did. He knew it was getting close to pulling Somer off his member, he kissed him and pushed off the boy's boxers as they rolled back over. He grabbed for the lube, slipping two fingers into Somer as he worked to get him open.
"Ah, god," Somer moaned. He arched, trying to push himself down onto those clever fingers. "Please, baby, please."
"You want me, huh? Want me to fuck you hard and take you?" The words making his own cock twitch a bit. "Hmm, this is just the start," he whispered to him, slipping his fingers out and rolling the condom on. Jeff teased him with the head of his cock, pressing in slowly then fully. "Hmm, fuck, you feel so good." Jeff rolling his hips slowly now.
"Always want you." A long groan pushed its way out of Somer as Jeff slid into him. "Feel so good," he echoed, rocking to match the blond's motions. He reached up, wanting kisses.
Jeff gladly kissed him back, lifting Somer's legs to have them around his hips. He went slow for now on the thrusts, wanting to enjoy them being pressed together like this. He wanted to just enjoy every thrust and moan that mixed into the air.
Somer loved the way it drove him crazy when Jeff made sex slow. He made his kisses equally slow, devouring his boyfriend's mouth and crumpling his hair. "Fuck I love you," he gasped.
"I love you, best birthday ever ... and it's just starting." Jeff whispered, his lips moving to suck his neck softly, knowing he'd leave marks but also knowing this was why his mom had left, to give them time to do as they wanted with no worries. Focusing on Somer now, he shifted so the head of his cock brushed past the boy's prostate with each thrust.
The redhead cried out softly, clinging to Jeff and throwing his head back. It was a good thing the blond's bed was big. "Please please please please please ... " he whimpered, hardly aware of what he was saying.
Jeff didn't know what he wanted, but he did know what he wanted himself. He wanted to make Somer feel it to his toes, so he picked up a bit of speed. Feeling each thrust as it ran past the other's bundle of nerves. Jeff pinning his hands as well, their lips locked in a kiss and mixing moans.
Somer jerked, writhing under his boyfriend, so close. "Please," he gasped into a kiss, "t-touch me, I need it. Need you. Please, baby, please ... "
Jeff shook his head. "Wanna see you come from just me inside you, no touching," he whispered, knowing he could probably do it.
The redhead tossed his head, desperate. "No, please, blondie. Ple~ease." Even with Jeff thrusting harder into him, even with the way he felt the sparks running up his spine every time the blond brushed his prostate ... "Please," Somer begged again.
Jeff wanted to try this, he knew it could work and though he loved the begging, he didn't give in yet. "Just let go and it will happen, baby."
He was sure if Jeff would just touch him, just barely even, he'd explode, he'd come and it would be amazing ... "F-ffuck," he stuttered, fingers curving hard. Briefly he struggled against the blond's hold. He shifted just a little and suddenly he was coming, whether he meant to or not, no warning. Sparks danced in his vision.
Seeing him, seeing how he came like that, it sent him over in a new kind of way. He came as well, feeling the tingle through all of his body in the way he had come to see that only Somer could make him feel. Slowing and pulling out, he cleaned them then held Somer close to him, pressing a soft kiss to his lips here and there.
Somer was totally limp, drained and spent. "Jeff," he murmured drowsily, trying to help with the clean up. "Happy birthday, Jeff."
Jeff kissed him, just holding him close. "Thank you baby, I'm glad I have you here to spend it with." he whispered, kissing him once more. "Nap time, my love?"
A huge yawn cracked Somer's jaw. One hand patted around, trying to find an edge of blanket or sheet. "Cuddles," he demanded.
Jeff cuddled him, the blankets pulled over him as he slipped his leg between Somer's. He knew he was going to tire him out and he was okay with that. It was the best way to start his birthday.
Somer wasn't sure how much later it was when he woke up again, entwined with Jeff and almost too warm. Easing himself out of the bed, he still felt a little sore from earlier, in a pleasant kind of way, and pulled on a tshirt. Then he collected some things and scurried across to the bathroom. One glorious shower later, he padded back into Jeff's room and tickled his boyfriend awake.
Jeff felt Somer leave the bed but for once he stayed asleep. He had rolled over to lay on his stomach. Soon though he started to wiggle as he was tickled. Jeff moaned then tried to push his finger away before smirking as he opened his eyes. "What are you doing, gingerbread?"
"Causing trouble," Somer smirked. "Are you going to sleep the day away? I knew we shouldn't've gotten up at stupid o'clock in the morning."
Jeff smiled, "Good thing I can catch you huh?" Running his fingers through Somer's hair. "No, just was nice and warm, cuddling you. It wasn't stupid o clock." He joked.
Somer laughed, shaking his head. "It so was." He kissed Jeff. "I've already taken a shower. I thought ... maybe we could go for a walk?"
"Hmm, I think I could get behind that but I need a shower too." Jeff slowly sitting up and kissing his nose. "You're going to need to be a bit more dressed, babe."
"I am?" Somer said in confusion. He looked over at the windows, then wandered over and pulled back the curtains. Then he stared. "Jeff! Jeff, there's /snow/! There's /SNOW/!" He started to bounce on his toes, then shot back to the bed and pounced on Jeff. "There's snow!"
Jeff got up, stretching fully and hugging his boyfriend for a moment once he bounced on the bed. "Yes, I know, baby. It does that here a lot so that's why I said you might need more clothes. Like boots and a good coat." Kissing his cheek. "Do you want to go play in it?"
Somer gave Jeff a faintly disgusted look. "Don't ask stupid questions. Of /course/ I want to go play in it. Hurry up! Come on! I'm sure I can go out in my tennis shoes, for a little while." He grinned suddenly. "Don't you want to warm me up after?"
"No, you need boots, it's like 6 inches deep." Jeff pointed out, grabbing his towel. "Yes, of course I do, but you need to be dressed right. Go check in JJ and Jackson's room for something that might fit you while I'm in the shower."
The redhead rolled his eyes at Jeff's back. The snow wouldn't be that bad, he was sure. He started poking into the other bedrooms anyway, because Jeff would be a pest if he didn't. Hurriedly he backed out of the one that was all pink and sparkly -- that had to be Jaylynn's. After another trial, he found the other boys' room, and managed to come out with a pair of boots he thought might be right.
Jeff had showered and now was putting on some longjohns then jeans. He smiled to see Somer there, looking cute as ever. "Well that's better." He kissed his cheek, finishing getting dressed as well. "We need to take the dog with us, so we'll have to get them out." Stepping from his room as he heard them all come running.
Somer trailed after him, a bit wary now. The dogs had to go with them? How were they going to have any fun if they had to keep up with dumb, annoying dogs?
All the dogs came running and were all wagging their tails in enjoyment. Jeff pet them all, then looked up to Somer. "Somer, this is Vader, Vanilla, Velvet, Velour and Valentine." Valentine was a golden retriever, while the rest were french bulldogs. "Mom we're taking the dogs." Rain called back to have fun as Jeff walked with them out the front door. "They're all trained to be off leash, so they'll just follow us."
Somer peered toward the kitchen. He hadn't even realised Rain was home. She must have come back while they were sleeping. Shaking his head at himself, he followed Jeff out into the brilliant snow, smiling, then laughing. The dogs ran out in a tumble around their feet, and the redhead instantly bent to scoop up some snow and fling it out into the world.
Jeff grinned to see Somer so happy. He knew he wasn't much of a dog person but he was glad the dogs would just follow and play. Velvet stopped to jump into the snow and roll, making Jeff chuckle some.
Glancing over at Jeff, Somer threw his arms up to the sky and turned in place a few times, laughing. "I'm just as glad we don't get snow at home," he said, "but it's awfully nice to be able to play in it." He knelt down and assembled a much more packed-down snowball, then hurled it at Jeff.
Jeff grinned, then caught what he was doing. The snow being thrown to him, he laughed and scooped up his own, throwing it back at Somer. He was laughing as well, knowing this was going to happen.
Somer yelped, ducking and dashing away across the snow. Velour chased after him, barking, and he grinned at her. "Help me get him, okay?" he mock-whispered to her, and made another snowball.
Jeff chuckled, tossing some snow balls for the dogs and then going to throw one at somer once more. "I will get you," he called.
"You can have fun trying!" Somer yelled back. He made a pile of snowballs, then had to laugh when Velour leaped onto them and smashed them all. "That's not going to work," he scolded gently, and started making another one. "If we don't have snowballs, Jeff will win!"
Jeff was piling up the snowballs, even if the dogs were just wanting him to throw them. So he suddenly changed his tactic. He grabbed some snow then started to sneak around as Somer was working on his snowballs. Creeping up, he was as quiet as he could be. Jeff ready to put some snow down Somer's back. Not much but enough.
After a minute, Somer realised he couldn't hear Jeff anymore. He looked around, trying to stop the blond hair against the snow, but the space around the house was too unfamiliar -- he didn't know where to look. Instead he picked up two snowballs, one in each hand, and stood up. "Where aaaaare youuuuu Jeffie?"
Jeff held back his giggle as he snuck up and pushed the snow down Somer's back with a chuckle as he watched him react to it.
By the time Jeff actually came up behind him, Somer knew he was there -- the dogs gave him away. But he pretended not to notice, and yelped (he hoped satisfactorily) when the snow went down his jacket and collar. Spinning, he flung the snowballs haphazardly at his boyfriend.
Jeff ducked and ran as Somer seemed to just start throwing snowballs. One hit him but he ignored it and kept running as he called the dogs along with him. He had run to the backyard and now was waiting with the ultimate surprise for Somer.
Laughing, Somer chased after Jeff, heedless of possible further attacks. He blundered through some trees, getting more snow dumped on his head, and emerged in the back yard covered in white powder.
Jeff laughed, standing there with a cup of cocoa for him. "Mom says it's about to get colder so we need to come in." Walking over to him. "Come on, I want to warm you up and drink cocoa with you on my lap."
Somer tipped his head to one side, puzzled. "It's already /freezing/, how can it possibly get any colder?" He covered his nose with one gloved hand, trying to decide if it was still there, then accepted the mug from Jeff. "Where's yours?"
"It's inside, she was still making it. The kids will be home soon too." Jeff stepped in the door but didn't go further as he took his boots off and his coat, it all got set in a place to dry. Rain walked over, handed him his cup and then smiled to Somer. "Did you enjoy the snow?" The dogs following them in.
"Were we really out there that long?" It had seemed like hardly any time at all. But Somer glanced at the clock anyway, and was surprised. "It was wonderful!" he said, then thanked Mrs Rain politely for the chocolate. "So, um. Jeff? Before everyone gets home ... I ... have a thing for you?"
Jeff nodded to him. "Yeah, okay." Thanking his mom, he held Somer's hand and retreated back to his room. With the door shut and locked just in case, Jeff sat on the bed with Velour on his lap. "What's up, gingerbread?" he smiled softly around his cocoa cup.
Somer's heart beat harder, but he took a deep breath and rummaged in his bags. "I ... wanted to give you this present now. So you didn't have to explain anything to your parents, if you didn't want to ... and because I think I might go Austin if your siblings had anything to say about it." He turned back to Jeff with a pair of velvet jewelry boxes in his hands, necklace-sized.
"I ... need you to take my collar off."
Go Austin ... oh right, bust into flames. Jeff raised a brow, though, as he asked him to take the collar off. It wasn't the first time but he had to wonder why he wanted it off when it had a tag now and all. "Okay, turn for me," he replied, then unclasped it and set it down. Jeff looked at it for a moment, his heart racing a bit.
The redhead gently coaxed Velour off Jeff's lap, then set the cocoa mug aside too. He sat down where Velour had been, wrapping his arms around Jeff's neck, and kissed the end of his nose. "Open the blue one first," he whispered.
Jeff held him and nodded. He grabbed the bag and slowly opened it. Inside he wasn't sure what he was looking at. It looked like jewelry but he wasn't sure how it had to do with taking the collar off.
Somer pointed at the clasp. "This one locks. It's a special clasp, with a hex key. Only one key. And, um ... " He ducked his head a bit. "You looked really carefully for the other one, and I love it, I do. But ... it's leather? And it can't get wet or that will ruin the leather. So that means I can't wear it in the shower, or in the pool." He swallowed hard, and looked into Jeff's eyes, pleading. "This one ... it's silver. I can wear it all the time."
Jeff understood now. "I like it and I get it, but does that mean you don't want to wear the other one anymore?" His brow furrowing as that had been a gift for Somer and though he did love this one, he did wish he'd wear the other as well. "If not, will you still wear the dogtag?" Jeff looking to his own that he wore.
"Except for swimming and bathing, I want you to decide what one I wear," Somer said softly.
Jeff smiled to him, kissing his nose. "Okay." With that, he place the new one on Somer and used the small key to lock it in place. "I think I'm going to get a chain for your tag so you can always wear it." Kissing him softly then. "Should I open the other now?"
Nodding, Somer lifted his fingers to brush against the infinity symbol in the hollow of his throat.
Jeff grabbed the second box and opened it. He grinned to see a matching bracelet in the box. He handed the key to Somer. "Want to help me put it on?"
Carefully, tongue sticking out between his teeth, Somer fastened the tiny lock around Jeff's wrist. "I love you," he whispered. "I know sometimes ... the way I can be ... it's hard. It makes you doubt. But no matter what I see in other people, you come first, most important, you are the person I'm choosing to be committed to wholly."
Jeff cupped his cheek. "I love you, too. Yeah, it can be, but it's not like it used to be. I don't feel like you hide us anymore and knowing you wear that, it helps some but what helps the most is this." His hand sliding into Somer's. "And this." Kissing him softly and slowly. "Doing that when others can see, it means everything to me. Your love means everything to me."
Somer kissed Jeff back, wanting to never leave that kiss. "I'm trying to be better," he murmured. "Anyway I want to be touching you all the time." He kissed the blond again. "And kissing you. And I don't, because I don't want to get you into trouble."
"How would I get in trouble for you kissing me, baby?" Jeff lacing their hands as he heard the footsteps of his siblings, but he ignored it just so he could focus on him and his love only. Well, Velour was there too but mostly, he was looking to the redhead that held so much of him.
"Some people don't like to see PDA, remember?" Somer's eyes crinkled with his smile. "And this is me, you know I think I'm going to get in trouble for all kinds of innocuous things. Stupid brain chemicals."
"Well, I don't care, I love PDA with my boyfriend and they can shove it." Jeff wiggled his nose at Somer then. "I know I know, but I'm telling you, no one can get mad if they do then I'll fight them." Making a face as he pretended to put his hands up to fight.
Somer laughed so hard at that he fell over on the bed, then slid off, still laughing. "Jeff," he managed finally, with a sobbing breath, "please don't fight. You will be terrible at it. If they get mad, I will fight them."
"Actually, I would be good, but I think I'll leave all the fighting for you and those awesome abs of yours." He winked to his boyfriend, kissing him once more. "We should go join my family now, unless there is more for me?"
"Oh, there is, but I wanted to give you these things in private. The rest are for later, with everyone else." Somer grabbed Jeff's hand and pulled himself off the floor.
Jeff helped him up, pulling his close and kissing his neck along the necklace softly. "Hmm later we'll have to see what it looks like when that's all you have on," he whispered to him, kissing his neck once more.
Somer hung onto the doorknob and shivered. "'s gonna make you /crazy/," he whispered back, feeling bold. "I might just make you watch."
"Make me watch? Watch what?" Jeff purred, kissing behind his ear now. He couldn't keep his hands off his boyfriend. Who could blame him though?
"Me." The redhead moaned, biting his lip. "Watch me, no touching. Watching me touch myself." He could hear the others downstairs, but somehow knowing they were that close just made this moment more exciting.
"Hmm, nope, another time. It is my birthday and I get whatever I want." Jeff smirked, sucking his neck now. He didn't care if Somer went down there with a hickie on his neck, just would show that Jeff was damn happy. Pulling away, he whispered, "We're going to behave then we'll come back up here and I'm going to ravish you with only that collar on."
Another moan, Somer's teeth sinking even harder into his lip. If Jeff wasn't holding him up, his knees would have given out. "Jeff." The redhead's voice was ragged. "Babe, please."
"Later, my love." Jeff laced their fingers then kissing his hand. Leaving his room, Jeff and Somer joined everyone. The small party of family went well, he got some good gifts and thanked them all. But really, Jeff was more into watching Somer and seeing how he was doing as he couldn't get the picture out of his head.
With the worry of how Jeff was going to receive his big gift off Somer's shoulders, he was so much more relaxed. Nothing the Sterlings had to say phased him, and he easily gave as good as he got. As he promised, he had a few more gifts for Jeff to add to the family pile; a shirt reading 'eat sleep dance repeat', another keychain that said 'dance isn't just my sport. it defines me', a notebook that matched one of Somer's only in blue.
Jeff couldn't help but to kiss Somer in a way to thank him for the rest of his gifts. Now with everything opened, Rain asked if Jeff wanted to watch his favorite movie but he shook his head. "Not tonight but maybe tomorrow? Just kind of want some more time with my boyfriend." He smirked making Rain nod, she understood. The rest of the kids had all gone off to bedrooms anyhow.
Somer looked at Rain, then at Jeff. "Don't you guys do birthday cake?" he asked, confused. "Ice cream? I feel like you're being deprived here."
Jeff smiled a bit, kissing Somer's cheek. "Yeah we do, just give it a moment." Then suddenly out came Marcus with a cake and the kids with some small instruments. "They try to act like the night is over, then come back to sing," he explained as they all started to sing 'Happy Birthday' to him. Jeff blowing out the candles with a smile to them all. "I hope you like strawberries,"  Marcus asked Somer.
"I love strawberries." Somer clapped gleefully as Jeff blew out the candles. He got up and tried to help Rain with the plates, and ended up dodging JJ and Jaylynn so much he just sat back down.
Jeff just pulled Somer into his lap as the family moved around. Rain telling Somer it was better to just sit and enjoy with Jeff. He kissed his boyfriend's cheek as they were handed cake and ice cream. "You want to feed it to me?"
"Do you trust me not to get it on your face?" Somer grinned, then accepted two plates. He wasn't sure how he was going to juggle both of them, and feed Jeff, and stay balanced on his lap, but he was game.
"I do not, but it will be all the more fun," he chuckled to him. "I'll hold my plate." Taking one from Somer to hold but before Somer could feed him, Jeff set the plate on his knee and picked up the cake, smashing it in his boyfriend's face with a laugh.
Frosting dripped from his face as Somer blinked at Jeff. "You -- what -- Jeff -- " he spluttered, torn between hilarity and outrage. He was trying so hard to make a good impression on the Sterlings, and there was this ... he stared at his boyfriend, mouth twitching, then solemnly held out a hand to the side. Someone put a plate in it, never mind that he already had a full plate in his lap.
Somer picked up the cake from the new plate. He held it up, crumbs falling, then deliberately pressed it into Jeff's nose.
Jeff laughed the moment his face was covered in cake. He shook some off then leaned in to lick Somer's cheek with a 'mmm' falling from his lips. "Hmm, now you taste like strawberries." His family, having backed away, were starting to laugh to see the boys covered in cake as Jeff licked Somer again. "You want a lick?" Sticking his cheek out for Somer.
Somer eyed Jeff dubiously, then licked the crumbs and frosting from around his own lips. "I don't know. I'm not sure I like Jeff-flavoured cake. How well does that go with strawberry?"
Jeff pouted some. "You didn't say that this morning." Smirking as he leaned over to rub his cake on Somer's face a bit with a knowing smile.
"You --!" Somer cut off as his voice rose, then lunged up and pinned Jeff flat and licked him all over his face. "You are absurd," he told his boyfriend then. "And I don't know why I keep you."
Jeff yelped as he was pushed back and laughed. He let Somer pin him, why not? After all it was all in good fun. "You keep me because I'm sexy, cool and great in bed." Pushing him back so he could sit up, with a kiss to his lips.
Rain had to jump in now. "Okay you two, shower now. I need to clean up the mess you've made."
"He started it!" Somer said promptly, but scrambled off the couch anyway. He found a paper towel and began to wipe most of the mess off his face. "Sorry," he said somewhat sheepishly.
Rain shook her head to him. "You're fine, Somer. I just don't want cake all over the house." She had a loving smile on her face as she handed Jeff a paper towel as well. "Now upstairs both of you, I will leave some cake and ice cream in Jeff's room, actually eat it this time." She teased.
Somer started to shake his head, then stopped so he didn't fling crumbs everywhere. Instead he smiled. "Thank you, Mrs ... Rain." He headed off upstairs, swiping at sticky bits on his face with his fingers.
Jeff followed Somer and quickly pushed him into the bathroom, locking it behind them as he pinned his boyfriend to the door. Fingers laced and over his head. "You look good wearing my cake," he whispered, sucking and licking up Somer's neck.
"I kinda ... mmm, Jeff," Somer squirmed in the hold, not really trying to break out of it. "I wanted to taste the cake ... Jeff, blondie ... "
"We can after we shower. Mom is putting some in the room for us, I told her we'd come get ice cream when we're ready." Jeff humming as he pressed his hips to Somer's. "Right now we need to get clean and I think I should go use the other shower ... "
The redhead's fingers tightened on Jeff's. "Why?" It came out a bit petulant. Hurriedly he tried again, rocking against his boyfriend. "You can't be that much of a distraction ... "
"Baby, if I shower with you, you know it won't be a shower." Jeff smiled. "And yes, I can't handle seeing you naked until I have you locked in my room to enjoy fully ... but do you really want me to share with you?"
"It's your birthday," Somer breathed, leaning in close to try to kiss Jeff. "Shouldn't you have anything you want?"
"Hmm, yeah, but I will when we're clean." Jeff kissing him as he saw Somer was trying for. "Now I'll see you in my room in 20, the towels are right there." Pointing to the cupboard. Jeff gave him another quick kiss then slipped out of the bathroom.
The redhead tried to hang on to his boyfriend, but Jeff was too agile, and slipped away. Somer laughed, picking a bit of frosting out of his hair, and turned on the water. He cleaned up quickly but thoroughly, then went back into Jeff's room. Poring over his clothes, he deliberately picked out a buttoned shirt he knew Jeff liked, and comfy jeans, and left off the underwear. Then he sprawled on the bed.
Jeff didn't want to leave but he knew them better then that. So showering and making sure he was good and clean, he came back to his room in just his towel. Walking in to see Somer, he locked the door and smirked. "Now who told you to get dressed?" he teased and dropped his towel.
"Mmm, I thought you'd like to unwrap your present," Somer purred. He looked up and down Jeff's bare body, then licked his lips slowly. "Of course, there's also cake and ice cream ... "
"The sweets can wait, I want my gingerbread." Jeff climbing onto the bed, he straddled Somer as he undid the shirt and removed it. Smirking, he started to kiss down his chest, licking the lines of his abs.
Somer moaned, arching under Jeff. "The -- the ice cream will melt," he stumbled, half-heartedly. "Jeff ... "
"It's in the freezer, mom only dropped off the cake." Sucking now over the waistband of his jeans. "You are a much better snack."
The redhead shuddered, with another encouraging moan. "Eat me all up," he whispered. His breathing sped up, waiting for Jeff to undo his jeans.
Jeff grinned. "I will. I'm going to eat you up and out, then I'm going to watch you ride me with that new collar of yours." Slipping Somer's pants off then, he stood and just took the whole sight in. He drank in how much his heart seemed to beat only for the redhead on his bed.
Somer thought his heart might pound right out of his chest as Jeff surveyed his naked self. He could feel the slight weight of the collar around his throat, but it was nothing to the weight of his boyfriend's gaze. He was starting to get hard, and reached down to stroke himself, hoping to stir Jeff to action.
Jeff shook his head some. "Now if you touch then why should I?" Smirking to him. He knew Somer's tricks a bit and though he was itching to touch him, he didn't make a move for it. He just still drank him in fully. "God, I love you," he whispered, finally moving back to the bed, pressing a kiss to his lips.
The redhead drew Jeff down, leaving off touching himself to wrap both arms around his boyfriend. Returning the kiss with interest, he murmured, "I love you too. Happy birthday, best beloved."
"You are the best gift." Jeff smiled against his lips, pressing his hips down to Somer's. With a loud moan, he moved his hips still to feel their cocks pressed together. "So beautiful," he whispered, then flipped them over. "Wanna see you ride me, baby."
Somer rolled them back over, grinning up at Jeff. "I was promised being eaten all up," he said, eyes sparkling.
Jeff shook his head a bit. "I will, but only once you're good and used." Flipping back over. "Wanna see you bounce and moan."
The redhead gave up, sitting up on Jeff with a laugh. He wriggled himself against his boyfriend's hard cock, then leaned down to kiss his nose. "So you aren't going to open me up?"
Jeff wiggled his nose then shook his head. "Nope, I wanna see you finger yourself. Wanna see what you do when you're all alone and dying for relief. Then once you're all spent, I'll eat you up ... sweet ginger." Caressing his cheek and handing him the lube.
Somer smiled. "I wait for you," he whispered, taking the lube. "When I'm all alone, I wait for you." He rolled off Jeff, sprawling on his back and propping his knees up.
Jeff rolled over to watch as he kissed Somer's neck, sucking some spots. "Hmm, what if I don't want you to wait?"
With his finger already poised, Somer accidently pushed into himself when Jeff kissed him. He moaned sharply, arching just as hard. "Wh-- I-- Jeff, oh~!"
Jeff grinned, stroking Somer's cock a bit then licking up to behind his ear and sucking on the lobe there. "Doing so well ... opening yourself up like that."
"Fuck," Somer swore breathlessly. "J-jeff ..." It felt like his attention was being pulled all over the place; he couldn't concentrate. His fingers faltered, slowed down ... stopped as he was distracted by Jeff's actions.
Jeff smiled, moving Somer's hand for him. He moved them out, warming his own fingers to open him up. "You ready baby?"
The redhead moaned. "Blondie ... " He shuddered, pressing himself against Jeff. "Please. Please?"
Jeff smiled, rolling with Somer over him. He stroked himself a bit. "Come on, baby, slip on for me and show me how good you look on my cock."
Somer shuddered again, sliding down and feeling Jeff fill him up. "Blondie," he breathed, stretching upward, and then arching. "You f-feel so good." Bracing his hands on Jeff's chest, he worked himself up and down, breath hissing out from between his teeth with each movement.
Jeff moaned, loving the feeling of Somer around his cock. He watched him, bring his knees up so his feet were flat on the bed. "So do you, look so pretty in your new collar riding my cock." Jeff stroked his sides softly while he moved.
It didn't take long before Somer was whimpering, eager to be touched. "Please?" he begged. "Please, blondie."
Jeff shook his head some. "No, you know you can do it baby ... come just from me," he whispered, pulling him into a kiss.
It was always like that, these days. Sometimes Somer missed the days when Jeff would stroke him to completion -- but it was the blond's birthday. He kissed Jeff, gasping against his hot skin, seeking that edge. "Come on," he panted, "please ... "
Jeff liked to push him and did enjoy seeing Somer get himself off but at the same time, he liked to please him too. So wrapping his fingers around the boy's cock, he stroked him with the rhythm he was bouncing to.
"Yes." Somer squirmed, feeling the tension spiral up inside. "Oh yes Jeff yes ... need. Need you to come. You come first." The words were staccato with his breathing, quick and sharp.
Jeff pushed up into him, hard and fast. His back arching as he came inside of his boyfriend, his hand not stopping moving to bring Somer along.
The breath burst out of Somer in a gasp, and he bent over with a low groan. "Blondie fuck yes /yessss/ ... " He loved when they were tangled together, coming at almost the same time, loved how closely they were intertwined in spirit like that. "Love you, oh love you so much."
Jeff held him close, kissing his cheek then over to his lips. "I love you too, so much. You've made this the best birthday I've ever had."
Somer collapsed in blissful haziness, lying on top of Jeff and snuggling in. "Mine," he murmured. "Keep you forever." Then he yawned and giggled sleepily. "Cake?"
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captainswanatk · 7 years
CS 12 Days of Christmas: Day 10
Today’s prompt: Christmas throughout the years (any time period)
This chunker of a one shot follows Emma and Killian over 10 Christmases. There’s scenes from each Christmas, some longer than others. I tried to include different kinds of scenes. This one includes their daughters from my other one shot series. Not important to read that to read this. There is some sexual content in the beginning (Newlyweds). Not explicit, but enough that I felt like I needed to include a warning. Mild language as well. Really only for that first Christmas. It’s quite fluffy after that.
AO3  FF 
Ten Christmases
1st Christmas. Newlyweds.
Emma shoved Killian against their front door after waiting impatiently for him to open it to let them inside. He'd let her go in first, only to have her grab him by the lapels of his coat and yank him in after her. He'd had just enough time to close the door with his foot before being getting pushed back up against it. Emma then proceeded to kiss the holy hell out of him.
They'd just enjoyed a wonderful Christmas party and Emma had had the time of her life. She had a nice buzz going from the alcohol and, with Henry staying over at Regina's, had felt the need to drag her husband home and take advantage of him.
It was officially Christmas Eve; their first as a married couple. And Emma intended to make the best of it. She'd thrown herself into getting ready for Christmas. This naturally included educating Killian about the holiday as they didn't have Christmas in the Enchanted Forest. He found the whole thing fascinating, though nothing piqued his interest more than mistletoe.
Emma had been amused to wake up to find a sprig of mistletoe over the doorway to their bedroom one morning. And their bathroom. And their closet. And stuck to the roof of her Bug. She'd laughingly informed him that people generally didn't put mistletoe in their cars and he'd argued that more people should. After the kiss he'd promptly given her in said car to prove his point, she hadn't been able to disagree.
Suffice it to say, Emma and Killian had been happily putting the mistletoe to good use. Especially once Killian had insisted that the newlywed phase should last for the entirety of the first year of marriage and Emma was completely on board with that idea. Much to Henry's chagrin and general disgust. Well, poor Henry would just have to deal with it.
Besides, Henry wasn't home at the moment. As much as she loved her son, Emma couldn't help being thrilled about that as she continued to kiss Killian senseless under the mistletoe that hung over their front door. She shoved his coat off his shoulders before sliding her hands down to unfasten his belt.
"Emma." Her name came out on a partial whimper as she practically slithered her way down his body. "Love, you don't have to..."
"Ssh," she ordered, shooting him a wicked smile while she freed him from his jeans. "Consider this an early Christmas present."
"Emma...fuck." Killian's eyes closed and his head fell back against the door while she proceeded to thoroughly and enthusiastically pleasure him with her mouth. She'd had him reduced to unintelligible grunts and groans in no time, his hand sliding into her hair at one point. Not to try to control or force her movements, but because he simply needed to touch her.
His thoughts generally consisted of a string of curses mixed in with her name while she drove him to the point of pure madness. If he hadn't already been married to her, he would've wanted to marry her on the spot on the merit of what she was now doing to him alone. Bloody hell. Emma had learned how to wreck him in the best possible ways. And she enjoyed doing it. May the gods help him, getting him off turned her on.
By the time she was done, Killian was pretty certain that she could ask him to do absolutely anything for her and he'd do it. If she'd asked for the moon, he would've found a way to bring her the bloody moon. Which, if he was being honest, had been the case ever since he'd fallen for her. He would do anything for this amazing woman. This just intensified that desire.
He was still trying to figure out how to come back to earth when she slithered her way back up his body. "You're welcome, baby," she murmured against his lips.
The response he gave to this was something along the lines of "mmmfngph". It was a sound that he was quite certain he'd never made before, ever, but that was what she'd reduced him too. Nonsensical mumbles. The bloody minx that was his wife merely giggled in response to this.
A goofy smile spread across Killian's face as his eyes closed once again. He didn't think he could ever tire of hearing his wife giggle. It was quite possibly the most adorable sound he'd ever heard. And heaven knew that she hadn't done nearly enough of that in her life. He made an effort to make her giggle as much as possible.
He opened his eyes, expecting to find her still standing in front of them, but she wasn't. A quick glance around and he found her in the kitchen, reaching up to pull down a glass from a cabinet. He peeled himself away from their front down and made his way to her.
Emma had gone to get herself a glass of water and was just about to ask if he wanted one too when he came up behind her. Sliding his arms around her, he tugged her to him. "Hey," she said in greeting.
"Hey," he replied. "I think we need to have a talk."
"About what?" she asked.
"About what you just did to me," he answered, bringing his lips right to her ear. "I'm afraid that you may have just landed yourself on the naughty list, my love."
"Oh, what Santa doesn't know won't hurt him," Emma answered, a smile tugging on her lips.
"But you forget. Santa sees everything," Killian reminded her. "What's that line from the song? About him knowing if you've been bad or good?" Killian's Christmas education had naturally included listening to Christmas music. "And you, my dear, have been very bad." His lips brushed against the sensitive spot just underneath her ear, making her shiver.
"Yeah?" Her voice was husky as she continued. "And what are you going to do about it?"
"Isn't it obvious, Swan?" Emma's eyes fluttered closed as he kissed her neck, his lips soft against her skin. The stubble on his face always providing such a nice contrast in sensations. "I'm going to have to punish you. The kind of behavior you just displayed, well. You simply cannot do something like that and not expect...consequences."
"You don't scare me." The breathiness in her voice belied her words, but she found it hard to care.
"You are a brave lass," he purred. "But that's not going to save you." Emma gasped as he suddenly spun her around to face him. "I've got you in my clutches now."
"Do your worst," she challenged. "I dare you."
"Don't worry, love," he assured her. "I will." With that, he crushed his lips against hers. Emma soon found herself being lifted onto their kitchen table.
It really was a good thing that Henry wasn't home.
It was some time later, after Killian had proceeded to thoroughly ravage his wife and while she was still trying to catch her breath. "Merry Christmas Eve, love," he murmured against her lips.
"Merry Christmas Eve," she managed.
2nd Christmas.   Playtime.
It was Christmas and Emma was feeling especially playful as she lured Killian outside. She'd woken up before him for a change and the two of them had enjoyed a nice breakfast as they exchanged gifts, just the two of them. Henry had spent the morning at Regina's and would be coming over to their house so the three of them could head out to Snow and Charming's house together.
And now she had the overwhelming urge to do something fun. "A snowball fight?" he asked, skeptically. Christmas had evidently turned his wife into a five-year-old with the body of an adult.
"Oh come on!" she insisted. "It'll be fun."
"Henry is due to arrive at any moment," Killian reminded her. "And then we're going to have to go."
"You know what I think?" she asked and he detected a note of challenge in her voice.
"What's that?"
"I think you're too chicken to fight me," she informed him, earning herself one of his classic eyebrow raises.
"I beg your pardon?"
"I said that I think that you, sir, are a chicken," she repeated.
"Oh, I see what you're doing here," he nodded. "You're trying to goad me into a fight. Well, I hate to break it to you, love, but it's not going to work."
"We'll see about that," she muttered.
"I'm going to start loading the car, alright?" He asked, turning to go back inside. "Maybe we can have a fight la-" He stopped when he felt a snowball hit him in the back. "Hitting a man when his back is turned? Bad form, love."
"So, why don't you do something about it?" Emma asked, defiantly. "Oh that's right, I remember. You're a chicken, that's why."
"Swan..." he said, slowly turning around to face her.
"Yes, chicken?" she answered, innocently.
"This will not work," Killian said, calmly. "Now come on, we'll have a nice snowball fight later on with the rest of our fa-" This time it wasn't a snowball that cut him off. No. It was the sound of Emma clucking. "Oh, now that's real mature, Swan," he shook his head at her, even as his lips quivered. "I'll give you points for effort. But calling me a chicken and making chicken noises is not going to get you want you want."
"You know what?" she asked, an impish smile appearing on her face.
"What?" he asked, warily.
"I was wrong," she said, surprising him. "You're not a chicken." She waited a beat. "You're a codfish."
There was a long pause.
"What did you just call me?" he asked, slowly.
"You heard me." Emma began sauntering over to him. "I called you a codfish." She watched a muscle in his jaw twitch. "You know what's interesting? You always go on and on about how horribly inaccurate the Peter Pan movie is. 'That's not how it bloody happened, Swan,'" she said, in a terrible imitation of his accent. "They got a couple of things right though, didn't they?"
"Swan..." This time there was a hint of warning in his voice.
"You really don't like being called a codfish, do you?" She sounded positively gleeful. "Then I bet you'll really hate this." She took a step closer. "Captain Hook is a codfish," she taunted in a singsong voice.
"Codfish?" She had the audacity to flutter her eyelashes at him when she said this and he couldn't help being completely charmed. He struggled to keep it from showing, however.
"I'm going to let you in on a little secret," he said, moving closer to her. "Me trying to avoid a snowball fight was actually just me being a gentleman."
"Nah, that's not it," she argued, waving her hand in dismissal. "You just know that you're going to lose. Because you're a codfish." She watched him work his jaw for a moment.
"Run," he advised, a dangerous glint in his eyes. Emma let out a shriek as he charged. It was on. All out war as they began pelting each other with snowballs. The battle went on for quite some time until she managed to hit him right in the face with a snowball.
"Ha!" Emma whooped. "You are a codfish." She cupped her hands around her mouth. "Captain Hook is a bloody codfish!" she crowed, yelping a second later when he caught her around the waist.
"Take that back," he growled. Or rather, he attempted to growl. It was hard to sound threatening while he was laughing.
"Never!" she cried.
"Take it back." Now she squirmed as he held her against him with his left arm and began tickling her. Emma made a wild twist in an effort to escape, managing to throw them completely off balance. They fell to the snow covered ground in a tangled heap of limbs, laughing. After a brief wrestling match, Emma emerged victorious as she straddled him, pinning his arms above his head.
"I win," she declared, her eyes twinkling. "Admit it."
"Alright, fine. You win," he acknowledged, trying to regain his breath. "This round. This isn't over, Swan."
"Oh, I know," she assured him. "I can't wait until I can beat you again."
"Please, you got lucky this time," he teased.
"Keep believing that, buddy," she countered. She watched him for a few moments, smirking. "You know, I'm enjoying this. Having you at my mercy."
"At your mercy, am I?" he asked, his eyebrow lifting again. "Tell me, love, what exactly do you plan on doing with me, then?"
"Well, for starters..." Her gaze lowered to his lips. "How about this?" She leaned in to kiss him. "Yeah, I think I like this," she murmured, kissing him again. The kiss slowly grew more heated as she released his arms to touch his face. She let out a muffled squeal against his lips as he suddenly rolled them over. Emma had never made out in the snow before, but it made for an interesting contrast. The cold of the air and the snow against her back versus the heat from his body. From his lips.
Emma let him think that he'd taken control for a few moments before flipping them over again. She rolled her hips against his, making him growl into her mouth.
Unfortunately for everyone involved, neither of them heard Henry approach. "Guys? Are you ba-...oh gross!" Henry exclaimed. Emma instantly wrenched her lips away from Killian's.
"Henry!" Her voice seemed abnormally high as she quickly sat up and back on her heels. "Um, Merry Christmas!" She smiled at her son, who looked absolutely horrified. Not to mention completely grossed out.
"You...I...what the hell?!" Henry sputtered, as Killian sat up.
"We were just playing," Emma offered weakly, swatting Killian's shoulder when he let out a snort of amusement in response.
Before immediately throwing her under the bus.
"Your mother started it," Killian said quickly.
"Seriously?!" Emma asked, gaping at him. "You're just going to rat me out like that?
"You did!" Killian answered, shooting her a look before looking at Henry. "She did!" At Henry's incredulous look, Killian went on to add, "She called me a bloody codfish! Was I just supposed to let that go? I think not!"
Henry merely made a strangled kind of noise as his eyes darted wildly between his mom and stepdad.
Now as Emma looked back and forth between her husband and her son, the entire situation suddenly struck her as incredibly funny. There she was, straddling Killian's legs in the snow. Her husband's hair was full of snow and sticking out in every direction, making him look completely ridiculous. Emma imagined that she must look equally ridiculous. That, combined with the way they'd been making out in the snow like a pair of hormonal teenagers.
And poor Henry's mouth just kept opening and closing as if he couldn't find the proper words to express his horror at witnessing this. He reminded her of a fish. A codfish, perhaps.
The giggle escaped before Emma could stop it.
"Mom!" Henry sounded absolutely mortified now that he'd gotten a word out.
"I'm sorry," Emma managed, before making the mistake of looking at Killian. Who by this time had schooled his face into an expression of total innocence. Save for the way his eyes were sparkling. The giggles came in full force then and she buried her face against Killian's shoulder in an effort to muffle them.
"Was there something you needed, lad?" Killian asked, formally. That only served to make Emma laugh even harder.
"We...we should...should probably get ready to go to Grandma and Grandpa's house," Henry managed after a moment. "If you two think you can control yourselves!" It was Emma's turn to snort as a fresh wave of giggles overtook her.
"An excellent suggestion, my boy," Killian nodded, his own lips quivering in response to his wife's merriment. "How about you start loading up the car and we'll join you shortly, aye?"
Now Henry nodded, instantly turning on his heel to leave. He glanced back, shaking his head at them in disgust and then went into the house without further comment. Emma, meanwhile, was desperately trying to get a hold of herself. There were tears in her eyes as she pulled back.
"Alright there, Swan?" Killian asked, grinning at her.
3rd Christmas. Baby on the way.
Killian rolled over, intending to snuggle up against Emma. Only to find her side of the bed empty. He frowned as he proceeded to sit up and scrubbed his hand over his face before glancing at the clock on his bedside table. It was just after midnight, which meant that it was now officially Christmas.
He got out of bed and padded out of their bedroom to go looking for her and found her curled up on their living room couch, looking peaceful as she admired their tree. She'd turned the tree lights back on when she'd come downstairs. Her hands rested against her still flat abdomen. He'd just opened his mouth to say something to her, closing it when she began to speak. But not to him.
"Merry Christmas, little one." Emma's voice was soft as she smiled down at her stomach. "You know, me and Daddy only found out about you a couple of weeks ago, but we already love you." She laughed a little. "I know I've told you that before, but you're just going to have to get used to hearing it. Mommy and Daddy love you so much and we're probably going to be saying it to you all the time. Yes, we will. Because we do and I know that I never want you to think otherwise. Daddy won't want that either."
"No, we want you to know that you're loved. That you're the product of true love. And you know what else? We've been waiting for you for a long time. Knowing that you're here now is the best Christmas present I could ever have. Yeah. I can't wait until we get to meet you! Until I get to hold you." A pause. "What? Oh I know I've told you that before. Get used to hearing that, kid."
Another pause. "Can I tell you a secret? As much as I want to meet you, I'm a little nervous too. I just want to be the best Mommy I can be for you. But I'll make mistakes. I'm not perfect. But I can promise you that I will always do my very best. That I will love you and protect you and do whatever I can to make you happy." Emma gently rubbed her stomach. "We'll figure it out together, okay? And we're both really lucky, do you know why?"
"We're lucky because we have your Daddy and he is going to be an amazing father. What's that?" Another paused. "Yes, I know I've told you that before too. We're going to talk about Daddy a lot. I don't want you to ever forget how lucky we are. And you wanna hear something really silly? Daddy's worried that he won't be an amazing which is silly because I know that he will. Your Daddy is amazing," Emma breathed. "He's such a good man with such a good heart and he'll make you feel like the most important person in the whole world. He'll love you, no matter what. And he'll stay by your side. He will always, always be there when you need him."
"And he will always come up with new ways to make you laugh. And he'll teach you about life and how to stay strong when things are difficult. Your Daddy's been through a lot and he always bounces back. He'll teach you how to do the same." Emma's eyes lit up as she thought of something else. "And you know what else? Daddy gives the best hugs. You're going to feel so safe in his arms, yes you will. Safe and treasured. And that's exactly what you will be in your daddy's arms. And mine. Oh, I can't wait to meet you, little one." Emma looked up when she detected movement, a smile appearing on her face when she spotted Killian. She glanced back down at her stomach. "And guess who's here, baby? Daddy!" Looking back at Killian she asked, "How long have you been there?"
"A little while," he said, his voice thick. "That was..." He shook his head. "You humble me, Swan."
"I'm just telling our baby the truth," she said, lovingly. She patted the spot next to her on the couch. "Come join us."
"I think you give me far too much credit," he said, still fighting to speak over the lump in his throat created from her sweet praise as he sat beside her. "And yourself far too little. You're going to be an amazing mother." He brought his hand to her stomach. "You have an amazing mother, little one," he said to it.
"Oh Killian," Emma said, letting out a sigh of contentment. "Can you believe that we'll have our baby to hold next Christmas?"
"I can't wait," he said, smiling at her. "Just knowing that our little one is growing inside you right now is more than I ever thought I could have. I love you so much, Swan."
"I love you more," she said. "Merry Christmas, Captain."
"Merry Christmas, my love," he said, gently brushing his lips against hers. "And Merry Christmas to you as well, our little one."
4th Christmas. Catalina's first Christmas.
Emma didn't think she had ever been more excited for a Christmas than she was this year. Because this year, she got to share it with her precious baby girl. Catalina had been born in August and so this was her first Christmas.
A bright smile was on Emma's face as she went into her daughter's nursery and set about getting her ready for the day. A fresh diaper was the first order of business. The next step was dressing her in a Christmas onesie with the words My First Christmas in script on it with an adorable cartoon of a snowman beside it. Emma hummed "Santa Baby" the entire time she was getting Catalina ready in what would likely be her first outfit of the day.
"There you go, my special little Christmas miss," Emma grinned at her baby who smiled back. "Why don't we go wake up Daddy. What do you think? Do you wanna wake up Daddy? Let's go."
Emma headed back to her and Killian's bedroom, finding him still sleeping in their bed. Unperturbed, Emma carried Catalina over to the bed and sat down. "Say wake up, Daddy!" Emma prodded Killian's leg with her foot, grinning when Catalina started babbling along with her. "You tell him. Say wake up Daddy, you're missing my first Christmas!"
"Daddy's up," Killian mumbled after another moment. A sleepy smile was on his face when he opened his eyes. "Good morning, girls." He yawned, moving into a sitting position before reaching for Catalina. "A very Merry first Christmas to you, my little love," he cooed to his daughter, cuddling her close and kissing the top of her head. "And a very Merry Christmas to you, as well, my wife."
"Say Merry Christmas, Daddy," Emma said. "Merry Christmas!"
Catalina responded with another round of babbles.
"Close enough," Emma laughed.
Emma's cheeks hurt from smiling. Both her house and her heart were full. Her parents had showed up later that morning with a very excited Neal. Her little brother was three years old and seemed to enjoy trying to make his little niece laugh. Something that all everyone in the family enjoyed doing ever since she'd first laughed earlier that month.
A competition of sorts had broken out, initially between Neal and Henry. They had taken turns making funny faces at Catalina, trying to see who could make her laugh the most. Henry had made a solid effort, but Neal had ultimately won that round. Then there'd been a recess when Catalina had started crying. That was when Emma had been forced to intervene. Her baby girl had been hungry and in need of a nap, so it'd been Mommy to the rescue.
After a while, Snow had gone up to get her and bring her back downstairs. Catalina's good spirits had returned now that she'd been fed and had a nap and so the next round of competition began. This one between Killian and David. At the moment, David was holding her. Emma couldn't help snickering as David's most recent funny face went over like a lead balloon. Catalina was completely unimpressed with it.
"Ha!" Killian laughed. "Sorry mate, but I have the home advantage with this one. Behold." With that, he broke out his secret weapon: the eyebrow wiggle. It was a pretty consistent giggle maker, proven by the way Catalina started laughing. The eyebrow wiggle got the big laughs. Unfortunately for the rest of the family, no one else could move their eyebrows the way Killian could.
Come to find out, whereas Catalina was amused by Killian's eyebrows? Neal found them absolutely mesmerizing. "How do you do that?" Neal asked, his voice full of awe.
Now the entertainment shifted from the men trying to make Catalina laugh to Neal trying to imitate Killian's eyebrow movements with absolutely no success whatsoever. Emma couldn't help giggling as David walked over to her, with Catalina still in his arms. "I can't believe it," he said. "Outdone by a pair of eyebrows."
"Aw, you still make me laugh, Dad," Emma assured him.
"Well, thank you," David grinned at her.
"And you know, she might not be laughing, but Catalina seems pretty happy to be hanging out with her grandpa," Emma added, smiling at the way Catalina was watching David's face.
"Can't blame her for that, now can we?" David's smile softened as he looked at his granddaughter. "You love your grandpa, don't you, princess?" He asked and was rewarded with a beaming smile. "Yeah, you do. And Grandpa loves you too. Yes, I do."
There was a pause while both David and Emma watched Catalina. "Gosh, she looks just like you," David said, finally. "She's so beautiful." He looked at Emma. "You're both so beautiful. And you're doing a great job with her."
"Aw, Dad," Emma said, embarrassed now.
"I mean it. You're a wonderful mother, Emma," David told her, sincerely. "You make me so proud, you know that? You do."
"Thanks Dad," Emma said quietly. "I love you, you know that?"
"Yeah, I do," he smiled. "But I love hearing it." He leaned over to kiss the top of her head. "I love you too."
"Merry Christmas, Dad."
"Merry Christmas, Emma."
5th Christmas. Another baby on the way.
Pregnant. Emma was pregnant with her and Killian's second child. She'd found out a couple of weeks before Thanksgiving and then proceeded to spend the next couple of weeks trying to figure out how to tell Killian.
It wasn't that she'd been worried about his reaction. They'd talked about having another kid and she knew that he was completely on board with the idea. She'd known that he'd be happy to learn that they had another little one on the way. But she'd wanted to find the perfect way to tell him.
And then Thanksgiving had been coming up and it'd be their year to host dinner. Emma had been caught up in making sure that they had everything they needed. It'd been the day before Thanksgiving and Emma had decided that they should make all the desserts on Snow's advice. They'd waited until they'd put Catalina to bed for the night and then had gotten to work.
Mostly work. A flour fight had broken out at one point. A fight that had left both Emma and Killian practically covered in flour. They'd eventually called a truce, knowing that they still had work to do. Once they were done, Emma had announced that she was going to take a shower and get all the flour out of her hair and that we was welcome to join her. If he wanted.
He did. Getting clean had never been more fun. Later, when they had settled into bed, Killian had made an offhand comment that maybe they'd just created a new life. Emma knew an opening when she heard one. She'd simply smiled at him, telling him that they'd already done that. Killian had been thrilled at the news, thrilled to know they had another baby on the way. Set to arrive sometime around June 20th the following year.
It was Christmas. This year they'd spent the day at Snow and David's farmhouse and had opted to stay the night. Emma, Killian and Catalina had been put in the guest bedroom while Henry was bunking with Neal.
Catalina was nestled in between her parents, sleeping peacefully while Emma and Killian watched over her. "You know, sometimes I look at her and can't believe that we made her," Emma said, quietly. "Our sweet little angel." With the way the light from the bedside lamp was shining on Catalina's soft blonde curls, she really did look like an angel.
"Aye," Killian agreed, smiling as he lovingly ran his finger down Catalina's cheek. "And now we have another one on the way."
"Catalina's going to be a great big sister," Emma decided. "Don't you think?"
"Absolutely," Killian nodded. "Our baby is going to have the best big sister in the land. Along with the best big brother, in Henry."
"I hope this one has your eyes." Emma brought a hand to her stomach. "Seems only fair. I mean, Catalina got mine."
"Yes, and they're absolutely beautiful. Just like yours," he said. "But I must admit that I wouldn't mind my second born having my eyes." There was a pause. "They're like my mother's, you know."
This piqued Emma's interest. Killian rarely ever talked about his mother. "Yeah?"
"Yeah," he confirmed. "I wish I remembered her better. I just remember her in bits and pieces. I remember her voice. She used to sing to me and Liam and she had such a beautiful voice. But when I try to picture her, I can't do it. The picture I have of her is very, oh, what's the word? Fuzzy, I suppose. It's not clear. I know she was raven haired and sometime after she died, Liam told me that I had her eyes. It comforts me sometimes." He laughed a little at himself, feeling self-conscious.
"I bet your mother was beautiful," Emma said, quietly. "And now I really hope that this one has your eyes. Maybe it'll help him or her feel closer to their Grandma Jones." At this, Killian smiled, but it was a sad kind of smile. "You miss her, don't you?" Emma asked after a moment.
"I'm not so certain that you can miss one you barely remember. I suppose I miss the idea of her more than anything else," Killian replied, thoughtfully. "But it's alright. I have you, after all."
"Yeah. You do have me. And Henry and Catalina." Emma reached over to take his hand and guide it to her stomach. "And this little one."
"Aye." He smiled at her. "Lucky me."
"Lucky us," Emma corrected.
6th Christmas. Clara's first Christmas. Killian woke up on Christmas morning to find Emma still fast asleep beside him. She was hugging her pillow and her knees were curled up almost to her chest. She looked, frankly, adorable. So much so that he'd resisted the urge to wake her from her peaceful slumber. He'd just gently tucked a lock of hair behind her ear before getting up and out of bed.
There was a part of him that wished he could go back to sleep, but he was awake now. He decided, instead, to check on his other two girls. Starting with his Catalina. She was over two years old and had what often seemed like an inhuman supply of energy. Killian felt like he spent a fair amount of his life chasing after her. It helped keep him in shape, that was for sure. Plus there was the infectious way she would laugh whenever he caught her and he always enjoyed making his girls laugh.
Though upon checking on her, his energetic little toddler was surprisingly still asleep. Her arms and legs were spread out in all different directions, making her look like a human starfish. He knew that she would likely wake soon, slipping back out of her room to check on his Clara. Nearly six months old now. He couldn't believe it had almost been six months already.
He was careful to keep quiet as he approached her crib, fully expecting her to also still be asleep. And surprised to find that she wasn't. Clara was wide awake and appeared to be examining her tiny hands. "Well, good morning!" he greeted her, reaching down to lightly tickle her tummy with his finger. "And how are you on this fine day, hmm? Did you sleep well, my littlest love?" He smiled when she reached up towards him. "Alright, you. Come here to Daddy."
"Happy to see that I'm not the only early riser around here," he said as he leaned down to pick her up. "You know what today is, don't you?" He lifted his eyebrows, pretending to give her a moment to think about it. "It's your first Christmas!"
Clara's response to this was to start gumming on the side of her fist. "I can see that you're beside yourself with excitement," Killian chuckled, bestowing a kiss on her head. "Well, this is a very special Christmas, I must say. Why? Because you're here, of course! Oh, and I'm so happy you're here, my darling. Yes, I am." He smiled at her while gently pulling her fist out of her mouth and holding it. "Daddy loves you so much, do you know that?" He was rewarded with a smile. "Oh, now you see, how can I ever resist that smile? I suppose I can't, now can I?"
She responded with something that almost sounded like dada, but not quite.
"You're right, of course. I'm obviously not meant to resist that smile. The very notion!" His smile softened as he watched her. "Merry first Christmas, Clara. I love you."
7th Christmas.   The little Christmas elf.
Emma dreamt that she was trapped in a bouncy house while a little elf kept calling her name. As she woke, she realized that of course she wasn't really trapped in a bouncy house. But the bed *was* bouncing. The elf, as it turned out, was her three-year-old daughter. Catalina had climbed up on the bed on Killian's side, which Emma noted was otherwise empty. Save for her little daughter who was bouncing on her knees.
"Wake up, Mommy! It's Christmas!" Catalina exclaimed, her voice bursting with excitement. "Mommy, it's Christmas!"
"I'm up, I'm up!" Emma said, attempting to match her daughter's enthusiasm and not quite succeeding. "Merry Christmas!" She sat up and opened her arms, nearly getting bowled over when Catalina hurled herself into them. "Good grief," Emma laughed. "Alright, my little Christmas elf." She eased her daughter back. "Do you know where Daddy is?"
Before Catalina had time to ponder this, Emma and Killian's bathroom door opened and Killian came out of it. "Daddy!" Catalina cheered, scrambling over Emma and down to the floor. "Daddy! Daddy, Daddy, Daddy!" She made a beeline for him, launching herself into his arms when he crouched down. "Guess what! Guess what, guess what, guess what!" She took a breath. "Guess what?"
"What?" He asked, excitedly. "What, what, what?" Now Killian took a breath in imitation of her. "What?"
"It's Christmas!" Catalina pulled back and started hopping, her joy apparently so great that she couldn't keep still. "Daddy, it's Christmas!"
"My heavens," he said. "You could show a little enthusiasm, aye?" It was his turn to laugh as he put hand and hook on her small shoulders. "Calm down, my little love! You're going to wear yourself out."
"But it's Christmas!"
"I know it is," he assured her. "Merry Christmas, sweetheart."
"Merry Christmas, Daddy," she replied, sweetly.
"Now, what shall we do, do you think? Go back to bed?" he teased.
"No!" she protested, looking utterly scandalized by the very suggestion.
"Shall we clean our rooms?" he asked.
"Okay, okay, okay," he laughed again. "How about this? Shall we go see what Santa's left for us?" This was met with a resounding yes.
"Come on, Daddy!" Catalina grabbed his hook and attempted to pull him to his feet. "Daddy, come on!" Now he stood, shaking his head at an amused Emma. "Come on, come on come on!"
"What time are your parents getting here?" Killian asked her. Catalina, meanwhile, was now trying to tug him towards the door.
"Probably in a couple of hours or so," Emma answered. "They were going to have breakfast and open their presents together first. Then they'll be on their way over."
Catalina dropped Killian's hook, opting instead to stand behind him and push on his legs to try to propel him forward. "Come on, Daddy!"
"I think someone wants to go downstairs," he quipped.
"You think?" Emma grinned at him. "Go on. I'll get Clara."
"Aye, I'll deal with this one." Killian said, suddenly pivoting around and sweeping Catalina up into his arms. He then spun them around, making her dissolve into giggles.
8th Christmas. Family Cuddles.
It was Christmas Eve and the Jones family was snuggled up together on their couch. A fire was roaring in the fireplace. The house was full of Christmas decorations, the tree being the grand focal point over near the side door. In Emma's opinion, this was the prettiest Christmas tree that they had ever gotten.
Dinner had been a relatively quiet affair. As quiet as dinner could be with a four-year-old and a two-year-old, that is. They were having the big family get together tomorrow, but tonight it had just been the five of them. Henry had gone up to his room sometime after dinner, not wanting to partake in the family cuddle session. That had been expected, but Emma had hoped that he'd at least stick around for the story. As much as Emma hated admitting it sometimes, Henry was officially an adult now. He'd turned eighteen back in August. She supposed to she should be happy that he'd been so willing to join them for dinner.
Besides, it was hard to feel too sad while she had Clara nestled in her lap and Killian beside them. Catalina had settled in her father's arms, her back resting against his chest. And the three Jones women sat mesmerized while they listened to Killian read The Night Before Christmas.
In Emma's opinion, Killian's voice was absolutely made for storytelling. She could listen to him speak for hours. His voice was so warm and inviting. Killian had a knack for drawing one into the story he was telling. Be it from a book or a memory or something he was just making up as he went along.
Now the story had finished, much to the dismay of the Jones girls. "Read it again, Daddy," Catalina requested.
"I would love to, lass, but I think it's time for you girls to go to bed," Killian said, gently.
"Just one more time," Catalina pleaded. "Please Daddy?"
"Please Daddy?" Clara echoed.
"Yeah, please Daddy?" Emma put in, unable to resist. Killian shook his head, a smile on his face.
"I'm clearly outnumbered here," he chuckled. "Alright, my girls. I'll read it one more time and then you little ones really need to go to bed. Aye?"
"Aye," Catalina agreed.
"Very well." He bowed his head to kiss the top of her head before flipping back to the beginning of the book, though he knew the story by heart at this point. "'’Twas the night before Christmas when all through the house...'"
9th Christmas. Relaxation.
Emma was a little stressed out.
Correction: she was very stressed out.
It just seemed like she had a million things to do to get ready for the holiday. Food to prepare, a couple of last minute gifts to buy - one of them for her father and the other for Killian. Even though Killian being Killian always said he didn't care much about gifts. Not for himself, at least. He enjoyed buying gifts for those he loved, especially when he'd found them something that they truly loved.
But he always said he didn't need presents and she knew he meant it. For Killian, just getting to spend time with his loved ones was enough. But dammit, she wanted to get him something special. She just had no idea what.
She had Christmas cards to get in the mail, even though she often questioned why she felt compelled to send them when they were only going to people in town. People that Emma would be seeing and thus, able to wish them a Merry Christmas in person. But whatever. She was going to mail out the cards anyway because she felt like she might get thrown out of town otherwise.
Not that that would ever actually happen. Storybrooke needed its Sheriff, after all. And besides, Emma had come to think of most Storybrooke residents as her extended family. There was absolutely zero chance of her getting tossed out of town. And yet she still felt an inexplicable need to mail them. It was madness.
Then there was all the wrapping to be done. She had not wrapped a single present and the pile she had of Christmas presents stuck in her closet seemed to grow each time she'd looked at it. Emma could practically feel the presents taunting her every time she went into her closet. "You'll never get us wrapped, see!" She imagined them saying. For whatever reason she imagined the presents talking to her as if they were part of some kind of classic gangster movie.
It was quite possible she was losing her mind.
Correction: she was absolutely losing her mind. The other day she'd actually asked Regina if she knew of any spells that caused gifts to mysteriously multiply. Regina's response had been to ask if Emma had been drinking.
Emma had taken that as a no.
Maybe she should start.
Okay, that probably wasn't a good idea. She did enjoy a drink every now and then, but getting hammered wasn't going to help anything.
She just needed to focus, is all. She'd taken a good first step and asked David if he'd mind covering for her at the station a couple of days this week so she could check some things off her list. He had agreed.
Her father was a saint. He truly was. Prime candidate for sainthood right there, in Emma's eyes.
Except that when he'd agreed with no begging on her part, she'd said he was a prince. And then made a lame joke about how he really was a prince and charming. So that's why they called him Prince Charming. Yeah, it was lame. Very lame.
And it had lead to David asking if she'd been drinking.
The fact that two people in her life had found cause to ask Emma if she'd been drinking based on her behavior seemed to give credence to the losing her mind theory.
It was ridiculous. Why she should be so stressed out this year after surviving every other Christmas up until this point was beyond her.
She needed to get it together and get some things done. So she could relax a little bit. And stop acting like some kind of neurotic, stressed out pod person.
Everything was going fine the first day. She'd gotten a lot of her shopping done, both gift and food related. Save for a special gift for Killian. She still had no ideas. But she'd at least managed to make a dent in her Christmas cards.
On the second day, her mission was clear. It was wrapping time. If only she didn't completely hate wrapping presents. She'd gotten better at it over the years; she could make her presents look pretty nice now. But she hated it. And despite checking some things off her list, she was still incredibly stressed out.
To the point that when she'd run out of tape while wrapping something for her mother, she'd started crying tears of pure frustration. Naturally Clara, her sweet and sensitive three-year-old, was there when it happened and had started crying too. The fact that Emma, notorious for the walls she had built to protect herself, was somehow raising a tender-hearted daughter who cried whenever others cried somehow made Emma cry even harder.
Especially since she felt guilty for inadvertently making her baby girl cry. Trying to calm a little kid down while you were crying yourself was not an easy task. It had been sometime during this little crying session that Henry had come home with Catalina. Henry had done Emma a favor and picked up his little sister from her dance lesson and been alarmed to come home to find his mom and littlest sister in tears. He'd managed to get them both to calm down with assistance from Catalina.
Henry had then sent his sisters into the living room to play and asked Emma what on earth had upset her in the first place. Come to find out? Crying because she'd run out of tape made her son wonder if she had been drinking. Because of course that was what he would wonder.
By the time Killian had come home, Emma had been slightly calmer. Henry had kept his sisters entertained while she actually finished her Christmas cards. Had even zipped out to get them in the mail. One of her most annoying tasks was officially done.
And Killian, bless him, had returned home not only with takeout from Granny's for dinner, but tape. Oh yes, her husband had known they were running low and had thought to pick some up. If they weren't already married, she'd want to marry him just for that.
But then Emma had gone back to her closet in the hopes of getting more wrapping done after dinner. Only to let out a strangled scream of frustration as she looked at them. The present pile had grown, once again. She would swear to it.
"Alright, Swan?" Emma turned to find Killian standing there looking bewildered.
"How does that pile keep growing?! I swear, it wasn't that big earlier," she complained, narrowing her eyes when he opened his mouth. "And no, I have not been drinking, so don't ask me if I have."
Killian thought about saying something, but chose not to. Deciding to wait for her to explain instead.
"I'm losing my mind," she confessed. At his eyebrow lift of encouragment, all her holiday related frustrations started pouring out of her. "Christmas is in two days. Two. Days." She lifted two fingers in demonstration. "And I've lost my mind. I'm so stressed out and I don't know why! I don't know how you can be so damn calm. And I rea-"
Evidently, Killian's solution to his wife rambling off a stress filled rant was to kiss her silly midsentence. "You need a break, love," he murmured against her lips. "Allow me to help you."
"Ssh." He grabbed her hand and towed her into the bathroom. "I'm going to draw you a bath," he informed her, going to the tub and starting to fiddle with the faucet.
"A bath?" she asked, confused. "Now?"
"Aye," he nodded. "As I said, you need a break. And it'll help to relax you."
"But the girls..." she trailed off.
"What about them?"
"We need to get them to bed," she reminded him.
"I shall attend to our girls," he promised, reaching for the bottle of her favorite bubble bath that she kept by the tub and pouring some under the running water. "Don't you worry about that. Don't worry about what you have left to do. Don't worry about anything at all."
"Oh Killian." Heaven help her, she was getting weepy again as she watched the tub fill with water. As long as they'd been together, as long as they'd been married, there were still times when Emma couldn't believe she had someone willing to do something as simple for her as draw her a bath. Still times when it took her breath away.
It was such a small thing in the grand scheme of things. Especially when compared to some of the things he had done for her. Like trade away his beloved ship in order to find her and bring her home. But to someone like Emma, the seemingly little things he did for her meant so much more than she could ever tell him.
He turned to look at her after shutting the faucet off, his face softening at the expression on hers. He understood. She knew he understood. And loved him all the more for it. "Come here, my love." He opened his arms and she fell into them.
"Thank you," she whispered. It wasn't just for the bath and he knew that too. "I love you."
"And I you," he said, easing her back to give her a gentle kiss.
"I don't know what to get you for Christmas," she confessed, tearfully.
"My darling Emma," he sighed, kissing her forehead. "Is this one of the things that's been stressing you out?"
"You do realize that you are the single greatest Christmas gift I could ever ask for," he said, his voice ringing with sincerity. "You and our girls and Henry. As long as I get to spend the day with you all, I'll be perfectly content."
"I knew you'd say that," she said quietly.
"I mean it," he said.
"I know you do." She leaned it to rest her forehead against his. "I still want to get you something."
"Very well," he nodded. "Enjoy your bath. That's what I want for Christmas."
"That doesn't count," she argued.
"It does so count," he countered. "You're putting too much pressure on yourself this year, love. I know it's because you always want Christmas to be special for the rest of us and I love that about you. But if you ask me, you don't take nearly enough time for yourself. You've more than earned it. So let me worry about what needs to be done while you shut the rest of the world out for a while. Let me pamper you, Swan. That's what I want. Alright? Enjoy your bath."
"I guess I can do that," she smiled at him.
10th Christmas. Christmas Cookies.
It was a day for baking. Snow had more or less commandeered Emma and Killian's kitchen, armed with recipes for all kinds of different cookies. Most of them were cookies that she made every Christmas, but there were a couple of new recipes she wanted to try mixed in.
She'd put everyone to work, handing out recipes to the adults and Henry and supervising their efforts. They were responsible for making sure that the cookies were made properly. The children, meanwhile, got to decide how they wanted the cookies to look. They got to pick which cookie cutters would be used and decorate them when they were done.
"Alright Catalina," David was saying as he smiled at his oldest granddaughter. "We have a very important decision to make. Do you want these cookies to look like stars?" He held up the star shaped cookie cutter in one hand. "Or bells?" The bell shaped cookie cutter was in the other. "Or we could get really crazy and do stars and bells. What do you think?"
"Hmm." Catalina tapped her chin thoughtfully as she looked back and forth between the two. Deciding which cookie cutter to use was serious business, don't you know. "Both."
"Star and bells," David nodded. "A bold choice, but I like it. Do you want to help me cut them out?" An enthusiastic nod. "Alright. Pick your weapon." It was to be the bell cookie cutter for Catalina. Neal, meanwhile, was occupied putting frosting on one of the other batches of cookies.
And Clara was on what Snow had called sprinkle duty. Like her sister with the cookie cutters, Clara took her sprinkle selection seriously. Snow had come armed with an absurd selection of sprinkles to choose from.
"Mom, don't you think we have enough by now?" Emma asked.
"Oh, you can never have too many cookies at Christmas," Snow replied. "I was thinking we could make little bundles to pass out to our friends. Oh, and Henry, you'll have to take some to Regina's when you go back to her house."
Regina had been invited to the cookie making party, but had come down with the flu and been unable to attend. So it had just been the Charming Jones clan with Henry acting as the representative for the Mills family. At least that's what David had called it.
"Hey Snow, last year you made those mint and chocolate cookies. Are we not making those this year?" Killian asked.
"You mean these cookies?" Snow asked, handing him the recipe card for the cookies in question with a flourish. "Did you really think we wouldn't make these? I know how much you love them."
It was true. Killian wasn't anywhere near as much of a fan of sweets as the rest of the family generally was, but there were some he couldn't resist. And these were one of them.
Not that he was going to admit it.
"I was asking for Clara," he protested. "They're her favorite."
"They're your favorite too, Daddy," Catalina piped up.
"Don't you have cookies to help Grandpa cut?" Killian asked, playfully, reaching over to ruffle her hair.
By the time they were done, Emma imagined that they could open up their own bakery. But then the more she thought about it, the more she realized that her mother had been right.
You can never have too many cookies at Christmas.
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ladypjmoon · 7 years
BTS FF Reads for August
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Greetings Readers!!!
Here’s my BTS FanFiction Recommendations for August!!!  
This is the last long-ish reading list for the summer as university terms begin later this month for the majority of the US.  I hope you all had a fantastic summer and were able to create happy memories with family, friends and maybe even a love interest!!!  
01)   Title: Blow Me Like Your French Horn
Ship:  Jikook
Author:  by ohdizzy
Link:  http://download.archiveofourown.org/works/5742976 
Summary: In which Jimin undergoes a transformation from Cinnamon Roll to Sinnamon Roll and Jeongguk is a little too ompetitive, a little too tsundere, and a little bit too moony-eyed for his own good.  (A tale of red converses, sandpit wrestling, shitty best friends a little too obsessed with playing Cupid, emotional constipation, existential crises, and that one body roll Jimin does that makes Jeongguk re-evaluate his life)
“i see that you adore playing your loud ass trumpet at random moments in the middle of the night, well fyi i happen to be a master at the French horn so fuck u i challenge you to a brass off” AU
My Review: Wow, I adored this story—it’s packed with fun, mischief and mayhem...but the ‘feels’ are definitely here too!  Jungkook is emotionally constipated and entirely to competitive with his new neighbor and we follow their relationship from age 7 into college.  This has fantastic dialog and a healthy side of Taegi so enjoy!
 02)   Title: don't be like a prey (smooth like a like a snake)
Ship:  Jikook
Author:  by sugacravings
Link:  http://download.archiveofourown.org/works/10749690
Summary:  “what do you mean, me?” jimin asks dubiously, blinking up at the village leaders. he sees taemin scrunch his eyebrows in worry, and minho grimaces.  “out of all the qualifying youths, hoseok is immediately a no,” kibum pipes up. “he’s scared of garden snakes. and tae...well, tae would just get lost.”  jimin tries to think of a way to defend his friends’ honour but comes up empty.  
(a red riding hood au except not the original plot and gay)
My Review: Here’s another Jikook story with a very loosely related Red Riding Hood, fairytale theme.  All the BTS members are in this one and it’s a solid plot, well written and quite funny in places.  There is implied smutt but it’s not graphic or pwp by any means.  
 03)   Title: In The Same Boat
Ship:  Vmin
Author:  by pornographicpenguin
Link:  http://download.archiveofourown.org/works/11221653
Summary:  "You want to what?"
"Dock," Jimin says.
Taehyung blinks. "You mean like...with a boat?"
My Review: Holy fuck this is some fabulous shit!!! There’s a fuckton of sexual tension packed into these 9 pages and it’s not all smut—there’re some serious sparks and feels between these two...you literally taste it, lol!!!  You will fall in love with this story!!!          
 04)   Title: just stay here (forever, if you want)
Ship:  Taegi
Author:  by Indigofingers
Link:  http://download.archiveofourown.org/works/8257759
Summary:  "My roommate is drunk and won't open the door, can I sleep here tonight?"  Or, Yoongi doesn't let people sleep in his room but can't turn Taehyung away. Invites him to stay, even.
My Review:  This Taegi story is your basic feel-good plot on crack.  I’m a sucker for anything Yoongi—but a soft, grumpy hyung is my personal favorite...and this story oozes Yoongi fluff so check it out!  
 05)   Title:  Love Me Across The Universes
Ship:  Taekook | Vkook
Author:  by Kavbj
Link:  http://download.archiveofourown.org/works/7784662
Summary:  It starts and ends with Jungkook chasing after the boy he sees in glass windows and passing reflections.  It starts and ends with Taehyung.
My Review: This is a very powerful plot that will sneak up on you.  I found it enthralling—but I will warn you up front, the author did not wrap the ending up with a nice, neat little bow on top—so if you don’t like teary goodbyes, you’re having an emotional week or just a little short on sunshine...then you might want to pass on this one.  
 06)   Title: Of Spiced Honey and Apples
Ship:  Yoonmin
Author:  by tinycloverspot
Link:  http://download.archiveofourown.org/works/7252357
Summary:  One month of separation across a seemingly infinite sea and Jimin was finally back in Yoongi's arms.  Jimin was finally back home.  Or: Jimin comes home and they have filthy sex yeah that's a better summary XD
My Review: And here’s a short Yoonmin story—straight up ABO smut.  Jimin is great as a sexy, possessive alpha—so grab some ice for your drink...it’s about to get a little hot!  
 07)   Title: One Minute English
Ship:  Vmon
Author:  by rosiex
Link:  http://download.archiveofourown.org/works/9622331
Summary:  Sometimes you don't need words to understand each other.  Or: Namjoon goes to Seoul and meets a handsome stranger.  Just a very short fluffy piece inspired by the Rapmon 1 minute English lesson on the latest Vapp broadcast.
 My Review: Here’s a sweet little 5-pager that will absolutely melt your heart—this is full of fluff and feels with a picture-perfect ending too.  You will want to download this one and read it over and over again!!!
 08)   Title: Boys who Talk Shit
Ship:  Yoonmin
Author:  by internetpistol
Link:  http://download.archiveofourown.org/works/6535498
Summary:  When Yoongi enrolled in BTS (aka Boys who Talk Shit) Boarding School, he wasn't really expecting to be the only 'straight' (to be read sarcastically) guy in a room of seven geniuses (aka children aged five to ten, honestly). Plus four pet spiders. Yes, plural.  Chaotic episodes in A Place of Love and War, where Yoongi learns all about True Love via Park Jimin, Music and Marriage. Sort of. Brain bleach and ear plugs are strongly recommended.
My Review:  An amazing story, well written and fantastic characters!  This story has humor, great dialog and plenty of action to keep you entertained—you’re gonna wish there was a sequel to this one, ngl!!!
 09)   Title: Can't keep my hands to myself (no matter how hard I'm
trying to)
Ship: Taekook | Vkook
Author:  by sunshineandpixiedust
Link:  http://download.archiveofourown.org/works/6020827
6:00 | tae hyung
What are you wearing?
or: Taehyung and Jeongguk starts to sext as a game. Jeongguk will not lose.
My Review: Here’s a cute Taekook story that starts off with some sexting—but don’t worry, there’s huge helping of Taekook smut! Spoiler alert...this is a bottom Jungkook (yassss!)
 10)   Title: Resonance
Ship:  Taekook | Vkook
Author:  by rix
Link:  http://download.archiveofourown.org/works/9538235
Summary:  Jungkook wonders if the fact that soul-focused battle techniques make people horny as hell is just something the professors politely ignore. Or maybe he's just weird.
My Review: This is a soul eater au so make sure you read the author’s notes if you’re not familiar with the au.  This story is lit—it’s got action, drama, romance and humor so enjoy it!
 11)   Title: You're My Angel
Ship:  Sugakookie
Author:  by katesicle
Link:  http://download.archiveofourown.org/works/11426052
Summary:  Jungkook's tattoos don't mean anything in particular, except how Yoongi gets when he's frustrated, and needs to do something with his hands, or when Yoongi wants to practice a new design style, or how Jungkook keeps Yoongi with him during long months apart from each other. Okay, so the tattoos mean something. Jungkook's just not sure what.
My Review: Three pages of feels!  This is quick read and it’s seriously an awesome little story.
 12)   Title: all of your sides are good
Ship:  Vmin
Author:  by knth
Link:  http://download.archiveofourown.org/works/5040898
Summary:  “I’m serious,” he whispers before slipping into slumber. “You have to do whatever I want. No ifs or buts about it.”  
It's Jimin's birthday and Taehyung has to do whatever he wants. (Or where Jimin doesn'tknow what he wants, is what Taehyung wants too.)
My Review:   Here’s a fantastic Vmin story for this month! This one has it all—heart and with the added benefit of smut between friends so it’s a definite winner for your summer love enjoyment!
 13)   Title: kiss and cry
Ship:  Sugakookie | Yoonkook
Author:  by darling
Link:  http://download.archiveofourown.org/works/8632942
Summary:   it makes sense, perhaps, that yoongi's music only sounds right in the hands of someone
who loves it just as much as he does.
My Review: Thanks to darling I fell in love with Sugakookie and I don’t think anyone writes this ship more justice! This is a Yuri On Ice-themed story with a f*ckton of feels and mental imagery from one of the best writers out there...in my opinion—so give it a go and see what you think!
 14)   Title: Soulmate? No, Thanks.
Ship:  Yoonmin
Author:  by Bookworming
Link:  http://download.archiveofourown.org/works/5891656
Min Yoongi has been waiting to have his first colour dream since he was 17 because a dream in colour is the dream of your soulmate, whoever they are. In a world where all humans have only black and white dreams the only colour dreams one gets are those of their soulmate, if they have one. Soulmates get each other's dreams in colour and can speak to them through those dreams, a privilege Yoongi has coveted for a long time.  Yoongi has also coveted his best friend Kim Seokjin for a long time but unfortunately for
Yoongi, Seokjin's soulmate loves sleeping and occupies his mind in a way Yoongi never does.  
Park Jimin made the worst mistake of his life by getting drunk and driving himself home one day before his 17th birthday. When he wakes up, things have changed drastically, the biggest change being the sexy voice that interrupted his first pleasant dream in a LONG time.
My Review: This is a beautiful story that starts out sad but don’t worry, there’s a happy ending!!!  It’s a soulmate au where both Jimin and Yoongi are in love with their best friend—both of whom find love (and soulmate) in other people over the course of the story.  The plot will make you cry, roll your eyes and cringe from second-hand embarrassment (mostly Yoongi) but it’ll leave you smiling in the end...I promise!!!        
 15)   Title: The Angel In You
Ship:  Jikook
Author:  by bangtansunyeondan
Link:  http://download.archiveofourown.org/works/10476954
Summary:  “I’m his ex boyfriend who knows that you’re a piece of shit. If you ever speak to him like that again, i’ll fucking kill you.” The guy with chocolate brown hair spoke in a voice so low and threatening.  Jimin swallowed the lump in his throat. “We’re done, don’t try and contact me. I can’t stand your insults any longer. Goodbye.” Jimin walked off, feeling his face burn at all the
stares he was getting. ***
Jimin turned around, not realizing he was crying until the guy’s look softened and tried to wipe his tears away but Jimin pushed his hand away and sniffled. “Listen, thanks for defending me and all, but I don’t know who you are.”  The guy looked at him with a small frown. “I’m Jeon Jungkook, now you know me.”
very loosely based on ‘my current partner is a huge asshole and i need a reason to break up with them so will you pretend to be my possessive and violent ex’ au
My Review: Honestly, this story will leave you breathless from the feels!  Jungkook comes to Jimin’s rescue and he can’t help but fall in love with the younger boy. They decide to take things slow since Jimin just got out of an abusive relationship...but the chemistry between them makes this difficult.  There’s no smut but the makeout sessions are well written and get quite heated leaving the reader wanting more and although sexually frustrating...it’s a great read!!!
 16)   Title: Hai Shi Shan Meng
Ship:  Taegi
Author:  by handintheshot
Link:  http://download.archiveofourown.org/works/11079393
Summary:  Yoongi soon realizes that what people love the most about witch burnings is the noise. There’s something about the wails of terror and pain that really rile the crowd up, because yes they deserve to die so painfully and slowly. They deserve their own slice of Hell on this earth. Yoongi deserves this piece of Hell.  As roars of pain rip from Taehyung’s throat, something animal laces with his guttural noises. Everyone can hear it, Yoongi is sure. It’s neither demonic nor angelic, just primal, and it strikes as much fear in the crowd as it does anger. All it strikes in Yoongi is ache.  And soon he cannot see the charring skin of his love, cannot hear the cries that sound like they belong in the heart of the jungle.  As the fire grows with blinding light, he hears those words whispered and flooded into his brain.  We’ll meet again, my love.
-OR Three instances in where Yoongi holds Taehyung's life in his hand, and the only thing Taehyung can tell Yoongi is "We'll meet again, my love."
My Review: This Taegi story is an incredibly interesting love story.  We follow the couple’s love story through two historical episodes which they’re both forced to remember in their present day lives.  This is a very unique and intriguing concept with a touch of smut that gives it some grit.  I really enjoyed this story so I’ll be checking out the author’s other fics as well.    
As always, let me know if you’ve read any great stories or have a favorite author—I’m more than willing to read (most) BTS suggestions...so, send me the link and I’ll check it out!!!
See you all next month and you can reach me at any of the following sites!  
AO3:  http://archiveofourown.org/users/LadyPJMoon#posting
AFF:  http://www.asianfanfics.com/profile/view/1282319
WP:  https://www.wattpad.com/user/LadyPJMoon
TMB:  https://ladypjmoon.tumblr.com/
TWT:  https://twitter.com/ladypjmoon
 ^___^  PJ
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katdvs · 8 years
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“Any time, any place, or anywhere you know that I’ll always be there*.” One choice, one decision, one wish from deep in her heart at Christmas time has led Riley to this time and place with Lucas. *This Gift, 98°
Past Chapters | Cross Posted to FF
Author Note: So yeah, I thought this was going to be the last chapter, but it’s not. So much still is left to happen. I should really learn to stop estimating how long stuff will be, I’m like always wrong.
Chapter Ten
Auggie leaned forward resting his elbows on his knees as he stared at his sister, unconscious after getting knocked over by a police horse. If this had happened to anyone else he wouldn’t believe it, but it happened to his sister and she was the only one it ever would.
Ava came in handing him a cup of coffee, “I called your parents, they’re on their way. I called Maya and she was so drunk I don’t think she even realized that Riley wasn’t with her.”
Auggie chewed on the inside of his cheek, “My sister has given up so much for that bitch, and this is how she repays her? Doesn’t even realize she didn’t show up to meet her?”
“I’m sorry” Ava rubbed his shoulder as she looked at Riley, “She hasn’t woken up yet?”
“No, not yet, they think she will soon.” Auggie’s words were unsteady, “I mean what happens if she wakes up and she’s a totally different person?”
“Auggie, you’re thinking the worst.” Ava cupped his chin with her fingers, “The officer said she didn’t hit her head on the concrete, she fell on an officer. It’s a very Riley thing to do.”
He had a small smile, “I just,” he sighed, “We fought this morning, about Maya, her future, her happiness, and then look what happens.”
“She’s going to be fine, that’s what the doctors said. All the tests they’ve run so far show she’s actually okay.” Ava reminded her husband.
“Riley might be my older sister, but I’ve always worried about her. She always puts others first, and what has it gotten her?”
“She’s a grown woman Auggie, she has to make her own decisions, her own mistakes.” Ava pulled up the other chair and sat next to him, “You have to believe she’s going to be okay.”
“Lucas, come back to bed.” Riley’s voice dry, dreamy as her body tried to move to cuddle towards someone, only to wrap her arm around the bar of the bed.
Ava looked to Auggie curiously as he moved towards the bed as Riley opened her eyes, he glanced back to his wife who nodded and went to get a doctor.
Riley just wanted to feel her husband’s body against hers, “Lucas, where are you?” She groaned before realizing she had her arm draped around the side of a hospital bed.
Her eyes opened greeted to the harsh lighting as she covered her eyes with her hand, “Lucas, what’s going on?”
“Riles,” Auggie stood near the bed, “It’s just Auggie here at the moment.”
She kept her hand over her eyes, “Where’s my husband, where are my kids?”
Auggie gulped as the doctor and Ava came in.
“Ms. Matthews glad to see you awake.” He picked up her chart, “Any pain?”
“It’s Mrs. Friar, isn’t it?” She removed her hands from her eyes as she looked at her brother, “Please tell me it wasn’t all a dream, tell me that I didn’t just dream about being married to Lucas, and having children with him.”
“I’m sorry Riles” Auggie took her hand, “It was just a dream.”
“What happened, why am I in a hospital.”
The doctor smiled as he took out his flashlight and examined her, “You were minding your own business when a police horse got spooked, you got knocked back and thankfully another boy in blue was there to break your fall.”
“Yeah that sounds like me.” She was trying to ignore the way her heart was breaking, the ache that was flooding over her as she answered the questions from the doctor.
“I want to keep you overnight for observation, but Ms. Matthews, you don’t appear to have a concussion, you just seemed to have had a shock.”
Riley nodded, “That’s good, I guess.”
“I’ll be back in a little while to check on you.” The doctor left as Auggie paced back and forth.
“Are Mom and Dad on the way?” Riley twists the sheet around her finger as she tried not to watch her brother.
“Yeah, they are.” Auggie stood at the foot of the bed.
“And Maya she’s probably off drunk off her ass and doesn’t even notice I’m not with her, right?”
Auggie nodded, “Yeah, that would be true.”
“You wouldn’t happen to know the name of the officer I landed on, I should write a thank you note.” Riley sighed.
“You don’t have to write me a thank you note, knowing you’re okay is thanks enough.” He was dressed in an NYPD uniform, tall, dark hair, blue eyes, and a nervous smile.
It took Riley a minute to register who was standing before her, “Charlie Gardner?”
“Yeah, longtime no see and then you fell back into me.” He chuckled nervously, “I’ve never seen Jasmine like that before.”
Her eyes went wide, “Jasmine?”
“The horse, that’s her name.” Charlie took a tentative step towards her, “Um when you’re feeling up to it, maybe we could go for coffee, catch up, or maybe drinks.”
Riley couldn’t believe this was happening, “Um, I can’t, my um Husband wouldn’t like that.”
“Oh, I didn’t know you were married.”
“Yeah, Lucas, ten years.” Riley lied, “three kids Calliope, Lucas-Joseph, and Harper, they’re the lights of my life. He’s in Texas right now.”
“Then that is for sure a no go on the coffee.” Charlie sighed, he could’ve sworn he heard that Riley and Lucas didn’t get together years ago, maybe he was wrong. “Well, um, I hope you have a quick recovery, and maybe I’ll see you at our next high school reunion.”
“Maybe” Riley cringed as she watched him leave before looking to Auggie, “What, it was Charlie and I only like half lied?”
“Riley you’re not married, certainly not to Lucas, and I know I don’t have any nieces or nephews.” Auggie ran his hand through his dark curls, “Do I need to get the doctor back in here?”
“No” Riley grabbed his hand, “It was my dream while I was unconscious, wait if I didn’t hit my head, if I landed on Charlie why was I out?”
“They think you passed out when the horse got spooked.” Auggie looked at his hand his sister held, “You dreamed about Lucas?”
She nodded, “I mean I dream about him every night, but this, it felt so real Auggie, it wasn’t dreamlike at all, it was life. It was the ranch in Texas, three kids, Lucas working as a Veterinarian, I was running the family Christmas tree farm, it was perfection, even when it wasn’t perfect, it was still everything I need, everything I want, everything I gave up because my so-called best friend was heartbroken over our Uncle getting engaged to another woman, and instead of living my life, the life I should’ve had, I’ve been here, pretending that every single day I don’t wake up in an empty bed, trying to ignore the burning ache in my heart.”
“What are you saying?” Auggie studied Riley wondering if she finally had the wakeup call she needed or if this was just momentary.
“I uh, I um, I fucked up ten years ago,” She blinked away tears, “I shouldn’t have stayed here, I should’ve put what I wanted first ahead of what Maya wanted. I should’ve gone to Texas, I should’ve married Lucas, and had a life with him.”
Auggie shook his head, “All it took was you getting knocked over by a damn horse to tell you that.”
“I’m stubborn, you know that.” She reflected as she sat back in the bed, “I just, I guess I have to figure out what I do next.”
“Well first you need to stop, and make sure you’re really okay.” Auggie looked at her, “And then you need to focus on you, before you rush off and do something ridiculous.”
“Is it really ridiculous if I get on a plane, fly to Texas and try to win back the man I should’ve married ten years ago?”
“Didn’t you say this morning he’s probably married with three kids?”
“He’s not.” She bit back her smile, “I know Lucas isn’t married, because I’m the only woman he would marry, I just know it Auggie.”
“Oh Riley, thank God you’re okay.” Topanga came rushing in with Cory and Ava right behind her.
“Mom” Riley felt her squeeze her tightly, “I’m fine, really I promise I am.”
“I just can’t believe it attacked by a horse!” Topanga smoothed Riley’s hair, “Are you okay, did you hit your head.”
“I’m fine, I landed on an officer.”
“You landed on an officer?” Cory looked to her with a raised eyebrow.
“Yeah, Officer Charlie Gardner.” Riley sighed.
“And then he hit on her first chance he got.” Auggie pointed out.
Topanga and Cory cringed, “What did you say sweetie.” Topanga kept her close.
“That my husband wouldn’t like it. That I was married to Lucas and had three kids.” Riley shrugged, watching her parents look at each other, “I know, but it got him to back off.”
“Tell them what you want to do Riley.”
“Auggie” Riley snapped.
“What do you want to do Riley?” Cory watched his daughter, wondering what exactly was going on.
“I’m thinking about putting myself, and what I want, what I need, instead of putting what say Maya wants and needs first. I’ve been doing that my whole life, I lost the only man I’ve ever loved because of that. I lost a decade with him, I lost whatever life, whatever kids we were going to have.”  Riley looked down at her hands, “Maybe it’s too late for me and Lucas, but I don’t believe it is. I haven’t ached for him the way I have all these years for it to be too late, for us not to still have a chance.”
“I think we can all agree that putting yourself first is a great idea, but maybe don’t hop on a plane first ten minutes you’re out of the hospital.” Topanga warned, “But maybe, make a plan, don’t rush.”
“Of course, Mom” Riley sighed knowing that sure she could wait a day, maybe two, but first chance she could get on a flight to Texas she would be on it, and she wouldn’t even stop at a hotel, no she would go straight to the ranch and find Lucas.
Farkle Minkus looked at his sleeping wife, amazed she could still be asleep with all the noise of someone banging on their front door downstairs. He grumbled as he slipped out of bed, putting on his slippers after he felt the cold hard wood floor beneath his feet.
Half asleep he moved down the stairs, rubbing his eyes, tugging on his hair just as the doorbell began to ring he swung the door open, startled by what he saw. He wasn’t greeted by a distraught Riley, or a drunk Maya, or a police officer with troubling news. No standing on his doorstep was a man he wasn’t sure he ever expected to see again in New York City.
“Lucas, what are you doing here?”
“Can I come in, I forgot how fucking cold New York is.” He rubbed his hands together as he tried to keep his denim jacket close to his body.
Farkle moved out of the way, watching as Lucas’ tall, muscular frame filled the foyer. “You are the last person I anticipated finding this morning.”
“Who’d you expect it to be?” Lucas look around, he’d seen the pictures on Facebook and Instagram of course, but seeing the home his friend had created with Isadora in person was something different all together.
Farkle closed the door, watching as Lucas took everything in, “Honestly most likely Maya, lost after a night of drinking.”
Lucas turned to him, “That happens enough you expect it?”
Farkle shrugged, “Yeah well, Riley doesn’t keep her on a leash or anything, probably should.”
Lucas felt the knot in his stomach, had he made a mistake, had he come all this way just to get his heart stomped on. “Are they, um, what is I mean is,” he ran his hand over his hair, not sure he could ask him.
“Coffee, we need coffee before you even think to ask what I’m afraid you’re trying to ask.” Farkle guided him towards the kitchen,
Lucas could feel his body buzzing, what was he thinking, coming here out of nowhere, after a decade, to try and win her back. He was probably a decade too late.
Farkle handed Lucas the mug of coffee, “Before you even ask as far as I am aware Riley and Maya are just friends, co-dependent, toxic, yes, but lovers, never.”
Lucas took a long slow sip as he mulled that information over, “What makes you so sure of that?”
Farkle leaned against the counter, really taking in the cowboy in front of him, worn denim jeans, a tight flannel shirt across his chest, a denim jacket that had probably seen more animal births than he would ever want to think about, unshaved but not a full-on beard, eyes filled with a crazy combination of hope and fear. “I’ve never seen Riley look at Maya that way, not even after more drinks that I care to estimate, and when she’s had that many drinks, Maya isn’t the name on her lips, yours is.”
Lucas felt his heart twist, “She drinks a lot like that?”
“Not really, and when she does she’s just trying to keep up with Maya, which no one can.” Farkle put his mug down, “Why are you here Lucas, why did you show up on my doorstep on today of all days?”
“It’s like there is this vice on my heart, twisting, squeezing, and each day it tightens. It’s been like that for what ten fucking years.” Lucas squeezed the bridge of his nose as he focused on night crying, he could, he wouldn’t cry in Farkle, not after all this time, “I can’t do this without her anymore, I don’t want to, I never did. What do I have to do to win her back?”
“Do you know what today is?” Farkle crossed his arms over his chest.
“Her birthday, her thirtieth birthday” Lucas picked up his mug taking another sip, “Am I too late Farkle, is there another man?”
“Only if her heart is going clippity clop over the cop that she landed on last night.”
“What, what does that mean?”
Farkle rubbed his hands together, “Riley kind of sort of got knocked over by a police horse last night, she’s not hurt, she landed on a cop.”
Lucas felt his stomach drop, “She landed on another man?”
“Yeah, I only know what Auggie told me last night.” He was holding back the tidbit of who the officer was, seeing how amped up Lucas was he knew he didn’t need to add the Charlie Gardner fuel to the fire.
“Where is she, I should go to her, I should go see her right now.” Lucas was already moving towards the kitchen door.
“Hold up Freak-face” Farkle stopped him, “Calm down first, is this how you want Riley to see you? I’m betting as soon as you got this idea in your head you’ve been in action mode right? Bought the first plane ticket out here, didn’t sleep on the plane right, still wearing what you had on last night. You need to sleep, get cleaned up, where are you staying?”
“I found a hotel room, I checked in, dropped my stuff off, and yeah.” Lucas rubbed his chin, “Is this ridiculous?”
Farkle thought back to his phone call with Auggie, he knew what Riley was planning, “I don’t think so, listen, like I said that Riley still has your name on her lips, I think though she may never say it out loud she knows she made a mistake when she didn’t go to Texas all those years ago. But years of putting Maya ahead of herself, that’s got to be a hard habit to break. Are you prepared to finally let go if she can’t do that?”
Lucas was silent, where was a tree to kick when he needed it? “If I didn’t think it was possible Farkle, I wouldn’t be here. I wouldn’t have spent far too much money on a plane ticket just to be here as soon as I could. Last night I got this panic inside of me, I couldn’t breathe if I thought about another day without Riley in my life.”
“Okay, I mean you’re here now for a reason right, so maybe your subconscious knows that her subconscious knows something, I don’t know you two always had a weird connection.” Farkle bit the inside of his cheek, “We’re having a party for her tonight, dress in something you would wear for a date, I guess is the best thing I can tell you. Its tonight starts at seven, but maybe come a little after. I mean I’m pretty sure she’s going to be excited to see you, but we never really know do we.”
“Who all is going to be there?”
“We, Isadora of course, Riley, Maya, Zay, and lord only knows who Maya has said to drop by cause she always invites a million people that none of us know.” Farkle looked around the hallway they stood in, “I guess all I can really say to you is good luck Lucas, I hope that you’re not too late, but I really don’t know.”
“Thank you, if you could just text me the address I’ll be there, I think the only thing that could keep me away would be a pack of wild Maya’s outside telling me they’re lovers, and even then I think I would still fight for Riley.”
“You should, you should’ve ten years ago, why didn’t you?”
“Pride, fear, anger, I had so much going on with Pappy Joe and the ranch, I was too afraid I really lost her after everything.”
“You guys I’m fine, the doctor gave me the all clear.” Riley reminded her parents after they brought her home from the hospital. “I’m just going to rest, read some magazines, watch bad TV, I’m going to go meet up with my friends, I won’t drink, I will come home early and go straight to bed before ten.”
“Are you sure Riley, one of us could stay with you.” Cory suggested.
“Dad, I’m positive, just go, I’m thirty years old I can take care of myself.” Riley opened the door.
“Cory, she’s right, she’s an adult, the doctor just told her to rest for the day. We shouldn’t hover.” Topanga warned.
“Fine, but call us if you need us okay. We’re only block away.”
“I know,” Riley smiled, “I’m fine, whatever crazy ideas I was having last night are gone. I promise.”
Cory didn’t believe her, he had a feeling that by this time tomorrow she would probably be calling from Texas either elated or in tears. “Okay, happy birthday sweetie, just rest.”
“I will Daddy, I promise.” She closed the door once they were pushed into the hall, locking it, all the locks including the deadbolt as she leaned against it, catching her breath.
She grabbed the bag with her jewelry from the hospital and tore it open as she sat on her couch, she ignored the earrings she’d worn, didn’t care about her watch at the moment, she just had to check the charm bracelet, make sure that none of them were missing.
Her fingers ran over each charm, remember the moments when Lucas gave them to her. The Eiffel tower as the first one, a promise of a future trip, a trip she knew in her heart of hearts they would still make. The graduation cap with the year engraved on it. The purple cat for her eighteenth birthday, and the cowboy hat for her nineteenth. The fall leaf for their anniversary senior year of high school, and the star for their anniversary during junior year of college after they’d spent the entire summer in Texas working on the ranch.
She held it up to the light, watching the way the morning sun danced on them, memories, moments, they were all captured here. Her heart ached as she thought of all the moments that were lost, missing, never to happen.
She put the bracelet on the table and grabbed her laptop from the nearby table. She had to follow her heart, she had to follow her gut, she had to find Lucas and win him back.
Lucas opened his eyes, finding himself in the hotel room, sleeping over the covers still in the clothes he’d been wearing since yesterday. He checked the time on his phone, he saw he had a slew of messages and he realized he hadn’t left an out of the office message or anything like that as he started to listen to them.
“Dr. Friar, it’s Mrs. Ellis, I know you’ve been working every so hard. I’m sending my girl Alice over this afternoon with some casseroles for you, we don’t want our favorite veterinarian going without a good meal.”
Lucas rolled his eyes, how many times had he turned Alice down, why was she still going along with her mother’s schemes to try to seduce him?
“Hey Lucas, um it’s like seven in the morning, where the hell are you? I thought you were going to help us fix that fence down near that acreage you keep saying is saved for something top secret.”
Lucas sighed hoping that the ranch hands went ahead and fixed the fence, they shouldn’t need him to hold their hands to get things done.
“Dude, Farkle said you showed up at his place early this morning. What the hell are you doing in the city, today of all days. Call me.”
Lucas couldn’t help but chuckle when he heard Zay’s voice. He tossed his phone back on the bed before he started to strip down, remove the clothes that now felt heavy and desperate with the decision he’d made the night before.
He went into the bathroom, starting the shower and pulling his boxer briefs off along with his socks before getting under the hot spray. He leaned against the shower wall, his mind flooded with images from the dream he’d had that morning. Riley and him, married, three beautiful children, attempting to make love in the shower.
Lucas would be lying to himself if he said he didn’t think about the days, the nights, all the time lost, the children they could’ve had by now.
He gripped the shower wall, this had to work, he had to win Riley back. He didn’t know what he could or would do if he didn’t.
He washed away the negative thoughts before turning the shower off and wrapping the hotel towel around him. He studied himself in the mirror, his beard a little ragged and rough, should he go for a clean shave or just clean it up?
After several moments of hemming and hawing he decided to trim it, he was a grown man it might feel a bit weird to be a bit baby-faced after all these years.
He gelled his hair, trying to make sure it didn’t look like he was trying. His stomach was in a knot, this had to work right, he couldn’t lose her again.
Lucas dug through his bag, putting on a pair of clean jeans, a black V-neck, and a blue cardigan sweater. He felt his heart racing, tonight was going to be a moment he would remember forever, no matter what the outcome was.
He dug in his bag pulling out the black box, he opened the lid studying the charms he’d collected over the years. He couldn’t explain why he was drawn to them, especially since it would seem like such random times of the year to even think of them. He picked up the carousel horse, then the basketball, the harp, and finally the angel. He wished he knew why he had to give these to Riley, the others he’d collected could wait, but not matter what these four were ones that she had to have.
He checked the time again, his body filling with nervous energy as the text came in from Farkle to tell him where Riley’s party was going to be.
He grabbed his jacket, he was on a mission, time to win back the love of his life, if it wasn’t too late.
Riley stood outside the restaurant, her heart racing as she thought about her plans, tonight could very well be her last night in New York.
“Riley” Maya cried before throwing her arms around her and hugging her tightly, she was giggling, swaying just a little bit, obviously, she’d hit up happy hour with the other girls from the gallery.
“Hey, you okay?”
“Peachy” Maya smiled as her hand stroked Riley’s face lovingly, “Where were you last night. You never showed up.”
“I was in the hospital, Auggie or Ava called you.” Riley could feel whatever thread that had been keeping them entwined all these years close to snapping.
Maya thought for a moment, “Oh that was you, I thought you were just ditching me.”
Riley was about to say something when Zay came up “Two of my favorite ladies, Happy Birthday Riley.”
“Thank you Zay.” Hugging him, “Where’s the wife?”
“Migraine, she insisted I come out, but I don’t think I’ll stay long.” He explained just as Farkle and Isadora arrived.
“It’s so good to see all of you.” Riley looked at her friends, hugging them all, “You okay Farkle?”
“Yeah, I am, I’m glad you’re okay.” He told her as they went into the restaurant before talking to the host for the table.
Once they were all seated Riley began to look over the menu as the waiter arrived, “Could I get a Coca-Cola” she ordered to drink then immediately heard Maya order a cocktail while everyone else stuck to soft drinks.
“So, Riley what exactly happened last night?” Isadora looked up from her menu, knowing they needed to kill time before Lucas arrived.
Riley put her menu down, “You know I’m not even sure I could explain it.” She removed her jacket as she spoke, the jingling sound of her charm bracelet catching Farkle’s attention. “I was on my way to meet Maya, and I guess something spooked a police horse and I was right in front of it. I like passed out, fell on an officer. You will never believe who.”
“Well we know it wasn’t the cowboy.” Maya giggled and rolled her eyes thankful they hadn’t had to deal with Lucas in years.
Riley ignored Maya, “It was Charlie Gardner, he hit on me in the hospital.” She sat back in her seat, looking down at the charms, “When I was out, I had this dream about Lucas, the life we could’ve had, it felt so real. When Charlie asked me out I was like, nope married to Lucas.”
Farkle sucked back a smile, his foot bouncing nervously, “What else happened in this dream world of yours?”
Riley looked around, “Well you and Zay were married to each other.”
Zay had been taking a sip of water, started to choke before Isadora could slap him on the back, “Stay away from my husband homewrecker!”
“What the hell Riley?”
“It was a dream, lots of weird stuff happened in it, but it did feel very real. At least me and Lucas, the kids.” She felt her hand shaking so she folded them on put them on her lap.
Maya downed most of her cocktail that had just arrived as the waiter took everyone’s meal orders, and once he was gone she looked at Riley, “Why are you dreaming about Huckleberry, it’s been ten years. He was trash then he was always going to be trash.”
The entire group stared at Maya shocked.
They were silent, no one knew what to say.
Riley rose from her seat, looking down at the woman she had always considered her best friend, her sister, “Lucas was never trash, he isn’t trash.” She took a deep breath, knowing this was it, this was the moment, “What is trash is you not even giving a damn that I was in the hospital. What if I had been actually injured? Would you care, if you did would it only be because the person who saves you wasn’t around to save you from yourself? How fucking selfish can you be?”
Riley was visibly shaking, and Maya was only half paying attention to what was happening as she tried to signal to the waiter for another drink. Riley grabbed the glass and slammed it onto the table and stared into Maya’s blue eyes, “You have a problem, you’ve pickled yourself in alcohol for the last decade, and why, because Josh married someone else, because you have unrequited feelings for me, or because you just need to be a mess so that I would stick around?”
Farkle’s eyes were wide and he grabbed Isadora’s hand, praying that Lucas didn’t show up in the middle of this.
Riley felt herself huff, “You treat me like I’m invisible until you need me, and if I don’t do things the way you want me to than it doesn’t matter. You use me Maya, and I have let you. Never again, not anymore. Get your shit together, deal with your fucking problems, grow up, you’re thirty years old for crying out loud. You’ve used and abused me for the last time, I made a mistake ten years ago, I let you get into my head, you always get into my head and make me think Lucas isn’t good enough for me. No more, I’m done letting you control my life this way. I’m done letting you overshadow me and try to control me like some demented puppet master. The strings are cut, you and I are no longer friends, I’m not sure we ever were.”
Maya could only blink and stare as Riley gathered her purse and coat looking to her friends, “I’m sorry, this isn’t how I wanted this night to go. I wanted us to all have fun together.”
“You make it sound like you’re leaving us all.” Zay studied her.
Riley pulled her coat on over her purple dress, pausing for a moment to pick up her purse, “I’ve decided that I need to fight for what I want, what I need.”
“What would that be?” His voice cut through the air, and everyone turned to look at him.
Riley put her hand over her heart as it raced, her eyes had to be playing with her, this couldn’t be real, he couldn’t be right here in front of her. “Lucas” she barely breathed his name before she was moving around the table towards him.
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