arisatominakos · 9 months
physically restraining myself from commenting on the stupidest gaming hot take ive ever seen someone reward me with a gold star because holy fuck
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sapphim · 2 years
Sibling Rivalry - DA2
I'm probably not the only person to wonder the degree to which Bethany and Carver's approval score affects their disposition toward Hawke in the game. So I got it into my head to search the game files to see every instance in which the game checks their approval score and... it's not much!
A couple things.
There's always a small chance that there's some other line of dialogue in the game that's been coded in some fuckstupid nonstandard way that my search didn't catch, but this should be everything.
Unlike the game's full companions, which have major milestones at 50 and 100 approval points and can sometimes behave accordingly, Bethany and Carver are always at a flat check to determine if their approval is either above or below zero. There's no further benefit to changing their approval more than +-1 point from neutral.
Approval scores for Bethany and Carver really only ever come into play in Acts 2 and 3. There are basically no approval checks in Act 1, and none in the base game.
There's not a lot of approval-related dialogue in the base game, and it's all for warden siblings -- in the Act 2 climax and in the optional Act 3 sidequest Finding Nathaniel. Templar Carver and circle mage Bethany do not have any approval-specific dialogue in the base game... and the majority of approval-specific dialogue in the DLC still goes to their warden counterparts.
I'll be posting additional posts with the dialogue from MotA and Legacy in separate posts, to keep the length manageable, which will be found under the #sibling rivalry tag. Here's the base game dialogue:
Act 2 - Demands of the Qun (Warden Bethany)
Blue Hawke: [Are you all right?] Are you injured? Are there more of you?
Bethany: This is everyone. Thank you.
Bethany: We're fine. Everyone's here.
Purple Hawke: [I live here.] Last time I checked, you'd moved on from Kirkwall.
Bethany: I'm a Warden now. We go where we're needed.
Bethany: We're here on Grey Warden business.
Red Hawke: [You're welcome.] A "thank you" might be in order, don't you think?
Bethany: I must say, it's less painful than the last time you saved my life.
Bethany: I knew you didn't go to so much trouble to save me, just to throw it away now.
Hawke: [You're leaving, Bethany?] But you just got here.
Bethany: You gave me this life… I'm just doing the best I can to live it.
Bethany: I've been here for six days.
Hawke: [Bethany, Mother's gone.] Wait—I need to tell you about Mother.
Bethany: I know. When we got the news, the Wardens helped me hold a wake. I'm… glad you were with her. In her final moments.
Bethany: I know what happened. I waited and waited for you to tell me yourself. Did you hold a funeral, or was there not enough left?
Act 2 - Demands of the Qun (Warden Carver)
Blue Hawke: [Are you all right?] Are you injured? Are there more of you?
Carver: I'm good, but we're not the help you need.
Carver: I'm fine. We're fine. And no, this is all of us.
Purple Hawke: [I live here.] Last time I checked, you'd moved on from Kirkwall.
Carver: Things change. But… I can't stay.
Carver: We're here on Grey Warden business.
Red Hawke: [You're welcome.] A "thank you" might be in order, don't you think?
Carver: Sorry. A bit distracted by all the friends you've made since I left.
Carver: Pardon my manners. You save me so often I sometimes forget.
Hawke: [You're leaving, Carver?] But you just got here.
Carver: Another time, perhaps.
Carver: I've been here for six days.
Hawke: [Carver, Mother's gone.] Wait—I need to tell you about Mother.
Carver: I already know what happened. I'm sure you did your best.
Act 3 - Finding Nathaniel (Warden Bethany)
Hawke: Bethany? Is that really you?
Bethany: Why would you come back here if you didn't have to?
Bethany: Are you here to "save" me again?
Blue Hawke: [Are you all right?] You don't look well, Bethany. Are you injured?
Bethany: Injured? I have the darkspawn taint forever in my veins, barely held in check by the Wardens' rituals.
Bethany : I'm sorry. You did the best you could.
Hawke: I wish there'd been a better way.
Bethany: I will never be well again.
Hawke: Where there's life, there's hope.
Purple Hawke: [Cheer up, Sis.] A little smile for me, Sister? It's been years. I've missed you.
Bethany: If I let myself miss you… and Carver… and Mother… I couldn't go on.
Bethany: It's better not to feel.
Hawke: I, ah, won't try to cheer you up, then.
Bethany: I have kept track of your doings. I'm glad you've done well for yourself, though perhaps too late for Mother.
Bethany: But I am a Warden now. We have no families.
Hawke: They say it's always darkest before the dawn.
Red Hawke: [Pull yourself together.] You're not dead yet. Shake it off! There's work to be done.
Bethany: You never change, do you?
Hawke: Enough, Bethany. We need your help here or we'll all die.
Bethany: You sound just like Ser Fenley—before the Children devoured him.
Hawke: Enough, Bethany. We need your help here or we'll all die.
Act 3 - Finding Nathaniel (Warden Carver)
Hawke: Carver?
Carver: Well, just like old times.
Carver: Still coming to the rescue after all these years? I have it under control, but thanks.
Carver: What are you doing here?
Carver: Just like always, no cause is too small for you to stick your nose in. I have this under control.
Blue Hawke: [I'm glad you're doing well.] It's good to see you. I hope the years have been kind.
Carver: I can't say that. The Blight is long over, but the threat never really goes away.
Carver: I don't know if you can understand that. Maybe someday.
Blue Hawke: [I'm glad you're doing well.] It's been years, Carver. We can't be civil?
Carver: I almost died in your shadow. I don't appreciate you showing up to take my thunder.
Hawke: If my shadow made it down here, you brought it.
Purple Hawke: [Why are you down here?] Don't you have Archdemons to hunt or something?
Carver: There's a considerable gap between Blights, you know. Apparently, just long enough for people to forget.
Carver: We Wardens don't have that luxury, though.
Purple Hawke: [A little thanks, maybe?] You know, the average person saves a life, they might expect some gratitude.
Carver: I've seen too much of the world to be impressed by this.
Carver: It's just kind of sad.
Hawke: What is?
Carver: That your world has stayed so small.
Red Hawke: [Still hold a grudge?] So, do you still blame all of this on me?
Carver: Do you still expect me to? I'd like to think we've both changed.
Carver: I guess we'll have to wait and see, won't we?
Red Hawke: [Still angry, Carver?] Nothing's changed between us after all these years?
Carver: I've seen a lot, Brother. Our little squabble, it doesn't matter.
Hawke: Your tone says otherwise, Warden.
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atthebell · 4 months
trying to figure out which fuckstupid place i left something i hate adhd
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gloriesunsung · 1 year
Why the fuck am I seeing transphobic posts suggested as “posts I may like”? Holy shit, tumblr, no, I do not fucking like.
I don’t know if I’ve interacted with something dodge, and please tell me if you think I have! But let me be perfectly clear - I don’t tolerate transphobia in any form, I see and love my trans friends, and TERFs can kindly go suck on dynamite. GTFO with these abhorrent, fuckstupid takes.
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equalseleventhirds · 7 months
making bad late-night decisions in a fit of despair, but they're like. applying to a job in baltimore bcos it pays better & has less fuckstupid requirements than jobs here.
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kingtankgirl · 10 months
new activity page is so dogshit fuckstupid ugly. hate this website
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unitedspaceflag · 2 years
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#fucknazis #fuckconspiracytheories #fuckwar #fucksexism #fuckantisemitism #fuckrasicm #fuckhomophobia #fuckstupidity #randomircosmotisch https://www.instagram.com/p/CYuMP49Ip-b/?utm_medium=tumblr
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dilfsisko · 3 years
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ehehe :) this is hazel she's very mischevious
OHHH TORTOISESHELLS.......... they are so fucking good, I love torties. I have two and they're really weird. Please tell Hazel I love her
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gracifleur · 2 years
melli is so funny why is he like that
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girlfoxcock · 4 years
maybe the real pee pee boy was inside us all along
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stcrlngs · 4 years
i was gonna come in with a funny joke today but baumgartner put out a new video and it also turns out i need a chest x-ray so instead you guys just get a new icon and like................ vague art restoration noises
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kujakumai · 2 years
I love that the giant Millennium World RPG board is so fuckstupid huge that Yami Bakura and Atem have to stand up and shout things at each other across it like they’re trying to speak through traffic. Not that either of these two have decent volume control on a good day, but the awkwardness suits them.
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transmisogynists are braindead they all just repeat the same fuckstupid talking points and think people are gonna take them seriously when their reasoning for hating their fellow woman is a bunch of racist made up science and an almost mystical sense of entitlement in having been born with a vagina and the belief that somehow that makes them devoid of responsibility or makes them innocent victims well honey i can smell you from here and trust me that pussy isn't going to convince anyone that you're a frail helpless little princess who can do no wrong, it's only convincing me you're too retarded to care about anyone who wouldn't tattoo a picture of a vagina bleeding on their leg
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eijispumpkin · 3 years
Mind if I jump into this conversation?? As someone who writes their own characters, plot, and stories: the word of the author is not the word of god (I think someone else said this, but they said it better than me, so credit to who said that). I've seen a lot of stuff about the BF author and how they contradict themselves but here's the thing: things can still be open to interpretation AND sometimes the author has given EVIDENCE in THEIR OWN WORK that contradicts their statements.
The way I think about this is I could say "x and y couldn't be together and it's canon" but if I wrote enough shit that contradicted that, unless I could provide evidence, both my "statement" and the actual work are correct. The author is not always correct when their work contradicts them unless they provide evidence. I'm not even going to get into the whole problematic part of the "Ash wouldn't be happy state" but just saying that bc it's canon it's true pisses me off.
Yes, technically when an author says something, it can be considered 'canon'. But not when it is contradictory to the set work. And people need to understand that when a work is put out into the world, there will be different interpretations to things and that just because the author said something different it doesn't mean the point is wholy invalidated.
Sorry if none of that made sense, feel free to ignore, i just wanna rant about that. idk if I did the multi-ask thing write but I've seen anons with longer asks and thought I'd try. Hope it worked right. Also Shorter? Straight? That's not a thing. Maybe he's a bit of fuckboi with a preference for women, but the moment he came on screen I thought 'my bisexual senses are tingling' - AnonymousNuisance/Butterfly
yes, you are precisely right!! (it was me w the “word of god” thing hee hee) but yeah the thing is that an author is allowed to say “this was my intention” but that does not invalidate anyone’s reading of their text. and frankly sometimes the stuff authors say is a little bit fuckstupid so...
(also if we HAVE to ONLY go by “”””canon””””, yoshida did have an interview in a queer japanese magazine in 2000 in which she stated that eiji is ash’s type and that she intentionally wrote asheiji as a same-sex love story. just throwing that out there. for “everyone in banana fish is cishet” anon dearest. lmao)
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wyrmguardsecrets · 3 years
I am of the belief that biologically there’s male, female and the odd occasion where a person has both parts. I’m also in support of the fact that people are born with the brain of a certain gender but their body is the opposite of what their brain is wired to be. Regardless, a fully grown adult should be allowed to identify as whatever they want while keeping in mind that certain medical conditions that there are gender related are indiscriminate, regardless of what we identify as.
or people are just born with penises, vaginas, none, or both and the idea of male and female is fuckstupid.
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dilfsisko · 5 years
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Nut ball nut ball nut ball nut ball
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