erwtofeggaro · 2 years
τριγυρνάει κάποιος στο μυαλό σου τον τελευταίο καιρό;
Trigyrnaei kairo twra kai den leei na fugei
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casseropita · 2 years
Thelw na ourliaksw na niwsw kalutera,na fugei Kai ligo h piesh alla oi geitones tha nomizoun oti pethainw
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sugaroto · 1 year
Ena big respect se auton ton palio ma8iti tou sxoleiou mou pou ekane meme page gia tous ka8igites
Molis to anakalypsa(mou to steilan dld)
Kai mporei na mhn kserw tous misous sta memes giati exoun fugei/den tous eixa
Alla oi 8ruloi tou Super Mario menoun
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anarchytgksblog · 2 years
San mia xordh pou xtupaei dunata,
mesa sto sththos sou
san astro pou svhnei
kai mia melwdia pou pisw s'afhnei
hmera mou, fws mou, zwh mou,
psuxh mou kai pathos
kai lathos kai telos kai arxh mou
mikrh mou, plhgh mou.
Kai afou oi kaloi
sou lene panta thn alhtheia kai nikoun
kai se pairnoun makria
giati esu mou sfurizeis
ki afou thes na vgeis sth vroxh
kai na xorepseis m' ena aspro manthli,
egw s'akolouthw.
Ki emeina edw na proxwrw
na prospathw na se kanw na fugeis
kai to mualo mou na mh leei "s'agapw".
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viktwrious · 1 year
“an thes na fugeis poulo” gf “den thelw na se xasw” gf
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adu-web · 2 years
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⁡ 【 展示会のお知らせ 】 ⁡ 久留米絣研究舎 Koppa 二人展 ⁡ 布芸木芸 -fugei mokugei- ⁡ 2022.11.19.sat-12.04.sun  at adu. *会期中店休日▷11.24.thu•12.1.thu ⁡ ⁡ コンポートやアクセサリーが人気のKoppaとは昨年出会い、真摯なモノづくりに心惹かれました。今年はそのご縁で、久留米絣研究舎と出会い、久留米絣という枠を超えた、纏うと高揚感に満ち溢れる、柔らかく女性らしい衣服に出会うことができました。 繊維と木工。表現方法は違えど、”可能性の追求”という点で共通する両者の作品をご堪能ください。 ⁡ 久留米絣研究舎 「久留米絣とファッションの融合」をテーマに、立体裁断構造の洋服を提案します。生地企画やパターンメイキングを行い、久留米絣の特性を活かした、柔らかく、身体に寄り添うような、流行ではなくても、着続けたいと思える服作りを目指しています。 ⁡ Koppa ブランド名は、木の端っこや木クズのこと。長い時間をかけて育ってきた木々を余す所なく使いたいとの思いから、ものづくりを始めました。鹿児島県の県木であるクスノキを中心に、器やコンポート、アクセサリーなどの制作を行っています。 ⁡ *ash Design &Craft Fair2022期間中の展示です。 ⁡ *営業日時が変更になる場合がございますので、ご来店前に、webなどでご確認ください。 ⁡ *隣地、開発工事中のため、ご不便・ご迷惑をおかけしています。 (adu.) https://www.instagram.com/p/CkZwBxovDa0/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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spoilersgr · 4 years
Ο Ανδρέας Μικρούτσικος μιλά για τον τσακωμό της Ραΐσα Κόντη με την Άννα Μαρία στο Big Brother αλλά και τι αναμένεται να γίνει με τις ψήφους:
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✨💛 This is the Amazing Person Award! 🏆Once you are given this award you are supposed to paste it in the ask of eight different people, who, in your opinion, deserve it. If you break the chain nothing will happen, but it is sweet to know someone thinks you're amazing inside and out 💛✨
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tavlepwmov · 3 years
Thelw auto to kokkino na fugei apo ta mallia mou epitelous
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Ze selw na fugeis🥺
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Solmeister:"prepei na fugei sto spotify stis 00:00 9/3 k tha pesei to spotify"
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woofod · 4 years
Den exei shmasia an kapoia stigmh guriseis pisw.
Shmasia exei to oti efuges.
Den eprepe na eixes fugei katholou.
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me8usmenhh · 4 years
Θέλω να φύγω από αυτό το γαμωσπιτο δεν την παλεύω άλλο εδώ μέσα
Nai ok egw to egrapsa auto(?) Loipon anagkastika prepei na kaneis upomonh den gnwrizw thn hlikia sou gia na sou pw akrivws ti na kaneis.Omws an perimeneis na gineis 18 gia na fugeis prepei anagkastika na kaneis upomonu mexri na vreis mia douleia pou na mporeis na plhrwneis ola auta pou xreiazesai.To na meneis monos/h den einai eukolo kai exei polles eu8unes elpizw na to ksereis auto.Epishs oti kai na ginetai sto spiti sou kai oti na s lene pou neuriazeis mhn dineis shmasia kai na koitas ton eauto sou
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colourful-dreamer · 5 years
Fave blogs?
@ouranioto3o @absolute-tipota @legiocknd @xamenh-sta-biblia @to-koritsi-twn-louloudiwn @dedalwdhs @to-koritsi-tou-aprili @poeticalways @topaiditismonaxias @alexkzr @kyn-ikos @darkside-cookies @psychanagkasmos @trelamouuuu @companionofthemoon @osaniwthw @keno-synolo @heythatsart @darkfen @tantum-a-momentum @giati-efuges @oepimenonpethane @thymasai @elizap31 @annoyeddddd @fault-in-our-chaos @petamouthnmpurasou @tzoannouli08 @tragouda-mas-na-fugei-to-skotadi @rash111 @iamaunicornfy @sakidio @georgiaaart @incorrect-para-pente @teamkoukoumafka @psuxikatravmatismenos @augoustos2018 @sokratikh-eirwneia @poueisai
Σίγουρα θα έχει κι άλλα απλα εντάξει ακουλουθω κανενα 800 κατι καί θέλει πολύ παραπάνω ψάξιμο ,σε ευχαριστώ ανον❤️
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laazaros · 4 years
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1 mhna kai 3 mhnes prin fugeis to grapses.
shmera hr8es
yparxei to gia panta
enas pneymatikos pateras ba8ya xwmenos sthn psixi moy
se afhsa na er8eis shmera
shmera anoi3a ta biblia ths moysikhs
ta dika mas, akoys?
ekatses panw sto biblio ths armonias.
oi melwdies diaperasan to myalo moy san sfaira.
efyges, ma h anasa moy kobetai apo to faltso.
pws xwrane?
opws xwreses esy mesa sto feretro.
elpizw na akoys ka8e nota moy
nota: ka8e pono ths psixis moy
giati h3eres
ma h psixi sou barenai thn kardia soy
mexri poy se afhse.
akoumphsa to piano shmera kai emeines prwth fora
enw panta efeyges giati se baraine
emenes ape3w.
shmera hr8es.
sagapaw, elpizw na to akouses
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thorns-of-a-soul · 4 years
Με έκανε tag: @tragouda-mas-na-fugei-to-skotadi
•Indoor plants• or gardens // cloud watching or •star gazing• // •water• or fire // paperback or •hardcover• // •running• or hiking // sleeping with socks or •sleeping without socks• // •fruit• or vegetables // •hanging plants• or succulents // dark wood or •light wood• // •handwritten• or typed // •instagram• or pinterest // •braids• or pigtails // books or movies (both) // •oceans• or meadows // •forests• or fields // •sweet• or salty // ice cream or •chocolate• // hoodies or •sweaters• // long hair or •short hair• // piercings or tattoos (both) // •summer• or winter // •boots• or sneakers //•cars• or motorcycles // •curls• or straight hair // castles or cottages (both) // •sunny days• or storms // reptiles or •birds• // •disney• or nickelodeon // strawberries or watermellon (both) // essays or •posters• // •phones• or laptops // •glass• or stone // dark or • light• // photos or •paintings• // circuses or •theatres• // •reading• or writing // dogs or •cats• // poetry or •novels• // monsters or •ghosts• // thrift shops or libraries (both) // fiction or non fiction (both) 💛
@nephilimworld03 @thesunwontsetonus @a-tapini @godswine @gayplant @a-cute-lesbian @usedcond0m
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