#fukuyama shoudai
ywpdtwittertl · 7 years
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Some scans from Dorapeda S2 DVD Booklet (ノ・∀・)ノ Team KyoFushi, Hiroshima Kureminami Tech, T2 & Supporting Cast | More scans here (please do not repost)
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shenanigumi · 7 years
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oh right… have this Unamused Shinpachi™ I forgot I made. somebody doesn’t ship HaraChi yet
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sambart93 · 7 years
2017.04.26-29 HakuMyu Harada-Hen Review!
I cannot cope with this stage seriously! I was so lucky I got to go to the dress rehearsal AND I also managed to see it 4 times total!!
Before I say anything; when I see a play multiple times, I always enjoy it the first time and then the remaining times I will sit their counting how many points I want to make. And I know in at least one showing I had about 37 things to say about part one and 42 things to say about part two. Obviously I couldn’t and can’t remember them all BUT I hope that gives an insight into how much stuff I want to comment on in this stage! Also because I have so many effing points, I have already decided I AM going to do a Scene-By-Scene review and commentary when the DVD BR comes out! I seriously have SO much to say about each scene and moment but I won’t remember them all for this review. Sound good? Okay!
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Official Website here Official Twitter here DVD and BR PreOrders here and here Press Coverage 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
Cast and Characters
Higashi (TonChan) Keisuke as Harada Sannosuke Isobe Karin as Yukimura Chizuru Matsuda Gaku as Hijikata Touji Aramaki (MakiChan) Yoshihiko as Okita Souji Naya (TakeChan/Patch-Kun) Takeru as Saitou Hajime Kizu Tsubasa as Toudou Heisuke Fukuyama Shoudai as Nagakura Shinpachi Teruma as Sannan Keisuke Takasaki (TakaChan) Shouta as Yamazaki Susumu Imata Taira as Kondou Isami Sasaki (Hide/HideSama) Hideyoshi as Kazama Chikage Soutarou as Amagiri Kyuujyu Kashiwagi Yuusuke as Shuranui Kyou Kawamoto Hiroyuki as Yukimura Koudou Ensemble: Sugawara Takeshi, Sato Yoshio, Hisada Yuki, Sakamoto Kazuki, Yoshida Yuuki and Maehara Masaki
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Overall: Best musical and stage of the year so far!!! Holy crap it is amazing! I clapped so hard every night and I haven’t clapped hard in a LONG time (maybe since TouMyu 2?)! I even wanted to give them a standing ovation every freaking night! That’s how amazing it is! Everyone did phenomenal and all the scenes were amazing and the love the new cast, every single one of them and the songs! Holy moly the songs are amazing! Also we finally have a kickass, badass Chizuru! Best Chizuru we’ve had too! I’ve only ever seen the rest of the HakuMyus twice but I’ve already seen this four times! And I’m glad this was the one I saw four times! It’s definitely my favourite HakuMyu xD It’s been weeks and I’m still on a high from it. Rating: 9 - 9.5/10
Okay is everyone ready for this monster? By the way, if you have alcohol on hand then take a drink every time I say Amazing or Gold xD you’re going to be a sanbaka by the end if you do though xD let’s go!
This is going to be split up in a really weird way. I’ve split it into Part One and Part Two (but it won’t be going in chronological order; my memory isn’t THAT good), then some notes and comments split by the different performances I went to and finally we have cast/acting break down comments too.. I imagine they’re been a Misc and a Goods section too xD I hope it’s not too confusing! >.< enjoy!
I am very glad I saw this in person because every time the opening main theme starts the sound crew SERIOUSLY cranked up that music, it shakes the room and it’s so powerful and amazing which is something you can’t really feel when you watch it at home! Gave me chills every time <3
This feels a lot darker too compared to the past HakuMyus which I think is why I enjoyed it so much. I remember the anime ripping my heart out and just being this amazing but depressing and dark story and I feel they really captured the real Hakuouki this time around <3
I really like the scene where Chizuru and Harada are out in town together and he captures someone and throws him back into the store/pub and we just hear this ‘すみません・ Sorry!’ xD everyone laughed every time. Another thing during this scene is there’s always a drunk guy at the back of the stage, and three out of the four performances he pretends to trip over nothing but on my third watch he pretends his hand gets stuck to the floor xD it amused me so much every time. It’s such a little thing but I love it xD All the ensemble were amazing! I saw some recogisable and regular faces too in them! <3
All the comedy hit well in this stage ^_^ we have the one scene mentioned above and then we also have the drinking scene comedy with Shinpachi, Harada and even Yamazaki, and in part two we have that wonderful Shinpachi.
Teruma's freaking solo. I really do love his solo. It’s so manic and amazing and the lighting and the smoke and Chizuru being scared to death and everything - it’s so good! Jesus, his scream seriously is amazing and gave me chills every time too! Also I think his performance of this song just got more wild every night which is awesome! In fact everyone’s screams were amazing! You could feel and hear their pain in the screams. Heisuke’s scream when he transformed is also really good! More on screaming in part two >.<
This Chizuru is kickass this one. It’s the first time I’ve actually liked Chizuru and I’m so glad I do because I really do like Karin! This Chizuru feels a lot more fearless and stronger and always staying with the guys and even goes to turn herself in to protect Shinsengumi. Maybe she has done this in all the others but this was personally my first time to really see Chizuru as this strong female. I have so many good scenes of her being a badass. One is when she tells the Oni she’ll go with them so long as they don’t hurt Shinsengumi. Another badass scene is when she even attacks and tries to kill her own father! She actually uses and takes out her sword on a number of occasions this time around which made me love her! THIS is the Chizuru I want and I got it! 
And speaking of Karin as Chizuru, I love the slight song speed and tempo differences they made to fit Karin’s voice <3 By the way if you didn’t notice already this Chizuru and Karin are my all time favourite Chizuru’s! xD Both character and actress <3 I’ve liked Karin since K Stage so makes sense xD
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Related to above; I LOVE when Harada says to Chizuru ‘それはかっこよかった・That was cool of you/You were cool then.’ after she tries to protect and save everyone <3 in general Harada has some great lines but that one definitely stood out to me every performance.
Unfortunately, there is NO Kinniku Love -__- which is one of the tiny reasons why I haven’t rated it a 10 out of 10. This is like my favourite part in all the stages! So I was a little miffed! But we got a wonderful Drinking song and we got Harada and Shinpachi shirtless which was great! Also in the shirtless scene Shinpachi draws on Harada which is good fun >.< although why Shinpachi undressed also I have no idea why xD I ain’t complaining though!
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Speaking of the Drinking song, YAMAZAKI in this song!!! TakaChan’s Yamazaki is good as always, however, especially when drunk xD it really cracked me up every time and I looked forward to it every time! He falls on the floor, he slumps onto the stairs, he has to rest a hand on the wall so he doesn’t throw up, it’s really so good xD I loved this performance every time!! It gave me such a giggle.
I love Okita’s coughing in this one. I know it’s not technically a good thing for Okita (xD) but MakiChan acting out the coughing and the different stages of it so well this stage! I am proud of my boy <3 I also love during one of the scene where everyone in Shinsengumi’s gathered and Okita is just sexily sat on the stairs with the sword between his legs <3 so sexy *dead*
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OOOOO! I LOVE the song when it’s just Kondo, Okita and Hijikata! And they sing ‘その名前に誓う!・We’ll take that name’ and I sang along to it every time after the first time I saw the stage! I freaking love the song and I love that line!! <3
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Shiranui FTW!  don’t need to say more do I? Haha BUT seriously, he was so good in this and we got so much of him this time around! I was a happy bunny AND he got his own bromides whichi is just mind blowing! Furthermore, Shiranui’s costume is amazing! It’s so detailed! You can’t see the flower prints or the dark green on the DVDs and stuff so well but seeing it in person, it’s absolutely gorgeous! All of Shiranui’s interactions and scenes were great! I really love the slow mo fighting part during one of the Harada x Shiraniu fight scenes! Shiranui’s face every time is amazing in slowmo >.< Another scene I love is when he opens up towards the end and is like ‘there’s no such things as souls’ and Chizuru is like ‘I think you want to believe but you can’t because you’ve seen so many of your (human) friends die’ or something like that and it’s ... my feels!
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The San Baka song is SO good! Especially when Shinpachi goes round punching everyone xD also it made my heart warm that Shinpachi enters the stage with a jump! During the HakuMyu Live 2 DVD event Fukuyama spoke of how he tried to copy Shuuto’s jump but Shuuto just has to much bounce and natural height to him when jumping that he couldn’t copy it, so seeing him really going for it in the stage made me very happy. I bet Shuuto giggled when he saw it just like me xD
I really, really, really, really love the new Shinsegumi group song and it’s dance <3 this song always made me cry at the end of part one quite a few times <3 it’s such a good song! I love ALL the new songs! They better bring out a CD this time around! For the love of god give me the CD of this!
Another song I loved was Kazama’s! It’s all rocky and it’s so good! I really like his new rock song ^_^ suits Hide very well. BUT, my entire thought process of Hide as Kazama was:
Round One:  This Kazama is very much like the anime. Voice and all. Round Two: Yeah he’s exactly like anime Kazama, no wonder I don’t like him (the stage character not Hide!) Round Three: I fucking HATE Kazama! He’s so fucking annoying! I am SO done with this Kazama Round Four: I am beyond done and don’t care about you anymore.
So safe to say Hide did a perfect job of bringing the real, canon Kazama to life, but unfortunately that’s the type of Kazama I cannot stand xD
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And the touching! Like when Yamazaki is grabbing Chizuru from the back and on her wrist to try and keep her out of the fight <3 in fact ALL the touches/grabs the guys had with Chizuru when trying to protect her! We had Yama x Chizuru and Shinpachi x Chizuru, also I think Saito x Chizuru and Heisuke x Chizuru touching too!  It gave me so many feels <3 I loved it! I was so on bored with ALL the ships in this one >.< especially the Yama x Okita ship cos of MakiChan and TakaChan because after about the second or third watch, I’ve noticed that Okita and Yamazaki are together A LOT (meaning they keep pairing my TokiEnta boys together <3) and they have so many moments together that it was so fascinating just how many times! But course I thoroughly enjoyed that ^_^
One little comment is about in two different performance, Tonchan nearly lost his sheath during one of his fight scenes due to him spinning and moving fast xD he just grabbed it an threw it backstage when it happened.
The opening dream sequence is GOLD. I love it so much! Everytime this song comes on my music player I can see TonChan and his dance here so perfectly!  Also I FUCKING love when Shinpachi and co. come on stage! The first time I saw it I was like ‘wtf?! Shinapachi isn’t supposed to drink the Ochimizu!!!’ and his evil face during that scene when he attacks Harada is so freaking amazing! His evil smile is so evil but also somewhat sexy xD but I guess that’s cos of my Shinpachi Hell xD
Back to the screaming! In this second half with Yamazaki’s scream! So amazing! <3 Also Hijikata’s scream! Just everyone screaming is amazing okay! I guess that’s the messed up sadistic side of me? Or just damn fine acting!
Speaking of Yamazaki! Yamazaki’s scene... ugh do we need to talk about this.. yes we do because I love Yamazaki! It broke my heart as usual! I cried like a bitch every time and sometimes I even started crying way before the scene even started! But he like climbs/crawls up the stairs... my heart is breaking right now! BUT I saw one person’s review saying ‘why can’t they just kill Yamazaki off stage, why does he need a scene’ or something like that and let me tell you: I LOVE Yamazaki, I LOVE TakaChan, I NEED this scene! My beautiful TakaChan needs ALL the stage time he can get, okay! But him not dying would be more preferable>o< << as I wrote in the questionnaires every performance xD I get why and how it would work to have him die off stage but I need these scenes no matter how heartbreaking they are.
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The Saito x Souji fight is GOLD and amazing! Their singing and song during it too is great! Apparently this song and scene has already been done before but clearly this version was a lot better and obviously stood out to me. Everything about this scene, the song, their voices, the choreography, the lighting, it’s all really good here!
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I love when Shinpachi decides to leave Shinsengumi and comes back on stage like ‘Hiji don’t stop me! I’m going whether you like (Hiji: I know, I’m letting you go) it or not--- what?!’ and then he turns to Harada ‘I made up my mind!’ ‘I know.. we’re leaving too...’ ‘...what?! ... what?! Explain it to me so I can understand! What do you mean! Cos we’re friends right?!’ xD I died every time. Such a good moment <3
And then we have the Shinpachi x Harada fight that’s also GOLD! Just give me Shinpachi and Harada scenes all day okay! But also my love for the new Shinachi helps me love this scene too.
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Oh jesus, oh my! The Okita crying after he finds out about Kondou’s execution and his scream crying scene broke me every time. Although I feel like MakiChan’s performance during my third time wasn’t as good as the other times, but lets assume it was just the mid-performance slump between the first and last performance day hype and adrenaline. But seriously this scene is so well acted from both MakiChan and Gaku! It’s such a raw and heartbreaking scene and yet it has so much love in it too! Like when Hijikata put his hand on Okita while Okita was lent on him and grabbing on him for dear life as he cried. My brain was just like ‘HIJI X OKITA!!!”. It’s just a small thing but omg Okita needs something like that to reassure him in that moment <3 So many minute things happen in this scene that make it all so perfect but ripping your heart out at the same time. 
I finally finished my two parter comments. Now to some Performance differences or accidents or curtain calls and such. The tenses might be a little weird here but bare with me:
2017.04.26 14:00 Preview/Dress Rehearsal
Straight after it finished:
I remember why I hate Hakuouki so much....my emotions right now. I am fecking ruined! The second half just killed me.
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2017.04.27 19:00 
I was at the very very back this night next to one kankeisha and the lighting and sound crew xD it was awesome! Also I’d say the back overall is a great view even though it’s a little far.
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I cried at the opening this night.
Everything went wrong this night and it was hilarious because it was nothing major:
First Hijikata’s sword broke! It was perfectly timing too when Kazama and him smacked swords but his sword part fell leaving him with just the handle in his hand and Gaku very smoothing just threw the handle away and finished the fight with (literally) blade in hand xD when it broke, me and several others (in our heads) thought ‘NO! Kane-san!!!’ xD and then because Gaku hadn’t thrown it far enough, during the next scene which was Saito’s you could just see this hand on the floor trying to grab the handle quickly but we ALL saw it xD 
Another one was Kondou and Sannan slightly fell UP the stairs towards the audience xD 
And the last mishap was towards the end of the drinking song where Yamazaki and Shinpachi pass each other BUT TakaChan was  a bit too close and flips the sake plate out of Fukuyama’s hand and he tried to catch it about 4 times before just letting it dropped and (smoothly in character) pointed at Yamazaki to pick it up so did and clean it on his shirt xD it was very in character and a good moment BUT it definitely wasn’t part of the scene xD was definitely an accident.
The curtain call was so emotional - already(!) which is not good. The speaker for the curtain call today was Teruma. Teruma spoke about how he was happy to be back and commented about Tonchan being the zachou and doing a great job to which Tonchan hugged Teruma after his speech <3 Teruma also said that he’d been watching Karin through the performances and rehearsals and said she was great but then he quickly added ‘I’m not a hentai! I promise! I don’t mean it that way!’  And thus got Karin crying and then poor Tsubasa was a wreck (every night he cried actually) and I saw MakiChan wiping tears away from his face too. It just got out of control this night with the tears xD it was only their second Tokyo performance! xD 
Also, I think it was this one where at the end of the second curtain call MakiChan and Imata hugged at the side of the stage before MakiChan skipped off xD
Apparently this performance is the one when I realised (and I quote) ‘I am so in love with this Shinpachi! He might have even over taken Shuuto!!’
Double curtain call.
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2017.04.28 19:00
You know when I said being at the back had the best view? I was right! This night I was row 18 but me and the girl next to me were a LOT shorter compared to the two in front of us so even though we had center seats we had to constantly more left and right the entire show and I can still see this giant head blocking my view in my memory. It was so distracting! I know it’s not their fault they’re tall but jesus.... at least slump down! I always do just incase I get a tiny person behind me.
I think TakaChan missed his mark during the group song and came in a little too late xD
Also I think poor Tsubasa forgot his line during the first San baka scene. Sounded like he tripped over his words for a millisecond.
TonChan dropped his yari in a fight scene!!!! But luckily he smoothly grabbed it and the fight sounds continued to perfectly match him, well done sound crew.
I was able to sing along to some of the songs this night which made me happy xD
I cried at the end of part one this night xD
Curtain call was a triple curtain call and tonight’s speaker was Yamazaki/TakaChan. He spoke about it being 5 years since the first stage and he was like ‘we’ll d Yamazaki-hen okay! *everyone cheers* I’ll also go and see it’ WTF Takachan?! xD but that does means he read my damn letter about me wanting him to do Yamazaki-hen xD Also freaking MakiChanbbeing the comfortable troll he is, everytime TakaChan said something wrong in his speech he was immediately replying to him and giving him crap xD I love these boys so much. but I can imagine none TokiEnta fans wouldn’t have realised they were good friends and in the same company and stuff. But it made me happy seeing just how comfortable MakiChan was with being himself in front of everyone and just being himself with TakaChan on stage xD 
Makichan did so well with Tsubasa. Every night he’d put his arm around him or he’d hug him or give him a pat on the back. He was so supportive while Tsubasa just stood there crying his heart out every night <3
Also I freaking realised from the back of his head but I KNEW ShoSan had turned up! He had!! I was right mwahaha I promise I’m not creeping...
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Every night during the ending song MakiChan would go to TakaChan and would do something stupid like poke him and stuff but this night TakaChan tried so hard to just ignore him xD it was so funny.
Also I have a note and a tweet that says ‘Guys... I’ve been kidnapped by this little shizzer...’and this is very Shinpachi hell really begins... I’ve posted enough pics of him throughout this post to prove it xD
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Also this was definitely the performance where ‘I’m so effing done with this Kazama’s BULLSHIT’ xD
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2017.04.29 19:00
The entire fucking old cast showed up! Shuuto, Ryo, Ono, Yazak and Edogawa. As soon as they walked in until the show actually started and between the breaks and after it finished literally the ENTIRE crowd was staring and talking about them. Serious kudos to the boys for completely not phasing at it at all, and just continuing their conversations between themselves and enjoying themselves in their conversations. Especially this one girl, who clearly obviously waited until the very last second to walk back in during the break so she could go up the stares nod a look at them and go to her seat. You THINK about doing these things, not actually do them! But having said that, on the first day me and my friend accidentally turned up 2 hours early instead of one hour and saw the cast go into the theatre. And we saw them running up and down the stairs at the back. Thank the lord for my very very sharp glasses xD yeah... we’re the creepy ones really aren’t we xD
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Anyway back to this night: 
I cried a crap ton.
Luckily the girl next to me was a Shinpachi fan so we could talk about him a lot before and after the play and during the break xD
During the final ending song this night MakiChan got a piggyback from the ensemble cast xD
Poor baby Tsubasa cried his little heart out again just like every night xD
And done! Now onto acting!! The rest of this should be short ^_^ thank god.
TonChan: He is the perfect Harada! He’s tall, slim and yet still bares muscle and he dances pretty smoothly too and he’s so sexy as Harada. He did amazing in this and I definitely brought Harada-Hen to justice, but I’ve never played the game so don’t take my word xD
Karin: I already expressed my love for Karin and her Chizuru <3
Gakkun: I feel in this one Gaku finally had a complete grasp on his Hijikata and I feel he’s finally made Hijikata his own <3
MakiChan: MakiChan’s acting has improved once again as evidently seen in the way he builds up the coughs and such, and his scene with Hijikata is truelly an amazing and powerful performance. Him and Naya have great chemistry for the Okita x Saito conflict too. I feel MakiChan’s Okita is a lot more playful with that streak of evil in it which I’m really loving. He still shows this vulnerable childish and selfish Okita perfectly at times too. He has this great balance of the two sides of Okita going on <3
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TakeChan: I LOVE TakeChan as Saito! As soon as he came on stage I was like ‘This IS Saito!’ he does it so perfectly and flawlessly. I was one of the rare ones who never really liked Shohei as Saito; something just didn’t sit well with me with his Saito. But Naya? He’s perfect! He took this role completely I feel like everyone saw Saito straight away rather than TakeChan or even his Saayo. I wish he had more stage time but I understand to ease him into HakuMyu and it’s audience you have to do it slowly at a time. I hope in the next stage he gets a LOT more time on stage, I really wanna see what he does with Saito <3 I dare say I think I prefer him over Ryo!!
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Tsubasa: Oh my this angel! He IS ADORABLE as Heisuke! i freaking adore his Heisuke! He’s so cute! And he’s such a cute baby for crying every night <3 He was even adorable during the HakuMyu Live 2 DVD event I went to. As actors him and Naya are defo tied for most adorable and cute! I wanna see his Heisuke so much more! He has a good dynamic with Shoudai at least and I wanna see more San Bakaness with the three actors we currently have. I’m glad he was fully recovered this time too (he was injured throughout Live 2) so we could see him do some great action scenes!
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Fukuyama Shoudai: This son of a bitch. This son of a bitch! Oh my I am in LOVE with his Shinpachi! He’s perfect! Absolutely perfect! I am SO into his Shinpachi! If they ever do Shinpachi-hen THIS GUY PLEASE! Oh my god I can’t <3 again, I think he’s beaten Shuuto for me personally as Shinpachi! Just everything about him! Every scene he was in he was so asmuing and I loved his and TonChan’s scenes and we finally see him be Shinpachi after not really seeing him in Live 2 and seeing at the HakuMyu Live 2 DVD event and hearing a lot of his thoughts and how difficult Live 2 was because he and Tsubasa were just told to copy the others and now finally get a chance to show off his Shinpachi and hearing how hard he worked to get Shinpachi right (watching Shuuto’s performances on DVD and such) - I am a happy bunny! Oh guys I cant’t with his Shinpachi.... I’ve never fallen so HARD for a character in my life.
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Teruma: Lets admit it. Teruma is DAMN good at everything he does! Especially when it comes to song performances. And I’m glad he came back at Sannan. He freaking did an amazing job! That solo guys, that solo!
TakaChan: I am so glad he got to play a drunk Yamazaki and we got to see him more involved with the others this time. And like I said; ALL the Okita and Yamazaki interactions <3 But please can we stop killing YamaChan?! xD JUST ONCE! And when it’s NOT his Hen! xD
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Imata Taira as Kondou Isami: Perfect as always! I think everyone in the audience loves him as Kondou and he proves that even though he’s older he’s just as loved and as popular in the HakuMyu fandom and he can do everything the other guys do just as well. He never disappoints me and he’s such a great guy <3
Hide: Like I said: The perfect (anime) Kazama which unfortunately is the type of Kazama I despise.
Soutarou as Amagiri Kyuujyu: We didn’t get to see much of him but then again we never do. I’m holding out verdict for him still. Hopefully he’s in the next one and I can make a solid opinion. But he did fine in this.
Kashiwagi: SHIRANUI!!!! My perfect bundle of perfectness <3 he’s flawless as Shiranui. He’s amazing as Shiranui. He did a perfect job and I am so happy with how much time he got on stage and he was dying to do HaradaHen too and I’m happy for him that he’s happy he could finally do it! I really love how Shiranui opens up towards the end with the whole soul thing. Kashi please don’t leave us after this one....
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Kawamoto Hiroyuki as Yukimura Koudou: He was fine but I personally felt he was AWFULLY young to be playing her father, but I guess I’m still used to Edogawa and his older man looks xD He had a little song and he sounded great, and his performance was fine. Holding the verdict out on him still too.
Ensemble: They did an amazing job and had so much action to deal with and so much choreography (like everyone else) and so many roles to do! A special mention to  Sugawara Takeshi who’s a reoccurring ensemble member for HakuMyu (and some other stages me thinks) and he got most of the ensemble lines and main extra roles whenever there was one. 
And finally onto the last section:
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I ended up getting all of Shinpachi’s stuff too but I can’t find my pic of them anywhere. Anyway here’s what my bag looked like most of the time too!
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Well that was LONG. How drunk is everyone now? xD If you managed to get through and read ALL that then goddammit you’re good. Hope you enjoyed it!
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hakumyu · 7 years
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Keisuke Higashi twitter, 10 April 2017
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ladyshiranui · 5 years
I dunno if you're still doing the Hakuouki asks, but if so: Motoyama, Saito, and Sanan!
yee fo shizzles!! I’m always down for an ask!
Motoyama: How did you get into Hakuoki?
Aight, so it took me two phases, essentially, for me to get into Hakuoki. Being an avid anime fan, I one day youtubed “top anime hugs” and clicked on this video:
One of the first clips is a scene from Hakuoki Movie 2, where Kazama hugs Chizuru. This was the first time I’d ever seen anything of Hakuoki, but the music of the scene truly entranced me. At the time, I was a cello student, and had once learned violin and piano too, so classical music was right up my alley. I quickly became obsessed with the track, which eventually led me to watching season 1 of the series. Thus began my obsession in which I watched anything and everything related to hakuoki within two weeks.
Saito: Favourite quote(s)?
“You’re so busy thinking about everything else that you miss the forest for the trees… If you live each day in spite of yourself, refusing to accept what you truly want, then it’s only natural for you to lose touch with who you truly are.”
- Harada Sanosuke, Edo Blossoms.
Sanan: Favourite Hakuoki Musical?
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Not only because Harada is like my fav, but I think it is the best casting of any musical. Truly, if any of you Hakuoki fans haven’t gotten into the musicals because you’ve seen snippets on youtube and just think they’re not great, WATCH HARADA’S. It’s a great one to start with and for you to get into with good acting, singing, and stage work. The Baka Trio’s casting is absolutely perfect and I don’t think those three can ever be topped in any future musical. Heisuke’s actor, Kizu Tsubasa, actually plays Zeno in a Yona of the Dawn stage play for ya’ll Yona fans, so he is LITERALLY a ball of sunshine and wears yellow perfectly.
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Left to right: Higashi Keisuke, Kizu Tsubasa, Fukuyama Shoudai.
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leenaevilin · 7 years
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[(ᵔᴥᵔ)] Drama Yowamushi Pedal Season 2 #1
Ogoe Yuuki as Onoda Sakamichi Kimura Tatsunari as Imaizumi Shunsuke Fukazawa Taiga as Naruko Shoukichi Goumoto Naoya as Kinjou Shingo Tomotsune Yuuki as Tadokoro Jin Baba Ryouma as Makishima Yuusuke Kujirai Kousuke as Teshima Junta Yashima Ryou as Aoyagi Hajime Hirai Hiroki as Sugimoto Terufumi Asato Yuuya as Kanzaki Tooji Sakurai Minami as Kanzaki Miki Takigawa Eiji as Fukutomi Juichi Kido Yuuya as Arakita Yasutomo Tamaki Yuuki as Toudou Jinpachi Miyazaki Shuuto as Shinkai Hayato Aoki Soramu as Izumida Touichirou Akimoto Ryuutarou as Kuroda Yukinari Ueda Keisuke as Manami Sangaku Matsushima Shouta as Ishigaki Koutarou Fukuyama Shoudai as Mizuta Nobuyuki Yamamoto Yuuhei as Machimiya Eikichi Matsumoto Yuuichi as Ibitani Ryou ...
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winterchimez · 7 years
Hakumyu Tag Game
I’m finally doing this tag that I created like few weeks back xD I wanted to wait till I’m free and I had a lot of thinking to do cause it’s hakumyu my ultimate favourite xD Okay. Be prepared for a VERY LONG post cause I can’t shut up about hakumyu forgive me lol xD
1. Which musical was the first that you have watched? Your impressions on the overall production?
For me my first hakumyu was Live 1. I decided to give myself a chance and decided to watch Hakuouki because Shobae (aka Hashimoto Shohei) was in Hakumyu xD I completely fell in love with Hakuouki and it has became my ultimate favourite of all times. Once, I was just randomly searching Hakuouki videos on YouTube and I came across Live 1′s Yaisa. I loved it so so much and spent weeks just searching more hakumyu videos and songs.
For my impressions, I personally think that it was very well done. The storyline, songs, the stage’s set up for every musical and so on. Although Live 1 didn’t really had a fixed storyline, I loved how everyone got their own screen time, how funny and cheerful they were. Overall, I love it so very much :DDD
  2. Which musical is your favourite in terms of the song performances and why?
Kazama-hen. All of the songs were amazing and of course Suzuki Shogo’s amazing voice
3. Which musical is your favourite in terms of the storyline and why?
Harada-hen! This musical exceeded my expectations. The storyline was amazing. I loved the chemistry between Harada and Chizuru (ugggh so romantic xD) and of course all of the other casts. 5 stars for this musical. No doubt. (I’ve lost count on how many times I’ve rewatched this musical lol xDD)
4. Which musical is your least favourite in terms of the song performances and why?
5. Which musical is your least favourite in terms of the storyline and why?
I’m combining question 4 and 5 together because I really don’t have a least favourite musical! I’ve been thinking over and over again but I love all of the musicals and I have no complaints about them.
6. The musical that you didn’t initially love, but has/have grown on you?
Shinsengumi KItan. At first I thought what’s the point of doing this musical. The storyline is similar to Hijikata-hen and that already has been portrayed before. So I wasn’t really expecting much before going into this. When I finished watching this, I just thought yeah once is enough for me. But few months ago I really wanted to rewatch some of the hakumyus and I decided to give Shinsengumi Kitan another chance. And ohmygosh. I didn’t know what happened but I completely fell in love all over again with this production. Yeah I admit it’s similar to HIjikata-hen but I really loved the songs and storyline is not bad too!
7. Original or latest casts?
Definitely original casts! Don’t get me wrong I absolutely adore the latest casts but I personally prefer the original. However Ton-chan is an exception xD I feel like they did a better job at bringing out the characters we all love into life especially Yazaki’s Hijikata
8. Live 1 or Live 2?
Live 1! This was the very first hakumyu that I’ve watched and completely fell in love with it. It also made me go deeper into the fandom. I love Live 2 as well but I really wished there were more free time for them just like how the original cast got to do Kakizome in Live 1
9. Favourite actors/characters?
Yazaki Hiroshi! I love love love his Hijikata
10. Actor/actress whom you think has the best vocal skills?
No doubt Yazaki Hiroshi :3 oh and add Yamamoto Sayaka too
11. Actor/actress whom you think did the best in bringing out the character into life
Again Yazaki Hiroshi xD
12. Hijikata,Souji,Saito or Harada,Shinpachi,Heisuke?
Harada, Shinpachi, Heisuke :) I love the san bakas so much :D
13. Favourite minor character?
Definitely Sen!
14. Favourite Shinsengumi member?
Hijikata Toshizo. My anime husband. xD
15. Favourite demon character?
Of course Kazama Chikage.
16. Favourite Chizuru?
Yamamoto Sayaka!
17. The actors/characters that you didn’t initially love, but has/have grown on you?
Actor: Fukuyama Shoudai. Because he just joined in during Live 2 and it wasn’t a storyline based musical so I wasn’t really sure what to think of him. But that has changed after watching Harada-Hen. He’s such an amazing Shinpachi and and love him! If marvelous decides to do a Shinpachi-Hen in the future (they better do it, Shoudai MUST be the main cause I ain’t gonna be satisfied if they don’t cast him as Shinpachi.
Characters: Everyone except Saitou and Heisuke. Not gonna lie my bias were these two after I finished watching the anime. I just thought the others were just okay and didn’t really like them like how I love Saitou and Heisuke. But hakumyu has changed me and I now love all of the characters equally. Well except for Hijikata cause he’s my fav xD
18. Least favourite actors/characters? Why?
I don’t have a least favourite actor or actress but for charcters my least fav is definitely Itou. I’m pretty sure many will relate to this if they’ve watched or played the game, anime, musicals, etc.
19. Favourite solo song?
Hijikata-hen’s 冷厳な瞳!
20. Favourite duet?
Ryo-chan & Hitomi’s 変わらないもの!
21. Favourite group song?
Hungry Guys and Beautiful Drunkards! (I can’t choose one sorry xD)
22. Which Yaisa! is the best?
Harada-hen’s! From part 2 near to the end of the musical
23. The songs that you didn’t initially love, but has/have grown on you?
Live 1′s final battle medley
24. Which production are you most looking forward to?
All of the routes that hasn’t been adapted into a musical! :DDD
25. What does hakumyu means to you?
Hakumyu means so much to me. It has changed my entire life no doubt. It has made me gotten more interest into butais and musicals. It also made me improve my Japanese skills although they’re still quite horrible now xD Hakumyu will always and forever be my ultimate favourite and I really hope it continues to do so.
Whew that was super long xDDD Again, anyone is welcome to do the tag! Definitely continue to support hakumyu bcs it deserves more love :)
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aonodreamland · 8 years
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Higashi Keisuke as Harada Sanosuke
Isobe Karin as Yukimura Chizuru
Matsuda Gaku as HIjikata Toshizou
Aramaki Yoshihiko as Okita Souji
Naya Takeru as Saitou Hajime
Kizu Tsubasa as Toudou Heisuke
Fukuyama Shoudai as Nagakura Shinpachi
Teruma as Sannan Keisuke
Takasaki Shota as Yamazaki Susumu
Imata Taira as Kondou Isami
Sasaki Yoshihide as Kazama Chikage
Soutaro as Amagiri Kyuujuu
Kashiwagi Yuusuke as Shiranui Kyou
Kawamoto Hiroyuki as Yukimura Koudou
Umeda Arts Theater Osaka
AiiA 2.5 Theater Tokyo
2017.04.14 - 2017.04.16 (Osaka) = 5 performances
2017.04.26 - 2017.04.30 (Tokyo) = 8 performances
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noboundar1es · 8 years
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Hakumyu LIVE 2 Cast - The Baka Trio
Higashi Keisuke as Harada Sanosuke
Kizu Tsubasa as Toudou Heisuke
Fukuyama Shoudai as Nagakura Shinpachi
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ywpdtwittertl · 7 years
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The rest of KyoFushi cast visuals were released today! Moriya Kouji (Midousuji) was introduced previously~ here’s everyone else!
まずは三年生、石垣光太郎(松島庄汰) First off, 3rd year Ishigaki Koutarou (Matsushima Shouta)
京都伏見高校インターハイメンバー 続いては、 水田信行(福山翔大) Kyoto Fushimi High School Interhigh member Next up, Mizuta Nobuyuki (Fukuyama Shoudai)
京都伏見高校インターハイメンバー 井原友矢(龍輝) Kyoto Fushimi High School Interhigh member Ihara Tomoya (Tatsuki) 
京都伏見高校インターハイメンバー 辻明久(久場雄太)、山口紀之(結城洋平) Kyoto Fushimi High School Interhigh members Tsuji Akihisa (Kuba Yuuta), Yamaguchi Noriyuki (Yuuki Youhei)
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ywpdtwittertl · 7 years
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In addition to new Midousuji, Moriya Kouji, we have new cast for Ishigaki and Mizuta -- Matsushima Shouta and Fukuyama Shoudai, respectively! (what a pretty kyofushi we have XD)
Yamamoto Yuuhei and Matsumoto Yuuichi will reprise their stage roles as Machimiya and Ibitani :D
[other dramapedal s2 cast news]
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hakumyu · 7 years
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Keisuke Higashi twitter, 10 April 2017
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hakumyu · 8 years
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Matsuda Gaku twitter, 13 March 2017
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shenanigumi · 8 years
Actual First Impressions: HakuMyu LIVE 2, Act 2!!
In much the same fashion as last night.
INTERMISSION – Yazaki Hiroshi is frickin adorable, enough said. Best Hijikata. They’re showing clips of his time in the spotlight and it’s really cute and he’s really cute anD IS THIS REALLY—
Reigen na Hitomi – YESSSS OH MY GOD YAZAKI-SAN SOUNDS GREAT IT’S EVEN BETTER THAN THE ORIGINAL probably because he’s just hanging out not in a costume under stage lights doing any physical activity oh my heaven an angel in a purple yukata has descended before me and he’s so adorkable what a wonderful way to indulge the fans while giving the main cast a break and
[Interlude] – SPEAKING OF WHICH THEY’RE BACK IN WESTERN WEAR but… they’re actually furies… they didn’t do that for the last LIVE. I’m pretty sure Souji is talking to Yazaki-san like he’s Hijikata and completely ignoring Matsuda Gaku in full costume behind him. also trying to sing a part of “Shinsengu Tanjō” with him but Yazaki-san doesn’t know it as well hahaha AND GAKU-SAN IS JUST STARING THEM DOWN TRYING NOT TO SMILE OK OH MY FUCK KONDOU IS ADORABLE HE’S LIKE PATTING DOWN YAZAKI-SAN TO MAKE SURE HE’S REAL also now I think they’re arguing over which one is the ‘real’ Hijikata and here comes Shiranui with his watermelon ball (to settle the dispute I guess?) and apparently Yazaki-san is declared the winner as well he should be since he’s using actual volleyball technique hahaha THIS IS FUCKING PRICELESS HE’S GOT SUCH A HUGE GRIN WHAT A DORK and I can just tell Yazaki-san is saying some super awesome things about HakuMyu and Matsuda Gaku and stuff what a sweetheart
Opening ~ Dainimaku ~ Makoto no Hata – ok Yazaki-san might have said some probably nice things about Gaku-san but please do not cover his work even if there’s a part added, please, he will always have done better than you please stick to songs from the new run WAIT WHAT HOLY SHIT IS THIS THE BEGINNING OF OKITA’S MUSICAL I HEAR
PAINT IT BLOOD – IT FUCKING IS BUT ARAMAKI-SAN CAN FOLLOW DAISUKE MARGINALLY BETTER SO I’M MORE OK WITH IT also possibly because I love this song. even if I don’t get why he and Saito are sparring now. oh and there’s Ryunosuke, acting out the end of his anime, which has got to be my favorite scene. and here’s Yamazaki, looking mortally offended that Okita would threaten his boyfriend, because only he is allowed to do that. gods help me for starting to understand this ship
Kawaranaimono – …oh no. oh no are they going to have Hashimoto-san sing Kawaranaimono when his voice is so much rougher than Ryo-san’s. please no he does not have the finesse. oh no please no stop objectively this isn’t terrible but I’ve heard so much better and yeah he hits the notes ok but no this isn’t supposed to happen this is Ryo-san’s song please do not with this. also why have Chizuru there if she’s not gonna sing with him, I mean really. also his face is p shiny but Still Not as Sweaty as Ryo-san™ thankfully
?!?!?!?! – that’s Harada’s voice but… uh what is this? it sounds Latin and I don’t recognize it at all but I could dance to this and [MIND GOES ABRUPTLY BLANK AS HE FUCKIN FEELS HIMSELF UP] …uh they better keep this in his musical (though I can’t think why they’d take it out) it’s such a wonderful piece oh my GOD thank the heavens for this Harada and his powerful voice and how he’s like a head and a half taller than everyone in the audience, I will kneel and give thanks if you know what I mean holy shit HE WORKS THAT SPEAR LIKE KAZAMA WORKED HIS MIC IN THE ORIGINAL LIVE *applauds as song ends… along with Kazama, oh I guess this was the context for his new medley*
[RELUCTANTLY SKIPS AHEAD TO] Jōran Shiai ~ Asagi-iro no Kakugo [2] => Yume no Hate – ah excellent I love this piece and its gorgeous guitar. I’d love it better if they didn’t cut the intro short and have Hijikata sing alone at first, even if the others join him—he just can’t hold his own in a solo. also damn Nagakura looks good, he just doesn’t sound right. OH NO PLEASE NOT THIS ONE, KAZAMA-HEN ALREADY DID THE BEST YOU CAN POSSIBLY DO WITH THIS, PLEASE DON’T RUIN IT A SECOND TIME, WATCHING IT IN SHINSENGUMI KITAN WAS BAD ENOUGH but hey, at least Yamazaki gets a verse, even if Yazaki-san’s solo over the chorus beats the pants off Gaku-san’s.
……… – THE FINALE APPROACHETH?! ohhhhh no. oh nooooo. this is going to hurt me, isn’t it. but first, the shippy bit. I do think their little love theme is better than Hijikata and Chizuru’s from Hijikata-hen and the first LIVE; at the very least, it gets stuck in my head a hell of a lot more often. honestly, A+ on the staging and music and everything. (also even if I’m going to hurt in about 30 seconds I could watch Suzuki Shogo climb stairs forever in that jacket, just saying.) and my adoration of the way this version of the final battle is done remains, even if the set is a little less elaborate than in Shinsengumi Kitan; they bring Yaisa! into it, but clear the stage instead of leaving it crowded. speaking of which nO SHOGO-SAN DON’T CRY PLEASE DON’T CRY YOU’RE ACTUALLY KILLING ME HOLY FUCK THAT LITTLE ADDED MOMENT WITH CATCHING THE CHERRY PETAL AT THE END NOOOOOOOO
whatever comes after that – KAZAMA IS DEAD, WHY DO I CARE. but I am curious, without Amagiri, who’s going to save Chizuru when the humans come for her. or… I guess they’re not coming after her this time? although I do hear Amagiri’s theme. (too bad, I wanted Shiranui to save her à la my semi-AU route.) also, if this song showed up in Shinsengumi Kitan, I was too destroyed by the final battle to realize that it’s actually a good one. also, the Shinsengumi bestowing their haori on Hijikata will never be as sad as in Kazama-hen, sorry guys, you sing nice but this is much too triumphant for a bunch of dead guys. ALSO SHOGO-SAN HONEY NO NEVER MIND THIS IS THE SADDEST THING EVER HE’S STILL CRYING OH MY FUCK NO MY FEELINGS WERE NOT READY FOR THIS
Yaisa! Yaisa! Yaisa! (Reprise) – bouncy as ever, I see; nothing like the instrumentation on the actual version of Yaisa! they did. but there’s like half an hour left; I wonder what they’ll do with it? …ah, looks like the same thing as in the original. repeat-after-me. also are the idiot trio fuckin dabbing like it’s only endearing when they do it haha aLSO NO FUCK THIS YOU ARE NOT MAKING ME SHIP THIS YOU ARE NOT MAKING ME SHIP RYUNOSUKE/YAMAZAKI STOP YOUR LOVERS’ QUARREL STOP PRACTICALLY HOLDING HANDS WHILE ARGUING OH MY GOD also hi Kazama are you ok? seems like he’s doing better, maybe my heart will recover after all. also wow I completely forgot Serizawa was even in this till I saw him in the audience just now hahaha and OMIGOD EVERYONE IS SO CUTE
Aftertalk – I think I’ve spoken enough for one period of twelve hours, don’t you? Besides, my feelings are a total mess right now, and I need to make myself presentable for the day. Besides, there’s backstage shenanigans that need examining…
Endnotes: My reaction is mixed, obviously, but mostly it was awesome. There were a couple purist moments where I was like “THE ORIGINAL CAST SANG THIS BETTER”, but ya know, that’s just kinda how I am, so it’s incredibly biased and subjective. I really love the energy level in this, tbfh. Like, the first LIVE was great, but everyone in this is just having such a wonderful time and it shows, and the audience is a lot more involved too. Basically, 10/10 would definitely recommend. I rank it much higher than either Reimeiroku or Shinsengumi Kitan.
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ywpdtwittertl · 7 years
Updated Twitter Directory 8/31/17
Main page is here!
Live Drama - @sptv_yowapeda (website)
Stageplay - @y_pedalstage (website, blog)
Anime - @yowapeda_anime (website)
Abe Atsushi (Izumida) - @abe_atsuize
Itou Kentaro (Tadokoro) - @itoken_k_show
Kishio Daisuke (Teshima) - @daisacusacu
Morikubo Showtaro (Makishima) - @MorikuBorn
Nojima Hirofumi (Ishigaki) - @nojimahirofumi
Nojima Kenji (Kuroda) - @nojimakenji
Suwabe Junichi (Kanzaki) - @MY_MURMUR
Toriumi Kousuke (Imaizumi) - @toriumi_kohsuke
Yamashita Daiki (Onoda) - @DaiKing_boy
Yasumoto Hiroki (Kinjou) - @__yasumoto__
Yonaga Tsubasa (Manami) - @numanumakapa
Yoshino Hiroyuki (Arakita) - @_yocchin_______
Stageplay & Live Drama Actors:
Akimoto Ryutarou (stage/drama Kuroda) - @dad_dad_dad444
Amou Shougo (stage Komari) - @AmoShogo
Aoki Jin (stage Kuroda) - @ORANGEJIN
Aoki Soramu (drama Izumida) - @soramu_aoki
Asato Yuuya (stage/drama Kanzaki) - @asa10_y
Baba Ryouma (stage/drama Makishima) - @ryoma_baba (IG only)
Daigo Kotarou (stage Onoda) - @daigokotaro
Eguchi Yuuki (stage Kaburagi) - @E24th
Fukazawa Taiga (drama Naruko) - @fukazawataiga
Fukuyama Shoudai (drama Mizuta) - @fukuyamashodai
Hayashino Takeshi (drama Midousuji) - @Tk4onenine3
Higashi Keisuke (stage Ashikiba) - @keisuke_higashi
Hirai Hiroki (drama Sugimoto) - @Foursphirai
Ichinose Yuu (stage Chief Puzzle Rider/Yamaguchi) - @waaa1waaa1waaa1, @you_ichinose (IG)
Iiyama Yuuta (stage Yuuto) - @729Yuta
Itou Genki (stage Puzzle Rider) - @itohgenki
Kakegawa Ryouta (stage Puzzle Rider) - @kakegawa1128
Kawaharada Takuya (stage Izumida) - @takuminari (same for IG)
Kido Yuuya (stage/drama Arakita) - @yuya_kido_1109
Kitamura Ryo (stage/drama Toudou) - @gdgd37458
Kouno Chihira (stage Puzzle Rider) - @CHIHIRaRa
Kujirai Kousuke (stage/drama Teshima) - @kujiraikosuke
Maeda Tsuyoshi (stage Fukutomi) - @tsuyo_0915
Masui Kento (stage Mizuta) - @masuikento1207
Matsumoto Yuuichi (stage/drama Ibitani) - @yu_icchi22
Matsushima Shouta (drama Ishigaki) - @ShotaMatsushima
Momose Saku (stage Naruko) - @Momose_Saku
Moriya Kouji (drama Midousuji) - @44namber
Motokawa Shouta (stage Koga) - @shota_motokawa
Murata Mitsu (stage Midousuji) - @mitsumurata (IG only)
Miyazaki Shuuto (stage/drama Shinkai) - @shuto_mi, @shuto_miyazaki (IG)
Murakami Wataru (stage Puzzle Rider/Fukutomi) - @0220Mw
Nagase Manatsu (stage Puzzle Rider) - @manatsu_n1105
Ogoe Yuuki (stage/drama Onoda) - @yuki_ogoe (IG only)
Ota Motohiro (stage Imaizumi) - @motohiro0119
Sakurai Minami (drama Miki) - @Saku_Minami17
Sato Yuugo (stage Toudou) - @satoyugodesu
Shigeoka Taka (stage Puzzle Rider) - @takashigeoka
Shiino Taizo (stage Kaburagi) - @TaizoShiina
Suzuki Hiroki (stage/drama Arakita) - @hiroki_0604
Tagawa Hiroki (stage Koga) - @seftbonk, @hirokitagawa1 (IG)
Tamaki Yuuki (stage/drama Toudou) - @yomitama
Tanimizu Riki (stage Manami) - @riki_riki1016
Teruma (stage/drama Koga) - @teruma_0606
Tominaga Yuya (stage Ashikiba) - @tominaga_yuya
Torigoe Yuuki (stage Naruko) - @Torippiyo2
Ueda Keisuke (stage/drama Manami) - @uechan_0905
Wada Masanari (stage Imaizumi) - @masanari6
Yamamoto Ikkei (stage Sugimoto) - @IKKEI_YAMAMOTO
Yashima Ryou (stage/drama Aoyagi) - @r_smily777
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sambart93 · 7 years
Hakumyu Tag Game!
From allyyyyy0619. Ever since Harada-hen many people were discussing about Hakumyu in many social medias. And I had this thought of creating a hakumyu tag game (yes it’s pretty random xD) Actually if anyone has seen something like this that has been done before pls let me know and I’ll probably just delete this xD. Alright, here are some questions and have fun! :D
1. Which musical was the first that you have watched? Your impressions on the overall production?
I’m pretty sure I went in order so the first one for me was obviously Saitou-Hen. I’ve had a strange relationship with HakuMyu. I watched Saito - Shinsengumi Kitan within the space of like two weeks so it’s all mashed together in my mind. I only just recently did a proper rewatch of the entire series where I took my time on each stage. It’s clearly obvious to see the massive production value step up they’ve had over the years. I’ve always enjoyed the songs though; the songs have always been top-notch. Naturally some dodgy casting choices also but we can forgive them because the overall product is great fun even if it’s a ‘rip out your heart and feels’ kind of fun.
2. Which musical is your favourite in terms of the song performances and why?
3. Which musical is your favourite in terms of the storyline and why?
I’m putting two and three together because it’s the same answer for me: Harada-Hen. 
Just putting it out there. I’ve only seen two HakuMyus in person (Live 2 and HaradaHen) and they are definitely my favourite two. Harada-Hen was this MASSIVE change and step up. It’s phenomenal how different the entire production is in Harada-Hen. 
Also with the previous HakuMyus I struggle to get past the half way point without wanting/needing to turn it off and take a break from it. Not because they’re boring just because I naturally can’t watch a full stage in one sitting at home. I’ve gotten into the habit of turning stages off at the half way point and leaving the rest til the next day. So I naturally get fidgety and stuff now after about an hour and I have to say that’s MY fault and just ruining my own enjoyment of stages xD I’m weird okay...
But I saw HaradaHen FOUR times (and in the flesh) and was not bored at all in fact I hated when we got to the break so it’s definitely a special HakuMyu to me/ Same with Live 2.
Also can I get the CD of all the songs from HaradaHen asap?! Seriously the songs this time around were all amazing! I easily accepted all the new songs straight away!
AND we finally got a proper happy ending in HaradaHen too so it wins int erms of story for happy endings xD
4. Which musical is your least favourite in terms of the song performances and why?
I’ve been relistening to the soundtracks constantly recently trying to figure out which are best and such, and let me tell you: the OkitaHen songs and soundtrack is SO bad! 
Usually I delete songs if I don’t like them one-by-one on my iPhone and seriously I think my OkitaHen album has only about 3 songs left in it, all the others (Hijikata-Hen, Live, Saito-Hen etc.) are still full albums on my iPhone xD just OkitaHen songs, just no.
5. Which musical is your least favourite in terms of the storyline and why?
HA this one is easy: Kazama-Hen. Without getting too hatey - Chizuru is a fucking dumb bitch iwho is responsible for everyone’s deaths and unhappiness in this one. I am never rewatching Kazama-Hen just because of how ANGRY her and her choices make me in this one.
6. The musical that you didn’t initially love, but has/have grown on you?
Pretty much all of them? First time around they were all just one big mush but rewatching them for a second time, I’ve started seeing their differences and each one’s charm. But the biggest surprise... Reimeiroku. First time around I was like ‘wtf we need this?!’ and then the second time around I got to know Serizawa more and realised he had this whole disease and stuff going on and I was immediately totally into it!
7. Original or latest casts?
LATEST! Seriously, after Harada-Hen my ranking has changed completely! Before HaradaHen I was like ‘NO ONE can surpass Shuuto as Shinpachi! NO ONE! He is perfect!’ and then I left HaradaHen and was like ‘Shuuto who? He got nothing in Fukuyama!’ xD and we all know my deep dislike for 2nd Gen Shinsengumi like Shohei and RenRen (not the actors themselves but as the HakuMyu characters). I am SO in love with Fukuyama, Tsubasa and Naya as their HakuMyu characters <3 they’re perfect.
8. Live 1 or Live 2?
LIVE 2!!!!!!!! << I’m MakiChan bias and we got to see him shirtless and it was my first HakuMyu in the flesh so yeah, LIVE 2!!!
9. Favourite actors/characters?
Do I even need to answer this?
10. Actor/actress whom you think has the best vocal skills?
Ooooh this one is a juicy question... I’ve actually enjoyed Kikuchi Mika, Fujikoso Yumi and Isobe Karin as Chizuru, but the best...
Actor would be naturally either Yazaki or Shougo
Actress would be... I’m going to stay bias and say Karin <3 I freaking love her and her arrangement was a little different to previous Myus too which was interesting. After Karin then Yumi me thinks.
11. Actor/actress whom you think did the best in bringing out the character into life
Oh jesus this one is hard... The actor who straight away nailed their character I think is Fukuyama Shoudai and Ikeda Junya. Everyone else seemed to take about 2 or 3 Myus to really understand their character. MakiChan is almost there, Gaku finally got it down this time around. Even Yazakai and Shougo took a few Myus to get their characters just right also.
12. HIjikata,Souji,Saito or Harada,Shinpachi,Heisuke?
This is interesting... I’m going to the San Bakas just because my deep deep hate for Hijikata is never going to go, sorry Okita xD -- Yes, I HATE Hijikata! Always have, always will! Come at me!
13. Favourite minor character?
What do we class as Minor? DOES YAMAZAKI COUNT?! IF SO THEN:
14. Favourite Shinsengumi member?
As in character or actor bias?
Character: Yamazaki. FOR-E-VA!
Actor Bias: MakiChan as Okita <3 and Fukuyama as Shinpachi <3
15. Favourite demon character?
16. Favourite Chizuru?
I already answered this: Karin
17. The actors/characters that you didn’t initially love, but has/have grown on you?
Fukuyama Shoudai and Kizu Tsubasa. I had like NO opinion of them after and during Live 2 but thanks to the DVD release event and HaradaHen, I am so in love with them as their characters!
18. Least favourite actors/characters? Why?
I already mentioned this too: Second Gen Saito and Heisuke. Shohei and RenRen are perfectly fine actors, but they were just NOT suitable for these roles and characters. Espceially when you compare them to Ryo, Naya, Ikeda and Tsubasa. AND we can all agree was Hide’s Hijikata was a mistake too, right?
19. Favourite solo song?
20. Favourite duet?
This is hard... Okita x Saito? I think it’s called We are the power or something?
21. Favourite group song?
The new group song from HaradaHen - I don’t know the title. They sing it twice in Part One though. And Kinniku Love will always be in my heart.
22. Which Yaisa! is the best?
I’m so confused as to what this means... Do you mean the opening or the ending song? All Yaisas are amazing.
23. The songs that you didn’t initially love, but has/have grown on you?
Chizuru’s Yoiyami no Machi -- I am so in love with this son! Any time it comes on I try my bloody hardest to sing it even though I’m tone deaf xD
Kazama’s Itsuka Makotoni is a great song too! I didn’t like it so much at first but I love the Hijikata version with Chizuru’s screaming and shouting in it xD
Also the new Eating song from Shinsengumi Kitan I HATED at first but now I love doing the little dance bob along with the cast and stuff. It’s no drinking song or kinniku love but it’s fun xD
24. Which production are you most looking forward to?
One where Yamazaki doesn’t die xD
Also I really want Yamazaki-Hen and Shinpachi-Hen SO LONG as TakaChan and Shoudai are the leads.
25. What does Hakumyu means to you?
Oh this is difficult. I haven’t even been in this fandom one year yet! I guess I’m only just starting to figure out what HakuMyu is to me. I mean it has things I love: It’s a musical, it has some of my (now) fav actors in, it’s got demons, it has both amazing feelings and also rip your heart out feelings. I think the main charm of HakuMyu is that although it’s technically an awful story, they make it fun and enjoyable and you enjoy going through that pain with the characters and every time the stages are a little different and the songs (we all know) are amazing. But yeah.. I’m still figuring out what it means to me. Definitely HaradaHen 10000% captured the real and true heart of Hakuouki for me personally.
I personally tag @coffee-scramble and @masayume85
Alright! I’m Done!
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