#full disclosure i've never even watched nailed it LOL
fakakta-art · 2 years
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thinking about that one post . EDIT: part 2
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monstersinthecosmos · 5 months
god what voltron episode(s) should i rewatch. and what to look out for
sdjgklasd gosh idk recently I've rewatched the second half of S2 a few times, from the BOM Trial to Shiro's disappearance because I want to like really nail down the timeline and make it make sense. I am also just studying Keith like he's a bug.
Full disclosure that I actually haven't watched the entire series all the way through except for the first time, I mostly just watch The Sheith Movie, but sometimes I wanna zoom out and see the bigger context of the episode, or see some of the Keith scenes that The Sheith Movie didn't include. Like Hunk & Keith's mission for scaultrite in the next episode and the fallout between Allura and Keith when she realizes he's part Galra and starts treating him like shit!
I love watching the way he gets frustrated by everyone making a big deal about it, especially after the emotional climax of the Trial was him accepting himself and deciding he knows who he is--it leads him to learn something HUGE about himself, but he stays steadfast in "I'm still me" afterwards, and doesn't want anyone to make a big deal about it. Like, Hunk is teasing him a little but still friendly and still accepts him, but Keith doesn't even want to talk about it, vs Allura who sort of affirms all his fears by judging him and icing him out.
And even after all that, leading into their big fight with Zarkon, they know this could be it, that if they succeed the war could be over, and he thinks it might be a good time to go find his family. There's something, HMM!, kinda twisty & crunchy about this concept to me, about KNOWLEDGE OR DEATH, and kinda feels a little bit DBT-ish to me, sort of radical acceptance, realizing his sense of self and learning to be okay with it, but also open to the quest for knowledge. Like "I am me, for all the faults and bullshit and trauma, my dad died and I never knew my mom and Shiro saved me" IS A COMPLETE PACKAGE, that's who Keith is! He accepts it! It's no longer "I don't know who I am because people abandoned me and I can't be myself unless I can find this nebulous external validation." So anyway. Yes, he's Keith, he's himself, this is it, YOLO, whatever, but. He is still open to the knowledge of finding his family.
The BOM Trial episode is really so so good though. It's like such an incredible battle for him to accept his identity and the truth of his lived experience, all the while TRIANGULATED BETWEEN HIS THREE FATHER FIGURES, i mean is it an accident that he passes out in the penis hallway?
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(last time I raved about this, I had to look it up to grab the picture LOL)
also SOMETHING SOMETHING Shiro fully connecting with the idea that Zarkon used to be the Black Paladin and how really facing his trauma and accepting it head on GETS HIM KILLED. lmao i have to lie down.
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