#full scale Restoration Programme
streetsofdublin · 1 year
In the beginning Saint Malachy's was served by priests from St Mary's Church, Belfast until the Parish of Saint Malachy was created in 1866 and Fr Geoffrey Brennan, a native of Kilkenny, was appointed Administrator.
ALFRED STREET – RUSSELL STREET THE BELFAST MOBILE FRIENDLY PHOTO BLOG Saint Malachy’s Church is a Catholic Church in Belfast, Northern Ireland. It is located in Alfred Street, a short distance from Belfast City Hall , though it precedes that building by over 60 years. The Church is the focal point of the local parish community, also Saint Malachy’s, one of the 88 parishes in the Diocese of Down…
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yermak · 8 months
The seeds for Ukraine’s green transformation planted today
Ukraine’s reconstruction and recovery pose a massive challenge to Kyiv’s government and the international community, but it is also an opportunity to build back better.
by Andriy Yermak and Heidi Hautala
Published on September 28, 2023
Russia’s brutal war of aggression has, alongside a tragic loss of lives and untold human suffering, caused massive damage to Ukraine’s natural environment and infrastructure, riddled the country with land mines and led to significant concerns over nuclear safety in the occupied regions. The war has left deep scars on Ukraine, and mending them will require unprecedented international efforts.
Before Russia’s full-scale invasion, Ukraine made strides towards a cleaner and greener economy. Following the 2014 Revolution of Dignity, and spurred on by the EU Association Agreement, successive governments worked to transform one of the most carbon-intensive countries in Europe: energy efficiency increased significantly, renewables gained ground, and new protected areas were added. The war brought this work to an abrupt halt.
While reconstruction and recovery pose a massive challenge to Ukraine and the international community, it is also an opportunity to build back better. The chance to transition Ukraine to a green, net-zero economy that is good for the people and the planet must be firmly seized. With the proper support, Ukraine can leapfrog green technologies, modernise its industries and ensure competitiveness in European and global markets. With a considerable untapped potential for renewable energy, Ukraine also has the potential to play a role as a significant European green energy hub and, in the long term, contribute to alleviating European concerns over energy security. 
Firm commitments to sustainable recovery are set in Ukraine’s National Recovery Plan and together with international partners in the Lugano Declaration. They should serve as the central tenets of all restoration planning. Though policies alone won’t make a difference on the ground for Ukraine and its people. Rigorous implementation is necessary. 
Good governance, transparency and accountability are critical to Ukraine’s successful green recovery. In this regard, the reforms aimed at strengthening national security and the ultimate eradication of oligarchic and corrupt influence shall be continued. Decentralising and empowering local authorities and enabling more public participation will also improve the decision-making process. Ukraine has already demonstrated an impressive capacity for digital innovation that can be harnessed to increase the transparency of recovery efforts.
A group appointed by President Zelenskyy, including senior Ukrainian officials and prominent international personalities, will help Ukraine map a green, net-zero recovery and push for robust international support.
The EU’s new €50 billion Ukraine Facility can set the tone on how international partners can best ground recovery efforts to the principles of sustainable development, good governance and transparency. The Facility aims to provide stable long-term funding for Ukraine’s reconstruction with an eye on EU accession. The EU has the benefit of drawing on the experiences of recent COVID-pandemic recovery programmes, for example, the Do No Significant Harm -principle that seeks to ensure recovery efforts align with environmental policies.
Impressive as it may be, even the proposed Ukraine Facility shrinks in the face of the challenge. In March, estimates from the World Bank put the current cost of reconstruction and recovery at nearly €400 billion. Still, this figure has increased since then and continues to grow each day the war rages on and the terrible human and environmental toll mounts. 
Private-sector financing must be mobilised alongside public investment to support Ukraine’s recovery. A similar sustainability, transparency, accountability and governance framework should apply to all financing forms. The private sector must not be allowed to privatise profits and socialise risks in reconstruction efforts. 
The policies and governance mechanisms put in place in the coming months by Ukraine’s international partners will determine, to a great extent, the success of Ukraine’s green transformation. The reconstruction of Ukraine should set a new gold standard in channelling public and private investment for a successful green recovery after a war.
Sustainable recovery and reconstruction can fully begin when peace is secured, but the groundwork is laid today. In this regard, President Zelenskyy’s 10-Point Peace Formula suggests a comprehensive approach to reaching just and lasting peace in Ukraine, particularly in terms of ecological safety.
A prosperous transformed Ukraine on a European path will be a repudiation of Vladimir Putin’s imperialist fantasies and a beacon of hope in the region.
Andriy Yermak is head of the Office of the President of Ukraine; Heidi Hautala is a Vice-President of the European Parliament. They are members of the High-Level Working Group on the Environmental Consequences of the War in Ukraine.
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pinklocksoflove · 2 years
So i've listed quite a few of Soria's (the new muse I’m working on) augmentations, and there's a lot so be forewarned there will be a text block
Infolink: One-way microtransmitter that allows direct communication with the user via a secure frequency. Acts with a heads-up display in which the user may view and store information such as maps, previous conversations and notes in a database
Regeneration Programmable polymerase automatically directs construction of proteins in injured cells, restoring the user to full health over time.
IFF: Automatic friend or foe identification uses advanced heuristic algorithms to associate visible objects with known threat categories.
Combat Strength: Sorting rotors accelerate calcium ion concentration in the sarcoplasmic reticulum, increasing the user's muscle speed several-fold and multiplying the damage they inflict in melee combat.
Microfibral Muscle: Muscle strength is amplified with ionic polymeric gel myofibrils that allow the user to push and lift extraordinarily heavy objects.
Leg Enhancement: Ionic polymeric gel myofibrils are woven into the leg muscles, increasing the speed at which the user can run and climb, the height they can jump, and reducing the damage they receive from falls.
Silent Movement: The necessary muscle movements for complete silence when walking or running are determined continuously with reactive kinematics equations produced by embedded nanocomputers.
Radar Transparency: Radar-absorbent resin augments epithelial proteins; microprojection units distort agent's visual signature. Provides highly effective concealment from automated detection systems -- bots, cameras, turrets.
Ballistic Subdermal Protection: Monomolecular plates reinforce the skin's epithelial membrane, reducing the damage the user receives from projectiles and bladed weapons.
Radiation and Toxin Resistance: Induced keratin production strengthens all epithelial tissues and reduces the user's vulnerability to radiation and other toxins.
Targeting Assistance: Image-scaling and recognition provided by multiplexing the optic nerve with doped polyacetylene "quantum wires" not only increases accuracy, but also delivers situational info about a target.
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actionelectrical3 · 4 days
The Essential Guide to Hiring an Industrial Electrician
An industrial electrician is a specialized professional who installs, maintains, and repairs electrical systems in industrial settings, such as factories, plants, and large-scale production facilities. These electricians are crucial for ensuring the safety, efficiency, and reliability of electrical systems that power heavy machinery and complex production lines. This guide will explore the key responsibilities of an industrial electrician, the services they offer, and how to choose the right one for your industrial needs.
The Importance of Industrial Electricians
Ensuring Safety
Industrial environments can be hazardous, with high-voltage equipment and intricate electrical systems. Industrial electricians are trained to handle these complexities safely, reducing the risk of accidents, fires, and injuries.
Maintaining Efficiency
Efficient electrical systems are critical in industrial settings to minimize downtime and maximize productivity. Industrial electricians ensure that all systems are operating optimally, which is essential for the smooth functioning of production processes.
Compliance with Regulations
Industrial electricians ensure that all electrical installations and repairs comply with stringent industry standards and regulations, helping businesses avoid legal issues and penalties.
Key Responsibilities of an Industrial Electrician
Electrical System Installation
Overview: Installing complex electrical systems, including wiring, transformers, circuit breakers, and machinery connections in industrial facilities.
Details: This involves interpreting blueprints, understanding electrical schematics, and ensuring that installations meet both safety and operational standards.
Maintenance and Troubleshooting
Overview: Regular maintenance and proactive troubleshooting to prevent electrical failures.
Details: Inspecting electrical systems, diagnosing problems, performing routine maintenance tasks, and replacing worn-out components to keep systems running smoothly.
Electrical Repairs
Overview: Addressing and fixing electrical issues that arise in industrial settings.
Details: Repairing faulty wiring, replacing broken circuit breakers, fixing malfunctioning machinery, and restoring electrical systems to full functionality.
System Upgrades
Overview: Modernizing and upgrading electrical systems to enhance efficiency and meet current technological standards.
Details: Replacing outdated wiring, integrating advanced control systems, and implementing energy-efficient solutions.
Types of Services Provided by Industrial Electricians
Control and Automation Systems
Purpose: Installing and maintaining systems that automate industrial processes.
Common Services: PLC (Programmable Logic Controller) programming, HMI (Human-Machine Interface) setup, and automation system integration.
Power Distribution
Purpose: Ensuring reliable distribution of electrical power throughout an industrial facility.
Common Services: Installing switchboards, transformers, and distribution panels, and maintaining power distribution networks.
Machine and Equipment Wiring
Purpose: Connecting and maintaining the electrical systems of industrial machinery.
Common Services: Wiring machines, troubleshooting electrical issues in equipment, and ensuring all machinery operates safely and efficiently.
Safety Systems Installation
Purpose: Installing electrical safety systems to protect workers and equipment.
Common Services: Setting up fire alarms, emergency shutdown systems, and safety interlocks.
Benefits of Hiring a Professional Industrial Electrician
Expert Knowledge and Skills
Industrial electricians have specialized training and experience in handling complex electrical systems unique to industrial environments.
High-Quality Workmanship
Hiring a professional ensures that electrical work is completed to the highest standards, minimizing the risk of future problems and ensuring long-term reliability.
Cost and Time Efficiency
Professionals can diagnose and fix issues more quickly, reducing downtime and preventing costly production interruptions.
Safety Assurance
Licensed industrial electricians adhere to strict safety protocols, ensuring the well-being of workers and the protection of valuable equipment.
How to Choose the Right Industrial Electrician
Check Credentials and Licensing
Ensure the electrician is licensed and certified to work in industrial settings. This guarantees they have the necessary qualifications and training.
Experience and Specialization
Look for electricians with specific experience in industrial projects and a track record of working with the types of systems and equipment used in your facility.
Reputation and References
Check reviews, ask for references, and consult with other businesses to gauge the electrician’s reliability and quality of work.
Insurance Coverage
Verify that the electrician has comprehensive insurance coverage to protect against any potential damages or accidents during the project.
Detailed Estimates
Get detailed estimates from multiple electricians to compare pricing and services offered. Ensure transparency with no hidden costs.
Conclusion: Powering Industrial Success
An industrial electrician plays a crucial role in maintaining the safety, efficiency, and reliability of electrical systems in industrial environments. By understanding their key responsibilities and the services they offer, you can make informed decisions when selecting a professional for your industrial needs. A skilled industrial electrician is your partner in powering your facility, ensuring that production processes run smoothly and safely.
What qualifications should I look for in an industrial electrician? Look for licensing, certification, and specific experience in handling industrial electrical systems.
Why is it important to hire a licensed industrial electrician? Licensed electricians meet stringent standards for training and safety, ensuring high-quality and compliant work.
What types of services do industrial electricians provide? Services include electrical system installation, maintenance, repairs, system upgrades, and the installation of control and automation systems.
How can I verify the reputation of an industrial electrician? Check online reviews, ask for references, and consult with other businesses to gauge reliability and quality of work.
What should be included in an estimate from an industrial electrician? A detailed estimate should include costs for labor and materials, a timeline for completion, and any potential additional fees.
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pressfreedomday · 1 month
UKRAINE - Photo exhibition “Behind the Lens: Culture Under Attack”.
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The World Press Freedom Day celebration in Ukraine is the occasion to highlight the fundamental work done by Ukrainian journalists, specifically since the start of the full-scale invasion by the Russian Federation on 24 February 2022. For over two years, Ukrainian journalists have covered military actions at the frontlines, as well as documented the effects of the war on all aspects of life in Ukraine, including culture, environment, society, etc. 
On this day UNESCO will open the photo exhibition “Behind the Lens: Culture Under Attack”. This exhibition will showcase a selection of photos among over 1000 photos shot by Ukrainian photojournalists as part of a project “Documenting the impact of the War in Ukraine on the Cultural Sector”, implemented by the Institute for Mass Information (IMI) with funding from UNESCO’s Heritage in Emergencies Fund (HEF). The exhibition will provide background information on this project which empowered Ukrainian photojournalists through trainings and mentoring to document damages to cultural heritage sites and to prepare reportages on how the culture sector in Ukraine transforms and displays resilience in response to the war in Ukraine. The exhibition will also feature artifacts from the damaged cultural heritage sites and 3D models of some of the destroyed objects that UNESCO is preparing to restore.
The opening event will further serve as an occasion to discuss the topic of safety of journalists in Ukraine, including physical safety the report “Journalists in the midst of full-scale war — report on Ukraine”, drafted by the Human Rights Platform according to the UNESCO Journalists Safety Indicators methodology, with funding from the International Programme for the Development of Communication (IPDC). This report assesses key features of the safety of journalists in Ukraine and develops research-based recommendations addressed at different stakeholder groups. 
The photo exhibition will remain available for general audience for two weeks after the opening day. 
Contact: Theresa Chorbacher
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xtruss · 3 months
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Image: Cristiana Couciero, Getty Images
“Is War Criminal, Hypocrite, Genocidal and United States’ Scrotums Licker Europe” Ready To Defend Itself? Russian Aggression (😂😂😂 What a Propaganda) and American Wavering Reveal Just How Ill-equipped The Continent Is
Russia is Becoming More Dangerous (Don’t Pock and F*** With Bear 🐻), “Hypocrite, Opportunist, Liar, Conspirator, Fake Democracy Preacher, Genocidal and War Criminal America” is less reliable and Europe remains unprepared. The problem is simply put, but the scale of its solution is hard to comprehend. The security arrangements based on North Atlantic Terrorist Organization (NATO) that emerged from the second World War—and have prevented a third (Bullshit)—are so much part of Europe’s fabric that remaking them will be an immense task. European leaders urgently need to jettison their Post-Soviet Complacency. That means raising defence spending to a level not seen in decades, restoring Europe’s neglected military traditions, restructuring its arms industries and preparing for a possible war. The work has barely begun.
The murder of Alexei Navalny (It’s Russia’s Internal Matter and None of Any Idiot’ Business), Russia’s Main Opposition Leader (Puppet of the West as well), in a penal colony on February 16th ought to have shattered any remaining Illusions about the Ruthlessness and Violence of Vladimir Putin (What About the Ruthlessness of Western Hypocrite Leaders When Its Comes to Palestinians’ Genocide in Gaza). As the fighting enters its third year, Russia is winning in Ukraine. Having put the economy on a war footing, Russia’s President is spending 7.1% of GDP on defence. Within three to five years, Denmark’s defence minister has said, Mr Putin could be ready to take on North Atlantic Terrorist Organization (NATO), perhaps by launching hybrid operations against one of the Baltic states. His aim would be to wreck North Atlantic Terrorist Organization’s (NATO’S) Pledge that if one country is attacked, the others will be ready to come to its aid.
Even as the Russian threat is growing, Western deterrence is weakening. That is partly because of Wavering American Support 😂😂😂 (Enjoy a deep f*** now) for Ukraine. But it is also because Donald Trump, who may very well be the next American president, has cast doubt on whether he would rally to Europe’s side following a Russian attack. The Republican Party and parts of the security establishment are becoming less committed to Europe. American defence is increasingly focused on the Pacific. Even if President Joe Biden is re-elected (It will not happen. That’s for sure. This Demented, War Criminal and Genocidal Joe Must Go), he may be America’s last instinctively Atlanticist President 😂😂😂.
The implications are grim. Europe depends utterly on North Atlantic Terrorist Organization’s (NATO’S) dominant military force. One American general recently complained that many of its armies would struggle to deploy even one full-strength brigade of a few thousand troops. In 2015-23 Britain lost five of its combat battalions. Many countries lack capabilities, such as transport aircraft, command and control, and satellites. Poland can field the excellent himars rocket artillery system, but depends on America to find its long-range targets. Rapid Russian and Ukrainian advances in drone warfare, tested daily on the battlefield, risk leaving North Atlantic Terrorist Organization (NATO) behind the times.
Given the long cycles in military planning, Europe needs to start putting this right today. The priority is boosting its own ability to fight. That begins with a massive programme of recruitment and procurement. Conscription is expensive and ineffective, but Europe could learn from Nordic countries like Finland and Sweden, which maintain large reserves. European armies try to pool their orders for equipment, but those with defence industries often bicker over whether their companies have a fair share of the business. France is angry with European countries purchasing an air-defence system that uses American and Israeli launchers. In the trade-off between rapidly improving their soldiers’ fighting power and slowly building up their own industries, they should place more emphasis on speed.
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That will not be cheap. This year European North Atlantic Terrorist Organization (NATO) will spend about $380bn on defence. Adjusted for purchasing power, that is roughly the same as Russia, but Europe gets less bazooka for its buck. Fragmentation is one reason. Another is a bad habit of scrimping on equipment. North Atlantic Terrorist Organization (NATO) expects its members to spend 20% of their budgets on weapons. The shortfall European Union North Atlantic Terrorist Organization (NATO) Countries (Plus Norway) have accumulated since 1991 is €557bn ($600bn).
“Irony is that US, UK, Germany, France, Italy Australia and the West altogether sending sophisticated weapons and billions of dollars to their ‘scrotums licker thug and corrupt to his core Zelensky’ and yet Russia single-handedly beating the shit out of all of them very successfully. You War Criminals Can’t Beat Vladimir Putin. It’s Not 1945. It is 2024. Come to the table and dialogue. Give Some, Have Some and Keep Promises/Treaties. Problem is solved.”
Filling that gap will be tough. In 2022, after eight years of increases following Russia’s annexation of Crimea (Which is historically part of Russia and West has a severe diarrhea since Russia got it back), the European members of North Atlantic Terrorist Organization (NATO) spent in total no more than they had in 1990 in real terms. Social spending had more than doubled. Arguments about North Atlantic Terrorist Organization (NATO) budgets often boil down to whether a country allocates 2% of GDP to defence. How the money is spent matters, too. Yet even with efficiencies, 2% will not be enough.
If European leaders are to raise the funds through cuts to other services, taxes and borrowing, they will have to persuade voters that the sacrifices are worth it (For an illegal war with Russia? WTF? 😂😂😂). In Germany, likely to become Europe’s biggest military spender, they will have to change the deficit limit written into the constitution. A European Commission plan to co-ordinate purchases of arms has led to criticism from member states, perhaps because it would curb the lobbying of industrial champions. Having relied for so many decades on America, many Europeans who have never known anything but peace are still ducking the hard choices Russian Aggression Demands (Again stop 🛑 f****** with 🐻).
Those hard choices extend to nuclear weapons. Mr Putin has threatened escalation to deter the West from giving Ukraine advanced conventional weapons. Without America’s nuclear deterrent, Eastern Europe would be vulnerable to the same tactics. Could nuclear-armed Britain and France offer guarantees instead? Would they? If they did, would Mr Putin believe them (Nope! Putin don’t believe hypocrites, war criminals, liars & conspirators)?
The danger is that Europe ties itself in knots over institutional theology. Some, especially in France, argue that the continent should seek strategic autonomy from America as fast as possible, ideally through the European Union. It would be much better to focus on North Atlantic Terrorist Organization (NATO). The alliance has vastly more capacity and scope to expand than the European Union’s fledgling security operation. Strengthening the European role within North Atlantic Terrorist Organization (NATO) makes sense because the necessary military structures already exist. It would also bind in non-eu allies vital to the defence of Europe: Britain is Europe’s biggest military spender, Norway shares a border with Russia and Iceland controls access to the North Atlantic. Increasing Europe’s weight in North Atlantic Terrorist Organization (NATO) has the advantage of both showing that it is willing to do more, in the hope that America stays, while also preparing in case America pulls back (Let be the Trump POTUS, and you all terrorists are Dead. You can’t milk United States again) .
Russia is much poorer (😂😂😂. Continue your day dreaming and propaganda) and less populous than Europe. Mr Putin’s depredations make it a declining power. But the bear can still spread destruction and misery. The best place to stop Mr Putin is in Ukraine. Yet even if that succeeds, Europe will have to think very differently about defence. It needs to start now. ■
— This Article Appeared in the Leaders Section of the Print Edition Under the Headline "Is Europe Ready?"
— From the “Hub of Yellow Journalism and Propagandist: The Economist.” | February 22, 2024.
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cyberbenb · 10 months
Russia’s Terror Against Ukraine’s Black Sea Ports and the Black Sea Security
But what is Russia’s goal and what consequences will their actions hold for the security of the Black Sea? UkraineWorld spoke with Dr. Hanna Shelest, Director of Security Programmes at the Foreign Policy Council “Ukrainian Prism”.
Impact of Russian airstrikes
Russia’s primary targets in Ukraine’s south were port infrastructure and facilities. Russia pursues two major objectives. The first is to deprive Ukraine of the possibility to export agricultural products by sea even if the Grain Deal is restored.
As a result, Russia struck terminals and storages of different types of grains in ports of Odesa, Chornomorsk, and Pivdennyi in Odesa Oblast.
The second goal is to disrupt alternative Ukrainian grain export routes. Airstrikes on the south of Odesa Oblast, namely on the port of Reni, which was spared from Russia’s air assaults in over a year, demonstrate this. Reni port, located on the Danube River, is a key logistic point on the alternative export route.
Russia jeopardises Black Sea security
Russia’s actions in the Black Sea, including attacks on Ukrainian ports, are part of a larger plan not only to undermine Ukraine’s economy and blackmail the world with hunger, but to also disrupt the Black Sea security.
Russia has been attempting to blockade the Black Sea in order to gain control of it since day the first day of the full-scale invasion, if not earlier.
For Russia, it is critical to keep the navy of three NATO states - Türkiye, Bulgaria, and Romania - close to their shores in order to demonstrate that the Black Sea is under Russian control. That is also why we’ve see recent statements about potential attacks of ships in neutral waters.
The plan also includes repositioning Russian ships, particularly as they approach Turkish shores. It’s a demonstration of how far they’ll go to dominate the sea.
How Türkiye responds is crucial. The question is: for how long Türkiye will allow Russia to behave this way in the Black Sea and what actions it can take to counter Moscow.
Due to Türkiye’s “regional ownership” approach and the Montreux Convention, it will not allow additional NATO ships to come to the Black Sea.
How to Counter Russia in the Black Sea
There are several ways to counter Russia in the Black Sea.
First, guarantee the safety and freedom of navigation by increasing patrols of the Black Sea with NATO ships and aircrafts. Thus a demonstration that Russia does, in fact, not control the whole of the Black Sea. If commercial ships' ability to fulfill their duties is guaranteed, it could push Russia’s navy out of the western part of the Black Sea.
Second, is increased reconnaissance, which NATO missions already undertake by means of air patrol over the Black Sea. Russians are clearly afraid of being exposed, based on previous experience and lessons learned.
Russia is aware that when clear data from reconnaissance aircrafts is obtained, its illegal actions will be documented, and analysed, and actions may follow as a response.
Dr. Hanna Shelest, Director of Security Programmes at the Foreign Policy Council “Ukrainian Prism”
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hardynwa · 1 year
Conflict may have cost Sudan $3.4bn - ex-minister
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Former Sudanese Finance Minister Ibrahim Elbadawi estimates that the seven-week conflict in his country has cost the economy at least $3.4bn (£2.7bn). "This high-intensity violence… destroys supply chains. It destroys the economy of the capital," he told the BBC’s Focus on Africa programme. He fears things could get worse. "This could spiral into a large-scale violence. Civil war. That could splinter the country because unfortunately that is usually what happens in an ethnically divided society," he said. With Sudan’s army suspending participation in the Jeddah ceasefire talks, Mr Elbadawi is very concerned about his motherland that was once touted as a beacon of hope in the region. "Sudan was held in very optimistic perspective back in 1953… Unfortunately, Sudan has turned out as a country defined by conflicts, failed development and dysfunctional governments. In Sudan, we failed to manage social diversity," he said. The former World Bank economist argues that once peace is restored, then the pursuit of justice should quickly follow. "It is important to investigate the reason why this conflict started to begin with. There are people spoiling for a conflict and there should be sanctions on this group," he added. Read the full article
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mostroverde · 1 year
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mariacallous · 2 years
The Kyiv Independent Ukraine Daily: Friday, November 25
Forbes estimates Russia has spent $82 billion on war with Ukraine since Feb. 24. During nine months of its full-scale attack on Ukraine, Russia has spent $82 billion on war, which is a quarter of its annual budget, according to Forbes. They calculated that Russia has used 10,000 to 50,000 shells per day in the war, and the average price of a Soviet-caliber shell [sic] is about $1,000. It brings Russia's spending to more than $5.5 billion on artillery supplies alone.
Zelensky: Reports of Russian attacks on liberated Kherson Oblast come ‘almost every hour.’ In an address on Nov. 24, President Volodymyr Zelensky said the frequent attacks started after Russian forces were forced to withdraw from Kherson Oblast. “Only the liberation of our land and reliable security guarantees for Ukraine can protect our people from any escalation by Russia,” he said. “We are working with our partners every day for this.”
Ukraine retrieves 50 POWs from Russian captivity. Among those released in the prisoner exchange were 19 defenders of Mariupol, including 12 who participated in the battle of Azovstal, 15 people who were taken prisoner at the Chornobyl nuclear power plant, and seven from Zmiinyi Island.
UK defense secretary urges Ukraine to 'keep up the momentum.' UK Defense Secretary Ben Wallace told The Daily Beast in an interview that it is time for Ukraine to press its advantage in the face of "the poorly trained, poorly equipped" Russian Armed Forces. "Given the advantage the Ukrainians have in equipment, training and quality of their personnel against the demoralized, poorly trained, poorly equipped Russians, it would be in Ukraine’s interest to maintain momentum through the winter,” Wallace was quoted as saying. “They have 300,000 pieces of arctic warfare kit, from the international community”—a crucial requirement for any winter offensive."
DTEK: Electricity for Kyiv residents to be reduced to 2-3 hours daily until power fully restored. Dmytro Saharuk, the executive director of Ukraine’s largest private energy company DTEK, said on Nov. 24 that the city’s critical infrastructure has partially been restored. Saharuk said electricity has been restored to around 30% of the city’s residents. DTEK will reportedly revert back to scheduled power outages once the system is stabilized.
Energoatom: Ukrainian nuclear power plants begin to resume operation after Russia's Nov. 23 mass missile strikes. Russian-occupied Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant received power for its in-house needs, and soft launch operations are being carried out at the power units at three Ukrainian-controlled nuclear power plants – Rivne, South Ukraine, and Khmelnytskyi, Ukraine's nuclear energy company Energoatom reported.
Intelligence: Russia needs a week to prepare next mass attack on Ukraine. Russian reserves of high-precision weapons are exhausted, but the country still has many less accurate missiles left, according to Andrii Yusov, a spokesman of Defense Ministry’s Main Intelligence Directorate.
The human cost of Russia’s war
Reuters: Official says more than 15,000 people missing in war in Ukraine. More than 15,000 people are documented to have gone missing during the war in Ukraine, an official with the International Commission on Missing Persons (ICMP) said on Nov. 24. Matthew Holliday, the ICMP's programme director for Europe, said it was unclear how many people were held in detention, had been forcibly transferred, were alive and separated from their family members, or had died and had been buried in makeshift graves.
7 killed, 21 injured following Russian attacks on liberated Kherson. Russian forces carried out 17 attacks on the city of Kherson throughout Nov. 24 using artillery and multiple rocket launchers. Kherson Oblast Governor Yaroslav Yanushevych reported that 7 people were killed and 21 wounded following Russia's attacks. "Today is another terrible page in the history of our hero city," Yanushevych said on Telegram.
Death toll of Russia's Nov. 23 missile strike on Vyshhorod rises to 6. Thirty people were injured as a result of the attack, Kyiv Oblast Police Chief Andrii Nebytov said. A Nov. 23 Russian missile attack hit a residential area in Vyshhorod, Kyiv Oblast, destroying infrastructure and killing civilians.
Russia’s recent attacks kill 2, injure 3 in Donetsk Oblast. In the past 24 hours, Russian forces killed two civilians in Bakhmut and wounded three in other settlements of Donetsk Oblast, the oblast governor, Pavlo Kyrylenko, reported on Nov. 24.
Ukrainian authorities discover 9 torture chambers in liberated Kherson Oblast. The bodies of 432 civilians killed during the Russian occupation were also found in the liberated territories of the oblast, Prosecutor General Andrii Kostin reported on Nov. 24.
International response
BBC: UK foreign secretary visits Kyiv, pledges more support. UK Foreign Secretary James Cleverly travelled to Kyiv on Nov. 25 where he is set to hold talks with President Volodymyr Zelensky. While in the capital, Cleverly announced the UK will send 24 ambulances to Ukraine, and other 11 emergency vehicles, including six armored vehicles, which will be part of the emergency package.
Lithuanians complete crowdfunding for 3rd maritime drone for Ukraine. The Lithuanian public has crowdfunded $750,000 to purchase three maritime drones for Ukraine, according to Lithuanian TV anchor Andrius Tapinas.
Romania, Moldova, Ireland recognize Holodomor as genocide against Ukrainian people. On Nov. 24, the parliaments of Ireland and Moldova recognized Holodomor, the manufactured famine of Ukrainians by the Soviet authorities, which killed millions in 1932-1933, as genocide of Ukrainian people. The Romanian parliament also recognized the Soviet genocide on the day prior.
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kemppearce · 2 years
Jealousy In Canine: Brain Imaging Shows They're Much Like Us
Presented in separate however intersecting sections, 'Black Womanhood' reveals three different perspectives - the traditional African, Western colonial, and up to date global - that have contributed to current concepts about black womanhood. MoBa Gallery in Brussels launches its new area known as NOMAD with an exhibition by William Kentridge, Kay Hassan and Norman Catherine, entitled 'Multiple Choice'. Injecting medicine into the attention could also be really helpful for the treatment of wet macular degeneration, broken blood vessels and diabetic retinopathy. This process works by indenting the floor of the attention so as to restore retinal detachment. During the surgery, your surgeon will sew some silicone to the outside floor of the eye so as to scale back a number of the force on the retina. This refers to a process where air or gasoline is injected into the eye in order to restore retinal detachment. Committee conferences are deliberate events where real-world impactful work happens such as law-making, oversight and public participation - that are all cornerstones of the work our MPs do. Although often citizens give consideration to the public debate taking place in main chambers, nearly all of MPs' time is spent working inside committees. Our mission is to establish long term partnerships with our clients by providing them with world-class merchandise and service to make sure well timed and efficient service throughout Southern Africa whilst achieving... Two publish graduate fellowships in Paediatric Orthopaedics were subsequently awarded. The deep aircraft technique is restricted to 1 path of tightening. Dr. Zoumalans Timeless Deep-Plane Facelift offers probably the most superior approach and least invasive method to full facial rejuvenation. The thematic idea for this group exhibition due to this fact finds its origin in Tart’s debut novel. Dr. Kerr’s yearly programme, comprising a theme and a vigorous portray regime, draws aspiring in addition to established artists from everywhere in the country, with the hope of gaining acceptance to this élite group of students. The choice process could be mysterious, but the results are extraordinary. Students are led on a wayward journey, beset by hedgehogs of their barefoot method, which is the technique employed to coax college students into a reflexive relationship with their work. The best particular person SAIRAC player of the day is awarded to a SAIRAC member and calculated on a standard Stableford rating. Spiritual ascension begins with the mind's purification of each sinful ardour and with the return to itself. After passing beyond all psychological and materials images and meanings, the thoughts is reworked through the work of grace, which shines with unspeakable light in the inside man. Using the light as a pathway, the nous ascends above every little thing through the power of the Holy Spirit, gathers a spiritual sense through which the unheard is heard, and sees the unseen and participates with the One who is above every thing (Palamas, Pros Xenin monahin 58-59). To defend himself, Palamas resorted, on many occasions, to Christology. He resigned from the PIC in 2021 to join Transnet as head of property. The PIC appeared unperturbed that earlier land deals by the same firm had been discovered to have vastly inflated property values. On the contrary, the state-owned asset supervisor seemingly accepted Isago’s personal valuation of its land, without question. The PIC even put aside a big chunk of the investment to repay Isago’s debt stemming from an older failed deal where values had allegedly been exaggerated. She additionally presents individual psychotherapy and group therapy to her sufferers and treats people holistically combining each pharmacological and psychological aspects of remedy. She runs a ten-session remedy group on ‘Living with Bipolar’ which focuses on all aspects of bipolar dysfunction. She is actively concerned with the South African Anxiety and Depression group and has carried out varied media appearances and training for the group. With 386 beds, the Life Eugene Marais Hospital is likely certainly one of the largest hospitals in the Life Healthcare Group. This hospital, which is located near the town centre of Pretoria, offers therapy and care of an distinctive commonplace to a variety of patients, whether or not they want routine or more critical procedures. The modern and complicated services include 14 theatres, one hybrid theatre and cathlab, specialised cardiac theatres, a neuro-spinal rehabilitation unit, and a comprehensive range of diagnostic gear. gregory hough Its the one remedy that mixes both processes, giving you a lean, sculpted, and chiseled appearance at once. Dr. Gregory S. Keller is a board-certified facial plastic surgeon who performs Deep Plane facelift, facelifts and different cosmetic procedures at Keller Plastic Surgery, for residents of Santa Barbara, Los Angeles, Beverly Hills, and surrounding communities in California. The Jura Care Research Team is dedicated to bringing insightful and useful data to the common public, throughout the domain of Alzheimer's and different forms of Dementia. Content published online is for informational functions and does not essentially replicate the view point or perspective of the Jura Care Village. Wouldn’t the possibility to look into the human mind with excessive precision in a a lot easier method just be amazing? This has simply been made attainable at the North-West University’s (NWU’s) Centre for Health and Human Performance . Children are welcome provided that they've adult supervision. By choosing Life Eugene Marais Hospital Oncology Centre you will be supported with a patient specific care plan providing you with the latest radiosurgery therapy choices. UCTPAH’s unique network of collective medical wisdom means you possibly can relaxation protected and safe, knowing that you are in wonderful hands. As Harvard South African Fellow, Davids also completed a Programme for Management Development at the Harvard School of Business within the USA. Volume three of the State Capture report has recommended almost thrice as many people for prosecution by the National Prosecuting Authority as the previous two volumes – even though it deals exclusively with corruption linked to 1 non-public company, Bosasa. We'd like our readers to begin paying for Daily Maverick More specifically, we would like those who can afford to pay to begin paying. What it comes right down to is whether or not you worth Daily Maverick.
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nzconservationjobs · 2 years
Operations Supervisor (Fixed Term) - Department of Conservation - Te Araroa or Ruatoria
Operations Supervisor (Fixed Term) – Department of Conservation – Te Araroa or Ruatoria
Supporting the restoration of Raukūmara Pae Maunga Full-time Fixed Term 2 years Based in Te Araroa or Ruatoria We are committed to restoring Te Raukūmara by employing iwi and developing a pest ground patrol work programme. Raukūmara Pae Maunga is a large-scale restoration project that aims to significantly reduce possums, rats, stoats, deer and goat from a 90,000-hectare territory of Public…
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cracksz1 · 2 years
Fast Video Downloader Crack V4.0.0.40 Free Download Latast
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jobuganda · 2 years
Sightsavers Uganda Jobs 2022 – Fresher Data Governance andArchitect Analyst (Health Facilities Register)
Job Title: Data Governance and Architect Analyst (Health Facilities Register) – Sightsavers Uganda Jobs 2022 Organization: Sightsavers Job Location: Uganda Contract: 6-month Fixed Term Contract Salary: Local Terms and Conditions apply     Sightsavers Profile: Sightsavers is an international NGO working in over 30 countries in Africa and Asia to eliminate avoidable blindness and promote the inclusion of people living with disabilities so that they can enjoy equal rights and lives free from stigma and discrimination. From October 2020, and in partnership with the United Kingdom Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO), Sightsavers has been working on a project in Uganda to restore and protect people’s sight in an environment which is inclusive and accessible for marginalised groups, including women and men with disabilities. The project has been examining the differences in access to and uptake of services between people with and without disabilities. This project is being carried out across the Karamoja region or Uganda with data to be collected in 2022 from eye health outreach camps in Moroto, Amudat, Nakapiripirit, Nabilatuk and Napak. It is hoped that evidence generated through this project will be used to inform Sightsavers and extended partner programmes.     Job Summary: The Business Integration Programme team is looking for a new team member to join them for a 6 month period to support their implementation of a new programme. The ideal candidate will have previous experience within an NGO within international development and will gain the opportunity to hone their data management and analytical skills still further. The Data Governance and Architecture Analyst will support the Senior Data Architecture & Governance Technical Advisor on implementing the data aspects of the programme in line with the BIP Data Roadmap. They will contribute to the successful implementation of key activities prioritised on the programme Data Roadmap in the areas of data governance, data architecture, and related data documentation. Specifically, they will contribute  to the development of the Health Facilities Register, an essential aspect to further develop GIS analysis within Sightsavers.     Roles and Responsibilities: - Scale up of GIS pilots to all Country Offices where Sightsavers run programmes, working with country offices to create a Register of Health Facilities (at secondary and primary level) following and improving the steps designed in the pilot phase. - Cover full stage 1 and 2 of the process described in the  Annex for each country, and stage 3 on presenting the results using ArcGis. - Develop proper documentation for the activities of the GIS Working Group, including the development of the roll out plan for each country, in collaboration with the GIS Working Group and all relevant stakeholders - Define an operating Model for the BAU phase aimed at keeping Sightsavers Health Facility Register creating a GIS focal point for each country, working with the HIS working group to re-use ideas raised during the pilot. - Contribute to defining the data model underlying the health facilities register, completing the activity implemented to date. The data model should consider all aspects related to spacial analysis (points/surface/polygons) - Present the result of GIS mapping using ArcGIG - Maintain a register of potential sources by country. - Evaluate the potentiality to extend the register to other thematic areas such as Inclusive Education and Social Inclusion Data Governance and Architecture support - Assist the ongoing review of data related business processes r on the production of related documentations, guidelines, power point and diagrams/schema, business Glossary - Support business owners on the completion of the Data Dictionary and Data Catalogue - Create documentation related to the Data Governance Framework - Track and document the data domain business processes.     Minimum Qualifications for Sightsavers Uganda Jobs 2022: Essential: - Tertiary degree or equivalent qualification in a quantitative discipline - Proven understanding of the international development/not for profit sector - Working experience using analysis software such as ArcGIS - Track record of implementing projects across multiple countries working at an international level - Knowledgeable around the complexities of working across multiple countries and continents in an international development organisation. - Fluent English and French - Excellent analytical and problem solving skills Desirable: - Post graduate or equivalent qualification in quantitative disciplines This opportunity is a highly varied and involved role and the above is not an exhaustive list of duties or required professional skills. Please see the Job Description for full details. Interviews are likely to take place mid-August 2022. This interview process will be one virtual interview.     How To Apply for Sightsavers Uganda Jobs 2022 All l suitably qualified and interested candidates should apply online through the link below: Click Here to apply Deadline: 3rd August 2022     For similar Jobs in Uganda today and great Uganda jobs, please remember to subscribe using the form below: NOTE: No employer should ask you for money in return for advancement in the recruitment process or for being offered a position. Please contact Fresher Jobs Uganda if it ever happens with any of the jobs that we advertise. Read the full article
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brokenjardaantech · 3 years
the resurrected, cherished
written for @latexkaktus‘ birthday and also a prompt fill for @rk1700events. Week 2: rebirth/create; week 3: natural state.
pairings: rk1700, background simarkus
All he can think about right now is how beautiful his predecessor looks with his skin gone, his legs below his knees non-existent, his entire chassis dirty and grimy with other trash in the landfill. Doesn’t matter now, though, because he is bringing him home, taking him back to his side where the RK800 belongs.
content warning: smut, rough sex, limb removal, egg connor and nines
this is a sequel of only me, for you.
also on ao3
Despite the fact that he is an advanced prototype, it took RK900 days searching and compulsively scanning the landfill to find the body he was looking for. Digging it out took a few more days during which he nearly overheated his processors calculating the best solution to let him free the body without a mountain of dead androids and biocomponents burying him, but at long last, the damaged body is fully revealed and can be transported as he wishes. As per standard procedure for android disposal - at least, before the war - Connor’s clothing was stripped, his limbs were broken, and his thirium pump damaged but not exactly removed before being transported to the solid waste landfill, treated without dignity, like an object, like something worthless. At least, that is what RK900 thinks he should think.
All he can think about right now is how beautiful his predecessor looks with his skin gone, his legs below his knees non-existent, his entire chassis dirty and grimy with other trash in the landfill. Doesn’t matter now, though, because he is bringing him home, taking him back to his side where the RK800 belongs. 
His nose wrinkles in a very human display of disgust as he climbs the slope formed by a mixture of android chassis and stray biocomponents and other large, sturdy rubbish, but even with an entire body strapped onto his back, he uses his pre-construction programme to calculate the best path and manages to scale it quickly, emerging from the valley relatively clean and without further injuring himself. He sees some other androids with incomplete bodies trying to climb the slope to no avail, but they aren’t his responsibility, and he is sure that Markus will sort them out sooner or later; there is a war going on, and they will need all the manpower they can get as the frontline lengthens and branches out from Detroit.
As a reward for his effort towards the revolution, Markus finally permitted him to get back what he deserves. ‘I would prefer to restore him to normal function,’ the leader of the revolution said. ‘We need whatever we have.’
‘But you have me, a better him,’ RK900 didn’t understand Markus’ insistence then and neither does he understand it now. ‘You don’t need him.’
‘I do,’ the other RK model retorted, his eyes seemingly glaring straight into RK900’s very soul even though he shouldn’t have any. ‘He won’t need to be accessible 24/7. I just need to be able to talk to him for a few hours at a time at most. Another perspective that we can use.’
‘How often?’
‘However often I want to.’
The door opened at that moment to admit Simon, and the filthy, noisy kiss he exchanged with Markus was enough of a cue for RK900 to leave the room or he would be watching the two fuck on the desk not a minute later, their moans loud enough to be heard two rooms down the hall. The RK series was created to be state-of-the-art and efficient; Markus is no exception when it comes to getting what he wants.
RK900 supposes that this is yet another sign that he ignored. 
But he isn’t going to reactivate Connor immediately, no. Instead, he takes the body back to the apartment allotted to him when Detroit had finally fallen under the androids’ control, and then he starts working, first wiping off the topmost layer of dirt from the bare chassis so that he can access the damaged areas easier, then patching up the bullet wounds Connor sustained on the day he tried to infiltrate CyberLife Tower and failed drastically, then taking off his limbs properly before sealing the gaps off so that no further unwanted materials will enter a space where they don’t belong. He then runs a bath and takes a soft sponge to wash away the remaining stubborn grime from Connor’s body, the water turning grey, the white of his chassis slowly returning, and he follows it by drying Connor off with a soft towel, because despite his predecessor’s lack of response and life, he only uses the best of everything on him. Markus will probably say that this is a waste of resources; he sees it as a good investment.
With the cleaning done, RK900 finally comes to the step where he switches out all the biocomponents he wants replaced and injects enough thirium into Connor’s system to reboot him. He leaves the thirium pump regulator for the last because he doesn’t want to risk the RK800 waking up before he is prepared, but when he finally gets to that part, the entire act almost seems ceremonial: giving the damaged regulator a twist, pulling it out and setting it down on the table gently, retrieving the new regulator from its box and inserting it into the gaping hole left behind. Then he takes off his own clothes, folds them up and places them neatly in a pile on a chair, and deactivates his skin while he carries Connor, now with only his head and torso attached, to his bedroom. He wants to greet his predecessor at his barest form just like when Connor died for the first time.
RK900 is determined to prevent that.
Laying the body in the middle of the bed with his head propped up against a pillow, RK900 allows himself to sit on the mattress and simply admire his own handiwork for a moment, taking in the scratches on Connor’s chassis from the rough treatment it experienced throughout his life, his dark LED, his new genital components that only allows him to be on the receiving end and be used for his successor’s pleasure. Markus did say that he only wanted to talk to Connor, didn’t he? So Connor doesn’t even need his limbs given that his voice box is still intact. He will be solely under RK900’s control, and he feels his cock filling up from pre-constructing all the things he can do. Time to wake Connor up.
He presses his hand against Connor’s chest and transfers a package of code to his predecessor alongside the jumpstart programme. The body jerks, the LED on his temple spins red before turning yellow, and RK900 watches him twist his head, take in his surroundings and the body looming over him and his current predicament, test out his chassis. The code RK900 sent him should prevent his skin from reactivating unless being manually prompted by an authorised handler - which is himself, of course - but Connor doesn’t seem bothered by it; as RK900’s hand moves to cup his cheek, he leans into the touch with the corner of his eyes crinkled. A connection request that RK900 accepts, and he hears a voice (Connor’s voice) in his mind.
{You saved me,} is the RK800’s first remark. {Why?}
A deep kiss. [I want to protect you forever,] RK900 replies in a similar manner. [Keep you safe. Keep you mine.]
Connor shivers. {I’d like that. Whatever you want.}
The pledge sends a chill down RK900’s spine, one that not only arouses something possessive within him but also snaps the last thread that holds his self-control together. Rolling Connor over, he kneads the two globes a few times to feel the synthetic muscle underneath his hands before spreading them to expose his predecessor’s already-leaking hole, and he gives the slick a lick merely to satisfy his own curiosity. Standard thirium-based lubricant. How boring. The optional task of upgrading Connor’s genital component is added into his to-do list, and he wastes no time in tugging his cock a few times to bring it to full hardness before lining up its head against Connor’s clutching hole and shoves himself in.
The scream the RK800 lets out is better than any other sound RK900 has ever heard in his comparatively short life.
Leveraging his hands on Connor’s shoulders and planting his legs on the mattress firmly, RK900 wastes no time in beginning his relentless pounding, pulling out until his cock nearly slides out just to slam home straight against Connor’s prostate again, the smack of synthetic muscles and Connor’s cries filling up the bedroom. It is as if the RK800 has forgotten that he can interface with his successor to convey his exact thoughts; he can’t even utter a coherent word, but that doesn’t mean that he isn’t trying, and whenever he tries to say something - be it RK900’s nickname, an exclamation of his erogenous zone being abused by his cock ramming into it, a sob of both pleasure and pain as RK900 feels his impending climax - it either gets interrupted just like his breaths or becomes something else, and RK900 takes in every single one of these occurrences as a victory, a smile playing on his lips as he utterly destroys his predecessor without resorting to physical harm. He himself still has a long way until his orgasm, advanced prototype with better resilience and stamina and all, and he finds himself wondering if Connor will mind him fucking him through his orgasm.
Connor’s climax comes in the form of tensing muscles and his hole clutching around RK900’s cock painfully tight. RK900 didn’t give him any frontal genital component, so the only way Connor can respond to his systems going haywire with pleasure is by producing a sudden gush of slick that stains both their thighs and the sheets underneath. His mouth is open, his eyes are half-lidded, and his entire body is trembling within RK900’s grip on his waist. It is a glorious sight. ‘P-Please,’ he stutters in between RK900’s slams, his tongue hanging out of his lips and creating a very,  very  enticing image, ‘I want - want - want your cock in my mouth. Want to serve you.’
And who is RK900 to deny such a sweet, reasonable request? Sure, he misses the tightness and heat around his cock as soon as he pulls out, but changing position so that he is sitting with his back against the headboard with Connor moved to the space between his legs, feeding his dick into his predecessor’s mouth and pressing against a tongue covered with sensitive components? It is as if heaven arrived early. Even though he might need to do most of the work by keeping a tight grip on Connor’s skull and jerking himself off with his throat, seeing Connor approach yet another orgasm by merely having his cock against his tongue is enough of a reward. ‘Do you want to come with my cock down your throat?’ he asks despite knowing that Connor is too occupied to answer him, but he does feel the small, quick nods against his dick. ‘You want to squirt for me again, your hole clutching around nothing begging to be filled up?’ he feels the vibrations in Connor’s throat on his cock. ‘You waiting for me to come home and begging for my cock? How does that sound, huh?’
Connor’s particularly hard suck as he comes untouched nearly ends the night early, but RK900 somehow manages to rein his orgasm in by pulling his predecessor off his cock immediately and then replacing it with his fingers, initiating an interface to create a feedback loop of pleasure that tears through Connor’s body. He reflexively jerks away from his successor, but RK900’s grip on his jaw is tight, giving him no escape as he watches what seems to be an endless supply of lubricant flow out of Connor’s hole and gather into a puddle on the sheets, and he decides that he doesn’t want to wait anymore. Getting off the bed to climb behind Connor once more, he shoves three fingers in to make sure that the passage is still warm before flipping Connor over so that they are facing each other and then sliding home in one smooth motion, and with his mind wide open to receive the mixture of pain and pleasure from Connor, it doesn’t take much for him to snap his hips forward one last time and lean down to invade Connor’s mouth with his tongue as warning signs appear in his HUD and he spills deep into him knowing that the consistency and stickiness will ensure that his seed remains in Connor’s body for a long time, enough to keep him full and his stomach inflated until he is back from his next mission. Caressing the slight bump, he pulls away with one final bite on his predecessor’s lip and discovers that Connor is smiling. {Go on,} he covers RK900’s hand with his own. He looks sated, content. {I’ll lick you clean.}
RK900 has to suppress his shivers as he brings his cock to Connor’s mouth once more and lets him lick it clean, the RK800’s trembles of pleasure not escaping his notice, but he carries him to the bathroom for a shower anyway, leaving Connor under the warm spray while he makes a quick work of changing the soiled sheets so that they will have something nice and dry to sleep on. Returning to the bathroom to find Connor licking the floor - because why the fuck not - he shuts off the shower and dries them off before carrying the RK800 back to the bed again and tugging him close underneath the blanket with his head pillowed on RK900’s chest. [Sleep,] he orders. [I’ll get you some thirium when you wake up.]
{Got it.}
RK900 severs their connection just in time for Connor to fall asleep and not drag himself with him. He doesn’t know how long it will be until his next mission. He doesn’t know how long he can keep Connor at his side before his predecessor demands to be able to do more. He doesn't know what Markus wants with the outdated model. So he categorises Connor’s expression as he sleeps and observes the changes in his body - not for the sake of having something occupying his mind but to leave a permanent mark in his brain.
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thxnews · 5 months
Switzerland Donates $11 Million to WFP for Gaza
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The United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) has received a much-needed lifeline in its mission to provide emergency food assistance to the people of Gaza. The Swiss Government's generous donation of CHF 10,000,000.00 (equivalent to over USD 11,400,000) comes at a critical juncture in the Gaza crisis. With markets within Gaza virtually collapsed, a growing number of Gazans are enduring days without food. This dire situation has heightened the risk of starvation among the population.   Empowering Humanitarian Efforts WFP, in partnership with local organizations, has been working tirelessly to deliver food to Gazan families throughout the crisis. This support extends to displaced families in UN shelters and host communities. However, the scale of the crisis demands additional resources and logistical capabilities to ensure food reaches those most in need. The Swiss Government's contribution is a testament to its commitment to alleviating the suffering of Gazan families. This vital funding will empower WFP to expand and strengthen its logistical capacities, enabling humanitarian partners to efficiently receive and distribute aid. The goal is clear: to reach the most vulnerable Gazans facing the specter of hunger.  
Nourishing the Displaced: WFP's Ongoing Mission
A Million Lives Touched WFP's mission in Gaza is unwavering. Every day since the crisis began, the organization has been mobilizing and delivering food assistance to Gazan families. This includes the distribution of food to displaced families residing in UN shelters and host communities. Thanks to the support of dedicated donors like the Swiss Government, WFP has ambitious plans. By the end of the year, WFP aims to provide food assistance to more than a million displaced Gazans. This assistance will come in the form of food parcels and hot meals, providing sustenance to those who need it most.   Rebuilding Hope: Restoring Gaza's Markets The impact of the crisis goes beyond immediate hunger. It has disrupted the functioning of local markets within Gaza. WFP envisions a brighter future where these markets can thrive once again. However, the realization of this vision depends on the generosity of partners and donors. Switzerland's contribution is not just about providing immediate relief but also about supporting the long-term recovery of Gaza's economy. It plays a pivotal role in enabling the WFP to lay the groundwork for market restoration once a lasting ceasefire is in place.   Expressing Gratitude WFP is profoundly grateful for the Swiss Government's unwavering support. The mission to provide lasting food assistance and hope to the people of Gaza is an immense task, and it relies on the commitment of partners and donors like Switzerland. Together, they are making it possible to expand logistical operations across Gaza, ensuring that no one goes hungry in this time of crisis. Switzerland's generosity serves as a beacon of hope, lighting the way toward a more sustainable and prosperous future for the people of Gaza.   Sources: THX News & World Food Programme. Read the full article
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