agentexmachina · 2 years
The painting process I made last month for an art challenge! I’m still not a fan of painting with green yet, but I’ll give it another go sometime and keep on trying!
🎵 - ’ill miss u’ by saidno
prints | tutorials
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agentexmachina · 2 years
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im not joking when i say that this meme single handedly got me invested in learning how the fuck electrical production works small scale so that i could explain it to somebody from a millennium ago
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agentexmachina · 2 years
google doesnt give a shit what you're trying to search any more. it's like "I didnt bother using half of your search terms but here's pinterest and wikihow. enjoy"
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agentexmachina · 2 years
Cellulite is a female secondary sex characteristic and should be celebrated as a rite of womanhood, not despised or eradicated.
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agentexmachina · 2 years
Knowing a fic author through AO3 is like attending someone’s thesis presentation and politely clapping at the end, knowing a fic author through this hellsite is like going over to their house at 3AM to watch them eat mayonnaise out of a jar
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agentexmachina · 2 years
In highschool I wrote a story about a middle-generation of stellar travelers. Their parents were born on earth and left as children, and the middle generation will not live long enough to see their destination. They live their entire lives on the ship and I wrote about them trying to find their place in everything. They will never know blue skies and warm beaches and open fields with warm breezes. They’ll never know birdsong or crickets or frogs. They’ll never hear the rain on the roof of a dreary day. I never could find the right way to end the story. I wanted it to be a happy ending, but I didn’t know how to do it.
I realize now that it was a book about me dealing with depression before I even knew it. Looking back at how blatant the projecting was, it’s obvious now. It wasn’t then.
In the story, the middle-generation people are lost. They’re apathetic. They’re just a placeholder. The only job they have is to keep the ship running, have kids, and die. As the middle generation of people began becoming adults, suicide rates were skyrocketing. Crime and drug rates were jumping. This generation was completely apathetic because they felt that they had no use.
In the story, a small group of people in the middle-generation create the Weather Project. They turn the ship into a terrarium. They make magnificent gardens and take the DNA of animals they took with them and recreate them and they make this cold, metal spaceship that they have to live their entire lives on into a home. They take what little they have and they break it and rearrange it into something beautiful. They take this radical idea and turn the ship into a wonderful jungle of trees and birds and sunshine.
And I realize now how much it reflects my state of mind as I transitioned from a child into an adult while dealing with depression. You always hear “it gets better” and “when you’re older things will be easier” and I was so sick of waiting for it to get better. I was in the middle-generation stage. And I was sick of it. I was so sick of waiting.
When I was in highschool I didn’t know how to end the story. I didn’t know how to have a happy ending. I didn’t have the life experience then to finish the story in a meaningful way. I didn’t know how to make it better for these middle-generation characters.
But now that I’m older, I’m learning. That if you sit and wait for things to get better, it never will. You have to take your life and break it apart and rearrange it into something beautiful. You have to make the cold metal ship into the garden that you deserve. You have to make your own meaning. You have to plant your own garden.
You have to teach yourself that being happy is not a radical idea.
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agentexmachina · 2 years
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agentexmachina · 2 years
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*chanting like a mantra* I am an adult who studies physics i am an adult who studies physics i am an adult who studies physics i am an adult who studies physics
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agentexmachina · 2 years
This is so beautiful and took a lot of patience!!! ✊
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agentexmachina · 2 years
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Passport Photo Series London-based visual artist Max Siedentopf recruited a cast of friends and strangers to sit for passport photos. Above the shoulders the participants are straight-faced and rigid, yet below they are balancing full wine glasses along their arms, taped to a wall, or even on fire.
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agentexmachina · 2 years
This is so beautiful and took a lot of patience!!! ✊
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agentexmachina · 2 years
fake relationship but its a king and his concubine that was once an amazing soldier but he couldn’t go up the ranks for whatever reason so the king was like listen. hear me out. you can be my strategy dude. u just gotta be okay w walking around shirtless a lot. and soldier dude is like man that’s an UPSIDE and yknow they end up falling in love
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agentexmachina · 2 years
how i feel when my mutuals and i talk about the same interests
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agentexmachina · 2 years
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I feel like someone is standing next to me talking about how I'm dead
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agentexmachina · 2 years
Hi! You mentioned searching WattPad for our works if they were posted elsewhere and attempting to get them removed. How does one go about searching for them? I assume people change the titles when posting or do they really just lift everything wholesale?
I wish I could remember where that post was that detailed how to go about doing this, but I saw it really quickly while scrolling through tumblr, and like a doofus, didn't save it. Apologies to the OP for cribbing your advice.
Do a search not just for the title of your work, but particular words and phrases you know would be distinctive to your fanfic. I've seen some bizarre plagiarisms, from lifting just a few scenes from someone else's fic to keeping the whole thing and changing the names. It can be worth doing a few different searches.
Is it worth your time to do this? It depends. Multiple people have reported that Wattpad makes it very difficult to take down your stolen work. Every story I've seen from reddit and elsewhere says the only thing that worked was a DMCA. Wattpad has details on how to do that here. (No accidental weinerdogs in this link, I promise)
Is your stolen work going to get caught up in the Viacom deal? Probably unlikely. Is it still really shitty to get your work stolen? Hell yeah, it really fucking sucks. On that principle alone, I'd say it's worth it, as frustrating as it may be.
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agentexmachina · 2 years
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agentexmachina · 2 years
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When I say “writers don’t want your unsolicited criticism” and “leaving unsolicited criticism on fanfiction hurts writers” THIS is what I mean.
This isn’t even all of them, this is just from a FEW posts on the subject. Read through these, and then look me in the eyes and say you’re ~helping writers~ by leaving that criticizing comment on someone’s fic when they didn’t ask you to.
You’re hurting or, at best, annoying us. You’re hurting fandom.
You’re not helping us.
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