#fullerton arms
Hallmark Original Series Spotlight
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When Calls the Heart
Season 5, Episode 5 'My Heart Is Yours'
Directed by Neill Fearnley
Written by Richard Manning
Starring Erin Krakow, Lori Loughlin, Daniel Lissing, Jack Wagner, Pascale Hutton, Kavan Smith, Aren Buchholz, Eva Bourne, Martin Cummins, Andrea Brooks, Johanna Newmarch, Loretta Walsh, Mark Humphrey, Paul Greene, Max Lioyd-Jones, Charlotte Hegele, Garwin Sanford, Carter Stanton, Hrothgar Mathews, Ben Rosenbaun, Ava Grace Cooper, Jaiven Natt, and Imogen Tear.
Premiered March 18, 2018 on the Hallmark Channel.
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Synopsis (via hallmark channel.com): 
Jack and Elizabeth are counting the days down to their wedding. Abigail worries that with only three days left, there is still a lot of work to do, including finding a pastor to perform the ceremony. Abigail sent message to Frank in Cape Fullerton, where he's been volunteering, but she's gotten no reply. Elizabeth has with Frank will arrive for the ceremony but just in case, Abigail says being mayor also grants her the authority to perform the wedding ceremony.
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Meanwhile, Elizabeth notices the her students are having a hard time paying attention in class. They all tell her that they are excited for her wedding and want to help decorate the church. Since it's a special occasion, Elizabeth agrees and gives the students a break from their studies so they can start decorating.
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Later in the day, Jack gets a welcome surprise when his brother Tom arrives in a brand new car. Things have changed since the two last saw each other and Tom is now a traveling salesman for a tore company. As the two catch up, Tom Tells Jack that their mother can't make the wedding due to a back injury, but Jack is just still thrilled that's little brother will be there with him.
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Earlier, Bill received word that the Mounties need Jack to escort an inmate to jail in Cape Fullerton. Instead of passing the message to Jack, Bill plans to do the job himself. Outside of town, Bill meets up with another Mountie who's watching over the prisoner, Joe Yancy, head of the Yancy Gang. While Bill prepares to escort Joe to Cape Fullerton, he spots two shadowy figures outside the secluded cabin. Just then, gun shots ring out and Bill throws Joe back into the cabin and barricades the doors.
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Back in Hope Valley, a familiar face bursts into the café, surprising Abigail and Elizabeth. Elizabeth's sister Julie has arrived for the wedding, she passes along regrets that their mother can't make it. Mrs. Thatcher is on London helping Viola with her newborn baby, but Mr. Thatcher is on his way to Hope Valley for the wedding. Julie then heads to the church to help decorate for the big day.
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Outside of town, gunfire continues to fly at the secluded cabin. Bill is pinned down with another Mountie and the wanted criminal Joe Yancy. Bill suddenly realizes that in his back pocket, he has Jack and Elizabeth's wedding rings and needs to get the rings -- and himself -- to Hope Valley in time for the wedding.
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Back at the church, Julie is busy organizing the decorating effort. Suddenly, she turns around and is surprised to see none other than Tom Thorton standing in the church. The two exchange pleasantries before Julie finally asks Tom is he has a date for the big event. The reply is welcome and Julie does her best to hide the widening smile on her face.
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At the café, Carson and Abigail are busy prepping the ingredients for the wedding dishes. As they talk and chop, the café door opens and Frank walks inside, carrying a bouquet of flowers. Frank tells Abigail that nothing would have kept him away from Jack and Elizabeth's wedding, and wraps her in his arms.
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Night falls and Bill is planning his escape from the cabin. Bill slips outside through a root cellar and makes his way behind the gunman. One by one, Bill disarms the gunmen and ties them up. With the situation under control, Bill can proceed with the mission and escort Joe to prison.
Back at the church, the students are rehearsing their parts in the wedding. Cody attempts to light the candles but he trips, causing the lit candles to spill and setting the curtains on fire. In an instant, the flames expand and the entire church is engulfed. Jack and Elizabeth find Cody who tells them that Opal is still inside the church. Jack sprints into the burning church to find Opal, while the rest of the town rushes to the church with pails of water. Moments later, Jack runs out of the burning building with an unconscious Opal in his arms. He hands her too Carson who rushes her to the clinic. Jack then turns around and he and Lee return to the church to help put out the fire.
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The next morning, some of the town gather at the church to assess the damage. Elizabeth arrives to let Jack know Opal will be fine and is still in Carson's care. Jack inform Elizabeth that there's been a lot of damage to the church. Rosemary delivers the devastating news that Elizabeth's wedding dress was also destroyed in the fire. Seeing her burned dress brings Elizabeth to tears. Unwilling to admit defeat, Abigail marshals everyone to rebuild the church and make a new Dres in the remaining day and night before the wedding. It will be a challenge but everyone agrees to give it their all and the entire community comes together to help.
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Later in the day, Elizabeth's father William arrives. Elizabeth greets him as he steps off the coach and he can immediately tell something is wrong. Unwilling to see his daughters wedding ruined, William rolls up his sleeves and joins Jack and the other men as they work to repair the church. Meanwhile, the ladies get together to start drawing up sketches for a new wedding dress, and Dottie donates all the fabric to make it.
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Lee and Jack find some alone time to talk about the big day. Jack admits he is nervous about the wedding but Lee tells him he had the same pre-wedding jitters before he married Rosemary. It happens to everybody.
Elizabeth shows her father her house and he wants to know how she is holding up. When she says she is nervous, William tells her she has no reason to be; she is marrying a good man who is devoted to her. He also presents her with a present from her mother: a delicate floral headband that Mrs. Thatcher wore on her wedding day. William gets misty-eyed as he recalls a young Elizabeth jumping into his arms. She reassures him that despite her getting married, she will always be his little girl.
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The wedding day arrives and Rosemary and Abigail take a moment to to give Elizabeth advice for a successful marriage. Meanwhile, Jack puts on his Mountie uniform and prepares to head to the church. Tom tells his big brother that their father would be very proud of his son on this special day. Just as the two pack up to leave, Jack remembers he is missing the rings and Bill is still nowhere to be found.
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Hope Valley begins to gather in the church for the wedding of the year, and Julie is busy with the children, getting them ready for the ceremony. Phillip approaches Julie and tells her that he doesn't have any rings to put on his ring bearer pillow. Just as panic begins to set in, Bill rushes through the door, wedding bands in hand.
Moments later, everyone takes their places and the wedding begins. All eyes turn to the bride, arm in arm with her father, as she walks down the aisle. Jack grabs her hands and Frank begins the ceremony. Jack and Elizabeth begin to say their vows, promising their love and commitment to one another forever. Frank pronounces the two husband and wife and they share in a passionate kiss as their family and friends gimme them a standing ovation.
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The reception begins at Abigail's Café and the guests each take a turns congratulating the blissfully happy husband and wife. Julie takes a moment to tell Tom about her upcoming art show in Hamilton, inviting him to attend. Bill takes the stage to toast Jack and Elizabeth, Abigail follows with her one toast about love. Afterwards, Willim takes his daughter's hand for the father-dughter dance. As they dance, Jack taps William on the shoulder and asks if he can cut in. William agrees and Jack and Elizabeth take to the dance floor. Jack whispers to his new bride, "Finally," and the two share their first dance. The rest of the guests follow their lead and everyone joins on the dance floor.
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lonestarflight · 2 years
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Test crews from the last captive-active flight pose in front of Enterprise (OV-101) and 747 SCA. In the second photo (Left to right): Fitzhugh Fulton (SCA Commander), Gordon Fullerton (OV-101 Pilot), Victor Horton (SCA Flight Engineer), Fred Haise (OV-101 Commander), Vincent Alvarez (SCA flight engineer) and Thomas McMurtry (SCA co-pilot).
Note: that Enterprise's landing gear is down to check clearance onboard the 747 SCA."It was lowered on final approach to simulate the actual landing procedure. We also see the two-armed crane used to allow the crew to access Enterprise's flight deck through the hatch that is open on the side of its fuselage."
Date: July 26, 1977
NASA ID: DFRCEC77-8140, DFRCEC77-7613, DFRCEC77-7614
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owlzer · 3 months
What concerns do you have about the gameplay, aesthetics, kinesthetics, or technology in your original concept? Of these concerns, which is the highest priority? Which will kill the game if they do not work? Depending on your answer, decide where to focus your efforts for your first digital prototype. - Fullerton (ch8, pg24)
From this exercise, I have found that my main concerns are the grapple mechanic as if this does not work or players do not like it, I believe this will kill my game. This is because the core gameplay in centred around this mechanic, Aesthetics play a small part to my concept as it will be the assets that will show my pirate theme as that is not clearly conveyed with my gameplay. Some form of reward would also be helpful for player incentive however, I do not believe this is high priority as it is my hope that players find that the challenge of the level will keep them engaged.
Week 4 - Platformer Development Progress 2
Playtesting Preparation
To get as much out of the playtesting as possible during week 3, I added as many additional features as I could. Coin collection featuring sound and a score was added as well as checkpoints. A small victory pop-up was also added for players who reached the end of the level. However, I was still unable to implement enemies that shoot at the player or any assets.
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Playtesting Feedback
The main feedback I received was that the grapple mechanic was the most fun and frustrating experience. It was challenging enough that players felt motivated enough to finish the level however, there was too much momentum when players swung creating unnecessary difficulty. Players found the level easy to follow using the coins as a guide. They also liked the placement of enemies but they suggested a new enemy type to make it more interesting. From this feedback, I plan to adjust the grapple to have less momentum in their swings as well as add shooting enemies as I originally planned.
Development Update
Based on the feedback, I changed how my grapple mechanic works. Now I take how far I've travelled and convert it within a range from 0-500 to 0-1000. For example: if I travelled 250 units, I will get a force of 500. Instead of before when it was based on percent progress to destination. For example: 0-100% converts to 0-1000. Now the player will feel more in control of the grapple's swing. I also made some player assets for my pirate theme by drawing over the default assets. The player is drawn as Luffy, a character from One Piece that I do not own and is the source of inspiration for my game. To complete the look, I turned the rope and hook of the grapple into his stretchy arm and hand.
Fullerton, T. (2018). Game Design Workshop: A Playcentric Approach to Creating Innovative Games. ProQuest Ebook. Retrieved from: https://ebookcentral.proquest.com/lib/qut/reader.action?docID=5477698
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elektramouthed · 1 year
 If he doesn't watch out, survival sickness soon turns a young man into a haggard old Faust, burdened with regrets, passing through the youth he longs for without realizing it. The ‘teenager’ bears the first wrinkles of the consumer.  Little separates him from the sixty-year-old; consuming faster and faster, he wins precocious old age to the rhythm of his compromises with inauthenticity. If he doesn’t take hold of himself quickly, the past will close up behind him; he won’t be able to return to what he’s done, not even to remake it. So much separates him from the children he played with only yesterday. He has become part of the market’s triviality, willing to exchange the poetry, freedom and subjective wealth of childhood for representation in the society of the spectacle. Yet nonetheless, if he seized hold of himself and awoke from the nightmare, what an enemy would [he make]. [...] We know what prodigious feats distinguished the young Simbas of the Lumumbaist revolution, in spite of their derisory equipment; so how much more can we expect from a generation that's equally pissed off but much more effectively armed, and at large in a theatre of operations that covers every aspect of daily life?
Raoul Vaneigem, from Revolution of Everyday Life (tr. John Fullerton, Paul Sieveking)
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strzzeka · 9 months
Identical Twins
Two young boys have a rough start to life, becoming bilateral amputee orphans at an early age. This is the story of how they grew up in a foster family which loved them.
A taster:
Bogdan extricated his artificial leg from the car and placed it outside. It would have been easier if his passenger had a wheelchair available but Bogdan thought he could carry the man without much trouble. He reached in carefully and eased the prosthetic torso into such a position that he could pull it out. After several gradual manoeuvres, he held Fullerton in both arms and strode across to the entrance to Fullerton’s home. He lowered the torso onto its base and returned to the car. Fullerton jerked his body inside the shell, forcing it to rotate on the old tyre so he could watch. Bogdan retrieved his bag and brought it closer and sat back in the car and drove it to the parking lot. It was only when Bogdan returned that Fullerton noticed the unmistakable gait of an amputee.
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adamwatchesmovies · 1 year
Night of the Lepus (1972)
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If you seek out bad movies, you’ve probably heard of Night of the Lepus. This means - I’m sorry to say it - the best part of the movie has already been spoiled for you. Even if you don’t know why this movie was doomed from the start, it’s only good for so many laughs. While you’ll have plenty of opportunities to ridicule what’s happening on-screen, I doubt this film will become a new favorite.
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To humanely reduce the rabbit population ravaging rancher Cole Hillman's fields, scientists Roy and Gerry Bennet (Stuart Whitman and Janey Leigh, as compelling as a couple of lettuce heads) genetically modify the animals to make them less fertile. When their daughter, Amanda (Melanie Fullerton) releases a test subject into the wild, the state is soon overrun by giant Lepus timidus.
When rabbits were introduced to Australia in 1859, no one could’ve foreseen the damage they would cause to the continent's flora and fauna. The incident inspired the horror-comedy novel The Year of the Angry Rabbit, whose tone was completely lost upon screenplay writers Don Holliday and Gene R. Kearney. With the help of director William F. Claxton, they are trying to scare us using giant bunnies. You’d think someone would’ve raised their hands and questioned the decision. Maybe someone did at some point and to show them who's boss, this film takes the premise as if it were gospel. When the army calls for all residents to roll up their windows for fear of the giant, mutated rabbits stampeding their way, they should be laughing their eyebrows off. Instead, the people in this movie take it completely seriously, following every order to the letter without fail.
Incompetently directed, Night of the Lepus doesn’t appear to know how it could frighten audiences even if its life depended on it. Every time you see the titular monsters bounding through the tiny streets, all you can do is “awww” or laugh. There are never any ominous or moody shots. The tension is non-existent. When the film ends, you’ll be shocked. Was that it? There’s no way that was the climax. It was so easy!
Not helping the picture are the weak special effects. I can give a pass to the miniatures - how else would they have made the creatures look big? But you can clearly see the seams in several of the composite shots and whenever we get a close-up of someone fighting for their life as a giant rabbit attempts to chew their arms off, you think you’re watching a tussle between a drunken fan and the baseball team’s mascot. It’s pathetic. The actors underreact as they are about to die and when they’re calm and collected, the performances are awful.
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This is one of the dullest horror movies I’ve ever seen - or it would be if it weren’t for the hugely misguided and idiotic premise. Actually, it is still fairly boring because what’s wrong about it is obvious and consistent. A true bad movie classic like Plan 9 From Outer Space keeps finding new ways to be bad. It surprises you. This movie? Not so much. After about 15 minutes, you’ve seen the range all the major actors have and after a couple of shots of the beasts chowing down on people (well, we don’t really see it, but we see the attacks and aftermath), you fully understand why this film isn't going to work. Night of the Lepus is worth seeing once so you can say you’re part of the club but don’t expect to return to this movie over and over. (On DVD, August 16, 2019)
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i-love-guitars · 2 years
Fender Stratocaster owned and played by Ry Cooder Solid Body Electric Guitar, c. 1967, ser. #144953, road case.
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Fender Stratocaster owned and played by Ry Cooder Model Solid Body Electric Guitar, c. 1967, made in Fullerton, California, serial # 144953, blue lacquer finish, alder body, maple neck with rosewood fingerboard, road case. "Coodercaster" has become an entire sub-genre of Stratocasters over the last couple of decades, meaning a guitar built or modified to emulate the eccentricities of Ry Cooder's personal instruments. This is THE original Coodercaster, the guitar that was the first Strat the man himself owned, modified, and subsequently played for decades. Here in Ry's own words is his history with the instrument:"Captain Beefheart got a record deal with Buddha Records and a Fender endorsement; modern youth target marketing had just been invented, you see. I was told, you go down to the Fender factory in Fullerton, and speak to so-and-so, and he'll set you up. I saw the production machines and met some workers, and then the fellow took me in a show room where they had their new things and prototypes. The guy pulled this baby blue Stratocaster off the shelf and said, 'here'. I drove home and sat there trying to figure what it might be good for, having never owned an electric solid body guitar."Soon after, I realized Beefheart and I werent going to succeed as co-workers, and went in to the record company and said so. The head of A&R, Bob Krasnow, was lying on the couch in his office and he waived his arms at me and shouted, 'You'll never work in Los Angeles again! And give me back that guitar!' I left the office and the job, such as it was, but I kept the instrument. The next thing was, I got invited to go to London and stand idly by while the Rolling Stones messed around in the studio with Jack Nitzsche, who was a friend of mine from session work. I took the Strat with me, and one evening, the ONE evening, I actually played it. The tape machine was running, if you're interested. The rest is a kind of history we needn't go back into here."Soon after, I stumbled into a record deal of my own at Warner Bros, and started up making my own personal records. The Blue Strat was, at that time, still my only electric. I used it on all the early albums. Since I used mostly open tunings, I had a repair guy take out the wang bar springs and put a wood block in there to hold down the intonation every time I changed tunings. Now, years later, I wouldn't have done that, but what did I know. "Then I started experimenting with electronics, trying for a thicker sound. P90s came and went. I had the bright idea to install an Oahu lap steel bridge pick up. It was the thing to do to help the bottle neck sound relax and it stopped the headaches."That's the short story. I still think the neck is one of the best I've ever played, and the Bigsby trailer brake really makes a sweet combination. That's an original Bigsby PU in there, and yes it's somewhat microphonic like early Bigsbys are sometimes, and it takes a little getting used to, like when you put that '53 Cad motor in the Model A, but you can learn to handle it. Or try some idea of your own."That "short story" only begins to describe the mojo of this guitar.
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28-08 · 2 years
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Durga is one of the most popular of the Hindu faith’s many deities. She is revered as a warrior goddess riding a lion or a tiger with eight or ten hands holding weapons and making symbolic hand gestures. Her mythology centres around combating evil and forces that threaten peace, prosperity and the karma of the good. She is the embodiment of feminine and creative energy (Shakti).
Durga Puja is an annual Hindu celebration of the goddess held annually in September or October. During the festival, Hindus commemorate Durga’s victory over evil with prayers and readings, decorations in temples and homes, and events recounting Durga’s legend. In India and especially in West Bengal, the festival (‘puja’) always concludes with the immersion of an effigy of Durga into a river or any other water body. This age-old ritual (‘bhashaan’) bids farewell to Durga as she returns to her husband and children in their spiritual home.
The Bengali population in London celebrate Durga Puja enthusiastically over 5-days but, for health and safety considerations it has only infrequently been permitted to perform the immersion ceremony on the banks of the River Thames (2006 and 2015). This year, however, thanks to the cooperation of the Bengali charity organisation, London Sharad Utsav, and by special permission of the Port of London Authorities, I was able to shoot a recreation of this Bengali ‘bhashaan’ ceremony on the banks of the River Thames close to Putney Bridge.
My image shows the ten-armed, beautifully decorated effigy of Durga being ceremoniously carried into the river by a selected group of men as the crowd pray on the bank and chant the farewell ‘asche bochor abar hobe’ (until next year). The women are colourfully dressed for the occasion in traditional laal-paar saris and the menfolk in their equally traditional and colourful kurta.
The effigy was built 10 years ago by the charity especially for their Durga Puja celebrations that take place in Ealing Town Hall. It shows Durga riding a lion and holding a weapon in each hand. For the past decade, the idol could only be worshipped indoors during Durga Puja. This year it could fulfil its rightful role in this recreated ‘mock-up’ immersion ceremony.”
Julia Fullerton Batten
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ericmun · 2 years
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2022.11.20 Shinhwa’s Eric’s Update from Fullerton, California + Liveworks’ CEO Lee Jang Eon + Comments
WDJ fire🔥🔥🔥 #wdj #WooDongJin #JinDongWoo #DongJinWoo #WooJinDong #JinWooDong #DongWooJin #Preview at 6pm #I get the preview faster #Thank you Jangeon hyung #Kyaaa 👍
Eric still have Hyemi’s photo as his display pic for the group chat since 2021 💞
Lee Jang Eon’s IG:
Leader Eric's support gives great strength!!!
Other texts in the chat:
LJE:  Good morning Eric^^ LJE: The song that is better than MIROTICㅎㅎㅎ Please monitor it^^ LJE:  It’ll be released on December 6th LJE:  This pre-released song will be released at 6pm today LJE:  We'll see you soon… I’ll meet Andy when I finish mastering ERIC:  Oh it’s classy and neat~ Hyung, you did a great job ㅎㅎ
lworkspd0127: Thank you!!! Our leader is a promotional fairy^^
OP: If Eric hyung says so, then it is (fire) 👍 ERIC: yup
OP : After WooDongJin, let’s do RicSyungDy 🔥 Oppa you’re doing well right? What is the baby’s nickname? I’m curious 😮 ERIC: It’s Moon mochi
OP: Ha I’m jealous. Please send it to me too I want to listen to it right nowㅠ Is there no way to speed up time.....? ERIC: Do something fun, time will go fast. If you hold your breath, time will go slowly~
OP: Can you guys promote as RicWooDongJin for awhile 😮 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ ERIC: nope
OP: Oppa are you happy right now? I’m not happy right now ㅠ😢 How can I become happy? ERIC: Think about what's worse than the present, and be thankful for the little things we took for granted. I hope this small reply will be a small happiness~❤️
OP1: Is it not possible to do WooDongRicJin? When can we see RicWoo RicDong RicJin Ric? 😢 ERIC: Syung and Ric? OP1: muneric Really? I’ll wait for anything with open arms. 😍 OP2: muneric I'm so excited, my nostrils are getting bigger ㄷㄷㄷㄷㄷㄷㄷ ERIC: Narrow your nostrils again OP: Wow! It’s oppa!! I’m so jealous you get a preview.... I want to listen quickly too!! Let me ask you a question, if Jin Udon comes out following Jin Ramen and Jin Jjambbong, do you plan to try it? ERIC: nope (T/N: Jin Udon, Jin Ramen and Jin Jjambbong are the ramen flavors from OTTOGI brand)
OP: Oppa are you doing well? I'm an ordinary 36-year-old lady who has been an orange princess since Haegyeolsa. I had a hard time having twins through vitro fertilization. Of which, one child suffered a miscarriage due to cardiac arrest at 17 weeks. I gave birth to the other child at 25 weeks, and he's been in incubator for 115 days now. I'm having a hard time these days. I found out that WooDongJin's album is coming out and Hyemi is pregnant. I sincerely wish you good health and if you see my comment, please pray for my son's health. I'm a long-time fan. I just came back to Instagram after a long time. I'm rambling about my upset feelings because your post came up. ERIC:  I pray for you. Lovely Gunwoo, please get well, grow up strong and healthy and protect your mom! Power!!!🔥
Source: muneric & Liveworks’s CEO Lee Jang Eon Translation: EricMun.tumblr
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outoftowninac · 2 years
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Common Clay is a three act play with prologue and epilogue by Cleves Kinkead. It was originally produced by A.H. Woods starring Jane Cowl and John Mason. The play was the recipient of the Harvard Prize in 1914. 
Kinkead considered nearly 20 titles, including Hush Money and Sauce for the Goose, before finally settling on Common Clay. 
THE STORY: Ellen Neal, a girl of ill-repute, has come to the home of the wealthy Richard Fullerton as a servant, with hopes of turning over a new leaf. At once, however, she meets a man who seduces her. The curtain falls on her in the arms of the agreeable young son of the house. 
Months pass. Fullerton Sr. comes to his friend, Judge Filson, in distress because Ellen is blaming his son with with the paternity of her child and asking for recognition. The father is resolved that the family name will not be tarnished. The Judge makes a personal plea for her fair treatment, relating a story of his own youth. Fullerton, however, will hear nothing of marriage. Her seducer’s evidence is to be used to weaken her case against the Fullertons, but his admission makes him liable to criminal prosecution. 
In court, Ellen tells her story. Her mother is called to testify and reveals the truth of Ellen's parentage. Inspired by her mother’s story, Ellen decides to let the man go free. The courtroom empties and Judge Filson offers to let her win the future of her dreams.
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The play opened in Boston MA at the Castle Square Theatre on January 7, 1915. It was performed by the Craig Players (a stock company). 
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At the end of March 1915, after more than 100 performances, it was reported that producer A.H. Woods had acquired the lay. Negotiations between Woods and the author in Boston were not without their amusing incident. Woods was sitting in a restaurant one night with Kinkead when actor Malcolm Williams stopped at their table 
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WOODS: "Have you seen ‘Common Clay’?" WILLIAMS: “Yep.”  WOODS: "What do you think of it?”  WILLIAMS: "Great Scott! You're not over here to buy that terrible thing are you? That’s the rottenest play I ever saw in my life!”  WOODS: “Permit me to introduce you to Mr. Kinkead, the author.”
It is reported that Williams lost seven pounds in the next five minutes. After 20 weeks, the play closed on May 8, 1915, breaking all house records for the Castle Square Theatre. 
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The A.H. Woods production of Common Clay opened in Atlantic City at Nixon’s Apollo Theatre on August 2, 1915. On August 9th the play was seen at the Savoy Theatre in Asbury Park and at the nearby Broadway in Long Branch on August 12th. On August 16th the production as seen at the Shubert New Haven. 
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Common Clay opened on Broadway at the Theatre Republic (now the New Victory Theatre) on August 26, 1915. 
The first week in September 1915 the play was also seen in special engagement week of  performances in Boston at the Castle Square Theatre where it originated The production staged was not the same as the one presented on Broadway by Woods. 
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“With all its faults, including frequent creakiness of the machinery, ‘Common Clay' is never-the-less an exceedingly interesting play which is well calculated to hold the attention of the New York public for some time to come. An especially good point in its favor is the excellent acting throughout.” ~ BROOKLYN LIFE
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The Cohan Revue at Broadway’s Astor Theatre contained a parody of Common Clay’s courtroom scene. It performed from February through June 1916. 
Common Clay ran for 316 performances, closing on June 3, 1916. Cowl immediately went into a play titled Betty Behave, but promised to return to Common Clay for a short tour. The play set up shop in Chicago, where John Mason was replaced by Orme Caldara. 
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In 1919, a silent film version was released starring Fannie Ward as Ellen. 
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The film opened in Atlantic City at the Virginia Theatre on the Boardwalk on April 16, 1919. 
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In 1930, a sound film was released starring Constance Bennett as Ellen. 
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The film premiered in Atlantic City at the Warner Theatre on the Boardwalk on July 12, 1930. 
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In 1936, a remake was titled Private Number with Loretta Young as Ellen. 
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On May 29, 1936, Private Number premiered in Atlantic City at the Apollo Theatre on the Boardwalk, the very same venue that hosted the play Common Clay in 1915! 
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0321 · 5 days
The Chiropractor in Fullerton: A Comprehensive Guide
Discover "chiropractor in fullerton" with assurance by utilizing our all-inclusive guide. Find reputable professionals, gain knowledge about available treatments, and comprehend the advantages of chiropractic care. Whether you want to improve your general well-being or find pain relief, arm yourself with insightful knowledge and useful tools.
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Laguna Hills Persian Rug Repa
Oriental Rug Specialists 4941 Pacific Hwy Ste A San Diego, CA 92110 (619) 894-9995 Website URL: https://orientalrugrepairandcleaningsandiego.com/ Unveiling the Artistry: Oriental Rug Specialists Elevate San Diego's Decor Landscape In the vibrant tapestry of San Diego and its surrounding cities, the allure of Oriental rugs weaves a narrative of tradition, craftsmanship, and perpetual elegance. As homeowners point to increase a be next to of sophistication to their vibrant spaces, the demand for Oriental rug specialists in the region has surged, and a pick few have emerged as the maestros of this intricate art. San Diego, once its diverse cultural influences, has become a hub for those appreciating the intricate beauty and historical significance of Oriental rugs. These specialists, armed once extensive knowledge and a passion for preserving the certainty of these masterpieces, appear in a pivotal role in helping homeowners find the perfect rug to supplement their interiors. One notable Oriental rug specialist in San Diego is XYZ Rugs, a wharf for connoisseurs seeking a curated store of handwoven treasures. From the wealthy hues of Persian rugs to the geometric patterns of Turkish kilims, XYZ Rugs prides itself on offering a diverse range that mirrors the cultural mosaic of the region. Surrounding cities once La Jolla, Encinitas, and Carlsbad have also witnessed a surge in demand for Oriental rug specialists. These professionals not forlorn assist clients in selecting the right rug but also offer clever cleaning, restoration, and appraisal services, ensuring that these heirloom pieces remain a source of egotism for generations to come. Beyond the transactional aspect, Oriental rug specialists often engage in scholastic initiatives, enlightening customers about the records and craftsmanship in back each rug. This not forlorn enhances the buying experience but fosters a deeper wave for the artistry involved. In conclusion, the presence of Oriental rug specialists in San Diego and its adjoining cities is a testament to the permanent allure of these handcrafted marvels. As these specialists continue to praise the region's decor landscape, homeowners can see forward to adorning their spaces once perpetual treasures that transcend both era and trends.
Massage School Reseda CA
Walking Soccer Association
Persian Rug Repair Irvine CA
Auto Body Shop in Akron OH
Shreveport Chiropractic Office
Vista Auto Repair Shop
Pediatric Dentist in Carlsbad
Oceanside CA Dentist
Reiki Energy Healing
Termite Treatment Oceanside
Wellness In Motion
Beverly Hills Gymnastics Center
William J. Cho, DDS, MS - Periodontist
  https://rebathcostoverlandparkks.blogspot.com/2024/06/laguna-hills-persian-rug-repair.html Oriental Rug Repair Fullerton Oriental Rug Fullerton Oriental Rug Restoration Fullerton https://sites.google.com/view/huntingtonbchorientalrugjp4s/home/ https://sites.google.com/view/carlsbaddentalclinicneara2fxk/home/ https://sites.google.com/view/massagetrainingprogramthlk7i4/home/ https://sites.google.com/view/terminixnearmeoceansidepf4/home/ https://sites.google.com/view/santamonicapersianrugresa7pwb/home/ https://sites.google.com/view/whatischiropracticshreveny2/home/ https://sites.google.com/view/chiropracticbenefitswestx6/home/ https://sites.google.com/view/reikihealingwestpalmbeacq4n6t/home/ https://sites.google.com/view/gymnasticsopennearmeholltm5i6/home/ https://sites.google.com/view/guminfectionsymptomsencizo/home/ https://sites.google.com/view/carrepairshopsvistaf5kjj/home/ https://sites.google.com/view/akroncarpaintingkq2/home/ https://sites.google.com/view/orientalrugrestorationlayt38s/home/ https://www.bunity.com/william-j-cho-dds-ms-periodontist/ http://localdisplayed.com/directory/listingdisplay.aspx?lid=58275 https://www.localfeatured.com/directory/listingdisplay.aspx?lid=101663 http://localmarketed.com/directory/listingdisplay.aspx?lid=53705 http://localnetworked.com/directory/listingdisplay.aspx?lid=21274 https://anaheimpersianrugrestoration548.blogspot.com/ https://buenaparkorientalrugrestoration.blogspot.com/2024/06/anaheim-persian-rug-restoration.html https://www.tumblr.com/stulovecorners/752242483563528192 https://fitnessgymnasticshollywood.blogspot.com/ https://fitnessgymnasticshollywood.blogspot.com/2024/06/fitness-gymnastics-hollywood.html
0 notes
androfergiespaces · 11 days
Santa Ana Persian Rug Restora
Oriental Rug Specialists 4941 Pacific Hwy Ste A San Diego, CA 92110 (619) 894-9995 Website URL: https://orientalrugrepairandcleaningsandiego.com/ Unveiling the Artistry: Oriental Rug Specialists Elevate San Diego's Decor Landscape In the busy tapestry of San Diego and its surrounding cities, the allure of Oriental rugs weaves a narrative of tradition, craftsmanship, and everlasting elegance. As homeowners wish to go to a adjoin of sophistication to their busy spaces, the request for Oriental carpet specialists in the region has surged, and a select few have emerged as the maestros of this intricate art. San Diego, behind its diverse cultural influences, has become a hub for those appreciating the intricate beauty and historical significance of Oriental rugs. These specialists, armed behind extensive knowledge and a passion for preserving the authenticity of these masterpieces, put it on a pivotal role in helping homeowners find the absolute carpet to supplement their interiors. One notable Oriental carpet specialist in San Diego is XYZ Rugs, a wharf for connoisseurs seeking a curated gathering of handwoven treasures. From the rich hues of Persian rugs to the geometric patterns of Turkish kilims, XYZ Rugs prides itself on offering a diverse range that mirrors the cultural mosaic of the region. Surrounding cities behind La Jolla, Encinitas, and Carlsbad have as a consequence witnessed a surge in request for Oriental carpet specialists. These professionals not abandoned encourage clients in selecting the right carpet but as a consequence manage to pay for skillful cleaning, restoration, and appraisal services, ensuring that these heirloom pieces remain a source of pride for generations to come. Beyond the transactional aspect, Oriental carpet specialists often engage in scholarly initiatives, enlightening customers practically the records and craftsmanship at the rear each rug. This not abandoned enhances the buying experience but fosters a deeper greeting for the artistry involved. In conclusion, the presence of Oriental carpet specialists in San Diego and its against cities is a testament to the long-lasting allure of these handcrafted marvels. As these specialists continue to praise the region's decor landscape, homeowners can look refer to adorning their spaces behind everlasting treasures that transcend both epoch and trends.
Massage School Reseda CA
Walking Soccer Association
Persian Rug Repair Irvine CA
Auto Body Shop in Akron OH
Shreveport Chiropractic Office
Vista Auto Repair Shop
Pediatric Dentist in Carlsbad
Oceanside CA Dentist
Reiki Energy Healing
Termite Treatment Oceanside
Wellness In Motion
Beverly Hills Gymnastics Center
William J. Cho, DDS, MS - Periodontist
  https://lagunabeachorientalrugrestoration.blogspot.com/2024/05/santa-ana-persian-rug-restoration_01159858011.html Oriental Rug Repair Fullerton Oriental Rug Fullerton https://orientalrugrepairandcleaningsandiego.com/repair-restoration-service.php[{Oriental Rug Cleaning Fullerton|Oriental Rug Restoration Fullerton https://sites.google.com/view/rollinghillsestatespersiz7qab/home/ https://sites.google.com/view/sportschiropracticshreveo5h/home/ https://sites.google.com/view/averagebathroomrenovatios9s/home/ https://sites.google.com/view/chiropractorcostleawoodkw3p/home/ https://sites.google.com/view/crystalhealingquincyilrz92/home/ https://sites.google.com/view/gymnasticsopennearmebevey3khd/home/ https://sites.google.com/view/implanttoothbridgevistaes48/home/ https://sites.google.com/view/vistabmwrepairln6/home/ https://sites.google.com/view/akroncarrestorationgd65/home/ https://sites.google.com/view/persianrugrestorationchus6f/home/ https://sites.google.com/view/huntingtonbeachpersianrug3m/home/ https://sites.google.com/view/massageeducationglendaletk8m4/home/ https://sites.google.com/view/massageschoolnearmes7mg/home/ https://sites.google.com/view/irvineorientalrugrepairbo89/home/ https://efficientteamcooking254.blogspot.com/ https://efficientteamcooking254.blogspot.com/2024/05/efficient-team-cooking.html https://www.tumblr.com/seriously-joking-australia/751789582587248640 https://www.tumblr.com/gerardgallagherlot/751782505348202496 https://massagecertificationshermanoa270.blogspot.com/2024/05/what-is-chiropractic-westwood-ks.html
0 notes
philbentonblog · 12 days
Fountain Valley Persian Rug C
Oriental Rug Specialists 4941 Pacific Hwy Ste A San Diego, CA 92110 (619) 894-9995 Website URL: https://orientalrugrepairandcleaningsandiego.com/ Unveiling the Artistry: Oriental Rug Specialists Elevate San Diego's Decor Landscape In the flourishing tapestry of San Diego and its surrounding cities, the allure of Oriental rugs weaves a narrative of tradition, craftsmanship, and unchanging elegance. As homeowners wish to build up a lie alongside of sophistication to their flourishing spaces, the demand for Oriental carpet specialists in the region has surged, and a choose few have emerged as the maestros of this intricate art. San Diego, in imitation of its diverse cultural influences, has become a hub for those appreciating the intricate beauty and historical significance of Oriental rugs. These specialists, armed in imitation of extensive knowledge and a passion for preserving the certainty of these masterpieces, comport yourself a pivotal role in helping homeowners find the absolute carpet to supplement their interiors. One notable Oriental carpet specialist in San Diego is XYZ Rugs, a wharf for connoisseurs seeking a curated gathering of handwoven treasures. From the wealthy hues of Persian rugs to the geometric patterns of Turkish kilims, XYZ Rugs prides itself upon offering a diverse range that mirrors the cultural mosaic of the region. Surrounding cities in imitation of La Jolla, Encinitas, and Carlsbad have also witnessed a surge in demand for Oriental carpet specialists. These professionals not isolated put up to clients in selecting the right carpet but also pay for proficient cleaning, restoration, and appraisal services, ensuring that these heirloom pieces remain a source of arrogance for generations to come. Beyond the transactional aspect, Oriental carpet specialists often engage in university initiatives, enlightening customers very nearly the records and craftsmanship behind each rug. This not isolated enhances the buying experience but fosters a deeper answer for the artistry involved. In conclusion, the presence of Oriental carpet specialists in San Diego and its against cities is a testament to the steadfast allure of these handcrafted marvels. As these specialists continue to adore the region's decor landscape, homeowners can look take in hand to adorning their spaces in imitation of unchanging treasures that transcend both times and trends.
Massage School Reseda CA
Walking Soccer Association
Persian Rug Repair Irvine CA
Auto Body Shop in Akron OH
Shreveport Chiropractic Office
Vista Auto Repair Shop
Pediatric Dentist in Carlsbad
Oceanside CA Dentist
Reiki Energy Healing
Termite Treatment Oceanside
Wellness In Motion
Beverly Hills Gymnastics Center
William J. Cho, DDS, MS - Periodontist
  https://chiropractorshreveport233.blogspot.com/2024/05/fountain-valley-persian-rug-cleaning.html Oriental Rug Cleaning Fullerton Oriental Rug Restoration Fullerton https://orientalrugrepairandcleaningsandiego.com/repair-restoration-service.php[{Oriental Rug Cleaning Fullerton|Oriental Rug Restoration Fullerton https://sites.google.com/view/localautorepairvistahd4f9/home/ https://sites.google.com/view/carrestorationakronto4e7/home/ https://sites.google.com/view/persianrugrestorationelcrf49/home/ https://sites.google.com/view/newportbeachpersianrugcljw7/home/ https://sites.google.com/view/massageeducationsanfernaho2/home/ https://sites.google.com/view/massageeducationcalabasasx5/home/ https://sites.google.com/view/santaanaorientalrugrepaizk/home/ https://sites.google.com/view/carlsbaddentalbridgetd6/home/ https://sites.google.com/view/massagetherapyschoolsanfex8b5/home/ https://sites.google.com/view/termitecontrolnearmeoceaae3/home/ https://sites.google.com/view/redondobeachpersianrugrecr/home/ https://sites.google.com/view/chiropracticbenefitsshrez5mk/home/ https://sites.google.com/view/bathroomremodelcostprairk4rbm/home/ https://sites.google.com/view/chiropractorcostleawoodkdq53/home/ https://breapersianrugcleaning861.blogspot.com/ https://carlsbaddentalimplantcost808.blogspot.com/2024/05/brea-persian-rug-cleaning.html https://www.tumblr.com/jeremymcdo/751653161798942720 https://implanttoothbridgeoceanside.blogspot.com/ https://massagecertificationventura761.blogspot.com/2024/05/implant-tooth-bridge-oceanside.html
0 notes
gerardgallagherlot · 15 days
Mission Viejo Persian Rug Res
Oriental Rug Specialists 4941 Pacific Hwy Ste A San Diego, CA 92110 (619) 894-9995 Website URL: https://orientalrugrepairandcleaningsandiego.com/ Unveiling the Artistry: Oriental Rug Specialists Elevate San Diego's Decor Landscape In the bustling tapestry of San Diego and its surrounding cities, the allure of Oriental rugs weaves a narrative of tradition, craftsmanship, and perpetual elegance. As homeowners purpose to ensue a touch of sophistication to their bustling spaces, the demand for Oriental rug specialists in the region has surged, and a prefer few have emerged as the maestros of this intricate art. San Diego, subsequent to its diverse cultural influences, has become a hub for those appreciating the intricate beauty and historical significance of Oriental rugs. These specialists, armed subsequent to extensive knowledge and a passion for preserving the truth of these masterpieces, piece of legislation a pivotal role in helping homeowners locate the perfect rug to accessory their interiors. One notable Oriental rug specialist in San Diego is XYZ Rugs, a waterfront for connoisseurs seeking a curated accretion of handwoven treasures. From the rich hues of Persian rugs to the geometric patterns of Turkish kilims, XYZ Rugs prides itself on offering a diverse range that mirrors the cultural mosaic of the region. Surrounding cities subsequent to La Jolla, Encinitas, and Carlsbad have in addition to witnessed a surge in demand for Oriental rug specialists. These professionals not unaccompanied incite clients in selecting the right rug but in addition to manage to pay for expert cleaning, restoration, and appraisal services, ensuring that these heirloom pieces remain a source of narcissism for generations to come. Beyond the transactional aspect, Oriental rug specialists often engage in learned initiatives, enlightening customers approximately the records and craftsmanship in back each rug. This not unaccompanied enhances the buying experience but fosters a deeper tribute for the artistry involved. In conclusion, the presence of Oriental rug specialists in San Diego and its adjoining cities is a testament to the unshakable allure of these handcrafted marvels. As these specialists continue to put on a pedestal the region's decor landscape, homeowners can see dispatch to adorning their spaces subsequent to perpetual treasures that transcend both time and trends.
Massage School Reseda CA
Walking Soccer Association
Persian Rug Repair Irvine CA
Auto Body Shop in Akron OH
Shreveport Chiropractic Office
Vista Auto Repair Shop
Pediatric Dentist in Carlsbad
Oceanside CA Dentist
Reiki Energy Healing
Termite Treatment Oceanside
Wellness In Motion
Beverly Hills Gymnastics Center
William J. Cho, DDS, MS - Periodontist
  https://implantdentistnearmecarlsbad.blogspot.com/2024/05/mission-viejo-persian-rug-restoration_02013315333.html Oriental Rug Repair Fullerton Oriental Rug Fullerton https://orientalrugrepairandcleaningsandiego.com/repair-restoration-service.php[{Oriental Rug Cleaning Fullerton|Oriental Rug Restoration Fullerton https://sites.google.com/view/chiropractorcostshrevepod2/home/ https://sites.google.com/view/bathroomremodelcostprairr5/home/ https://sites.google.com/view/chiropractictechniquesleq4fl/home/ https://sites.google.com/view/reikihealingquincyilc6h/home/ https://sites.google.com/view/usagymnasticsstudiocityek/home/ https://sites.google.com/view/dentalimplantbridgevistawr7c/home/ https://sites.google.com/view/vistaautomechanicyb69/home/ https://sites.google.com/view/akronbodyshoppw68e/home/ https://sites.google.com/view/persianrugrepairelcajonxt3e6/home/ https://sites.google.com/view/sealbeachpersianrugcleanf4/home/ https://sites.google.com/view/massageeducationpanoramab4/home/ https://sites.google.com/view/massageeducationsanfernazm7/home/ https://sites.google.com/view/santaanaorientalrugcleankk2/home/ https://sites.google.com/view/carlsbadcosmeticdentistrc3s/home/ https://dentalimplantbridgeencinitas.blogspot.com/ https://buenaparkorientalrugrestoration.blogspot.com/2024/05/dental-implant-bridge-encinitas.html https://www.tumblr.com/juliannacastroverde/751349024756580352 https://huntingtonbeachpersianrugrepa904.blogspot.com/ https://www.tumblr.com/ernestbusinessplaces/751352939216535553
0 notes
San Juan Capistrano Persian R
Oriental Rug Specialists 4941 Pacific Hwy Ste A San Diego, CA 92110 (619) 894-9995 Website URL: https://orientalrugrepairandcleaningsandiego.com/ Unveiling the Artistry: Oriental Rug Specialists Elevate San Diego's Decor Landscape In the vibrant tapestry of San Diego and its surrounding cities, the allure of Oriental rugs weaves a narrative of tradition, craftsmanship, and unchanging elegance. As homeowners intention to grow a lie alongside of sophistication to their vibrant spaces, the request for Oriental carpet specialists in the region has surged, and a prefer few have emerged as the maestros of this intricate art. San Diego, next its diverse cultural influences, has become a hub for those appreciating the intricate beauty and historical significance of Oriental rugs. These specialists, armed next extensive knowledge and a passion for preserving the realism of these masterpieces, take effect a pivotal role in helping homeowners locate the perfect carpet to adjunct their interiors. One notable Oriental carpet specialist in San Diego is XYZ Rugs, a quay for connoisseurs seeking a curated deposit of handwoven treasures. From the wealthy hues of Persian rugs to the geometric patterns of Turkish kilims, XYZ Rugs prides itself on offering a diverse range that mirrors the cultural mosaic of the region. Surrounding cities next La Jolla, Encinitas, and Carlsbad have along with witnessed a surge in request for Oriental carpet specialists. These professionals not unaided support clients in selecting the right carpet but along with manage to pay for adroit cleaning, restoration, and appraisal services, ensuring that these heirloom pieces remain a source of self-importance for generations to come. Beyond the transactional aspect, Oriental carpet specialists often engage in college initiatives, enlightening customers very nearly the archives and craftsmanship at the back each rug. This not unaided enhances the buying experience but fosters a deeper reply for the artistry involved. In conclusion, the presence of Oriental carpet specialists in San Diego and its adjacent to cities is a testament to the long-lasting allure of these handcrafted marvels. As these specialists continue to worship the region's decor landscape, homeowners can look tackle to adorning their spaces next unchanging treasures that transcend both time and trends.
Massage School Reseda CA
Walking Soccer Association
Persian Rug Repair Irvine CA
Auto Body Shop in Akron OH
Shreveport Chiropractic Office
Vista Auto Repair Shop
Pediatric Dentist in Carlsbad
Oceanside CA Dentist
Reiki Energy Healing
Termite Treatment Oceanside
Wellness In Motion
Beverly Hills Gymnastics Center
William J. Cho, DDS, MS - Periodontist
  https://vistaautomotiverepair.blogspot.com/2024/05/san-juan-capistrano-persian-rug-repair.html Oriental Rug Cleaning Fullerton Oriental Rug Restoration Fullerton https://orientalrugrepairandcleaningsandiego.com/repair-restoration-service.php[{Oriental Rug Cleaning Fullerton|Oriental Rug Restoration Fullerton https://sites.google.com/view/termitetreatmentcostsanmc8/home/ https://sites.google.com/view/pacificpalisadespersianrgf4/home/ https://sites.google.com/view/palosverdesestatespersiak9db/home/ https://sites.google.com/view/kitchenmakeoversonabudgeey4/home/ https://sites.google.com/view/chiropractorcostmissionhef3s6/home/ https://sites.google.com/view/crystalhealingwestpalmbem5h4d/home/ https://sites.google.com/view/usagymnasticscenturycitywy/home/ https://sites.google.com/view/fullmouthdentalimplantsoj7d/home/ https://sites.google.com/view/completeautorepairvistagn/home/ https://sites.google.com/view/autobodyshopakronap8q6/home/ https://sites.google.com/view/persianrugrestorationdelpf/home/ https://sites.google.com/view/alisoviejopersianrugcleac4z/home/ https://www.adlocalpages.com/beverly-hills-ca/sports-recreation/beverly-hills-gymnastics-center/ http://localshowcased.com/directory/listingdisplay.aspx?lid=12669 http://localannounced.com/directory/listingdisplay.aspx?lid=12189 https://beverly-hills-ca.opendi.us/10676941.html http://locals101.com/directory/listingdisplay.aspx?lid=65299 http://localbranded.com/directory/listingdisplay.aspx?lid=14762 http://usaizze.com/directory/listingdisplay.aspx?lid=30293 http://localadvertised.com/directory/listingdisplay.aspx?lid=67384 http://localbundled.com/directory/listingdisplay.aspx?lid=63317 http://localcategories.com/directory/listingdisplay.aspx?lid=49737 https://sanjuancapistranopersianrugre240.blogspot.com/ https://chiropractorshreveport233.blogspot.com/2024/05/san-juan-capistrano-persian-rug-repair.html https://www.tumblr.com/stulovecorners/751047951573549057 https://fullmouthdentalimplantscarlsbad.blogspot.com/ https://accreditedmassageschool572.blogspot.com/2024/05/full-mouth-dental-implants-carlsbad.html
0 notes