#fulton bed
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Contemporary Bedroom - Bedroom
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ninedeuce · 1 year
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St James Place and Fulton Street
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mumblelard · 2 years
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i had to get out a warm blanket last night
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unity-is-strength · 1 year
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Rappers Straight Out Of Bed Stuy
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hi! i saw your post about how true the makers of atsv were to real-life brooklyn and i loved it so much that i just had to ask if you'd be willing to make a more in-depth analysis on that? i'm not from america but i adore the movie so it's very interesting to hear firsthand accounts about its authenticity from locals! ofc this is just a humble request and i completely understand if the answer is no <3
I'd LOVE to! The Spiderverse Series is honestly the most accurate movie of New York I've seen in my life - including live-action movies. I say that not just in essence but in everything. And Across the Universe takes it over the top. Like, INSANELY so.
Across The Spiderverse & It's Dedication to Cultural Accuracy [aka ATSV is so goddamn good I can tell you exactly what street Gwen and Miles went to Mumbattan from. It's that accurate.]
I'm a black, afro-latino, and a born and raised 'Brooklynite'. Despite there being thousands of movies of New York, I'd say less than 5 percent of them are in any way accurate or current. (Yellow taxi cabs are no longer a thing here really.)
But Across the Spiderverse defies that in every way - nailing it historically, culturally, and even by replicating exact locations.
Wanna see the Bodega Spot robbed? Cause it's a real, random bodega! And the building he goes into at the end - I can tell you exactly where it is, with 100% assurity. All by street signs.
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In the first scene with Spot we see him standing outside on the curb, looking into the store. On the corner there is a street sign that reads Fulton St.
Fulton is an actual street in BedStuy (Bedford Stuyvesant, pronounced Bed-St-eye), literally a stone's throw from my house. And they take it further.
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Although it can be hard to see, the other side to the left of it reads Nostrand Ave. Fulton and Nostrand is a very popular intersection in the neighborhood, mainly because there's a subway station for the A line located on one corner.
There's Nostrand and Fulton.
But if you turn to the other corner you see...A Bodega! Looks familar?
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That's the bodega Spot robbed.
99% of the people who watch this movie will be from New York. Even less will be from BedStuy. Even less will catch the split second sign on the corner, only on screen for only a few frames.
It took me 3 watches to notice. But I noticed. And my jaw dropped. How much that means is unexplainable. I've been on that corner, and the TacoBell across the street. And so has Miles. That's insane.
It doesn't stop there.
Spot enters the store, as we pass we see a sticker for 'WIC/EBT' on the cashier's counter. I'm not sure how common this is - but WIC and EBT standards for Welfare Benefits and Food Stamps. As you cannot buy warm food with Food Stamps (sadly), lots of bodegas advertise taking EBT for the deli sandwiches.
Nice shout out to the struggling families in the communities, I love a Bodega that takes EBT.
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We move towards the back of the store - In the Bodega while Spot messes with the ATM we get a wider shot, and another very insanely specific shout out.
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Behind Spot is a sign showing a Beef Patty (which I'll mention in a moment) and a sun logo called 'Sunny Patty'.
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This is a direct call out to a specific chain of Beef Patty shops in Brooklyn and Harlem called 'Golden Krust'.
I cannot stress how much of a niche reference this is! Golden Krusts only exist in low income neighborhoods - mainly in Brooklyn, Harlem, and the Bronx. If you're anywhere near Times Square or any place else New York shows choose to portray - you're not finding a Golden Krust.
Golden Krusts are store that is ingrained in Caribbean culture, which Brooklyn is full of - hence the adapted Jamaican flag up front. I grew up eating Golden Krust and I'd eat it more if they didn't close so goddamn early.
But it's there.
Once again, only a few pixels, only a few frames, but someone probably took 6 hours drawing that. For the 0.009% of the people who'll get the reference. Low-income, black New Yorkers - like me.
ATSV is so accurate that you can even find the exact spot in which Miles and Gwen leave through the portal.
But before I tell you where it is - I wanna talk about why it's so important.
It's important because one of the most famous Spider-man scenes in history is just plain WRONG to New Yorkers.
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This scene is ENTIRELY incorrect, and I knew it even as a child.
Firstly, based on the skyscrapers everywhere, this is solidly Manhattan. The train says Bay Ridge, which is in South Brooklyn, maybe 40 minutes away by train. So I'm going to assume this is the Q or B train, running through Manhattan. Which, okay they do, but -
There are NO elevated trains in Manhattan. The Q, like every other train, only goes above ground in Brooklyn and Queens. This is very clearly Chicago.
So he couldn't be doing this. It's a simple but HUGE fuck up. Any one born in New York will notice it because Manhattan just looks wrong with elevated trains.
And it would've been fine if they just set it in Brooklyn where Bay Ridge and the elevated trains actually are.
But instead they made generic Manhattan streets - so much so I can't even tell what neighborhood they're in. Do you see how this is such a problem?
Across The Spiderverse is animated. And they still put in the effort.
I can't tell you where Peter Parker is stopping that train - it ain't Manhattan - but I CAN tell you where Miles and Gwen leave for Mumbattan.
So let's go back to where we started. We're on Fulton and Nostrand both in BedStuy.
Throughout the fight, we see Spot and Miles go through a couple streets - most notably a very popular street in the neighborhood - Broadway.
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This happens twice, once while fighting Spot, and once when Miles and Gwen grab the hot dogs. They show this twice, cause this will be important for what we're trying to do.
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Now this may not make any sense to you, since it's just random streets, but I'm about to tie it together.
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Gwen releases the bug near an elevated train. When we see Miles and Gwen swinging, they cling to a train. Now, it's hard to tell what train this is but so far we know.
We're in Brooklyn
We're near Broadway
We're near an elevated train line
There's a station on Broadway called Broadway Junction. It serves the G line and the J,M,Z line.
When we see the train pass by, we get a glimpse of the model. Each train line has a slightly different variation, with some being a lot old. The one that passes is one of the newer ones.
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(Once again, very accurate, as those models do run on elevated lines)
And although we can't see the letter on the train, by that alone, I can guess we're by the elevated J,M,Z lines in BedStuy - near Broadway Junction. Easy. Now we just need to know what stop we're at.
Well, they tell us that too. Finally, When Spot heads into the building we get a glimpse of the exact street he's on - Bedford.Ave
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So I just threw a LOT of information at you - but look at this map of the J,M,Z line and hopefully it comes together
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At the bottom along the green line - we see Bedford/Nostrand Ave. Remember, the robbery starts us off on Nostrand. Let's move up the green line. We get to a part where the green line passes the brown and orange ones - the JMZ trains.
They connect at Broadway (Officially Broadway Junction Station). We see Broadway with the hot dog vendor there.
If we move to left of Broadway we see Marcy Av. - and if we look to the left OF THAT we see a faint white line heading north.
THAT line is Bedford Ave. Where Spot enters the building.
Because we know they're in Brooklyn, and we know they passed Broadway. Plus we know they're now on Bedford by an elevated train that runs newer models.
So from those signs alone we can definitely say that Spot is on Bedford Ave. and Broadway. Next to the JMZ elevated trains, two stops from Broadway Junction in Brooklyn.
100% that's the spot (lol). That's the only place Bedford crosses an elevated train. And as a New Yorker, I got that from this photo.
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Trust me when I say - we can tell.
By those short shots of street signs, we know that Miles started in BedStuy, swung north towards Broadway, then took a turn towards Bedford Ave in Williamsburg. And that's where Gwen plants the bug - and the place she returns to before going to Mumbattan.
Is that crazy? That's CRAZY. Percision accuracy that I have never seen in a movie live-action or otherwise.
All throughout the first scenes of ATSV - they are on actual streets, that are reasonably within swinging distance of each other, along actual train lines - with their stations accurately located.
That's INSANE. There was no need for that amount of detail, but they did it anyway.
There's SO many times in Spider-men movies where they'll start swinging in Queens, and then the next scene is like Upper Manhattan. They don't label the neighborhoods, but from buildings alone, I can tell what neighborhood it is.
And I'm supposed to believe Peter just swung 2 and a half boroughs in twenty minutes. I don't notice. But I NOTICE.
Here, Miles and Gwen are truly swinging accurate distances in the right amount of time. That's mental. And refreshing!
In a live action movie - they have NO excuse. Just film in the city, it's not like we're Gotham. And we give film crews huge tax breaks. In an animated movie - completely understandable. But they still said 'No, that's subpar.' and went the extra mile.
They didn't even have to show ANY street signs, they could've left it at the easter egg at the corner store.
But they didn't. Because they're telling a story about a Black kid from Brooklyn, who leaves for someplace completely unfamiliar. BedStuy is Miles' home, and they wanted to make it feel that way. So when he's not there - in the cold polish of Neuva York - you can feel it.
You can feel Miles leaving his warm, rich community when he lacks that community in the Society. In the movie and IRL, BedStuy is so full of color, with so many people doing so many things and sharing so many cultures.
And in the society, everyone is the same. There's no culture. That's dedication.
Because of a train in Spider-man 2, I was immediately taken out of the story. And because of train in ATSV, I was immediately brought in.
For once, it feels like they're swinging around a neighborhood - cause they are.
A Large Detail in ATSV:
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So I talked about Trinity Church - the real church that Peter Parker was buried at in ITSV - and how accurate the team got it to the actual building.
In fact, this is the spot where Miles is standing.
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Like he's standing maybe 20 feet AT most from this spot, you can see in the windows and spires at the top.
But I also wanna explain why this - and why the fact that Peter was buried there is SO important.
Trinty Church is one of the most famous historical churches in the United States. It was started by the first English settlers in New York. It's extremely famous, and extremely sentimental.
For reference - Alexander Hamilton and his family are also buried at Trinity Church, along with dozens of other important US historical figures - across centuries.
You can't just be buried in Trinity. It's a city landmark. The cemetery is full, small, and you CANNOT pay your way in. The church is extremely choosy with who they will bury there - and honestly, I don't think anyone has been buried there for maybe a century or more.
So for the city to bury Peter Parker's body in the most prominent church in all of the city, if not the country - that speaks VOLUMES.
Like I said in the last post, my father use to work at Trinity Church - and they're the whole deal. Candles burning everywhere, super quiet and devote. The church has catacombs under it, everything.
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They didn't just bury him anywhere. The people of New York went out of their way to give Peter Parker the most honorable burial physically possible within the city of New York.
The highest honor for any New Yorker. One reserved only for Spider-man.
Which I think was an amazing touch. Especially since Trinity is in downtown Manhattan - so anyone could come visit and pay respects.
Other Cultural Accuracies
Before we wrap up I wanna breeze through some other cultural accuracies that appear in ATSV.
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Miles stops to eat a Jamaican Beef Patty while in the Bodgea. I spoke about these earlier with the Golden Krust sign. Jamaican beef patties are these flaky pastries colored with tumeric, full of spicy meat. And they are very popular with the large Carribean community in Brooklyn - which I'm apart of :)
In the case, we see the Beef Patties labeled with red dots. But Miles seems to go for the only one without it.
I'm guessing the red dots indicate which ones are the spicy Beef Patties and which ones are the mild, and Miles grabbed the last mild one they had.
They draw it really well, especially while Miles is eating it.
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"Spider-man seems more Dominican." Genuine question - did anyone laugh at this joke in your theatre?
Because all three times I went, people laughed. The first time people LOVED that joke.
NYC, especially the Bronx has a HUGE Puerto Rican AND Dominican population - many times living side by side
And there's this kinda 'beef' in the same way Yankees fans have beef with the Mets fans (NYC baseball teams)
The best way I can describe the joke is that they're two very strong, very proud Spanish cultures that are often mistaken for each other - but Puerto Ricans and Dominicans can very obviously tell each other apart. Mainly because of the Spanish they speak.
So for him and his mom to have that back and forth, it's kinda an inside joke of Puerto Ricans and Dominicans getting confused for each other - but them being able to tell the difference.
His mom says Spider-man is Puerto Rican, but Miles corrects her - without backing it up with any reason.
It's like they can just TELL.
I don't know how else to explain the joke but its a very New Yorker thing to do - discuss that out like that.
Since a lot of us are the children of immigrants - it's knee-jerk to identify with your parent country and not this one.
If you ask someone in New York 'What are you'. Many young people (me included) would say "Oh I'm *parents nationality*." In my case, I say I'm Bajan and Peruvian. Even though I was born in New York.
Miles would say he's Puerto Rican though he's never been.
So them discussing where Spider-man is 'from' even though he's obviously a New Yorker is the joke.
Like - someone on the writing team HAD to be from New York to add that in cause it's so...oddly New Yorker???
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While swinging Miles and Gwen pass the B46 bus. Once again, completely accurate. The scene starts on Nostrand and Fulton. The B46 does indeed stop on Fulton St.
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When they're swinging, the movie accurately shows the new World Trade Center (aka The Freedom Tower) - which is the tallest building in the picture.
Also, the bridge to the LEFT is the Brooklyn Bridge, while the tall one on the right is Manhattan Bridge. Many people don't know there's actually two bridges. (There's more but those two are the main ones)
Good on them for showing both Bridges, both accurately placed as well
Fun fact: Trains run over the Manhattan Bridge - the Q, B and a couple others (beautiful - I love it when they do) but trains do not run over the Brooklyn Bridge.
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And lastly, when Miles and Spot are on Broadway, the school behind them is actually architecturally accurate for a Brooklyn school. So much so that design is iconic.
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______________________ So those are most if not all of the cultural accuracies in Across the Spiderverse!
I cannot stress enough how ridiculously bang on this movie is in terms of everything.
The team put in so much work, and it paid off. To me, at least.
I don't feel like Miles is some kid from a different alternative New York. I feel like he's a real kid in MY New York. From everything down to his Jordans (don't even get me started on how much Jordan's has a CHOKEHOLD on teenagers in New York. Like...it's a status thing. Even since I was a kid, everyone wanted Jordans. Jordans or Nike Air Force 1s. So having Miles wear Jordans is my favorite thing cause yea a kid from BedStuy would think those are flyest shit ever even though they're just regular degular Jordans lol. And you KNOW Miles 42 a sneakerhead. Look at those shoes. He aint creasing those)
This movie, is chef's kiss. It tops all other New York portrays - live-action or otherwise and I stand on that.
If you read this far, thank you SO much. I love sharing New York culture (and the cultures that make it what it is to begin with) and I'm SO happy I can share this stuff and hopefully help people appreciate the movie more too!
If you learned something or have any questions, I'm all ears!
And I usually leave a photo of Hobie here as a send-off but this post hit the photo limit LMAOOOOOO
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ariesqueencobra · 7 months
what we used to be | X
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Pairing: Eli Moskowitz x Fem!Reader
Summary: You face the biggest challenge you've faced along side your boyfriend and friends. It's also summertime and unfortunately you have school work to do, thankfully, your boyfriend is smart!
Warnings: hazing, dangerous training techniques, mentions of sex, drugs and alcohol (reader just lists these things), lying to parents?
Word Count: 2.7k
A/N: A cute moment between Reader and Eli is here, I loved writing it! It was so cute! S2 and S3 are definitely my fav seasons so it's so fun to write rn!
Thank you to those who already reblog and comment, I see you and I love you all for it!
I don't consent to this work being copied, translated or reposted.
“What do you think? Shithead one and Shithead Two?” Eli pondered as you, him, and Aisha stood in front of two new students.
“I was thinking Mary-Kate and Asshat,” Aisha said.
You laughed at the creativity, raising a brow at the two boys, hoping they caught the gist of this being a playful thing.
“Well, I’m Chris-,” the taller one began.
“Did I say you could speak?” Eli shouted, making the two flinch.
You snickered, not thinking he would do that but it was priceless seeing the looks on their faces.
“Guys they’re just messing with you,” Miguel came up to reassure them. “Besides everyone knows your names are Assface and Douchebag,” he smirked before he joined the three of you.
Enjoying the light hazing with your friends, the bells jangled and you noticed an old man come walking in, carrying a duffle bag and looking around the dojo. Though, he didn’t seem too impressed.
“Who’s that?” Eli asked Miguel.
He shook his head, you and Aisha wondering the same thing as Eli.
Miguel went to talk to the man, while you, your boyfriend, and Aisha went back to messing with the students until Sensei gathered everyone.
“Class, we have a visitor,” he started, walking in front of the class. “This is Mr. Kreese. He’s just an observer, pretend like he’s not even here,” he gestured to the man from before, who stood off to the side. “Mr. Diaz, warm them up.”
Miguel bowed before coming to the front. “Fighting positions,” he ordered. “Front kick.” 
All of you repeated the motion.
“Forward strike.” 
“Side jab,” he instructed, giggling as he did when he dabbed.
The class erupted in laughs as you all joined in on the antics, unbeknownst to Sensei’s reaction.
“What the hell was that?” Sensei asked.
“We were just messing around,” Miguel shrugged, playing it off.
“Yeah, besides we already know how to kick ass,” Eli smirked.
“Oh yeah so you know everything, there’s nothing left to learn?” Sensei walked along the front row.
Your smile faltered and you felt bad but as your good friend next to you started snickering, you couldn’t help the upward curve form on your lips.
“What’s so funny, Miss Robinson?” He came in front of her.
“Nothing Sensei, you wouldn’t understand,” she shook her head, glancing down to hide her smile.
“Try me.”
“It's a snake-do,” she glanced up, unable to hold back her laughter.
“What’s a snake-do?”
You all hissed like a snake, slithering your arms.
You shook from shock, never hearing Sensei shout like that before. 
“5 a.m. tomorrow morning. Corner of Fulton and Raymor. You don’t show then you’re off the team,” he stalked towards his office. “Class dismissed,” he threw his arm up. 
You were wide-eyed shocked, mouth agape as you stared at your friends. It took a few moments until you process what happened and left like he said.
“What do you think was Sensei’s problem?” Eli asked you as he landed on his bed. 
Eli drove you back to his place. With the rest of the class wanting to head home to make sure they fell asleep early, you had the rest of the afternoon with your boyfriend.
“Beats me, I’ve never seen him angrier. Do you think he was embarrassed because of Mr. Kreese?” You hummed, thinking over the possibility. 
“Wonder what that old chode was doing there,” he chuckled.
You passed him a look while you walked over to his desk, placing your backpack on the chair to unpack your stuff. You brought your summer work over in hopes that Eli would help you with your AP Biology work since he’d taken the class the year prior.
That class on top of the AP Art course you were also going to take, you were a little overwhelmed with the work you needed to complete before junior year even began. 
“Wait, you’re seriously going to do homework?” He cocked a brow, sitting up from his bed. “It’s summer vacation, babe.” 
“Well I have two AP classes on my schedule next semester and for some reason, they gave us this whole packet for Biology, if I don’t get at least half done before July, I know I’m not gonna get it done in time,” you explained.
He walked over to his desk, looking over your shoulder. “I thought you were gonna tell your mom you were done with nerd classes,” he said. 
You glanced up at him. “I thought so too, but she already paid for the class,” you huffed. “Can you just help me with it?” 
He sighed. “You haven’t even started,” he noticed the untouched packet on the desk. “At least give it a try on your own.” 
You pressed your lips together, knowing he didn’t want to do it because it was “nerdy”.
“I need my smart boyfriend to help me through it though,” you smiled. “Please?”
“I’m done with the nerd shit, Y/N.”
You frowned. “In front of other people, but not with me,” you said. “Right?” 
He exhaled.
“You don’t have to pretend not to be smart with me because I already know you are. I understand you don’t like video games or comics anymore, but you can’t get rid of how easily you calculate the tangent of a circle in your head,” you pointed. 
Closing his eyes, he inhaled deeply. “Fine, what do you need help with?” He walked over to you, pulling up a chair next to you. 
You scooted closer, centering the packet between you. “Everything,” you laughed. 
He chuckled, wrapping his arm around you as he handed you a pencil and your notebook, beginning to walk you through the problems. 
Reading about the cellular structure made no sense, but somehow hearing Eli explain it made you feel like you could teach an entire college class about it. 
“It’s vesicles after vacuoles, so that question would be marked wrong. Just alphabetize it so you know it’s in the right order,” he corrected.
You nodded, erasing the mistake and fixing it. 
He continued to read over your answers, checking which ones were right. 
You remembered all the times he would do that before, the way his eyes would focus so intently, you could see the way his mind worked, putting the solution together for the problem. The way his nostrils would flare when he got stuck on something. The way his tongue would dart out between his lips in thought. 
He has always been like that. 
He’s always been smart. 
“Are you paying attention?” Eli questioned, a playful grin on his face.
“Yes, I am,” you were quick to say.
“Alright,” he smirked. “What’s the correct answer for 34 then?” He asked, knowing he caught you in your lie.
“It’s not my fault I’m attracted to you, okay?” You defended. “I can’t help it,” you shrugged.
He only laughed as he rubbed your arm, pressing a kiss to your cheek before going back to explaining biology to you.
Waking up at 4 a.m. just to get to where Sensei ordered you to be at 5 a.m. was miserable.
You were struggling to keep your eyes open, but when Sensei showed you where you’d be working, the adrenaline made its way into your body and you were awake now. 
“Don’t add too much water. You wanna make it nice and thick,” Sensei ordered.
You grunted as you heaved a heavy bag of cement off the pile, carrying it over to pour more into the wheelbarrow Aisha was mixing in. 
“Keep stirring!” 
You sighed, cutting open the bag. You were going to offer to take turns stirring when Sensei called the group over as a cement truck pulled up.
The driver got out, handing the keys to Sensei and scurrying off after he saw you all. 
You all stared at him in wonder before he opened his mouth to speak.
“You think winning the All-Valley gives you the right to goof off?” He asked. 
Unsure how to answer, you glanced at each other. 
“Well, I got news for you, winning one championship doesn’t mean squat! A true champion never stops training. You gotta keep moving forward or else you could get stuck exactly where you are. It’s like the cement in this truck,” he pointed behind him. “That drum doesn't start turning, the cement inside will harden and get stuck. Is that what you want to happen to you?”
“No, Sensei!” 
“Good, then climb up and make it spin,” he said.
You all froze. 
“We learned our lesson,” Eli said, pleading for this not to go further.
“Get in!” He ordered, releasing the latch to drop the ladder. 
“Sensei, this seems dangerous. I mean the fumes alone-,” Miguel began, shaking his head.
“Quiet!” Mr. Kreese shouted, holding the same conviction as Sensei. “This man led you to the mountaintop and you question him?” He tipped his head to the side. “Look at you, look at all of you. I can’t believe this pathetic pack of pussies competed in the All Valley, and let alone won,” he chuckled. “It’s an absolute miracle. And who’s responsible for that miracle? Johnny Lawrence,” he pointed at your Sensei. “The best student in all of Cobra Kai. My student.”
You gasped in shock.
“You were Sensei’s sensei?” Eli questioned, eyes widening.
“You better believe it kid,” he responded. “And I never trained a tougher student in my whole life, so listen to every goddamn word he says.”
You eyed the truck, wanting to make Sensei proud. Because of him, you made it to the quarter-finals in the All Valley, he gave Eli more confidence.
“I’ll do it, Sensei,” Miguel said.
He began climbing the ladder and Eli followed, you didn’t think much, not wanting to let fear control you before you followed in after. 
Stepping into the cement chamber, you slid inside, finding Eli and Miguel making their way toward the far end. Your shoes landed in the wet cement, the thick substance making it almost impossible to move. 
“Oh god,” you slipped but Eli reached out for you, preventing you from falling in. 
The cement gushed under your feet and you stood beside Eli as Mitch and Chris followed in afterwards. 
You stared at each other, unsure what to do.
“Don’t just stand there, move!” Sensei commanded.
You all pressed your weight on one side, trying to rotate the container but it was slippery, your hands sliding down and your feet holding no traction.
“Come on, let’s go!” Eli encouraged. 
You took a deep breath, trying again.
It moved slightly and slowly you gained momentum. You heard Sensei shout on the outside, encouraging you. 
You groaned, trying to use your strength, putting all your weight on it in hopes of hurrying it up. You all kept going, the container rotating. You shut your eyes when the cement started dripping from above, continuing to move your feet.
Everyone was screaming, slipping, falling. It was chaos but the chamber was still moving.
“C’mon, get up!” Eli grabbed Miguel by his hoodie, hoisting him up after he fell into the cement.
“We’re doing it!” You gasped.
Your friends and boyfriend cheered, the momentum making it easier to move. 
You did it. 
“You should be proud of yourselves, I know I’m proud,” Sensei smiled, spraying everyone with a hose. “Your parents would be proud, too, if you told them what we did here today, which we won’t,” he warned.
You shut your eyes as he sprayed over your face.
“You pushed forward like champions, never stopping, never being satisfied, never giving up. If you keep pushing and keep moving forward, you’re gonna go to places you never even dreamed of,” he concluded.
You smiled. 
You kissed Eli goodbye before you got out of the car. Your clothes and hair were drenched, even after having the windows open so you prayed that your parents were still asleep when you walked in. 
“How was practice, sweetie?” Your mom asked when she heard you open the door.
“It was great,” you said, clutching your hoodie as you winced, thankfully she was in the kitchen. 
You took off your shoes, quietly moving down the hall.
“We’re gonna visit grandma at two, why don’t you take a nap before we head out so you’re not tired?” She suggested. 
The sizzle of the oil could be heard and the smell of pancakes engulfed your nose. The knife hitting the cutting board rang through the house. All tells that she was distracted. 
“Sounds good,” you sighed out in relief, sneaking past the entry of the kitchen and making a beeline to your room. You were going to make it, but the moment your hand landed on your doorknob, a voice was heard behind you.
“Why the hell are you wet?” Your dad appeared at the bottom of the stairs, a frown on his face as he stared at you.
“Uh,” you were searching for a lie. “We had to practice our balance and I fell into a pool,” you said. 
“Balancing act, huh?” He furrowed his brows, crossing his arms over his chest. “I don’t recall there being a pool on the corner of Fulton and Raymor.”
You gulped. “We ended up going to the water park, Sensei knows a guy. I didn’t say anything because I figured you two were asleep,” you chewed on your lip.
“Hmm,” he nodded. “Why is there cement on your shoe then?” He asked, staring at the blotch of dried cement on the pair you left by the door.
“I don’t know.” 
“Go in the kitchen,” he pointed. 
You dropped your head, walked into the kitchen, and took a seat on the bar stool. 
The sound of chopping stopped as your mother stared at you. “What happened, honey?” 
You hope she took your lie better, leaving this incident in the past, but your father wasn’t like that.
“Tell your mother and me the truth,” he said.
“Nothing happened, it was just training. We were messing around in class yesterday and Sensei didn’t like it, we had to mix cement today,” you shrugged.
“That doesn’t explain why you’re creating a puddle anywhere you walk,” your dad argued. 
“I,” you sucked in a breath. “Nothing happened!” 
“Look what I told you, it’s already happening,” your dad whispered to your mother and she rolled her eyes.
You furrowed your brows. “What are you talking about? What’s happening?”
“The lies, the being sneaky, the never telling us where you are,” he said. “I knew this is what would happen if you joined Cobra Kai.” 
“I wasn’t lying, I’m not being sneaky, and I always tell you where I am!” You raised your voice. “I could be out doing drugs and drinking, having sex! But guess what?! I don’t!” Your brows raised, eyes wide as you proved your point. “I’m a good daughter, I get good grades in school.”
“You’re right,” your dad agreed. “You are a good kid, but being in Cobra Kai will take that away from you.” 
“Honey,” your mother warned, placing a hand on his arm. 
“I just don’t understand why you hate Cobra Kai so much,” you scoffed. “It’s a better version of itself than the one you grew up with in the 80s, okay?” 
He clenched his jaw, clearly something he wasn’t saying and that made you angry.
“Doesn’t look that way to me at the All Valley, after what Eli and Miguel did to that kid? I’m only looking out for you because you’re my daughter and I love you, I don’t want you getting hurt,” he said.
“You’re overreacting,” your mother raised her hand to shut him up before she turned to you. “Are you hurt?”
“Are you worried you will get hurt?”
“Do you like being a part of Cobra Kai?”
“See? She’s happy,” your mother dusted her hands, going back to cooking. “The 80s was a wild time, nothing can be compared to that anymore,” she chuckled. 
“Yeah, well, go catch up on sleep before we head to my mother’s, the whole family’s gonna be there so we’ll be staying late,” your father frowned in defeat and gestured for you to go to your room. 
You thanked your mother for having your back before you made it to your room.
Today was a good day and you were proud. 
You were badass.
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angelicribbons · 2 months
Alastor with a fem baby regressor
Sorry for the late response, I slept a bit later today :) (I hope you mean headcanons, I just realized you didn’t specify!)
CG! Alastor with a fem baby regressor <3
One (yes, one, he has more) of Alastor’s favorite things to do with you is dress up. Every morning, he gently wakes you up by kissing your head and get down on his knees to put you in old-timey maroon dresses. (Unless you’d prefer another color, which he’d gladly oblige and probably get at least 6 more dresses in that color for you)
He loves to feed you. Setting you down on his lap and softly tipping the bottle into your mouth. Alastor very much appreciates the domestic side of things, so having a little one without going through the hassle of having a partner or making one with them, is a very nice change of pace.
Barely any TV. If you really insist, he’ll let you watch some. But on the old TV, and none of Vox’s stuff. That’ll rot your brain. Spoiled, but in a different way. You have Alastor’s almost constant attention. “Oh, there’s a leak? One moment, my little love needs to finish her bottle.” Much to..most of the hotel’s slight annoyance. He refuses leave you alone. “Leave my little one home? Oh, what nonsense! If I can take her with me, why should I risk her discomfort?” When he has a broadcast to do, he’ll give you a pacifier and rock you in his arms as he goes on about whatever. Softly patting your head in between his music breaks.
On his strolls, he props you up with blankets and pillows in your stroller and your favorite stuffy if you have one. If not, he just brings a couple. He loves showing you off to the other residents in cannibal town. “Isn’t she just a doll? My lovely fawn.” The only other person who’s held you is Auntie Rosie. He doesn’t trust anyone else to do it right.
If you occasionally cause mischief, he likes to watch from the shadows and chuckle unless it becomes a real problem. Then he morphs in front of you and gets down to your level to talk to you. “Dearie, there’s a reason Papa and the others told you not to touch that. It could get you very hurt, Cher. Come on, let’s go read a story to take your mind off this, alright? Papa got you some new books.”
Bed time stories! Always. And if no books seem appealing to you, he’ll turn on the radio and play a story on there. (I feel like he’d play ‘The pirate of New Orleans’, it should be on YouTube, that’s where i watched it)
On the subject of radios, he loves to play you music! (For specifics, I’d say ‘Let’s Misbehave’ by Cole Porter and Irving Aaronson Commanders, and ‘The Birth of the Blues’ by Paul Whiteman and his orchestra, Charles Gaylord, Austin Skin Young, and Jack Fulton) He’ll sing along and loves if you try to sing or hum with him. “Yes, very good, my lovely! Oh you sound just wonderful!”
While he would rather not have anyone touch him, you are his exception. You wanna climb on his shoulder and play with his hair? Absolutely, as long as you don’t fall! You wanna lay down and play with his tail? Of course, just don’t tug too hard! You wanna cling to him like your life depends on it? Why not?
Baby babbles are the cutest thing to Alastor! “Ah, really? Hmm! How interesting! Won’t you go on, my dear?” He actually listens intently, curious if he can hear anything resembling a certain word and base his response off of that.
He never thought he’d be the best with kids, but he’ll certainly try for his little sweetheart. He finds almost everything you do incredibly charming and will not take anyone saying otherwise seriously even for a moment. “Oh, please! She’s just a little thing, you can’t blame her for anything. Especially not with her darling little antics!”
I hope you liked this!!! This warmed my heart because Alastor is my primary cg whenever I’m small <3
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r44d · 4 months
Do you think bashslash have a little routine they do every day like they have to do it or else theyll explode
IDk WHAT ELSE TO ASK but... Do you have anynmore bash slash hcs....
Like what do these silly little guys do all day..
— hmm I think they do, like Dean always gets up first (role call 😣) but then he has to be back in the room for when Fulton wakes up (and for himself too). both of them prefer to get ready together (if it’s a no missions day (which basically means that they have no planned missions, they could just have some sprung on them but they pray they don’t) , then they will wear matching outfits (well not completely, but inspired by the others if you get what I mean).
some more hcs
— Dean is always hot (and always wants to be shirtless), but before Fulton he didn’t understand why he had to have all these sweatshirts and jackets when he’s never going to wear them. Fulton on the other hand is extremely cold, being that he’s an alien and his body cannot contain heat. Dean’s sweatshirts now have a good use :3.
— Fulton tries to copy dean’s verbal stims , some of them are kinda hard for him to do, but he tries to make them sound as close as he can get.
— fulton likes cat toys, he really likes cat scratching posts (he’s got like claws, and they bother him so he likes to scratch them down bc they grow back fast ).
— they go everywhere together (Fulton is always in deans arms)
— the only school Dean is willing to do is teaching fulton about humans / languages :]. He nearly died when fulton learned how to say ‘hi dean’ , it wasn’t perfect, it never really gets to perfect, but it’s still so good.
— fulton (similarly to adam) collects glowing gems from his home planet, and gives them to dean.
— Fulton does have a pet bed in Dean’s room, he just prefers dean (and his body heat)
okay that’s all for now !! 💗🙂‍↔️
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Fulton County’s jails are in real trouble: “[Inmates] are sleeping on the floor in plastic trays. Cell doors hang off hinges, footage from one local news report shows, and leaked water pools on the floor in some areas. Last September, one person was found dead and covered in bed bugs.” The funding to buy Talitrix tracking bracelets is part of an emergency cash infusion triggered by outrage (and litigation risk) over these inhumane conditions. But the hundreds of sensors being studded throughout the county’s jails and the expensive tracking cuffs are obviously solving the wrong problems, like “how do we stop prisoners living under these inhumane conditions from erupting in violence, or taking their own lives?” (For avoidance of doubt, the right question to answer is “How do we eliminate these inhumane conditions and focus on rehabilitation?”)
-The Shitty Tech Adoption Curve Has a Business Model
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pwlanier · 2 months
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Samuel Fulton (British, 1855-1941)
Creature comforts - A Terrier in its bed
signed 'Sam Fulton' (incised lower left)
oil on canvas
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lunarfleur · 1 year
Can I request something? If you’ve got other requests like totally ignore this, but if you could do something for Dean and Portman and their boyfriend? Do whatever you want, really, I trust you and you know what I like so I entirely commend my heart and soul to you <3 do what you will Mickey!
Headaches ~ Fulton Reed and Dean Portman
Tagging: @ilovejoekeeryy @whyareyouhere66 @sluggmuffin @juneberrie @spaceagebachelormann
Summary:Even when you cancel a date, you’re never really cancelling a date.
This is x male reader!
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“Shut up, you’re gonna wake him up!”
[Name] sat up slowly, eyes still adjusting to the feeling of being awake. Fulton and Dean stood in front of his door, bags in hand.
“What are you doing here?” He asked.
Truthfully, he was glad they were so okay with not going out. His head pounded so hard it was a struggle to stand up straight.
“We didn’t want to leave you alone,” Fulton smiled sheepishly. He raised the bag in his hands.
“We got you snacks,” Dean beamed. “Your favorite.”
A laugh escaped [Name]. He couldn’t help but be endeared at how sweet his boyfriends were.
Dean slipped off his shoes and jacket and stepped towards his bed. He sat on the edge quietly, pressing a kiss to [Name’s] lips. Fulton joined, shortly after removing his shoes and putting away everything in the bags.
Portman scooted backwards, letting [Name] curl underneath his arm. Fulton sat on the other side, hand finding its place comfortably on [Name’s] side. He pressed sweet kisses to their jaw, giving a gentle squeeze before letting his eyes find Portman’s. Dean’s hand found its way to Fulton’s. He seized it, squeezing it lovingly.
“I love you both,” [Name] mumbled.
“I love both of you,” Fulton chuckled back.
“I love you both more than anything.”
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spaceagebachelormann · 11 months
Hii am I able to request Dean Portman x M!Reader who is also goth and Bombay’s son? Like how would Bombay and the rest of the team react when they find out Dean and him are dating?
dean with a goth bf who’s bombays son !
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✧ warnings: maybe some homophobia (it takes place in the 90s after all), and mentions of people being judgemental towards readers style. also there’s like one sexual joke
✧ additional info: been wanting to write this for awhile now ngl <3, and also reader is on the team because it makes my life easier
✧ nav. — m.list.
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i’m gonna be honest
he probably thought you were weird at first cause of the way you would dress
he didn’t say anything abt it though because you were bombays son and he didn’t wanna get kicked off the team so he js kept quiet
but i feel like he eventually starts to think ur cool because he’d talk to u through fulton cause fulton seems like that one mf who’s friends with literally everyone
he finds out ur music taste is the bomb (GOTH MUSIC EATS IDC) and slowly builds a friendship over that
he seems like he would be able to easily recognize his feelings for u
but he has internalized homophobia and hid it because his thought was “he’s hot but in a friend way” (it’s not in a friend way)
i hc that him and julie are close friends so when it starts to frustrate him he goes to her
they talk it out and she helps him realize that he def likes u
“everytime i see him i just wanna grab him and kiss him but like in a friend way” “dean would you flirt with your guy friends” “no?? tf?? oh.” “yeah”
probably takes a week to accept it before realizing this way he can pull both guys and girls
he starts making like subtle moves at u since he knows everyone will just think y’all are joking abt something
he’d probably get annoyed if u don’t catch on 😭
after a week of accepting he likes guys he decides to ask u out cause like what’s he got to lose
it was probably SO random too
y’all are sitting on his bed when suddenly he moves closer and just says “ur hot ngl”
and then he confesses slightly normally and y’all start ur relationship!
now because it’s the 90s and it’s a mlm relationship he becomes so much more protective than if he had a gf
someone looks at you guys weird in public? he’s looking even weirder back. someone calls you guys a certain f slur under their breath? he walks up to them and calls it them to their face
at this point he thinks ur style is so cool and interesting and js wants to show u off a lot
will walk behind u to check u out mainly and so u can have the spotlight
and he will fight anyone who makes fun of you
he’d always have an arm around ur waist or shoulders or on ur thigh for funsies
also probably calls u the names of goth artists cause he thinks it’s funny
u bring him something? “thanks robert smith”
u give him a lil kiss after practice? “why don’t u give me another marilyn manson?”
as for bombays reaction
dean probably fucking told him by accident during practice 😭
“dean nobody likes when ur get agressive like that—” “OH YEAH? UR SON SURE FUCKIN DOES”
and then everyone js kinda stares at him
and bombay turns to u and then looks at him again before js telling everyone to keep practicing
he pulls y’all aside to talk to u
he’s supportive ofc <3 but he also reminds u to be careful because people aren’t very accepting
but he also knows there isn’t much to worry about cause when ur dating dean ur also probably bsfs with fulton and those two will die before letting anything happen to u
i cant think of anything else rn but i might come back and add to this!
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Man found dead eaten by bed bugs
The family of Lashawn Thompson, 35, is calling for a criminal investigation into Thompson’s death and for the closure and replacement of a local jail after alleging that Thompson died in custody from bed bugs in a squalid jail cell.
Thompson was incarcerated at the Fulton county Jail in Atlanta on a misdemeanour charge. Jail officials had placed Thompson in the facility’s psychiatric unit after determining that he had mental health issues, but noted that he was physically healthy.
On 13 September 2022, three months after being arrested, Thompson was discovered dead inside a dilapidated cell covered in grime and insects. The cell was so filthy that an employee wore a hazmat suit upon entering.
“They left him there essentially,” said Michael Harper, a lawyer representing the Thompson family, “and they had a plan to take him to the medical observation unit, but their plan never happened, and they found him dead, eaten by these bed bugs.”
Thompson’s family, who live in Alabama, had not known Thompson was incarcerated and only found out when authorities notified them about his death.  Authorities were not able to resuscitate Thompson in his cell. A later autopsy did not determine a cause of death but noted that there were “extremely severe” infestation of small insects on Thompson’s body and a “severe bed bug infestation” in Thompson’s cell. The report also confirmed that Thompson had signs of cuts and wounds along his body from picking his skin. Graphic photos released by Harper show the horrific condition of Thompson’s cell and Thompson covered in bugs.
Brad McCrae, Thompson’s brother, said that the family found the photos distressing to look at during a press conference on Thursday, WSB-TV reported. “It was heart-breaking because nobody should be seen like that. Nobody should see that,” said McCrae.
In a statement to the WSB-TV, the Fulton county sheriff’s office said that they had launched a full investigation into Thompson’s death and had committed $500,000 to address vermin outbreaks in the jail. The sheriff’s office added that after an investigation, the Georgia bureau of investigations would determine if any criminal charges are warranted. The family said that while they appreciated efforts to improve jail conditions, more needed to be done.
“If you look at those pictures, how deplorable that jail cell was, how did they get to that point in the first place?” said Harper “It’s not fit for an animal.”
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waugh-bao · 9 months
I think anyone (mainly women though to be honest) who came into contact with Charlie when Shirley was around mentions how he adored her. It must have been so obvious and touching like ‘I was with Charlie and Shirley for one minute in an elevator and it was clear he adored her.’ Like even if he wanted to hide it he couldn’t. They were both so lucky to have each other. 🥺🥰❤️
Even people who met him when Shirley was on another continent came to know pretty quickly how much he loved her!
I always think of the Canadian journalist E. Kaye Fulton’s recollection of the night she spent in his hotel room in 1977 when she was supposed to be chasing after the rest of the band and Margaret Trudeau. Instead she spent it sitting with him on his bed, watching soaps and talking about life:
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By: Mark Fulton
“Jesus loves me! This I know, For the Bible tells me so” (Traditional, Words by Anna B. Warner)
Most Christians assume Jesus loved anyone who accepted him; that Jesus had a personal interest in each and every individual. Yet they misunderstand their main man. Jesus did not love Gentiles (who he referred to as pagans.) He told his disciples:
“Do not turn your steps to pagan territory, and do not enter any Samaritan town. Go rather to the lost sheep of Israel”  (Matt. 10:6, NJB.)
He said:
“I was sent only to the lost sheep of the House of  Israel”  (Matt. 15:24, NJB.)
Jesus even told his fellow Jews not to pray like pagans (non Jewish people):
“And when you pray, do not keep on babbling like pagans, for they think they will be heard because of their many words. Do not be like them, for your Father knows what you need before you ask him” (Matt. 6:7–8, NJB.)
Here is Jesus’ encounter with a Greek (i.e. non-Jewish) woman:
“He left that place and set out for the territory of Tyre. There he went into a house and did not want anyone to know he was there, but he could not pass unrecognized. A woman whose little daughter had an unclean spirit heard about him straight away and came and fell at his feet. Now the woman was pagan, by birth a Syrophonecian and she begged him to cast the devil out of her daughter and he said to her ‘the children should be fed first, because it is not fair to take the children’s food and throw it to the house dogs’. But she spoke up ‘Ah yes sir’ she replied ‘but the house dogs under the table can eat the children’s scraps’. And he said to her ‘for saying this, you may go home happy; the devil has gone out of your daughter.’ So she went off to her home and found the child lying on the bed and the devil gone” (Mark 7:24–30, NJB.)
Caesaria was the capital of Judea and Sepphoris the capital of Galilee, yet there is no record that Jesus ever visited either city, despite their size and importance, possibly because Gentiles populated them.
Jesus could have taken his mission outside Palestine. Egyptians, Greeks, Africans, and Romans might have been wowed by his words of wisdom, yet he did not bother with them either, as they too were in Gentile territories.
People who push the “Jesus loves you” line need to read their Bibles more carefully, and should try to understand the real history. It is obvious Jesus did not even like you unless you were Jewish.
The man portrayed in the Gospels was often not meek, mild or tolerant. Consider how Jesus threatened people with hell, and bad-mouthed anyone who did not worship him. The Gospels’ authors were not even consistent enough to create an attractive image of Jesus.
Yeshua, the real historical character, if he ever existed, grew up uneducated in the violent xenophobic backwater that was first century Galilee. He was executed by the Romans because he was a militant sectarian zealot. It is obvious that his image as a peace loving, benevolent, humanitarian preacher is a fiction, written by propagandists decades after his death. They were intent on creating an image of him that was the opposite of who he really was.
The bible, like the quran and any other cult doctrine, doesn't advocate for universal love. Only for those in the author's tribe.
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tl2so4 · 2 years
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This is an awesome account of the events that happened that day. It is written by Jeffery - the guy in the fur hat in the front row. Enjoy!
June, 1967
Through SF State College, which I am going to a few years out of the Navy using my GI Bill benefits, I get a summer job through school that has a hundred dollar a month expenses. I go down to the Psychedelic Shop on Haight Street, where a lot of community activities come from and offer them the money. Ron Thelin, who runs the store with his brother Jay, says yes, they can use the money to rent a flatbed truck (for a stage) and a generator (for the guitars) as there is a free concert in the Panhandle of Golden Gate Park on that coming Sunday, June 25, 1967 and asks me to show up for the meeting around 10am Sunday morning.
I wake up that morning in my 75 dollar a month houseboat at Gate 5, Main dock, make a cup of coffee and toast, jump into my car, then leave and drive up the Waldo Grade, go through the tunnel and blast out into brilliant sunlight, wondering now and then, who is going to be performing at this free concert as Jay had never said who it might be.
I glide over that gorgeous Golden Gate bridge, then take the 19th Avenue exit and wend my way to Fulton and finally park in front of the shop on Haight and go in.
There are 4 or 5 guys who are really putting this show together and the work has mostly been taken care of. I just stand quietly st the back of the room. Finally, Jay asks if anyone has a car. I leave my hand down but finally tell him that I do.
"Go down to the Travelodge at Fishermen's Wharf", he tells me, matter-of-factly, "knock on door 157 and bring Jimi Hendrix back to the site, parking on Fell near Ashbury".
I nod to him like I do this stuff every day, jump in my beat-up '59 Studebaker ragtop, pull out and head over. On the way, I think back to last week's Monterey Pop Festival, where a simple twist of fate played out big for me.
The morning of Monterey, my wife ran off with my last roommate in college. About a half hour later, sitting on the edge of the bed dejectedly, there is a knock on the door and my neighbor, Dan Hicks, wants to know if I want to make 20 bucks as he needs help humping music amps and guitars to the Festival. Twenty minutes later, we cross the Golden Gate Bridge and make our way to the Monterey Fairgrounds.
While humping a large amp, Dan on one end and me on the other, I notice something shiny on the ground and squat quickly down and stuff it into my jeans and proceed. We get all the equipment in and I get my 20 bucks and am now outside the gate. Don't know exactly what to do, but after pulling out the shiny object, it turns out to be a simple pin-back with a card that says BACKSTAGE PASS on it.
Things are looking up. The only SLIGHTLY bad thing is it also has someone else's name written on it as well. But, hell, what can they do to me and I am never averse to taking risks, so I pin it on and walk up to the hefty guard at the gate, who sees I have THE PASS and I am in!
I saw a lot of music that weekend, but Otis Redding's scintillating set on Saturday night, even sharing a joint with David Crosby, was a real peak event I have never forgotten. What a professional set he laid down. The best.
Then, Sunday, when I hear Jimi is about to perform, I go out in the left side of the stage and stand behind a curtain that is all there is between me and him and he totally blows us all away, then picks up a can of Ronson lighter fluid while he is down on his knees making love to his guitar during Wild Thing and his guitar is now flaming and then he breaks up that guitar and lobs pieces of it to audience members and leaves the stage.
Wow; Monterey Pop. But that was last week and now I am in the parking lot and I go up to the door and knock and, like in a dream, there is Jimi, who just picks up his guitar and gets in the back seat of my garbage car and off we go. Just being around him a few minutes and you know he is basically a shy cat and the only thing he mentions is how much he digs my Russian fur hat which is only a woman's fur piece I got at the Digger's Free Store on Cole St. just off Haight a few weeks back and made into a hat. I try to give it to him but he declines saying it wouldn't fit over his hair and I am very happy as it looks so good on me.
We pull up, he gets out and wanders over to the stage while I roll up a quick joint and take five fast puffs, laughing as I can't see anything in my smoky car. I don't want to miss a beat, but decide that since I drove him there, I am going to get up close and observe. As you can see, I kind of got the best seat in the house even if I am standing, Notice I am holding his microphone cable. And smiling big. Why not? Ringside with the most amazing guitar player. Ever. I don't even notice Jim Marshall, SF's iconic rock photographer, snapping photos.
This was on Sunday, June 25, 1967 and I went on with my life which took me to Woodstock and driving a big Hog Farm hippie bus for a few years across America and then I got to Europe and hired on as a driver for a British hippie bus taking 25 paying passengers (75 dollars one-way) from Amsterdam to Afghanistan and spent five years doing that including the beaches of Goa, India and trekking in the Himalayas of Nepal and I was pretty busy and never once told that Jimi story to anyone at any time. It was just this serendipitous, precious moment in my life.
But then, I went over to my friend Wrinkle's one day in 1988 but he was out, so I was sitting with his then 18 year old son Austin and thinking of having a conversation and he was the drummer in a garage band, so out comes that story of Jimi and me. Of course, he didn't believe me but was too kind to say so. I went home afterwards and a few days later, I get a call from his dad and he says "Hey, I am looking at a picture of you and Jimi Hendrix. Now it's my turn to not believe him, but I go over and...
So Austin has this pal Jameson Grant and Jameson's parents went to live in Iowa for a couple of years, his junior and senior year in high school. One day, he is thumbing through a guitar magazine and there is a full page photo of Jimi Hendrix and me, but he doesn't know me then, but he really likes this picture and asks his pal if he can have it and his friend says buy me a hamburger and it's yours! But, when he goes back to California, he takes it with him and one day his friend Austin comes over and tells him the tall tail he thinks I told him and Jameson says Well, I have a picture of Jimi Hendrix in San Francisco in my suitcase and shows it to Austin who freaks out saying I thought Jeff was BSing me but THAT'S HIM. Jim Marshall took the photo and I now have seen it in a Rolling Stone and seen it many other places, showing Jimi Hendrix and me, smack dab in the middle of the Summer of Love and it doesn't get much better than that."
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Last edited: Feb 14, 2021
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