#fun fact my parents lived in a ward (congregation) for a while that had a Bishop Bishop and lmao
songofsunset · 2 years
Wait what does elder in the LDS church mean? What do people think it means? I am so ignorant of it all but I feel like it's important to know since they're so influential in certain places
I think the line I was referring to was "He’d also been an elder in the LDS church but was excommunicated"
To someone unfamiliar, "He'd also been an elder" might sound like he was 'high ranking', but it really just means he spent two years of his life away from home preaching the gospel that would never love him back.
Elder is the honorific you use for a boy who is serving a mission! These are generally teenage boys (18 and 19 and 20ish. The mission lasts for two years and is pretty damn culturally mandatory for boys) So it's a term of respect, but also doesn't imply age or wisdom. Like, for serious, I was taught to look up to the missionaries my whole childhood, but from this end of time I'm like 'oh god they're babies why are we sending them out to represent us they've never even done their own laundry' whoops
Everyday members refer to each other as Brother and Sister Lastname. Men get called by different titles based on the roles they're serving, like Elder for missionaries, Bishop for Bishops, and President for a variety of things from the president of the local group of congregations (a stake) to the actual Prophet and First Presidency of the church.
Women never really get any titles other than Sister, even the ones who are active missionaries. Something something sexism something something a woman's highest honor isn't priesthood it's MOTHERHOOD (unless you're gay in which case you don't need a family it's fine suck it up......)
The role and title associated with age and wisdom that Elder might seem to imply- to someone doesn't know it generally applies to teenagers- is Patriarch.
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indianamoonshine · 4 years
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c h a p t e r | i
summary: every summer you work on your father's strawberry farm with your three sisters. it's a way to take a break from the big city but summers in the midwest are hot and they linger. this year, your father's old and mysterious friend shows up to stay on your land for a reason yet to be determined. din djarin seems dangerous, but kind enough, and the two of you quickly become...well, let's fact it...smitten.
rating: m (18+) for future and explicit sexual content.
author's note: reader is well over eighteen for obvious reasons. i won't ever go into physical detail about the reader's appearance because we include everyone. this fic is pretty much a mix between pride & prejudice and call me by your name except without the und*rage crap we do not condone. so, without further ado, here's an aesthetically pleasing fanfic.
the moment din djarin laid eyes on you he knew he was a dead man.
at first, his view of you had been obstructed because you'd opened every door and window in the house. june in the midwest sometimes required such nuisances, so all of the curtains billowing in the breeze prevented him from looking upon you.
you were also on the couch, but he hadn't known that until you lifted a hand - soft as a dove's - from the back of the sofa. you played with the light between your fingers, shielding its dazzling rays from your eyes, just before setting it down again. your hands were so small (smaller than his anyway) and gentle. he imagined how foreign your skin would feel in warm contrast to his; how your fingers would feel intertwined with his calloused ones, which had done enough work throughout the years to be mistaken for a beggar’s. within the first moment, he saw you as flawless.
your father had not stopped for breath since din arrived, lamenting about the farm or discussing the layout of the home with an eagerness din had yet to match. he would've initially been interested in the history of the farm or how many sprawling acres rolled endlessly before them, but his eyes couldn't leave your hand.
you must've been asleep - napping in the embrace of the sun - because as soon as your father drew breath upon entering the living room, your voice tickled din's ears for the first time. sweet as music.
"dad? is that you?"
din couldn't help but blink at the sound of your voice. it seemed unnatural, like one hears in dreams or spiritual awakenings. he manages to compose himself at your father's side, straightening his posture to err on the side of caution.
your father exclaims with a joyful "ah!" and then introduces you by name.
"my daughter. one of them, anyway. she and the three eldest help during the summer," he had said, and then turned to the bay windows to go on about the view.
but you meet din's eyes, rested and glimmering with curiosity, while your father droned on in the background. you reach out a hand - the one he'd thought of holding - to shake.
he does. and it's every bit as beautiful as he knew it'd be.
"how do you do?" you give him a polite and pretty smile. if he hadn't known any better, you bat your eyelashes for good measure.
your father's tour continues but din can't stop thinking about the way your skirt rose to your thighs as you stretched awake.
you were lying if you said you didn't think about him for the rest of the day.
you weren't the only one. your sisters - all three of them - had also met the mysterious din djarin.
"who is he?" charlotte asked while you congregated at the nearby pond. it was a lovely place, nestled within the thick of the woods and bursting with greenery. flowers of every kind blossomed around you and scents the air with a sweetness.
rhea lays in the shade of a peach tree. "one of dad's old friends," she says. she waves herself with a floral paper fan she'd gotten from chinatown while visiting you in new york.
"but why is he here?"
madeline, who paints with her watercolors, pipes in. "i heard he got into some trouble with the law and now he's in hiding."
you roll your eyes with a scoff, lounging in the grass and watching the clouds in the bright, blue sky. "madeline, that's absurd."
rhea (who is the oldest and most pragmatic) surprises you when she shrugs her shoulders. "i don't know. he looks likes a bad boy..."
you recall the way his jaw clenched as you introduced yourself - his neck was tempting. his skin glowed with a radiant hue in the sunlight and his eyes shone with an aura of broodiness. he was very austenian.
"boy is hardly the word," you correct.
charlotte, being the flirt, wiggles her eyebrows suggestively. she swims in the pond, hair wet and fanning against the water. she sinks lowly for dramatic effect. "how right you are."
"trouble or not, he was a perfect gentleman." rhea sighs and skims the water with her forefinger. "either way, he's easy on the eyes so i don't mind having him around."
easy on the eyes was putting it mildly. you wouldn't say that to the girls though; they had a habit of teasing when you showed interest in anyone attainable let alone a man decades older than you.
"don't do anything stupid, charlotte." madeline dips her paintbrush into her mason jar full of pond water.
charlotte huffs and flips her hair from her shoulder. it makes a splash, rippling the water as a result. "why not? we're all of legal age."
"he's dad's friend and a guest," you remind her, tearing your gaze away from the clouds.
the middle child lets out a pathetic whimper. "you guys are no fun," she groans.
it was a busy season on the farm.
strawberries were ready to be picked by mid june and there was a three week window to do it. harvesting wasn't easy and it took a lot of man work. hands went numb, skin grew calloused. the sun that beat down on the fields was only manageable by the sprinklers that went off every blessed-ed fifteen minutes. during a drought, it was even worse.
the employees picked from seven in the morning until five in the evening. your father was adamant that breaks be plenty and pay be as prosperous as he could afford, but a strawberry farm wasn't a fortune five hundred company. he did what he could to provide the families with some semblance worthy enough to continue, and so every year he threw a dinner party.
it was always a lovely occasion, brimming with delectable treats and savory entrees. candles were aflame, lanterns lit up the pathway that lead to the entrance of the home and then the land leading into the woods. as a child, the dinner party was as exciting as a birthday. it was a night to look forward to all year long, sharing time with family and friends and gorging yourself on food you wouldn't eat any other friday of the week.
your sisters loved it too, mostly because they enjoyed the promise of gossip that poured from the mouths of guests like the wine served. and now that din djarin - a stranger, in all respects of the word - was attending an annual dinner that's managed to keep as tradition for years, gossip would surely be abundant as the wine itself.
guests arrived by the hour until the clock struck seven. the evening was crisp but warm enough to be comfortable without a blanket wrapped around your shoulders. the rock doves sung loudly to declare that sunset had begun, a few rogue and early lightning bugs blinking rhythmically. children of the employees ran throughout the fields bare footed and chanting taunts to their friends as their parents chattered among themselves.
home. here is home.
while the party had already begun (officially, at least), dinner hadn't yet been served. admittingly, you were a bit behind schedule, but you worked quickly to finish setting the tables. the theme was simple; linen napkins and wildflowers in random antique vases you found in your basement. the lilacs you'd picked from their bushes were already beginning to limp but you hoped no one would notice.
you hum when you work. whether it be intentional or not you find your lips buzzing with a tune plucked subconsciously from your brain as your hands busy themselves. you straighten the tablecloths, fill the vases with water, and set the silverware in their particular order. needless to say, you had a tendency to get lost in your own little world. so when a hand gently tapped you on the shoulder, you spun around with a shriek.
din djarin - man of the hour - is smirking handsomely at you, hands fiddling with a depressed looking lilac. you place a palm against your heart and count its beats. too many.
"mister djarin," you sigh out. "you scared me."
he lets out a breathy chuckle, hands running through his wavy locks. "i see that. i'm sorry, but i was just wondering if you'd like some help."
his voice...oh, stars and garters. it was so rough but tender - like a steak. you cock an eyebrow at how strange the comparison is but convince yourself it didn't matter. still, you're blushing from the jump so you duck your head from his gaze.
"there's not much left to do," you admit, turning back to the table. you spread your hands against the tablecloth to ward off any wrinkles. "you can double check if i missed any forks, i suppose. i have a tendency to do that."
din hums in his throat and nods a little. "sure," he says, moving to the first setting. his eyes scan along the silverware carefully. "where are your sisters? they don't help, huh?"
"they're better at entertaining," you say truthfully. "i volunteer to take care of the dinner part...as long as i don't have to socialize as much i'm content."
it was true. it's not that you had an aversion to people in general, but you tried to avoid conversation whenever possible - it wasn't your strong suit. you could get away with it when need be but you found it took too much energy to pretend to enjoy conversation about the weather or politics.
"i understand," din nods. he straightens a spoon with the nudge of his finger. "i find myself to be the same way."
there's an awkward silence between the two of you. you didn't know how to respond. while you weren't good at social situations in general, you found it natural to feign interest in subjects bland enough to circumvent discomfort...but you felt the need to impress him.
"so you'll be staying with us this summer then?" you decide, falling short. how stupid.
din nods swiftly. "yeah. in one of the cabins."
the cabins were located at various points of the land your father owned. in order to get there, one usually took an ATV or walked if the going gets tough. you preferred to stroll along the river, but your sisters liked riding the four wheelers or their bikes.
"which one?" you ask, tone mindless.
din's finished with double checking your work. he pulls out a chair - an old, wooden antique - and sits down upon it with caution. you stifle a laugh and, if he notices, he doesn't say anything. he'd soon learn that everything here was old but sturdier than they looked. you wish you could say it was for aesthetic purposes but it was more convenient than anything.
"the one closest to the pond," din replies lowly.
you notice how his eyes survey your form and how intimate it was. he was studying you but for whatever reason you couldn't be sure. you try to shake away the idea that he could be (dare you say?) pining over you. how silly. like you told charlotte: din djarin was off limis.
that was the end of it.
you find yourself blushing again so you hide your face. "that's my favorite one," you tell him honestly. "i like the view."
din smiles in agreement. "so do i."
if you weren't so heated with frustration, you would've called him out on the implication (as out of character for you it may be). then again, you found yourself weakened by the mere presence of this man. it wasn't unlike you, per say; you were naturally timid but there was an eagerness to his charm that you weren't familiar with. guys your age were so sure of themselves but it was almost always under false pretenses. this man however...well, he was a man and that was intimidating.
fine. it was hot.
you clear your throat in an effort to regain a semblance of poise. this summer had already proven to be laborious in a way you hadn't expected.
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