#and it is by NO MEANS related to the catholic meaning of bishop lmao
songofsunset · 2 years
Wait what does elder in the LDS church mean? What do people think it means? I am so ignorant of it all but I feel like it's important to know since they're so influential in certain places
I think the line I was referring to was "He’d also been an elder in the LDS church but was excommunicated"
To someone unfamiliar, "He'd also been an elder" might sound like he was 'high ranking', but it really just means he spent two years of his life away from home preaching the gospel that would never love him back.
Elder is the honorific you use for a boy who is serving a mission! These are generally teenage boys (18 and 19 and 20ish. The mission lasts for two years and is pretty damn culturally mandatory for boys) So it's a term of respect, but also doesn't imply age or wisdom. Like, for serious, I was taught to look up to the missionaries my whole childhood, but from this end of time I'm like 'oh god they're babies why are we sending them out to represent us they've never even done their own laundry' whoops
Everyday members refer to each other as Brother and Sister Lastname. Men get called by different titles based on the roles they're serving, like Elder for missionaries, Bishop for Bishops, and President for a variety of things from the president of the local group of congregations (a stake) to the actual Prophet and First Presidency of the church.
Women never really get any titles other than Sister, even the ones who are active missionaries. Something something sexism something something a woman's highest honor isn't priesthood it's MOTHERHOOD (unless you're gay in which case you don't need a family it's fine suck it up......)
The role and title associated with age and wisdom that Elder might seem to imply- to someone doesn't know it generally applies to teenagers- is Patriarch.
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bitchsexuality · 6 years
ok so to give the last post some context (not that it needs context bc honestly it’s an eternal mood especially if you’re in latinoamérica, but i get the feeling pretty much everyone can relate):
remember how i said a while ago that it was very likely that abortion would become legal in my country?
well apparently the catholic church fucked w/ that because the, whatever you call the bitches in charge, the father bishops of whatever the fuck, sorta threatened a bunch of ppl by saying they would carry out smear campaigns, withdraw support, etc etc etc
and i mean im so fucking tired of our taxes funding the catholic church, and im so fucking tired of its presence in general, im sure i dont have to explain why. especially when u take into consideration that im indigenous lol 🙃 like it has been a pain in our ass for ages now!!
(also just for clarification: im not a reddit atheist lmao, i oppose the catholic church as an institution, not the religion)
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