brokethedrawer · 1 month
Ooooh--new interview with Curt! It's a really good one, too; I listened to it earlier <3.
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domesticabuser · 1 year
id ask about the harem im so bpd insane that id drag the both of us down LOL either way you seen fun, hope we can talk more in general
that sounds like #soooomuchfun i cant even lie to you
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optimabatteries · 1 year
OPTIMA-sponsored Funhavers doing what they do best- having fun, although they’ll tell you this is their most-dangerous driving yet!
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techdieselbeats · 2 years
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Hung out at my favorite @funhaver tent today at the @mustangweek car show wanted to stay to meet the guys and get a autograph but the line was way to long but did get to see @vaughngittinjr and @chelseadenofa drift @suck_bang_blow #mustangweek #funhaver #sn95 #latemodelresto #50resto #sn95fanatics #ncstangs #myrtlebeach #mustanggt #americanmuscle #drifting (at Myrtle Beach, South Carolina) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cgn2pS_NpYK/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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recoverystation · 14 days
hey, i just wanna let you know i hope you're alright, your latest works are kinda concerning is all, i'm not gonna tell you what to do, but please know that you are worth it for simply existing, you do not have to meet a standard to have the right to exist.... same goes with art we're only here for a short time, so, i think we should be allowed to use it to have the fun we can, please at least take it easy and try to find the mundane things in life that can be enjoyed. sorry if this is strange, i only wish for u to keep yourself safe <3 give yourself a little bit of grace
sorry for the concern anon, I even posted about it a bit.
Life's just really bad for me in ways that are hard to ignore, and I want my art to be better for my sake, not to meet some standard, I think it should be better, I think I should be better. I should be able to create more.
I try and have as much fun as I can, but sadly, I am not really given many avenues for funhaving these days, and a lot of things have lost their luster. After I constructed a noose out of a bedsheet I calmed down a bit and didn't do anything dangerous.
Trying my best despite how awful everything is.
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osakafromazumangadaioh · 10 months
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Important note: basically all of the works I talk about here have some element of flashing or strobing images so if you are photosensitive please take care if you watch any of the shorts I talk about here.
One of the things I've done on my stream that I'm most proud of is marigovision where we take a little break to watch something together. I've taken this as an opportunity to show off things that people might not have seen. We've watched a lot of experimental stuff from the 40s like Norm McLaren and Len Lye, former Soviet Block animation, early computer explainers from the 70s, videos of people cooking that kind of thing. (recently I've been getting big into 8mm experimental shorts so look forward to that when i come back from my streaming break)
One of the first things we watched was an experimental short film called Shift by Toshio Matsumoto.
"One of Matsumoto’s last shorts, Shift is also among his most impressive works. Through the use of what was at the time state-of-the-art video technology, Matsumoto decomposes a residential building in horizontal stripes, thus tearing down its balance and symmetry."
If you haven't watched it, it is here. It's weird and crunchy and digital and eerie and above all else, playful. It's funhaver media, it's one of my favourite things I came across as part of screening for marigovision. I did notice something fun about it, something that I don't think I've noticed anyone has spotted. At the very least, no one in the English speaking web.
So a little while ago, I've gotten into the films of Takashi Ito. Takashi Ito is another experimental Japanese film maker from this cohort. The first short of his I saw was Spacy which knocked my damn socks off (if you look up this one, please do take care if you are photosensitive, there is a lot of strobing). Ito uses a lot of my favourite filmic techniques like stop motion and light trails to create this really otherwordly space where it feels like a haunting is taking place. The next one I saw is called Box (again if you are photosensitive, please take care with this).
The film shows a rotating box with frame-by-frame landscape photographs on each face of the cube. The box looks as if it's revolving 360 degrees, but it only revolves 90 degrees. Ito explains that he was "aiming at disturbing our awareness of space in the movement from the three-dimensional to a plane and back again."
Here's a frame from it.
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Here's another.
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As I was watching it for the first time I almost jumped out of my seat. That's the same damn building from Shift! Has no one else noticed this? At least on the English speaking web at least, I haven't seen anyone notice this. It's possible there's an interview with either Matsumoto or Ito where they discuss this.
So a quick biographic detail, Ito studied at the same university that Toshio Matsumoto taught at. In fact his film making style is directly influenced by Matsumoto.
He attended an exhibition showcasing works by filmmaker Toshio Matsumoto; upon viewing Matsumoto's 1975 experimental short Ātman at the exhibition, Ito thought, "I want to make a movie like this."[7] When he learned that Matsumoto was coming to work at the university, Ito abandoned plans to get an immediate job and decided to stay enrolled in the school.[7]
So a little while ago before I watched Box I was kind of curious what building this was, where and when it was shot. Because it's so strange and interesting looking, someone probably knew but I wasn't able to find anything anywhere, no one even talking about it (again, i can't speak japanese which limits me to discussion on the english speaking web, I'm sure someone has talked about this on a japanese film blog or something like that).
But the fact that the same area is also featured in Takashi Ito's Box kind of gave me a big clue as to where this was shot. I found the college that Toshio Matsumoto taught and where Takashi Ito studied and popped it into google maps, had a lil click around on streetview and, sure enough.
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There it is! It's the Kyushu University Ohashi Campus. Specifically the most famous image of shift with those two circular windows above the doorway seems to be the "Acoustic Research Center Building" according to Google Maps. You can click around in here to give an eerie approximation of Shifts camera movements. It's very surreal.
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Here's another wide view, it's a really quite striking campus with these very geometric shapes. I can totally see why two separate experimental film makers were both able to make something so radically different using the same space as inspiration.
Both of these were released in 1982, I'm so curious to know of the genesis of this project. Was it the younger Ito that suggested this or was it the elder Matsumoto. If anyone speaks Japanese and is familiar with experimental film during this time period I would be so curious to know.
Thanks so much for reading and watch things that make you excited to make things!
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wolfpoets · 8 months
been wondering how the diehard izzy dislikers were holding up. and after checking the tag this morning? the answer is They’re Not Doing Good. big l for people lacking both media comprehension and funhaving ability.
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gertrudlsnacht · 1 year
Used to play mordhau and chiv 2 with the username Funhaver and ppl would always say in chat "we don't do that here sir"
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cosmik-homo · 1 year
Another B.J. observation- cuz im really trying to figure some things about B.J. out- is that it's not just that he Isn't as much of a hedonist as Hawkee is, or Trapper was, or whatever- There's something else to his distinct. Like. funless funhaver vibe byond the lack of deep hedonism. I think its connceted to. Like. In "dear peggy" he narrrates, "you can really go out of your mind here, Peg. There's just nothing to do when you're not working." but like im prettty sure he says that sitting at the officer lounge where people dance and playh music and drink? i cant remember but regardless.
and then in Some 38th Parrallel there's this scene where hes washing socks and hawkeye is like "ive never seen you wear those?" (<- gayass. noticer. btw) and B.J. is like oh If i wore them they'd get dirty. If i keep washing them forever, theyre always clean. theyre mainly here to remind me of better (civilian) times anyways hehe. and like. the. "if i keep washing them forever, theyll be clean" is really the core. something about this man needs to vigirously wash socks for no reason at all times yknow. Maybe youre the place that has issues with stuff to do when youre not "working" man.
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Kent Skate (Yet)
As my last photos I posted indicated, I went ice skating for the first time on Friday. Ever since last year they’ve blocked off one of the streets by the campus’s barren, esplanaded edge and installed a rink for a few months in winter.
Friday was also the day the historic mill downtown caught fire. Before I went to the rink I was watching it being put out from a distance as blinking lights from the fire department’s vehicles punched holes in the black. Blocks away it was being pierced by cutesy Christmas lights they put around while I was home on break last weekend. They finally put the fire out yesterday afternoon. It made me angry at first. A seemingly eternal view, one that I had appreciated and even taken for granted, totally destroyed. I try to never take attending an institution with such a history attached to it for granted. I walk with the weight of a scholarship in memory of a man who worked his tail to preserve that history for future generations when he was alive; I can’t just take certain presences for granted, can I? But I still took that quaint Taco Tontos view for granted. Things are wack here.
Skating did help distract me, though. I had always wanted to try it out, and having roller skated on and off for a while, it was easy to pick up, as much as I clung to the wall. It felt satisfying and even empowering. I took a few knees and resigned with confidence (and one independent lap) to catch the last bus home. It just felt good, good to be out there doing something I had always wanted to, on a whim and without external limitation. Bruised knees are cool.
I skated for the second time tonight at the university arena, which has public skating sessions every so often. The lobby is excruciatingly wood panel, and it has the faint smell of popcorn from the snack bar. There is a party room where a bunch of little girls were having a party. Out on the rink I kept running into (not literally) a really adorable little girl with bangs, black leggings, and a slightly-too-big Nirvana shirt. I should’ve turned her on to the Melvins, but I had skating to do. Other than the small children (of which there were many), there were all kinds of people there, including funhaving college couples, cocky college boys, and a few seasoned vets who seemed to effortlessly glide across the floor. I kept looking at one guy, an older guy who looked kind of like David Crosby but not absurd in the facial hair department, who just casually sailed along with his hands in his pockets. He just seemed so cool.
I was not cool on the ice, or at least I didn’t feel cool, because my continued reliance on the wall got me trapped in a lot of traffic jams behind tiny children who didn’t really know how to skate, and I kept falling on my ass. My roller skating career ended when I was standing completely still in the middle of the street hockey court in a hometown-local park, lost my balance for a split second, fell on my ass, and sprained my wrist catching my fall. Obviously, I was overjoyed to keep falling on my ass. GREAT JOB.
I can tell I’m doing well just going out there at all, even if my confidence tonight lasted in spurts. It was just a different experience. It was admittedly a little hard to focus, especially when “You Don’t Know You’re Beautiful” segued into “Baby Shark” near the end of the hour and a half when the sound system had tired of Christmas music. (The downtown rink did supply “Simply Having A Wonderful Christmastime” at the same exact time as actual rain, but at least it stayed on theme.) I’m not sure if I made any progress tonight, really. But I don’t want to abandon it out of lack of immediate proficiency. Because when I do get into the zone, the things that weigh heavy are trivial, and I feel like I can do anything.
I think I can get the hang of it.
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millennialdemon · 3 months
It's hard to explain but Black Clover feels very much like Boruto to me, at least in terms of story structure and leaving me feeling like absolutely nothing has happened over the span of 52 episodes. It's just inconsequential arc followed by inconsequential arc with no overarching story? I’m not saying every arc of Black Cover has to be advancing Asta’s goal to become wizard king, a story can be about more than 1 thing, blah blah blah, but the only thing that has happened to one of the Good Guys TM in this story is Fuegoleon (a tertiary character) being injured in that abysmal zombie invasion arc, and even then that only mattered to any of the other characters in the story for 1 episode.
Maybe what I am actually trying to articulate is there being no compelling stakes in Black Clover, and maybe that is why it feels like I am watching a borderline episodic anime most of the time. Asta and a random selection of his dumbass team mates go on a mission, they win by trying really hard and never giving up, maybe other people from other teams show up to help and have a cameo. Asta learns how to swing his sword even better-er, and maybe one of his dumbass team mates devolves into crushing on him (Noelle), or learns something but doesn’t actually, functionally change much about how they behave (everyone else). Sometimes Yuno shows up and reminds the audience that he and Asta are totally rivals, by saying it out loud to Asta, who confirms it to indeed be the case. Tomfoolery at their dumbass base occurs for a few minutes and the Black Bulls are back at it again on another mission after being given a vague debrief by the most lame king ever conceived.
But what if a member of the Black Bulls died in one of the multiple fights against the Midnight Sun these past 50 episodes and everyone stopped being chibi funhavers for more than 10 minutes? What if Magna or Luck lost a limb in a fight because they kept pushing forward when their captain told them to fall back, and we could see there being consequences to inexperience or insubordination? Similarly, what if Yami paid for his laid back approach to leadership, and put a task upon someone who really, genuinely wasn’t able to do what he vaguely insisted they probably could do? What if magical knights in the Clover Kingdom actually had a code of conduct, and could be summoned to an internal court hearing and be banished or released from their position for brazen misconduct?
I’m a bit of a harpy, sure, and I certainly don’t love the Black Bulls, but my wishing injury and death upon the protagonists in this story isn’t just for the sake of malice. Unless its Gauche, in which case it is.
It’s mostly because death and loss make things happen. They make characters change course, literally and emotionally, and seeing that it is possible for our heroes to lose, whatever losing entails, would make for a better viewing experience. Black Clover doesn’t have to be a grimdark Berserk-core fantasy story to appeal to me, but even Naruto, very early on, had our protagonists grappling with death and sacrifice, and surprising each other, themselves, and the audience with that they were willing to do to win or save their team mates.
I don’t know lads. When I watch Black Clover I am usually hoping something bad happens to our protagonists because I’m bored to tears. The Black Bulls will embark on another mission at the behest of the most lame king ever conceived, and maybe they will be roughed up a little if someone formidable shows up, but they will have an easy magical recovery over the span of a day or two, and then it is back to the grind. None of the friends they make along the way will die, and if they are injured, don’t worry, they’ll be fine next time they meet again. Our ragtag group of idiots will always prevail over agents bent on evil and revenge by simply yelling that they will never give up, and perpetually pushing the limits of their abilities to no narrative consequence. And then we hit the reset button and do it allllllll overrrrrr againnnnnnnnn!
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itzabouthealth · 1 year
How to create a sustainable workout routine that fits your lifestyle
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Are you tired of starting a workout routine, only to lose motivation and give up a few weeks later? Creating a sustainable workout routine that fits your lifestyle can be challenging, but it’s not impossible. Whether you’re a busy professional, a stay-at-home parent, or a student, you can find time to exercise and make it a part of your daily routine. In this blog post, we’ll explore the steps you need to take to create a workout routine that you can stick with over time, so you can achieve your fitness goals and maintain a healthy lifestyle. From setting realistic goals to choosing an activity you enjoy and incorporating variety, we’ll cover everything you need to know to make your workout routine sustainable and tailored to your lifestyle. So, let’s get started!
1. Set realistic goals
Decide what you want to achieve with your workout routine and make sure your goals are specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-bound.
2. Assess your current lifestyle
Take into account your work schedule, family commitments, and any other obligations you have. This will help you determine when you have time to exercise and how much time you can realistically commit to working out.
3. Choose an activity you enjoy
The key to creating a sustainable workout routine is choosing an activity you enjoy and look forward to doing. Whether it’s running, swimming, cycling, or weightlifting, make sure it’s something that you’ll stick with over time.
4. Start small
It’s easy to get overwhelmed when you’re starting a new workout routine, so it’s important to start small and gradually increase the intensity and duration of your workouts as you become more comfortable.
5. Incorporate variety
To avoid getting bored with your workout routine, try to incorporate a variety of exercises and activities. This will keep your workouts interesting and challenging and help you avoid plateaus.
6. Be consistent
Consistency is key when it comes to creating a sustainable workout routine. Try to exercise at the same time every day to build it into your daily routine and make it a habit.
7. Make it fun
Having fun while working out is important to make it sustainable. You can do it by listening to music, working out with friends, changing environments or even by tracking your progress.
8. Listen to your body
Remember that everyone’s body is different, so it’s important to listen to your own body and not push yourself too hard. Take rest days when you need them, and don’t be afraid to adjust your workout routine as your fitness level improves.
9. Reward yourself
Set small rewards for yourself when you reach certain milestones in your fitness journey. This will give you something to look forward to and will help you stay motivated.
10. Set professional help
If you’re new to working out or looking to take your fitness to the next level, consider working with a personal trainer or fitness coach. They can help you create a workout plan tailored to your goals and lifestyle, and provide you with the guidance and support you need to stay motivated and on track.
11. Track your progress
Keep track of your progress by taking measurements, taking progress photos, or keeping a workout journal. This will help you see how far you’ve come and will give you a sense of accomplishment as you reach your goals.
12. Be Adaptable
Life can be unpredictable, so it��s important to have a flexible workout routine that can adapt to changes in your schedule or unexpected events. Don't get discouraged if you miss a workout or need to adjust your routine. Just get back on track as soon as you can.
By following these steps, you can create a workout routine that is sustainable, fun and fits your lifestyle. Remember, the most important thing is to make it enjoyable, so you will stick to it in the long run.
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optimabatteries · 2 years
Can a Car Jump Over a Pool? Vaughn Gittin Jr. finds out in the latest Funhaver creation. Watch the full video here.
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drivingline-blog · 5 years
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Side by side professional Fun Havers. @chelseadenofa @vaughngittinjr.
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spectroracing · 6 years
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Can’t wait to see this monster on track where it belongs! Hurry up @scott_spectroracing! ... 🎥 NEW VIDEOS 🎥 🔴 YT/SpectroRacing 👉🏼LINK IN BIO👈🏼 ... 💥 Partners 💥 > @TrackDayTire // 10% OFF “SpectroVIP” > @BlackArmorHelmets ... > Join @SpectroRacing! > Use #SpectroRacing for a highlight! ... ... #TrackDayBro #BlackArmor #TorqArmy #funwithcars #fastford #projectcar #trackcar #autox #gridlifesouth #trackbattle #partyinthepits #gridlife #HPDE #racecarproblems #funhavers #killalltires #driveoptima #becausestreetcar #tracktoy #racecarlife #racingschool #drifting_nation #oswdrift #driftingnation #killalltires #orlandospeedworld #drifthq #carproblems #carproject #projectcar https://www.instagram.com/p/BqoKTOYnulF/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=19imv15zk5bc5
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jzillaa · 6 years
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Aesthetics. ✨
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