#funny paul dano moments imo
coralloid · 2 years
just finished watching there will be blood, i had no idea english speakers pronounced the name eli like that !
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kalamity-jayne · 3 years
I don't want to spoil anything about the movie but funny enough, one of the new Batman movie's main themes is that "grimdark hyperviolent Batman" is the wrong interpretation of the character. And according to the director the movie is heavily inspired by noir movies and other thrillers, stuff like Chinatown, The Conversation, Zodiac and Se7en , with Batman playing the role of the quiet softspoken weird detective. Since it's heavily noir inspired the movie is dark and gloomy/atmospheric though ofc, but there's a good amount of moments that can be interpreted as funny or humorous. So yeah, neo-noir detective Batman that gets side-eyed by everyone for being kinda weird
Alright, you've peaked my interest. Your description has me hopeful it'll be a different flavor of batmensch. I love the bertman but there's a few versions of him they've just done to death and back.
I'm a lil' more excited to see it now and hey, its not marvel-disney (a few of those are fun but most of 'em feel like the same movie over and over), it's not made by Zach Snyder (an increasingly joyless hack imo), and it's got my boys Paul Dano and Colin Farell (I'll watch them in anything). Plus I think Zoe Kravitz as Selena Kyle is purrrfect casting, I just hope they actually give her more to do this time.
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Now I just need a chance to watch the damn thing (watching anything longer than an hour is so freaking hard when you've got a 2yr old).
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