0mnitrixter · 6 years
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I mean, he’d totally have a Youtube channel, sooner or later, and he’d play games (as himself or as his aliens), vlog and do challenges!
Oh, he also has a second channel where he rants about Sumo Slammers.
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0mnitrixter · 6 years
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Inspired by this video!
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0mnitrixter · 6 years
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Sb:.... Adua-
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0mnitrixter · 6 years
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Because @manaborn has those headcanons that make me want to draw.
Basically, in the future, Gwen dies alone at her isolated spot, and Ben finds out only because she hasn’t contacted anyone in days and days.
Guess doom is coming.
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0mnitrixter · 6 years
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     As the bright green light filled the empty room, the loud, unceasing beeping made him suddenly wake up.
Ben growled, trying to cover his ears with the pillow to ignore whatever was happening. But after that sound became louder and louder, the boy finally peeked from the pillow, trying to locate the source of that fuzz.
It was coming from the night table next to his bed. It took a moment to realize, but once he understood that it was the Omnitrix going off, he quickly sat up, reaching for the device to see what was happening.
Instinctively we wore it; Dexter pressed for him to take it off at least when he was sleeping, both fearing that it could malfunction while Ben wasn’t aware and because of the damage it was creating on the boy’s wrist.      Finally, he pressed on the device, to see what the alarm was for.
     That completely caught his attention. He navigated through the settings, trying to determine the location of that new extraterrestrial life form the Omnitrix was detecting.
Strange... it said it wasn’t coming from anywhere near Offworld Plaza or the Space Port. He tried to scan the Nanocom Map, but everywhere he looked, the Omnitrix kept saying that the source of the new DNA wasn’t anywhere in there.
Sighing, a bit annoyed, he got up and walked to his desk, switching on the computer to try and solve that mystery once and for all.
He connected the watch to the network and started a larger scan of all known area to find this new alien form.
It took a while, and Ben was really about to fall asleep again on his chair when finally, something came up.      Yawning, the teen stretched and looked at the big screen in front of him. What he saw, left him speechless, and made him wake up completely.
The computer was detecting the source of the new alien DNA on Planet Fuse.
That couldn’t be right,      There was NO WAY the Omnitrix was detecting ANY sort of life form on that disgusting excuse of a planet.
He tried to get more information, scanning all known alien species to see if there was a match with what the watch was detecting. Of course, there were some species the device hadn’t scanned yet, but them being on Planet Fuse? Was that monster keeping hostages for some obscure reason?
But the answer that came up from his search was even more unsettling that he could ever imagine.
     That... couldn’t be right at all. They passed YEARS trying to understand who Fuse was and how to destroy it. The Omnitrix started malfunctioning once that invader arrived, and it was never able to acquire or even DETECT that monster’s DNA.      He tried to repeat the search more than once, but the same result came up, over and over again.
Ben leaned back on his chair, looking down at the watch, shocked and confused.      He tapped on the device screen, and a hologram popped up.
     Maybe he needed to call Dexter and tell him about what was going on; that could be a big breakthrough in that war.      As he thought this, the signal coming from Planet Fuse began to weaken, and the Omnitrix started a countdown for the acquisition.
He could record all that data and send it to the boy genius.      Or... he could... scan the DNA, store it into the Omnitrix and show it to him the next day...
His eyes darted from the computer screen to the Omnitrix, trying to decide what to do.
There was no time to copy the information or even contact Dexter.
     He whined, and with a quick, resolute movement he smacked the screen of the Omnitrix, allowing it to acquire and store that new DNA.
The beeping immediately ceased. The room went silent, except for Ben’s hard breathing. He was legit shivering from a mix of relieved stress and fear.
It... was there. He had Fuse, LORD Fuse’s DNA stored into the Omnitrix.
That was BIG. That could allow them to really win that war that had been going on for so long. It didn’t seem real.
     He sighed loudly, rubbing his face with both hands and bending down to his legs, trying to calm down a bit, collect his thought and decide what to do next. He even stopped breathing for a few seconds.
Finally, Ben pulled up, taking a deep breath.      He looked down at the Omnitrix once again and tapped a shivering finger on the dial, letting the new alien hologram appear.
It was real.
And now... he was curious. Should he... try it?      Should he verify that that was, in fact, Fuse’s form?           What if it was a trap?
Too many questions and doubts rose up as he looked at that green miniature of the alien who was trying to destroy their planet.
He needed to be sure so that no one would get hurt.
     His hand moved to activate the Omnitrix, right arm up in the air and left one bent in front of his face. He hesitated as all the possibilities passed in his mind on how that could end.
In the end, his instinct prevailed, and his hand flew down and collided with the device, filling the room with a bright green light.
     And a painful, ear-piercing scream of agony.
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0mnitrixter · 6 years
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Have a pretty alien boy with an undercut because why not
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0mnitrixter · 6 years
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Ben and Dee Dee
N o t   D a t i n g
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0mnitrixter · 6 years
Sb: Marceline Ben:
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0mnitrixter · 10 years
✎ (Am I too late for this?)
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0mnitrixter · 10 years
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0mnitrixter · 10 years
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xanodite replied to your post “I swear if Kevin steps on my feet I’m gonna kill him.”
/ i love that face of ben. xD If my tablet wasn't broke I'd draw one for Gwen. She doesn't have enough exaggerated faces.
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0mnitrixter · 11 years
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((If someone wanted to reblog the whole thing for the image then there, have it :3))
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0mnitrixter · 11 years
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((Kill me I'm lazy.... but here's my interpretation of.... uhmmm
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