#Chocolate & Sardines; (headcanon)
fandom-junk-drawer · 3 months
The Witcher Headcanon (Modern Au) - Error 404 Brain Not Found: Bonus Scene - Part 15
It started with Jaskier laughing at Yennefer sneezing her mouth full of salad on the kitchen table while he was in the middle of eating. A few bits of his ham and cheese sandwich tumbled out of his mouth, landing in his glass of tea. "F**khh--!"
"Ha!" Yennefer laughed, "That's what you get!"
Jaskier opened his mouth and showed Yennefer the rest of his chewed up sandwich just to be childish. It fell into his glass.
"Godsd*mmit!" He snarled vehemently as Yennefer cackled.
Geralt took the glass, stirred the mess with the straw, then handed it back to Jaskier and said, "I dare you to drink it!"
Jaskier hesitated for a second. He'd eaten worse. H*ll, he'd licked a gas station toilet seat once! This was nothing! It was just tea and some wet bread. He drank the soggy mess.
"Meh," he said with a shrug. "Kind of bland, actually."
Geralt took the glass and sniffed the little bit of sludge left at the bottom, then drank it. "I'd give it a 2 out of 10."
Jaskier took the glass back and poured in a little milk, added a handful of crumbled up crisps, a spoonful of mustard, and a splash of orange juice.
And unspoken contest had just begun. Yennefer watched mutely as Jaskier drank half the concoction, then passed the other half to Geralt. They both made faces and gave their opinions on the taste.
"That tastes like a f**ked up Dreamsicle!" Jaskier announced, making a face. Geralt gagging slightly on the crisp mush, nodded his agreement.
The glass was rinsed out, and this time, a soda was poured into it. Geralt added a handful of M&Ms, a piece of leftover fried fish from last night's dinner, mayonnaise, and a scoop of pineapple pieces into the blender. This was then poured into the glass of soda.
Geralt and Jaskier each drank some.
"You're both morons!" Yennefer said, laughing at the faces they were making as they tried to get the taste out of their mouths.
The next 'drink' consisted of spaghetti, grape juice, Lucky Charms, soy sauce, and a Snickers bar. The drink was divided and then consumed. It was chunky, and Geralt was having a little trouble getting it down. He took a breath, and sucked it down in one go.
Jaskier was trying to drink his portion as fast as he could, trying not to think too much about the chunky bits. Yennefer was holding her breath when he gagged and she saw his cheeks puff up before he swallowed heavily with a shudder.
"That tasted horrid!" He said weakly.
"It wasn't that bad," Geralt claimed.
"Bullsh*t, I saw you gag, too! And you cheated! You did that guzzling trick, so of course you didn't really taste it!"
Uh-oh, they were arguing. Yennefer hoped that maybe this whole stupid game was going to end. Unfortunately no, it was not over yet. Her boys were dumber than she'd given them credit for.
"Okay," Geralt said, "Let's just blend them up really well, and drink them with straws."
"How about we each make one and split them?"
"Hm. Good idea!"
Jaskier's creation included broccoli, bacon grease, lemon juice, half a slice of supreme pizza, peanut butter crackers, half a bottle of A** Reaper Hot Sauce, and some crumbled up chocolate cake.
Geralt's mixture contained milk, raw eggs, some kind of powdered fruit-flavored drink mix, mustard, breakfast sausage, and two sardines.
"You're going to get sick!" Yennefer warned as she watched Geralt spoon a heaping mound of chili paste into the blender.
Geralt would probably just get a mild stomach ache, but Jaskier with his acid reflux? Oh, he was going to be hurting.
"Hm!" Geralt grunted dismissively
She tried one more time to be the voice of reason as the two morons divided the Horror Cocktails between them.
"Jaskier, babe, you probably shouldn't drink that. It's going aggravate your acid reflux. Remember what happened with the Firecracker shrimp--!"
"Hush, witch, this is man business!"
"Fine, give yourselves the sh*ts, "
"Where are you going?"
"To the back yard to dig the hole I'm going to bury your stupid a** in."
Jaskier stuck his tongue out at her while simultaneously giving her the finger as she left.
"Mine first!" Jaskier said, pouring half the slurry he'd made into two glasses. He added a straw to each, then pushed one glass over to Geralt. They clinked their glasses together, and seconds later, Geralt and Jaskier were sucking down the liquefied horror.
Their exclamations of revulsion could be heard all the way to Yennefer's bedroom. They were quickly followed by the sounds of two men who were convinced their tongues were on fire.
I'm living with dumba**es. Yennefer thought to herself as she listened to them drink the sludge Geralt had made, then curse and blow and pant and make gargling noises as they chugged milk to kill the burn.
She could picture it so clearly. Jaskier and Geralt dancing around the kitchen, swearing and panting. They would be huffing long breaths in through their mouths to cool the burning sensation. Their lips would be on fire.
Geralt had heard somewhere that hair absorbed the oils that caused the burning, so they would both be rubbing handfuls of Geralt's hair on their mouths and tongues.
The noises died down after a few minutes, and Yennefer went back to her book. Her peace was disrupted about an hour later by the sounds of two jacka**es experiencing stomach issues. Geralt was in the upstairs bathroom, and Jaskier was in the downstairs, both of them sh*tting what felt like liquid fire.
When the smell began seeping out into the rest of the house, Yennefer opened a few windows and shoved some towels into the gaps under the bathroom doors. She felt only a tiny bit bad about trapping her boys in there with the horrible stench, but hey, natural consequences.
Geralt was confused and mortified as he sat on the toilet in an expanding miasma that was making him gag. He was a Witcher, and he wasn't supposed to have problems like this! F**k, he could eat roadkill, or eat out of the garbage and be fine! Witchers were made to survive on anything, they weren't supposed to get the sh*ts from a little mixed up food! His bowels cramped painfully...
Jaskier was shaking on the downstairs toilet. His stomach and his a**hole were aflame. Oh gods, this was worse than the Firecracker Shrimp incident! The heartburn, the acid in the back of his throat, the fire in his guts... This was Hell. He was in Hell. There was no other place he could be. It was pain and misery, and was that brimstone he smelled? Phew! That was rancid! Oh, sh*t, he was drooling...
Geralt: *unintelligeble cursing*
Jaskier: *barfing and sh*tting simultaneously*
Geralt: *terrifying explosive noises*
Jaskier: My a**hole's on fire!
Yennefer did the only thing she could think of to help in the situation. She cranked the volume of the stereo up, and played "Ring of Fire" by Johnny Cash.
Howls of outrage and distressed digestive noises rang out from the bathrooms.
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its-martytime · 3 months
Air Marty headcanons, because fuck it, I wanna share em!!
(Also applies to my RealWorld AU ofc)
Marty (he/em)
Martin Clark Jones
Voice claim: Will Wood or GrayStillPlays
40 years old (canon)
Chaotic Neutral
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Origins: Marty was born in Chicago and has spent his childhood in the Midwest. He did move to Florida when he reached his early 20s to attend college. The same college he also dropped out of midway through-..Though he remained living in Florida since then, now working as an airport janitor.
Accent: Southern (possibly canon?)
Despite growing up in a christian family, he doesn't actually follow a religion.
Neurodivergent: ADHD, OCD
Maladaptive daydreamer
Demiguy (refers to himself as "half-a-man")
Chaotic anarchist
Enjoys wild west themed movies and corny 90s sitcoms
Mid-life crisis.
Is a 70s and 80s kinda guy
Doodles from time to time despite not being really good at it.
Mostly knits during his free time.
Cracks corny puns/jokes every now and then.
Has a small mole above his lip on the right side. Also one on his right forearm and left elbow.
Has heterochromia (left eye is blueish grey and right eye is hazel green)
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Lost a tooth after drunk fighting at a bar.
Tall and lanky.
His room is full of handmade army planes. (Nearly lost his middle finger when making one-)
Clumsy, but has fast reflexes.
Flinches and tics if he sits/stands still for too long.
ALWAYS tries to remain as polite as possible, no matter how angry he is at the moment.
Y'know shits really going down when you catch em saying "Fuck" or "Shit".
Emotional - gets stressed easily.
Often overdramatizes things.
Whiskey enjoyer (preferably Jameson)
Used to smoke weed in his teen years.
Chocolate chip cookie enjoyer.
Rambler (overshares all the time)
Always comes up with the most ridiculous goofy scenarios/stories.
Favorite colors are neon green and pastel yellow.
Would rather hang around in his imaginary world.
Takes late night walks.
Hates cherry soda.
Usually a bad liar.
Owns a few Gameboys since he was a kid.
Hopeless romantic.
Randomly zones out.
Is actually very insecure.
Tends to eat very bizarre food combinations/snacks when hungry past midnight; mainly chomps on dark chocolate pieces with sardines on top or something as simple as a mix of mayo and ketchup slapped onto a rice cake with salt sprinkled on top.
Either smokes or eats sweets when stressed.
Snores loudly when sleeping. It is almost impossible to wake em up once he falls asleep.
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jewbeloved · 1 year
Since I hit 1k followers, I thought I would share a little more information about myself.
1. I'm kind of a shut-in since I have social anxiety and whatnot, I don't really open my personality out more unless I'm around people I feel comfortable with. In general, I prefer people who wouldn't judge me for my actions, my likes/dislikes, my gender, my sexuality, my fears, etc. and someone who doesn't get bored of me for not talking so much.
2. I'm a sweet tooth person, I have a lot of foods and drinks I like so I will list a couple. I like: Oreos, pizza (cheese with garlic), sugar frosting cookies, red velvet cake, donuts (chocolate and jelly-filled ones), sardines, yellowfin tuna, Mac n cheese (the one where you cook it in a pot), ice cream, fried chicken (Popeyes), and cheesecake!
I personally like soft drink sodas like: Sprite, fanta, Pepsi, and ginger ale!
3. I am currently asexual or aromantic, but I am still questioning my sexuality since I don't really know which one I am or not.
4. Hmm...I guess I wouldn't mind sharing the types of TV shows, animes, and video games I like. I have a lot of childhood TV shows I like and I still watch them today! My personal favorites are: South Park Tom and Jerry, TMNT, and Breadwinners! I like other TV shows but those 4 are my favorite ones that I always watched! and me liking South park should be obvious since my whole blog is filled with it Lmao.
I don't watch a lot of anime so I would list a few that I like. MHA, TBHK, and Zatch Bell.
Fnaf and Omori are probably the only video games I like.
5. I personally don't mind answering questions about myself, but as long as it isn't too personal I will answer almost anything (within my range of knowledge lol)
6. And the reason why I started this blog is because I'm not a huge fan of some south park stories I've read, especially the ones where they give the reader physical appearances (Hair length, color, eye color, clothes, and you get the idea). I am kind of tired of always reading a fanfic or scenario thinking that the gender is going to be male or neutral but I get jump scared by she/her pronouns. But putting all of that out of the way, I basically wanted to write my own fanfics and scenarios and I chose to write about south park so I started this blog. I know that everyone is not good at writing stuff but there are some good fanfics and scenarios I've read from people that are great!
By reading people's requests is giving me more motivation to continue writing more south park scenarios and headcanons! If I'm being honest, I probably will never get tired of south park it is my comfort life. But yeah, sorry for making you all have to read this 😅😅
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floorsauce · 9 months
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Dragon! Moon/Daycare attendant. About time I got around to them. Also Moon has no right having such lovely blue wings like that (not trying to pat myself on the back or anything, I just can't stop staring at their wings/frills)
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Some notes and headcanons
- Moon is a shadow dragon. Shadow isn't considered to be an evil element, but the use of it leaves people understandably cautious. Moon is aware they might creep people out, whether they mean to or not, and usually leaves Sun to be the greeter and caretaker for the most part
- that's not to say that Moon hates kids or people. In fact, they don't get much credit for how caring they are. Even though they constantly look tired and over it, Moon is gentle, sweet, and mindful with those under its care. They're good at reading body language, and will likely prepare to help you with your needs before you realize it yourself
- The best at resting. They aren't in charge of relax/nap time for nothing. While they aren't much of a touchy feely dragon like Sun, they will allow kids to sleep on their being. Moon also tends to "snore," though it's snores are more like deep purring. Its about as soothing as you imagine it. Also, when they aren't being held down by kids, Moon can sleep in weird positions and places, and even hang upside down if they want some extra distance from people.
- as far as Sun goes, it cares for the light dragon, though it's more subtle with its affection. While Moon may not like being in the light (mainly due to light sensitivity) they still find time to settle down Sun and help it recharge. If Sun is feeling restless, Moon will (gently) lay upon Sun as if it were a weighted blanket, and purr until Sun is calm. Moon will also help with clean up time, and always listens to the stories and "adventures" that Sun has had with the kiddos
- Where Sun loves sweet stuff and energy drinks, Moon likes salty stuff. You could give them a can of sardines or smoked salmon and they'd eat the whole thing, juice and all. It's rare for Moon to like sweet treats, but hot chocolate and moondrop candy are the exceptions
Til next time :)
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0mnitrixter · 6 years
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I mean, he’d totally have a Youtube channel, sooner or later, and he’d play games (as himself or as his aliens), vlog and do challenges!
Oh, he also has a second channel where he rants about Sumo Slammers.
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thetiniestcicada · 7 years
Random headcannon that Mcree, if not fed by someone, loves to eat the weirdest things. Like, pickles with peanut butter, fries on sherbet, salmon&papaya bagel stereotypical "pregnancy food" type foods, but hates to eat the same thing more than twice in a row. Not to say that he wouldn't, or that he's incapable of having/making normal food, he'd just prefer not to.
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teacup-crow · 4 years
I’ve finally got a coherent Five headcanon so you all have to suffer with me.
Name: Rory Jeavons
Age on Z-day: 19
Gender: they used the apocalypse to get rid of that entirely
Pronouns: they/them
Occupation: they were a warehouse stock-picker after leaving school who was training with the army at Mullins to become a dog handler. Still loves dogs and all animals.
Personality/background: they sometimes prefer their own company but can put on a very funny, dirty-minded social persona that goes down well with the other Runners; they have the kind of humour and confidence all short people have from elbowing their way through life. Their vocal chords and the hearing in one ear were damaged in the copter crash, but as they grew up with a Deaf parent they’re already well-versed in sign language. They use a mix of that, whispers and just plain scrawling in a notebook to get their point across.
Rory can be a little bit prone to pessimism, particularly in the face of Sam’s unrelenting optimism, but they chose to play this hero role and they’re going to see it through. At their heart, they’re rather lawful good and dislike moral ambiguity. They don’t trust particularly easily and their trust, once broken, is almost impossible to win back. They don’t share much about their time before Mullins but their childhood was quite a lonely and difficult one. They prefer going by Five because it doesn’t tie them down to the past
Appearance: they’re just over five foot, a little stocky, and very freckled. Their hair is light brown and curly, and they usually keep it fairly short. Their fashion sense is pretty eclectic in that they don’t pay too much attention to what they wear, and things barely match. It’s better for everyone once Abel has uniforms
Likes: Abel, their friends, chocolate (especially Rolos and Smarties), dogs, hot showers, hot dinners, pushing themselves a bit too far on runs, having a plan and routine to follow
Dislikes: too much noise (particularly following the helicopter), being touched involuntarily (especially when emotional), people coming up behind them, sardines, being alone in the dark
Guilty secret: they’re happier after the apocalypse than they ever were before it
Weapon of choice: frying pan
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deviant3lover · 4 years
Can you do more headcanons for the shitty teen squads? I really love them. Plus I love all of your works :)
Aha! Funny you should ask, because I started working on this one just before I saw your ask!
Without further ado…
Even more trio headcanons!!
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Genos, being a regular internet user, is well aware of the various memes circulating the media. However, he doesn’t have much of a close affinity to them, and only really uses them to mock someone online. Saitama on the other hand is oblivious, and Genos occasionally has to explain what a meme means for him to get it.
Never invite Genos to roast you. He will ruin your life. He already does it unintentionally with Saitama with his baldness, but when he does it on purpose? 
Random Bitch: He’s a pretty good lay, though his nose was pretty ugly. He kept going on and on about how much he wanted to marry me- gross shit, I know, but if he keeps giving me the check, I’ll suck up to him and say I love him too.
Genos: *murderous, unimpressed glare* You expect me to believe that there’s someone who’d willingly sleep with you, and not immediately kill themselves afterwards?
Random Bitch:
Metal Bat has one hell of a sweet tooth. He’s got his heart set on chocolate, but he’s also fond of the classics: the aforementioned, vanilla, and cookies and cream when it comes to ice cream. He loves the cola flavoured lollipops, and if he had to get himself a boba tea, he’d go for the Taro flavour: it’s just too good to him. He didn’t care too much for strawberry, but Zenko’s love for it encouraged him to develop a liking towards it. His go-to snacks are Oreos, home made chocolate fudge, and pocky; with the occasional cola lollipop if he’s got to focus on something and can’t afford to get distracted by constantly chowing down on sweets.
His metabolism isn’t as nearly insane (practically inhuman) as Garou’s or Genos’s, but it’s more than fast enough to make him avoid gaining weight from them. Paired with his delinquent persona, (and buying sweets incognito from cutesy sweet shops the same way that King buys video games) most people are often surprised when he has a strong liking for them.
Since Genos uses intense firepower, he also has a hydraulic cooling system to cool him down. The only times where he steams up is during or after a fight when he’s used his fuel intensively, and the steam primarily comes from his arms, the jets from behind his shoulders, and occasionally his mouth if the arms use far more firepower than usual. For the times where he’s really, really worked up emotionally (mortified, furious, etc) bits of steam can be seen coming from his mouth, but it’s never extreme enough to get his whole body to follow suit. Apart from battle, his body is usually safe to touch due to how efficient his cooling system is: that includes the times when he’s angry, but not getting ready to fight. (I will die on this hill for this headcanon. >:0!!)
When it comes to people he respects, Genos deliberately lies or hides anything relating to him that might trouble them. That also includes his true thoughts on what you’re enamored with, his private disgust at your gross habits, and redirecting attention away from potentially offensive topics towards something that might catch your interest. Any mortifying but true things said about yourself has him in silence, unsure of how to navigate the topic without offending you.
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Contrary to popular belief, Genos is actually pretty levelheaded when people insult Saitama online. He’s seen everything that people have to say about Saitama, and knows that fighting every fight- both small and huge- on the Internet isn’t worth it, since there’s always going to be horrible things said about him by people he’s unlikely to ever meet in person. Besides, no one would listen to some random user saying that Caped Baldy isn’t all that bad, and he’d rather not use his popularity as Demon Cyborg to attract unwanted attention to the both of them by praising Caped Baldy when they have better things to do. (*cough* shopping for discounts with his precious sensei *cough*) He deletes his history when he’s done browsing and subtly tries to steer Saitama away from sites that he knows are saying horrible stuff about him when his Sensei gets interested. It’s when people insult Saitama directly (e.g. In person, a fan letter that Saitama reads) that makes him angry.
Genos hates the thought of being inexperienced or having his attempts end in a failure, but he loathes it if Saitama bears witness to it. He’s far more passionate and attentive whenever his teacher is involved in any way to what he’s doing, in the hopes that perhaps, seeing his disciple taking his role seriously and not missing anything/using his time to slack off, Saitama would take him more seriously in return and tell him the true secret to his strength. (Which he already gave, poor Genos.)
When he’s caught off guard and rendered to near death by his opponents, it wasn’t because he underestimated them: it was because Genos overestimated his own strength, thinking that it was enough to kill them. He treats any and every threat seriously, no matter how weak or strong looking they are. From the meek, gross looking toilet monster, to the horrifying titanic threat that is Elder Centipede, Genos will engage his opponent with the intent of eliminating the threat by any means. He knows that weak looking monsters can house unimaginable strength as a surprise attack, and strong looking monsters could have unexpected powers that could catch him off guard. He’d never laugh or smile during a fight, knowing that his opponent is inherently dangerous and likely to endanger countless lives if they’re not eliminated.
(This is dark, but: he’s also the only member in the trio that’s killed people before, if not the most willing if push comes to shove.)
While he doesn’t care too much about his popularity, he does know that his fan clubs can be a powerful resource and will occasionally (and subtly) cater to them. His main way of doing so is buying himself clothes to make him look handsome (which he does more frequently thanks to the money he gets as an S-class,) and to keep up the ‘mysterious, alluring Cyborg Prince’ persona by refusing interviews and close relations with his fans: basically, by being himself. (Which he is more than willing to do.)
Genos, despite clearly stating his opinions on hero teams, (summary: he thinks they suck) doesn’t actually mind teaming up with other heroes on occasion. He knows that some heroes are capable of doing tasks that he wouldn’t do too well at, or would be able to do at all (especially if it’s ensuring the welfare of a group of people,) and will willingly team up if he thinks it’s for the best. It’s when those heroes make teams that they continuously depend on that he starts losing respect for them.
Inspired by this. One of his favorite clothing brands is Grin and Bears, particularly their men’s hoodies section. Alongside Amai Mask, Genos has occasionally been offered to be sponsored by several clothing brands due to how well he wears his designer clothing.
Genos has a good reason for liking oiled sardines. The food in particular was part of his old life where his family couldn’t afford much, and bought canned food more often than not. Vegetables and breads are nice and cheap, but are fairly bland. Oiled sardines is far more flavorful, and it was one of the first foods that he had tried that wasn’t the former two: unsurprisingly, he soon after became a fan of them.
Garou prefers hearty, nutrient rich foods. While he doesn’t have one favourite meal in particular, well rounded meals that involve vegetables and meats will have him wolfing it down. That includes steaks with nice veggies like potatoes and carrots and salads: it’s fairly balanced and there’s plenty to eat, hence his choice to go to a steak house to replenish his strength.
Don’t give Garou caffeine. He’s batshit insane and bloodthirsty when he’s high on it, and he’s far more irritable than he usually is when he crashes.
Genos doesn’t have fond memories of his birthday. His parents loved him, but would overwork themselves to get him a gift and it made him feel guilty every time, even though he insisted that they don’t go through the trouble. He never made plans to tell Saitama, but that information was included in his registration sheet to the H.A. and it was broadcasted on every talk show and website: needless to say, he caught wind of it. Like the festival, Saitama insists that they celebrate, and while Genos can’t completely shake off his bad experiences of it + fully engage and understand why Saitama is doing this, he’s slowly (somewhat reluctantly) getting more curious on what experiencing a good birthday is like. Saitama got him a cake on sale with a few coupons, and it looks kind of basic and a little corny with the decorations, but Genos still thanks Saitama for it and eats it all the same. Genos doesn’t have a particular favourite flavour in regards to sweets. At least, not yet. 
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Badd remembers his birthdays somewhat bittersweetly, remembering his younger days: the times where he was surrounded by his family and watching YouTube videos/live sport matches with his friends, digging into fast foods like fish and chips and eating watermelon and ice cream on a hot summer’s day. Those days were gone now, but Zenko and the few friends that stood by his side even when he was swamped with work usually band together to give him a nice day off from fans, school, and the HA to celebrate his birthday. It’s a smaller circle than before, but he still cherishes those who he came to love as his found family and enjoys them, looking back on his past with a hint of nostalgia. His cake is always chocolate with Oreos. 
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Garou… his birthdays were lonely, and he remembers them bitterly. There was one time where he invited everyone in his class to his party and no one showed up. 
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This occasion actually happened prior to Tacchan, so while young!Garou was heartbroken, he tried to be optimistic and justified the incident to himself. It’s probably because he doesn’t know everyone that well… Maybe others are busy? Tests were coming up soon and everyone had to study: it’s okay! It makes sense why no one could come! That is, of course, until the obvious happened, and he lost faith in the people around him. Garou never told Bang when his birthday was, and Bang never pried, seeing the bitterness and determination in Garou’s heart to become stronger, and respecting his decision not to tell him. To this day, Garou treats his birthday like any other day, if he still remembers when it was.
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Special Request by @rayadraws. How do Garou, Badd, Tareo, and Zenko react to Saitama?
I’ve actually loved her headcanon for Garou being wary and slightly afraid around Saitama at the start! So I believe that’s what he’ll initially be like around him. As time goes on, he’ll slowly relax and be subtly curious about him. Garou will crack jokes and teases from time to time, and while he does think it’s funny when Saitama sulks and complains about the trio teasing him for his baldness from time to time, he can’t stop the brief spike of fear that makes him freeze on instinct when Saitama is visibly angry. It’s an ambivalent situation for Garou: he’ll say no to Saitama asking if he can get something from the store, saying that ‘your tincan disciple can get it himself,’ but the serious, slightly furious face that Saitama puts on has him in silence for a few moments, before letting (forcing) out a seemingly lazy and nonchalant sigh and heading out the door to get it, his heart rate faster than it was a few moments ago.
His dreams can involve Saitama buying the most hideous pair of crocs and sporting a dopey face full of happiness at finding such a great discount, Dream!Garou groaning in disgust and walking away from him to do something else.
His nightmares can involve the feeling of rubber on his neck, slowly choking him as the bald man looks him straight in the eye above him, eyes startlingly dead and empty, daring him to make a move. His face could be replaced with that of a blank faced mannequin and hardly a difference can be seen. Nightmare!Garou remembers escaping somehow, jumping high enough to land himself in the cold, dark, suffocating expanse of space, and thinking to himself that he’d rather die up there rather than come back down to a desolate, barren earth: a lone man waiting to kill him as soon as he enters its atmosphere.
Garou’s relationship with Saitama, at first glance, is a seemingly normal one with the former lazing around his house and eating his food like an inconsiderate houseguest; but his feelings are anything but. As much as he pretends to not care much about Saitama, he’d listen carefully to what he has to say if he’s serious, and is a little more well behaved and observant around him. If Saitama imparts some of his rare pieces of advice, Garou would, on the outside, make a dull and uninterested note of it, but in reality he’d carefully consider his words in private.
- Badd knew that Saitama and Genos are a package deal, but when he found out that Saitama is Genos’s teacher, he’s incredulous. 
‘You serious, man? This guy? What’s he even gonna teach ya?’ 
Seeing Genos’s glower and hours of him chewing out Badd while lavishing praises on sensei’s strength, wisdom, and humility drove home the point to Badd, who was practically groaning in exasperation and telling him that he gets it, just to get Genos to stop berating him. Seeing Saitama’s power finally makes him understand. 
He’s somewhat more polite around him now, knowing that this is someone Genos respects, and Badd seeing Saitama living life and just generally being a good guy makes Badd’s opinion of him slowly grow. He sympathises with Saitama’s baldness, and out of the trio, is the least likely to tease him for it: deliberately or not. Badd himself shudders at the thought of losing his beloved pompadour, so he’s usually the one to say ‘quit it, you’re bumming him out’ to Genos whenever he’s unintentionally hurting Saitama’s feelings. Or a simple ‘holy shit Garou, stop’ when Garou makes a melodramatic re-enactment of Saitama’s offended reaction to Konbu’s supposed ‘benefits’ that Genos had informed him of. (Genos mentioned the event, and now they know all about it.)
Tareo, at first, doesn’t recognize him since he usually focuses on the cool heroes. When he finds out Saitama’s hero name, he’s taken aback. ‘You’re the Caped Baldy??’ He asks, with what sounded to be awe. 
Apart from internally cringing at the name, Saitama is briefly (and pleasantly surprised) and was about to say yes, before Tareo ran over to Garou and whispered to him (quite loudly) to ‘be careful ojisan! That bald guy over there is bad news!’
(Saitama’s blank face was screwed on for a good 10 seconds.)
He’s wary of Saitama, asking questions such as ‘didn’t you steal credit from other heroes when the sea monsters attacked?’ for some time. It’s through Garou’s, Badd’s, and Genos’s good opinion of the man that Tareo slowly begins to trust that Saitama is a good person. ‘If uncle and his friends thinks he’s nice, maybe he’s not so bad…’
Same with Garou, Tareo refers to him as ‘ojisan.’ ;)c
Zenko… man, the main reason why I took so long creating this post is because I wouldn’t know how Zenko would react until I thought about it carefully.
Like Tareo, she’s wary and slightly antagonistic towards him once she realises who he is, though less so than Tareo since it’s a little difficult to steal credit from an S-Class like him: Metal Bat is one of those heroes who can take down most monsters by himself, so I imagine Zenko wouldn’t be too worried about Caped Baldy taking the credit, but rather, she’d be wary of him trying something else to drag her brother through the mud.
She may not cuss him out, or even outwardly call him a Baldy, but she can be just as strong willed as her brother. Her initial relationship with Saitama can be seen mostly as this:
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She does know that while Badd has a hot temper, can be forgetful, and stirs up trouble sometimes, she also knows that he harbours a serious hatred for cowards and self centred cheats that put themselves over others. The fact that Badd isn’t threatening Saitama to (fuck off) leave him and his sister alone reassures her to some extent into believing that maybe the rumors aren’t true: she’s had her share of getting angry on Badd’s behalf when the news or gossip columns twist the truth about her brother, especially in a bad light, so she carefully observes him to see if he’s the person that most people make him out to be.
Like her brother, her opinion of him slowly grows. She’s assertive, but not rude. She won’t call him a Baldy or old man like Tareo or Tatsumaki, no matter how angry she gets. There’s just some buttons you don’t press, and Zenko doesn’t want to become a mean spirited person.
She does get sort of grossed out by some of his clothing choices and will confront him on it sooner or later, saying that ‘Mr Saitama, your clothes look ugly’ and that maybe he should start looking for better ones.
(This is also the perfect opportunity to get her to drag him shopping with her: clothes for the both of them! And she’s definitely going to pick out some clothes for Saitama. 
I imagine that at the beginning, her fashion senses were still developing, and while she has her heart in the right place, it was a hit(?) or miss at the time. It gets way better later on, and she’s a little fashionista! Makeup and clothing are sure to look good on you when she picks them out herself~ But for this headcanon, you can decide if her fashion senses are more polished, or are still in development. Saitama’s fate of looking good/bad is up to you. ;3c)
Shared Traits
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Badd doesn’t use any sort of weird quirk for how he texts. His source for punctuation is autocorrect and never exactly uses full stops unless he’s having a serious conversation: but even then, it’s fairly uncommon.
But he does use words and slangs like ‘dude’ and shortened words like ‘y’all.’
His swears are more relaxed in text, but only because you can’t hear his rough voice saying them; either way, he usually isn’t actually trying to intimidate you. When he gets angry, however, you can definitely feel the threats, the intimidation, and the tightly leashed anger dripping off of his words just as much as when he says them in person. If he’s angry, you’ll know it.
If he has time and is invested in a conversation, he likes using the occasional gif or emoticon but isn’t obnoxious with it.
Sometimes when he’s busy and doesn’t care, he uses all caps because he doesn’t want to deal with his words being autocorrected to something else. This is usually seen when he’s about to get into a fight.
When you ask him where he is when he’s out, he’s equally likely to text you the name of the place, or send you a photo of where he is.
When it’s a photo of Zenko, especially if it’s her with a prize or a trophy or a doll and she’s being cute, he spams hearts and praises of her.
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Genos has perfect punctuation and grammar.
You know that annoying moment when the person you’re texting seemingly is texting a long ass message, only for it to come out as something like ‘ok’? Yeah… Genos never does that. (Unless he wants to say something important (and likely very personal) but is too reluctant to say it, and opts for something more mundane.)
He sends entire paragraphs if he’s explaining something or debriefing someone on some information.
His sentences are curt if he’s busy. It’ll come off as cold and rude to most people when they read them.
His recent emojis section has all the ones he can just text quickly if he’s far too busy to make sentences. Handy if he only has one arm or taking a breather from a monster fight.
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Garou does not use autocorrect.
He’s obnoxious when he texts.
Memes, gifs, I wIlL bEaT tHe HeRo HuNtEr (With the spongebob meme template: specifically designed to mock heroes and wannabes who think they can take him down), spamming ‘answer me bitch’ to his poor recipient over and over until they reply, using so. Many. Emojis. For the sole purpose of annoying you.
If he’s texting Tareo, he’s pretty casual.
Hey lil turd I got some coupons for ice cream
I hate ice cream
Take them or im throwing them out
The no brainer: Genos and Garou are masters at eating competitions. Garou wolfs it all down quickly, whilst Genos is more dignified about how he eats, if the super spicy udon competition he had with Saitama is any indication. Badd can keep up, (mama didn’t raise no quitter!) but he’ll be struggling to get a grip on himself and stay awake.
If he wanted to, Genos can keep on eating for an extended period of time, limited only by the capacity of his fuel engines. (Which, by our stomach’s standards, is practically infinite for how much he can eat in so short a time and still keep going for hours.) His body can essentially turn the foods and drinks he ingests either into nutrients for the brain, or fuel for his firepower: continuously keeping his engines active will digest what he eats on a semi-fast level.
If the trio do end up becoming friends in canon, I imagine that they’d pick up on each other’s traits subconsciously. Badd’s and Genos’s smirks are faint facsimiles of Garou’s. Badd and Garou take after Genos’s protectiveness over items on sale at the supermarket, knowing how rare the occasion can be to get discounts for some in particular. Genos and Garou say ‘haah?’ in an intimidating manner, on instinct, to people they don’t like thanks to Badd. And of course, all three swear more often, usually under their breaths whenever something goes wrong, or to quietly insult someone without causing a scene.
It’s pretty obvious that Genos prefers slim fitting clothing. Anything too baggy will catch/snag and tear on his surroundings and hinder his ability to use his weapons. Badd prefers slightly loose clothing since he’s pretty hot tempered and he gets worked up for fights pretty easily, and clammy clothes aren’t exactly comfortable. Garou is a mix of both: when it comes to clothing, it’s either the clothes are light and form fitting enough to be second skin so he doesn’t have to worry about it snagging, or the clothes are just the right amount of loose to make him look decent, but not like he’s wearing painted on clothing. He’s alright with either option. Emphasis on form fitting. He canonically hates clothes that restrict his movements, and his usual shirt is made of normal, lightweight fabric, so Garou won’t be too keen on the idea of wearing a skin tight bodysuit made of latex or leather.
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((So I’ve been watching a lot of Kitchen Nightmares lately...))
((...which has led me to a few headcanons. I’m putting them under the cut for length, but I’ll leave a blank template up top if anyone else wants to fill it out. So I guess you can consider this a tagging game?))
Cooking/Food Headcanons
Skill Level:
Signature Dish:
Favorite Dish:
One dish they won’t eat:
One dish they’d like to try:
Food Allergies:
Tagged by:
DJ Grooves
Skill Level: Semi-Pro
Specialty: Contemporary
Signature Dish: Seared tuna with seaweed salad and wild rice
Favorite Dish: Sashimi
One dish they won’t eat: Tofu
One dish they’d like to try: Fugu
Food Allergies: None
The Captain
Skill Level: Passable
Specialty: Quick and Easy
Signature Dish: Frozen pizza with some sardines thrown on top
Favorite Dish: Grilled Swordfish
One dish they won’t eat: White Chocolate
One dish they’d like to try: Lobster Macaroni
Food Allergies: None
The Penguin
Skill Level: Semi-Pro
Specialty: Seafood
Signature Dish: Citrus-Poached Salmon
Favorite Dish: New England Clam Chowder
One dish they won’t eat: Anything too greasy.
One dish they’d like to try: Scallop Linguine
Food Allergies: None
Commander Nebula
Skill Level: Pit Master
Specialty: Barbecue
Signature Dish: Short ribs with sweet and spicy Rhizomian chili sauce
Favorite Dish: Chili
One dish they won’t eat: Anything that’s still moving
One dish they’d like to try: Jo-Adian Barbacoa
Food Allergies: None
Skill Level: Bad
Specialty: Convenience Foods, Sandwiches
Signature Dish: Instant noodles, most likely made with a Keurig.
Favorite Dish: Broccoli Stew
One dish they won’t eat: Muffins
One dish they’d like to try: Spinach Puffs
Food Allergies: Blueberries
Skill Level: Home Cook
Specialty: Junk Food
Signature Dish: Breakfast Crunch Wrap
Favorite Dish: It’s a tie between pizza and cheeseburgers.
One dish they won’t eat: Snails
One dish they’d like to try: Takoyaki
Food Allergies: None
Skill Level: Fry Cook
Specialty: Diner Favorites
Signature Dish: Breakfast Plate (eggs, bacon, hash browns, beans on toast)
Favorite Dish: Postage stamps. Literal, lick-and-stick, paper postage stamps.
One dish they won’t eat: Sauerkraut
One dish they’d like to try: Tiramisu
Food Allergies: None
The Mad Doctor
Skill Level: Passable
Specialty: Hearty Dinners
Signature Dish: Roast Beef with Vegetables
Favorite Dish: Chicken Soup
One dish they won’t eat: Cranberries
One dish they’d like to try: Chocolate Beer Bread
Food Allergies: None
Skull Boy
Skill Level: Child Prodigy
Specialty: Jack-of-All-Trades
Signature Dish: Milkshakes
Favorite Dish: Steamed Rutabagas
One dish they won’t eat: Cauliflower
One dish they’d like to try: Jambalaya
Food Allergies: None
Lord Starchbottom
Skill Level: Royal Chef
Specialty: Jack-of-All-Trades
Signature Dish: Fried Pickles
Favorite Dish: Jollyberry Waffles
One dish they won’t eat: Liver
One dish they’d like to try: Croquembouche
Food Allergies: None
Skill Level: Basic
Specialty: Kid-friendly Foods
Signature Dish: Grilled Cheese
Favorite Dish: Chcolate Cake
One dish they won’t eat: Asparagus
One dish they’d like to try: Lemon Meringue Pie
Food Allergies: None
Skill Level: Home Cook
Specialty: Comfort Food
Signature Dish: Blueberry Pancakes
Favorite Dish: Pecan Pie
One dish they won’t eat: He’ll try anything, if only to be polite.
One dish they’d like to try: Beignets
Food Allergies: Lactose Intolerance
Skill Level: Home Cook
Specialty: Snacks
Signature Dish: Strawberry Lemon Bars
Favorite Dish: Lasagna
One dish they won’t eat: Eggplant
One dish they’d like to try: Mango Salsa
Food Allergies: None
Skill Level: Passable
Specialty: Contemporary
Signature Dish: Steak
Favorite Dish: Pastrami on Rye
One dish they won’t eat: Limes
One dish they’d like to try: Caviar
Food Allergies: Peanuts
Skill Level: Terrible
Specialty: Experimental
Signature Dish: Mackerel Souffle
Favorite Dish: Salted Caramel Cheesecake
One dish they won’t eat: Flan
One dish they’d like to try: Cajun Salmon
Food Allergies: None
Skill Level: Home Cook
Specialty: Seafood, Vegetarian, Mushrooms
Signature Dish: Stir Fry
Favorite Dish: Bread
One dish they won’t eat: Kale
One dish they’d like to try: Gnomish Hedgehog Stew
Food Allergies: None
Skill Level: Artisan
Specialty: Baked Goods
Signature Dish: Pumpkin Cookies
Favorite Dish: Grilled Cheese
One dish they won’t eat: Nothing
One dish they’d like to try: Anything new and exciting
Food Allergies: None
Skill Level: Professional Baker
Specialty: Baked Goods
Signature Dish: Black Forest Cake
Favorite Dish: Cherry Pie
One dish they won’t eat: Blue Cheese
One dish they’d like to try: Shaker Cookies
Food Allergies: None
Three Meat
Skill Level: Passable
Specialty: Mexican Food
Signature Dish: Burrito Filling
Favorite Dish: Jalapeños
One dish they won’t eat: Anything one would not logically find in a burrito.
One dish they’d like to try: Chorizo
Food Allergies: None
Skill Level: Home Cook
Specialty: College Staples
Signature Dish: Bagel Pizzas
Favorite Dish: Yakisoba
One dish they won’t eat: Coconut
One dish they’d like to try: Poutine
Food Allergies: None
Skill Level: Passable
Specialty: Campfire Food
Signature Dish: Smoked Salmon Jerky
Favorite Dish: Duck. Any preparation.
One dish they won’t eat: Anything sweet. What’s the point if she can’t taste it?
One dish they’d like to try: Surströmming
Food Allergies: Standard feline allergies/toxicities apply.
King Thaddeus
Skill Level: Hobbyist
Specialty: Picnic Favorites
Signature Dish: Baked Beans
Favorite Dish: Glazed Ham
One dish they won’t eat: Fish
One dish they’d like to try: Curry
Food Allergies: None
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hyenasnake · 5 years
Etapalli and Sartana Headcanons
Etapalli and Sartana are pretty close when the former is a kid
They play pranks together all the time
They also play pranks on each other
Sartana teaches Etapalli how to fly
If Etapalli has a nightmare she either goes to Sartana’s room, Itzpa’s room, Alazne’s room, or her parents room to sleep
Sartana was the the second person after Alazne that Etapalli came out to
Sartana gave her sister her full support and gave her tips about dating and romance
When Sartana found out what Itzli did to Etapalli it took four of her siblings to hold her back from going to maim him for what he dud
Etapalli always had a bad feeling about Jorge but put it aside because she wanted to see her sister happy
She and Jorge HATED each other
While Etapalli hid her disdain from Sartana, Jorge made it very clear to his girlfriend he didn’t like her sister and didn’t want to have to see her all the time after they got married
Etapalli blames herself for Jorge abandoning Sartana
This caused her to become even more depressed than she was previously
Sartana doesn’t really like Katalina because she’s scared the flirty soldier will break her sister’s heart like her own was broken
Being a patron and protector of pregnant women, Etapalli knew about Sartana’s pregnancy before she herself even knew
When Sartana was banished, Etapalli was 12 in god years and her banishment caused her even more depression and self loathing now that two of her sisters (and best friends) were gone
She gave Sartana a pink carnation before she was banished and told her “Don’t forget me”
Sartana used the last of her godly magic to protect Machete and the flower
Sartana still has the flower pressed and dried in her spellbook 
Etapalli has to do a lot of work in Miracle City due to it being a spicy cesspool of crime and villainy
So when she found out Sartana lived there she was ecstatic 
She couldn’t go and defy heaven’s orders directly
but Etapalli is a master shapeshifter
so she shifted into a babey and showed up meowing at Sartana’s window
Sartana usually hates cats but she had a special feeling when this fluffy black and white cat showed up at her window one night while she was crying and started headbutting her cheek and rubbing on her
She named the stray “Pallita” after her nickname for her sister, ironically 
Pallita disappeared all day every day but always showed up for at least an hour each night to sleep on Sartana’s lap and get some food
When Sartana started getting bigger later into her pregnancy her lap disappeared so Pallita would sleep on her stomach instead
Etapalli heard a rumor from her vultures (her eyes in the sky) that Sartana was in labor but was in the middle of an important job and immediately after she rushed to Sartana’s apartment only to find she had just given birth
Pallita spent the rest of the day with Sartana and Machete
Pallita became a co-parent to Machete and would often sleep in his basket with him and keep an eye on him when Sartana was busy elsewhere
If something was wrong with Machete, Sartana instantly knew because the cat wouldn’t stop screaming at her
Sartana began to suspect Pallita wasn’t a normal cat when she saw a neighborhood kid throw water on the cat and instead of hissing or yowling the cat shouted “hey fuck off ya spooky midget” at the perpetrator
Then she recalled all the times the cat point blank refused a plate of sardines or cat food and the later found the cat raiding her chocolate stash or the bag of churros
Pallita becomes a nanny to Machete when he’s a toddler and is constantly keeping him from doing stupid shit
once and a while when Sartana left the two alone Etapalli would change back into her normal form to play with Machete
Sartana knows for a fact Pallita isn’t a normal cat since she’s been showing up for 50 years without dying or ageing 
After the kids are allowed to see their sister on Devil’s Night, Etapalli tries to act like she hasn’t seen her sister in years and hasn’t met Machete but they know better
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blackhatcannons · 7 years
I headcanon that Black Hat got really into couponing, after he employed the rest of the crew. Feeding 2 humans and a bear has to cost a lot and he would most likely try not to use so much money on groceries and stuff. It would basically end with: “No, Demencia, we are NOT going to buy this chocolate bar, we don't have a coupon for it. You have to do it with your own money.” 1/2
They would always leave with giant loads of groceries and other various things, for just a few dollars as payment. It’s basically legal stealing! Also there had to be a few incidents were they didn’t take some coupons for some reason and ended up with an angry Black Hat and a hero trying to resolve the drama one way or another, while the rest of the crew watched things from afar. 2/2
Black Hat is basically just an angry old grandma who spends hours in front of the fireplace in a rocking chair cutting up a newspaper. with his claws. fuck scissors am i right.
by the time he’s done there’s a stack of coupons big enough to stuff a briefcase. which is exactly where they go into. gotta carry your coupons in style
some of these are incredibly useless?? “Save $5 dollars off any $200 or more purchase?? Expires tonight?? HOLY FUCK!!!!” but you can bet he’ll teleport straight into sears or wherever the fuck it is, impulse purchase the nearest thing, and throw the coupon in the cashier’s face
so onto the store: You gotta get the essentials first. bread, some meat, cheese?… lettuce, uh, an apple. sardines. bubblegum. what do humans eat again??
BH just has 5.0.5 do it normally, since Flug would straight up blow their food budget on Mountain Dew, 5 hour energy, and coffee and Dementia would just raid the $1 candy isle.
But meanwhile BH’s gotta find the frozen food isle because “TWO boxes of frozen fish stick for the price of ONE!?!? THIS IS THE MOST DIABOLICAL THING I’VE EVER SEEN!”
“these savings are positively evil” BH claims as he buys five tubs of greek yogurt
“EXCUSE ME DO YOU WORK HERE” “Oh shit he’s back– hello sir h-how can i help y–” “WHERE DO YOU KEEP YOUR KALE CHIPS. DO YOU SELL THEM HERE.” “Snacks are in isle 9.″ bh fucking nyooms off
Y’all are making Black Hat so…….. edgy…….. (I love this)
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amplectormors · 7 years
Random Headcanon - 05
Mors’s Menu and eating habits
Mors is much worse than Noctis, who may have been pampered a bit enough to not like general things like beans, most vegetables, and carrots.
If something Mors didn’t like was in a plate, he didn’t pick around it, he just doesn’t eat it. He doesn’t want to take the chance he might taste it.
Mors hates most green things. Lettuce, cabbage, broccoli, lima beans, peas, okra, limes, asparagus, even avocados. He will eat things if attending the party of another individual, but in his own house? Not a speck of it in the kitchen. Only in some exceptions where he will actually eat it, then fresh ingredients will be ordered.
That’s not all he hates, but on a surface level it’s a good start. Sour things he hates. Citrus, even oranges, he dislikes. He dislikes seafood that isn’t fresh, namely fish in a can like anchovies and sardines. Other than that, he actually loves seafood. Shellfish mostly, but poached fish is a favorite. Also like Noctis he doesn’t like carrots, beans, and mushy deserts.
Mors also eats a lot. Not in large portions, since he’s actually quite thin for his height. He genuinely eats constantly. Can sometimes have six different individual times to eat a day. Usually, Breakfast, salad, lunch, afternoon tea, dinner, and desert at a separate time of day, with sometimes a midnight snack. It may be effects of the Ring constantly draining his energy and power that his metabolism is so high, but Mors doesn’t really care to look into it.
A daily routine of meals consists of:
Breakfast: Tea (he hates coffee too, unless in a desert, even then still touchy) usually something sweet like earl grey, some sort of black tea. Seafood is preferred. Typically Eggs Neptune, poached eggs and crab meat. Oysters are also good, or shrimp with spice, like a Tom Yum soup -- remove the sourness, of course. Usually a little toast with jam for more sweetness. Usually a sparkling wine or a mimosa will accompany the meal, depending on what type of seafood.
Salad: Not always observed by him, really it’s something he might eat while working or a few hours after Breakfast. Sometimes it comes just before Lunch, and he doesn’t mind that. Not the typical lettuce salad since he hates the stuff, quite a misleading title he gives the meal, but it is usually salad-like snacks. Fruit salad. Mimosa salad. Pasta salad. Panzanella salad. Gado-gado. Something in a small bowl that he’s hungry for. Usually with a cup of cognac and a cigar, Mors is a fan of smoking a few puffs at least once a day. Usually he likes cigars to calm his nerves, he’s usually smoking one during an interview or in the streets of Insomnia.
Lunch: Rotisserie chocobo, or chickatrice, all sorts of game around Lucis that Mors is fond of trying. Sausages or meat pie, he usually likes something that would actually be filling if he ate very much. Sometimes it’s a three course meal. Soup or salad, usually the soup is something creamy like squash, or borscht, then a slice of meat pie or some rotisserie with potatoes, and a fruit crepe or a slice of fruit galette. Usually a nice red wine, from Veldoria, Accordo, where they specialize.
Afternoon tea: Herbal tea, something bitter to counteract the sweet. Usually around late evening, since dinner is very late in the night. A big tea set of scones, muffins, mini cakes, cheesecake, and cream puffs. The next plate usually having some sort of chocolate croissants, jam cookies, chocolate bonbons, more candy-like things, and the bottom usually finger sandwiches, crust cut off, cucumber and butter, ham and cheese, egg salad, whipped cream and fruit, peanut butter and bananas, even marshmallow fluff sandwiches depending on his mood.
Dinner: Another full course like lunch, but typically five or six courses, and much more stylized. Usually this is his finest works from the chefs. Beginning with hors d’oeuvres, canape with caviar or smoked and a nice red wine, or even wine and cheese. Usually a very light start. A soup, usually lighter than lunch, consomme, or barely soup, with a bit of brandy before the entree. Either a fish dish, a meaty dish, or both are served. Dishes like glazed duckling, or poached salmon, as well as rack of lamb or filet mignon, polished off with more brandy or wine. Then a desert sorbet, and a dish of fresh fruit and cheese as a palette cleanser.
Midnight Snack: Not always common, usually after a nightmare Mors may wake up, or if he cannot sleep, he’ll order a dry martini or some bourbon. Usually the snack is not actually a food, but just something to drink before bedtime.
That’s the basic of it. Mors is by no means a lightweight, he drinks almost all day, usually wine too, so he can be a little easy with letting his emotions slip, although he’s not in very good control of it sober. He’s usually not very drunk, in fact he can put away quite a bit of drink before he actually feels any effect. 
Some of this is attributed to the ring’s effect on his body, counteracted with his worship of Etros. His devotion to sacrifice leads to gifts from Etros, mostly towards his health. He actually looked the best of all the Kings of Lucis after the Ring was put on him, because the Ring is actually weak under his power. The wall was the weakest it ever was, because Mors has little control over the Ring. He doesn’t hear the ancestors of the Ring either. In return, he also lived an average lifespan of a King of Lucis, up this is mid 40′s with minimal health issues thanks to Etros’s gifts to him. 
He died in his sleep from health issues in my canon, no long fight with terminal illness or issues from his drinking or smoking. Mors’s one last request to Etros was to not take him while he was watching, and she granted him even this final gift.
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grievous-writes · 7 years
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I’m gonna do both the pregnant and baby headcanons, best of both worlds! I’m also going to make the reader female based and I want wait to do Reinhardt’s part. I kinda wanna do a mini drabble with him only, we’ll see
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Soldier 76:
When you first told Jack you were pregnant, he was highly skeptical.
And terrified.
He didn’t mean to offend you or hurt your feelings, but was the kid his? Jack had been told his enchantments made having kids … nearly impossible.
With confirmation from Angela Ziegler, Jack thought he’d feel more at ease.
All that did was make Jack more afraid.
How the hell is he going to be a the father your child needs in such a hectic time?
Talon knocking on one door, disapproval of the world on the other.
With time and reassurance, you help Jack settle into the role of fatherhood.
He may be overloaded with work but when you need an extra pillow to prop your back up, a foot rub, or even that odd mix of sardines and chocolate ice cream, Jack will always be just a call away.
When you can’t sleep, tossing and turning with pain, Jack will be up with you all night.
You’re in this together, in combat and parenthood.
Nine months later, you and Jack’s son is born.
Blonde like his father and he has your eyes.
Jack is hesitant to hold the baby, but with a little encouragement, he tenderly holds his son.
The Commander refused to let anyone besides himself or you hold the baby for a few days.
But when he did, it was Ana.
Ana becomes the adopted grandmother instantly.
Once Jack sees how the other Overwatch members are so eager to see the baby, they all become extended family.
Save one.
Jack doesn’t let Gabriel anywhere near the baby; not for a very long time. It’s not like Gabriel wanted anything to do with children, but some part of you wanted him to know Jack’s son.
New beginnings sometimes healed old endings.
Jack will never admit it, but he sings his son to sleep.
It’s a low, husky tone; tempered by shouting commands for years. But for his son, it’s gentle.
“The new-mown hay sends all its fragrance. From the fields I used to roam. When I dream about the moonlight on the Wabash … then I long for my Indiana home.”
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You and Genji’s pregnancy was one in the planning for years.
You two had been friends since childhood, best friends, and you had always said you’d get married one day; have kids, be a happy family, all those innocent wishes.
“You’ll marry me one day, won’t you Y/N-chan?” You remember his smile had missing teeth back then. He was a lively child.
But children grow up, you grew up and Genji … disappeared.
Still, you held onto those wishes; however childish they were.
You went to school, got bored of that. Got a high paying job in the medical field, got bored of that.
And then you were gifted an anonymous invitation to join the Overwatch recall. They needed someone of your skill to help kickstart the organization.
It was a lost less boring; especially after meeting Genji again.
After a heart, skip, and jump and you and Genji were a committed couple.
Angela Ziegler luckily had come of Genji’s sperm saved over from his operation, just incase, and you were impregnated.
After that, Genji treated you like the Queen you are.
When he’s not out on missions, Genji is literally waiting on your hand and foot.
Some say Genji was spoiling you.
He WAS spoiling you.
He ain’t gonna deny it, ain’t gonna hide it.
Genji has waited all this time to find you again, to find those old promises again. He wasn’t ever going to lose something so precious again.
The pregnancy was normal, up till the seventh month.
Your little girl came early. She was so small, so pink and fragile.
She was named Sakura.
Zenyatta was filled with joy to see her and you in stable condition, while Hanzo was a tad off put.
Genji was more than ready to let Hanzo experience what it meant to be a family again, and Sakura was the first step.
You both guided Hanzo into holding her right. “Here Hanzo, hold her like this.” “Brother, remember to support her head.”
Hanzo gives up because you both pester him so, but he will try again later; when you both have calmed down.
Genji watches over you and sleeping Sakura every single night, petting both of your heads with gentle fondness.
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0mnitrixter · 6 years
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Because @manaborn has those headcanons that make me want to draw.
Basically, in the future, Gwen dies alone at her isolated spot, and Ben finds out only because she hasn’t contacted anyone in days and days.
Guess doom is coming.
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0mnitrixter · 6 years
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     As the bright green light filled the empty room, the loud, unceasing beeping made him suddenly wake up.
Ben growled, trying to cover his ears with the pillow to ignore whatever was happening. But after that sound became louder and louder, the boy finally peeked from the pillow, trying to locate the source of that fuzz.
It was coming from the night table next to his bed. It took a moment to realize, but once he understood that it was the Omnitrix going off, he quickly sat up, reaching for the device to see what was happening.
Instinctively we wore it; Dexter pressed for him to take it off at least when he was sleeping, both fearing that it could malfunction while Ben wasn’t aware and because of the damage it was creating on the boy’s wrist.      Finally, he pressed on the device, to see what the alarm was for.
     That completely caught his attention. He navigated through the settings, trying to determine the location of that new extraterrestrial life form the Omnitrix was detecting.
Strange... it said it wasn’t coming from anywhere near Offworld Plaza or the Space Port. He tried to scan the Nanocom Map, but everywhere he looked, the Omnitrix kept saying that the source of the new DNA wasn’t anywhere in there.
Sighing, a bit annoyed, he got up and walked to his desk, switching on the computer to try and solve that mystery once and for all.
He connected the watch to the network and started a larger scan of all known area to find this new alien form.
It took a while, and Ben was really about to fall asleep again on his chair when finally, something came up.      Yawning, the teen stretched and looked at the big screen in front of him. What he saw, left him speechless, and made him wake up completely.
The computer was detecting the source of the new alien DNA on Planet Fuse.
That couldn’t be right,      There was NO WAY the Omnitrix was detecting ANY sort of life form on that disgusting excuse of a planet.
He tried to get more information, scanning all known alien species to see if there was a match with what the watch was detecting. Of course, there were some species the device hadn’t scanned yet, but them being on Planet Fuse? Was that monster keeping hostages for some obscure reason?
But the answer that came up from his search was even more unsettling that he could ever imagine.
     That... couldn’t be right at all. They passed YEARS trying to understand who Fuse was and how to destroy it. The Omnitrix started malfunctioning once that invader arrived, and it was never able to acquire or even DETECT that monster’s DNA.      He tried to repeat the search more than once, but the same result came up, over and over again.
Ben leaned back on his chair, looking down at the watch, shocked and confused.      He tapped on the device screen, and a hologram popped up.
     Maybe he needed to call Dexter and tell him about what was going on; that could be a big breakthrough in that war.      As he thought this, the signal coming from Planet Fuse began to weaken, and the Omnitrix started a countdown for the acquisition.
He could record all that data and send it to the boy genius.      Or... he could... scan the DNA, store it into the Omnitrix and show it to him the next day...
His eyes darted from the computer screen to the Omnitrix, trying to decide what to do.
There was no time to copy the information or even contact Dexter.
     He whined, and with a quick, resolute movement he smacked the screen of the Omnitrix, allowing it to acquire and store that new DNA.
The beeping immediately ceased. The room went silent, except for Ben’s hard breathing. He was legit shivering from a mix of relieved stress and fear.
It... was there. He had Fuse, LORD Fuse’s DNA stored into the Omnitrix.
That was BIG. That could allow them to really win that war that had been going on for so long. It didn’t seem real.
     He sighed loudly, rubbing his face with both hands and bending down to his legs, trying to calm down a bit, collect his thought and decide what to do next. He even stopped breathing for a few seconds.
Finally, Ben pulled up, taking a deep breath.      He looked down at the Omnitrix once again and tapped a shivering finger on the dial, letting the new alien hologram appear.
It was real.
And now... he was curious. Should he... try it?      Should he verify that that was, in fact, Fuse’s form?           What if it was a trap?
Too many questions and doubts rose up as he looked at that green miniature of the alien who was trying to destroy their planet.
He needed to be sure so that no one would get hurt.
     His hand moved to activate the Omnitrix, right arm up in the air and left one bent in front of his face. He hesitated as all the possibilities passed in his mind on how that could end.
In the end, his instinct prevailed, and his hand flew down and collided with the device, filling the room with a bright green light.
     And a painful, ear-piercing scream of agony.
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0mnitrixter · 6 years
Headcanon: Smoothies are a rarity in the Fusionfall world because they easily get covered in goo, or worse, the fusions change the fruity drink with fusion matter. Ben and Gwen are in abstinence and sometimes you can see them cry uncontrollably because THEY NEED THEIR DOSE.
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