#fusionsprunt camille
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KAUAN: "That was awesome, man! You should've seen it, everyone shouted your name when you crossed the finish line!"
CAMILLE: "I knew you would make it! Everyone's so proud of you."
???: "Someone... Please, help me take this thing off!"
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fusionsprunt · 4 months
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Meet two of the brightest minds at the Robotics Department, Kauan and Camille!
Both are students at the University of Bortom, and are currently (Year 4032) helping develop a new series of androids entitled "UNITY" as part of their course completion work.
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I noticed Camille ear and Kauans arm. I was wondering, B2 has a very human-like look, it seems like she was not human at some point, due to the purple metal skeleton underneath her face, but with Camille and her friend, did those replacement robot features happen to be from injury in war? or are they slowly turning themselves into androids?
I also realized the one pilot, who I would now assume that is Gideon (i had my suspicions it was b2 before she was a robot, but now we know she is a robot)
When B2, or Beatrix is asking Gideon ifv he was responsible for UNITY and B2 is a UNITY android, if Gideon could be a part to play in her creation, did the creators somehow take pecies from the coment to make her life source?
(sorry for the long ask im attacthed to the robots)
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me looking at this ask. (time to lore dump)
Camille and Kauan weren't there when the war took place. The humans in this story are often born disabled or prone to infections.
Kauan made himself a mechanical arm (although he takes it off after work, otherwise it will hurt and strain the muscles on his shoulder).
Camille was born deaf on one ear and could barely hear anything with the other, so she uses hearing aids. She still uses sign language to communicate, especially since she has many relatives who preferred not to use hearing devices.
Gideon experiences intense headaches since he was a little kid, especially during stressful situations (probably adds up to traumatic experiences hehe).
About the comet.
There's really no way to extract its essence while it's still on its orbit. You could say a portion of it fell on the surface of the planet before being found by Bortom city researches.
Gideon helped discover the powerful properties of the Holloway's Comet — what he didn't expect, however, is that it was conscious enough to directly confront him :D
And yes, that's how Hunter and B2 ACTUALLY first met!
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fusionsprunt · 4 months
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(click Keep Reading)
"B2 is an android whose core is made off the fragments left by a comet that returns every 6 years. The nucleus of said comet contains a new and extremely rare element with interchangeable properties, capable of absorbing a star's radiation through its layers of matter/shell.
Every time the comet orbits very closely to a star, it will keep its radiation "trapped" within the nucleus. The radiation is only released when the element finds another (not charged) piece of itself.
Imagine a large nucleus, capable of absorbing high amounts of energy, transferring its radiation to a much smaller fragment of the same element. That is where B2 gets her energy from."
"One subjective interpretation of it would say B2 is more "related" to a comet than to robots or humans.
Essentially, B2's look is based off a human's appearance, and she was designed to annihilate her kind. She frees herself from that directive, and becomes a rebellious sort of android. She wanders around a world that views her as a threat, and although she meets people that welcome her into their lives, they generally treat her as either an emotionless machine or as someone else's ghost.
The daughter of a comet remains unseen, torn between humankind and robotkind."
"An important but also saddening aspect about B2's lore, is that she's directly influenced by the orbit of the comet her core is made off.
This means she "sleeps" for three years, before "waking up" for another three.
It would be very interesting if, instead of recharging through proximity, the comet actually takes power away the closer it is to her. So, during the three years gap she's "asleep", Holloway's Comet can be seen on a clear night sky — as if Bee is looking out for her friends from above."
Hunter nicknamed B2 "Bee" — According to him:
“B2 is searching for people in need of extra help on a daily basis. She’s like a worker bee‚ flying from flower to flower. It’s amusing.”
“One minute she’s carrying two heavy fruit baskets for the seller. You turn around and she’s 3ft above the ground helping the engineers”
“At night‚ she simply collapses. She curls up and rests over the fabric of her own dress. It reminds me of bees sleeping in flowers…”
"Bee is strong enough to lift up a truck with her bare hands (if only her body could handle the weight and pressure), and her strength is amplified while she’s wearing her battle armor. However, she might become weaker the closer Holloway’s Comet is to her, until she eventually enters “Resting mode”, which is a dangerous disadvantage."
"Beatrix is a name given to this android by Camille, the technician who tested her programming. During the early weeks after activation, Beatrix showed no signs of a wider range of emotions other than hostility. She never spoke to Camille, until the word "Home" was mentioned.
Since then, Beatrix began searching for this familiar place or building, often running away from the lab she was made in to find answers."
B2 does not recall her memories from before the war between Fusionsprunt and Bortom cities in the year 4035, meaning she does not recognize herself as "Beatrix".
"For some reason, Beatrix forgot all of her memories after the war.
She woke up knowing one thing, however:
She was positioned on the front line. Team B, row 2."
"B2's appearance at the end of Season 3"
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"B2's Battle Armor"
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"B2's lotus dress, which she wears on special occasions"
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"B2's skirt absorbs heat without catching on fire"
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"B2 enjoys receiving flowers and bouquets"
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fusionsprunt · 4 months
So if Kauan OR Camille are alive it means that.. One of them is still working on the UNTY project?
The UNITY project was over the moment the androids were sent to war and destroyed beyond repairs. No one wanted to work on yet another series or powerful androids that could be used as weapons.
B2 is the only surviving one, and since she became known as the ambassador of Fusionsprunt, there's a great chance someone might recognize and visit her.
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