#futbol fan fic
futbolfanficpunk · 2 years
Pedri gets a friend
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Players: Pedri and Gavi Words: 700+ Main theme: Bromance It was winter in Barcelona, Pedri was finally getting better from his long injury after the Olympics. Xavi was now the coach, the team was slowly working on getting back to Tiki-Taka style of play for Barça and Pedri was running at la Ciutat Esportiva with his two physios, almost ready to get back to the group. He looked around, and felt kind of lonely being apart from everyone.
Since the summer Pedri had gotten closer to Eric, spending time during the Euros, in the club, Tokyo Olympics, and sometimes giving Pedri a ride home back when he didn’t have his license. They talked quite a lot during trainings and hung out after training at least once a week but even though they were close, out of everyone in the group, Pedri wasn’t his best friend. Pedri was close to Trincão during his first year, but not outside the club hours though. if anyone was his closest friend during his time in Barcelona, it was his brother, Fernando. Not anyone at the club. There were people in the team who seemed to be closer than most, like Ansu and Eric, Frenkie and Memphis, Nico and Gavi, but Pedri did not have a teammate that he felt a strong connection to, even though Eric had become a good friend. Just after the Christmas break, while in the dressing room, Pedri overheard Nico complain that he had to drop off Gavi at La Masia, yet again. Nico was going out on a date and Gavi was making him late. “Hey, Gavi! I can drop you off, if you want” Pedri said without thinking about it much. “Vale, sí, I don’t want to hear this gilipollas complain anymore” responded Gavi, making Pedri chuckle. Nico said “Gracias, Pedri, I’m glad you can be the babysitter tonight”.  Gavi punched Nico’s left arm. 
The tiktokers and fans were waiting outside and they pulled out of Ciutat Esportiva. Pedri stopped to sign some autographs and take pictures. Gavi didn’t particularly like it, all those strangers in his face, but the memory of being a fan was fresh in his mind, so he took the time to lower his window as well and do the same. After a minute they were out of there.
 “Joder, I’m still not too used to that” said Gavi, taking his hand to the back of his neck with an awkward smile. “Yes, it took me a while, because it’s not like it was in Las Palmas. It’s intense here” said Pedri. “Yea, Barca B shit is nowhere near that” Gavi replied. And they spent the 15 minutes from Ciutat Esportiva to La Masia talking about their experiences of going from being virtually unknown to a not having a lot of privacy as a Barca player, they surprised each other on how  similarly they both viewed the whole thing, the awkwardness they felt but also how they both did not care about the fame game at all. Pedri felt like maybe, he hadn’t thought of Gavi as a potencial mate or friend because of how young he was and how intense he was a training but maybe Gavi could be cool to get to know, he thought as he dropped him off and waved good night.
When Pedri got home to Fernando, he asked Pedri how his day at training went. He explained that he was about to join the group trainings, injury was 99% done with, but he was the most excited to tell him that he spent some time with Gavi today. “Gavi, the 17 year old with the undone shoelaces? You think he’s cool?” Fernando said with an incredulous face. “Yea, he seems very down to earth, and kinda mature for his age….I think” Pedri said while raising his shoulders. “Well, que guay, maybe you won’t be Eric’s bitch anymore” said Fernando as he laughed “Oh, shut up!” screamed Pedri.
Just then his phone lite up and made a noise “@pablogavi sent you a message”, Pedri opened his instagram’s DM. “Hey Pedri, Thanks for the ride, bro. Here’s my number, I don’t think you have it, +34***********”Maybe another Nico-substitution is not out of the question for another day, por fa?”
“I think I made a new friend” Pedri said to himself with a grin on his face.
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aredheadedmess · 3 years
Whatta Catch || MYG
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Summary: One, two, three strikes you’re out. When opposing opinions find you roughing it up with the university’s star pitcher, he makes it his mission to show that you’re wrong about college sports—and maybe your feelings about the player himself.
Pairing: Baseball Player!Yoongi x Radio Host!Reader (with a few cameos ;) )
Word Count: 14.2k
Genre: Fluff, Angst, Enemies to Lovers, Non-Idol AU, College AU, Sports AU, Slight Slow Burn
Rating: PG-15
Warnings: Some profanity, there’s a small mention of undressing but it’s not descriptive, mentions of light physical violence, some slight public humiliation, lots of fighting both major and minor (its e2l, kinda expected haha), mentions of drinking/alcohol, accusations of hooking up with people (there’s probably a better way to word this but...), i think that’s it.
Notes: I’m posting this much later than what I was hoping to, but I think it turned out pretty good! I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I did writing it! This fic is part of the College Enemies 101 hosted by @btshoneyhive and the wonderful @kookdiaries! Don’t forget to check out all of the other amazing authors in the collab!!
Masterlist | Teaser
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Breathe. You’ll be fine.
Your eyes flick up to the big light on the other side of the glass. There’s only less than a minute before you’re live, and you can’t get rid of the nervous jitters crawling up and down your spine. In the few years you’ve worked for the radio station, this is the first time you were given a prompt you didn’t want to cover. What were the producers thinking? There is no way that you wouldn’t lose listeners after giving your opinion on it. You’re sure of it.
With one last deep breath, you watch as the light turns on, the red glow spilling into your booth. The short jingle that sounds through your headphones eases you slightly, giving you a few more seconds to collect yourself before you begin.
“Good morning, night owls! It’s 7 a.m here in Seoul and you’re listening to No Sleep Nonsense. If this is your first time listening in, welcome! This is where we talk about anything and everything college related. All the gossip, music, and conspiracies you could ever want.”
You pause for a moment, letting the rush of your introduction loosen you up. You lean forward, resting your arms on the table in front of you.
“Now, I don’t know about you guys, but I am not athletic. The most I’ve done is sprint from one side of campus to the other ‘cause I was gonna be late for class,” you laugh.
The producers chuckle from the other side of the window with you. At least you were able to make someone laugh.
“But the thing that I find interesting is how much sports play a big role in college. You know, you’ve got basketball, baseball, futbol, swimming. I honestly can’t keep track of them all.”
You glance back down at the paper in front of you, skimming through the bullet pointed list of ideas and topics. When you came into the studio today, you didn’t think that you’d be prompted to talk about one of the things you disliked—dare you say hate—college sports.
“You know what I don’t get though?” you ask into the empty air. “What’s with the hype surrounding them? Especially the guys’ sports. They’re just so... boring. I’ve been to one baseball game in my life, and I didn’t even stay for the entire game.”
Sighing, you lean back in your chair.
“I can already hear you sports fans screaming at me. Believe me, I tried to get into them. But when you’re forced to play a sport as a kid when you know you aren’t athletic, you don’t appreciate them like others do. And now that I’m in college, I’m glad that I didn’t stay in sports. Athletes are so aggressive!” The exasperation in your voice echoes around the soundproofed room. “I’ve never heard of a sports game ending without some kind of injury to either team. And not to mention the narcissism! Now, I know that not every player is full of themself, but like, the few outweigh the many.” Though no one besides the producers can see you, you shrug. “All of the people I’ve ever talked to or dated have been so stuck on themselves. I don’t get it.”
You let the tension hang in the air. You know your words have agitated a lot of the students that listen in to the show, but that’s only part of your job. There is no room for treading lightly when it comes to certain topics. College sports just so happens to be one of them. You know that there are people out there somewhere that will agree with you.
“Okay, okay. A lot of you have already stopped listening to me. And I don’t blame you, keep in mind this is just my opinion. But if you’re still tuned in, here’s something to hopefully get rid of the sour mood. Here’s Rush Hour by Gaho.”
Your fingers work their magic on the soundboard in front of you. Already queued up, the music begins to play as you carefully raise the volume as you finish speaking. A soft smile plays at your lips at the sound of the first few notes of the guitar. Your eyes glance up at the bright red light in the other room, watching as it switches off.
“Perfect!” one of the producers speaks through the speaker. “Go take ten. We’ll man the music.”
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“And not to mention the narcissism! Now, I know not every player is full of themself, but-”
Yoongi grumbles. Could the voice in his ears get any more annoying? Ten minutes of non-stop bashing on sports, and they had to choose baseball as their main discussion point?
A slap against his shoulder pulls his thoughts from the radio host to his teammate beside him. He reaches for one of his earbuds, taking it out with an annoyed look flashing across his face. As he turns his head, his eyes meet up with their catcher, Bang Chan.
“Hey man, let’s go.”
Chan jerks his head in the direction of the field.
“Yeah, give me a sec,” Yoongi mumbles, taking the other earbud out as the radio music begins to play.
So much for a good start to a morning practice.
Grabbing his mitt, Yoongi jogs out to catch up with the rest of the team. The morning light is slightly blinding as he walks out from the locker room. He pulls the cap on his head down a little trying to block out the sun as he makes his way to the pitcher’s mound. He takes a few minutes stretching out his arms and legs, hoping that at least something will go right this morning.
“Alright! Let’s get to it!” the coach calls out from the dugout, throwing a baseball into the field.
Yoongi takes a breath, keeping himself on the mound as the rest of the team takes their places. With the start of the season coming up next week, most of the practices have become scrimmages. Nothing beats getting back into the rhythm of a real game like practice ones, his coach tells them.
Glancing at home, Yoongi catches Chan’s gaze. He pats the inside of his open mitt, ready to take on a few warmup pitches as the first batter gets ready. Closing his eyes in concentration, Yoongi tries to kick up his energy. He brings his own mitt up to his face, the small white ball tucked inside, grasping onto it with his index, middle, and thumb before pulling the ball towards his ear and throwing it at the catcher. On the side, Wooyoung swings his bat through the air as the ball flies over the plate, getting a feel for the pitch. It’s a weak one, Yoongi knows that, but it effectively makes it into the catch’s mitt.
Chan tilts his head at him as if to ask what was up with him, but Yoongi doesn’t react, only throwing his gloved hand up for the ball tossed his way. Once more, Yoongi tries to shake off the weird tension as he winds up for another pitch. The fastball he throws skews to the left. Chan has to jump to the side to be able to stop it from flying past him, and he lands on his side in the dirt.
“Yoongi! Where’s your head?”
“Sorry, coach!” Yoongi calls back, keeping his focus on home plate.
Is that radio show really getting to him this much? He walks back to the mound, letting Wooyoung step up to the plate. Yoongi turns around as he settles into position in the batter’s box, eyes trained on where the ball meets Yoongi’s glove. For a moment, the entire field is quiet. Chan tosses up a subtle hand signal below his mitt, Yoongi winds up for the pitch, and Wooyoung readies his stance. Yoongi lets go of the ball, letting it take flight towards home plate. Though the four seam fastball he throws isn’t as accurate as he thought it would be.
“Woah! You tryna kill me?”
Instead of the ball running straight over home plate, it curves to the right slightly, narrowly missing Wooyoung’s side. Chan isn’t quick enough to catch the odd ball, so it smacks into the backstop behind him.
“Min!” the coach angrily yells. “Take a break. I don’t wanna see you until you can throw a pitch without screwing over your teammate.”
With a grunt of frustration, Yoongi pulls the mitt off his hand, smacking it against the mound before taking off for the locker room. The rest of the team follows him with their eyes. He can feel their confused and amused stares on the back of his head.
“Jaehyun, get out there,” Yoongi hears echoing through the alcove under the bleachers as he pushes the door open.
It’s not often that the star pitcher gets thrown off the field during practice. Most of the time it’s because their coach is having a bad day, taking it out on the team. But, when he does, he sure does know how to make it dramatic. The most memorable ejection was during the previous season. Taking a break from pitching, Yoongi was up to bat. The team’s back up pitcher, Jaehyun, wound up for the play, hitting the strike zone with a curveball. Chan called the final strike, but Yoongi wasn’t having it. He turned to the catcher, swinging his bat to point at the man. He argued that it shouldn’t have been a strike. For a minute, until the coach could break them up, Yoongi and Chan bickered loudly back and forth about the call.
“You were too low to call it correctly!”  Yoongi had screamed in the catcher’s face.
Chan stood his ground, telling him that it wasn’t a bluff. That’s when Yoongi threw his bat towards the plate, leaving his hands open to push his teammate, knocking him to the ground roughly before the coach could pull Yoongi back. It was safe to say that he was benched for the next game when he began to pick a fight with the coach as well.
Scuffing his cleats against the floor of the locker room, Yoongi makes his way to his locker. He yanks it open without a care, grabbing his towel from inside and heading towards the showers.
“Who do they think they are?” he grumbles as he undresses.
The warm shower is anything but relaxing. His muscles stay tense, the harsh tapping of the water against his back and shoulders only adding to the pressure. The words of the radio host run through his mind repeatedly.
“They’re just so… boring.”
Baseball is not boring.
Yoongi slams his fist against the wall of the stall. Once he finds out who is behind the radio show, he’ll show them. He’ll show them just how wrong they are in their opinion.
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A sharp pain in your arm jolts you awake.
“Ow. What was that for?”
You’re much more upset about being pulled from your dream with Lee Jongsuk than you are about being pinched. Still, you rub at your arm, pouting in your friend’s direction.
“You fell asleep. You okay?” Taehyung whispers.
“Yeah.” You sit up a little, resting your elbows against the table and setting your head in your hands. “Just the station.”
“They givin’ you a hard time?”
“Nah, it’s more that I’m not getting enough sleep now that we’ve started classes and whatnot again.”
You glance down to the professor at the other side of the lecture hall. She has her back turned to the class, writing a series of topics on the whiteboard. She clicks the cap back on the marker.
“Don’t forget! This first essay is due next Wednesday,” she speaks as she turns around. “You guys are in the upper classes. I don’t wanna see you slacking on this assignment!”
Taehyung shoves your arm. Your hand falls from your chin, causing your head to follow along.
“C’mon let’s get outta here,” he chirped.
You and Taehyung toss your backpacks on your backs, heading straight for the classroom door. You walk in an easy silence, enjoying the quiet concentration that’s settled over the heads of everyone in the area. The one nice thing about having mid-afternoon classes is that there are less students crowding the halls of your campus. Less people that you could accidentally run into as they sprint to their next class.
“So I heard the show this morning,” Taehyung breaks the silence as he pushes open the door to the building’s parking lot. “Man, you really know how to make a statement.”
You groan, slouching your shoulders. Do your producers hate you? 
“Yeah, you’re telling me. When the PDs said that they were gonna kick off this semester with a banger, I didn’t know that they really wanted to throw us out there. My phone’s been blowing up all morning with emails coming into the station.” You pat your pocket.
Taehyung laughs. He pulls out his keys, clicking the button on the remote when you finally reach close enough to his car.
“No kiddin’. A group of guys sitting in front of me in my first class were talkin’ up a storm about it. Definitely caught their attention, and I didn’t recognise any of them as athletes.”
You shrug, walking around to the other side of the car. Slipping your backpack off your shoulders, you open the back door, tossing the bag onto the backseat.
“Well. I guess we’ll see where this takes us. Who knows,” you laugh. “Maybe if there’s so many bad reviews they’ll shut us down. That would be somewhat of a stress reliever.”
Taehyung leans against the roof of his car. His head rests against his folded arms, staring at you in amusement.
“I don’t even know why you’re still working there.”
“Eh.” You shrug again. “It pays well. Gotta pay the rent somehow.”
Pulling the passenger door open, you settle yourself into the seat. You can hear Taehyung snicker lightly as you close the door behind you before he does the same. Maybe tomorrow will be better.
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You were wrong.
You were so very wrong.
For all of yesterday, you never bothered actually checking the emails that came in. There were too many other things you worried about. So when you come into the studio, finding the biggest smiles you’ve ever seen on the producer’s faces, you are surprised. In the two years you’ve worked for the station, you have never seen them this excited.
“Y/N, you’re amazing!”
The head producer squeals—a sound you never want to hear come from him again—and throws his hands up to your biceps.
“The show yesterday was a hit!” the co-producer states. “We’ve got reviews from around the entire country!”
The entire country!? Your shoulders sink slightly, color starting to drain from your face. Great. Now you are known all over South Korea by maybe the most controversial show you’ve done since working here. Why couldn’t you have gained popularity from anything else?
“It did so well that we decided to continue the segment! Isn’t that great?”
The head producer lets you go, spinning around to walk to the soundboard.
“Let’s get rolling!” he calls out, circling his hand in the air. “We’ve already got a lineup of callers waiting.”
Just what you needed. Live conversations with people who are just as opinionated as you are. Maybe the day you quit this job is coming up much sooner than you are expecting.
Today’s show is just as nerve wracking as yesterdays, mostly because you’re about to dive deeper into the topic you never wanted to get into in the first place. The anticipation in the two men’s faces when you hesitate to walk into the booth doesn’t do anything to rid you of your nerves. Sinking into the chair, you glance down at the small list of bullet pointed conversation points on the desk. At least if the show doesn’t start very well, there’s something else to fall back on. 
Taking a deep breath, you shake out your shoulders, throwing your headphones over your ears. You’ve got this. You glance up at the red light the moment it switches on. Clearing your throat, you welcome all of your listeners, letting the short jingle for the show play before you jump right in. Your fingers press against the first caller box your eyes are drawn to, waiting a moment for it to connect before enthusiastically speaking up.
“Caller nine, you’re on the air! What’s your name?”
A grovely voice sounds through the headphones.
“Cut the crap. Who do you think you are huh?” the man speaks angrily.
You glance up at the producers. Brows furrowed, you silently ask them what you should do. You’ve never had a caller as forward as he is. They only roll their hands, urging you to continue. You clear your throat, leaning back in your chair.
“I’m sorry, sir. I’m not sure what you mean.”
The man on the other side of the line scoffs.
“You must think you’re so high and mighty giving out your opinion.”
“Well, that is my opinion,” you retort. “If you were in my shoes, I’d bet you’d think the same way.”
“Well your opinion is wrong.”
Something clicks for you. You lean back in your chair with a slight smirk. There’s only two groups of people that would call you out for such an opinion: Baseball players and their fans. 
“Ah,” you breathe out. “You must be a baseball player. Am I right?”
Through the view of your lashes, you can see the producers holding back their laughter. The entire situation seems to be a joke for them. You don’t blame them, keeping yourself from bursting out in laughter when you hear the man sputter slightly.
“What’s it to you?”
“I’ll take that as a yes,” you hum satisfied.
“Doesn’t matter if I am or not. I’ll show you who’s the boring one.”
The call ends. You stare in confusion at the men on the other side of the glass. So much for a good conversation.
“Well, someone must’ve woken up on the wrong side of the bed. I don’t blame him.” You shrug even though no one else will see you. “If I were just as upset I’d be moody too.”
That breaks your producers. They sputter out silently in laughter, and you can only imagine how loud they are as they’re clutching onto each other. Was it really that funny? You shake your head.
“Alright let’s take another caller shall we?”
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“And then the professor kicked her outta the class. When I tell ya she was yellin’ through the door, sayin’ how she’d sue him for potentially ruining her acting career, I wanted to laugh. She’d already do great in a drama.”
You chuckle, stepping up to the cash register to order your lunch.
“Geez. Sounds too eventful for the morning for me.”
Taehyung shakes his head. He leans over your shoulder adding his order onto yours.
“OH! Speaking of which!” He turns towards you after handing the cashier his card. “What was with Tuesday’s show?”
“Ah, talking about the calls?”
Taehyung hums. He takes his card and receipt from the tired looking cashier, pulling you off to the side as you wait for your food.
“I’m not sure,” you sigh out. “Honestly I was prepared for everything but that. Really threw me off the rest of the day. But it seems like I wasn’t the only one. I probably pinched the right nerve with the guy, which makes me a little more happy.”
He shoves at you, nearly making you bump into another student. You silently apologize before turning to glare at Taehyung, but he was already looking elsewhere.
“The comment you made after the call was great too,” he chuckles. “You really do well on the radio.”
“Do I really? Some days I feel like I should have never taken the bait of the pay.”
The job was tempting as a freshly graduated high schooler. Flexible hours and a great pay rate were the things that roped you in right away. Being able to listen to music and create your own mixes were just an extra fun thing about the station. Some days you’re glad that the producers saw potential in you. They were slowly decreasing in daily listeners after their last host had quit so abruptly. So when you happened to walk into the music shop the studio is stationed in, looking for something new to gift a friend of yours, you had immediately caught their eye. Luckily for the producers, you had taken an acting class for an art credit your senior year, so you were more than prepared to become a radio personality.
“Well, either way, you sure do make it nice to listen to while getting ready for the day,” Taehyung admits.
“Thanks. I appreciate the love.”
The worker calls out your order number. Feeling your stomach growl at the sight of the food, you can’t wait a minute longer. When you turn around with the tray in hand, Taehyung has already started to search for an empty table. He finds one towards the middle of the food court and gestures for you to quickly join him. You raise the tray slightly, conscious of the lack of space between dining chairs as you make your way over.
“Ah! It’s so nice to finally relax! My script writing professor is really getting on our backs already,” Taehyung sighs as he melts into one of the seats as you set the tray down.
“Eat up then. You’ll need it.”
You pull out the chair across from him. 
“Hey, hold up,” you hear in the distance.
You chose to ignore the conversation. Sure, listening in to conversations of your fellow students can be somewhat entertaining, but you can listen in any other day. There’s only one thing on your mind and it’s the wrapped hamburger sitting on the tray in front of you.
“So you’re the one!”
The sudden appearance of a student beside your table has you and Taehyung clutching at your chests. How did you manage to not see the guy walk up to you. Your eyes drift to the boy, catching the way he glances at Taehyung before glaring at you.
“Excuse me?”
You are baffled. Is he talking to the right person? There must be some mistake here. It hasn’t even been a week of classes, yet you’ve already made an enemy.
“Ya know, I didn’t appreciate the comment you made about me. I am not moody.”
“Ah, I see,” you hum, recognising his voice. “You’re caller nine.” Your eyes scan the man’s body. If the striped uniform, and the bat and mitt in his hands didn’t give him away, you would have guessed he was only a rabid fan trying to defend his favorite sport. “I was right about the baseball player part.”
“I bet I can change your mind about baseball. The field. 3pm. Be there.”
He doesn’t leave any room for you to oppose him. Instead, he turns back around. That’s when you see a small gaggle of his teammates watching in odd curiosity at the sudden outburst from the guy. They follow him with their eyes as he brushes past them to continue walking the way that they seemed to have been heading in.
“What the hell just happened?” Taehyung questions.
You don’t answer him, reaching for your burger instead. If this guy wants to try to change your mind about the sport, so be it.
Challenge accepted.
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Begrudgingly, you trudge up the stairs to the top of the stadium’s stands. If it weren’t for the way the guy sternly told you to be here, you would have never stepped foot towards the place. It’s on the complete opposite side of campus as your classes, so you’ve never had a reason to be near the stadium. Yet, here you are, stubbornly showing both you and Taehyung that there is no way the player could change your mind.
You make your way to the seats closest to the field. You immediately regret it as the player turns his head at the sound of your shoes hitting the metal steps of the stand.
“So you came to see how wrong you are, huh?”
He leans against his bat as if it’s a cane, tilting his head slightly. A slight smirk plays on his lips at the sight of your scowl. “Nah. Just to confirm that my opinion is still correct.” 
He rolls his eyes. Standing up straight again, he takes his bat and points it towards you.
“Whatever. By the end of today, you’ll be begging me to learn how to play.”
“Don’t think so,” you deny in a sing-songy voice.
“Min! Stop lollygagging around. Get in the cage!”
The player turns his head in the direction of the voice. His coach is standing off to the side of the batting cages, arms crossed as he watches the others swing at the balls spat out from the pitching machine. Before he runs off to join the rest of his team, the player catches your gaze again, winking at you.
“See ya, sweetcheeks.”
You scoff, rolling your eyes. You only hope that you can get through this practice without being utterly annoyed. Finding a seat nearby, you plop down unceremoniously, pulling your phone out of your pocket as some sort of distraction.
Just as you expect, the team’s practice is uneventful. One by one, the team enters the batting cage, getting in a few pitches before the next player steps inside. You scroll away on your phone as the team runs through practice, laughing at the sound of their coach getting on their backs after missing several pitches in a row. At least there’s a little bit of entertainment.
“Hey, radio rebel! This is for you!”
Looking up from your phone, Min has stepped into the cage for the second time. His hand is cupped around his mouth, facing your direction. The entire team and the few others that sit scattered about in the stadium all look towards him, glancing your way when they find where he’s calling out to. You scoff.
Throwing his bat up towards his shoulder, he readies himself for the pitch. You hear the machine spit out the ball, making it fly in his direction. He swings. The ball hits the netting behind him, and you can only let out a loud laugh. The coach yells at him, telling him something about paying attention before the next pitch knocks some sense into his head.
You get up. There’s other things that you need to do, and there’s no point in staying if the guy is only going to keep making a fool of himself. The seat swings up and crashes against the backrest behind you. If he notices your leaving, he doesn’t call you out for it.
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“Good morning, night owls! It’s 7 a.m here in Seoul, and you’re listening to No Sleep Nonsense. If this is your first time listening in, welcome! This is where we talk about anything and everything college related. All the gossip, music, and conspiracies you could ever want.”
You glance down at the paper on your desk. The list is still full of sports topics. Haven’t the producers given you enough stress with the first show? Skimming quickly through the list, you notice a few bullet points at the bottom of the list. One catches your attention, and you smile to yourself.
“Okay, okay. Can I ask, what is up with RAs this year? Sure I get that it’s the beginning of the semester, and you wanna look good, but like… relax?”
You pause for a moment, letting yourself collect your thoughts. You can see the producers looking at you oddly.
“I swear,” you continue, ignoring the strange looks. “I’ve been called out for the dumbest things. I once tripped down the stairs going back and forth moving into my dorm—a talent I know—and so naturally I yelled out a little. So this RA comes around the corner to see the commotion, saw me sitting on the ground at the bottom of the stairs, and still had the audacity to tell me to be quiet and get off the floor cause it was a fire hazard.”
You laugh at it now, knowing how much crap they put up with over the semester. Too many times have you seen an RA reprimand a little freshman for breaking visitation and curfew rules. If you were in charge of making sure everything was running smoothly, you too would probably be just as irritated and easy to displease.
“Now this wasn’t to point fingers or name names or whatever. Let me tell you a little secret here. Do you know how much they put up with?”
You lean closer to the mic, lowering your voice. The producers do the same, seemingly intrigued by the way you’re telling the listeners your story.
“I once saw this girl with super dark bags under her eyes. I had stopped by the lobby desk on my way back home from classes and gave her the best box of chocolates I could with what little money I have. You know, cause like, broke college student.” You chuckle lightly. “When I tell you that she was up for almost twenty-eight hours cause she had to deal with the biggest party the dorms had seen. It was a drug bust and everything. She couldn’t go to bed still since there was so much paperwork she had to do because of it.”
You let the station sit in silence for a moment. Quickly leaning back in your chair, you clap your hands in front of you.
“So! If you’re thinking about throwing a party, I’m looking at you fresh meat. Don’t do it. For your sake and the sanity of your RA, don’t do it. It’s not worth it. Go get drunk at the campus bar if you’re doing it for the alcohol. Trust me, your RAs will thank you later for not being a major nuisance.”
You laugh. You honestly don’t care if anyone really takes it to heart. Isn’t part of the college experience messing up and getting into some minor trouble? Either way, you’re sure any RAs listening in will appreciate the word of advice.
“Alright, I think I’ve been talking a little too long. The producers are looking a little worried at the clock,” you note. “Stay tuned for more college tips by yours truly after the music! Here’s Switch It Up by Jay B.”
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Just one day you would like to have some peace and quiet. But now that you’re tied up in disagreement with the school’s baseball pitcher, it seems as if that day will never come.
“You know, you have guts doing what you did on Friday.”
Min—you’re not sure what his name is, but you really don’t care to figure it out—stands behind you in line, standing too close to comfort. You ignore him as you give the cashier your order. He clicks his tongue, poking at your shoulder until you finally turn to him after moving towards the pick up area. His glare directed at you is sharp, but you can’t be bothered by it.
“Excuse me.” you speak nonchalantly, reaching for the plastic utensils you know you’ll need.
He lifts an arm, pointing a finger centimeters from your face.
“Because of you, I’m on the verge of getting benched for the first game on Friday.”
“And that has to do with me, how?”
His arm drops. He leans back, offended by the way you casually brush off his impending doom. Scoffing, Min folds his arms across his chest, following behind you as you made your way to the counter as your name is called.
“You’re the one who made me look like a fool! I got distracted trying to find you in the bleachers after hitting the first pitch in the cage. I almost got hit in the face by the next one, and then coach yelled at me!”
You shrug, thanking the worker handing you your food, before turning to face the rest of the food court.
“That sounds like a you problem. Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m trying to find somewhere to sit.”
You were hoping that Taehyung would have whisked you away already, and saved you from talking to the guy. Where is he? Your eyes scan the area, sighing quietly when you can’t see the familiar head of silver hair.
“Nuh uh. You’re not getting away so easily.”
Min reaches around your shoulder, snatching the box of fries from your tray. You stop in your step and try to retrieve your food.
“Hey! I paid for that!”
“That sounds like a you problem,” he reiterates your own words to you.
Sighing, you roll your eyes. He isn’t going to leave you alone anytime soon, is he?
“What do you want?”
“No,” you spit out disgusted. “No way that’s happening.”
He rubs at his forehead, groaning.
“You didn’t let me finish. I want you to come to the game.”
You squint your eyes at him. He has an ulterior motive, you just know it.
“And why would I huh?”
“Cause you know you’re wrong,” he provokes. “You know that you’re gonna have fun, and you’re just scared that I’m gonna shove it in your face that I am right.”
He finishes with a half smile, half smirk gracing his lips. You scoff.
“You wish.”
The second you reach out to snatch the fries back, he steps back. He looks at you expectantly, waving the box in front of him.
“So, you gonna come?”
“You know what? Fine,” you growl out. “I’ll come. But don’t be butthurt when I leave before it ends.”
“Just you wait,” he speaks, setting the box of fries back on your tray. “I’ll make it worthwhile.”
He takes a small handful of fries, shoving them into his mouth as he walks away. You swear your life is some kind of movie as Taehyung shows up with the most comical timing he could have had.
“What did I just witness?”
You sigh, watching the player turn the corner down another hallway, disappearing from your sight.
“That, my friend, is the beginning of the longest semester of my life.”
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“Please come with me,” you beg, pulling at Taehyung’s arm.
He stares down at you, contemplation flashing across his face. You have been trying to persuade him to join you at the baseball game for an hour already. For the first while, he laughed in your face, telling you that it was your own fault for getting in this mess in the first place. But you can see that you’re finally starting to crack him with your desperate pleas.
“What’s in it for me?”
You pause for a moment. You hate that he knows that you’ll do something just to get him to come. It’s not the first time it’s happened, and it certainly won’t be the last. You sigh, tugging at his arm again.
“I’ll buy you food for a month. Just please. I don’t wanna look stupid,” you pout slightly.
Taehyung sighs, letting his head fall back against the couch in his dorm. He rolls his head to look at you with a small smile.
“You’re lucky I like you.”
You hug his torso, thanking him repeatedly. Settling on the couch beside him, you rest your head on his shoulder.
“Why did you even agree to this anyway?” Taehyung asks.
“Cause he wouldn’t stop bugging me.” You roll your eyes. “This is only to show him that my opinion still stands.”
“Uh huh. And it’s not because you think he’s hot?”
“What- No!” you exclaim, sitting up. “That couldn’t be farther from the truth.”
Crossing your arms in front of you, you move away from Taehyung. You would never fall for those stupid players, and he should know it.
“Mmkay,” he hums.
Clicking your tongue, you stand from the couch. You make your way towards the door, shoving your feet into your shoes.
“C’mon let’s go,” you call out to him.
It takes you a little longer to reach the stadium than it usually would. The traffic surrounding campus is too much for you to handle. Why do they choose to have almost every kind of activity on Friday nights? Does the school not know how to manage the schedules? Taehyung looks out his window, watching for any open spots in the parking lot. You’re not surprised that it’s already jam packed. Of course there would be a lot of people coming to watch the game. You finally find a spot towards the back of the lot, beating another car to it.
The two of you clamber out, slowly making your way to the stadium. The longer it takes you to reach it, the less time you’ll have to spend dealing with the copious amount of students, family, and staff. Once you reach the gate, you take the two tickets out of your pocket—generously given to you by the player—and hand them to the ticket taker. The girl rips the stubs, handing you the rest of the ticket, and you head inside the gate.
“This is one reason why I hate sports,” you speak up, scanning your eyes over the crowded arena.
“Lighten up a little would ya?” Taehyung elbows you. “At least there’s good food.”
His little head nod towards one of the food stands has you looking in it’s direction. You scoff.
“Yeah, but it’s way too overpriced.”
Taehyung takes the tickets from your hand, looking for your seats. He takes your hand, weaving you through the crowd. You’re glad that he agreed to come as you don’t know where to go without him. He turns to another entrance. As you walk through it, your eyes catch the lettering above. ‘Home Plate Gate’. As expected from getting tickets from one of the team players. Why wouldn’t he give you a good view of him playing?
“Ah! Here we are!”
Your seats are in the very front row. The perfect place for Min to find you. Just great. Taehyung sets his jacket against the backrest before turning to you.
“I’m gonna go grab something. Want anything?”
You shake your head. You don’t trust the food here. Plus, there is no way that you’d let Taehyung spend twice as much money getting something for you as well. You are still fairly broke college students.
You settle into the seat, pulling out your phone. 6:52pm. Still another eight or so minutes until the game starts. This is going to be a long night.
By the time Taehyung returns, hands full of different food and paraphernalia, opening music is blasting through the stadium's speakers. You scoff at the sight of him, shaking your head. You know that he won’t have enough money now for groceries next week. He chuckles shyly, setting a few things in your lap to get himself comfortable in his own seat.
“Please welcome to the field, the Seoul Tigers!” the announcer speaks out.
The crowd erupts into a loud string of cheers as the players rush to the field. Your ears ring at the sound, not used to the high pitched noise emitting from so many girls around you. Pressing your fingers against your ears to block out some of the noise, you scan the team. Min takes his place atop the pitcher’s mound, turning towards the crowd—specifically in your direction you notice—and throws a kiss to the stands. The girls around you erupt in another loud cheer.
“Look out ladies, Min Yoongi is ready to strike someone’s heart,” the announcer jokes.
You scoff, folding your arms, and rolling your eyes.
“Arrogant as always. Not helping his case.”
Taehyung looks at you in amusement after your comment. You ignore him, still stuck on giving the pitcher the most disgusted look you can muster.
The start of the game is slow, the visiting team able to get two players to home and another to third base by the time Yoongi has struck someone out. You want to laugh. So much for the cocky, confident pitcher he was making himself out to be. You can hear the faint yells of his coach telling him to shake it off. It takes him the next two batters to finally get into the groove and finish the top of the first inning with two more outs.
It only starts to get interesting a few innings in, when your school’s team is up to bat once more.
“And up to bat we have #25, First baseman, Park “Rocky” Minhyuk.”
The team has its fair amount of right handed players. But you know that there’s always at least one left handed player. So when you watch him walk up to the plate, walking right over it to occupy the left batter’s box, you know that this could change the pace of things. You lean towards the railing slightly, missing the way Taehyung looks at you in amusement. You seem to be much more into the sport than what you had stated over the radio.
The visiting teams’ pitcher tenses slightly, you can see that from your seat. A pitcher always has their kryptonite, and left handed batters seem to be his. The first pitch he throws nearly misses Rocky’s kneecaps. He manages to scoot back in time, saving himself from injury. The second pitch is a solid strike, barely inside the strike zone, but the batter didn’t dare swing. A third pitch is played, and this time, Rocky swings. The ball connects with his bat with a loud crack, sending it flying over the outfield. Dropping the bat, he runs. The ball manages to stay inside the field. Though, it takes until he makes it to third base for the other team to attempt to get it back to infield. His triple brings their score up as the other baserunners make it to home, breaking the tie they’ve had for the last two innings.
The crowd cheers. You sit back against the backrest satisfied, catching Taehyung’s raised brow and amused smirk directed at you. You click your tongue, turning to face the field again.
The inning lasts for another few minutes as your school’s team manages to get two more runs before they strike out. As they take the field, you notice the star player is missing.
“It looks like our star pitcher has something he wants to say,” the announcer speaks up.
Your eyes scan the field. Standing in the space between their dugout and the foul line, Yoongi holds up a mic to his lips.
“I know this is odd for me to do this,” his voice rings out through the stadium. “But thank you all for supporting us for the first game of the season. But there’s a special someone that I’d like everyone to thank for coming.” Breaking his gaze from the rest of the crowd, he finds your face in the stands. He holds out his hand, gesturing at you.O”ur favorite No Sleep Nonsense radio rebel, L/N Y/N!”
You can hear the confusion throughout the crowd. Fans turn to talk amongst themselves. Some of which point towards you once they recognise who he is talking about.
“So this is the game he wants to play,” you grumble.
Collecting your things, you hastily stand from your seat. The bottom clanks against the backrest loudly. It makes more heads turn towards your angry form, now able to put a face to the name better.
“Y/N, wait!”
You can hear Taehyung frantically trying to follow after you, but all you see is red as you make your way up the stairs and to the hallway of the stadium. He catches up to you, out of breath and items threatening to fall from his arms. You don’t wait for him to continue following you as you stomp your way to the parking lot.
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“There you are!”
Oh how you wish the weekend wasn’t over. It is much too soon to hear his voice again. Walking alongside you, Yoongi elbows you.
“How’d you like the game on Friday? I made sure to make it special just for you.”
You pause in your stride, turning to face him. You keep your face as neutral as possible, but that proves to be hard when you catch sight of the smug smirk plastered on his face.
“What do you want from me?”
“What?” His face quickly contorts into a small pout. “I just wanted to see my favorite radio host. What’s wrong with that?”
“No. You don’t get to act all buddy-buddy especially after what you pulled.”
You send him an icy glare before turning to continue walking to your next class.
“Hey, I only gave back what you gave me.”
He reaches out to grab your shoulder. You try to shrug him off, but his grip only grows tighter, turning you to face him again.
“Humiliation. Now that everyone knows who you are, you can’t hide behind that stupid show of yours,” he spits out.
You scoff. How arrogant do you have to be to think that you could go and do whatever you please without caring what it’s doing to others? Yanking yourself away from his hand, you lean towards him.
“Just because I shared my opinion on my radio show doesn’t mean that you get to do whatever you want to me because of it. I have my reasons for why I don’t like them.”
Yoongi crosses his arms over his chest. He tilts his head slightly, staring at you with the same intensity you are. If anybody walking past cared enough to look at the two of you, they’d probably think that you have sexual tension and not the spiteful relationship that you have.
“Yeah, and I can give you a good reason as to why you should,” he claims.
You scoff, turning on your heel. If you don’t move now, you’re going to be late for class, and you’d rather not have to find a seat in the very front of the classroom again. You can’t hear Yoongi’s footsteps following after you, but you quicken your pace anyway. Just as you are about to round a corner, you can hear his voice echoing against the hallway walls.
“You know I’m right! You can’t run away for so long!”
You wish, you think.
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Your eyelids are heavy. For once, you live up to your show’s name. Why won’t people leave you alone? For the past few days, you have received threat after threat from different people. You’re allowed to say what you want on your show, yet nobody seems to care. The threats themselves don’t bother you, you know that you aren’t in any danger as people only say things to say them. What bothers you is the fact that they’re interrupting your already messed up sleep schedule with how late their coming in through both email and text. How did half these people get your number anyway?
With a tired sigh, you begin.
“Good morning, night owls. It’s 7 a.m here in Seoul and you’re listening to No Sleep Nonsense. If this is your first time listening in, welcome. This is where we talk about anything and everything college related. All the gossip, music, and conspiracies you could ever want.”
You want to collapse on the desk right then and there. Just a quick fifteen minute nap. That’s all you needed. But the producers tap on the glass, notifying you that you’re taking too long to start the segment. Clearing your throat, you sit up a little straighter.
“Questions riddle our daily lives. Between asking for clarification from professors, to asking your roommates what you should have for dinner, we all have something on our mind. So that’s what we’re gonna do. I’ll take any questions you guys have and try to give you some answers.”
Your arm feels weighted as you lift it. You reach toward the screen, pressing the first caller box you manage to touch.
“Caller three, you’re on the air. What’s on your mind?”
The snarky high pitched voice that spills through your headphones only makes you crave the nap even more.
“Aren’t you embarrassed?”
You can hear the smacking of something—most likely gum as the girl sounds like one of those bratty high schoolers you used to encounter every day. Cringing at the sound, you sigh.
“I’m sorry?”
“You know, cause like, you’re totally famous in the bad way now that people know who you are?”
You huff out what sounds like a laugh. Rubbing at your forehead, you answer.
“No. I’ve never really tried hard to hide who I am or what I do. Why should I care that people can put a face to the voice now?”
The girl groans, sounding slightly irritated by your words.
“Well, like, now people know who to, like, argue at.”
“If people want to discuss opinions with me, that’s fine.” You throw your hands up in surrender. “Just know that I’m gonna stand my ground when it comes to things I don’t like. Thank you, next caller.”
You don’t wait for the girl to protest, ending the call before you can hear any more of her squeaky voice. Moving on, you click on another caller box. You welcome them onto the air, asking them what they would like to say.
“Hi, I just wanted to know, is cereal a soup?”
“I- I’ve never thought about that before.”
You pause. You were expecting a lot of questions, but that definitely was not one of them. Neither does it prepare you for the next one that flies out of the guy’s mouth.
“And is a hotdog a sandwich?”
Glancing up, you notice your producers talking to each other. Clearly they’ve already started to have a deep discussion about the two questions.
“It’s way too early for this kind of thing,” you whine.
The guy on the line proceeds to explain what he thinks. You can’t understand a thing he is saying, his words going in one ear and out the other. Finally, once you think he’s finished, you speak up again.
“Well thank you for those brain melting questions. Unfortunately, because of them, we’re gonna have to take an early break. So here’s Uncertainty Principle by 015B.”
The red light flicks off, and you let out a loud sigh. You lean back in your chair, closing your eyes, hoping to get at least a few minutes of rest before you have to return to the show.
A knock on the door catches your attention. Taehyung peeks his head through the now open door.
“Hey, need a little pick-me-up?”
He invites himself in, closing the door behind him. In his hands are two cups of coffee, still steaming hot.
“You’re a lifesaver,” you sigh gratefully. “I don’t know what I’d do without you.”
“Probably end up starving and studying yourself to death,” he laughs.
You roll your eyes, taking one of the cups off of him.
“That was rhetorical, but thanks.”
The two of you sit in silence for a moment, enjoying the much needed caffeine. Whoever came up with the idea of coffee is your hero. Taking a sip, you sigh in content.
“I heard the first one,” Taehyung speaks up. “Man, are they ever gonna stop?”
“At this point, I don’t even care. All I wanna do is get through this semester with my brain still intact.”
He hums, nodding his head in agreement.
“That guy sure is making that harder for you, huh?”
“Mmhm. And there’s no way I can avoid him,” you groan quietly.
“Oh. A man that knows what he wants. I like that.”
You turn to look at Taehyung. He wiggles his eyebrows, smirking over the lid of his coffee cup. You frown, pushing him from his position leaning back against the desk.
“Would you stop?”
“What? He may be a player, but that doesn’t mean he isn’t hot,” he points out.
“You’re not helping.”
The producers tap against the window, making the two of you look up at them. They don’t look in your direction, only keeping their attention on the extra body in the room.
“Ah. I should probably go. They’re givin’ me the stink eye.”
You laugh lightly. Taehyung’s face lights up slightly at the sound of your giggle, glad to have made your morning better already.
“I’ll see ya later, then,” you call out to him as he makes his way out of the studio.
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“Hey, radio rebel.”
Yoongi picks the worst timing. Taehyung just left you for his next class, leaving you to sit at your table in the food court alone, vulnerable to any student passing by. The perfect way for Yoongi to catch his prey. He sits where Taehyung occupied moments before, leaning his elbows against the table.
“Didn’t I tell you to get lost?”
You don’t look up from your textbook, rather trying to focus on gaining as much knowledge as you can before your test in your next class.
“Hmm. Don’t remember those words coming outta your pretty little mouth.”
His fingers dance across the table, snatching a piece of fruit from the container you brought from home. You look up at him through your lashes, scowling at him as he plops the slice of strawberry into his mouth.
“What do you want?”
He smirks, swallowing. His hands clasp together under his chin.
“You know what I want.”
You roll your eyes, lifting your head to glare at him easier.
“Why do you even want me at your games? I thought you hated me.”
You have to swat his hand away as he reaches for another piece. Snapping the lid back onto the container, you shove it into your backpack, zipping the pocket closed.
“Nu uh. It’s your ‘opinion’ I hate.” He points at you. “You, my little rebel, are a sight for sore eyes.”
“Yeah, and you’re an eyesore.”
Shutting your textbook, you sling your bag onto your back. You stand from the table and walk in the direction of your class. You can hear Yoongi fumbling around as he tries to get up to follow you.
“Hey, hey, wait.”
He jogs to stand in front of you, stopping you from walking any farther. He holds his hands out, holding you at a distance.
“Tell ya what. How about if you stay for the entire game tomorrow, I’ll back off.”
You sigh, clutching the textbook in your arms in front of your chest.
“What’s the catch?”
There’s more to it, you know. Especially when Yoongi’s face contorts into a sly expression. He drops his hands, opting to shove them in his pockets instead.
“If you don’t,” he pauses for a moment, “you’ll get to be my personal assistant for the rest of the season.”
You groan. Why couldn’t it have been anything easier than that? He knows what game he’s playing, and he won’t let you go so easily. Rolling your eyes, you step around him to continue on your way.
“Don’t forget! Tomorrow night at seven!” he calls out after you.
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You sigh, turning up the volume on your phone, and reach up to pull the eye mask over your eyes. Maybe you’ll be able to get some sleep. But with the boy poking your thigh every few seconds, there’s no way that you’ll be able to.
“What do you want?”
“What snacks do you have?”
You huff, clicking your tongue.
“Who said I brought any for you?” you muse.
“Well I didn’t, so what do you have?”
Why are you in this situation again? Right. You lost the bet you didn’t even agree to in the first place. Now, you’re stuck on a bus with thirty other people, staff included, heading to the second out of many away games your school has.
The rustling of something near your feet has you lifting your eye mask in curiosity.
“Hey! You can’t just look through my stuff!”
Reaching down, you slap Yoongi’s hands away from your backpack.
“You agreed to being my assistant.”
You could argue that you never agreed in the first place, but you’re already too fed up to deal with any more bickering from him.
“That doesn’t give you the right to touch my stuff,” you grumble, moving your backpack between you and the wall of the bus.
Yoongi pouts. You ignore his slight glare, pulling the mask down over your eyes again. Just let me get some rest at least, you whine to yourself. Yoongi is quite for a moment, but it doesn’t last long. He pokes at your thigh again, leaning closer to you. You can feel his warm breath hit your shoulder.
“How much longer until we’re there?”
“You can check yourself,” you growled.
“You agreed.”
Groaning loudly, you pull the mask off your eyes again. You sit up, turning your upper body to face him.
“No. I agreed to helping you during practice and games. Not dealing with you acting like a literal child.”
Yoongi’s pout quickly turned into a scowl. He bares his teeth as if he’s an angry dog.
“Watch your mouth,” he barks.
You tilt your head in amusement.
“What? You can’t handle being called a child? Because that’s all I see.”
Collecting your stuff, you stand from your seat. You climb over his lap, not forgetting to hit him in the face with your bag. Your eyes scan the bus, noticing an empty window seat a couple rows back. You walk up to Wooyoung, pointing to the seat beside him.
“I’m sitting here.”
He moves his legs, giving you enough room to slip into the seat. Maybe now you’ll be able to get some rest.
“What’d ya do this time Yoon?” Wooyoung laughs.
“Nothing! She’s the one to blame!”
You smack the boy’s shoulder, gesturing to the angry puppy sitting two rows ahead.
“See? A child!”
You can hear the groans of several other teammates around you. Chan, who’s sitting in the seat right in front of you, sighs.
“This is gonna be a long season,” he mumbles.
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“So, how’s traveling with the team been?”
You’re glad you hear Taehyung’s voice. It’s already been two weeks since you last saw each other, and both you and him have been too busy to catch up with each other. You cross one leg over the other, leaning back against the cool brick wall of the visitor’s dugout. The team is out on the field, getting in their practice before their next game tomorrow night.
“Ya know, save for the pain in the ass, the team’s been pretty nice. I mean, still don’t trust ‘em, but at least they’re not all a pain in the ass,” you admit.
Taehyung hums lightly.
“Sounds like you’re starting to take a liking to them.”
Though he can’t see, you shrug your shoulders.
“Well, when you’re around hot guys in baseball uniforms almost all the time, you tend to loosen up a bit.”
“So you admit it.”
His words throw you for a loop. You sit up, placing both feet flat on the ground.
“You think they’re hot.”
Your eyes widen.
“No!” you sputter out. “That’s not what I-”
“Y/N, grab me my mitt would ya?”
Yoongi’s voice echoes through the stadium. You are glad that the team was at the other end of the field, using the rival team’s batting cages.
“Gotta go. Talk to you later,” you quickly speak into your phone.
“You totally like-”
You end the call before Taehyung can finish his sentence. That is something you weren’t ready to hear. Something you’re sure you’ll never be ready to hear.
Grabbing the mitt on the bench beside you, you stand up, making your way out of the dugout. You shove your phone into your pocket, jogging over to where Yoongi is. His brow raises.
“Get a little too much sun today?”
Your free hand flies to your face, feeling the heat emitting from your cheeks. Taehyung’s words didn’t affect you that much, did they?
“Uh, yeah. Here.”
You toss his mitt towards him. He catches it, only to toss something else towards you.
“My water bottle’s almost empty. Go fill it up.”
You turn towards the locker rooms without a word, catching Yoongi off guard. Usually you would have protested, but your call with Taehyung is the only thing occupying your mind.
“What was I thinking?” you whisper to yourself once a good distance away from any of the players. “No, I wasn't even thinking.”
Shaking your head, you focus on the task at hand. There’s no way that you’re taking a liking to him.
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As you put on your last earring, a sharp knock sounds against your hotel door.
“Y/N, you ready? The cars are here.”
You check yourself out in the mirror one last time. Perfect. Leaving the bathroom, you grab your purse from the dresser. You slip into your heels as you open the door. Jaehyun stands in the hallway, hands in the pockets of his suit pants. His eyes widen slightly, taking in your appearance. You pat at the floor length navy lace dress when you notice his gaze.
“Wow. You look amazing,” he breathes out.
You chuckle slightly, wincing at how shy it sounds.
“Ah, thanks. I don’t really dress up like this very often.”
“Well you look good,” he states again.
He takes a hand out of his pocket, holding his arm out to you.
“Shall we?”
You smile, nodding, taking his arm and closing the door behind you.
The car ride is short, the restaurant being only a few blocks away from the hotel you all are staying at. Jaehyun, ever the gentleman, helps you out of the car once you arrive. He guides you to the separate room reserved for you and the team. Opening the door, all eyes are on the two of you.
“Damn, Y/N!”
“Wow, you clean up nice.”
“Is that supposed to be a compliment?” you chuckle.
Jaehyun pats your arm, moving towards the table to occupy the nearest empty seat.
“Alright, alright. Listen now, oggle later,” the coach speaks up.
You’re not sure when Yoongi appeared by your side, but the gentle grip he has on your wrist startles you. He guides you to the other side of the room where two empty seats sit.
“Sit here.”
His voice is a stark contrast to that of his touch, but you don’t mind it. At least he didn’t yank you down beside him without much care.
Coach clears his throat, standing from his seat at the other end of the table you’re at. He locks eyes with each player. He sends you a small smile when his eyes pass over you.
“Now, I know that we haven’t officially made it to nationals yet, but I’d like to thank you all for having a great season so far.”
“That’s only because we have an awesome coach!”
A chorus of cheers follow after the player’s exclamation.
“We’ve got this next game in the bag. We’ll win it just for you, coach!” Wooyoung yells out, raising his glass toward his coach.
Coach laughs, raising his own glass. “It’s all on the school, so enjoy the food!”
The chatter in the room grows louder as you all wait for the food to arrive. You pick up on a few different conversations, catching the way Chan laughs out loud because of a joke their third baseman, Sehun, told. You giggle lightly yourself after catching the joke.
The food arrives shortly; A full five course dinner. You’re not sure how you’re going to make it through the night. By the time you’re finished, you’ll need to be wheeled out with how much you’re about to eat. No one in the room waits to dig in. You all stuff your faces, as professional as you can as to not make a fool of yourselves or the school you represent.
Yoongi is quiet throughout the dinner. It isn’t until you’re all waiting for the final dish, dessert, to arrive. He leans closer to you, not daring to look your way.
“You don’t look half bad by the way,” he whispers before pulling away as the doors open again to the waiters.
You glance his way, noticing the way his eyes scan the room, looking anywhere but at you. Furrowing your brows, you frown slightly.
“Uh, thanks?”
Before you can say anything else, a plate holding a slice of chocolate cake is set on the table in front of you. You push your questions away, deciding that it wasn’t worth it to question the boy and his odd antics recently. You’ll save it for another time.
Sighing, you pat your stomach. The moment you step into your hotel room, you want to do nothing but knock out on the bed. The dinner had been amazing from start to finish. Each dish was better than the last, and your stomach is satisfyingly stuffed. There is no way that you could eat another bite of anything. Yoongi does the same beside you as you take the same car back to the hotel.
He helps you out, catching you when you slightly trip on your own dress. You thank him quietly. You brush past him to walk to the elevators, embarrassed at the way your cheeks start to heat up from the action. Yoongi joins you, standing beside you as you wait for the next elevator.
“I’ll walk you to your room,” he says.
You shake your head. You become a little dizzy, most likely from drinking a little too much wine at dinner.
“No, that’s okay. I’ll be fine on my own.”
The elevator dings when it arrives at the lobby floor. The doors open, inviting you into the empty room. Yoongi follows suit. He presses the button to your floor—the team is situated on the floor below yours—before you have a chance to.
“I said I was fine.”
For the first time tonight, he looks at you. Yoongi’s eyes gaze into yours. Maybe you really did have too much to drink as you swear you can see a flash of something different in his eyes. But he turns to face the elevator doors before you can figure out what exactly it was.
“I don’t take ‘no’ as an answer.”
The two of you ride in silence. When it reaches your floor, Yoongi gestures for you to step out first. He follows after you, walking briskly to walk beside you. He’s close. Much closer than you expected him to be. You reach your door in no time.
“Well, this is me,” you mutter, turning to glance at him.
When Yoongi doesn’t say anything, you begin to dig through your purse for the key card. Fishing it out, you slide it through the door’s handle, hearing the lock click open. You press down on the handle, opening the door. The light from the hallway spills into the room.
“Wait.” Yoongi’s voice stops you from stepping further into the room. You turn to face him, eyebrow raised in curiosity. He clears his throat, dropping his gaze to the floor. “Uh, don’t forget that we need to be leaving at three for the game.”
“Yeah, I know,” you quietly sigh, closing the door softly behind you.
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“Good evening baseball fans! Welcome to the final game that will determine who will go to Nationals. It’s been an eventful season for these teams, so we’re all excited to see what happens tonight.”
Though you aren’t excited for the crowd, you’re happy to have made it to this point with the boys. Through the month and a half you’ve been around them, you have grown to like, your once favorite sport, baseball again. Sure, the beginning was quite rocky, but now that the team—and more specifically Yoongi—have become more bearable and slowly snuck their way into your heart in so many ways, you’re proud to see how far they’ve come this season.
“Please welcome to the field our away team, the Seoul Tigers!”
The players flood the field, making their way to the dugout. Yoongi’s eyes scan the stands. You’re sure he is looking for you. After the nice dinner you and the team had two weeks ago, the air between the two of you has changed. You hate to admit it, but the late night movie nights you have, cuddling up to each other in the comfort of your hotel room and waking up to the soft sight of the other sleeping, has your heart doing backflips in your chest. Taehyung was right. Though he didn’t finish his sentence during your call that day a few weeks ago, you know that he was going to tell you that you like them. That you like him. And that only proves true when your heart sinks as a pout forms across Yoongi’s lips and he hangs his head slightly as he continues to the dugout.
“Let’s play ball!”
For the entire game, the two teams have scored neck and neck. You can feel the stress of the team as they watch the probability of winning the final game slowly go down the drain. The final inning comes around, and you can only hope that something will go right for your boys. You cheer with the other fans of your team as they fill the bases completely. Your heart races in anticipation for the next batter. The team already has two outs, so you know the pitcher is going to try anything to get the final player out to win the game by a single point.
“The Tiger’s, Min Yoongi takes the plate. Can he turn the game around?”
The announcer’s voice rings in your ear. Your heartbeat picks up speed, watching the way Yoongi takes his stance. Standing from your seat, you cup your hands around your mouth.
“You got this Yoon!”
You’re not sure if he is able to hear you over the deafening sound of everything else around the two of you, but you don’t care. As long as he believes that he can do it, you know he’ll do good for the team. Though, you begin to lose hope yourself as he’s already down two strikes. What has gotten into him? You grip onto the railing in front of you as you try to calm your heart for the next pitch. Whether he hits it or he misses, you’ll still be proud of him.
The pitcher winds up for the final toss. A split-finger fastball, you recognize, one of the toughest pitches to hit. Glancing towards Yoongi, you can see him dig his back foot into the ground, knowing what’s coming his way. The world seems to slow as you watch it leave the pitcher’s hand and fly towards Yoongi. It’s an easy pitch to miss, one blink and it’s already at your feet. That’s what makes the play so dirty. You hold your breath unconsciously, gripping onto the railing in front of you.
He swings.
The crack that echoes through the stadium has your ears ringing. The ball flies through the air, passing over the heads of the outfielders. They run for it, watching with a careful eye as it makes it way farther towards the edge of the field. Your jaw drops. The ball manages to clear the fence at the other end of the stadium, ceremoniously crashing into the large scoreboard, causing sparks to fly when it shatters the light bulbs that hold the opposing team’s score.
The crowd erupts into loud cheers. You included. Dropping your gaze to the field, you feel a smile crawl up your cheeks. Yoongi casually jogs around the bases, a wide smile dawning his own face. The boys are waiting at home plate for him, leaving room for the umpire to be able to verify that each base runner touches the plate. Yoongi slows to a stop just before home. You can clearly hear the confusion of the team, but he ignores them. His eyes scan the crowd, lighting up when they meet yours. His smile softens. Yoongi doesn’t take his gaze from you as his foot connects with the white plate in front of him.
Why does your stomach feel like it’s doing flips inside your body?
You don’t wait to join the team on the field. It takes you a moment to navigate the unfamiliar stadium, but by the time you’ve made it to the entrance of the field, most of the fans have left the stands. Your eyes follow the ground below you. You bite at your lip, holding the wide grin that painted itself across your face after the game ended.
Though you don’t have to hold it any longer once you see what is happening in front of you. You’re not surprised to see most of the others talking with cute girls, presumably from the rival school. But what does surprise you is the view of Yoongi writing something down in the notebook of a girl’s handing it back to her with a smile. You scoff loudly, catching the attention of a few of the players closest to you.
“I can’t believe it. You’re all the same!”
Your yell reaches Yoongi’s ears. His head whips to face you, a guilty look crossing his face at the sight of your angry glare.
“Y/N, wait!”
You turn on your heel, leaving the way you came.
“And to think that I was beginning to like baseball again,” you mumble to yourself.
You couldn’t hear the sound of Yoongi’s cleats clacking against the ground behind you over the sound of your blood rushing through your ears. So when he squeaks out the question, you breathe in, surprised to hear his voice. Shouldn’t he be happy that you saw him? Now you won’t have any attachment to him once the season’s completely over. You huff, continuing to walk through the maze that is the stadium.
“Wait! Please, it’s not what it looks like,” he calls out after you.
You turn to face him, face hot with anger.
“Then what does it look like Min? You were clearly handing out your phone number to a bunch of random girls that I doubt you’d ever seen again anyways!” You gesture in the general direction of the field.
“You’ve got it wrong!”
“Is that all you can say to me? That everything I do or say is wrong?” You point at him, furrowing your brows more than you ever have. “You’ve had it out for me since day one and I don’t know why! What was so wrong about giving my damn opinion on my own damn radio show, huh? And now you go and flirt with others when I thought there was something starting between us. Was all this just to show me how much of a joke you think I am?”
He scoffs at your words. Crossing his arms in front of his chest, he looks at you bewildered.
“You’re one to talk! I was only trying to show you that baseball is more than what you see! Not everyone is a stuck up narcissist or a major player, you know. Yeah, I may never see these girls again, but it’s not like you’ve ever looked in my direction because of my teammates.”
“That’s because they’ve been the only ones nice enough to me this entire season!” you argue.
Though his voice is much quieter when he talks again, the acoustics of the stadium’s hallways make his voice seem much louder than it really is.
“I just know you’re hooking up with some of them anyways.”
“You really think that lowly of me? Now I see how Mom felt,” you choke out.
Turning your back toward him, not wanting him to see the way your eyes tear up, you push yourself to walk away.
“Wait! Y/N! That’s not what I-”
You shut out any noise as much as you can. You don’t want to see or hear him for now. Or maybe ever.
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“Are you sure about this? What about Nationals?”
You sigh. Folding another piece of clothing, you stuff it into your suitcase.
“They can go on without me just fine,” you mumble. “I’m not part of the team.”
“But why the sudden change of mind?”
Sniffling quietly, you sit on the bed beside your stuff. You take your phone into your hand, wishing that Taehyung was right in front of you rather than on the other side of the country.
“I feel like I’m living the past over again, Taehyung. It’s reminding me too much of what my mom went through. I don’t want the same thing to happen to me.”
“I know you don’t want to hear this from me, but I really do think that the two of you never really hated each other.”
You huff out a sad laugh.
“Yeah, well that’s definitely true now.”
“Just listen, will ya?” He pauses for a moment, waiting for any sign of protest. “Stay. Take some time away from the feelings part of it all and just enjoy yourself. You said it yourself that you’re starting to like baseball again. So why not just focus on helping them get through nationals? Then you can decide from there if you never want to see him again.”
Groaning, you throw yourself backwards. Your back lands against the soft comforter on the hotel’s bed.
“I guess you’re right.”
“Plus, jealousy is a sign that you’re into someone. There’s clearly something bubbling between the two of you. Let it simmer for a while, maybe it’ll all turn out for the good.”
You hate it when he’s right. Glancing towards your half full suitcase, you know that you are only doing this on impulse. You’ve been too deep into your emotions. It is definitely time to take a break from whatever was happening between you and Yoongi. But Taehyung was right. You’ve grown to love baseball again. You can’t just give up the opportunity to travel with the team after coming this far. It’s not like the rest of the team has given you reason to leave.
“Whatever,” you mumble. “I’m gonna go.”
“Just thank me when y’all finally get together!”
Taehyung leaves you to your thoughts, ending the call before you pick up your phone to do it yourself.
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The next few weeks fly by quickly. Before you know it, there is only one game left of nationals. The team has had their fair share of losses, but they haven’t given up yet. If they win tonight's game, they’ll be crowned as the National Champions. Despite all of the fights and the tension you and Yoongi had during that time, you hope they win. They deserve it, probably more than they think.
You clean up the locker room slightly after the team has already left to warm up on the field. The game isn’t going to start for another hour, but the coach thought it would be useful to get a small practice in before the last game. So you thought you’d make yourself useful and tidy up a bit. You didn’t mind, and you know the boys are grateful for your help throughout the entire season.
“Y/N, you got a sec?”
You jump slightly, turning to see Yoongi. His mitt is threatening to fall out of his back pocket, but he doesn’t do anything to fix it.
“Yeah. What’s up? Need to practice a bit more?”
Though you still aren’t on the best terms, you have been trying your best to stay civil. For the team, you’ve had to remind yourself.
“No. That’s not why, I wanna talk.”
He takes your hand, and you’re not inclined to pull away like you would have a week ago. Gently pulling you to the nearest bench, he sits you down, settling himself with a comfortable amount of distance between the two of you with your given predicament. His hand falls from yours and you want to reach out to grab it again. But you stop yourself.
“Look, I know we haven’t been the nicest to each other. That argument we had last month just keeps playing in my mind. But I just wanted to tell you that it really wasn’t what you thought it was. Those girls I talked to were high school softball players. They came to the game to learn a few things, and I gave them a few good tips about pitching.”
Your heart beats harshly against your chest. You’re sure he can hear it with how quiet the locker room is.
“That still doesn’t excuse how I treated you the rest of the time though. Sure, I was mad about how you talked about my sport at first. I’ve been in it since I was little, so it hit hard for me. But by the time I realized I should have just let my anger go, I had already roped you into watching our games and practices. And the boys had taken a liking to you already, so there was no way that I could have had a chance.”
Sighing, he lifts his gaze to meet yours. You can see the sincerity in his eyes. It tears your heart in two when you realise that he has been just as broken as you have been. The visible bags under his eyes give him away.
“I know that this isn’t much of an apology, but I’m sorry for dragging you through the mud. You have your opinions, and I have mine. I need to respect that. I’m sorry that I assumed things about you and the others. I was clearly jealous and just saying things to you.” He pauses, gauging your reaction. Taking in a deep breath, he reaches out for your hands again. “And I’m sorry that I’ve never showed you what I actually think of you.”
“What are you talking about?”
Without breaking eye contact, he stares into your eyes.
“I’ll win this game for you,” he states. “Not for my coach, not for my team, not for all of the other fans in the stands. You.”
“Min! Let’s go!”
His coach calls out to him before you can get another word out. Yoongi sighs, dropping his hands from yours once more. Standing up from the bench, he looks back at you.
“Wait for me at the back door after the game.”
The only thing you can hear is his cleats clicking against the ground as he runs back out to the field.
True to his word, they do win the final game, earning the name of National Champions. You never felt more proud of the team than the moment Yoongi struck out the last player, keeping their score two points higher than the rival team’s. You want to run down to the field and give them the biggest hug you can muster, but instead, you remember Yoongi’s words.
“You’re here.”
He is out of breath the moment he reaches the back door. You stare at him quizzically.
“Yeah, why wouldn’t I be?”
“Well I don’t know,” he shrugs. “I thought that you’d’ve gone home already cause of my lame apology.”
You hum. It takes a moment for him to catch his breath, but you don’t mind waiting. Taking one last deep breath, he glances back up at you.
“Let’s walk?”
Nodding, you push open the door. The cool fall night air that greets you sends a shiver down your spine. Yoongi, noticing the way your shoulders shake in the sudden change of temperature, shrugs off his jersey, leaving him in the plain white long sleeve top underneath. He throws it over your shoulders, covering your arms as much as possible. If you could melt into a puddle, you would have at that moment.
“Can I ask what happened?”
The two of you found your way to a small park near the stadium, taking a walk around the pond near the center of it. Neither of you have bothered to speak, basking in the quiet presence of the other.
“You said you knew how your mom felt after the, uh, argument,” Yoongi clarifies.
You glance at him. Yoongi seems to tense at your gaze, probably regretting asking.
“Oh. Uh, yeah,” you begin. “It’s just that that’s how my... her husband left us. Ended up showing that he had another chick on the side when he had a wife and kid already. She wanted to surprise him at his game, and came back home in anger and tears.”
“So he was a baseball player?”
You nod, humming in confirmation.
“Wow. Sorry to hear that.”
Shrugging your shoulders, you stare into the reflection of the pond. The moon makes the water shimmer as the light breeze that brushes past the two of you disrupts the water. 
“Eh, we did just fine without him.”
“I’ll do whatever it takes to show you that I will never be that kind of guy,” he blurts out.
You turn to him with furrowed brows.
“Are you saying-”
Taking your hands in his, he stares into your eyes. His hands squeeze yours as he speaks.
“I’m not good with feelings, but I’ve grown to like seeing you all the time. So my radio rebel, would you do me the favor of going on an official date with me?”
You bite your lip, keeping you from breaking out into an embarrassingly large smile. Squeezing his hands in return, you nod.
“I’d be happy to, my national champion.”
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Taglist: @jiyoongss @moonchild1 @seajae​ 
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kingsofargentina · 3 years
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I had planned on making this before copa américa begun, but then life happened. Better late than never, tho, right? Let's call this a celebration of Argentina's win. :D
Kun Agüero and Leo Messi are the OTP of all OTPs for me, so here is a list of a few of my favorite kunessi fanfics that I've read over the years. This is not by any means a complete list since there are so many great fics (so hmu if you'd like more recs or are looking for something specific), and the fics are not in any particular order.
Multi-chapter/ novel length
Before the Third Star by rainedparade (162 096 words, rated E)
When it was the two of them, the pitch became their world and the ball, their very own sun.
A story about football, love, and life featuring Leo and Kun from 2005-2010. Takes place in an alternate reality with liberal use of the butterfly effect.
This feels like an account of what could have happened. Many scenes that draw on real events etc. A very beautiful story of boys who love football and each other.
A Messi Love by stillgold (69 188 words, rated E)
Kun knew he never should have had that last drink. Now he's gone and spilled his deep dark secret to Masche. And why is Kun's feelings for Leo the only secret Masche can't keep?
A good story with excellent smut.
two bodies pressed together by yvenger (jjjat3am) (6015 words, rated T)
"If I weren't a footballer, I would be a footballer's wife." - Kun Aguero
The one where Kun has to retire from football early and becomes Leo's househusband instead.
A little sad at the very beginning, but then very cute and domestic.
A Matter of Biology by MessiFangirl (hpdm4ever) (25 701 words, rated E)
Nicolás guides him down the hall, body still tight with tension. “You shouldn’t be alone,” his friend says, a hint of a growl in his voice. “Not anywhere until we’re back in England. We don’t really know if it’s true about how they do things here. The last thing we need is you mated to some neanderthal from Russia. It would probably be the end of your career.”
“They were being perfectly nice,” Kun says, frowning. Instead, he takes a deep breath as the familiar scents of his teammates wash over him, trying to raise his spirits again. It’s what gives him the strength to add, “I’m allowed to do things differently here. You’re the one who was being rude.”
The a/b/o fic I didn't expect to love as much as I did.
By the Rio de la Plata I sat down and wept by whimsicule (48 904 words, rated M)
Buenos Aires AU. Kun is part of the city's social elite, drifting without any sense of responsibility and purpose. A chance encounter with a childhood friend puts his life into perspective.
AU that has nothing to do with football. My favorite fic of all time; any genre, any fandom, any pairing. What an absolute masterpiece. It broke my heart, but in the most beautiful way. I cried, and then I cried some more. And then i reread it.
One shots
Prayers by ren_makoto (3418 words, rated E)
How do you worship a god? Kun Aguero shows his reverence to one D10S de Futbol. But gods can be spoiled, complicated creatures...
"He's seen fans almost kill themselves jumping down from the stands to hug Leo, kiss him, bow down at his feet. Nearly drowning themselves to swim to his yacht. He's seen fans cry in joy when Leo gives them his shirt or a hug. This is his equivalent, Kun imagines. This is as close as he comes to praying anymore."
Hot and a bit angsty. Actually really angsty if you think about it.
Tonight Is For You by MessiFangirl (hpdm4ever) (3199 words, rated T)
Nobody approaches him, perhaps aware that he's fighting to maintain his composure. The Icelandic players are respectful enough that they give him his space, while the Argentine players are wise enough to know that he needs it.
There's a light touch against his bare back then, right against his waistband, and Leo lowers his shirt to glare.
I just love it when Kun get's a little angry. I mean I also love it when he gives Leo anything he needs, but when he puts his foot down, it makes for very good plot. This fic has that.
Make it better by brightcrystal (4324 words, rated E)
After Argentina's semi-final defeat against Brazil in the Copa América 2019, Leo is devastated and Kun wants to help him feel better. Going down a familiar path is the easy choice, but is it the right one when the kisses are mixed with bitter tears of disappointment?
A bit of fluff, a bit of angst, and a bit of smut. Can't go wrong with that.
short beards are for fun by mm_nani (834 words, rated E)
leo has shaved his beard short and this is why
Hot and fun. Made me smile.
Todo Por Vos by stillgold (1286 words, rated G)
There’s nothing to say, but the words come unbidden. “Hoy por vos”, he whispers. Today for you. For you. He could have said todo por vos, all for you, and it would have been true.
Maybe Leo understands, or maybe Leo already knew—maybe Leo, with his dark eyes and his quiet mouth—maybe he can see better than others can. It seems like it on the pitch, but maybe that skill translates here too—maybe it sees Kun’s yearning, his hunger, his ache, his everything—all for Messi, todo por el.
I just reread this as I went to copy the link and GOD it's so... I can't even describe it! It's just.... The feelings, u kno???? No smut or nothing just... words and.... and FEELINGS!!!
sometimes your voice might just be enough by westhamutd (1773 words, rated M)
“hey kun. how are you doing?”
he hears kun yawn on the other end of the line and starts to laugh.
“oh you’re tired? it’s literally four in the morning here.”
things you said on the phone at 4am
This manages to be both cute and hot in less than 2000 words.
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littlx-songbxrd · 3 years
ok so being the person i am i’m trying to think of songs marí would listen to or at least the general vibe and so far i feel like
classic rock (especially queen, for whatever reason i feel like it’d be a favorite of theirs)
punk rock too for the aesthetic
some indie to spice things up
and the last thing that i just. have feelings about. marina. marí listens to marina no i don’t have a reason i just want her to yell ‘this is how to be a heartbreaker’ at 3 am while jumping on her bed ok
if you have any thoughts/ideas p l e a s e tell me bc i need it for a fic lmao
also. i’m just gonna throw this out there. how do we feel ab skater marí and kit. just think ab it and let me know babe. <3
Theyre queen buddies
For indie id say they listen to the wallows cause i wanna self project! BUT IT WORKS
Its not her usual music taste but they just LOVE IT SO MUCH
Listens to it exclusively at 3am amd in sleeo over kareokes with her pack and kit
I can imagine her just "They call him hermit, the frog, hes looking for a dog, Did you find your BitCh In MEE?" a lil drunk in a sleepover while people hype them up
She plays futbol (soccer) and Kit goes to all their games and is the loudest to scream when she makes a goal
Shes a great kicker, and has an amazing stamina
Kit cant even run a mile without running out of breath
Shes tried to play with Kit but they always win because kits horrible <3 Theyre really not sure how that boy is even a shadowhunter
They take runs every morning (cause like i hc her sporty inwanna say theyre also in the fild and track meet or however thats called in english) and Kit convinses Jem that running each morning will be a good part of his training regimen
Nope kits just a simp and goes the same path Mari does to CasuAlly say hi
Only hes sweating and out of breathe
Once rafe and max are in the house when shes with kit and she offers them to teach them some futbol
Its them against gatekeeper (i think thats what its called in english) kit
They all win and Mari claims kit has to get them all ice cream cause kit lost
Actually seriously smart, likes marine biology
Her least favotite class is actually english
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seresclau-blog · 4 years
Amor futbol y desafio
Introduccion y capitulo 1
Amor Futbol y Desafio
 Mi nombre es Carolina Jones Saavedra
soy mexicana, llevo viviendo y trabajando en Londres 2 años como reportera y enviada especial por parte de la BBC Londres
tengo 32 años soy soltera y hablo 5 idiomas Aleman, Ruso, Koreano, Japones y el Ingles
mi abuelo por parte de mi padre era Britanico y de niño llego a Mexico quedo huerfano despues de la segunda guerra mundial y una familia o sea mis bisabuelos que no podian tener hijos lo adoptaron
por parte de mi Madre mi abuela se caso con un español y de ahi nacio ella y tios que familia algo revuelta
 Anteriormente en Mexico trabajaba en una importante cadena de Television a lado de un reportero llamado Alberto nos enviaron juntos a los juegos olimpicos de Londres
un año antes
en este pais aprendi a desarrollarme bien en el area de Futbol y demas disciplinas que me hizo ganar muy buenos puntos en mi carrera para que se interesara en mi esta television Britanica
 Obteniendo una gran oportunidad de contratarme
 En Mexico me percataba que no valoraban mi trabajo, esfuerzo y dedicacion, no solo eso siempre me ponian el pie para que callera por que mucho no les agradaba, pero eso no me importo yo segui adelante por mis propios meritos.
El presidente de esta compañia de television en Mexico no le parecio que me fuera pero mi contrato ya casi terminaba y aprovecho la BBC Londres en contratarme yo sin pensarlo acepte sabiendo que tenia que pagar un precio muy alto, por cumplir ese gran sueño y era dejar a mi familia, amigos y el amor de mi vida alla en Mexico....
 Al trabajar en esta nueva empresa hizo que me  moviera por toda Europa con los campeonatos importantes de Las Ligas de Futbol en especial la Española y la Alemana.
 Mi nueva vida y trabajo eran tan ajetreados que no tenia tiempo de pensar en el amor y lo que deje atras...
 En Agosto de 2013 me enviaron a Russia para estar al pendiente y transmitir los juegos Olimpicos de invierno en Sochi
como hablaba este idioma no dudaron en mandarme y estar un tiempo alla lo cual disfrute e hice muchas amistades fue genial pero como todo debimos volver a Londres...
 Febrero 2014 terminaron los juegos Olimpicos de Sochi.
Estuve 6 meses viviendo en Russia a lado de mi camarografo y amigo Richard Meyers un hombre guapo alto de unos hermosos ojos azules claro (parecido Joe Hart el portero de Inglaterra) y los 2 compartimos muchas nuevas experencias en este hermoso pais Russia.
 Ahora heme aqui nuevamente en Londres se acerca el mundial de Brasil y nos estaremos yendo en los proximos meses, por lo tanto seguire con mi trabajo aqui..... suspirando
   Al dia Siguiente
 Llegando al trabajo para reanudar actividades ahora en la oficina llegue yo primero como de costumbre ya se me habia hecho rutina llegar antes que la mayoria de los compañeros, me incorpore en mi escritorio y empece a checar mis correos y pendientes que ahora tendre.
  Algunos emails eran de los amigos Rusos que deje atras y me dio gusto que prometieron lo que cumplieron el escribirme yo tambien hice lo mismo escribirles saludarlos.
 Poco despues llego Richard me saludo y se sento en su escritorio que estaba frente al mio,  como eramos compañeros teniamos los escritorios compartidos.
Los demas compañeros que se quedaron en Londres, como venian llegando nos saludaban
tambien llego mi jefe Mark Aldrich me saluda ami y a Richard  
nos invita a pasar a una junta sorpresa donde estaban los directores de la empresa
Richard y yo sorpendidos nos dio nervios
nos sentamos para escuchar me dije a ver que nos dicen....
Carolina Richard para empezar queremos felicitarlos por su gran labor y trabajo en esta cobertura de los juegos Olimpicos de invierno de Sochi nos gusto mucho y en especial al publico nuevamente los felicitamos...
 Richard y yo suspiramos de tranquilidad termino la junta y estabamos charlando con los compañeros de la empresa
Cuando Mark y el presidente de la compañia David Collingwood estaban conversando y viendonos
Mark debo felicitarte con esta mujer Carolina la empresa hizo una buena contratacion con ella y lo mejor es que la audiencia le gusta
Gracias señor no dudamos en formarla parte de la empresa
Mark se acerca unos juegos amistosos olimpicos de Europa que se van hacer para que los atletas se vayan entrenando ahora para Brasil 2016 y el pais anfitrion sera Croacia estos juegos seran en Abril y los atletas ya se estan empezando a marchar a este pais donde  Zagreb y otras ciudades de este mismo pais seran los anfitriones.
Quiero que Carolina y Richard vayan a cubrir la covertura y esten estos 2 meses antes viviendo alla para que esten cerca de los atletas
pero señor ellos acaban de volver de Russia y ya teniamos planes para ellos ademas de que deben estar cansados
por favor Mark la gente ama a esta mujer con sus reportajes y eso es lo que quiere ver el publico asi que mandalos ya!!! la sig semana
muy bien señor como usted diga ellos iran para alla Croacia...  
 Chicas espero que les haya gustado esta introduccion de este Fan fic que de repente me vino a la cabeza y mas adelante ire poniendo mas sobre Richard por que el y Caro no se llevaban nada bien  
             Capitulo 1
Un nuevo Pais Croacia
  Carolina se encontraba en su departamento empacando nuevamente maletas para un nuevo viaje a este pais Croacia...  
No lo conocia...
Solo sabia que era parte de la extinta Yugoslavia y que paso por mucho dolor antes de ser una nacion independiente
Asi que se puso a estudiar en esta semana acerca de Croacia los lugares donde se llevara a cabo los torneos y lo mas importante el idioma...
 Anteriormente se saco de onda cuando Mark les dijo a ella y Richard sobre el nuevo viaje no le dejaron casi tiempo de prepararse en especial aprender el idioma sin embargo no sera impedimento para desenvolverse alla,
la ventaja es que mucha gente Croata habla aleman e ingles y tiene un punto a su favor ya que solo aprendio lo basico, pero con estos 2 meses que este halla le serviran para aprenderlo y hablarlo.
 Carolina se encontraba ya en el aeropuerto esperando a Richard para abordar el avion que los llevaria a Zagreb
Ese Richard!!! como siempre llegando tarde por Dios dicen que los ingleses son puntuales  bahhhh no lo creo solo espero que no se tarde!!!
en eso voltea y vio un hombre corriendo a lo lejos viendo que era el
Coraline lo siento lo siento se me hizo tarde y el metro venia lento pero ya estoy aqui
mmmm como siempre tarde amigo vamos date prisa!!! que ya estan abordando el avion aunque la ventaja es que nos dieron boletos de primera clase cortesia de nuestro lindo jefe jejejeje por cierto como te encanta decirme Coraline!!!
asi es Coraline me gusta mas decirte a si desde que vimos esa pelicula que me encanto se te oye mas bonito!!!!
y si en efecto mas le valia a Mark darnos asientos de primera clase, despues del gran trabajo que hicimos en Sochi que anduvimos como locos y casi no dormimos por entregar todo a tiempo es lo menos que puede hacer,
ademas sera divertido conocer un nuevo pais nunca he estado en Croacia y me gustaria verlo
tienes razon sera divertido verlo!!!
 Ella le sonrie a Richard.
 Ya adentro del avion los 2 se acomodaron y durmieron casi las 8 horas de vuelo por que ambos estaban muy exhaustos ya hasta que la azafata los desperto una hora antes como le habian pedido, para prepararse arreglarse y esperar el aterrizaje.
 Carolina se levanto del asiento y fue al baño a retocarse mientras que Richard estaba comiendo unas golosinas que le dio la azafata como durmieron no habia comido ademas que siempre le han gustado mucho
en eso regresa Carolina y se sienta del lado de la ventana
Listo amigo ya vamos aterrizar casi llegamos que emocion!!!!
conocere en persona al el exjugador del Real Madrid Davor Suker que ahora es el presidente de la seleccion de futbol de Croacia siiii!!! aqui traigo su bufanda para que me la autografie y se la mandare a mi Papa por que tambien es su hiper fan!!!!
si!! dijo que el mismo nos iria a recoger en persona al aeropuerto ademas de que es el encargado de coordinar estos nuevos juegos que se van hacer wow!! no lo puedo creer como han cambiado los tiempos ahora cada ves todo es diferente con el deporte...
 El avion ya estaba aterrizando y una ves que arribo al aeropuerto Carolina y Richard esperaron a que todos los pasajeros salieran siendo ellos los ultimos
estaban sentandos esperando que la azafata les avisara cuando todos terminaran de salir en eso ven que se acercan 3 hombres
Uno de ellos era Davor Suker que al instante Carolina reconocio!!! pero los otros 2 no sabia quienes eran.
 Davor Suker le empezo hablar en español a Caro
Señorita Carolina Jones Bienvenida es un verdadero honor y placer recibirla aqui en Croacia por favor sientase como en su casa enseguida la llevaremos a usted y su compañero a su estancia
 Cuando se dirigio a Richard para hablarle en ingles
no se preocupe señor Soker yo tambien hablo el español asi que tambien puede dirigirse a si a mi no hay incoveniente
Hoooo!!!! que sorpresa que tambien usted hable el español y veo que lo habla perfectamente me imagino quien fue su profesor y por favor llameme Davor.
 Viendo a Caro
Gracias Davor y Asi es mi maestra esta aqui a mi lado
 Caro poniendose roja
Señor Davor mi papa es muy fan de usted y me encantaria que me regalara un autografo para el, lo admiramos mucho y quiero enviarle esto
Hooo muchas gracias que tenga fans mexicanos eso me halaga jajajajaja.
 En eso no se habian percatado que los 2 hombres solo sonreian y los veian
 Davor ya hablando en ingles
huy mil perdones lo siento no les presente a mis 2 asistentes con tanta platica se me paso
Caro Richard les presento a Niko Kovac e Igor Mustanc
Ellos estan aqui conmigo en este proyecto y de hecho Niko sera su guia, les mostrara y llevara a los lugares donde quieran ir y no solo eso el estara viviendo con uds en esta estadia que les preparamos durante estos 2 meses.
Les conseguimos un casa de campo para que se encuentren con todas las facilidades, comodidades y traslados cercanos a los eventos que habra proximamente.
Niko habla muy bien el ingles por eso lo puse con uds para que no tengan ningun problema.
 Caro los saludo pero noto que Niko se mostraba muy frio y distante hacia ella, no le cayo de extraño por lo regular en Europa son asi
ya se habia acostumbrado, ella iba con la idea de solo trabajar y conocer ese lindo pais.
Se percato que no llevaba anillo por lo cual se imagino que no estaba casado o quien sabe ya ahora en la actualidad las parejas viven en union libre no le dio importancia.
Mucho gusto Carolina y Richard espero que su estadia aqui en Croacia les sea reconfortable y trabajemos como un equipo para cumplir con nuestro trabajo...
Es un placer señor Kovac por favor llameme Caro
gracias por la bienvenida y tambien esperamos lo mismo como equipo
por favor entonces tu llamame solo Niko
 Los 2 se vieron y sonrieron al mismo tiempo en eso vieron a Richard
Le agradesco la bienvenida pero ya es momento de irnos por que creo que la tripulacion nos esta viendo algo raro no? jejejeje
 En efecto la tripulacion los veia con ojos de ya vayanse!!!!
 eso fue muy gracioso
 todos se empezaron a reir y dispusieron a marcharse
 Davor se despidio de ellos dejandolos con Niko el cual les dijo que aqui estaba la camioneta en donde irian a su estancia
Niko y Richard iban adelante y Caro atras, ella estaba emocionada viendo las calles que iluminaba el sol del atardecer
Niko la veia por el retrovisor muy discretamente  para que no se diera cuenta ella y Richard
aunque todos iban en silencio ella no dejo de sonreir.
 La casa donde iban a vivir estaba a media hora de Zagreb era un lugar muy bonito y relajante era de color cafe
Al entrar en la casa vieron lo amplia y acogedora que era tenia 4 habitaciones y en la parte de abajo un estudio grande para que pudieran acomodarse, la chimenea estaba prendida por que ya hacia Frio como todavia era invierno la nieve estaba empezando a caer y ambos vieron que ya habian preparado todo para su llegada
Caro se emociono y dijo en su mente
Que lindo lugar parece ser que si valdra la pena este viaje
Niko llevando el equipaje de Caro le dijo que la siguiera subieron las escaleras, lo siguio hasta la ultima habitacion y le dijo
Caro esta sera tu habitacion espero que te guste es la unica que tiene baño para tu uso personal te dejo aqui tus cosas para que te acomodes
a las 8 sera la cena para que bajes, si necesitas algo mas me dices
Gracias Niko te lo agradesco
 Despues Niko le mostro la habitacion a Richard que estaba junto a la de Caro
 Caro se acosto a la cama y se puso a meditar sobre lo que hara en la mañana, se levanto de la cama y empezo a comodar sus cosas.
 La habitacion era muy amplia aparte del baño tenia un escritorio y silla ejecutiva para que trabajara, un lindo tocador y una cama matrimonial muy reconfortable
la habitacion era de color beige claro y los mas lindo era la vista que daba desde su ventana era un hermoso paisaje de campo a los lejos habia un lago congelado, los arboles cubiertos de nieve, las  hermosas casas de diferentes colores que se veian.
Que hermoso tenia rato que no disfrutaba de un paisaje asi todo este tiempo estuve en ciudades diferentes y no habia tenido oportunidad de estar en un bello lugar como este...
 En eso Richard toca pidiendole a Caro permiso de entrar, una ves adentro
No es justo Coraline te dieron la habitacion mas bonita y ademas tiene baño mmmm
hay por favor Richard si te das cuenta la habitacion es femenina osea que es para una mujer y si tiene baño es por que tambien merezco privacidad heeeee!!!
 Richard la vio con cara de fingiendo seriedad despues se rio y se acosto en su cama  y le dijo
Como ves a Niko? Coraline no se ve mala onda al contrario se ve amable pero tiene algo que no me cae sera por que es frio?
Se ve que es buena onda solo dale tiempo a que nos conozca mejor tambien sera nuestro compañero de trabajo y convivir con el diario hara que nos llevemos bien
Pero no se te hace raro que viva con nosotros no tendra familia? y si la tiene no pensaran mal?
No lo sabemos Richard y mas vale no preguntar seria descortes de nuestra parte no crees? asi que por favor no le digas nada solo esta aqui para apoyarnos en los traslados y de interprete cuando se requiera
Ahi si yo le pedire apoyo con mis estudios de su idioma
Asi que vamos a hecharle muchas ganas para que nuestro trabajo salga bien y nos de tiempo de conocer este lindo pais te parece bien?
Siiiii Coraline vamos a esforzarnos nosotros podemos
 Ambos brincando y tomados de las manos gritaron siiii cuando de repente toca la puerta Niko y como no la cerro bien Richard se abrio y los vio brincando como niños
Niko hizo cara de asombro como diciendo dentro de el que les pasa?!!!!
los fue a buscar para decirles que la cena estaba lista cuando se encontro con esa sorpresa!!!
 Caro y Richard voltean poniendose rojos e incorporandose y soltandose de las manos para bajar con Niko para ir a cenar...
 Bien chicas este es el final del primer capitulo de este Fan Fic que de repente se me ocurrio espero que les haya gustado y como veran Niko ya salio aqui
lo veremos mas adelante participando al 100%
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emdoddles · 4 years
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Some akuma designs i did for fun:
Top left to right
Oyster Tear: ate some bad seafood and got akumatized, makes everyone around them cry and feel their pain.
Flexabelle: back from the 80s, once famous workout home video star tries to make a come back. Her struggles back to the top was perfect for hawkmoth, now she is made of rubber!
Bottom left to right
Banshee: not going to lie this an insert of myself
Pixiedust: once a matchmaker with a high matching making score, but with a slump at work runs her perfect hard working score Hawkmoth helps her spread the love.
Story Teller: when her only grand child moved far away from her, this grandmother missed her story time with him. Now with hawkmoths help she can bring all her favorite fairy tales to life!
Hot Shot: hot headed futbol star gets rec card on a fake foul! Maybe Hawkmoth can help him with a hat trick to win the game, go France!
if any ml fan fic writer would like to use these for their fics, your more then welcome too! Please send me a link to see them in action.
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messifangirl · 5 years
A more extensive Kunessi rec list
(Reposting this bc tumblr ate it and I have no idea why!!!!! So annoying... Now with more added fics) 
Recently got an ask for some recs, and I’m feeling Kunessi right now so….
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A more extensive Kunessi rec list, hopefully now with some decent formatting. Stories organized alphabetically by author. Also hopefully with mostly correct tumblrs
I would dye for you by blindbatalex @blindbatalex​ 
A (highly imaginary) account of how Messi's bleached hair came about and Kun and Neymar's feelings on the subject.
(Kun/Leo, words: 872, rating: general, status: complete)
I'm Only Good At Bad Poetry by DrifterWriter
“Yes, we bet on you getting together," Masche repeats, rolling his eyes, using the tone one would use with a small child. "It's bound to happen eventually-- can you guys just hurry the fuck up and get it on?"
"Am I that obvious?" Kun asks weakly, because is he that obvious?
(Kun/Leo, words: 3274, rating: teen and up, status: complete)
Take your pain away. by florgi @xavimascheranos​
Kun is a worrier and Leo's back hurts. Leo just wants to cuddle and Kun is ther to provide the cuddles.
(Set after the friendly against Honduras of May, 27th 2016, where Leo received a hard blow on his back and had to be subbed out.)
(Kun/Leo, words: 1040, rating: general, status: complete)
Warm Me With Your Smile by hellabaloo @historiograph​
Leo visits Kun in Manchester for Christmas, and realizes he might have been missing something that was right in front of his face.
(Kun/Leo, words: 6868, rating: mature, status: complete)
Beauty by LeoDios @leo-dios​
Kun finds out that Leo has a crush on him. This makes him confront his own feelings about his best friend.
(Kun/Leo, words: 2982, rating: explicit, status: complete)
Love of our Lives by LeoDios @leo-dios​
Kun never had to ask, he could always figure out in a few touches what Leo wanted or needed. Leo had the same instinct when it came to Kun. It had been that way since they were seventeen.
(Kun/Leo, words: 56340, rating: mature, status: complete)
Not a Coward by LynyrdSkynyrd
Kun likes to think himself as a funny, easygoing guy. But above all, he likes to believe that he is very brave. The way he plays and the way he lives is a proof of that. But one day Pablo opens his eyes and show him that he is not as brave as he would like to believe.
Or where Kun is so afraid of ruining his friendship with Leo that he never tells him his true feelings, only watching Leo being so close and touchy with Pocho from afar. But he needs to do something before he dies of jealousy.
(Kun/Leo, words: 4443, rating: teen and up, status: complete)
blue is the warmest color by mm_nani  
‘It was just weird seeing you here.’ He finally says.‘Good or bad?’ Leo whispers against his neck, kissing him softly, chastely.
Argentina NT trained at City and I had a lot of feelings about it which i projected onto Kun.
(Kun/Leo, words: 2084, rating: teen and up, status: complete)
4 Times Zlatan Is a Terrifying Father-in-Law + 1 Time Kun Realized That He Actually Isn't by mm_nani
Kun wasn't expecting the extra family member when he started dating Leo
(Kun/Leo, words: 3256, rating: teen and up, status: complete)
Back to the Beginning by Nina22783
Following a huge fall-out. Leo works hard to retrace his steps back to Kun.
(Kun/Leo, words: 7247, rating: mature, status: complete)
I Love You But Sometimes You Drive Me Crazy by orphan_account (AR)
Kun watched Leo trapeze around the training ground like Kun wasn't glaring at the back of his head with enough intensity to set him on fire. He wondered if Leo was just ignoring it, or if he hadn't even noticed, but knowing the other it was probably the latter.
(Kun/Leo, words: 10751, rating: explicit, status: complete)
Where I Belong by pique @piquemos​
Kun misses Leo and cries himself to sleep over it. The last thing he can remember before closing his eyes is wishing that Leo played for Man City. When he wakes up, his wish has come true. It isn't all he'd imagined it to be, though.
(Kun/Leo, words: 11687, rating: teen and up, status: complete)
Prayers by ren_makoto
How do you worship a god? Kun Aguero shows his reverence to one D10S de Futbol. But gods can be spoiled, complicated creatures...
"He's seen fans almost kill themselves jumping down from the stands to hug Leo, kiss him, bow down at his feet. Nearly drowning themselves to swim to his yacht. He's seen fans cry in joy when Leo gives them his shirt or a hug. This is his equivalent, Kun imagines. This is as close as he comes to praying anymore."
(Kun/Leo, words: 3418, rating: explicit, status: complete)
A Messi Love by stillgold @ciiromessi​
Kun knew he never should have had that last drink. Now he's gone and spilled his deep dark secret to Masche. And why is Kun's feelings for Leo the only secret Masche can't keep?
(Kun/Leo, words: 69188, rating: explicit, status: complete)
The Permanence of a Yes by stillgold @ciiromessi​
Kun has never been able to say no to Leo, even when Leo always says no. But it turns out yeses and nos are not permanent--and everyone can start over.
(Kun/Leo, words: 2522, rating: mature, status: complete)
Todo Por Vos by stillgold @ciiromessi​
There’s nothing to say, but the words come unbidden. “Hoy por vos”, he whispers. Today for you. For you. He could have said todo por vos, all for you, and it would have been true.
Maybe Leo understands, or maybe Leo already knew—maybe Leo, with his dark eyes and his quiet mouth—maybe he can see better than others can. It seems like it on the pitch, but maybe that skill translates here too—maybe it sees Kun’s yearning, his hunger, his ache, his everything—all for Messi, todo por el.
(Kun/Leo, words: 1286, rating: general, status: complete)
Of Rainy Cities and Unexpected Feelings by Ximena13 @ximenalightwood​
It was all Geri's fault.
That was Leo's first thought when he found himself alone at Manchester City's parking lot, blinking dumbly at the place where the bus used to be. Where the bus that was supposed to take him and the team to the airport, and then back to Spain, used to be.
The one in which Leo gets left behind by the team bus, has to figure out a way to go back to Spain without the media noticing, and has to deal with the fact that he may be in love with his best friend.
(Kun/Leo, words: 40588, rating: general, status: wip)
till your lungs give out by yvenger (jjjat3am) @eyvenger​
It's not that Leo hasn't noticed the way his voice affects Kun every time he praises him for a job well done. He just hasn't acted on it till now.
(Kun/Leo, words: 1659, rating: mature, status: complete)
two bodies pressed together by yvenger (jjjat3am)  @eyvenger​
"If I weren't a footballer, I would be a footballer's wife." - Kun Aguero
The one where Kun has to retire from football early and becomes Leo's househusband instead.
(Kun/Leo, words: 6015, rating: teen and up, status: complete)
What the Mister wants by yulin @purpleyulin​ 
Where a request becomes a challenge, and the challenge something unexpected.
(Kun/Leo, words: 300, rating: general, status: complete)
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Thirteen Facts About Omi (From Monkey Wrench!)
1.) Omi was born in Spring. Master Fung and Dojo found him on the front steps of the Xiaolin Temple one rainy night around March-April as a newborn. In general, Omi finds rainy nights bittersweet, gets contemplative and quiet, and sometimes goes off by himself to watch/listen to the rain fall.
Also. Spring is his favorite season. He loves watching the flowers bloom! His second favorite is Winter!
2.) Master Fung is the reason Omi discovered his element. It happened when Omi was very small. If you ask him or Dojo, they’ll each happily tell you the story, but Omi finds it really embarrassing and will (uncharacteristically) do whatever he can to take the topic off of himself.
3.) All the elders and residents at the Xiaolin Temple raised Omi and consider him their “son” in some way, but Omi secretly thinks of Master Fung as his true “father.” He’s never said it out loud before, and especially never to Master Fung himself. But Fung knows and he’s okay with it. The two are very close and have a strong bond.
4.) If Omi sees Master Fung as his father, he sees Dojo as his mother, because Dojo was the textbook definition of a mother hen when Omi was growing up. Dojo fussed over Omi constantly, was always a little overprotective and insisted on making sure Omi was always 110% safe in any and all situations, and even went so far as to never sizeshift or breathe fire in front of Omi for fear that his larger form and powers would scare him. Omi honestly had no idea Dojo could sizeshift or breathe fire until he was like 5 or 6.
5.) When growing up, Omi was at times overconfident and egotistical about his own abilities. Half of this was because he’s a bit of a prodigy who started small and mastered things younger than most, but the other half was because he is the Xiaolin Dragon Of Water, just as Grand Master Dashi once was. Knowing that he and the greatest warrior in all of Xiaolin history shared an element gave him a confidence boost at best but other times got to his head and inflated his ego.
6.) Omi cares deeply for his team and has made an effort to learn everything about them and to live in harmony with them. He is still a vegetarian but he learned how to prepare meat dishes for Clay, Rai and Kim. He also adjusts his quality time with each other Dragon to suit them. For example, he makes an effort to remember what time Kimiko does her nightly beauty regimen so he won’t delay her or get in her way if they hang. He also now knows when futbol season is in Brazil and asks Rai about what’s going on with his favorite teams and takes time to listen. All in all, Omi tries to be more considerate with the other Dragons, especially after being so egotistical and self-centered in his youth.
7.) Omi has gotten over his self-absorbed nature (for the most part), but he still has insecurities with being the best in the sense that he sometimes worries if he’s “good enough” for the others. He hates showing weakness or making mistakes because he thinks it reflects badly on him and his credibility in other people’s eyes falters. Additionally, he can zero in so much on the mistakes HE makes and what HE is doing that he becomes “tunnel visioned” and sometimes doesn’t even see how the other person feels. It’s not malicious, but Omi still sometimes makes himself a little blind to other people’s feelings when he does this.
8.) Omi used to have a mild crush on Kimiko when he was younger. He’s gotten over it and now sees her as an older sister, and because of this, isn’t afraid to get in touch with his feminine side for her sake. He goes with her on shopping trips, listens to her talk about her celebrity crushes with patience, and even lets her experiment new nail polish techniques on him. He gets some flak from Rai because of this, but Omi knows Kimiko misses her sister and the things they used to do together, and is happy to fill the void Tomoko left behind.
9.) Omi likes to hear stories about his friend’s families. He has always wondered what it would be like to be part of a traditional family with cousins, uncles, aunts, mothers, fathers, etc, and listening to Rai and Clay talk about their grandparents, or Jermaine tell stories about his sister Ivory, is something he could do for hours on end. He is also a huge fan of photo albums and silly baby pictures, much to his friend’s dismay.
He has never told his friends the real reason why he’s so interested in their stories, and it’s unclear whether or not they know, but either way, sometimes they each bring him along on holiday visits with their families. Omi loves the heck out of these mini adventures. They’re his favorite times of year.
10.) Jermaine means a lot to Omi for a few different reasons.
First, Jermaine is the first friend Omi has made outside of the Xiaolin Dragons. Omi used to be afraid of not being able to connect to people that he wasn’t destined to already to connect to, so becoming friends with Jermaine killed that fear in the best way possible.
Second, Jermaine instantly earned his respect by standing up for him the moment they met.
Third, Jermaine and Omi click on a level that surpasses all other of Omi’s relationships. They just....fit. For Omi, Jermaine is an incredibly easy person to be with, and Omi appreciates that he doesn’t have to prove himself or constantly be trying to earn his respect.
Omi truly, deeply values his relationship with Jermaine and would do just about anything for him.
11.) Thanks to his friends, Omi has slowly but surely become more worldly. Kimiko teaches him how to use technology and he pays close attention to everything she says. Rai teaches him about popular culture, Clay teaches him about animals, traditions and other mythologies, and Jermaine teaches him about living in the modern world. Omi still has a hard
time adjusting to some aspects of this modern era but is a lot savvier about it all than he was before. He’s even been experimenting with modern fashions (thanks Kimiko) whenever he has the chance to wear something other than his robes.
He is drawn to blues, greys and whites, and has a thing for sporty street fashion, beanies and hoodies. (Thanks Jermaine).
12.) Omi has a lot of regrets, but one of the biggest is Jack Spicer.
Omi subconsciously sees a lot of himself in Jack, more specifically, a lot of his past insecurities and desire to connect with others and find a place to belong. He was heartbroken when Jack backstabbed him during that one time he tried to be good and still sort of blames himself for being unable to ‘redeem’ Jack. There’s a part of Omi that still wants and still believes that Jack can become a better person, but after what happened to Raimundo and over the course of the story of MW!....that belief might be tested.
13.) Omi has two surviving family members out there. One is already in MW! but the other is NEVER going to show up in the fic (or at least, only in the epilogue). I’d like to make a sequel fic (a shorter one) where he meets his second family member and grows a relationship with them, but that won’t be for a while.
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this has been the most wild fuckin year so let’s do a Year in Review shall we
in terms of internet and fandom life, that is. my real life has been atrociously boring but who cares about real life amirite folx
january probably the only calm month of the year.  i spent the first day of the month watching the brazilian inauguration in burgos, spain with one headphone in, while ordering for my family in a restaurant where nobody spoke english (my sister speaks decent spanish, but my whole family has like 8194814 food restrictions so it kind of went past her level of ability). translating between spanish and english with portuguese in one year was kind of awesome. i watched bodyguard and it was amazing!  what else...in january i briefly owned the issue of spanish GQ with Luka on the cover which i then forgot about until november. other than that...? nada.  the calm before the storm. (fav music)
february was so long ago that i keep forgetting how insane its 28 days were.  probably the wildest month of the year really. i got involved in an absolutely batshit and exclusive group chat with a famous person’s family member (which must remain confidential). it was all sunshine and rainbows for a week and a half and it then devolved into the most absolutely insane Lord of the Flies situation ever--it turned into 1 main chat and then 1 chat that was less puritanical than the main chat, and that chat spawned another chat that didn’t trust the previous chat, and then that chat had a massive argument and a like 6-person bitchy chat modded by a gay guy who does voodoo (shoutout to ALCIDES) spawned from that one.  i made it into every level of group chat and was asked by the tiny bitchy chat to spy on the other bitchy chat (i did not lol). i was a member of the tiny bitchy chat until i got a new phone and was logged out of whatsapp for like a month.  these words can’t even convey what this chat was like--oh and did i mention it was all conducted in only my 3rd-best language? it’s no wonder my weird ass survived middle school almost entirely unscathed.  as this was winding down, on the very last day of the month, I found out about Justin’s involvement in the SNC-Lavalin scandal and decided to go public about my years-long boner for him; Lavscam definitely changed the course of the rest year ~ Oh, also i began helping to repair a friendship that had had some Drama go down so that was p cool ~ (fav music)
march was a Time. The insanity of lavscam helped me finally finish the macdeau I started writing the previous December when a bunch of tungelr people called me disgusting for writing it.  i wrote my first straight-up serious explicit porn in years which has wound up being the third-longest thing i’ve ever published on ao3. Also, Hozier released Wasteland, Baby! which made a huge impact on me as well.  i spent like half of march staying up till 3:30 am writing said Long Fic, and i was firmly in the closet about stanning manu. also justin almost got a vote of no confidence or something and he got busted for eating a chocolate bar during a parliamentary all-nighter.  (fav music)
in april i wrote a ton of fanfic thanks to declining mental health(tm).  i think this is when i started my emmanuyell insta account and became really into making weird edits (which i still love doing just...don’t anymore.)  i started meeting some cool people thanks to macdeau.  what else happened in april? i feel like it wasn’t actually too eventful other than writing a lot of fanfic and being Annoyed about manu.  feel free to jog my memory lol.  oh i think i wrote “Okay so who from the French national team are we gonna ship Manu with” on twitter after seeing photos of manu + antoine griezmann at the World Cup but nothing came of that...at that time... (fav music)
may saw me having to deal with my shit mental health and up my meds but that seems to have had a good effect because i seem to not be too depressed to write in the winter/fall anymore! it was the 2nd anniversary of manu’s election and at the Christchurch Call in paris, macdeau took that amazing fairytale princess photo together that was completely unrivalled in Gay Shippy Feels moments until ivan went out of his way to kiss luka during the el clásico gameplay last wednesday. someone wrote ao3′s first griezmanu drabble and at the end manu gets down on his knees in front of antoine, takes off his shoes for him, and sucks his dick, and i achieved another state of being entirely.  my sister graduated from grad school and when we went down to DC for the weekend i went to eat at this restaurant manu famously ate at while there and ordered the same stuff he did and i have no idea how he consumed all that grease.  i learned about the song O Come, O Come, Emmanuel *snort*. i feel like other things happened in may too?  OH YES--i got the idea for my magnum opus, Trophy Boyfriend, and started to write it. the first scene i wrote was justin blowing manu in the hallway. then the same day i wrote the scene at the airport (which was the ending for a solid month and half till i realized it shouldn’t be), and the saddest scene in the fic--but we’ll stop to open presents.  oh! and i stumbled across the macronists discord chat which is such a delightful little community *weepy sniffles* (fav music)
june was Eventful.  a french neonazi on tumblr told me to go let manu fuck me in the ass because i was a fucking degenerate.  what a start!  then came the ceremony in which manu awarded everyone on the french national team the legion of honor medal and the way he and antoine looked at each other was truly...Wait it was the 3rd Gay Shippy Feels moment of the year.  as soon as the ceremony was over i wrote a fic about it and haven’t looked back.  between this + watching almost every 2018 World Cup game and the women’s world cup (during which I cried during argentina’s last game because of that miraculous penalty) i finally achieved my years-long goal of getting into Futbol(TM).  Antoine dropped his spotify playlist and my crush on him turned into Intense Love (TM) and also he introduced me to some legit awesome artists.  which led to (fav music)
july, in which i wrote “ça c’est ma dope” which is definitely the best thing i’ve written since i wrote “modernity towering in front of the sky” almost exactly 10 years before. got embroiled in Soccer Transfer Drama and learned its pain for the first time (unfortunately, since i wound up attaching my heart-wagon to barça’s Suddenly Least Favorite Player, the transfer drama pain has...never ended) became a full-fledged culé, O the joy O the honor.  i wanted to ship antoine with someone on the team, which in their current chemistry-less season is a real challenge, but after seeing a few photos i decided it would be fun to casually ship antoine + ivan rakitic (partially because, ever since i went from Enemies to Lovers with the croatia NT during the World Cup, he was one of the only players i knew anything about other than messi, suárez, and piqué lmao). while looking on ao3 to see what kind of headcanons people had about him--and the fic is definitely in general better than what’s out there about antoine, which is perplexing because antoine is much easier to write than ivan--i found That Amazing Rakidric Fic and thought “oh wait that ship makes a lot of sense” and started also shipping ivan and luka with the fire of a thousand suns.  oh and my air conditioner was broken for like 3 weeks. i worked on more fics, seriously outlining the path of Trophy Boyfriend, and my music taste was killer. (fav music)
in august i finished Trophy Boyfriend in my neighborhood Starbucks after writing the scene that was giving me the most trouble (the scene at the beginning where they’re organizing their book collection). the fic has made multiple people cry and people disagree on whether justin’s choice at the end was the right one and god i’m so proud of it.  Instantly went on to write ‘i might not mind,’ a lively lighthearted Friends to Lovers ivantoine~ romp which was definitely going to be a one-off and i was definitely not going to get an extra celeb crush out of it,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, (fav music)
in september ivantoine became A Thing in my mind and it’s a whole ongoing slow-burn character-arcy series that has taken a very different turn than i had expected. i’m not saying it’s like, the most deep writing of all time, but it’s gone to some interesting places emotionally. honestly, ships and boners aside, the concept of a person who made some really stupid homophobia 101 comments many years ago slowly realizing over and over again that they have gay feelings for a man who seems rather comfortable with gayness is a fascinating one and one that’s really cool to explore in writing.  Or at least, i think so.  in many ways ivan is my most unreliable narrator because of the many layers of Discomfort, Emotion and Repression at play in the fic while he’s interacting with this pretty cheery and uncomplicated seeming-dude who’s still perceptive enough to sort of know what’s going on (and that’s not even adding in the star player/falling from grace former rockstar dynamic!!!)  i know in the current climate it’s Not Allowed to write about someone who said a bad, but luckily i’m too old to give a Fuck. ivantoine is hard to write but it’s my bff’s favorite ship of mine and has a few other excited fans on ao3 which tbh is kind of an accomplishment considering i made it up out of thin air and it’s not something you’d ever think would be a thing. instantly also developed ‘getting called out about ivan by a child on the internet’ as a goal.  and...i achieved my dream of leading high holiday services!!! (fav music)
october had more high holiday services and i worked a lot on certain fics (including d*janfic which would be fun to finish). i came up with the idea of a Very Long Rakidric Fic based on the translation of a gorgeous croatian folk song i sang in college (Janko fell asleep under the poplar/My dear and beloved/My beautiful dark eyes/Look at me/Under the poplar's golden branch/My dear and beloved/My beautiful dark eyes/Look at me/I tore off the golden branch/My dear and beloved/My beautiful dark eyes/Look at me--in which the golden branch is a reference to a way to get into the underworld). decided to start quarter-assedly learning croatian for fun.  Fun...ha.  other than fangirling a lot and watching the croatian NT play, october was pretty uneventful? i think? Justin got reelected and mauricio didn’t ;( (fav music)
in november i finally achieved my dream of having a literal child on the internet call me out about being attracted to a homophobe.  (they were a madridista even!) accidentally started writing some more rakidric and now i’m seriously hooked.  also accidentally came out of the closet about the secret crush i’d been harboring on luka modric and then one fateful day in the ihop on 14th st i realized i’d had this crush already and repressed it from my memory. Don’t do that kids! now it’s Hurting Really Bad. Ivan dropped the most pathetic and candid interview like...ever and i hope “¿Cómo puede disfrutar uno? Jugando al fútbol. ¿Cómo se siente mi hija pequeña cuando le quitan un juguete? Triste. Yo me siento igual. Me han quitado la pelota, me siento triste” goes down in the history of most epic futbol quotes of all time.  (still haven’t actually been able to watch this because no one has uploaded it anywhere)  What else...............Am i forgetting anything? i celebrated my birthday with @tender-vittles in epic fashion after two years of Not doing that, and turned 32 going on 15.  enjoyed my first-ever “x reader” fic (zlatko dalic x reader LOL) and finished “drive your plow over the bones of the dead” which was real fucking good. i saw hozier live and it was a religious experience and i unexpectedly cried during nina cried power and then called myself “Luka B” when ordering at the classy taco bell across the street after getting a glimpse of alexxx ryan in the flesh. (fav music)
now it’s december and my seasonal depression is a little worse than it’s been the past few years but i’m managing.  still shipping and writing and i just got called out about ivan again last week.  i’m 2 for 2 here!  el clásico was boring but also it was gay and my heart my heart my heart ! Anything could happen in the last 10 days of this year and honestly...I’m pretty sure I’m ready.
Most importantly this year, despite it being not that great in a lot of ways, I developed a lot more self confidence, made many important realizations, and became a lot more peaceful (despite how this post makes me sound) and wiser and less bitter and pessimistic.  And i became outspoken enough about antisemitism on the left to lose friends over it...3 for 3.  i can’t say i’m displeased with these developments.
Hasta 2020! <3
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yumeorage · 6 years
Ares 19: ¿Tres capítulos?
Como el viernes pasado se estrenaba Voltron y además el capítulo 19 de Ares, era obvio que mi prioridad sería Voltron. Desperté en la madrugada de ese día para ver 6 capítulos de 13, luego debía volver a la rutina esa mañana (lo sé, estaba muerta del sueño, pero nada que un café no pudiera sanar). Lo primero que vi de inazuma ese día fue la preview del capitulo 20, porque quería saber que pasaba después. Suponía yo que en esa preview nos iban a presentar al nuevo equipo que enfrentaría inanuki raimon, porque en el 19 Eisei iba a perder y terminaría su tiempo en pantalla… pero para mi sorpresa no fue así
De verdad quede WTF? No sabía ni que decir, joder xD (porque estaba alegre y no al mismo tiempo). Creo que no debí ver esa preview antes del capítulo…  
En fin, supongo que el capítulo de Endo (donde obviamente perderá), tendrá sus 3 capítulos de partido ¿? Todos sabemos que el equipo final (o el jefe final) es con Nosaka, y antes de que eso ocurra, Haizaki se unirá con Raimon para así obtener la revancha con Nosaka. DAME SORPRESAS HINO! Haz la trama de tu fic menos obvia xD
Antes de comenzar con mis comentarios locos del capítulo, aquí voy con unos hechos importantes (o preguntas importantes):
¿Cambiarán el opening de ares no tenbin? Si lo hacen, espero que Teikoku, Zeus, y Hakuren sigan en el opening.
¿Que hacen los del comité de refuerzo? De verdad, después de ver cierto post publicado sobre que supuestamente Teikoku está entrenando a otros equipo (el cual era una fotografía de una revista japonesa) y el comentario sospechoso de Nosaka durante el partido  (que aún tengo en mente) en plan: “Los que se enfrentan a Teikoku se vuelven más fuertes” La pregunta es ¿Qué está planeando Kageyama? Para mí han dejado muy de lado lo del comité de refuerzo, y me da miedo que Hino quiera volver a usar ideas del pasado… HINO PLZ NO
A propósito que aún no sabemos el nombre del villano protagonista de Ares.
Tampoco sabemos quién es el padre de Inamori (¿será importante para la trama de Ares saberlo?).
Por otro lado, Inamori será un Tenma, si: Inamori se volverá capitán. Hino reciclando ideas incluso del IE Go (Aclaro que nunca me gusto Tenma como capitán).
No sabemos cual es el plan que tiene Nosaka, ni qué tanto sabe Akane sobre eso.
Habrá un evento en japón durante este mes (no recuerdo el día), y anunciarán el nuevo equipo inazuma japan versión Ares, o eso dicen. Estad atentos, porque voy a llorar mucho si no incluyen a ciertos personajes e.e
La línea más importante que se me quedo del anterior capitulo.
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Hiroto le habla a Hiroto. De verdad tengo un problema con sus nombres XD Algo así me los imagino. 
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El episodio comienza con un resumen del anterior capitulo antes de comenzar con el nuevo. Si ya pensaba que le estaban dando muchas vueltas, ver a Tatsuya lastimado lastimo mi kokoro!
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Y Tatsuya esta en plan: “QUE NO QUIERO NI UN PUTO CAMBIO”
Y los demás estan: PERO QUE TE VAYAS A LA BANCA!
ok no, eso último no paso, pero casi. 
Lo bueno es que Midorikawa todo lindo (como siempre) preocupándose por su novio <3
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Allí bien abrazados los dos <3
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Notesé la intensidad de sus miradas <3, y como Tatsuya no quiere volver a la banca. 
El partido sigue, todos preocupados por Tatsuya, si TODOS, incluso inakuni Raimon preocupados, porque notan que Tatsuya se estaba esforzando, se cae, intenta hacer un gol pero no le sale. Incluso Kira Hiroto esta en plan Haizaki viendo el partido en la calle. 
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(Chicos imaginen que es Haizaki y en la pantalla esta Inamori sufriendo). Nueva ship! No, es broma si son como hermanos... aunque el incesto nunca ha sido un obstaculo en mi camino como fujoshi.... QUE ME DESVIÓ DEL TEMA.
El capitulo nos recuerda siempre la palabra “sueño” y no el sueño de dormir, si no el sueño como una meta a cumplir: 
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Yo no sé que les pasa a estos directores ¿Quieren que lloremos porque sabemos que van a perder? La verdad es que estan logrando (que por lo menos yo) me enoje. Osea ya vale, ya lo mencionaron en el anterior capitulo, ya sabemos que desde pequeños ellos (o solo Tatsuya), quieren jugar futbol (menos mal que no quiere atropellar gente con camiones) y ganar el pinche torneo. Dejaron eso bien claro, pero aquí vuelven a mencionarlo.
Asi que... sakka yarouze para todos! :D!
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El cameo infaltable no puede faltar.
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Endo lo impulsa a seguir a delante, aunque en esta línea temporal no lo conoce, yo se que sigue siendo Endo quien impulsa a Tatsuya xD No sé ustedes, pero yo si quiero ver a Tatsuya siendo amigo de Endo en Ares no Tenbin.
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Aunque no le agrega nada a este post, dejo la expresión de Nishikage porque si, porque puedo, porque es hermoso <3 Ya quiero ver su partido, como portero (nuevo) es uno de mis favoritos <3 Te amo!!
En todo caso esa expresión, es porque del otro lado del estadio pudo ver a Kira Hiroto aparecer finalmente. Debe tener muy buena vista, porque yo no vería ni un carajo xD ¿ustedes sí? 
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Porque en el fondo amas a Tatsuya :D y el guión te obliga a venir aunque no quieras. 
La cosa es que el partido continua, Tatsuya se fue a la banca y se ve bastante mal el equipo de Eisei, incluso Goujin hace un gol. PERO SAGINUMA QUE TE PASA?!?! Por eso hasta ahora, Genda es el único portero (de lo viejos) que respeto. 
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Notesé que para ese momento van 4 a 2 y están en el primer tiempo todavía. No lo digo yo, lo dicen las screenshots. 
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De verdad, quiero saber si Saginuma era así en la antigua serie. Creo que era más serio ¿no? No era tan divertido como lo es ahora, con ese comentario tan random que saco, por lo menos toma con humor el resultado xD
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Ni Midorikawa respeta a Saginuma en esta nueva línea temporal, por lo menos en la anterior había un mínimo de respeto xD y competencia sana, aquí no, aquí Midorikawa se revela.
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QUE ALGUIEN LLAME A UNA AMBULANCIA, LE ESTA DANDO UN ATAQUE AL CORAZÓN!!! ah no, es Haizaki y su cameo. De seguro vino con Hiroto a mirar el partido y se va a unir ahora a Raimon, como Hiroto con Eisei(?)... Pero en serio ¿qué pasa Hazaki? ¿Qué te duele? Decidmelo cariño.
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... sólo voy a decir que seguimos en el primer tiempo del partido, así que todo puede pasar, menos que Eisei gane, eso no ocurrirá nenes </3
Hiroto finalmente se une y hace gala de unas técnicas impresionantes donde anota dos goles. Si dos goles: EN TU PUTA CARA NORIKA! 
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Sorry a los fans de Norika, pero es que yo estoy animando al equipo que va a perder xD Además, seguro se saca una técnica nueva sorpresa o evoluciona alguna de las dos que tiene.
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La curiosidad me mata ¿Por qué no lo dejan terminar su frase? Creanme que cuando lo dejen terminar voy a explotar de la risa y el llanto xDDD
Lo positivo de este capitulo, aparte del TatsuyaXMidorikawa, es que nos muestran al equipo de Eisei de pequeños jugando futbol.
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Tupilan Nagumo me robo el corazón <3 Es tan lindo y kawaii y miren la carita de Saginuma! 
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Es gracioso por la ventana, la verdad es que no lo imagino, pero no importa porque son babies asi que se justifica. Mientras van recordando eso, por que si, tanto Tatsuya como Hiroto recuerdan ese día en ese mismo momento, en el mismo segundo y el partido continua. Si, tienen tiempo para todo, incluso para que Haizaki le de un ataque al corazón mientras ve el partido.
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Los chicos en la banca escuchando la historia de Tatsuya, que luego de terminar de contarlo, vuelve al juego. 
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Los dos juntos en el campo! Y el capitulo termina con la gran frase de Kira Hiroto, que si la dejan terminar.
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Tres capitulo para eisei Gakuen, no sé si llegaron a pasar al 2do tiempo, pero creo que no, no me di cuenta. Pero estoy segura que Hiroto anoto esos dos goles en el primer tiempo. 
Creo que después de Eisei Gakuen, seguiría el equipo de Endo, para terminar con el equipo de Nosaka (no me se el nombre de los equipos, sorry XD). Asi que no sé si Haizaki se unirá a Inakuni Raimon antes de que Team Endo aparezca o después. Hagan sus apuestas. 
A proposito, los titulos de los próximos 3 o 4  capitulos siguientes ya fueron revelados. Hay uno que me llamo la atención que es: “Supera la leyenda” o algo así ¿se referirá a Endo? 
¿saben que extraño? La aparición de Goenji y Kazemaru viendo el partido, Incluso pensaba que ahora Kido se les uniría, allí los tres viendo los partidos y haciendo comentarios randoms. PERO, estoy segura que Kazemaru irá a apoyar a Endo, eso espero...  
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futbolfanficpunk · 1 year
Coach III
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Player: Pep Guardiola Words:5900+ Summary: After spending the night together at his hotel room reader/female-footballer and Pep have a proper goodbye at her hotel room the morning after. After, they try to navigate their lives post their one-time affair. Warnings: Infidelity, Angst, Smut, Spanish without translation A/N: This is the final chapter of the Coach series. Fun to write, but hard to finish. Fun fact: I wrote most of it last month and I had predicted Man City would win the treble and they did. I tried to up my game with the smut on this one (it's not my forte but it's fun). Thanks to all who read it.
Part 1 Part 2 ----
It was partly cloudy and colder than the day before. That day had been perfect in almost every way. You had slept with a man you had a crush on forever, being around and with him intoxicating but also it was easy, and the weather had been nicer and hotter than usual. That next day you didn’t know what to expect but you were happy even if the slightly cold breeze outside put you in a bit of a mood.
You heard a knock on the door while you were finishing packing up. It felt a bit like a deja vu, remembering the last day at the hotel for the football camp, except this time you know it’s him and you already got what you wanted. You were almost skipping over to the door knowing who it was behind it. There he was, Pep Guardiola, when you opened the door. Black cap and sunglasses on, white shirt, black jacket, and black pants. “Hi. Did the paparazzi see you in this outfit?” you said trying not to laugh “Hilarious” he said sarcastically, smiling “Get in, Hollywood” you moved to let him in. 
He looked at you and seemed to scan your whole body with his eyes while the passed next to you. “I like this skirt you're wearing but isn’t it a bit cold for that today?” he said when he walked towards the bed to sit on it. He had noticed that you were wearing a short skirt that seemed more of a summer piece, and it seemed at odds with the cute sweater you were wearing. “First of all, nice to see you too and second of all, I’m not wearing it so I can wear it outside, I’m wearing so you can fuck me while I’m wearing it” you said while you approached him and sat on  his lap with your back towards him. You had your pants lined up in the seat in front of the desk in your room, those were for later, you had this all planned out. If a goodbye was going to be had this morning, it had to be a physical one and fun too. 
He took his sunglasses and hat off, put his arms around you, giving you a hug, holding you tight, burying his face into your back in between your shoulder blades. “Woke up in that type of mood?” he asked. You put your arms over his to hold onto the moment. His lips sprinkled kisses on your back and the back of your neck, exposed by your ponytail. “Yes, I did” His hands opened up as you let them go, and they went under your sweater to find your breasts,no bra in sight. You panties were already collecting a pool of your juices. That is the power he had over you. He held your breasts and squeezed them gently. “You want to get fucked, do you?”. You placed your hands over his hands, groping them too. “That’s why I’m here”. 
“Stand up and let me see you” he said in a low voice. You did, happy to please, and turned around to look at him, smiling, swinging your hips side to side in small movements so that your skirt moved with you. “You lil’ flirt” he said as he reached for your thighs, going in between them immediately, touching your wet underwear. He stood up. “Always so eager,” he said as he looked straight into your eyes, “already wet”.
You reached for his pants searching for his visible tented crotch and said “You know how you get me going”, your clothed cunt already tingly and damped, no filter between your thoughts and words. He reached for your sweater and pulled it off while you raised your hands. Your free tits called to his mouth and he bent himself to kiss each one, with a small bite at the end that left you groaning. He went for your mouth, impatiently kissing you, opening your mouth with licks to receive his tongue inside. He pushed you back lightly, as you both moved in synchronicity towards the wall where a full body mirror hung. Your body felt light and warm.  “Turn around” he said as he stepped back to look at you. You found yourself looking at yourself once you did. 
“You see that beautiful woman?” he asked as he pulled up your skirt and look a the light blue satin barely covering your ass,
“Yea?” you said looking at him though the mirror
“She’s asked to get fucked” he said pulling down your skimpy underwear to your knees
“She did?” you asked feeling more excited with every action he took “Yes. Do you think she wants it enough?” he said while running his fingers up and down in between your folds.
You let a small whimper, “Yes, please, yes”  taking off your underwear completely.
He slipped one finger into you, going in and out slowly, making you moan instantly, you were already so needy for him. He pumped his finger into you with a steady force. “Pep… more” you said between moans. He added another digit into you, this time going faster. His curved fingers stretched you a bit more, making space in between your walls, coming out even wetter every time he moved them out to put them in again. ``` “Do you want to watch me fuck you, baby?” he said, fingers going in and out while he looked at you in the mirror. “I want you inside me” you said in a breathy voice, pleasure choking your voice just from his initial touch. He came behind you and pulled his pants and underwear down and off to get lined up with your wet core. Meanwhile, you separated your legs more and flexed your ass towards him.  He rubbed his desperate cock against the wet lips of your hole, making your need for him bubble up even more, “Don’t tease '' you pleaded. He thrusted slowly in once, and then once more, you both let out curse words as he did. He kept going, filling your pussy up, his cock slick and shiny from you, faster and harder as if he wanted to hear your moans like the night before.
“You look so hot, Y/N, your pussy drives me crazy” he said as his hands went up to cup your bouncing tits, eyes on you in the mirror.
“That pussy is yours, pound it all you want” you said, almost whining, barely able to talk. He was hitting it in a way that you couldn’t figure out but you felt wave after wave of pleasure and satisfaction in being fucked in a way no man had before. He held your breasts with a firmer grip and pounded harder into you making your slapping skins make noises.
“Oh, my fucking god!” you blurted out
“That’s right, my pretty girl loves this cock inside her”
You loved how he always said sweet praises in between obscenities, you couldn’t get enough of it. You could barely can keep your eyes open from getting fucked so well, but you focused on the mirror and how hot it was to see him fuck you, he looks directly at you, mouth partly parted “Let’s go to the bed” he said, as he pumped it into you one more time and got out, leaving you mid way on a clench. You want to keep being full of him, so you rushed to the bed, leaning on it, arm opened wide to recieve your favorite man in the world at that very instant.
His warm body landed directly onto yours, lips on lips, hard dick on your toned stomach. You were so impatient for him it felt like he moved in slow motion. You smiled as he gave you a sweet kiss. “Get it in already” you said softly. He pulled you down, took your skirt off, and guided his slow hands up your legs up and over your body creating a V shape where he slipped in so happily between. He filled your core with his hard cock as you asked, with moans and grunts filling the silence in the room and you couldn’t help but wonder, How did I get so lucky? You looked up at the man you idolized as a young girl and thought was the most handsome coach in the world. There he was pinning you down with your feet in the air getting properly fucked by a dick you saw going steady and hard into and out of you. You kept looking at him enter you. You just smiled at him letting out small sounds when the friction of his cock stretching you out was overwhelming. He noticed your smile and smiled while biting his lips “You love it, don’t you? Me inside you?” and not waiting for an answer he went to drown your low moans in his mouth. He kissed you so slow and deep, while hips were still thrusting towards and into you, slow and hard, hitting a sweet spot. You grabbed his chin and cheeks to reciprocate the kiss and said “don’t stop, Pep, fuck”. He kept going hard but not as slow, as your words had encouraged him even more, he was ghosting your mouth and panting over you, his sweet warm breath hiting you “Eres otra cosa”. He stopped, leaving you whining. “Turn around for me “ he said and he let your legs come down, and helped your body move, impatient hands forcing you to land on your belly. He didn’t have to say anything, you popped your ass up and his cock found its way in between your slits and inside your core quickly like a ballroom dance couple, smooth and gracious. He did not go slowly this time, he fucked you hard, hands on your waist grabbing you firmly. He then freed a hand to grab your ass and slapped it. The sting of the action made you let out a loud moan. He hit it again and again, “You wanted to get fucked? You’re going to get fucked, hermosa”. You turned your face to see him, this was putting you over the edge and you needed to see him. The warm knot building in your stomach and pelvis was about to explode, and your pussy started clenching. He squeezes your ass and says “This is mine tonight, and I’m going to come all over it” and kept fucking you hard and deep, you felt his cock entering you, throbbing, he was close, you were close. You let an “Oh, baby, fuck” before you lost complete control as your body starts shaking, you were screaming his name and obscenities you can’t remember saying later, as he himself takes two more pumps in and got his cock out to come all over your buttcheeks while he curses and groans. You feel the stream of hot cum land on you while you come down from your high. You let your head down and look at the wall, out of breath, while you feel a piece of cloth clean your ass and a body land next to you, fingers walking all over your back. You were both panting, turned to each other, looked at each other, captivated by each other and how you can make each other feel when you’re together. 
“How am I supposed to go back home after having you?” he said
“That’s exactly why you have to go back to your hotel” you said mimicking him
“You fucking clown” he said while you were giggling
He pinned you down and peppered your neck with a trail of small kisses.
“Just admit it” you said
“Admit what?” he stopped to look at you
“You’re going to miss me” you said with a sly smile
“ I am going to miss…this mouth” he said as he laid a kiss ok you lips “and this body, and you”
“Holy shit” said Maria Llompart in the dressing room “Villareal is playing Man City for the quater-finals of La Champions, they just announced it” looking at her phone. “I’m fucking coming to that game when they are here. We don’t play that day”. Your mouth was completely open, Pep? Here? You thought. 
It had been a couple of months since you both left your hotel, giving each other a long hug, both running your hands through each others back’s in the elevator as it went down. “Thank you for coming, querida”, he gave you a small kiss on your hair. You squeezed him one last one. “I’ll miss this, this was fun, coach”. He laughed incredulously at the fact that you still called him coach, and shook his head. With a step back and smile you were ready to say good-bye. The elevator opened up. ‘Text me when you get home, good-bye Y/N” he said looking down, glasses and hat on, “Bye” you said looking at his back walk away from you. He headed for the hotel door while you walked to the front desk. You got in line with your small luggage, and you watched him walk away. You were feeling a bit of melancholy because this is never going to happen again. He had made it clear, and you never saw yourself as a woman who broke up a marriage, but this night made you doubt you could ever find someone to connect with as much. There he was walking out of the hotel, and probably your life. He looked back once by the automatic opening doors, you gesture a small kiss in his direction, unsure he had seen it, while he kept walking. “Y/N, home to Y/N!” said Maria, taking you off from your head “You think you’ll go? I know you love City”. You closed your mouth and swallowed, your mind going a hundred miles per hour, you hadn’t talked since you last saw each other and only texted twice very frienzoned messages. “Fuck, yes! I’m going”
The game was about to end, on a 1-1 tie, with one game to go at the Etihad. You hadn’t told Pep you were there but you thought he would think you might be there. You already had asked some staff when you got there about being near the dressing rooms to possibly getting to say hello and you had the green light. You decided to text him so he would see your text when he was back in the dress room. 
<I’m here. Let’s say hello?> 
You were so nervous but also confident this was going to happen. You were going to see him in person. No matter what. This is how everything with him happened, when you were determined. Maria was looking at you,
“Hey, weren’t you in that summer camp thing with Pep?  You think I can meet him?” 
 “We can try” 
 “For real?”
 “Yea, we actually get along”
“Are you friends or something?” “No, but he might see us. He’ll remember me. He liked how I played” You surprised yourself at how well you could lie. You didn’t plan on Maria tagging along, but you were going to take it and run with it.  Your phone vibrated. 
<Quick hello> he replied
“Let’s go and ask”
You talked to the staff hanging out around the visitor’s dressing room, and waved to one of Pep’s staff, Carles, you recognized coming out from the dressing room. “Hostia! Y/N!” he said walking towards you, came to greet you.  “Hola! Buen juego, cabrones. A ver si les metemos dos o tres en Manchester” (Hi. Good game, fuckers. Let’s see if we put 2 or 3 in at Manchester). “Sigue soñando. Pep está adentro si lo quieres saludar” (Keep dreaming. Pep is inside if you want to say hi”) “Le dices, por fa? Para eso vine, y a presentarle a mi compañera del Villareal, Maria, es muy fan”(You could tell him please? That’s why I came over, and to introduce him to my teammate, Maria, she’s a big fan) you said while letting out a small laugh. “Ya vuelvo, no te vayas” (Be right back, stay here). You signaled Maria to come over
“It’s happening, Carles is getting him” 
“You’re a legend, Y/N”
“You’re a dork, Maria”
“Sorry, I’m a big Pep fan”
“I know. Me too, I get it” You heard murmuring and shuffling of bodies in the background. Maria’s eyes opened wide. You turned around. “I couldn’t believe it when Carles told me you were here.” said the soft and raspy voice “Hello Y/N” “Hi, Coach!” you responded. You didn’t know if to go for the hands, a hug or kisses on the cheeks, but before you could make up your mind he gave you a kiss on each cheek and a small hug with a squeeze of the shoulder at the end of it. “Good to see you. How are things?” “Things are…great. Villareal is doing well, I think we might get into Champions by the end of the league. Speaking of Villareal” you turned your body to Maria “ This is my teammate Maria. We came together to see you”
“Hi, Mr. Guardiola” Maria said with a shy smile stretching out her hand “Call me Pep. Nice to meet you Maria” he said shaking her hand
“Nice to meet you too, Pep. Great game today”
“Not as good as I would have liked, but the guys did well”
“Well, Villareal at home is always tough. It’s just a fact” said Maria “Indeed it is” said Pep “And is everything okay with you in Manchester?” you asked Pep, trying your hardest to make the conversation just a bit longer so you could be around him, breathing the same air, even for a minute more.
“Yea, family is well, kids are healthy, team is adapting well, closing in on Arsenal. Barely sleeping. Same old”  said Pep, looking at you. “Good. I hope we beat you though”
“Oh, I thought we were friends”
“You were wrong” you said as you smiled and winked at him 
Maria giggled “Oh, coach. She’s really competitive” “Yes, and hot head. I remember” he said putting his hand on your arm “ I have to get going, but it was good to see you, and nice to meet you, Maria” 
“Have a good night, coach Pep” said Maria. 
“Bye Y/N” he came in for another set of kisses and subtly squeezed your waist while he was at it
“Bye, Pep” you said nodding and smiling
On your way to your cars Maria was nerding out on what just happened “I’m going to tell everyone at training! He was so nice! That was so cool!” your younger teammate wasn’t playing it cool, fangirling the whole way back.
“He usually is nice, unless you piss him off” “Did you ever piss him off at camp?”
“Just once, don’t recommend it”
“What did you do?”
“Well…” What the fuck were you supposed to tell her? That you told him you had a crush on him? And he told you to back the fuck back to yout hotel room. No. “ I didn’t do exactly what he told me to do in a training exercise” 
“Oh! Sounds like a coach” Maria stopped walking “Here’s my car. See you tomorrow at training!” said Maria, giving you good-bye kisses.
“See you then”
Your phone was going off in your bag “Coach P” was calling you. Your felt your whole body jump. Why was he calling you? “Hola?” you answered 
“Where are you?” said the voice on the phone “I’m in the staff parking lot, getting in my car. Why?” “Which one is your car?”
“It’s a blue electric Benz? What’s going on?” “Nothing. Get in the car, I’m coming over” he said and hung up You almost ran the 10 feet left to get to your car, got in, turned on the radio, the AC, and put on some 2010 indie pop mix to calm your nerves, the things you would listen to as a teenager when you had a mad crush on a boy. The type of boy that wouldn’t like you back because you always were better than him at football. They were mad at you, intimidated by you, and hated that you would look so good in a dress too.  Now, this boy did like you back, but you already knew you weren’t going to get him in the long run anyway. 
The passenger door opened and Pep sat down. You lowered the volume of the music, and stared at him trying to figure out what is going on. He moved his whole body towards you and without even settling down he blurted out “You can’t come see me ever again, Do you understand?”
“What? Why? I didn’t mean anything by it, Pep. I was just saying hello to my colleague”
“I’m not just your colleague and you know that” he said in an annoyed tone 
“I just wanted to see you, say hello” you said.
Your mind was trying to catch up to this conversation. What had you done that was so wrong?
”I can’t think straight when you’re around and I don’t want any trouble. Our thing is done” his voice had a weird tone about it, and you coudn’t pin it. Somwhere between anger and desperation.
“Well, that’s not my fault, I don’t control you” you shot back as you were getting a bit annoyed at him ”I wasn’t asking for anything. I asked you if I could see you before we went to try to see you”
“I didn’t know I was going to regret it, I’m just letting you know now, let’s just avoid each other in the future, okay?” 
This fucking man, you thought. You felt the mad heat coming over you, but didn’t want to lose your temper but you felt he was being really unfair to you. 
“Let me get this fucking straight” you said as you turned your body towards him as well  “you’re annoyed at me because you like me? That’s fucking dumb, are you five years old?” you finished, glaring at him. 
He pulled you by your shoulder towards him, with one hand, and planted a kiss on your lips. He took his other hand on the back of your neck while his lips were desperate and sloopy on yours. Lips, tongue,saliva, teeth, everything, all of it, coming fast and decisive over yours. He wanted, needed more. And you let it. You let him kiss you, grab you, touch your breasts. You let it because you wanted him as much as he did you, even more perhaps, your hands resting on him. He made you feel an ache, a want in your being no one else did. He didn’t know but you couldn’t shake him or what had happened between you. You had a few dates with different men in the couple months after your one time fling, but everything felt so subdued after, like looking through a blurry filter. It didn't feel the same.  Even the sex felt different, passionless, bland in comparison. 
You felt his grip on you losen, and his kissing calming down, like he was slowly letting go of whatever idea or feeling that had made you the target of his desires. He finally sat back, separating himself from you. You both stared at each other. “I have to go” said Pep “Pep…” you wanted to say something but just couldn’t figure out what to say. There was nothing to say. There was nothing there but the wish of something that can’t happen, won’t happen.
“...it’s better if we don’t see each other again” he said “It’s not like this with anyone else”  you said with a bit of sadness, realizing what you wanted to say, while looking at your dashboard. “Like what?” “I don’t ever feel like I do with you, with others. I don’t know. This connected” you said trying to explain what the post international break had felt like. “I know...but we’ll be all right because we’re doing the right thing”
“Right” you said with dissapointment
“Time will make it better, like anything. That you learn with age” he said while putting his hand over yours. You caressed the side of his hand with your thumb. 
“At least text me every now and then, like we’re friends” you said feeling a bit desperate to have something to hold on to, to look forward to.
“We’re not going to be friends, but, I think I can do that. The texting”
“I wish you didn’t come here, you just ruined my fucking night” you said pouting and looking to the side, you didn’t want to look at him anymore, 
‘“You and your pout” he said. He gave you a small kiss, a hug and whispered “Bye, dear Y/N”
You kissed his neck “Bye, Pep” He got out of the car and walked back to the stadium. You felt like you were out of air, like someone had let something rip inside your lungs and deprived you of that which gave you life, but you turned the music on and headed back to your apartment. You sang the whole time trying to not think about what just happened. But when you got home, got ready for bed, and laid on it, you looked up at the ceiling and thought about everything that transpired, tears came out on their own. What an idiot, don’t cry, you thought. You closed your eyes to force yourself to sleep and forget it ever happened. 
              “Vamooooos, hostiaaaaa!!!” screamed Patri running up to you celebrating the fact that you had just won against Manchester City Women in the quarter finals of the women's Champions League at the Etihad. You gave her a high five after screaming all the way to meet her. You looked around at all the blaugrana shirts near you with happiness, then looked up to see the sea of sky blue in the stands. He should be here, and proud of you.
          You had gotten the call from Fc Barcelona Femení in May of the year before, apparently you were one of the last signings they started working on for the summer. They talked to your agent and then coach Jonathan called you. You tried to keep your cool during the call but you were ready to scream “Yes, Yes! Of course I’m coming this summer, this is my dream” but you just said thank you to the coach for his call and hung up. You called your agent and shouted at him “You have to make this happen!!!” and he did.
The day of your presentation Pep texted you with a simple  <Welcome to the best club in the world. Congratulations. You deserve it> 
You replied <Thank you 💙❤️. You helped me get here, this is yours as well, in a way. Thanks for your advice and support. 💓>.
 You only texted each other at the end of the season when he won a domestic double and the Champions League. You texted him to congratulate him each time, you saw every City game you could. He replied with Thank you and nothing else. Quick texts wishing each other good luck when the season started and on your birthdays, both in January.
 So, there you were, the whistle blew at the Etihad. Fc Barcelona Femení had beaten Manchester City Women 1-3, and your new team was going to the semi-final. You were in the visitors dressing room, just got out of the showers, getting dressed, putting your jacket on when you heard
“Y/N, someone is looking for you, just outside the dressing room” said one of the staff
“Who?” you asked
“They told me not to tell you, but, it’s someone you want to see, I swear” they said smiling. 
“Oh,” you said. You knew. It had to be him. “I’ll be right out” 
There were a couple of people in the hall outside the dressing room, you could hear his raspy voice from afar, talking to a Barça staff member. You walked over to him, hair wet, black baggy pants, an Adidas halter, a thick jacket over it, and Adidas shoes. He looked in your direction.
“Hey,” you said when you were near him “were you the one asking for me?” and smiled
“Correct. Nice to see you Y/N” said Pep
Andrés from the Barcelona staff excused himself to make way for a conversation he clearly wasn’t invited into. You looked at Andrés walk away until he was far enough from you for you to talk freely “You broke your own rule, Guardiola,” you said referring to his request to not see each other in person anymore.
“I heard you have a boyfriend now, I think we’re safe, no?” and gave you a tight hug and hello kisses. “You were great out there” he said as he took a step back, giving you pats on your shoulder. What he had heard was right. You did have a boyfriend and a serious one. You had been dating him since the fall and it was the middle of March now. You met him through one of the Femení staff members, he was a friend of one of the physios. Ander was Spanish, well, Basque, originally from Santander but lived in Barcelona. He had just turned 31 years old in December, and worked in physical therapy. He was sweet, attentive, made you laugh, liked football and working out, surfed sometimes, and had great chemistry with you inside and outside of the bedroom. He was just a bit taller than you, had dark hair, olive skin, fit physique, your type. He tried hard to make you fall in love with him during your short courtship and he always tried to make you happy. He fell hard for you and you for him. You had zero complaints. You found joy in being in love and feeling desired without shame or guilt.
“Thanks. It was a good match, I think we did well”
“You did well, Y/N. The growth is there. Keep it up. I have notes but I’m sure Jonathan and the analysts will tell you”
“Thanks, coach, I’m sure they will. Had a good time out there”
“Stop calling me coach”
You chuckled “Thanks, Pep. It’s good to see you…” you paused trying to decide if it was okay to say what you were thinking “...you look good, you look happy” he had a twinkle in his eye he didn’t have the last time you saw him. 
“You too, beautiful too, actually” 
“That’s sweet of you” you replied looking down feeling a bit embarrassed by his compliment
“How are things with the boyfriend? Are you….connected?” He had remembered your words, and you knew exactly what he meant, you had thought about that last conversation so many times it almost felt like a movie in your head. “Yes, as close as it can get to...um…before. It’s good” “Hm” he nodded and scratch his head
“How about you, with your wife?” “It’s going great, actually. We kind of had a respark after a certain someone wasn’t around anymore”
“I bet… connected too?”
“Same as you”
You nodded “Are you happy?” he asked
“Yes, I am.” you said smiling “It was a bit rough after last time at Villareal and the move to Barcelona was crazy but I’m great now. You?”
“So so great” Pep looked over your shoulder “‘The barça cameras are coming over”
“Oh, fuck” you said without moving
“It’s fine, just keep talking” “So, anyway, when I subbed Aitana she said watch out for the number 7, she’s gonna kick the shit out of you if you don’t move fast enough”
“Ha! Laura is a tough defensive midfielder, I’m not surprised” 
You could see the flash going off while you were talking “Pep. Y/N. Excuse me. Can you look over here?” asked Laura, the photographer, interrupting.
You turned around and smiled for the camera, he went to stand just next to you, getting close to each other, arms behind each other’s back. Laura took a few photos, “That’s great, good, thanks”. “All right, I gotta go, but I’m glad I got to see you”  he said while patting your back “You too” you said as you caressed his back lightly. “Pep can we get a few more pics with Alexia and Aitana? They just stepped out of the dressing room!” asked Laura
“Of course! I want to say hello to the Balon D’or winners'' he replied
While he mingled and took photos with your mythical teammates you stared at the scene smiling. He looked over at you a few times noticing you had not moved. You thought about how he had made you feel before and how that was just a memory now. You still liked him but not like before. You had found what you wanted and needed elsewhere, but couldn’t deny that what had happened between you too had impacted how you felt about relationships and connecting with people. He was now just your childhood hero and teacher, in more than one sense. You were always going to be linked somehow. He said goodbye to Alexia and Aitana and walked towards you one more time. “Send me the picture when you get it” he said softly grabbing your shoulder before walking down the hall. You walked to the dressing room, and before going in you looked back to see him leave one last time.
Two weeks after you sent him the photo Laura took he sent you a picture of your picture together framed on a desk. Your picture was side by side with players that had played with him, like Kevin De Bruyne, Ruben Dias, Joshua Kimmish, Leo Messi and Iniesta. 
<Now you’re with all my kids> said the message accompanied the photo
<The special ones?>
<Yes, yours is the extra special one>
<Me encanta.Thanks for sharing that, Pep 💙>
<Have a good night, querida>
<Tu también! Take care>
It felt like you too would always have each other present in each other’s thoughts, but nothing more.
“Babe? Food is ready. Do you want to eat now or wait a bit?” said Ander from the kitchen
“Now is fine, babe” you replied and walked over to look at what he had made. “This smells amazing, Ander!” 
“I gotta keep my girl healthy and fed, she has to win La Liga F, Champions and La Copa de La Reina”
“You’re such a dork,” you said with a chuckle “love you, I’m sure it’s delicious ” and gave him a soft kiss on the lips. 
“Yo también te amo, bonita,” he said “now, could you pass me those blue plates on your left side?”
Domestic bliss fit you well, made you feel understood, taken care of. It made you happy. It turned out that sometimes what you need is not necessarily what you want. You now understood why Pep could never let go of his own domestic life, no matter how intense the two of you felt together. That was momentary and this was long lasting. Pep didn’t know, but you also had the photo of you two together framed in your apartment, next to the one with the girls from Barça femení and a pic from the day of your Villareal debut with your parents. With the special ones.
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allnightthot · 7 years
“Despacito”: Zig fanfic
pairing: Zig x MC
Rating: NC-17
This story is very NSFW. Since Hartfield could be located mostly anywhere, I took the liberty of assigning Zig’s hometown as Las Vegas. It just fit better with the theme of travel, and the general tone I was going for. Feel free to be flexible with the fantasy. ;). I always think of Zig and his “latin lover bad boy” facade when I hear Despacito, and I really wanted to do a fan fic influenced on this very sexy, summery, vacationesque song. Hope you enjoy!
I want to breathe your neck slowly
Let me tell you things in your ears
So that you remember when you're not with me
I want to strip you off with kisses slowly
Sign the walls of your labrynth
And make your whole body a manuscript
Turn it up turn it up..... turn it up, turn it up
I wanna see you dance
I wanna be your rhythm
I want you to show me
Your favourite places places places Places
Let me surpass your danger zones
To make you scream
And forget your name
Zig took a huge sigh of relief. Fiery red leaves swirled around him, his breath causing them to waltz on their way to the ground. In a few moments he would be in the locker room taking off his uniform for the last time this football season. Each step he took, his lungs burned, and each muscle exhausted by the months of wear and tear of pushing himself. He made it in one piece though: he proved himself to be an asset to the team, made a few friends and earned that scholarship, showing he deserved that second chance. All in all it was a great experience, but with the semester winding down he was looking forward to just being Zig. He was looking forward to there being no one else in the world but him and her.
She came to all of his games with her “Ziggy+Iggy” sign, yelling the loudest out of anyone else in the bleachers. God damn if she wasn’t sex on a stick wearing his jersey number...it took everything to not throw off his helmet and rush the rows to get to her and take her right then and there. As he put on his white t-shirt and jacket, thoughts of her flooded his mind, calming the flow of adrenaline. She was his safe space. Just as soon as the moment came it passed once he slammed that locker door. It shook him back to reality. “Oh God, it is this week!” Zig exclaimed under his breath. Izzie and him talked about this milestone, and game after game passed, but now it was here. She was coming home with him for Thanksgiving to meet his family. He was confident they would love her, but would she love them? Could his family fit into her world?
“Hey baby, what you thinking about?” Izzie smiled at him in the passenger side, flicking away a hair out of his eyes. Zig was grinning and staring into the distance. “I was just thinking about how you and my sister are so alike. You guys are going to get along so great, I bet I will be the third wheel after this trip!”
“Really? You think so?”
“I know so. You are beautiful...funny...smart. They would be blind not to see what I have.” He kissed her on top of her hand, as they pulled into the driveway of his family's’ Las Vegas home.
Within seconds, a small army of children barricaded the couple. “TIO!!!” A boy, almost 8, and a girl, almost 5 screamed at Zig. “COME HERE YOU LITTLE MONSTERS!” He swooped down and gave them an almost suffocatingly strong hug. At the same time, the two children noticed Izzie and she waved back at them, “Hi guys!” Paolo and Yuliana, this is my amor, Izzie” and he gave a jokingly sneering look, “so be nice you two.” The two kids giggled.
Yuliana tried to grab Izzie’s hand to get her attention and whispered, “Are you a princess? You have a dress like my dolly.”
“Nope, just Izzie. I bet you are a princess though! You have such a pretty hair!” Yuliana beamed. Then the girl darted into the house, “MAMA MAMA TIO ZIGGYS FRIEND SAID IM PRETTY!!” Izzie giggled, “Cute kids.” “See, I knew they would love you. No worries.” He pulled her hand and led her inside.
Zig’s mother Maria, was a strong and hardworking woman, who was a maid at several Las Vegas strip hotels. Her face held tired, long lines from years of supporting and leading a family. Her eyes however, held a new sparkle and a new life from her oldest son making a better life for himself. Through his future, it sparked a happiness that softened her visage. She was reborn. As Zig walked into the kitchen for a hug, he saw a new woman: “Mama! You look so good!”
“Aww, thank you! Zig! You are skinnier! Are you eating? Is that football team of yours making you diet?!” She poked and prodded.
“No Mom, I just don’t have you making enough tacos to feed an army!” He playfully joked with her as he picked up a tortilla chip and she slapped it out of his hand, “Ow!”
“That is for dinner!” Marie grew serious and turned to Izzie. A warm smile spread across her face. “This must be Izzie. The woman who saved my son….and stole his heart.” Maria drew the stranger not just into her home, but into her arms. “Oh!” Izzie was shocked at the sign of affection, and had braced herself for a handshake. Izzie was not prepared for what she heard next: “As long as you are with my son, you are mi familia”, Maria whispered, drawing away. “Thank you so much, you have a lovely home and your son is the best guy in the world! You are an amazing woman!” Zig beamed, drew Izzie in and said, “I think we need to get you some of this amazing food!”
Laughter bellowed all across the table throughout the day, as salsa music wafted through the air. Plates and plates of food were passed down, and to anyone else, the amount of relatives around and the din would have been claustrophobic. Yet, as Zig and Izzie looked at one another, the world around them became quieter...smaller..until only those two existed. Zig’s Tia or Abuelo would say something, and immediately they would be smacked back to the present, but every so often the magnetism between the lovers would become impossible to ignore, and it was as if they were feeding off each other's love. They were most themselves with one another, and each second their passionate chemistry yearned for them to be alone.
A Latino family cookout rarely lasts only a few hours, but the activity and conversation began to draw to a close once the futbol game started and the dominos were brought out. Izzie gave a huge yawn, but Zig interrupted her: “Hey, don’t fall asleep on me now. My family is getting distracted, and I was thinking we could have some time alone for awhile. I would like to show you something.” “Sure.” On their way out after extending goodbyes and adios, Izzie and Zig headed off into the Las Vegas sunset for their surprise.
“I’m really glad you took me here, Zig. I’ve always wanted to go to Las Vegas but I’ve never had the chance. Thanks.” Izzie breathed, staring at the awe inspiring lights glowing against the sunset and sand, creating a magical, technicolor tapestry.
“No problem, consider it the VIP tour,” he replied, giving his famous smirk, “Besides, since we are only here for a few days, I wanted to show you as much of the city as I could. What better than the panorama view?” They both stared over the ledge, sharing a cigarette. After sexily blowing smoke, he continued: “When I saved money to take my sisters to the movies, we always drove past The Strip to get to the theater. Sometimes my mom would even let me skip school and hang out at the hotel. I’d help fold clothes and stuff, and then we would go for a “lunch break” but my mom would get me the biggest sundae I could find.” Zig’s voice started to crack with emotion, and Izzie placed a supportive hand on his shoulder to let him know to take his time. However, at that point, the words just began to flow out of him: “She never got herself anything though. She just smiled, watching me eat that messy ice cream. I felt so proud that I was helping. I made a promise to myself that I would take care of her, just like I did with my sisters.”
“Oh Zig--” Izzie reached to embrace him, but he pushed against her, with waters building at the corner of his eyes.
“No..no..it’s okay.” He wiped a tear away. “So when I got locked up, my whole world was destroyed. I disappointed my mother, and worst of all, I would never be able to give back to her..to take care of her. My life was going to go nowhere.” Izzie was beginning to cry, her lips quivering. Her strong bad boy slowly unraveling himself to her. “That was, until I met you and you believed I could get that scholarship. When I met you, I began to have a future.” Zig grabbed her hands in his and smiled.
“I saw my future again tonight, Izzie. I saw it with you.” Izzie began to make ugly sobs, dropping her head in her hands. Zig pulled them away though so he could hold her face.
“When I saw you with Yuliana...as you helped my abuela get food…” Zig’s throat tightened with fear but his eyes were filled with love. Finally, he breathed out, “I saw our future. I saw our babies. I saw our life together. Each moment more blissful than the one before it. I knew you were my family.” Izzie was getting emotional. Zig tried to rein it in and get control of the situation, but his heart was overflowing with happiness. “I’m not proposing!” They both giggled. “Way too soon for that! But..” he trailed off and reeled himself back in: “I just need you to know that I want to spend the rest of my life with you someday.”
Izzie grabbed Zig and embraced him with her whole body, tears staining his face. She cried out: “Oh Zig! I’m yours forever. How could you not have known that?!” Their kisses were so strong and powerful, so magnetic, their hearts skipped beats as they came up for air. Finally, Zig chuckled, “I’m so glad my family sees you as one of them too.”
Izzie coyly smiled, batted her eyelashes and said, “Well, I was on my best behavior.”
Immediately they began to give each other looks. Sexual tension was building up and slowly simmering throughout the day, and the lovers were tied and wound up, unable to breathe. They were acting good for too long. Zig’s deft, strong fingers slowly ran down her arm, sending a shiver through her body. She was a lit match and he was stoking her flame. “I noticed” Zig panted with desire, “You were a very good girl today.”
“Oh yeah? Who says?” Izzie feigned an attitude as Zig placed slow, feather light kisses all across her shoulders.
“Me, and I don’t think I need your attitude young lady.” He began to run his hands over her nipples through her shirt. Izzie’s eyes closed with joy. Her panties became sticky and moist...nothing turned her on like the cat and mouse game they played. It took everything inside her to keep going and not fall over with sexual desire. “I...can...will...say...whatever...I...want..” she breathed.
“Are you really going to disrespect me like this? Where is this naughtiness coming from?” Zig’s demeanor is turning aggressive, pulling open Izzie’s blouse to expose her breasts. In his eyes, Izzie saw the anger inside of the man, the anger that existed in the moment he beat up his sister’s boyfriend and when anyone crosses him. However, Izzie also saw fiery passion, and both scared her but also aroused her. She met him with renewed confidence.
“I guess I’ve just been a bad girl.” Izzie seductively ran her hands over his shirt, going lower and lower until her fingers grazed over the hardness in his jeans. He held his breath with desire as she teased him.
Zig’s eyes clouded over with a laser like intensity. “If you are going to be naughty and not listen, then maybe you need to be punished!” He took her to the front hood of the car and pushed her to lay down. Izzie squealed with joy and anticipation. In one swift motion Zig pulled his belt off and tied her wrists up above her head. Tightness didn’t matter: he just knew he was going to drive her wild.
“What...are..you..going to do?” Izzie breathlessly asked. “This is your consequence for not listening.” He was totally in control. She was his clay to mold. Zig kneeled and pushed her legs apart with one hand and lifted her dress up with the other. The flimsy white fabric covering her decency was soaked through, wetness glistening across her tanned skin. “Mmm...baby….you are so wet…” Zig murmured with amazement. “You know how you get me….I want you so bad..” Izzie was getting delirious with want.
So as Zig leaned closer to her and made contact with her core, she almost shattered from the pleasure, barely able to hold what shred of control she had left. Zig licked through her panties, teasing her, slowly sucking on her taste. Oh God, what was he doing? Izzie wondered to herself. Where is this going to go? A part of her was scared, and it was as if he could read her mind, because at that exact moment Zig rubbed her leg to reassure her: “Don’t worry baby, I’ll tell you what I’m going to do every step of the way? After all, how else am I going to teach you?” He made a small laugh. “Okay.” She sighed in relief.
Now Zig poked his tongue into her hot pussy, in and out, alternating with slowly rotating his tongue on her clit. Jolts of electricity ran across her skin. “I want you to become a part of me. I can’t wait for your juices to feed me.” He breathed into her skin. Zig flicked and massaged each fold with his tongue, making love passionately to her sex. As each second passed, Izzie felt her core getting hotter, tremors shaking her limbs. Zig stuck two fingers in and massaged her clit, starting slow but progressing to a frenzied paced and dialed back down again. “Mmmmm…”she moaned.” He was taking her higher and higher, it was unreal. She could feel herself about to explode..but not quite. Then, he did something that shocked her. Something that drove her wild. Zig lifted up her hips a bit, tilting her so he could get a better grasp of that sexy ass of hers he loved. He placed kisses until he got closer to there. What the fuck! She exclaimed in her head. Her found her cavern however, and began to suck and eat at her hole like a peach. With his intensity, and his fingers working nimbly in her pussy, she came violently on the hood of his car, shaking and hitting. She came so hard and for so long she thought she entered a new dimension. It was unreal. Her legs were noodles, and it took several seconds to acclimate.
Once Izzie’s breath subsided, Zig continued: “Now you know how you hurt me when you talk back. I think it is time for you make amends.” He stood in front of her, unbuttoning and unzipping his jeans. She got the message, and Izzie drew a wolfish smile. Here is where she could be in control...she could show her want. “Oh Zig, I’m so sorry.” She gave him puppy dog eyes as she got on her knees. Zig took a sharp breath as Izzie slowly kissed his head, and then his shaft, with playful intention. No matter how many times she did this, he could never get over that she did this for him, loved it and was so fucking good at it. He didn’t deserve it, but he was addicted nonetheless. “Baby, you deserve the best. Let me try harder.” Izzie backed up a few inches to speak, but then brought her mouth back down again, lips fully over him. Slowly her head dipped lower and lower, taking all of him in. Shit! Zig was already tensing up. He overplayed his hand: he thought he would have control in this game. Izzie was playing dirty. She was playing for keeps.
Izzie bobbed up and down, the wet, sucking sound filling the space. She would change the pace, but kept up the veracity and passion. “Damn” Zig kept trying to grab his breath, barely choking out “I’m going to….” Then that is when it happened. Right as he was at his most powerless, she placed a finger in him, massaging all while she grabbed his rock hard ass and sucked him until kingdom come. There was sensation everywhere...this fire building inside him….that was burning him from the inside out….”Shit..shit…” Zig gritted his teeth as he was losing control to the waves of pleasure. Fireworks and stars exploded in his brain as his cock tensed and pulsating, releasing his hotness into her willing mouth. With one last jerk, he hit the hood of his car with his hand and she giggled. When he came back to reality, he muttered, “Not fair.”
As his voice calmed, tension subsiding, he grew serious again: “Now, I think it’s time to teach you exactly how to behave.” In one swift quick movement, he flipped her over, hands on car, pushing her to a downward position. With his left foot he swiped her left foot out, kicking her into a wide, doggy style stance so she could take him in completely. If she wanted to be a bad girl, then she was going to be fucked like a bad girl! With one hand on her back, he took the other and completely ripped her panties off. “Oh!” Izzie exclaimed with shock at his force. “Don’t worry, no one is going to know these are gone..this will be our little secret.” He winked. Zig slowly slid in, feeling the tight wetness around him. This was what heaven felt like. Once he got as far as he could, her love fully taking him in, he pulled her up closer to him. His hand massaging a breast as he pulled her face directly next to his. His breath hot and seductive next to her...it was a toxin that paralyzed her to his will.
He whispered to her, tickling her ear: “Tonight you will know how much I love you.” Their panting was heavy as he slammed against her tight ass. He was taking her to the brink of sanity, and she was addicted to this warming and numbing feeling in between her legs. He continued, “You are never to doubt my love again...I am yours and you are mine…” Bodies so close and tangled that they became as one person. Sweat flowing, hearts syncing, they were united. Slowly then sped up they found the perfect rhythm. Izzie was going crazy: with love for him and because he was so good at this. She had never felt more cared for by a man or more vital to him. Zig was about to lose his balance from feverish ecstasy, but just then he caught himself and got out: “When strangers see you walk, they will know you belong to me. I’m going to mark your walls with a fucking you will never forget.”
“I...can’t..leave you...long enough..to forget..I need you…” Izzie barely panted out. Zig was so fucking turned on by how much she wanted him. He started grinding, pounding, swirling his hips to hit every spot of hers. Nothing would be left untouched. Izzie was drowning in her wetness, the world around her growing smaller and going blacker as she was sent to the precipice. “Now! Now, Daddy!” She screamed with desperation. Izzie needed to come or she thought she might literally die. “Me too, baby” He groaned, grabbing her hair as the intensity flowed through him. Her hand instinctively went to her clit, rubbing it, pressure building and growing from her stomach all through her limbs. She fanned the flames with vigor, as Zig clenched every muscle in his body and yelled, “Fuck Izzie!” Stars brighter than the Las Vegas skyline invaded their vision. Both of them fell in a heap on the car, catching their fall. Sweat covered their foreheads, with Zig pushing her hair back to place some well earned kisses on her forehead.
Zig giggled and asked her jokingly, “So..do you think you learned anything from that?” “Yeah..” she breathed, slowly getting the words out, “I learned I can only be with you.” Blinking, she tried to calm her bated breath and continued: “It doesn’t matter where I go, as long as it is with you.” Zig laid his head on her, smiling, as the Las Vegas lights illuminated their beauty, and the sunset gave way to the dark night.
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atouchofiction-blog · 13 years
I'm Yours; A Cristiano Ronaldo Fan Fic: Chapter 11
I walked into my apartment building, I checked my pockets to make sure my phone hadn’t fallen out while I was in the taxi. Today had been a good day. Since I had hit the second trimester the morning sickness subsided, which meant I woke up fresher and more alive than before. Also, today had been good because I had met a woman who visited the same gynaecologist as me, her name is Monica and she is into her fourth month, just like me. She was cheerful and happy and very excited about her first child. She was so friendly while we sat in the waiting room. She said a cheery hi, sat next to me and the next thing I knew we had hit it off and she invited me to coffee tomorrow.
I was about to press the elevator button when I noticed a yellow envelope half sticking out of my letter box next to the elevator. I walked over pulled it out and checked the address. At first I thought it was from Juan but I noticed the return address and recognised the name. Miguel Flores was Cristiano’s agent. I looked at the envelope for a moment wondering what it could possibly be before walking back to elevator and pushing the button.
I opened the door to my apartment, I shrugged my bag of my shoulder before ripping open the envelope and taking out what was inside. It was a booklet full of forms and when I looked at the title my heart stopped, Resigning Custody of a Minor. I flipped the booklet over in my hand a few times. Why would Cris want me to fill this out? I pulled my phone out of my pocket and furiously dialled his number, “Hello?” He asked into the phone.
“What the hell is this Cris?” I was shaking with fury.
“What?” He asked confused.
“Resigning Custody of a Minor,” I read to him.
“Oh,” he took a breath, “It’s just some forms so that you hand over all parental rights to me. Miguel thought it was necessary.”
“I don’t care what Miguel thinks. This is not his child, he has no say in this,” I spat.
“I think it is necessary then,” he replied more forcefully.
“So your name won’t be on the birth certificate.” He said simply.
I was appalled, “But I gave birth to the baby.”
“What if Irina wanted to see the birth certificate and it had your name on it, what would we do then, huh?” He asked.
“Don’t show her,” I shrugged.
“What if she insists?”
“Tell her it’s with your Dear agent Miguel and he won’t let you take it in case it falls into the wrong hands.”
“That’s ridiculous, she would never believe that.”
“Well, Cris don’t you worry, you have a way with lies, if she believes half the bullshit that comes out of your mouth she’ll believe this,” I said bitterly.
“What exactly do you mean by that?” He asked offended.
“I mean that I’m not signing these forms,” I replied.
“But why not?” He asked.
Before I could reply I hung up, because giving you the baby is different than saying that the baby is not mine.
My phone buzzed in my hand and before I could check the caller I.D I answered rudely, “We are not having this conversation Cris,” I huffed.
“Sammy, its Alvaro.”
“Oh,” my voice softened instantly.
“What conversation though?” He asked curiously.
“Can you believe he has the audacity to send me forms for emancipation from the baby?” I sat at the morning bar and leant over to the bag of Oreos on the counter.
“What? Why?”
“Cause what if Irina wants to see the birth certificate,” I said in a goofy voice.
“Well, what if she does want to?”
“He can make up a shit story, he’s good at them.”
“Sam-my,” he said sternly.
“Hey, don’t come and be the conscience I never had, Alvaro,” I munched on an Oreo.
“Anyway, how was the doctor’s appointment?”
One of Alvaro’s best qualities was that he knew when to stop. He knew how to push my buttons but, he only did so in moderation.
“It was good,” I smiled, “I made a friend!” I cheered.
“What’s her name?”
“Maybe it’s a him,” I replied smugly.
“Really?” He asked sarcastically.
“No, it’s a girl. Her name is Monica. She’s probably only 27 and she’s having her first child as well. We’re both in our 4th months as well. She invited me to coffee tomorrow. And next week we’re going together to our appointment when we find out the sex of the baby!”
“Somebody was lonely,” he mocked.
I laughed, “I guess I really was. Okay, I better go. Bye  Alvaro.”
He paused momentarily before sighing thoughtfully, “Okay, bye querida!”
I hung up and looked down at the bag of Oreos on the table, it was empty, dammit!
I clasped my hands around my cup of chai latte, warming my fingertips. The warm breeze ran through my floral cardigan as I sat opposite Monica at the small café. We had taken a seat outside because the beautiful weather was too tempting. I looked up at her taking a deep breath before answering her question about the father of the baby. She asked it so casually and politely it took me a moment to be taken aback by her question. I gulped hard, “He’s in Spain. He has work restraints.”
“Oh, it must be hard on your own,” she said sympathetically.
“It is, but I’m coping.”
“If you need anything,” she said picking at her vanilla slice, “I’m here for you.”
“Thanks. But I have a friend here as well, he’s been a great help,” I shrugged.
She sipped her green tea quietly and I felt a buzz in my pocket. I pulled out my phone and checked the Caller I.D. “I have to get this,” I told Monica as I stood up, “Sorry.” I stood up and walked out onto the pavement, “Hey,” I said into the phone, “what’s up?”
“I have excellent news,” Alvaro replied excited.
“What news?”
“I’m coming to visit you!”
“What?!” I almost shouted, “When?!”
“I got a holiday from Jose. I got a yellow card in yesterday’s match, so I can’t play in the next league match. The only other match we have is in the Copa and Jose won’t be calling me up because of it’s versus Levante. Then comes the Christmas break!”
“Alvaro,” I cooed, “this is great!”
“I’m coming in two days, is that alright?”
“It’s great,” I smiled.
“Really? It’s not too soon?”
“No, no, it’ll be great to have someone with me for Christmas!”
“Alvaro, this is such good news. But, I have to go; I’m out with Monica, talk soon.”
“Okay, see you in two days!”
“See you then!”
I hung up and walked back to Monica who looked up at my cheery face, “Someone’s happy.”
“I just got some really good news,” I said as I pulled my chair into the table.
“Ooh, spill,” She smiled her wide smile. Monica really was a beauty, she had crazy black curly hair and a thin face with pretty features. She had the prettiest eye colour and long eyelashes.
“My boyfriend is coming to England for the Christmas holidays!”
“Really? That’s so great!” She smiled, “To celebrate I think we should have a double date at my place; my husband and me and you and your boyfriend. What do you say?”
“Absolutely, that’d be cool,” I spoke excitedly.
“Well, when does he come?”
“In two days.”
“This Friday? Then we should do it on the Saturday.”
“Are you free on Friday? That’s a better idea.” I was already planning out what I could do with Alvaro and I didn’t want to waste a whole day and opted to instead do the double date on Friday.
“Sure,” She smiled bursting with excitement, “I can’t wait!”
I looked around the lounge room briefly checking for anything out of place. I had been cleaning all day as I waited for Alvaro’s arrival. He had insisted that he would catch a taxi to my house and it wasn’t worth me waiting for him in the airport.
I checked the clock; it was 12:20 and Alvaro’s plane arrived at 10:35. I sat on the couch and bit my lip anxiously. I picked up my mobile contemplating ringing him up. It usually was a short trip from the airport to my house but I wasn’t sure of traffic today.
Just as I began to dial his number the intercom buzzer rang; sending a jolt up my spine. I walked over to the intercom and pressed the button to let him in. I felt giddy as I checked how I looked in the mirror by the wall. I had bought this dress especially for today. It was a dark red with lace around the neck and at the bottom where it hit just above my knees, I had put on some black stockings to match the outfit and I had paired it with dark red lipstick which complemented my tan skin. The dress was only a little tight on my baby belly which was still reasonably small; only the size of a half a basketball. I had left my wavy, short hair hanging around my face. 
I heard to knocks on the door and I twisted the knob and opened the door, my smile widening by the second. Before I could take in Alvaro’s appearance he pounced at me. Taking me into his arms, I threw my arms around him and squeezed his back. His arms slid to my waist and he pulled away to take me in, “Woah,” he smiled, “you look beautiful.”
I blushed looking him up and down, he looked amazing in his tight fitting suit and aviators and that were resting on his head. I ran my hands over his smooth cheeks which were only recently shaven as I could tell. He moved my hands to rest on his lips and he kissed them before taking them in his own hands and leaning forward. He placed a passionate kiss on my lips.
I placed my hands on his chest and he moved his own hands impatiently to rest on my neck. I kissed him back urgently and ran my hands up and down his chest. I smiled as we kissed and he pulled away panting, “W-what is it?” he asked smiling too.
“I’ve missed you so, so much Alvaro,” I said looking up at him, my hands still resting on his chest and his still around my neck. I was panting too as I looked up at him.
“You won’t believe how much I’ve missed you too.”
He was about to lean down again when I placed a hand on his cheek, “We’re going out today.”
“Where to?” He asked looking a little disappointed he couldn’t go for seconds.
“Monica and her husband have invited us over for lunch,” I smiled.
“In about an hour and a half,” Alvaro looked down at me pouting, “You’re the one who was late!” I laughed.
“Okay,” he smiled, “Sounds like fun.” He was about to lean down again when I stepped out of his arms.
“I have to get ready,” I turned to him, “Make yourself at home. I’ll be back.”
I walked over to my bedroom still smiling. It was great that Alvaro was here but I wasn’t going to lead him on to thinking that he’ll get anything more than a kiss. I knew he would understand because I’m pregnant but I still didn’t want to get his hopes up only to be disappointed. I picked up my make up before walking out again to put my make up on in the lounge room in front of the tall mirror next to the door.
“How are you feeling today?” He asked as I pulled out my mascara to apply it lightly.
“It’s one of my better days.”
“Has Cris brought up the forms again?”
“Thankfully not,” I pulled out my eye liner and began applying it to look like smokey eyes. I liked that look on me, it gave my light coloured eyes some vibrancy.
“Have you thought about it at least?”
“Nope,” I shrugged, “Now enough about this. How are things at home?” I asked changing the topic and reapplying my lipstick with a lighter, nude colour and coating with a thin layer of lip gloss to give it a soft, shiny look.
“Well between having to see a guy I despise so much every day at work and my girlfriend being all the way in England. It’s been good.”
“That’s nice to hear,” I said sarcastically. I was almost finished all I had to do was patch up my foundation and I was set.
Alvaro chuckled, “Are you done?” He asked from the couch where he was sitting and he stood up walking up to me.
I nodded as he wrapped his arms around my baby belly and rested his head on my shoulder, “You’re beautiful,” he sighed, taking in my scent.
I turned in his arms to face him, “You’re not too bad yourself,” I giggled, “We better leave, Monica lives very far.”
I picked up the bottle of non-alcoholic champagne and box of chocolates and handed them to Alvaro, “here hold these while I go get my shoes.” I walked over to my bedroom.
“Sammy, darling,” Monica cheered, “come in.” She gave me a tight hug before guiding us into the house and out on to the porch where there was a table set up for four and a barbeque sizzling, “aren’t you going to introduce me to your stud.” Monica nudged me lightly.
“Monica, this is Alvaro. Alvaro, this is Monica.”
“Hello Alvaro,” Monica cooed leaning her hand out for him to shake.
“Hey Monica,” Alvaro shook her hand smiling, “I’ve heard so much about you.”
“Oh my gosh! Sammy, his accent is gorgeous.” Monica laughed.
“James come over here, I want to introduce you!” James walked over to us; he was a skinny tall man with average features. His short ginger hair was a mess on his head and he wiped at his fogged up glasses, “Alvaro and Sammy, this is my husband James. James, this is my friend Sammy and her boyfriend Alvaro.”
“How ya doin?” James said in his thick Irish accent taking my hand in his and shaking it gently.
“I’m fine thanks, yourself?” I asked.
“Good, good,” he turned to Alvaro, “How are ya?”
Alvaro shook hands with James before James rushed over to the barbeque to keep an eye on the food. Monica ordered us to sit down at the table, Alvaro and I sitting next to each other on one side of the table and Monica took the seat opposite us, “So,” Monica smiled widely at us, “This pregnancy must be exciting for you Alvaro.”
Alvaro looked at me from the corner of his eyes and I placed a hand on his thigh squeezing it a little. He cleared his throat, “Uh, yeah, of course it is.” He smiled briefly.
I kept my hand on his thigh and rubbed it up and down, turning to him, I caught his eye for a brief second and smiled at him appreciatively.  “He’s missing all the gory incidents,” I chuckled, “Of course he’d be excited.”
Monica laughed openly throwing her head back her hair flowing easily behind her, “What do you do in Spain anyway?” She asked politely.
“I’m a footballer, for Real Madrid.”
“Oh, James, JAMES,” She called him as he walked over carrying a bowl of food, “Alvaro’s a footballer!”
“Oh, I thought ya looked familiar,” James laughed setting the plate down as Monica lent over to peel off the plastic covering from the rest of the bowls, “Real Madrid did I hear ya sayin?” He asked.
“You got Cristiano Ronaldo, ye?” Alvaro’s jaw clenched but he smiled trying not to show it, he nodded before James continued, “He’s a Manchester United product keep in mind!” He laughed.
Conversation carried on, laughter bubbling out of us once in a while or James and Alvaro arguing over basketball, cars or whatever it is they talk about.
The food was great. James had cooked the meat to perfection and Monica had spiced it brilliantly. There was lovely Greek salad and delicious pasta to accompany the meat. I had tucked into the food and was leaning for my glass of juice when I heard my phone ring. I reached into my bag and stood up excusing myself from the table. I stood in the hallway which we had entered by and answered my phone, “Hola.”
“Hola Sammy. How are you?” Juan asked into the phone.
Laughter erupted from the backyard and echoed into the hallway, “I’m good, how are you?”
“I’m good. Am I calling at a bad time? Are you out?”
“Yeah, I am actually. I’m at lunch with Alvaro and friends.”
“Alvaro?” He asked.
“Yeah, he came over for Christmas a little earlier because he got a yellow card in his last match and he won’t be called up until after Christmas. So, he thought he’d come over and spend it with me in England.”
“I watched Real Madrid’s last match; he didn’t get a yellow card though. He’s one off a suspension.” He answered cautiously.
“You must have missed it-“ my reply was delayed as what Juan said sunk in.
“No Sammy,” he interrupted, “I’m telling you, he wasn’t suspended,” he persisted.
I bit my lip; I didn’t want Alvaro to fall out of favour with his coach. First it was the punch and now him racing over here to be with me when he had commitments elsewhere. But on top of it all it was the fact he had lied to me, whether it be for my benefit or not, I was furious. But then again, who was I to talk about lying? I tried to supress the fury I was feeling but there was still a nagging in the back of my head reminding me he had lied to me.
“Look Juan, I better get back to dinner. I’ll call you tonight when I get home, okay? Bye.”
“Adios Sammy,” He answered.
I hung up and walked back to the table where a conversation was going on about whether Manchester United or Liverpool were going to be a force to be reckoned with, Alvaro, the ex-Liverpool player obviously siding with his former team while James and Monica, both Manchester supporters, stood adamantly by their team, although Monica wasn’t into the sport all that much.
I sat down next to Alvaro smiling politely, “Who was it?” Alvaro whispered to me, leaning close to my ear disguising the action as a peck on the cheek.
“Juan,” I replied with a slight edge in my tone.
Alvaro looked at me for a moment, searching my face to find out why I was annoyed. But I kept my features neutral and after a moment of searching them he turned back around to the rest of the table.
“Aww, how cute!” Monica cheered.
“Anything for a fellow Liverpool fan,” Alvaro smiled smugly at James.
“Oh, no Sammy, not you too!” James laughed.
I laughed uneasily before looking back down at my plate and realising I was no longer in the mood for this lunch, at all.
I walked out to the street ahead of Alvaro, Monica and James had waved us off at the doorstep with promises to catch up again before Christmas. The taxi was waiting by the curb for us, I opened my door and slipped in as Alvaro caught up with me and slid in next to me. “Sammy?” He asked.
“I’m not talking about it.”
“Was it Cris?” He asked curiously.
He furrowed his eyebrows, “Juan?”
“Nope,” I looked out the window as the cab drove off.
“Me?” He asked cautiously.
I turned and looked at him, “You weren’t suspended from a match.”
He blushed and cleared his throat, “It’s not an important match, Jose won’t mind. Its’s no problem-“ he began.
“It is a problem, Alvaro, it is,” I sighed turning to the window again.
He placed a hand on my shoulder, “I’m sorry Sammy,” he said, “But at least I’m here now.”
“What exactly are you sorry for?” I asked shrugging his hand off my shoulder.
He paused for a moment, to think, “I’m sorry I upset you.”
I groaned, he didn’t even know why I was upset, I turned to face him, “We are not talking about this now Alvaro,” I said sternly.
I unlocked the front door, not a word had been spoken between us since the cab ride, I chucked my shoes off and set them next to the door. I bent down to pull out my mobile phone when Alvaro came from behind me and threw his arms around my waist. I tried to move out of his grasp but he only tightened his hold on me. I turned around in his arms to face him. I placed my arms on his shoulders, “Yes Alvaro?” I asked exasperatedly.
“Come on Sammy, I really am sorry.” He said.
“Do you even know why I’m upset?”
“Because-Because,” he stuttered.
“See you don’t,” I sighed, I dived under his arms and out of his embrace. I was about to work back to my bedroom but he stopped me in my tracks. He stood in front of me and held his hand out placing it on my shoulder to stop me. “What?” I asked impatiently.
“If I clearly don’t know why I upset you, then tell me.”
I sighed, “You lied to me.”
He looked down at the floor next to me before looking back up at me, “I’m sorry Sammy,” he sighed, “but I thought it was for the best.”
“You thought it was best to jeopardise your career,” I replied, “for me?”
“I’d do anything for you Sammy, you know that,” he said as he placed his hand on my hips.
“You punched Cris and now you’re bailing on the team. Are you sure Jose is fine with this? He is tough on you guys, I know he is.”
“He is fine with it. I asked him if I was needed for the next match and he said ‘no, Marcelo and Sergio’ll be on the wings’ I’m not needed in this match.”
“What about if they need you to be subbed on?”
“There are the Castilla players that fill in.”
“It doesn’t change the fact that you lied to me,” I stated simply.
Alvaro let go of my waist and ran a hand through his hair, he turned away from me and then back to face me. It was as if he was debating what to say next. He placed a hand on my shoulder, “I’m-I’m,” he stuttered, “I’m shocked that you of all people, is judging me for lying.”
I looked at him shocked and his eyes widened and it was clear he was shocked himself. I stepped back away from him. My face was heating up, from anger or embarrassment, I didn’t know. But I knew that I couldn’t even look at Alvaro right now.
I took a step forward to walk over to my bedroom, “That was different!” I yelled. I was absolutely furious and mad. Partly at Alvaro, but that was only a little bit, but mainly, I was mad at myself. Mad at myself for getting mad at Alvaro for something I was an artist at; lying. And I was mad at myself for ruining a perfectly good evening. I was mad, not for the first time ever, for getting myself in this mess in the first place.
“I know Sammy, I’m sorry,” I could hear him walking over to me, “I’m sorry.”
I quickened my pace, almost running to my bedroom and I opened the door and slammed it in his face.
Authors note: As I mentioned before there will probably be a one month hiatus on this story. I will be able to read and reply to your coments and I will not be able to write though. I'll be back after a month and I promise long good chapters every saturday .
Thanks for reading guys. :)
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futbolfanficpunk · 2 years
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Making time
Players: Pedri, Gavi
Word Count: 560+
Theme: Bromance, Platonic love
It was 11:00pm at night and his phone was going off. The girl that Pedri met at Eric’s TikToker girlfriend’s party during the weekend, Ana, finally texted back and they started chatting on Whatsapp. Dating has never been easier or harder. Being well-known is confusing when you're famous, but Ana seemed authentic. The third year in Fc Barcelona has started well and for now, September is looking great. The team is winning, and most of the new guys are fitting in and understanding the Barcelona style. His friendships with his teammates were as bonded as they could get. Ferran and Eric are always texting and when they're not with their girls, they all hang out. Gavi is his best friend at the moment. He is the closest friend he has ever had besides his brother, Fernando. On Thursday’s training, Eric was teasing Pedri about Ana, according to Eric, Pedri had little game but Ana was into him anyway. “Hey, Pedri, are you talking to Anita? It’s been a while since you’ve been on a date, hermanito." said Eric “Yea, you'll start feeling like a virgin soon” Ferran interrupted. “Guys, grow up, there’s nothing wrong with being a virgin. It’s going great for me” said a smiling Gavi as he got into their conversation’s circle. They all laughed. “Yea, I’m talking to Anita, she’s nice and so cute, we’re figuring out when to go out and what to do”. said Pedri “Oh, great! Now I’m gonna lose another friend to a fucking novia” snapped Gavi. “Gavi, I’m too young for a girlfriend! That’s too serious,” said Pedri defensively, “we’re just talking”. “Right, sure!” Gavi said sarcastically. 
Later that day Gavi and Pedri went to Pedri’s house to watch TV, eat a bit, and play FIFA. They both were half sitting, and half laying comfortably on the couch. Gavi was drinking water and had his big light brown eyes wide open while looking at the TV.
Pedri looked at him for a second, while remembering the conversation in training. “Mira, Gavi, even if I get a girlfriend, I won’t disappear. I’ll always make time for us, you know” he said with a bit of nostalgia in his voice.
Pedri didn’t care if he sounded like he cared too much, Gavi had really become a good friend and he wanted to guard him and his feelings. They understood each other, how they both hated the cold and navigated towards the warmth like in their home cities. They are the same in a lot of ways, like how they both could only think of football, being good at it, being in shape, driven to be technically better, and winning, but they’re also family people and trying hard not to be affected by all the attention and money. They both had their parents manage their money, it wasn’t important to them to be flashy. Gavi was important to Pedri.
Gavi looked at him with a shy smile and said “Hermano, I know. I feel the same way” and immediately he side-hugged Pedri while kissing his shoulder at the same time. Gavi always showed his feelings with physical attention. Gavi admired Pedri, deeply, he felt so lucky to have his friendship. “Ok, now when this episode ends. How about we get a snack and play FIFA? I’m out of practice, but I promise to beat your ass." said Gavi “Ni lo sueñes, enano” said Pedri with a side smile “I always have Messi on my FIFA team”.
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futbolfanficpunk · 2 years
Dressing room feelings
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Players: Neymar Jr, Leo Messi Leo is overwhelmed by his move to Paris and Neymar comforts him Themes: Bromance Words - 775+ Requested by amitokedhuyedibo
Dressing room feelings
         Leo thought he was alone in the dressing room, everyone had left after training and the cleaning staff were in a meeting in one of the conference rooms. It’s only been two months since he came from Barcelona, the most devastating event in his life. He never cried quite like the day he had to leave Fc Barcelona, even the night after Argentina lost the world cup to Germany, he always felt he would be a blaugrana until death.
And yet, here he was, in October, in Paris. Fucking freezing his butt off, miserably, and not having great performances. He could only think of Antonella, dear Anto sobbing the day they left their kids in their new school; 
“What are we doing here?!” Anto said with a broken voice and started sobbing in their SUV.
He hated the thought of the love of his life crying, yet he couldn’t do anything about it now. Fc Barcelona was on the brink of bankruptcy and Laporta gave up on signing him. He was still hurt and after not having a great game today and having minor pain in his hamstring, he was frustrated. He felt overwhelmed by all his emotions, by the change, by the French.  Leo put his hand over his face, his face and his head felt warm, his stomach was in knots. A wave of sadness covered him as he started to silently cry in front of his locker.
Neymar was walking back to the dressing room, he had accidentally left his headphones and charging cable in his locker, plus he didn’t see Leo getting into his car in the parking lot. He looked around to see if he could see him. He walked into the dressing room and saw that Leo was in front of his looker his his hand covering his face.
“Oye, Che!” Ney screamed jokingly
Leo jumped up, surprised “Pelotudo! you scared me!” he whined, trying to wipe the tears from his face looking flustered. 
“Irmâo! I’m sorry!” said Ney, looking noticing Leo’s face “ But, Are you ok? What’s going on?”
“Nothing, Ney. Just feeling overwhelmed that’s all, no reason to worry.” said Leo with a quicker pace that usual giving hint of sadness in his voice “I was just getting something and leaving.”
“Oh, Okay” says Neymar slowly while he walks to his looker to get his charging cable and headphones.As he turn around he sees that Leo is walking towards the exit he shouted
“Leo! Espera! Let me tell you something, okay?”
Neymar knew that it was important for him to show up for his friend, just like he did for him back in the Barcelona day. He knew what a difference it could make. 
Leo turns around to find Neymar in front of him.
“Remember back in my first year of Barcelona, that one time you came into the locker room while I was crying. I was just feeling so lost, and you talked to me, comforted me and told me you had my back and everything was going to be all right?” said Neymar as he put his hand on Leo’s shoulder, trying to reassure him.
“Of course, I do! I saw a kid who need help and support. So, I gave it to him because it’s the right thing do, and I wanted to show him that I was there for him” Leo responded
“Yes, and I thank you everyday for that, it really turned my season around. I felt so much calmer after” he said while gently squeezing Leo’s shoulder as Leo smiled. “But I also want to tell you that, it’s going to be the same here for you. Things are going to get better, easier, you’re going to find your feet, not that you need that much, but you’ll feel comfortable and all this drama will go away. You will be the same Leo that we all know. The GOAT! I have have no doubt it my mind, we are going to win the league, you will score, and you will make Kylian and me score, make us a better team. Everything you came here to do! Ok? Just give it a chance, give it time, trust the process, just be present, here, now.” 
Leo smiled, Neymar really was a grown man now, not that young kid anymore. Still as crazy but a better person, a player, and a brother in arms. Leo sighed.
“You’re right, hermano. Gracias.” Leo said while nodding. They hugged while patting each other’s back. “Let’s go!” said Leo.
Neymar did a little dance before signaling for them both to leave. They both laughed.
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