#fuyuki uses they/them pronouns
siegfaerie · 3 years
I’ve been working on and off on Itzy’s bio,, here is a compilation of little tidbits of info under the cut while I finish the art and the actual Bio,,,,,,,, 
(Excusing the fact that it’s all over the place this is just a general idea of her character for others while I work on the bio art and the like)
Itzy stands for Itzelica,,  she mixed in both her first and middle name together to create her given name (Celica + Itzel) Itzy prefers to be called Itzy, by others but she doesn’t mind those she is closer with using Itzelica (or Itzel or Celica depending on the person). She is nonbinary and doesn’t mind any pronouns. She/her is used most often and she is okay with that. Itzy is in her mid twenties at the start of the grand order and joined chaldea more or less on a whim. 
In terms of specialty, Itzy comes from a traditional family of necromancers and while she is not an awful mage she does lack the conviction and mentality of a true mage which holds back whatever prowess she possesses. This inability to think and act like a mage has caused a falling out with her family and led to her eventual disownment. She harbors a lot of resentment for her family in this regard because she believes that the entire mage upbringing/traditions are stupid and the way they raise children even worse. She envies people who are blissfully unaware about the world she was born into as well and longs for a simple life. 
Itzy is charismatic and very openly warm and inviting, she’s open and blunt and not one to shy away from confrontation. She is a little mischievous having been forced to act prim and proper her whole childhood, and really likes to experience the thrills of life. She likes to make others laugh and secretly enjoys incredibly cheesy jokes. She is very friendly and open, but not overbearing to those who may be a bit more reserved/anxious. However, if she doesn't like you she will be smarmy/unctuous, Insincere in her words but her smile and mannerisms never fading. (She was for a very long time that way toward Roman and Da Vinci because she couldn’t decide if she could trust them or not.) Despite her generally openly inviting personality Itzy has a difficult time opening up to others and letting others grow closer to her. She fears that they may leave when they realize all her flaws and prefers to keep others arms reach in order to prevent that hurt or disappointment. (She has serious issues with disappointing others because of her upbringing). She struggles with her sense of self constantly, having been raised to please and serve the wishes of others so she has a difficult time deciphering if she is doing something for another or because she wants to. Itzy also cannot handle genuine heartfelt praises or compliments directed at her. While she enjoys praising or complimenting her favored servants/friends (especially trying to see what might make a certain few flush) she cannot handle that attention directed back at her, especially from Siegfried, David and Semiramis, (and prob later Amakusa). She flushes red and sputters around like a fish before promptly finding a means of escape to collect herself. 
 Itzy is also very openly affectionate to those she cares for and can be often seen latching onto Siegfried or Semiramis especially, (sometimes David although with a more exasperated expression). She enjoys holding hands, Linking arms, kisses on the cheek (as both greetings and thanks), She is very open to hugs and any form of gentle physical touches that one may want to do (head pats, pinch cheeks, caresses, etc.). 
Itzy thoroughly enjoys spicy foods, and finds comfort in home made meals. She has no appreciation for sweets but finds baked treats enjoyable when gifted by another. She also prefers bitter foods, especially enjoying citrus food or beverages. She does love strawberries but prefers them to be sour rather than sweet. 
Itzy has naturally black hair but dyes it pink. She does so because her hair is one of the very few things she has actual control over. Her hair did change from two pigtails to the short style she currently sports and it is lore realated. (David actually helps her cut her hair because she’s a little sloppy in that regard).
Siegfried was her first servant summoned, at the very start of Fuyuki and is always in the frontlines ready to help out in whatever way needed. It is rare not to see Itzy with Siegfried. She finds the most genuine comfort at his side and feels as though it may be a bit easier to breathe around him. She finds herself relying on him the most. Likewise, Siegfried seems to be more relaxed around her and his eyes and smile soften a little bit more with her in the room. 
Itzy Siegfried: At face value, their relationship may come across as more of a tease/fluster dynamic given that Itzy is a major tease/flirt. She does thoroughly enjoy getting a reaction out of Siegfried and seeing him flush, unfortunately she is all bark no bite. Should Siegfried tag along with her flirtatious invitations, Itzy immediately clams up and looks for an escape route (since Siegfried is always so earnest about his affections it makes her feel overwhelmed). On a deeper level Itzy and Siegfried have a solid relationship of mutual comfort, trust and love for the other. They help each other grow and become better versions of one another together. They both eventually feel safe enough to share their deepest vulnerabilities with one another, Siegfried with his back and Itzy with her deteriorating sense of self. They both also share the trouble of properly expressing their own desires or putting themself first so they both help one another out in that aspect as well. (vulnerability and Trust)
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megashadowdragon · 3 years
fgo theory is caster cu really odin 
comments : 
There is also the 10 bond CE for him being the Yggdrasil Tree, which is very Norse. (the fact he needs a bunch of Yggdrasil seeds may also be a bit of a hint.) Interestingly, the Wickerman festivals were held throughout Europe (Areas such as England and Scotland) and were regarded as a neo-pagan festivity. Chances are, if CasCu really is Odin, it is highly likely he will take action in the English Lostbelt second part. I think itd be really cool, but if that was the case itd be more likely Cu caster was a Cu-Odin fusion similar to Scathach-Skadi. We know its within Odin's ability to do a fusion like this due to how he did the same for Skadi. It also explains how caster cu retains the protection from arrows and disengage skills. It also makes more sense how he's kept his identity a secret, because it's not false that he is Cu.
www . reddit . com/r/grandorder/comments/lkw9xm/summary_of_the_caster_cu_chulainnodin_theory/
At absolutely no point does he ever give his name or makes any mention to it.
Other Servants who initially don't give their names say that they'll give it to you later. Caster does not even bring up the subject.
In the Garden of Sinners crossover event, he says "there's no Cú Chulainn here". It's treated as a gag, but...
In the Singularity F Memorial Quest, he's the only Servant referred to by his Class name instead of his True name.
In Lostbelt 6 he finally introduces himself... as Grimnir. This is an alias that Odin uses in the Grímnismál.
He's not supposed to be the Caster of the Fuyuki Grail War in the first place. In the original reality, it's Medea, while in FGO reality it's Solomon. Material states that Singularity F is the result of data colliding, and Caster resulted from that. However, in that case it should be either Solomon or Medea who appear in Singularity F, not Cú Chulainn.
One of his lines goes as following: "Isn't bit boring to play a game that never ends? For better or for worse, it's like you can't move the pieces forward, yeah?" Is he talking about Singularity F? At any rate, this sounds weird.
His Final Ascension art and animation update features two white wolves. Odin is stated to have two wolves named Geri and Freki.
His second Noble Phantasm, which he mentions in one of his My Room lines, is called "Ochd Deug Odin - Seal of the Great God". It's an exceedingly powerful Rank A Anti-Fortress Noble Phantasm with potentially Game Breaking effects, but what's interesting is its description: it activates by chanting its True Name and using all 18 primordial runes granted by Scáthach at once (keep in mind she taught him the Norse ones) and it "temporarily unleashes the power of the rune possessed by the Great Odin". Aside from the weirdness of him even having that Noble Phantasm in the first place (he's not supposed to have Wickerman either, but at least we get an explanation for that), why can't he use it? (Potential Game-Breaker status not withstanding).
In the North America version of the game, his Bond Craft Essense is called "Yggdrasil Tree". That's taken from Norse Mythology, so why would a Celt have it?
In addition, the Yggdrasil tree has a particularly strong tie to Odin. The Ygg bit is another name for him, and according to legend at some point he hanged himself from one of its branches to gain wisdom.
For some reason, he's in the Nordic Fields during Boudica's 3rd Strengthening Quest.
During Valentine's Day in the return gift scene, he talks about the Human Order Incineration and the Human Order Reorganization - a.k.a. the Lostbelts. Somehow he knew about the Lostbelts before the game even got to that point.
In the 2019 Valentine's event, he's seen reading the book "Scandinavia's Beautiful Mountains".
In the FGO mats, Sigurd takes special notice of him and then has a Double Take. He also seems confused about him in his material profile. The fact that Sigurd noticed Caster is odd, but it should also be noted that Sigurd encountered Odin a number of times in his legend, thus making him one of the most likely people to recognize him.
Scáthach's Interlude brings up a LOT of questions. The regular Lancer Cú Chulainn says that his power is reduced because half his Saint Graph is missing. Mash suggests that the reduction in power may be because he was separated in numerous classes, but Lancer Cú is surprised that he can be summoned as a Caster. In addition, there are several Servants summonable in numerous classes, and none of them has this problem. There's a possibility that the other half of the Saint Graph went to Caster, and he's using an external source to stabilize it.
According to the Arcade version of FGO, it's impossible for any version of Cú Chulainn to be summoned without Gáe Bolg or the skill "Martial Arts Disciplining in the Shadow Country". Yet Caster has neither, thus making him an impossible summoning.
Not very noticeable in the English version, but he occasionally slips into using the "washi" pronoun during dialogue. For those who might not know, "washi" is actually pretty formal, and contrasts Cú Chulainn's much more casual "ore".
A lot of his official art has him looking subtly different that the other versions of Cú Chulainn.
He has lighter-coloured hair in all of his artwork, and Fate/Grand Carnival gives him wrinkles under the eyes. This trait is usually used in anime to show a character around 40-50 years old; an age that Cú Chulainn never reached.
In his card art and formal outfit card, his eyes are almost orange rather than red. In addition, one eye is always at least partially hidden.
In his April Fool's card, he has different facial features than the rest of the Cú Chulainns.
Tying to the above, Odin is known for disguising himself as an older man, usually a wizard, in a hood, and he's missing an eye. Missing eye aside, Caster fits most of that criteria, and as pointed out above, most his art hides his eye anyway. Odin gave said eye in exchange for wisdom, and there are a few remarks that Caster is getting smarter.
In the original Fate/stay night, Emiya draws a connection between Gáe Bolg and Odin's spear, Gungnir. Considering that he has picked up things like Rho Aias and Caladbolg, we can probably take him at his word. In his animation update, Caster throws his staff above the enemies heads, and then it changes tragectory to attack them from behind. While this could easily be a reference to Gáe Bolg's actual method of killing in the myth (it entered the victim through the asshole), it could also be a reference to how Odin would throw Gungnir above the heads of his enemies to declare a war.
Another detail from his animation upgrade is that his Instant Runes often take the form of a Valknut; this symbol according to some scholars is associated with Odin.
There are overall several indications that Caster will play a significant role later in the story: he's featured in the trailer of Lostbelt 6 and received his animation update during the Lostbelt 6 livestream, and Word of God has implied several times that we will be returning to Singularity F at some point.
Tying to the above, in one of My Room conversations, he say's he'll teach you how to use Runes later. Maybe it's not Blatant Lies after all.
Caster and Odin share several personality traits. Both of them are known as "the raging one", are strongly tied with the concept of war, magic, and wisdom, and both of them are The Gadfly - as Caster displays in Singularity F when he tries to get Mash to activate her Noble Phantasm. In addition, in various events Caster seems to have a gambling problem, which is also one of Odin's traits. Not to mention "summon me as a Lancer" works for Odin too.
The recent Lostbelt 6 update also adds fuel to the fire. In My Room dialogues, Scáthach tells him that his Rune magic is slightly different from what she taught him. He asks Sigurd not to look at him with the glasses, when he sees Brynhildr he muses that this must be fate/karma and specifically refers to Scáthach-Skadi as "Lostbelt Skadi."
His new battle lines from the same update are just as interesting.
"Witness the essence of the Rune magecraft taught by Scáthach... Sure, let's go with that." Along with Scáthach accusing him of his Rune magic being different, this could easily imply that he didn't learn them from her.
Another line is that "he doesn't have the noose of his neck anymore". As an above point states, this Odin did this to learn his runes. The noose bit also never happened to Cú Chulainn.
One of his victory lines references "wolves and crows" and that he has "no idea what they're talking about". The crows part could be a reference to the story of Cú Chulainn's death, which features a crow sitting on his corpse, but the whole quote seems to better reference Odin and his pets; the wolves Geri and Freki, and the crows Huginn and Muninn.
Lostbelt 6 also gives his a buff to his Disengage skill. More specifically, it's actually two buffs that activate back-to-back, with the first called "At the Fountain" and the second called "Sacrifice to the World Tree". Very specific, game.
In Lostbelt 2, it is outright stated that it was Odin who fused Skadi and Scáthach together. Who says he never did it before?
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Story Headcanons: Orleans (Prelude - Section 2)
This was actually very interesting for me to write, since as I went on, I found more and more that it felt natural for Eva to be passive. At first I wasn’t sure why this felt so right, until I realized that I was having Eva dissociate herself from the present circumstances. While this isn’t a fic - so you don’t really have access to every thought going through her head, I hope that that comes across in this, even though I don’t have much personal experience with dissociation caused by past trauma.
That said, this is a relatively slow start a singularity, but I hope you guys enjoy it! I got it done a lot faster than expected, but I can’t say for sure when the next part will be done... Let’s just get to it!
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We should all be thankful that it is Fou who has taken it upon itself to wake Eva up, because if it was literally anyone else, she would likely be having a minor panic attack once again. After all, dreaming of evil Servants and people being burned alive is… Unnerving, to say the least. But she wakes up to Fou, meaning that Eva immediately tucks every disturbing theory about that dream away for later in favor of thinking about how damn adorable Fou is.
When Mash comes in, she’s surprised that Eva says she slept really well. While that’s not entirely true, since Eva was having to put up with what she’s classified for the moment as nightmares, she did go to sleep and wake up at reasonable hours for once, which is unusual. When Mash remarks that she’s glad Eva is finally getting sleep, Eva merely responds by saying that anyone with half a brain would sleep the night before they’re supposed to time travel to save the world.
Unlike many other times Eva’s had to sit through explanations, she pays extremely close attention to the entire briefing, wanting to make sure she doesn’t miss a word. She may be a theory expert, and she may have interrogated everyone she could about how Chaldea’s systems work, but there’s still room for her to screw everything up. Lucky for her, the rules around travelling to the singularities are a lot looser than normal rules for time travel that have been proposed in theory - this is because singularities will dissipate after you take away the source, which in this case is the Grail. Knowing that, Eva takes that as a permit to do whatever the hell she needs to so long as she gets the Grail out, which takes quite a bit of weight off her shoulders. Now she doesn’t have to worry about accidentally killing someone that needed to live in order for all of human history to proceed as normal.
She’s a bit concerned at the prospect of having to summon within the singularity - since there might not be catalysts, and she might be forced to do a normal summoning again - but she’s assured that if the summoning circle is properly established, she should be able to tap into the FATE system as smoothly as she does at Chaldea. Upon learning this, that concern promptly vanishes. Eva returns to being all determination.
We’re actually going to assume that Eva had been introduced to Da Vinci before this moment, since on our timeline it’s been at least a week or two in between singularities, and Eva spent a good few days of that time in the command room, not sleeping. There’s no way she hasn’t met Da Vinci yet. She accepted Da Vinci’s physical appearance really quickly, especially after hearing the reasoning behind it. To her, it makes perfect sense that a Heroic Spirit, given the chance, would choose their ideal appearance as their form when summoned. Also, for our purposes, we will be using female pronouns for Da Vinci. (I reblogged a post about trans characters in Fate recently that offers a basic explanation of why I will stay firm in this decision.)
She’s very grateful to actually have a coffin for rayshifting this time, to say the least. The last thing she wants is for there to be a mishap and for her to die in the process. So she hops in there without hesitation and and rayshifts away to save humanity.
Section 1: Land of the Hundred Years’ War
This time, Eva’s reaction upon safely rayshifting is not to panic. She’s once again glad to find that Fou tagged along - even if it means having one more life to protect along the way. And she’s very grateful that it appears they’ve landed in a very peaceful area this time - the seemingly endless rolling fields is a welcome change from everything being on fire. It doesn’t hurt to breathe, the breeze makes sure that the sunlight won’t cause her to overheat, the sky is gorgeou- The sky.
And… There’s a big ring of light in the sky. That’s not normal. However, without concrete proof on what it is, she can’t even begin to try to trace it back to anything she already knows about. Even Roman admits that he doesn’t have any real idea, which isn’t very helpful.
There it is again. She’s forgetting something. If she could just remember it she’d know what’s going on. But she can’t remember… Why can’t she just remember?
She does her best to not focus on how annoying that is, snapping back to the moment as she and Mash begin the trek towards the nearest civilization… If there is any. Fortunately, they do run into what appear to be humans - French soldiers, to be exact. She’s glad that there are humans this time around, but still warns Mash about trying to interact with them at all. They don’t know what’s going on here yet. And they don’t exactly look like they’re of the era. There’s a fairly high chance that they won’t be able to negotiate.
Sure enough, they end up having to fight them. Eva is already sick of this. It clearly wasn’t that we aren’t speaking French. We should have just avoided them in the first place. I told you we should have just not tried to approach them…
Of course, she does make sure to check in with Mash after they get out of there, since every fight leaves both of them at risk of further injury. She was fortunate enough this time to not have to do anything that put her at risk… But the same can’t be said for Mash. Things seem to be okay, though.
Why the hell would they think following them is a good idea? They just fought them. That’s a horrible idea. But she’s also not in charge, so the least she can do is follow orders and try to mitigate potential damage.
Section 2: Chase the French Soldier
Upon reaching the fort, the sheer amount of injured immediately sends Eva’s mind into overdrive. The war is supposed to be having a respite at the moment. Yes, the possibility of there still being skirmishes is still there, as Mash points out, but this doesn’t look like the result of skirmishes. Skirmishes leave people with mostly minor injuries that’ll heal, at worst, in a month or two, given the time period. Maybe some people get major injuries. Skirmishes don’t leave a fort crippled like this. Skirmishes don’t put soldiers on such high alert that they attack the second there’s even a tiny chance of a possible threat. Yes, she and Mash look strange, but they weren’t displaying hostile behavior. If the war was truly in respite… Wait. What if the war isn’t in respite?
Lucky for them, the soldiers don’t attempt to attack this time around, and her theory is confirmed, be it while bringing in another complication. There was no peace treaty, and therefore no respite. But that’s because the king got killed by evil Jeanne d’Arc. While England having retreated is good - less enemies to deal with - she starts worrying very intensely upon hearing all of this. She knew history would be screwed with but this is more than that. This is history being warped so badly that it’s almost unrecognizable.
And then there’s another attack, seemingly out of nowhere. Great. At least they didn’t provoke this one. And oh great more skeletons look at that. Kill those, make sure everyone’s okay, done. How many times is she going to have to do this? At least fighting actual servants is well… Interesting. Dangerous, but it requires a lot more thought than just bashing piles of bones.
Eva is actually somewhat skeptic about the Jeanne situation. Her coming back from the dead is something she can believe, after all, Servants exist. But for her to come back and actively attack France? That just doesn’t seem right. Heroic Spirits record heroes at their best, or what they’re remembered for. Jeanne is remembered as a saint, as a savior of France. It doesn’t add up. And then there’s the change in physical appearance the soldier mentions…  It could be linked back to it, but it could also be a dead giveaway that this isn’t actually Jeanne, but rather someone posing as Jeanne. Or Jeanne was corrupted in some way, like what happened in Fuyuki. But the circumstances here seem very different, so that’s less likely.
It doesn’t matter what the truth is, all of those are bad, and they need to save France regardless of which it turns out to be.
And then there’s the wyverns. Those… Should not be there. So let’s make them not there. At least they aren’t skeletons. Of course… They fly. That’ll make things difficult. But she can manage-
And oh great another person showed up. Not a person. A Servant. On their side. Well that certainly happened faster than last time. The stress Eva’s was feeling dies down a little at the prospect of more allies. This is a bad situation, but at least something good has happened.
And then the fight actually starts. It’s… Surprisingly short. Between the soldiers, Mash, and the other Servant, she barely has to do anything other than give orders and heal the wounds afterwards. She doesn’t know how to feel about that. Either those wyverns weren’t all they were cracked up to be, or Mash is just stronger and better prepared than she was in Fuyuki. She’d like to think it’s the second option.
Mash gets her to genuinely giggle with the mention of attacking Roman as revenge for the sweets. It’s funny to think about but well… Probably not the best idea. She might laugh, but she’ll also be sure to tell Mash that she doesn’t think it’s necessary. Of course, if Mash wants to take it upon herself… She’s free to do so, provided she doesn’t kill Chaldea’s director.
And look at that it’s Jeanne. At this point Eva really doesn’t feel like she’s… You know. There. She feels like her body is there, but mentally, she’s not. She’s not back at Chaldea either. She’s not back in the normal world. Her mind is just… Observing. It all feels foggy, like she’s drifting in a void, and just going along with what other people say because she doesn’t feel like fighting back. She doesn’t feel like being there. The last time she was there, she got hurt. The last time she really fought, it only made things worse. There’s no harm to going with Jeanne. She doesn’t seem hostile right now. It’s the only lead they have.
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bluelily3 · 8 years
Autistic Kururu
So... I have high-functioning autism, and I REALLY think Kururu has some of these traits. He’s definitely on the spectrum somewhere... Here is the list, split up into categories. I left a Kururu eye spiral (@) next to the ones that I think Kururu has, and my own notes are in bold. Not all of them are canon, and some of them I can only really imagine even if he’s not seen acting that way. 
Social Skills
Very little or no eye contact. @ (Who knows?)
Resistance to being held or touched. @ 
Tends to get too close when speaking to someone (lack of personal space). (Sometimes, when he’s passionate about something,) @ 
Responds to social interactions, but does not initiate them. @ 
Does not generally share observations or experiences with others. @ 
Difficulty understanding jokes, figures of speech or sarcasm.
Difficulty reading facial expressions and body language. 
Difficulty understanding the rules of conversation.  @ (Or he just doesn’t give a shit...LOL)
Difficulty understanding group interactions.@  (May be why he sits in the corner)
Aversion to answering questions about themselves. @
Gives spontaneous comments which seem to have no connection to the current conversation. @  (I like pickles!)
Makes honest, but inappropriate observations. @ 
Seems unable to understand another’s feelings. @ 
Prefers to be alone, aloof or overly-friendly. @ 
Difficulty maintaining friendships. @ 
Finds it easier to socialize with people that are older or younger, rather than peers of their own age. @  (Saburo, Fuyuki, Aki and Grandma)
Unaware of/disinterested in what is going on around them. @ 
Talks excessively about one or two topics (dinosaurs, movies, etc.). @  (Curry-chi!)
Overly trusting or unable to read the motives behind people's’ actions.
Minimal acknowledgement of others. @ 
Linguistic/Language Development
Abnormal use of pitch, intonation, rhythm or stress while speaking. @ 
Speech is abnormally loud or quiet. @ 
Difficulty whispering.
Repeats last words or phrases several times.  Makes verbal sounds while listening (echolalia). @ (Ku, ku, ku!) 
Often uses short, incomplete sentences. @ 
Pronouns are often inappropriately used. 
May have a very high vocabulary. @ 
Uses a person’s name excessively when speaking to them (“Mary, we are having lunch. Right, Mary?”).
Speech started very early and then stopped for a period of time.
Difficulty understanding directional terms (front, back, before, after).
Obsessions with objects, ideas or desires. @
Ritualistic or compulsive behavior patterns (sniffing, licking, watching objects fall, flapping arms, spinning, rocking, humming, tapping, sucking, rubbing clothes). @ (Tapping, humming...and I can imagine a few others too.) 
Fascination with rotation. @ (Sprials?) 
Play is often repetitive.
Many and varied collections. 
Unusual attachment to objects.
Quotes movies or video games.
Difficulty transferring skills from one area to another.
Perfectionism in certain areas. @ 
Frustration is expressed in unusual ways. @ 
Feels the need to fix or rearrange things. @ 
Transitioning from one activity to another is difficult. @  
Difficulty attending to some tasks. @ 
Gross motor skills are developmentally behind peers (riding a bike, skating, running). @ (Running...but maybe just because he’s lazy.) 
Fine motor skills are developmentally behind peers (handwriting, tying shoes, scissors).
Inability to perceive potentially dangerous situations. 
Extreme fear (phobia) for no apparent reason.
Verbal outbursts. @ 
Unexpected movements (running out into the street).
Difficulty sensing time (Knowing how long ten minutes is or three days or a week).
Difficulty waiting for their turn (such as in a line).
Causes injury to self (biting, banging head).
Emotions or Sensitivities
Sensitivity or lack of sensitivity to sounds, textures (touch), tastes, smells or light.
Difficulty with loud or sudden sounds.
Unusually high or low pain tolerance.
Intolerance to certain food textures, colors or the way they are presented on the plate (one food can’t touch another).
Inappropriate touching of self in public situations. @ (Nose picking!) 
Desires comfort items (blankets, teddy, rock, string).@ (Hand in front of mouth constantly?)
Laughs, cries or throws a tantrum for no apparent reason. @ 
Resists change in the environment (people, places, objects).
An emotional incident can determine the mood for the day – emotions can pass very suddenly or are drawn out for a long period of time.
Becomes overwhelmed with too much verbal direction.
Tends to either tune out or break down when being reprimanded. @ 
Calmed by external stimulation – soothing sound, brushing, rotating object, constant pressure (hammock, rolled in a blanket).
May need to be left alone to release tension and frustration. @  
Walks on toes.
Unusual gait. @ 
Difficulty changing from one floor surface to another (carpet to wood, sidewalk to grass).
Odd or unnatural posture (rigid or floppy). @ (So floppy) 
Difficulty moving through a space (bumps into objects or people).@ 
Walks without swinging arms freely.
Incontinence of bowel and/or bladder.
Frequent gas (flatulence, burping) or throwing up.
Appearance of hearing problems, but hearing has been checked and is fine.
Seizure activity.
Allergies and food sensitivities.
Irregular sleep patterns.
Apparent lack of concern for personal hygiene (hair, teeth, body odours).
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