fuyukogomesu · 2 years
Last X Night X Blimp
Hi! I decided to try to translate some of my fanfiction into English, like a kind of self challenge and make my fanfic be potentially more approachable (?) for other people. This being said, if something doesn't make sense or is poorly worded, I would be thankful if someone tell me so and explain why.  Summary: On the dirigible they had taken in order to go to NGL, the group of friends was resting. At least one half of them did, the other half was awake, thinking about what would they find there. Ponzu decided to go for a walk to clear her mind and ended up crossing paths with Pokkle. They began to discuss near a window, contemplating the starry sky. Genre: Romance Characters: Ponzu, Pokkle Rating: K You can also read it on wattpad Obviously Hunter x Hunter is not mine, and the fanart neither (I found it in pinterest, but I don't know the artist). The fic may spoil if you have not finish Kimera Ants arc. If it's okay then I hope you enjoy my fanfic!
It was night, the stars were already high in the sky, with the moon by their side. Brighter than diamonds, they brought softness to the dark sky. Despite this natural show everyone was asleep, a well deserved rest. At least that's what she thought. After all, she was in a different room than the guys. And therefore couldn't guise what were they doing.
After deciding to leave for NGL, they searched how to get to Republic of Rokario as quickly as possible. They noticed that the blimp, that they had time to take, and would arrive the first there, departed from a city located not far away from where they were. So they had to take a train, and then run in order to don't miss the blimp.
The fact that Pokkle was already a hunter helped them a lot, specially because the airship was first class. The group of friends was aware of that before deciding to take it, but they still got surprised by this luxury, and by the fact that the blimp had a room for each passenger or group of passengers. Sure they were only small rooms but still!
The boys stayed together and that was how Ponzu found herself alone, separated from her friends. That didn't really annoy her, after all, it was past midnight. What bothered her was the sleep that didn't seem to come to her. But she knew perfectly the reason for that.
She'd been staring at the ceiling for a long time, lying on the futon, her hat put down at her left. She was thinking, her head full of thoughts. She was wondering what could been waiting for them in NGL. Was the danger that great? Despite that she had begun to learn how to use of nen, her learning was far from being over, she was fully aware of that. She was sure her bees would be a great help for them. But what if in the middle of a battle she was completely useless? When she said she would go with the group, all of this crossed her mind, but didn't worry her that much. So why now? Could it be because the time to find out if either all this was true or false was approaching? No it wasn't that. It was rather a hunch. As if something inside her was telling her that it was not such a good idea to go there. But despite this feeling she didn't want to leave, nor did she regret staying with the group. She wanted to go and accompany Pokkle and the others. She didn't regret her choice.
Having enough tormenting herself with these ideas, she decided to get up and ramble in the blimp, without even taking her hat. She was hoping to be able to clear her head, so she started walking through the dark corridors. Some lights were on but did not light up the dark greatly, and the space between them, although variable, was most of the time rather large. The silence reigned supreme, letting the young woman hear her footsteps and those of one of the airship's staff, the only person she met.
After wandering the halls decorated with beautiful vases containing gorgeous flowers, benches, and some paintings of various genres and currents. She stopped in surprise when she saw a figure sitting on one of the benches next to a window, its gaze turned towards the night sky. Ponzu blushed a little, she had no trouble recognizing this silhouette. Sitting facing the window was Pokkle. The darkness seemed to drift away from him thanks to the soft light emitted by the moon and the stars. This same light that gave him a slightly lighter and bluish complexion, which went perfectly with his state. He was thinking, lost somewhere in his thoughts.
In front of this image she couldn't help thinking how handsome he was. So much more than all these decorations, and even than the floral arrangement that stood by the bench where his friend was siting, composed of blood red higanbanas, blue flaxes and yellow ones in the middle of white gerberas and some red roses. So caught up in her thought, she had no time to notice that suddenly, a pair of brown eyes landed on her. Right after a soft voice, that she knew well, brought her back to earth.
«Ponzu...» With only this word, she stopped blushing and finally noticed that the young man was now staring at her. «S-Sorry, I didn't want to bother you. -Don't worry, you don't bother me.» They smiled at each other and she approached him. «You can't sleep either?» He questioned as she sat down next to him. «No, I have a bad feeling about what awaits us there. -Do you regret following us?»
He hadn't finished his sentence yet, that she was already shaking her head from side to side in reprobation. Before continuing to speak she turned to the window to contemplate the heavens.
«No, I am still convinced that my bees will be useful to you. But we don't know what we will find. What if during a fight I turn out to be a burden more than anything else? If I can't fight or even support you...?! I wonder if I will be able to help you in another way, or if all I will be able to do is send messages... -Stop! -Huh.» She said turning back to him. «Even if it was the case, which I don't think, that will already be a great help. I thank you for that, you're the only one who can assume this role, I don't know how we would do if you weren't with us... -Pokkle...» She whispered with her cheeks a bit rosy as he smiled at her. «I mean, I say that but, I'm not in the best position to speak.» He replied looking away as they stopped smiling. «Me too, I keep thinking about what we'll find out there. I wonder if I'd be up to it, if I would be able to protect all of you in case of danger. And what if it gets too dangerous, will I be able to get you out of NGL safely? What if one of you die there? I-I-I would never forgive myself... -Don't say that!» She said taking his hand and smiling at him. «You know? If I'm able to go despite everything I've just told you, it's because you'll be there. I have full confidence in you.» She spoke smiling with a little blush, making the boy's cheeks warmer.
After laughing a bit for his reaction, she looked at the stars one last time before closing her eyes slowly. She then let herself fall to her left, until her head rested on Pokkle's shoulder, who surprised, widened his eyes. But he didn't pull away or push her away either. Instead he observed her.
She looked serene, her flushed cheeks gave her a really cute side, and her lips formed a beautiful and sincere smile. He had always found her beautiful. His cheeks became redder when he realized that they were still holding hands. But that didn't mean he wanted to let her go, quite the contrary.
Maybe I should finally tell her... After a last look at her he resumed his thoughts. Yes it's decided, if I am able to protect her at NGL, then I will confess my feelings to her.
He stared at the sky again, leaning to his right. Once his head rested on Ponzu's, he closed his eyes. They stayed like that for a while: in the dark, in a soft and comfortable silence, enjoying each other's presence... Unaware that this would be their last moment of intimacy.
Hope you liked it (and that it was understandable)! Maybe I will translate more of my fics in future, I think it really could be good for improving my Enghlish. But I didn't write any other with this two characters.
Anyway, thanks for reading!
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