#fuyumi: (disappointed teacher glare)
thyandrawrites · 2 years
Touya post canon trying to figure out how to live while following the law but failing because he spent all his teenage and adult life as a criminal so he has no ideia how to not brake the law every fifteen minutes.
Plus if there are also Natsuo and Fuyumi trying to help him but also can’t figure it out why it’s so hard for their older brother to just behave.
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^ the fam @ touya
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the-angel-girl · 11 months
This is the prolouge of a story I have on my wattpad. It is an oc insert story and my oc is a twin of Todoroki.
This is currently the only chapter I have up rn but I am working on the next chapter. I hope you enjoy it!
She exhaled a breath as she closed her eyes, attempting to block out the voice. The classroom was empty and everyone had already left except for Fuyuko and one of her teachers, who was going on about her behavior. 
"Are you even listening to me?" The teacher's voice was filled with annoyance as she spoke. Fuyuko opens her eyes and looks at her, her gray eyes filled with the same annoyance that the teacher was feeling "You know, this behavior is unacceptable, especially for the daughter of one of our top heroes. I'm very disappointed in you," Fuyuko just rolled her eyes. She couldn't care less about how the teacher sees or thinks about her. "Your brother never acts like this, you should act more like him."
Fuyuko scoffs then picks up her bag as she stands up. "Can I go now?" The teacher sighs as she rubs her temple. "Yeah, sure… There's no use talking to you anyways."
She threw her bag and quickly left the classroom, soon she exits the school. Her hands rested in the pockets of her blazer as she walked down the sidewalk. With it still being winter, the air was brisk. Most people were in their vehicles with the warm heater and those who were walking, they were bundled up in jackets and scarves, but not Fuyuko. The cold never bothers her because of her quirk. She loves the cold.
She continues walking for a while until she makes it home. She entered the house and takes her shoes before heading upstairs to change out of her uniform. Once she was in her normal clothes she heads back downstairs then into the kitchen. 
There was her older sister, Fuyumi, preparing dinner. When she heard footsteps Fuyumi looks over her shoulder and smiled  at the sight of the younger girl "Hey Fuyuko! How was school today?"
Fuyuko gave a simple shrug in response and walked up beside Fuyumi. "Good to hear," Fuyumi was used to her sister's non verbal replies. She knew that if it was a bad day she would give no response at all. "Dinner will be ready soon so could you set the table?"
She nods and goes to the cabinets where the plates were. Just as she's about to take some out, she pauses, and looks back at Fuyumi. "Is Natsuo going to eat with us?"Fuyumi shakes her head. "No, he said he was staying over at a friend's tonight" 
'Lucky' Fuyuko thought as she grabbed four plates, along with the cups, and silverware then placed them on the table, as she was finishing setting the table, Shoto walked in. She pays no mind to him and neither does he, but Fuyumi greets him. 
The three of them serve themselves and Fuyumi of course, makes their father a plate and sets it on the table for when he arrives home, Just as they were about to start eating the front door could be heard opening and loud thundering footsteps sounded throughout the halls, nearing the kitchen.
Enji entered the kitchen and goes straight to his seat, then begins eating. He sits to the left of Fuyuko, Fuyumi was on her right, and Shoto was in front of her. The kitchen was silent and no one said anything, other than Fuyumi who tried to make small talk as an attempt to ease the tension in the room, it was a futile attempt. She was the only one that had hope that their family could be patched up, she was the only one who still yearned for a normal family
Enji paused  eating for a moment. "Shoto, I recommend you for UA today," He looks at him. "But this doesn't mean you can slack off. I want you to go train as soon as you're finished eating. Understand?"
Shoto stares down at his plate for a few seconds before finally answering. "Yes." 
Fuyuko was silent. Shoto glances up, he sees her gripping onto the chopsticks so tight that they look like they're about to snap in half, and she was glaring down at her plate as if it had done something to her. Shoto knows how his twin always did anything to make their father proud. It honestly angered him seeing how much she tried. Didn't she see how he treated all of them? Especially their mother? Why would someone want to approval of someone like that? He never understood that.
With her head still down Fuyuko excused herself, then got up from the table with her plate and cup. Before she could walk off Enji calls out to her while wiping his mouth clean with a napkin. "Fuyuko, take my dishes," She paused for a minute then turned back around and took his dishes before quickly leaving.
Fuyuko hated it. She hated how she always tried so hard to make her father proud despite how he treated her. She hated Shoto. She hated how he always got the attention and approval of their father. Not once was she the center of his attention, it was always Shoto. 
And out of everything, Fuyuko hated herself the most. She hated the fact that she wanted the love and approval of the man that did nothing but hurt her and her family. She hated herself for hating Shoto. She knew that he never asked for any of this, but she couldn't help it. She hated how Enji looked at Shoto with pride without sparing a single glance at her. It drove her crazy. 
She misses the days when her and Shoto played heroes together, when she trained with her father before they discovered Shoto's dual quirks. After that she was nothing but a tool used to help Shoto get stronger. 
Fuyuko did the dishes before going upstairs into her room. She laid down on her floor mat with her arms folded underneath her head and stared blankly at the ceiling. As time passes the sun disappears into the horizon and moonlight begins to shine in her room. Through the thin walls she could hear the sounds of muffled yelling. Probably her Father yelling at Shoto for still refusing to use his left side. 
Fuyuko rolled onto her side and used her hands to cover her ears to block out the sounds. She closed her eyes, even though she knows she won't get any sleep. It was always like this.
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kats-baku1999 · 3 years
Play with Fire
Master List
Warnings: spoilers, angsty, mentions of death
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Chapter One: Childhood Memories
Asami was never the kid to idolize heroes. Sure she thought they were cool, but she had no desire to become one. Even when the doctor made a comment about how she would make a great hero, the day her parents took her for her check up after getting her quirk. She had no desire to become a hero. She did however want to teach at UA High, and help people become heroes. It was a conflicting idea, but one she held onto.. She just didn’t see herself as a hero, but definitely as support.
“Hi mom!” Asami yelled rushing in the front door, kicking her shoes off before running up the stairs. She changed out of her school uniform, and rushed back down the stairs. Her mother was standing in the kitchen, cutting up the vegetables for dinner. She always made it home before everyone else to make sure things were clean, and dinner was ready by the time her husband made it home. Life for the Kurai family was very mundane, but strict in their ideals.
They were not supportive of the hero society. It was not an uncommon thing in this day and age. People were starting to lose interest in the heroes, and beginning to see them as nothing more than glorified celebrities. Both Mr. Kurai and Mrs. Kurai were relieved when Asami said she just wanted to be a teacher like them. She wasn’t old enough for them to explain that heroes are a dying culture, and that she shouldn’t idolize them. Asami still had her favorites though, so they let her hold onto ideals.
“I’m going to go to the hill to explore for a little bit to solve the mystery of the burnt grass!” Asami proclaimed, standing behind her mom who was still cutting up vegetables for dinner.
“Okay, just be back before it’s dark,” Her mom smiled at her overly curious daughter. Asami nodded her head, darting out the back door.
Through the small grove of trees and to a back hill. Asami had been coming here forever, and then a few months ago she started to find pieces of burnt grass. Sure someone could just be coming up here to have a campfire or something, but the burns seemed different. From what Asami could gather, the flames would’ve had to been stronger than just a camp fire. After all the grass wasn’t just burnt in some spots, it was as if the ground had been disintegrated.
“Whoah, what’re you doing?!” Asami froze, she never saw any other people up on this hill. There he was though, a boy with red hair that had white pieces flicked throughout it. He was glaring at her, and carrying a bag. Asami’s entire face went red at how close she was to the boy. He kept scanning over her face with his eyes, but he looked irritated.
Asami finally noticed the surroundings. The hill had smoke coming off of it, and the boy was covered in burns. It all started to click in her head, this boy was the one causing the burnt grass.
“You’re hurt!” Asami exclaimed, rushing forward. The boy tensed up as she touched the burns on him. She looked at the marks for a second, noting the other scars that were on his arms. Asami sighed, looking back up at him, “If you’re going to burn the landscape, you could at least try to not burn yourself,”
“Tch,” The boy yanked his arm away, “What would you know? My quirk is just so awesome, and it needs a little more training,”
“Your quirk hurting you isn’t awesome,” Asami rolled her eyes, “Come on, I’ll take you back to my house and get the burns cleaned up,”
“I don’t need some girls help,” The red and white haired boy glared, and Asami glared right back, knocking him up the side of the head.
“Do you have any manners?” Asami huffed, grabbing his hand trying to avoid the burns, “My name is Asami Kurai, and I’m going to help you with your burns,”
“You’re so annoying,” The boy mumbled, but still let her drag him along, “I’m Touya, Touya Todoroki.”
Asami led Touya back to her house. She held a finger up to her mouth, signaling for him to be quiet. They went in through the front door, both quietly sneaking up the stairs. She led Touya into her room, and he had to fight back the snicker at the small All Might plushie that was on her bed.
“You know Endeavor is the better hero right?” Touya smirked, “And when I’m bigger I am going to be even better than both Endeavor and All Might,”
“Well I’m sure you have a long way to go,” Asami laughed walking into the bathroom connected to her room to grab the medic kit, “After all you’re only like five right?”
“Huh?!” Touya yelled, and Asami smacked a hand over his mouth, both of them freezing to listen for if her mom heard her.
“Keep quiet!” Asami hissed, and opened up the med kit to get out the ointment. Touya watched as she carefully dabbed it onto his burns.
“I’m seven for your information,” Touya whispered, his face turning red when she looked up at him with a grin.
“Same age as me, sorry you just seemed small for our age,” Asami apologized, as she started to wrap his burns, “You’re Endeavor’s son right? You said your last name was Todoroki,”
“Yeah, yeah I am, his first born,” Touya said it proudly, “I am the one who will surpass him and All Might, it’s the goal he gave me himself,”
“Seems like a pretty big goal,” Asami giggled.
“Yeah well when I reach that goal, you can have a job at my hero agency, so you can always be there to bandage me up like this,” Touya said proudly, and Asami again just rolled her eyes.
“I’m not going to be a hero, I’m going to teach just like my mother and father, I’ll help at UA to train the next round of heroes,” Asami explained to Touya who looked at her completely confused, “I just don’t think my quirk would be good as a hero,”
“Well what is your quirk?” Touya looked at her, not understanding how someone could not want to be a hero. Everyone his age wanted to he a hero.
“I’ll show it to you another day,” Asami sighed, “After all its getting dark and I need to eat dinner soon,”
“Oh yeah okay,” Touya hopped off her bed, staring at her still, “Uhm, I uh train at the hill a lot if you want to come watch.”
And so she did. Everyday she would sneak off to the hill to watch her new found friend train. Bringing along the med kit to make sure if he got hurt she was right there. This became their ritual, and after an amount of weeks that turned into a year.. They were friends. Best friends actually. Touya eventually opened up to Asami, about everything. About why he was pushing so hard to become a hero, to keep using his quirk. Despite the burns.
“Mom had Shoto, his hair is split perfectly in half” Touya mumbled one day, sitting on the hill. Asami frowned at him, sitting down on the spot next to him. The sun was setting on the horizon, and she knew she needed to be home soon. Right now though, Touya needed her more.
“I guess that is what your father wanted?” Asami sighed, looking at her best friend, “If he would just see how far you’ve come, I mean really you’re getting so much better!”
“Thanks Mimi,” Touya used her pet name, but his voice was sad, “He’s just marked me as a failure in his eyes, and I don’t know if I can change his mind,”
“No, Touya you listen to me,” Asami demanded, “You are going to be an amazing hero, I’ve been doing research there are support items, ways for you to use your quirk without it damaging you!”
“Asami, you’re an amazing best friend, but maybe he’s right maybe if I stop obsessing over this,”
“You can’t give up on your dream Touya, promise me you won’t let him ruin this dream!” Asami yelled at Touya, “Come on, show me your flames!”
“Touya, show me!”
Touya did show her, and his flames were ridiculously strong. Strong enough he was burnt more than ever before. The burns were so bad, but Touya was so excited. Asami tried her best to clean them up, but she just couldn’t. So he had to rush home. That night, Touya snapped for the first time. Almost hurting Shoto. Guilt filled him, but he also felt almost.. Disappointed?
After the incident Touya began focusing more on things like playing with his siblings and Asami. Finally the parents were allowing Asami to play with Touya at his house. After all, they were thirteen now. Growing up, and feelings adjusting to their age. Asami’s parents even referred to Touya as her boyfriend constantly, making both of their faces turn bright red. There was never any denying from either of them though, just silent red faces. Both of them knew that they had a crush on each other, so they were able to just hang out and have fun.
“Asami!” Fuyumi squealed, launching herself at the purple haired girl. Asami giggled, squeezing the girl, and then ruffling Natsuo’s hair. Touya walked into the entry way, smiling at Asami proudly.
“How was school today?” Touya grinned, he had stayed home due to not feeling good.
“Good! Weird without you, but good!” Asami grinned, “It’s so quiet in here today?”
“Yeah, the old man is gone,” Touya mumbled, “He and mom left, so the nanny is with Shoto,”
“They gave her strict rules to not let him anywhere near us,” Natsuo pouted, “I wish he could just play with us, just this once!”
Asami paused for a second. Before finally smiling proudly, coming up with an idea.
“He can.”
Touya looked at her for a second, before finally letting it click in his head. She was going to use her quirk. Asami had a quirk called Alternate Reality, basically she could make anyone believe they were somewhere else. As long as she didn’t hold it for too long, then she would be fine.
They slid open the door, earning the attention of both of them. Shoto looked confused, and the nanny annoyed. She went to shoo them out of the room, but fell directly into Asami’s trap.
“Shoto right?” Asami grinned, smiling at the boy. He nodded his head, cowering a little bit. Asami noticed the bumps and injuries on him. He looked exhausted.
“Big brother?” Shoto whispered, looking at Touya who was biting the inside of his cheek. Touya nodded his head, leaning down to his brothers eye level.
“We only have a little bit, so come play with us before he gets back,” Touya whispered, holding his hand out to Shoto. The youngest brother placed his small hand in his oldest brother’s. That was the first, and last time Shoto would interact with his siblings before everything fell apart.
Endeavor never found out about that day, but a few weeks later Touya went off the deep end. He distanced himself from Asami, and began training again. When winter break rolled around, Asami was close to giving up on him. Till she saw smoke coming from their meeting point. A lot of smoke, and bright blue flames. Asami took off out of the back door, her mother screaming for her. When she got to the hill, all she could see was it was engulfed in flames. A crowd was gathering, and within it all, she could hear Touya’s screams.
“No!” Asami screamed taking off towards the flames, someone grabbing her before she could go into the flames, “Touya! Touya please, no, just hold on!”
“Mimi! Please! They’re too much!” Touya’s voice was cracking, his throat going raw from screaming.
Anyone who was on the scene that day, would note that even when Touya’s screams faded out, Asami’s were just as haunting. Her parents finally coming to the hill too, grabbing their daughter from the stranger. Endeavor showed up on the scene, trying to go through the rubble, looking for any sign of his son. All they found that day was a piece of his jaw.
Endeavor approached the Kurai family, looking sadly at the girl. He knew that she was his best friend. He had watched them together.
“This is your fault,” Asami yelled, shoving the larger man away from her, “All you had to do was be his father, to support him, to see him!”
“Asami!” Her father yelled, grabbing his daughter back. She smacked his hand away from her.
“You listen to me Endeavor, I am going to carry on Touya’s dream, but with my own twist, I am coming for you.”
Asami turned away from the scene. Wiping away her hysterical tears. Doing her best to keep it together. She walked back to her house, silently sobbing to herself. When she got back into her room, she began her plan. She didn’t give a damn about becoming number one, all she cared about was beating Endeavor.
In any way possible.
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hopes4gf · 4 years
Wings of Fire (A MHA Fanfic): The Pulse
Later, on we get our scheduled matches and I fight Mina.
As we prance around the ring, demonstrating our skills and quirks, I feel Dad’s gaze right on me. As I try to build walls of ice to block Mina’s acid, I shoot her with a fire ball, ripping into her uniform. Mina is knocked out of the ring and I’m declared the winner. To win the third place spot, I’m matched with Tokoyami and Dark Shadow which makes him one of my biggest challengers, since we’re both skilled in attack and defense.
I go to the stands to wait for my match.
Shoto faces off with Midoriya. A match that's sure to please my father. Shoto does as he told Midoriya, fighting him only using his right side. But Midoriya attacks the ice walls he builds. What happens next shocks me to my core, Midoriya shouts, “It’s your quirk, not his,” making Shoto’s fire quirk spark a jolt.
I watch Dad spark with victory.
“Have you finally lived up to your purpose? That’s it! Very good, this is the dawn of a new era for us! With my blood in your veins, you will surpass me and live up to the reason I created you!” Dad exclaims.
I growl underneath my breath at my father’s prideful actions.
Of course he would choose to make a scene in front of Shoto.
Shoto creates a surge of fire, wiping Midoriya out.
Midnight stops the fight before it becomes brutal. Shoto wins.
The crowd goes wild at the sight of Shoto’s fire.
Shoto looks to me, disappointed in himself. I glare and head inside of the stadium to the waiting room, preparing for my match. How could I top him? Dad’s pride at his best.
As I head towards the rooms, I see Dad approaching the entrance of the battleground to meet Shoto.
“What’s the matter? Not gonna tell me to get lost?” Dad assumes.
Shoto stays silent.
”You need to learn to control your left side. It’s dangerous to control so much energy like that. I’m glad you’re finally seeing reason. Now, that you’ve abandoned your childish rebellion, we can get back to what’s important,” Dad says, proudly, putting his arms out for Shoto to hug him.
I feel jealous watching their interaction. What happens next grinds my gears.
”Once you graduate, I want you to be my sidekick,” Dad offers.
“There’s no way I can abandon anything. I completely forgot about you...I’ll think about it,” Shoto says, starting to accept his abilities.
Dad’s eyes widen and Shoto walks past him.
Before he can spot me again, I continue down to the waiting rooms.
I sit in my room and I deliberate the situation. Was that Shoto’s exception? Is he really going to work for Dad? Is that why he’s been distant all this time?
Suddenly, the door opens. Shoto appears with a new gym shirt on.
”What’re you doing here?” I ask.
”I betrayed you. I told you I’d never use my fire. But I didn’t have any other choice,” Shoto says in a monotone voice.
I sigh and stand to face him.
”You should’ve thought about that from the beginning when you dragged me behind you at the entrance exam,” I spit.
”Why are you still mad about that?” Shoto asks.
”Because it keeps happening over and over again! Don’t you even care?” I exclaim.
”I do care,” Shoto says.
”Than act like you do!” I exclaim, pushing him back.
He doesn’t fight me. Instead, he turns away and leaves.
My match is called and I head to the arena.
Let’s just say my fire burned dark shadow pretty badly. Putting her down with only one blast due to the blue light.
As I walk back into the waiting rooms, I realize that this gives me the opportunity to face the person I dreaded ever coming across.
Katsuki Bakugo.
Later, our match is called and we both head to the battlefield. Dad stares down at me proudly, finally acknowledging this match up.
Katsuki doesn’t even speak before the match, respectfully acknowledging my father’s presence.
We both clash, his explosions attacking me while my ice guards against him.
”Never thought I’d ever fight you in a million years,” I comment, as I dodge his explosions.
”I guess you can handle the heat, hot stuff,” He winks.
I send ice shards in his directions but he protects himself from my attack with an explosion.
”You’re gonna have to better than that if you wanna take me down,” Bakugo smirks.
I raise my brow, challenged by his skill.
I push myself up and forward, creating a large ice barrier. But before I can trap him with my Hell Ring, he blasts through the wall, shooting up and creating a large explosion that shakes the arena.
I feel my body start to ache at the impact of his explosion, the heat making my eyes start to close.
My body finally meets the grounds impact.
“How’d you know I was going to attack you with my fire?” I ask, my breath starting to slow.
”I remembered the Quirk Apprehension test. You faint when you charge up to much of your fire. It’s your attack quirk. This was fun though,” Bakugo says, standing over me victoriously.
I can hear Midnight declare his victory over me before my body slips away.
When I wake, I realize I’m in Recovery Girl’s wing. Next to me, Shoto waits.
”You okay?” Shoto asks.
”Yeah, just a little worn out from Katsuki’s explosions. He’s pretty damn strong,” I say, wincing slightly at my sore body.
”Katsuki? You two on a first name basis?” Shoto asks.
I blush softly as I realize that I called Bakugo by his first name.
”I didn’t mean to say his name, I just-“
”You like him don’t you?” Shoto asks.
I blush even harder at my brother’s questions.
”I- um. Well,” I stutter.
”He came to see you earlier. He told me to tell you he came because ended up winning. He thought you might cheer up hearing that,” Shoto says.
I smile to myself at the thought of Bakugo coming to see me and winning the festival.
”He wasn’t proud of it though. He kept urging me to use my fire on him. He wanted a fair match. But if Midnight hadn’t stopped the match, both of us would’ve died,” Shoto laughs softly.
My eyes widen at the thought. It was that important to him? Especially after winning against me?
”Are you serious?” I ask.
”He was determined. They had to muzzle him and chain him up to make him stop. He went completely nuts. But when he saw you, something about him softened,” Shoto adds.
Later, one of the doctors walks in to let me go.
Me and Shoto walk to the train station together.
”I went to visit mom recently,” Shoto admits, breaking his silence.
My eyes widen, remembering him and Midoriya’s interaction.
”So did I,” I admit.
Shoto turns to me, surprised.
”When?” Shoto says.
”After the battle trials,” I admit.
Shoto stops me in my tracks.
”Why didn’t you tell me? About mom and dad?” Shoto asks.
”Why didn’t you tell me you were gonna work for Dad?” I bite back.
Shoto’s eyes widen and his face softens.
”You really think I want to drag you into that?” Shoto asks.
”It’s not my fault that you ended up with that scar! You’re running right to the man who’s exploited you for years, Sho! You’re not only betraying me, but you're betraying mom. She told me before you so that we can form a closer bond and prove Dad wrong. That we didn’t need him. But instead your asking for his advice. You’re allowing him to continue tearing us apart. So if you really really cared, you would stop whatever bullshit you’re doing and apologize to mom!” I yell.
“You’re right. But if I want to make it anywhere I have no choice but to ask him. Because if I can’t protect you, who is?” Shoto says.
”That’s for me to decide, Shoto. Not you,” I say, stepping onto our train before him.
We ride on the train in complete silence. We reach our home and we enter silently.
”Shoto, Aki, is everything alright?” Fuyumi asks.
”Leave them alone. They’ve had a long day,” Dad says, appearing from his study.
”But I have news,” Fuyumi says.
”What’d you say about news?” Natsu says, appearing from his room.
”I...I've been hiding something from you all,” Fuyumi says shyly.
We all raise a brow.
”I....I have a boyfriend,” Fuyumi blurts out.
We all stand in silence.
Before bursting out laughing.
”Fuyumi? She has a boyfriend?!” Natsu laughs.
”That’s impossible! She’s the shyest member in our family. And she’s a teacher, what kind of guy wants a teacher girlfriend?” I laugh along with Natsu.
Dad smacks us both over the head as we continue to laugh.
”Shut up, the both of you and respect your damn sister!” Dad yells.
We finally recover from laughing.
”Guess what, Aki? My boyfriend is a pro hero,” Fuyumi says cheekily.
My smile drops and I stare at her, dumbfounded by her words.
“Do I know them?” Dad asks out of curiosity.
”I invited him to dinner tonight, so, you’ll see,” Fuyumi says.
We all stare back and forth at each other, questioning our judgment.
We continue with our routines and dress up in a casual-formal mixed style.
Soon, we hear our doorbell ring.
Fuyumi answers the door and I sit at the table waiting.
My eyes widen as I see the man at our door.
Slick blond hair, eyes yellow like the sun, sun kissed skin with light stubble and beautiful red wings tucked behind him. He wears a white shirt and some blue slacks, looking quite handsome.
My jaw drops at the handsome spectacle in front of my eyes.
"Hawks," Dad says, glaring at the man.
"Endeavor-san! You haven't been answering my calls, old man," Hawks says coolly, striding inside.
"Why are you here?" Dad asks Hawks, glaring at him.
"Dad...he's my boyfriend," Fuyumi introduces.
"You gotta be fucking joking," I say, my jaw dropped.
Shoto smacks my arm after my comment.
"You two must be the kids from the Sports Festival. What you guys did was awesome! Maybe even better than your pops," Hawks compliments.
I blush softly at his remark and Shoto coughs softly.
"Come on, don't be weird. I don't bite," Hawks adds with a wink.
"Hi," Shoto waves.
I choose to stay silent and suppress my thoughts. I kick myself, remembering he's my sisters boyfriend. Let alone she knows about Katsuki. So I decide to stay silent.
"And you must be the quiet one. You're one tough kid, eh?" Hawks asks, directing his attention to me.
"Actually, it's the opposite. But it seems like the roles are reversed today," Fuyumi comments.
"Loosen up, you knuckle-heads. There's a legend in your presence," Natsu says.
"And you must be the middle child, what's up man?" Hawks says, giving Natsu a handshake.
"All good, just waiting for midterms," Natsu says.
Later, we all sit at the table to enjoy Fuyumi's dinner. As Fuyumi explains what their relationship is like, Hawks's attention switches from her to me, intimidating me.
He probably thinks I'm a big dork.
"And then, he smiled. And I knew, I liked him from that moment on," Fuyumi says.
"Now, don't sugar-coat it, babe," Hawks says.
As the new couple laughs from across the table, I start to feel uncomfortable.
"I think I'm gonna call in for the night," I say, resting my utensils down and standing from my seat.
"Oh no, was the food not good?" Fuyumi asks.
"No, I'm just a little tired from today. Busy, you know," I say nervously.
"I mean you did pass out during the festival," Natsu recalls, on the verge of laughing.
"Natsu, respect your sister," Dad says, smacking him upside his head.
"Buenas Noches (good night)," I say, excusing myself.
I sigh as the light of the living room fades from my vision. I step into my room and push the door of my balcony out.
I grab my phone and dial Katsuki's number.
It pings three times.
"Hey, hot stuff," Katsuki says through the phone.
"Hi. Shoto told me you came by, I was wondering how you've been," I say.
"Does that mean you were thinking about me?" He asks, cheekily.
I roll my eyes at his antics, my heart starts to skip beats as I hear his voice through the phone.
"You were worried about me. All I wanted to say was thank you," I say, dodging the question.
"I'll take that as a yes," Katsuki suggests.
"Asshole," I say.
"Dumbass," He says in return.
"If you want my opinion, stop fooling around," I say.
"Okay, fine," He says, giving in.
"I just needed to hear your voice. Hearing about you made me feel a bit better. And, my sister decided to bring her boyfriend home today, so you can only imagine how I feel," I say honestly.
"You lonely, babe?" Katsuki asks.
I blush softly and stay silent.
"Admit it, you want me with you right now," Katsuki teases.
"Maybe," I say, giving in slightly.
I hear him chuckle through the phone.
"I knew it," Katsuki laughs softly.
I smile to myself.
"Is there anything else you need before I head out?" Katsuki asks.
"Honestly...I wanna see you again. Not in like a group setting but privately," I say.
"We can meet in the classroom at lunch tomorrow," Katsuki suggests.
"Good," I agree.
"Night, Aki," He says sweetly through the phone.
"Good night, Katsuki," I say softly before hanging up.
Suddenly, I feel a gust of wind behind me.
"Was that your boyfriend?" A voice asks.
I turn and see Hawks standing behind me.
"No, he's just a friend from school," I admit.
Hawks smiles at me.
"Your sister told me a lot about you," Hawks says.
"What kind of cookie cutter crap did she say this time?" I ask.
"She told me that if there's anyone I should keep my eye out for, it's you. She says you're the heart and soul of the family. The one who's always trying to keep everyone balanced and together," Hawks says.
"That sounds more like her than me," I scoff.
"Is that so?" Hawks asks, stepping closer to my side.
"She's the one who asks us all the protective questions. My old man could give less than a shit about how we feel, but she's the one who actually talks to us," I admit.
"She told me you'd say that," Hawks admits.
I turn my head to face him, his eyes are glued to the horizon.
"The way she puts it, you're the only sibling who refuses to believe whatever canned crap you're fed. You tell only truth to her. You speak your mind, unlike your brothers who tend to bottle things up, I'm not suggesting you don't but it takes you a bit to open up, which is understandable. I respect that actually," Hawks compliments.
"What're you trying to get at?" I ask.
"I'm quite interested in you, not gonna lie. I watched your performance at the festival. I'd really like to work with you one day. And from what your sister has told me, I hope we can be friends. I can see that your old man doesn't cut you enough slack so, if you need a friend or someone to distract him for a couple hours, just call me," Hawks says.
I look down and I realize my phone isn't in my hands anymore, rather, in his as he types his number into my phone.
"I should head back before Fuyumi gets suspicious. I'll see you soon, kid," He says, handing my phone back before flying away.
I stand there flustered and confused. What the hell is going on?
“King Explosion Murder,” Bakugo says, showing the class his hero name.
”I think that’s a little too violent,” Midnight disagrees.
Today in class, we’re picking our hero names! Since we’re getting ready to start internships, it’s best to have a hero name so people know who we are once we debut.
But a lot of us are struggling.
“What do you mean?” Bakugo says angrily.
”Why don’t you be Explosion Boy?” Kirishima suggests.
”Shut up, shitty hair!” Bakugo yells.
“Who knew it’d be so hard to pick a damn name?” I scoff.
”I know right! At least give us time,” Kaminari says.
”Denki, it’s been two months since we’ve started school,” Sero reminds.
Two months...in two months we did so much. Summer is coming near so that’s probably why UA is pushing these internships.
Suddenly, the class quiets down as Aoyama, the French laser beam boy steps up.
“Hold your breath. The shining hero...my name is I cannot stop twinkling!” He says in a theatrical tone.
“Come on!” Me and my friends exclaim.
”Take out the I and shorten the cannot to can’t,” Midnight corrects.
”She likes it?” We question.
“This fucking ridiculous,” Bakugo huffs, still trying to think about a name.
”Obviously. We’re picking a name, for gods sake,” I say in agreement.
Our classmates come and go with their cool names. And then my brother steps up.
”Shoto,” He says.
”Just your name? Is that it?” Midnight asks.
”Uh huh,” Shoto nods.
”It’s cause he’s boring as hell and has no flavor in him,” I joke.
The class snickers and Shoto glares at me.
”Then what’s your hero name?” Shoto asks.
A name pops into my head and I write it quickly on my writing board.
”My hero name is Sub-Zero,” I say confidently.
”That’s an awesome name!” My friends exclaim.
”Makes sense due to your ice quirk. But what about your fire?” Midnight asks.
”Might as well call her icy-hot,” Bakugo snickers.
”Shut up, you idiot!” I yell.
”Make me, dumbass!” He yells back.
I blush softly at his response and he smirks to himself, asserting his dominance over me.
"Anywho, I prefer to use my ice quirk a little more than my fire, so it only makes sense, but  one day I'd like to use a combo of the two," I continue.
"Well, then, good choice!" Midnight compliments.
I sit back down in my seat and Kirishima gives me a high five.
"Awesome name, man," Kirishima compliments.
"No pressure, Kiri," I say, staring down at his blank board.
He smiles shyly.
I turn to see Bakugo staring at us with a glare in his eye and a scowl across his lips.
"Remind me why you two are my goody goody best friends?" Bakugo scoffs.
"Because you're a big old softie," I joke.
"SHUT UP, YOU DUMBASS!" Bakugo yells.
"Angry Pomeranian~" I coo.
Bakugo growls under his breath.
Later, Bakugo goes up to the class podium.
"Kacchan? What does that mean?" Midnight asks.
I turn to see Midoriya blush softly. I recognize him calling Bakugo that. It's probably a childhood nickname or something.
"Tsk, it's whatever," Bakugo says in a scoff.
I see the look of disappointment on Midoriya's face.
"Don't say anything, idiot," Bakugo says in a low voice to Midoriya.
I smirk softly as he sits down.
"Got a problem, dumbass?" Bakugo asks.
"Not at all, 'suki," I say, using my own nickname on him.
The group's eyes widen but he doesn't lash out, he only scoffs.
"What the hell was-?" Kaminari starts.
Sero tapes his mouth shut.
"Just watch," I catch Sero whisper.
Later, I head to the classroom and see Bakugo waiting for me like we planned.
"So, you finally gonna be honest with me?" I ask, stepping inside with a smirk on my face.
"What you pulled wasn't fucking funny," Bakugo scoffs.
"Sure it wasn't. Now, are you gonna admit that you were a little jealous of me and Kiri when we were talking?" I ask.
He blushes softly, realizing that I felt his gaze on me as me and Kirishima talked.
"I don't know what the hell you're talking about," He brushes off.
I put a hand on his chest, teasing him.
"Aw come on, I thought you liked me back," I say coolly.
"I didn't say I didn't like you back. But what if I was, jealous? Especially after that call last night, you hanging around with your sister's boyfriend and talking with my best friends," He starts.
"I knew it," I say with a chuckle.
"Just don't tell anyone," He says, turning away from me.
"Anyways, how are you feeling? You know after you won the sports festival and got a shit ton of offers from a bunch of pro heroes?" I ask.
"It's whatever. My mom's the one whose pushing my ass. But you sure calm my ass down, hot stuff," Bakugo says.
I smile at his words.
"Even if I yelled at you in class for being an absolute ass?" I ask.
"You know, that's different," Bakugo says, rolling his eyes.
"I know. It's just a front. But don't you think the group is starting to get a little curious?" I ask.
Bakugo pulls my hands off of him and puts his hands in mine. His skin is warm and slightly rough from his quirk.
"Listen, whatever goes on between us, is private. They don't have to know shit. They can stay curious for all I care. I want you to myself, which means no bullshit," He says sternly.
"Fine, but...what does that mean for us? Do you wanna just keep meeting like this?" I ask.
"You did say you were lonely, that you wanted me, that you wanted to keep seeing me-" He starts.
"Yeah, yeah, I get it," I say, rolling my eyes.
"To me, that call sounded like you wanted to commit to a..."
"A relationship?" I finish.
"Damn you," He scoffs, blushing again.
"You're cute when you're frustrated," I tease.
"Whatever...all I'm gonna say is that I'm open to it. A...relationship," Bakugo says shyly.
"Why?" I tease.
"You know why, idiot," He scoffs.
"Actually, I don't," I say innocently.
"I like you. You don't pack on bullshit, you're...nice. I like talking to you...and teasing you. And you're hot," Bakugo says simply, thinking as he speaks.
"I'll take that over a 'just because your hot', any day. I can work with that," I say with a wink.
"Since you asked me, why do you wanna do this this, huh? Just cause you're the only one without a lover?" Bakugo asks.
"No. I just like the way you think. And like your little quirks and ticks around me, it makes you a little more likeable to me. Also, you're just...comforting. Someone I feel safe around...even when you are a egoistic, protective jackass," I admit.
Bakugo laughs softly at my words, that damn laugh sends butterflies to my stomach.
"I'm gonna be honest, I wasn't expecting you to actually like me. You were one serious bitch," Bakugo says.
"Really?" I ask. "Sure. And I'll admit, I am one too but...you're just a little more tolerable," Bakugo compliments.
"You must be really into me if you're actually complimenting me," I tease.
"Shut up, dumbass," He says.
"So what time you picking me up tonight?" I ask.
"What? You mean like...for a date?" Bakugo asks, caught off guard.
"Yeah, duh," I scoff.
"6:00 I guess. But don't tell anyone," Bakugo says.
"And what do you mean by anyone, 'suki?" I ask.
"The group, you idiot. Or your brother," Bakugo mentions.
"He knows. He could tell when you came to visit me after our match. Anywho, he's not the one you've got to worry about, Bakugo," I say, walking towards the door.
"So formal. Just call me Katsuki or whatever," He scoffs.
"I'm just teasing you, you big idiot. I'll see you later," I say, walking out the door.
After I walk out, my phone starts ringing. I see the caller ID is my new friend, Hawks.
"What's up, bird brain?" I say.
"Hey, kid. I've got some news that you might like," Hawks says.
"What?" I ask.
"Shoto may have told me last night a little scoop about you denying Daddy Endeavor's offer to be his intern so...I snagged you before he even had the chance," Hawks says.
I stop in my tracks.
"Dude, I just met you and you're already going out on a limb for me? Thank god I don't have to deal with him for two months," I sigh.
Hawks laughs from the other end of the phone, I can see his smile from here.
"You'd be working as one of my assistants, I'd help you collect information, figure out battle strategies and stupid dumb shit that you'd have to track in my life. Pretty weight-less, huh?" He explains.
"Better than my dad's hunk of crap," I say.
"Good, I'll be over with Fuyumi at 5:00 so we can talk a bit more, see you then?" Hawks asks.
"Oof, I can't. I got a date tonight with a friend," I say cooly.
"You mean your little boyfriend from last night?" He asks.
"He's not my boyfriend yet, but I think he'll ask me eventually," I say.
"And what makes you think you've pinned him down just yet?" He asks.
I stop in my tracks to think.
"If you feel uncomfortable or need an excuse, just call me okay? I'll fly over whenever," Hawks says.
"Sure, I'll see you soon, I guess," I say.
"Sure, kid," He says, before hanging up the phone.
I grab my Dr. Pepper from my bag and I start to gulp it down as I walk back to class.
When I get home, I ignore everything in sight, racing upstairs to prepare for my date with Katsuki.
"Why are you so happy today?" Fuyumi asks, standing by my doorway.
"You remember the boy I told you about?" I ask her.
"The bully? What about him?" Fuyumi asks.
"He asked me out on a date," I say with a smile.
"What? But I thought you weren't interested in him. Hold on, isn't he the same guy who made you black out at the festival?" Fuyumi asks.
"Yeah, but he's not all that bad. he's actually sweet and caring and considerate," I admit.
"You think Katsuki Bakugo is sweet, caring and considerate?" Shoto says, joining the conversation.
"From the look of that guy, he looked like he was about to at you," Natsu comments, also joining the conversation.
"He's got a point, Aki," Fuyumi says.
"Aw, come on! We talk all the time. And plus, all you've ever seen is what he's like on the surface," I say, putting on powder.
"You're kidding, right? You've actually had conversations with him, civil ones, but only in private?" Shoto asks.
"Yeah, just ask Hawks,"  I say.
"You're saying my boyfriend knows about this before any of us do?" Fuyumi asks.
"He's the one who got nosy. And plus, I work for him now, I have to be honest," I add.
"You work for him?" The three of them ask.
"Yeah, I'm doing the internship at UA with him. Dad knows already," I say, spritzing perfume on.
I look through the mirror and the three of them stare at me like dogs waiting for food.
"What?" I ask.
"Dad's gonna kill you if he finds out," Fuyumi says.
"Well then, I won't have a problem. As long as the three of you keep your mouths shut, I'll be fine. And plus, since we're all very secretive, there should be no issues, right, Shoto?" I say, turning to my twin.
"Huh?" Fuyumi and Natsu question, turning to Shoto.
His face goes beet red.
"Have fun," I wink, grabbing my bag and patting his shoulder.
I fix my short red dress and pull my jean jacket on my arms.
I hear Katsuki's car engine outside and I open the door to see him in front of our lawn.
I see a red camaro with the window rolled down, revealing Katsuki, whose wearing a white hoodie with a green camo bomber jacket over it.
"You ready, hot stuff?" He asks.
I open the passenger door and sit inside his car.
"What do you think?" I ask.
He smirks and I kiss his cheek. He blushes softly as he turns back to face the road, revving his engine before driving off.
He turns on a playlist and the first song is Dreams by Fleetwood Mac.
"I didn't pin you as the type to listen to Fleetwood Mac," I comment.
"I listen to pretty much anything that has good beats," Katsuki says.
"Ahh, you're a drummer. No wonder why you're my type. I play guitar," I add.
I feel Katsuki's gaze shift to me for a split second. I hear him laugh to himself at my comment.
"You're fucking cute, you know that?" He asks.
"So are you," I say.
I turn and see him roll his eyes. I smirk to myself and hum softly as the song plays.
We drive around listening to different music, humming and singing along like dorks.
At one point, I catch him singing to Hey There Delilah and I record him. When he notices me, he starts blushing profusely.
"Don't post that," He says frustratedly.
"I know, that's just my personal keepsake," I wink.
Eventually we stop in Akihabara, shonen central and we walk towards an undisclosed location.
"What're you planning, 'suki?" I ask.
"You'll see," Katsuki says teasingly.
Soon, we stop in front of some stairs and above it is a sign that reads "arcade".
"How'd you know I liked arcades?" I ask.
"Lucky guess," Katsuki says, scratching his neck.
I take his hand and we walk up to the arcade.
We reach the arcade and I look around at the 80's style arcade, the colors of all the pin ball machines and anime themed machines mesmerizing me.
"You happy?" He asks.
"More than happy," I say with a smile.
"I assumed you don't get to have much fun at your house since your Dad's a total jackass, this'd be the place I'd take you," Katsuki says.
"That's awfully sweet of you, 'suki," I say with a soft smile.
"Don't mention it, babe," Katsuki says.
I head to the front desk and we both get chip cards to play games.
First, we challenge each other to air hockey.
During the match, we both keep our eyes peeled on the puck and on each other. We match each other's energy, yelling and cursing when the other loses a match. I swear I've never seen someone so competitive over a game ever.
During the last rounds, we taunt each other.
"You're weak, you really think your quick enough to get past me?" I ask.
"Says the girl who passed out during the sports festival because of me," He teases.
"Shut up, explosion boy," I reply.
"You'll pay for that one!" He says, then putting the puck down.
We both yell curses at the puck as we both hit it back and forth quickly. I hit the puck against one of the walls and it shoots past Katsuki.
"Damn it!" Katsuki exclaims, putting down his guarder.
"Told you, you'd lose. Good try though," I say.
Next, we move on to the basketball game.
We both start and once but he gains speed, using his quirk to accelerate his shots.
I catch onto his trick and start to angle my balls with my ice flurries. The cold wind blows them into the basket.
"Cheater," He says.
"Scammer," I say.
"So are you!" He says.
"No I'm not!" I reply.
We go back and forth with insults as we shoot the basketballs.
The timer beeps and I look over at our points. Katsuki is ahead by 250 points and he smirks victoriously.
"Cheaters never win, babe. Now you know how it feels," Katsuki says pridefully.
"Shut up, asshole," I huff.
"You jealous, hot stuff? You jealous that you got beat by a big strong man?" Katsuki teases.
"One more game," I say, not accepting defeat.
He smirks and we move onto our last game.
DDR...Dance dance Revolution.
"Come on! You're a dancer, this isn't fair," Katsuki huffs.
"So you think you're gonna lose, huh? I thought you were a big strong man who is determined to beat me?" I ask teasingly.
Katsuki's eyes narrow, glaring at me. He stands at player two.
"Game on, icy-hot," He says with a newly discovered confidence.
I smirk and pick a vocaloid song.
I focus on the steps, gripping the back rail as I move my feet to the beat.
The steps move across quickly, as I move I score perfects. Suddenly, I'm caught off guard as the board says to switch sides. Me and Katsuki switch sides, quickly fumbling. Before I know, I'm almost off the edge of platform.
I trip over the steps but before I fall, Katsuki catches me, our bodies meet and the game ends.
"You good, idiot?" He asks, focused on me instead of the game.
"Yeah. Thanks for that," I say slightly out of breath.
We both stand upright and look at our percentile score.
We both score 85 percent, tying our score.
I laugh at Katsuki's face as he stares disappointedly at the screen.
"I thought you tripping would impact the score," Katsuki says.
"Oh shut up, you ass!" I say, smacking his arm playfully.
We both move to the prize table and cash in our earnt points. I spot a bunny plush from Ouran Host Club and grab it.
"Damn, it's 1500, I only have 1200," I say disappointedly.
I turn to Katsuki and he huffs, handing me his card. I hug him, thanking him.
As I hug the plush tightly, I see Katsuki's face turn pink.
He takes my hand in his and we walk down to the street.
"That was fun! You should gift me things more often," I say.
"It was only because you looked helpless," Katsuki says, scratching his neck nervously.
"Do you think that's cute?" I ask.
"A little," He scoffs.
"Then I think I should be cute more often, or is that a little too much?" I ask.
"I don't know. I kinda like it when you're feisty too, it makes you even hotter," Katsuki admits.
"Well, then I'm gonna have to find the balance of both. Anyways, what you did was sweet, I appreciate it," I say.
Katsuki blushes softly at my compliment.
"Why do you blush so much? You not used to getting complimented?" I ask.
"Shut it, d-dumbass," He says, getting more flustered.
I grip his hand tightly and we stop. He looks at me with soft eyes.
"If I'm doing something wrong, just tell me," I say.
"Nah, that's not it. I just...you make me feel happy. I feel really happy right now," Katsuki admits.
I laugh softly at his words, as I do, his tenseness is relieved. I feel his muscles relax in my touch. I caress his cheek his my hand, swiping my thumb across his skin.
"You make me happy too, you big idiot," I say through a giggle.
"So what now?" He asks.
"We could get some dinner, or we could go to your car and talk...but if you're up for it, we could try something else," I suggest.
"Like what?" Katsuki asks, raising a sly brow.
I pull his head towards mine, our lips close the gap between us. We kiss. It's a sweet but passionate kiss, I feel his touch on me start to get hungry as I taste the sweet flavor on his lips mixed with my strawberry lip gloss.
He pulls away from the kiss and takes a breath.
"Car. Definitely car," Katsuki says.
I laugh and grab his hand, leading him towards his car while gripping onto the plushie he helped me get.
We get inside the car's backseat and I straddle him down, sitting across his lap.
"Fuck, why do you smell so good?" I comment.
He laughs softly at my comment.
"That's my natural sweat, babe," Katsuki says.
I dig my nose into the crook of his neck.
"Why does your sweat smell like caramel?" I ask.
"My sweat has glycerin, glycerin is a sugar, dumbass," He says through a chuckle.
"Then that makes your kiss even more sweeter to me," I tease.
"Oh yeah?" He asks, his pitch starting to lower.
"Don't get any ideas, lover boy," I say seriously.
"Fine, but if you ask, I'll be here to grant it, hot stuff," Katsuki growls deeply in my ear, sending chills down my spine.
I kiss him once more and we sit there, making out until the sun completely sets over the city.
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kitanoko · 7 years
`30 years too early
todomomo week day 3: Future. What happens when Aizawa introduces a random boy named Kazu to them, asking for them to help him get back home?
genre: comedy/fluff -On a seemingly normal day, todoroki and momo went to school prepared for their weekly math quiz. Math wasn’t todoroki’s best subject, but after Momo’s help the day before, he was slightly more reassured that he’d be able to get an A on this, perhaps even an A+. But right before their first class started, Todoroki over hears Momo and Jirou discussing about some ‘stalker’
-”Who’s stalking you, Yaoyorozu.” Todoroki didn’t even hide the fact that he was eavesdropping. “Is it …” He nodded his head towards Mineta with a glare, and Momo shook her head. She then told him some boy, around their age, had been following her to the dorms.
-That’s really strange seeing how UA’s security system should be top notch? Unless this kid was also a student?
-So after school, Todoroki, Momo and Jirou walk back to the dorms together. He needed to confront whoever this creepo was. Oddly enough, the stalker didn’t show up that day, and Todoroki was left a little disappointed.
-Aizawa called Todoroki and Momo to the office the next day during lunch and Momo had an eerie feeling that something was up. She had sensed sensei eyeing the two of them once in awhile during class AND he would be randomly chuckling too sometimes. What the heck was going on?
-”Maybe I failed the math quiz,” Todoroki suggested, hands in his pockets while walking down the hall beside Momo, “I can’t think of anything else.”
“But why would Aizawa sensei call me too? And no way would Todoroki-san fail that quiz! I have faith!” 
Momo raised her arm enthusiastically to illustrate her point and Todo grinned.
-The big reveal sat in his office when the two had arrived…
“That’s the person who’s been following me…” Momo said and Todoroki scrutinized the kid who sat beside Aizawa stiffly.
Aizawa was attempting to stay loyal to keeping the secret but his comical expression betrayed him. Then the teacher broke into full on laughter. Todoroki raised a brow.
“Sorry, just that I’m so happy for you two,” Their teacher said.
Even more confusion.
The boy shuffled in his seat and opened his mouth to speak, eyeing Todoroki and Momo like they had something he wanted.
“Gramps please.”
“God, I’m still not used to you calling me that,” Aizawa said, “Guys, this is Kazu. And no, before you ask, this is not my grandson. Not really anyway.”
Todoroki and Momo nodded to him and mumbled a greeting.
“Well? Fully introduce yourself.” 
Aizawa had that damn smirk again and Kazu seemed less uncomfortable now, standing to approach them. Todoroki was getting extremely impatient.
“If this isn’t important, I want to get back to having lunch.” Todoroki shifted closer to the door and Aizawa stopped him.
“Hey, don’t you want to talk to your son?”
Todoroki exchanged glances with Momo. Is this some early April Fools prank?
“What son?” Momo darted her gaze from Todoroki back to Aizawa and then to Kazu. 
“Your son. Both of you,” Kazu finally spoke, his voice was deep, “My full name is Todoroki Kazu. My father is the hero Shouto, and well, my mom is Creati.” 
-BTW Kazu has full short, black hair, blue eyes, and a perky nose like Momo
-”What? What the hell?!” Momo said and she mumbled an apology to her mother because Yaoyorozus don’t swear.
Aizawa’s rolling over seeing Todoroki’s jaw slack. It’s rare to see the great Todoroki acting ‘uncool’
-Kazu began to explain that ‘apparently’ some friend of his sent him back in time? With his quirk? And the only way for him to return to his own time is if he fulfills his purpose of coming back…which was…?
Ah screw this. This was friggin’ crazy. Nothing was entering Todoroki and Momo’s brain in coherent sentences. How can they believe this. Heck for all they know, this could be some random kid making this stuff up.
But if it’s true then Kazu’s friend needs to be friggin’ locked up for being so OP.
After Aizawa stood back up from lying on the floor in his worm suit (and he finally stopped laughing) Kazu took out his phone and showed them a family picture of them. Todoroki, appearing way taller than now, with his 5-o-clock shadow, an arm slung around an older (and even more beautiful) Momo. The latter had both of her arms around Kazu, who was holding a giant wrapped present, and she had shoulder length hair as well. The bright grin that graced her lips was shiny with lipgloss. This family picture looked really natural, and the background seemed to be at someone’s house, presumably their own. 
-Okay so during this Phase of Awkwardness, Todoroki and Momo went from standing next to each other to standing FAR from each other. Momo gulped for the third time. The only thing in her mind was:
-Todoroki of course was crossing his arms, still in complete denial, super weirded out but trying not to show that on his face, and just studied Kazu with eyes that could drill a hold through his head. 
Kazu returned a gaze just as stern.
Perhaps this WAS his son. 
-Aizawa then explained that he caught Kazu snooping around and given the anomaly that their security system was picking up, he had to confront him. Aizawa suggested Kazu stay here in one of the guest houses with little to no contact with the outside world in case it changes things in the future (ok don’t think too much about details ‘cas time skipping crap is annoying and I’m not a physicist). 
“So how do we help you get back home,” Todoroki started, “Assuming you’re speaking the truth.”
“Dad you’ve never changed. I wonder why Mom loves you so much sometimes given your emotionless facade.”
Todoroki grunted. Seeing Momo’s look of disapproval, Kazu quickly straightened and cleared his throat.
“So I would like you to help me take a picture of Uncle Izuku’s room? Just the posters. My friend needs it. That’s my purpose here since my friend can’t send herself back to the past.”
Aizawa nodded his head a few times interested at the turn of events. 
“Is your friend…related to Midoriya-san?” Momo asked but Kazu pinches his fingers together and does a zipping motion across his mouth.
“I shouldn’t say more than I have to. As Gramps said, it’d change things.”
- After knowing how to help Kazu, their teacher ordered Todoroki and Momo to head back to class now that lunch break was almost over. How was their homeroom teacher expecting them to act after knowing this? Momo avoided Todoroki’s gaze and ran up the hallway herself.
Like her, Todoroki had so many questions. For example, when did Yaoyorozu and him get married? How did they even reach that stage? Does Kazu have siblings…meaning did they have more children? Is he the top hero or is Midoriya or is someone else? Do they have contact with Bakugou or Mineta? Where’s his mother? Where’s Endeavor? Does Fuyumi have a family of her own too? And how about Midoriya…does he marry Uraraka like most people predicted?
So many questions.
But the biggest question really was …what the heck is Kazu’s quirk?
-Of course that night Todoroki and Momo didn’t sleep well. Momo found Todoroki sitting on the couch at the lobby and she reluctantly joined him. He scooched over and let Momo sit beside him with her mug of hot tea (decaf) in hand. They discuss all the things that were swirling in their heads and figured tomorrow would be a good time to ask Midoriya about his posters. 
“What do you think our-” Todoroki paused and continued, sensing Momo’s heated gaze, “son’s quirk is?” 
“I don’t know, maybe fire like yours? He did seem to have a fiery look in his eyes.” 
“I actually think it might be forging things, like you.”
“Huh. Really?”
“Yeah, its a great quirk, I’d hope Kazu has that.”
They both stop to laugh and yes this was totally ludicrous, and seeing how Kazu’s around their age, calling him their son seemed to be awfully funny. Heck, getting used to the idea of both of them being parents together was already absurd enough.
-Midoriya allowed them to take pics of his merchandise with Momo making the excuse of “Todoroki-san and I both want to study All Might’s history and his rise to fame so thank you for letting us take pics of your collection!” 
‘Course Kazu only wanted the posters so they gonna forward only those pics to him. Just didn’t seem as suspicious if they took pics of everything.
Midoriya assured them that there was no way they could find some of the limited edition merch anymore and both of them just nodded wearily. 
-Okay so after Momo sent Kazu the pics. Momo’s like “Well, I think you need to at least give us a reason why your friend needs these?” And then Kazu sighed. 
“Fine, she wanted to find a replica or something of one of these posters ‘cas her dad lost it. That’s all.”
Momo smiled. Her dad must be Midoriya then.
(The three of them are in an alley somewhere btw. Looking suspicious LOL)
Todoroki then goes “And…one more thing. What’s your quirk?”
“Oh, that’s simple, its ice creation.” 
“Isn’t that just making ice like me then?”
“Nope, its a fusion of you and mom’s quirks. Why don’t I demonstrate since no one’s around anyway.”
Kazu opened his palm.
Todoroki and Momo focused on it. They blink.
All of a sudden, a dog figure made completely of ice appeared out of his skin and the dog started to move and sit and play dead and all that. 
“That’s beautiful.” Todoroki said. He’s very proud. “It’s a very impressive quirk, just like yours, Yaoyorozu.”
Momo blushed at the compliment and Kazu smirked after melting the dog within his finger tips. 
“I guess you’re pretty cool too when you’re young, Dad. And of course Mom is as patient as she always will be. Any time now,” Kazu said, “I’ll go poof and be gone back to my own time. year 2048.”
Momo patted his head affectionately. It’s sorta sad how she met him for such a short amount of time (but Kazu reassured her that there are many years to come where they will spend lots of time together).
 There’s a connection between them, there really is no doubt about it. She sent Todoroki a knowing smile and he took a deep breath.
30 years later, they’ll have a son named Kazu. Who knew.
thanks for reading my weird fanfic/headcanon thing!
- so the friend of Kazu is actually the child of Midoriya, the mom…I don’t know :P
 -Kazu was able to get through UA security despite it showing an anomaly is ‘cas Kazu is gonna be a UA student 30 years later and they use a security system with the same foundation just updated of course
-Kazu’s stats are pretty much like Momo’s 
-Kazu’s name means ‘peace’! 
-Yes, Kazu has siblings ;)
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