#g&g ink cartridge
Error x Ink Fanchildren [C-D]
Cadenza by @alryriarose
Calamus, by @areallylittleshrimp
Calluna, by @the-creator-undertale-au
Caper Pen, by @lostorigin
Castell.EXE, by RebornHydra, adopted by ElatedFeline
Captcha, by @bobateaboo
Catalog by @slugott
Canvas, by @myta
Cartridge, by @officialwretcheddarkness
Checkmate, by @radio-y3n / @0zmodeus
Chroma, by @autoartist
Cinnamon, by @thesmallsoul
Clause by @nota-01
Clay by @karineverse
Clay, by lilly
Clay by @yuzuki-wolf
Clear, by @iv-horsemen
Clipboard by @slugott
Clover by @yotyanvino
Clutter by ARandomGirlOnD
Code by @nantu22
Code, by ReaperSans/Has Wings
Code, by@Trash01
Color Code, by @0tterLucy
Colorcode, or Color & Code, by @melocakes574
Colour, by ?
Colour, by @soft-peterparker (formerly @swootygold07)
Connie Code, by @Happythrusday24
Contrast, by @kurolini909
Contrast, by @xxeonv (?)
Copt, by Fantastic-Host1035
Copic Marker, by @maple-and-pie
Copic, by @bobateaboo
Craft by @lazydrawershy
Creative Order by Arro29823772
Creative Mode by Lilithblueflame
Critical by @snowy-bones
Crochet by @whatsasilverartistdoinghere
Crystal, by @artybone (not a fanchildren anymore)
Crystal, by errsnskini
Custom (?), by @big-senpai / LexysDesu adopted by AutumnSheep (DeviantArt)
Cyan, by R. I. P. Reaper In Party
Cyclone, by @nova-blues
Cyral, by @nova-blues
Cytrait, by @nova-blues
Damask by @boobluebutterly
Daphne, by @ItzL_X3L
Data by @starreaperlutia (No longer in UTAU : new ref)
Dawning, by @star-gamerxox
Debug by @slugott
Defectum, by @defectiveask
Delete File, by @glitchy-post
Delette, by @gvaries
Den, by @hakki-no
Design, by @pepper-mint
Designer by @northyred
Despair, by ?
Dexterity, by @ginganinja
Digit, by @llwandehll
Doodle, by @offical-dystopiantale
Drop, by @mini-shrimp14
Drop, by @uyuni-poyo
[0-#] [A-B] [C-D] [E-F] [G-H] [I-J] [K-L] [M-N] [O-P] [Q-R] [S-T] [U-V] [W-X] [Y-Z]
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arwenadreamer · 1 year
I'm so stressed right now! On top of having a rather unpleasant day at work, everything went wrong with my preparations for JiB. Printer stopped printing black ink halfway through the printout of a letter for Jared (and no, the cartridge was not empty. I changed it anyway. Tried everything I could think of for one and a half hours.), I couldn't delete the old pictures off the SD card for my camera, I drove to my mum to get the printouts and to borrow her SD card, went back home, realised I didn't have an envelope for the letters. My mum would have one. I'm going to get it tomorrow. Ahhhhh!
But if everything goes wrong now, everything will go as planned on the weekend, right?
And guys, I have a Jared M&G! Ahhhhh!
I feel like I could constantly scream. In turns from excitement and frustration.
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corvidcurse · 1 year
What are some great dip pens you would recommend to somebody who hasn't the slightest clue on inks or anything? (And what are some spicy takes on pens or pencils you agree on?)
Me too!! Don't really know much about dip pens hah, but when it comes to fountain pens, lamy safari and twsbi swipe and eco have been good to me so far! Best I have with dip pens though is that glass ones seem pretty alright, might be bit scratchy if its cheap but you can sand them, don't really get much width flexibily compared to what you'd get with things like zebra g nibs (I'd assume, haven't tried them myself but I do want to) Also uhhh, the spiciest take I can think of is that i Loathe ink cartridges, they feel impractical and wasteful to me and go against the whole eco-friendliness of fountain pens, and I hate when they come as a bonus with pens because I want to use MY inks, so they just take up space because I don't want to throw them out either.
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towelpng · 1 year
Haiii this is my oc (Rene Petit / Daughter of God) origin storyyyy :)
All events, characters, and places are made the fuck up <3
CWS: weapons, physical abuse, torture, blood/gore (?), tragedy, the occult, christian extremism (basically not christian at all, just christian themes), death, suicide, all around very un-fun topics
please let me know if i left any out !!
As a secondary disclaimer, this may be a not very fun read!!
oki enjoy!!
Daughter of God
The meeting hall is an imposing building, too such a degree that I feel it necessary to check the signage in the tinted window. Sure enough, it reads simply “Life After Occultism”. I found the advertisement on a local page. A whole group about cult trauma? Sign me the fuck up.
I open the door, which obviously would have preferred I didn’t, given the grinding shriek its hinges released. It closes just as loudly, and the pristine white tile carries the sound down the hallway and back in what has to be my least favorite echo I’ve ever encountered. Unsurprisingly, the building is almost sterile. It did used to be a psychiatric institution, so I would expect no less in its glory days; but having been rented out sparingly for the last 30 or so years, I’d expected some level of dilapidation.
More laminated paper signs point arrows down the hallway, to an open set of double doors, not dissimilar to a high school gymnasium’s. As I approach, it’s already clear that the meeting started somewhat early. Several people are sat in chairs around the room, but most of the chairs are empty. Tables line the far back wall, dressed up in what appears to be birthday table cloths, held down by bins full of snacks and coolers of drinks.
“Hello,” I speak anxiously, finally catching the attention of the people in the chairs. “This, this is the… ex-cult thing?” I struggle to find the words among unfamiliar faces. A man in a brown suit nods affirmatively, a kind smile putting my nerves at rest, if only a little.
“Yes, it is. We start in,” He looks at his watch. “Oh!” He chirps. “Right now! If you’d like to take a seat…” He gestures widely, but gently, to the array of chairs. I thank him, and sit in a chair none too close to anyone else. A brief, awkward quiet falls over the group of what I have only just counted to be 8 people. 9 maybe, I’m not very reliable in terms of counting people. “Well, I, I suppose we start with you, miss.” He smiles warmly. “If that’s alright.” I nod nervously, and carefully and slowly remove an aged notebook from my bag.
“I have notes,” I chuckle nervously, and several others in the session return it with a sympathetic laugh. “Um, when I was growing up, my mom was in a cult, until I was 11, and she committed suicide. My dad was already dead by then, and my grandparents disowned her, so I basically got all of her stuff. Among that stuff was this notebook,” I drummed my fingers on it lightly, drawing the attention to the printed cover. “She liked faeries I guess. Before everything. Kind of hurts to look at.”
I hesitate a little here. I don’t talk about her often, and when I do, she’s a concept. Not a person. It feels strange to address her that way. I look up nervously, and make eye contact with the man in the brown suit again, then the blonde woman beside him. They share a similar complexion, and I wonder briefly if they’re related. She nods gently to me, affectionately.
“Um. The, the journal, has, a lot of weird stuff in it. It kind of goes off the deep end as soon as I’m born. Before that, it’s mostly just, teenager stuff I guess? Where teens will kinda revisit old journals every couple years.” I open it cautiously, and my stomach turns. Seeing her handwriting is almost sickening. A person, my mother, wrote these words with her hands. I get lost for a moment in the idea. I wonder if it was that dumb Dolphin pen that she was obsessed with, that never really worked, even when she replaced the ink cartridge.
“I could read it, if you like..?” The blonde woman offers gently, sympathy in her big brown eyes. “Only if you’re comfortable, I mean…” She trails off, looking away, then back to me. I grapple with the idea for a second, but give it to her, albeit holding on maybe a moment too long. She takes it gently, and doesn’t try to pull it away when I pause. She smiles at me again, and sits back slightly, holding the book up to read it.
“May 29th, 2003. It feels weird to hold this book now. My mom bought this when I was only 5, and now I’m writing in it on a desk attached to a hospital bed while my daughter sleeps just beside me! Rene Louise Holden, born May 28th, 2003 at 9:28PM, 8 pounds and 2 ounces. She’s the littlest thing I think I’ve ever seen! Her little feet are only as big as my pinkie! I was in labor for what had to be ages, I haven’t actually asked yet. For now, I think I’ll go back to sleep. It’s only 9am, and everyone’s saying to sleep when Rene does. So goodnight, Journal! I will see you soon!!”
The session livens up a little, with smiles and coos; none more genuine than the woman holding my mother’s journal in her aged, tan hands. This changes quickly.
“November 30th, 2003. I… I killed my baby today. I dropped her on the tile stairs. Her head hit right on the corner of one, and it collapsed in. I didn’t think that much blood could fit in a thing so little. It was everywhere. I could have identified her brain.” The woman paused a moment. “..I, I called an ambulance, and I opened the door for them. I knew she was dead, there was no use in trying to save her. But when we approached the stairs, there she sat at the bottom. She wasn’t happy about the strangers, but she looked just fine. The strangers weren’t happy about me. I’ll remember the judgement in their eyes as much as I’ll remember the blood in hers. It will kill me. They told me she’s fine, and checked her vital signs, but advised I take her to an urgent care soon. Soon. They said soon. I dropped my baby head first onto tile stairs, I slipped in her blood trying to reach my phone, and they said ‘Soon’. Like she scraped her knee. Journal, I worry about my mind. I don’t know if I’m cut out for motherhood. I feel like I haven’t been sleeping very well.” She turns the page with more urgency this time.
“February 3, 2005. It happened again. I was drinking, I know I shouldn’t. Rene was in the pool with us, in a pink flamingo pool float. We ran inside for only a minute, just to grab another drink. I thought someone stayed with her. It should have been me. She was upside-down when we came back out. And she was blue when we put her on the pavement.
“A miracle. That’s what they called it. They hardly touched her. They moved as though they would do CPR, but they never did. She just became pink again, and took a big breath. This time, they did take her to the hospital. No water in her lungs. No signs of hypoxia. Nothing. A miracle.”
She turns the page, and gently slides a news clipping from the paperclip.
“Uh… Oh.” She nods slightly, finding the relevance of the clipping, I guess. “Tragedy Strikes in Dosangels, Florida.
“This Monday, December 5th, local handyman David Holden fell from the roof of his home while putting up Christmas lights with his two year old daughter. His daughter had been strapped to his back, when he fell 26 feet on top of her, into their unused concrete swimming pool, which contained only 7 inches of water at its deepest. Miraculously, the infant survived the fall, but is in critical condition.”
She slips the paper back into its place under the paper clip.
“December 17th, 2005. The mortician says Dave was using again when he got on the roof. While Rene was in the hospital, Father Jaimes from the chapel visited us. I told him everything. He says Rene must be made for something great, and God will protect her. I told him I think Rene is cursed, and he didn’t make me feel evil for it in the slightest. He told me about Job, and how he was tormented by God to prove his devotion. He says I’m like Job, and must persevere. I feel like all I do anymore is persevere. I don’t know how to keep going. Dave is gone, and I won’t even be able to make rent. This was his house. His parents house. I cant afford it. I hope God does have a plan for us. Because I am lost.”
“November 7th, 2007. Jeremiah is moving in with us. His parents cut him off, and this is the first year he won’t even have Dave to help him. He and Dave were always close. He’s back on meth again, but he’s trying to get clean. He promised to get clean, and he goes to the detox place tomorrow. I could use the company.”
She turns the page, and is visibly disheartened as she pulls the news snippet from the paper clip.
“Miracle Baby Critically Wounded For A Second Time
“In 2005, she was crushed by her addict father when he fell off of the roof. This year, 4 year old Rene was shot by her uncle, Jeremiah Holden, who then shot himself. The murder suicide is…”
She turns the paper over, then turns it back over, and places it back under the paper clip. The mood in the room has soured considerably by now, but that’s what I’m here for, I guess.
“January 29th, 2008. Sepsis. Hospitalized.”
“January 14th, 2009. Father Jaimes has baptized Rene, after so many turns of her nearly going to Hell. My poor daughter, and her horrible mother. I will be baptized tomorrow, and God will save me too. I hope he can forgive me for my years of hubris and sacrilege, and my years of neglect to my daughter, my Rene. He let the holy water fill her lungs, and she breathed her first godly breath soon after. She looks to be glowing, she is a visage, the mother Mary surely felt as I do. Her eyes are blue, and reflect heaven unto us. May peace be with me, may she giveth as she taketh away, my Rene.”
“January 10th, 2010. Today was a day of great sacrifice and glory. God truly was with us, and with Rene. Lambs blood cleansed her holy skin, white as wool, and she breathed God’s child as He breathed Her. She first refused, and Satan had us in his grasp when She coughed and spit blood, but She was submerged and made whole nonetheless. My daughter, daughter of God and mine, His daughter and ours, my Rene.”
“May 27th, 2010. Today, before Rene becomes yet another year older, we try again tonight to send Her to sleep. In three days time, She will awake, and we will be saved. Her living blood will feed us, all of us, and Her internals will be laid bare to be judged. Our God, Her father, will guide us to ascension, and will save our miserable, undeserving souls. As Christ rose, so too will She, my Rene.”
“May 31st, 2010. God has abandoned us. All of us fell ill, with nothing to show a doctor nor a priest. We drained Her body wholly, from head to toe, of blood; and each organ was set separately of Her. She died only after we had removed Her heart, surely a sign. We drank the blood, as the disciples of Jesus once did, and it tasted of honey and vanilla. But we fell ill, and surely must have been poisoned. But doctors nor Father Jaimes found anything to be wrong. Her blood was taken from us, though She was not. Upon our return, She sat playing with the nativity dolls. She ordered them, mother Mary first, and baby Jesus Christ last. I wonder what this means for us. Rene, my Rene, please guide me.”
“December 5th, 2010. Father Jaimes laid bare to us his sins. He is a liar and a thief of the title ‘Father’, but I do not think of him this way. Anointed with holy blood collected from Rene’s own neck, Father Dresko beheaded Father Jaimes, and he was cremated promptly. May he follow us in our bodies, and be forgiven at Heaven’s gate. My Rene, show us how to proceed.”
“December 5th, 2014–“ The woman yelps and drops the book on her lap, the news clipping still in her hand. “Th..There’s blood, on.. On the page..”
“I can take it if—“
“No!” She cried sharply, then sighed shakily. “This is, it’s important. Right? It’s important…” She takes the notebook back in her hands, reading more quickly now.
“December 5th, 2014. My Rene, my God. Be with me in my final moments. My heart aches for you, for the trials you will face. I will see you at Heaven’s gate, and take you into my arms. You will be safe. But you must first save. Until we meet again, my Rene.”
The woman’s press-on nails scratch across the paper as she frantically places the news clipping where it belongs, giving the book back to me. The silence that fills the room is palpable, and it threatens to fill my lungs.
“Are you Rene..?” An older man asks me gently, his pale hand on my shoulder.
“Yeah, um. I just, didn’t actually die. I got lucky a lot, in a lot of situations I shouldn’t have been in.”
“Can I ask,” The man in the brown suit hesitates. “Can I ask where you went? After your mother..”
“Father Dresko adopted me. I wasn’t with him for really long, probably half a year, and he spent a week torturing me, held me hostage, and got shot by a police officer.”
“How could someone… I’m sorry, it isn’t my place. But.. How could someone do something like that, and not kill you…? If that was the intention, I mean.”
“He sucks at killing people, evidently.”
“Where did you go, after him?” The blonde woman rubs her arms in an effort to comfort herself.
“Karine Grienwilo. She was a saint, if anyone ever was. The type of woman who calls an anxious cashier ‘baby’ and fixes everything. Then I fucked everything up by going back. I made friends, Cameron Diniero tried to drown me and went to jail; Melina Fresno, Brady Harmin, and Jade Cabernaki threw me out of a car and almost under someone else’s car on the interstate and went to jail; Peter Ande and Jude Paton poisoned the church, Peter killed himself and Jude went to jail; and Sonia Wes committed suicide. Father Julio planned the poisoning and made it out easy, killed Jayla Barnes’ baby and she took the blame for it, then killed Karine in front of me.”
“Why would he do something like that?”
“To piss me off enough to get me to kill him. He thought it was the only way he’d go to heaven.”
A tense silence filled the room, but it felt more so that it was filled with unasked questions.
“Did you ever die?” A brunette woman asked. I hardly noticed her.
“Once. I got in a car accident. Semi slid on ice and cause a pile-up. I was the only one who lived.”
“How?” She asked tentatively, pulling at her sleeve.
“Luck, I guess.”
The man in the brown suit chuckled awkwardly.
“If anything, I’d call that a miracle.” I stared at him, and hoped he caught the message that the joke was in poor taste. He didn’t seem to. All at once, the fire alarms went off. As the group scattered, looking for the source of the fire, I stared out a narrow window in the emergency exit. Fire was already lapping at it. But just beyond it, the Sheriff’s van.
I waited until the only sound echoing in the tile and wood-paneled halls was the crackling and roaring of fire, and prepared for the worst walk of my life. The room I was in was full of smoke, but the openness of it ensured that only the walls and roof had caught.
I wake up in the car, taking a deep breath, and coughing. The cough is agonizing, and rips at my throat with all the ease of a sanding belt. Sheriff Petit sighed in relief, and I heard his head thump back on the headrest.
“Scared the hell out of me, rainy.”
“Sorry,” I croaked, but he cut me off with shushes, as he gave me an open bottle of water. I couldn’t help but gasp when the cold plastic touched my hands, searing pain shredding my palms.
“Right, shit,” He cursed under his breath, holding the bottle to my lips and pouring the water into my mouth. It was almost alien, I felt like my mouth was filled with sand, and it burned going down my throat. “How long does it take to clear up?”
“Um,” I sigh, my throat already beginning to heal. “It’s starting now, but it’ll take a few hours.”
We sit in silence, and I finally start to tune in enough to realize he’s driving.
“Hey Don?”
“Yeah, Ren?”
“How the fuck did you just give me water if you’re driving?” He laughed, loud and hearty.
“I stopped the car for a damn second,” He chuckled. “There’s a pedal for it—“
“Alright alright I get it.” My vision started coming back as my face healed, feeling less scaly by the second. I looked over at him, and could tell he’d been crying. “What’s up?”
He took a long moment to respond. I looked out the windshield, at the snowy landscape around us.
“I’m gonna miss you, rainy.”
“Cmon, I’ll visit! You’re basically my dad at this point. ..Like, my father figure, I’m not comparing you to—“
“I gotcha.” He paused again, but it was comfortable. Sad, sure, but comfortable. “It’s hard for me to just, drop you off someplace.”
“I’ll never get away from them if I stay here. They’ll always just bring someone new in.”
“I know. I just… I wish things were easier, I suppose.”
“Me too.”
The car slowed to a stop at a secluded, but obviously still functional, bus stop. We sat there for a while. There wasn’t much else to say.
“You’ll visit?”
“I swear to visit at least once a year.” He chuckles quietly, and pulls me uncomfortably over the console to hug me tightly. I squeeze him back as tight as I’m able.
“You better. I love you rainy. Stay safe out there.”
“I love you too, dad.” Before he got the chance to change his mind, I got out of the car and went to the bus stop, waving gently to him. He mouthed something that I could only guess was confirming I had my bus pass, and I held it up so he could see it. He nodded, and pulled off.
He was due to head to Texas.
And I’m due to get the fuck out of here.
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shereen1 · 5 months
Unleash Affordability and Efficiency: Unveiling the Canon Pixma G3411 Printer at Hardware Egypt
Greetings, printing enthusiasts of Egypt! Hardware Egypt, your one-stop shop for all things tech, is thrilled to introduce the innovative Canon Pixma G3411 printer. This all-in-one marvel promises exceptional value for both home and business users, combining high-yield inks, versatile functionality, and seamless connectivity.
Unboxing the Potential: A Closer Look at the Canon Pixma G3411
The Canon Pixma G3411 boasts a compact and stylish design, making it a perfect fit for any workspace.  Don't let its size fool you – it packs a powerful punch. This all-in-one wonder offers printing, scanning, and copying capabilities, catering to your diverse document needs.
Unleashing Printing Prowess
The Pixma G3411 shines in the printing department. It boasts a maximum resolution of 4800 x 1200 dpi, ensuring sharp and detailed prints for both documents and photos.  This translates to crisp text, vivid colors, and smooth gradients, ideal for presentations, reports, and even photo printing.
The Secret Ingredient: High-Yield Ink System
But where the Pixma G3411 truly excels is its innovative ink system. Unlike traditional cartridge printers, it utilizes refillable ink bottles. This translates to significant cost savings in the long run.  The included high-yield ink bottles deliver an impressive page yield, allowing you to print for longer periods without frequent ink replacements.
Connectivity Made Simple: Printing on Your Terms
The Pixma G3411 understands the importance of staying connected. It offers a variety of connectivity options to suit your needs. Print directly from your smartphone or tablet with built-in Wi-Fi and Canon's mobile printing app. This eliminates the need for a physical connection to your computer, offering ultimate printing flexibility.
Beyond the Basics: Explore Additional Features
The Pixma G3411 goes beyond just printing, scanning, and copying. It boasts a user-friendly 1.2-inch monochrome LCD display that simplifies navigation and control. Additionally, it supports a wide range of media types, allowing you to print on various paper sizes, including A4, A5, B5, envelopes, and photo paper.
Ideal for Home and Business Users
The Canon Pixma G3411 caters to a diverse range of users. Here's why it's perfect for you:
Home Users: Unleash affordability and high-quality printing for everyday tasks like homework, reports, photos, and creative projects.
Small Businesses: Keep printing costs under control with the high-yield ink system. Print professional-looking documents, marketing materials, and invoices with ease.
Investing in the Future: Why Choose Hardware Egypt?
At Hardware Egypt, we understand the importance of choosing the right printer for your needs. When you purchase the Canon Pixma G3411 from us, you're not just getting a printer; you're investing in:
Unmatched Selection: Explore our extensive range of printers and find the perfect fit for your needs and budget.
Expert Advice: Our knowledgeable staff is here to guide you through the selection process and answer any questions you may have.
Competitive Prices: We offer the best deals on printers in Egypt, ensuring you get the most value for your money.
Exceptional Customer Service: We prioritize your satisfaction and provide exceptional customer service before, during, and after your purchase.
The Final Verdict: A Printer That Delivers
The Canon Pixma G3411 is a compelling proposition for anyone seeking an affordable and versatile printing solution. With its high-yield ink system, exceptional print quality, and seamless connectivity options, it empowers both home and business users to print with confidence.
Visit Hardware Egypt Today!
Head over to Hardware Egypt today and experience the Canon Pixma G3411 for yourself. Our friendly staff is eager to assist you and answer any questions you may have. Unleash the power of affordable and efficient printing with the Canon Pixma G3411 – available now at Hardware Egypt!
0 notes
guncelkal · 1 year
Original Ink Cartridge Epson C13T27054012 Tricolour Multicolour
If you’re passionate about IT and electronics, like being up to date on technology and don’t miss even the slightest details, buy Original Ink Cartridge Epson C13T27054012 Tricolour Multicolour at an unbeatable price. Type: Ink Colour: Multicolour Tricolour Black Cyan/Magenta/Yellow Technology: Inkjet Pieces: 3 pcs Country/Region of manufacture: China Battery included: No Weight: 730 g 0,73…
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championsyedm · 1 year
The Canon Sylph CP1300 small photo printer (black)
Canon Selphy CP1500 vs CP1300 The majority of the time, yes. The controls on the 1300 are more button-based, while the controls on the 1500 are more internal menu-based. The paper tray and cartridges are the same. Both are rather obvious. After a few minutes, you should be able to feel at ease. The card size (2.1" x 3.4") and postcard size (4" x 6") sets of authentic Canon color ink and paper are compatible with the Selphy CP1300. The KC-18IF, KC-18IL, KC-36IP, KP-108IN, RP-54, and RP-108 are all compatible sets. You need an Internet connection and the free Canon PRINT Inkjet/SELPHY app from Google Play and App Stores. Compatible with AndroidTM mobile devices running Android 2.3.3 or later and iPad, iPhone 3GS or later, and iPod touch 3rd generation or later devices running iOS 7.0 or later. Your device has to be part of the same active wireless 802.11 b/g/n/ac/ad network as your printer. requires a suitable social media account and is governed by the terms of service for that account. Some exclusions could be valid. No, an SD card or USB stick may be used to print. A computer connected through a cable can also print. Without having to connect to your home WiFi, you may print from a phone or tablet using the printer's built-in Wi-Fi receiver. Additionally, you can use it as a wireless printer by connecting it to your home network. The answer is that melting the absurdly tiny specks of color onto the specialty paper is far more expensive than using spray paint, etc. The outcomes are astounding. I have prints on my refrigerator that are ten years old yet still look new. If the printer has the appropriate ink and paper configured for that size, your Selphy CP1300 should be able to print in any supported size. We advise contacting our US-based support staff for free help if you want more assistance. The Canon USA website offers them continuously. You may see, edit, and apply filter effects like sepia or B/W to the photographs you wish to print using the huge built-in 3.5″ display. Oh my, WiFi, USB, and more! Choose the printing method that works best for you from among the various options available on the SELPHY CP1500, including WiFi, AirPrint, USB (computer and USB flash drive), your camera memory card, and the SELPHY Photo Layout mobile app. The SELPHY CP1500’s clean and contemporary appearance is evident in how simple it is to operate, even with robust capabilities like Wi-Fi and smartphone compatibility. You can connect the SELPHY CP1500 to just about anything and print from devices like your smartphone to your computer, camera, memory cards, and even USB flash drives with the versatility of Wi-Fi, USB, and memory card connections. The Canon Sylph CP1300 small photo printer (black) is a wireless portable photo printer that is ideal for use both at home and on the move. Your memories will be ready to share no matter where you are if you just print them using Air Print, your camera’s memory card, or the Canon print app from Facebook and Instagram! With party shuffle prints or 2″x6″ photo booth layout prints, you may even create amusing collages with your friends from different devices. You may pick the ideal photo size from 4″x6″, 2.1″x2.1″ square, or even sticker paper, all of which are water-proof and intended to endure up to 100 years! With the available battery pack, you can nearly take the Sylph CP1300 anywhere. Your pictures will rapidly dry and retain their quality for up to 100 years. They will even be water-resistant. Enjoy how easy it is to link your tablet and smartphone with the Canon print app. You may also print directly from a USB drive or the memory card in your camera.
0 notes
omibbeauty · 1 year
Permanent Makeup Lip Blush
Permanent makeup is a form of cosmetic tattooing that has been used to enhance the appearance of skin and lips for many years. For those looking to achieve an effortless, natural look, permanent makeup lip blush offers an exciting solution. By creating subtle color gradients with pigment applied directly into the dermal layers of the skin, this innovative procedure provides long lasting results that can be tailored to individual needs. This article will explore the benefits of permanent makeup lip blush, as well as its application process and aftercare instructions.
The beauty industry has come a long way in recent years when it comes to finding new ways to improve upon traditional forms of make-up. Permanent makeup lip blush is one such innovation that allows individuals to create beautiful, timeless looks without having to worry about reapplying their lipstick or lip liner throughout the day. The key benefit associated with this form of cosmetic treatment is its ability to provide a more full-bodied effect than conventional methods while still allowing you to customize your desired shade and intensity.
Moreover, permanent makeup artists have developed safe and effective techniques for applying pigments so that they remain on the surface layer of skin rather than penetrating too deep beneath the epidermis. In addition, digital imaging technology now makes it possible for clients to preview how their chosen lip tint will appear before undergoing any actual procedure—allowing them greater control over achieving their desired outcome. This article aims to help individuals understand what goes into successfully achieving beautiful results with permanent makeup lip blush through careful consideration and planning ahead.
Permanent makeup, also known as cosmetic tattooing, is a revolutionary way to redefine the beauty industry and create innovative looks for those who want to enhance their physical appearance. Lip blush, an increasingly popular permanent makeup technique, has become the go-to solution for many women looking for a more natural yet long lasting look. But before jumping into this procedure, it’s important to know exactly what lip blush entails and how it differs from other forms of permanent makeup.
The definition meaning of lip blush refers to a semi-permanent form of cosmetic tattooing that adds depth, colour and shape to lips while giving them a subtle flush of colour. It can be used in place of lipstick or gloss to give lips extra volume with minimal effort. The process involves using small needles attached to ink cartridges containing pigments which are carefully inserted into the uppermost layer of skin on the lips. This method allows artists to deposit pigment beneath the surface without causing any discomfort or damage - resulting in a much softer and more natural finish than traditional methods such as lip liner or fillers. Furthermore, because pigments are implanted directly under the skin they stay put longer than conventional cosmetics – making them ideal for those wanting low maintenance but maximum impact!
The beauty of permanent makeup lip blush is its ability to provide a natural and long-lasting look with minimal effort. Unlike other forms of permanent makeup, there are no touch-ups required after the initial procedure - providing an unparalleled level of convenience for those who want the perfect pout without having to worry about upkeep or reapplying products throughout the day. Lip blush provides users with an incomparable outcome that looks as fresh in the morning as it does at night, creating an enviable look that is sure to turn heads wherever you go.
In addition to being convenient and low maintenance, lip blush offers some unique benefits not found in traditional cosmetic methods. For starters, because pigment is implanted directly beneath the surface of skin, lips appear more full and vibrant than when using topical cosmetics such as lipstick or gloss. This makes it ideal for anyone looking to achieve lusciously plump lips without resorting to costly fillers or injections. Moreover, this technique enables artists to precisely control where colour is deposited – allowing them to create subtle yet beautiful results that enhance their clients’ features rather than overpower them. All this adds up to a truly transformative experience that can redefine one's entire appearance!
Permanent makeup lip blush is an innovative and increasingly popular cosmetic procedure that can create a beautiful, natural-looking pout. While the overall process may take up to two hours, depending on the size of the area being treated and individual needs, it generally follows four main steps.
The first step involves cleaning the lips with an antiseptic solution before applying a topical numbing cream for comfort during treatment. Once this has taken effect, the second stage begins: implanting pigments beneath the surface of skin using ultra-fine needles in order to provide lasting colouring. The third step consists of blending these colours together by hand or machine - creating a bespoke look tailored specifically to each client’s face shape and desired outcome. Finally, clients are advised to apply healing balm regularly over several days in order to keep their new lips looking perfect throughout recovery time.
By following these basic procedures carefully, permanent makeup artists can ensure their clients receive optimal results whilst minimising any possible discomfort or downtime associated with the service.
Aftercare And Maintenance
Once the permanent makeup lip blush procedure is complete, aftercare and maintenance are key to ensuring long-lasting results. During the healing process, clients should avoid sun exposure, steam treatments, swimming pools and any other activities that could cause irritation or infection. Additionally, products containing retinol, alpha hydroxy acids or benzoyl peroxide should be avoided for at least two weeks in order to prevent fading of colouring.
It's also important for clients to ensure they are regularly moisturising their lips with a gentle balm throughout the recovery period - this will help keep them hydrated and promote better pigment retention over time. After about three weeks have passed since the initial treatment, clients may wish to consider scheduling follow-up appointments with their artist in order to touch up areas as needed or enhance their look further if desired.
TIP: When caring for your new permanent makeup lip blush it’s always best practice to follow your artists advice regarding aftercare! This simple step can make all the difference when it comes to maintaining beautiful results over time.
Frequently Asked Questions
How Long Does Permanent Makeup Lip Blush Last?
A recent survey showed that up to 80% of women would like to have permanent makeup lip blush. This statistic reveals the huge desire for innovation in beauty and cosmetics today. Permanent makeup lip is a form of cosmetic tattooing, where pigment is inserted into the lips through a tiny needle. The goal is to create natural-looking color and shape enhancements on the lip area, without having to reapply lipstick or other products daily. Makeup lip blush can last anywhere from 1–3 years depending on factors such as skin type, lifestyle habits, and how well you care for your new look.
The procedure itself typically takes around 30 minutes with results visible right away after it’s completed. Before deciding if this treatment is right for you, consider talking to an experienced professional who specializes in permanent makeup first. Such professionals are trained in techniques used specifically for doing permanent makeup lip blush safely and effectively so they can provide expert advice tailored to your needs. To ensure lasting results, be sure to follow their instructions regarding post-treatment healing processes such as avoiding sun exposure or swimming during recovery time. With proper care and maintenance procedures followed regularly, many people find that their permanent makeup lip blush lasts long into the future with no need for further touch ups or retouches required!
Is Permanent Makeup Lip Blush Safe?
Permanent makeup has become increasingly popular in recent years, allowing individuals to take their beauty routines one step further. When it comes to permanent makeup safety, however, there are several factors that must be taken into consideration before committing to the procedure.
When discussing lip blush specifically, it is important to consider both the risks and complications associated with the process. Permanent makeup involves injecting pigment into the dermis layer of skin so that a desired color or shape will remain on an individual's face for an extended period of time. While this can provide a convenient alternative to applying cosmetics every day, there are certain potential risks that should not be overlooked when considering this type of treatment. These include things like allergic reactions, infections from unsterile needles, scarring due to improper technique and discoloration over time as well as other complications such as swelling and tenderness at the site of application.
It is also worth noting that professional practitioners often follow strict guidelines designed to ensure safe practices during procedures; these may include using single-use disposable tools and high quality pigments which have been tested for heavy metals and other contaminants. Ultimately, while permanent makeup offers many benefits if done correctly by a qualified specialist, it is essential that any prospective client weighs up all possible risks involved before making any decisions about undergoing a cosmetic procedure.
Does Permanent Makeup Lip Blush Look Natural?
Permanent makeup, otherwise known as micropigmentation, is a cosmetic procedure that has become increasingly popular in recent years. In fact, according to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, permanent makeup procedures have increased by 14 percent from 2017 to 2018 alone. So it’s no surprise that many people are interested in getting a natural looking lip blush done with this type of makeup.
When considering whether or not to go for a permanent makeup lip blush, one must consider how natural it will look and how long it will last. Permanent lip blushes usually contain natural pigments which blend into your lips perfectly and give them an even colour tone all over. This helps create a very subtle look while still providing exceptional results that can last up to three years. The best part is that you don't have to worry about having blotchy cheeks because the pigment fades naturally over time! Furthermore, thanks to advancements in technology, professionals are now able to customize their technique so that each client's individual needs are met and they get exactly what they want out of their treatment - a perfect and natural-looking lip blush every single time!
Does Permanent Makeup Lip Blush Hurt?
The current H2 is 'does permanent makeup lip blush hurt?' This has become a common question from clients who are considering getting their lips permanently blushed. As with any medical procedure, discomfort may be felt when applying the permanent makeup to the lips. However, it is important to note that this varies depending on individual pain tolerance and how deep the needles penetrate into the skin for application.
A permanent makeup artist should always use quality products and take extra precautions to ensure minimal discomfort during the procedure. Topical anesthetics can also be used in order to reduce pain or irritation during treatment, if necessary. It is therefore important that you make sure your chosen professional understands your needs and takes every precaution in making sure your experience is as stress-free as possible.
TIP: Ensure that you have done ample research before going ahead with any permanent makeup lip blush procedure - check reviews of different practitioners online and look out for those holding qualifications such as certificates or diplomas in semi-permanent makeup techniques.
How Much Does Permanent Makeup Lip Blush Cost?
The cost of permanent makeup can vary dramatically depending on the service, area and artist. Most people are curious about how much lip blush costs for a permanent makeup procedure. Lip blush is an important part of permanent makeup because it gives the lips a natural flush look that looks great without having to reapply lipstick throughout the day.
When considering getting permanent lip blush, there are several factors to consider in order to get an accurate estimate of the overall cost: • Experience level of the permanent makeup artist – experienced artists charge higher prices due to their expertise and knowledge regarding color selection and placement; • Type of technique used – some techniques require more precision than others; • Materials used – quality products come with a heftier price tag; • Location – Depending on where you live, costs may be lower or higher compared to other areas; • Number of Sessions required - More sessions means more money spent.
On average, most clients tend to spend between $400-$1000 per session for a lip blush treatment. However, this number can go up if additional sessions are needed or if special materials such as numbing cream or pigments need to be purchased. It is highly recommended that potential clients research different artists and pricing before committing to any specific treatments so they can find one that best suits their budget and needs.
Conclusion: Permanent makeup lip blush is a growing trend in the beauty industry and has some advantages over traditional makeup. It lasts longer than regular lipstick, meaning that one treatment can last up to two years or more with proper care and maintenance. Furthermore, it looks natural and does not require frequent touch-ups like conventional lipsticks do. In addition, it is safe for use as long as hygienic practices are followed during the application process. The cost of permanent makeup lip blush varies according to the area being treated but usually ranges from $400-$1000 per session. For those seeking an effortless look, this procedure may be worth considering since nearly 40% of women report spending at least 45 minutes each day on their makeup routine. With permanent makeup lip blush they can save time while still looking beautiful!
Permanent Makeup Lip Blush is courtesy of https://omibbeauty.com
Originally published here: https://omibbeauty.com/permanent-makeup-lip-blush/
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inkadeals · 2 years
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HP - Deskjet 4133e Wireless All-In-One Inkjet Printer » $59.99
The HP DeskJet 4133e as the essential features you need to print basic color documents like recipes and forms. Print | copy and scan with ease | print from your phone | mobile fax and get easy setup. It includes the optional HP+ Smart Printing System that keeps itself up to date and ready to print from virtually anywhere at any time—at no additional cost.
MPR: $124.99 Deal: $59.99 Discount: 52%
6 free months Instant Ink subscription when you activate HP+ Ink ships to you automatically so you never run out. After 6 months | monthly fee applies unless cancelled | and youll save up to 50% on ink.
Includes free HP+ smart features Activate HP+ free to get advanced features for mobile printing | security | automatic updates and more. HP+ only works with an HP account | internet connection and Original HP Ink for the life of the printer.
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HP Smart app Print | scan and copy from your phone—whenever | wherever.8 Get additional advanced features with HP+.
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Dynamic security This printer is intended to work only with cartridges with original HP chips or circuitry and will block cartridges using non-HP chips or circuitry. Periodic firmware updates will maintain the effectiveness of these measures.
ISO Speed: Black: Up to 8.5 ppm; Color: Up to 5.5 ppm
Print Resolution: Black (best): Up to 1200X 1200 rendered dpi (when Printing from a computer); Color (best): Up to 4800 x 1200 optimized dpi color (when printing from a computer on selected HP photo papers and 1200 input dpi)
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Standard Connectivity: 1 Wireless 802.11a/b/g/n with Bluetooth® 4.2; 1 Hi-Speed USB 2.0
Mobile Printing Capability: Apple AirPrint™; Chrome OS; HP Smart app; Mopria-certified
Duty cycle: Monthly (letter): Up to 1 | 000 pages
Display: LCD ICON Display
Paper Handling: 60-sheet input tray; 25-sheet output tray
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dopehologramfury · 2 years
Buzzwords, De-buzzed: 10 Other Ways to Say thc-o acetate
What Does The Secret Cannabinoid 300 Percent More Potent Than Thc Do?
Table of ContentsUnknown Facts About Thc-o Is The Semi-legal Psychedelic CannabinoidSome Ideas on What Is Thco & Should I Try It? You Need To KnowWhat Does Thc Acetate/thc-o (The Psychedelic Cannabinoid) User Mean?
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The Thc-o-acetate Reviews / Reports Diaries
Yet our company perform certainly not doubt as time advances, this will definitely change. But, for right now, you can visit if you acknowledge any one of these brand names and if you have actually currently possessed a Delta 8 pushcart coming from all of them, it's a fairly really good stand-in to second estimate what kind of quality to expect when it involves THC-O vape ink cartridges - thco acetate review.
For those of you presuming, that is actually Reddit, youtube, and also various other deeper, soggy smoke-filled bunny openings. Our company've devoted hrs reading subreddits as well as viewing what present individuals are saying concerning the newest THC O carts. Therefore in the event that you desire to socialize with us THCO supporters, most likely to the THC-O subreddit (thc o acetate).
Yes, you've been actually alerted! Now for what you have actually been waiting on. If you want to get to the sky as swift as achievable, at that point always keep reviewing for our referrals on the most effective THC O ink cartridges 2022. Binoid is a reputable gamer in the alternative Hemp room. Actually from The golden state, the company now possesses a number of the widest circulation our company have actually found.
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When it boils down to market value, Binoid is actually steps in front of the competition. If you buy in mass (4 or 8 carts) as well as utilize our 20% off unique markdown code it works out to approx For context, the typical costs our experts have found for a THCO vape container is actually around $0 (thc-o acetate experience).
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So you'll spare about 60% reviewed to the competition. The reason for this is greatly as a result of the range Binoid right now possesses and the lot of clients that go back to acquire coming from all of them monthly. In scenario you are actually after the (real-time material) cannabis derived terps choice go here. Altogether, if you want any type of sort of product originated from the Hemp vegetation our team 'd suggest you browse through Binoid (thc-o acetate).
3 Simple Techniques For Thc-o Acetate: Everything You Need To Know About Thco
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Why? Since they make use of the finest all-natural terpenes! Similar Read: Best HHC Carts If you're an individual of D8, you'll be aware of Delta Extrax aka the D8 specialist. Naturally, they have actually just recently grown in to THCO disposable vape markers (thc-o acetate experience). And also indeed, it is actually certainly not as concentrated as the final pick however this is still a rocket ship compared to D8 on its own. thco acetate review.
While this vape has merely Hemp-derived THCO extract and also terpenes it's certainly not as powerful as our other selections. Nevertheless, it still strikes difficult and hases plenty of flavor as well as cannabinoids. The Interesting feature of Extraction Labs is the do-it-yourself bundles you may produce to conserve 20%! Yes. thco vs hhc. You know that right.
Certainly not so great for: Any individual not intrigued do-it-yourself! Along with 7g-1000g per container, this is the place to keep up on the thc o acetate greatest quality THCO distillate. Use it to create your own THCO pushcarts, edibles, or even for very potent bits. On call unterped excellent for swabbing with the addition of your very own terps - thc-o acetate experience.
Although condition regulations may differ thus consistently do your personal as a result of persistance before getting THC-O vape pushcarts. I think our company've all existed - thc o acetate near me. Smoked a doobie as well difficult and also wound up couch-locked or even in a brand new dimension of space. But, eventually, the buzz comes to be, properly, certainly not as almonds as it used to be.
Waiver: This article contains affiliate hyperlinks to items (thco acetate review). Our experts may get a commission for investments made via these web links. If you are searching for a thorough THCO evaluation, you have related to the ideal location. Within this write-up, we will certainly discuss whatever you require to understand! Therefore, whether you are taking into consideration buying THCO products or simply desire to find out additional regarding all of them, this article is for you.
THCO, meanwhile, might have several outcomes based on the individual it has an effect on (thco acetate review). Although this is actually accurate for each person, some effects seem common and also have been found through THC users. THCO is a combination of THC, or various other cannabinoids, and also air (as in "THCO2") that is actually stemmed from hemp oil and marijuana.
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printersoffliness · 2 years
If you are working on Windows 10 operating system, it will be a very annoying experience when your HP laptop gets stopped and fails to respond to the keyword. In such challenging situations, you are advised to try to hard restart or power reset to troubleshoot this problem. You can remove these HP start-up problems by following a few troubleshooting tips and tricks. In addition, HP has introduced a utility software program titled HP Solution Centre that allows you to repair, order supplies, scan an image, and more. It also permits you to check the ink or toner cartridges and any internal issues related to the printer. 
Before moving further with the troubleshooting process to fix HP Laptop Windows 10 issues, it’s important to discuss the reasons behind it.
a.   Hardware Issues
b.   Failure in Power Supply
c.   Short Circuit in Cables, Wires, or Sockets
d.   Operating System Technical issues
e.   Poor or weak Electrical Connectivity
f.     Software Conflicts
g.   HP Laptop is not fully charged
We will now discuss the helpful and effective solutions that will help us in fixing HP laptop Windows 10 issues.
HP users are advised to make use of Tenorshare Windows Boot Genius, a Windows system-free tool. This tool offers numerous functions for Windows users such as Windows Rescue, Password & Key Recovery, Data Recovery, and Disk Tools. Every function of this tool offer users’ plentiful sub-functions to choose where they can fix most commonly occurring Windows 10 problems such as computer crashes, files disappearing, failing to boot, Windows login password loss, etc.
We are providing you with supportive guidelines that will help users in using the Windows Boot Genius tool. It will effectually help them in dealing with the HP laptop won’t turn-on issue:
1.   To begin with, you should visit the official site of Windows Boot Genius on your HP laptop and get it downloaded and installed
2.   Next, you are supposed to open this software and then prepare a blank CD/DVD/USB.
3.   Now, you are advised to insert the drive to that accessible computer and then click the “Burn” button to burn a bootable disk
4.   In the next step, you should get back to your HP laptop, restart it and then press F2/F10/Delete button, then after have to enter BIOS setting, change the setting to boot from your removal drive.
5.   Next, you are supposed to save the changes and then exit
6.   You should wait for a few minutes and then you will observe the indication of Windows Boot Genius in the HP laptop.
7.   Subsequently, you should choose the “Windows Rescue” tab, and then on the left side of this interface, there are “HP Solution Center” and “Function Center”.
8.   Thereafter, you should select “Crash before loading bar” and then follow the prompts to complete the task
9.   Next, you are supposed to exit Windows Boot Genius and then remove the drive.
10.                Lastly, you are advised to restart your HP laptop again, your laptop will be turned on as usual
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capevewor · 2 years
Canon printer mg2520 driver paper rollers
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For Windows XP Home Edition : Click/Select 'Start,' 'Control Panel,' 'Printers and Other Hardware,' and. If paper does not feed correctly, perform the following to clean the paper feed rollers: Open the Printers folder. The device’s physical dimensions have a width of 16.8 inches, a depth of 12.1 inches, and a height of 5.8 inches. If the paper feed rollers become dirty, they may not be able to properly feed paper due to the feed roller's slippage. Other items include the dual color gamut processing technology, rated EPEAT silver, and the quiet mode. The PIXMA MG2520 makes it easy to print documents and it even supports optional XL ink cartridges so you replace them less often. Some of the available features worth noting include the hybrid ink system, 4-color cartridge system, auto power off/on, and creative park premium. Meet the PIXMA MG2520 All-In-One Inkjet Printer, a simple printer for your home printing needs, with the ability to print, copy and scan. Others include special filters, my image garden, and photo printing.
'Full HD Movie Print' is available from 'MOV' and 'MP4' movie files created by select Canon EOS, PowerShot and Vixia digital cameras and camcorders. Color ink droplets can be placed with a horizontal pitch of 1/4800 inch at minimum.
It also contains high qualitative properties such as auto photo fix II, document printing, full HD movie print, red-eye correction, and quiet mode. Resolution may vary based on printer driver setting.
On you can find most up to date drivers ready for download. 1) Choose Operation System: Downloaded: 52,251 times Last Time: 29 December 2021. On the other hand, the paper type that can work this printer includes plain paper, photo paper glossy, US #10 envelopes, and photo paper plus glossy II. File Name: canon-pixma-mg2520-printer-driver.exe Version: 2.7.6 Driver Date: 30 October 2021 File Size: 2,052 KB Rating: 4.85/5. When we consider the actual paper sizes, the options include regular size, letters, envelopes, and photo paper sizes. This video reviews the step-by-step method to quickly unbox and setup your new Canon PIXMA MG2520 all-in-one Inkjet printer. Apart from these two cartridges, the machine also works with the XL variations, producing more output. Simultaneously, the compatible ink cartridge types include PG-245 for black ink and CL-246 for color ink types. On the other hand, color printing has a print quality resolution level of 4800 x 600 dpi. Also, the black document printing has a resolution of 600 x 600 dots per inch (dpi). In print, the system is there an ink droplet size of 2 and 5 picolitres, respectively. This printer handles: Plain Paper Envelopes Photo Paper Plus Glossy II (PP-201) Photo Paper Glossy 'Everyday Use' (GP-501) And the weight: Plain paper: 64 - 105 g/m Canon photo paper: up to 275 g/m.
Innovative “dynamic” color profiles ensure full control over color mixture and ink consumption combined with perfect print quality.Video can’t be loaded because JavaScript is disabled: How to download and install Canon PIXMA MG2520 driver Windows 10, 8 1, 8, 7, Vista, XP () Specifications Wipe and rub with dish liquid and water on a cloth. PrintFab is the printer driver with RIP (Raster Image Processor) functionality. The time has come for independent printer drivers - better performance and more freedom for your printer! Nozzle test print, Print head cleaning, Print head alignment, Test page Thank you for your question, my name is I look forward. Plain paper, Inkjet paper, Transparent CF102, Canon PhotoPlus II PP201, Canon MattePhoto MP101, Canon GlossyPhoto GP501, Canon PhotoPlus Semigloss SG101, Canon HighResolutionPaper HR101, Canon PhotoPaperPro Platinum, Fineart Hahnemuehle Smooth, Zedonet Glossy The paper is not jammed but it wont feed properly through the paper channel. (multifunction devices: only printer unit is supported, not scanner unit)Ĭanon PIXMA MG2520 - Windows printer driver features PrintFab License The perfect printing solution for your Canon PIXMA MG2520 printer
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giftandpaper · 2 years
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FESTINA - Ballpoint pen Mademoiselle
The « Mademoiselle » writing instruments line was designed with a certain idea of elegant and modern feminity in mind, while keeping in with Festina’s writing instruments core design DNA. The silhouette of the pen is sleek and balanced, with surface playing on the contrast between luxe light gold trims and modern brushed aluminium. The details of the core DNA of Festina writing instruments are of course present in the signature F clip and the Blazon logo adorning the top. It is available in a vibrant array of neutral tones & pop colors. The final touch is brought by the crystal stones adorning the top, bringing a luxurious feel to this beautiful writing piece.
Weight ( g ): 205 Dimension: Dia. 11 / h. 137 mm Color: Open Beige,Gold, Pastel Pink / Natural,Gold, Pastel Pink / Pastel Blue,Pastel Pink, Gold / Pastel Pink, Gold Base material: Aluminium,Brass,Rose Gold plating Barrel material: Aluminium Barrel finishing material: Aluminium Silver under coating on the barrel: No Ink color: Black Cartridge reference: Parker style ballpoint Finishing material: Aluminium,Brass,Rose Gold plating Pantone: NONE
The Gift & Paper Company is the Official B2B Distributor in Singapore. Contact us at 97989478 or email [email protected] / [email protected]  with any enquiries. . . https://luxe.giftandpaper.com/ . . #b2bdistributor #wholesale #gifts #custommade #corporategifts #hb #Festina #FestinaPens #newcollection #newseason #accessories #luxury #premium #giftandpaper #singapore #pen
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guncelkal · 1 year
Original Ink Cartridge HP Yellow Magenta 50gr
Return to the office without forgetting a single thing! Buy Original Ink Cartridge HP Yellow Magenta 50gr and be the envy of your colleagues! Colour: Yellow Magenta Approx. weight: 50 g Capacity: 10 ml Type: Original Ink Cartridge Compatible: HP Characteristics: Original Technology: Inkjet Units: 1 Unit SKU: S7134639
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ggimagecachina · 2 years
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Mediums - Traditional Media for Comic Making
Paper, ink, and pencils have been around for centuries, and the only limitations for combining your favorites to make comics are your imagination. From the simple ballpoint pen to fancy materials from the art store, the very best mindset is to practice with whatever you can get, and see what you love!
That said, if you're not sure where to start and need some pointers, here are some common things we and other comic creators can recommend:
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Paper: Look for paper that does not easily tear with the amount of pressure you put on it when you draw. Sketchbooks labelled for "sketch" or "drawing", as well as bristol pads are typically good for this, and Canson and Strathmore brands are professional-standard papers. Deleter also makes paper specifically with blue marks that don't photocopy to measure out comic pages (Something something archival quality something.)
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Pencils and Erasers: Pencils come in a variety of lead widths in a numbered scale from B (soft and bold) to H (firm and light). Standard school-grade pencils can leave heavier marks, so it can be handy to look for pencils that erase easily. 
 Mechanical pencils can be nice because they also have weighted lead (ranging from 0.3mm at the lightest to 0.9mm at the heaviest). The brand of lead and brand of pencil are generally interchangeable as long as you match the measurements, and they don't depend on sharpening and leave a mess. The downside is the lighter lead can break and be harder to shade with.
With both normal and mechanical pencils, you can also look for colored lead for sketching that is non photocopy or that can be easily edited out.
For erasers, dust-collecting erasers can be very good for clean up work, plastic erasers that don't smudge are also nice, and kneaded erasers have a putty-like texture that can be shaped and used for texturing in fun and interesting ways!
Pencils recommended brands - Prismacolor, Faber-Castell, 
Mechanical Pencil recommended brands -  Pigma, Pilot, Staedtler
Eraser recommended brands - Tombow mono eraser, Pentel Ain eraser
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Pens and Markers: Any pen or marker can work for you, but many office-supply-store-quality pens have ink that fades over time, which may be less than ideal for scanning in your art later. Felt-tipped pens such as Sakura Microns are good for very fine detail work, though they may dry or have the ends split if you're not careful and need to be replaced every year or so depending on how much you use them. Pens with nibs and ink cartridges allow you to keep the same pen for years and just refill it, which can be a handy investment!
Markers, similarly, come in both disposable and refillable varieties. See what works for you!
Pentel Calligraphy Brush Pen
G Nib Pen
Copic Markers
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