#g63 rims
tech-kingthomas · 1 year
About:  Thomas Chandler
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Full Name:  Thomas Wesley Kandler Nickname:  No nickname, but his surname has evolved to “Chandler”. Do they like their nickname?:  It’s close enough to his original name. Birthday:  June 16, 1841 Birthplace:  Munich, Germany Hometown:  Freising, Germany Species:  Witch Ethnicity:  German, Polish, English Religion:  The Kandlers were Protestant on the surface, but never practicing.   Pets:  None, but there is a stray cat that he leaves food out for that keeps following him around. Current Occupation:  The IT person at The Institute Sexuality:  Heteroflexible Relationship Status:  Single Do they drive?  What kind of car do they own?:  A Mercedes-AMG G63
Height:  5′10 Body Type:  Slim with broadened shoulders Hair Color:  Brown Hair Type:  Wavy Hair Style:  A bit too poofy for his taste, but that’s just the way it goes. Eye Color:  Brown Glasses/Contacts?:  He has black-rimmed blue light glasses, but he only wears them when he's working. Prominent Features:  People do really seem to like his hair. Scars:  He has a knife wound above his left hip, from a fight he got into with someone when he worked at a carnival. Tattoos:  None Piercings:  None Health Problems or Conditions:  None Style:  Layers - flannels, jeans, cargo shorts and t-shirts.  Typically work boots, or sandals.  Flat sneakers, jeans, sweatshirts from various universities.  He cleans up nicely when need be, but he’s usually very casual. Notable Jewelry:  He has a watch that is essentially his life force, reminding him that death is a ticking clock.  It runs on advanced magic and his own blood. Grooming:  He always seems to look very unkempt, but rest assured he does shower - even if he doesn’t look like it all the time.
Mother’s Name:  Edith  Mother’s Maiden Name:  Vogel Status:  Deceased Relationship:  When she was alive, Thomas was a bit of a mama’s boy.  He was her first son, and they shared similar magical prowess.  She was a very natural witch. Father’s Name:  Walter Status:  Deceased Relationship:  Thomas and his father had a fine relationship.  As the oldest son, he did have a lot of responsibilities that his sister and younger brother didn’t have.  His father shared a lot of the love Thomas did of invention, and if Walter had lived to a modern era, Thomas is certain he also would have been considered a technopath. Siblings:  Alexandria (+2) and Stephen (-3).  As far as he is aware, they are both deceased.   What was their childhood like?:  The Kandlers had a very solitary childhood.  They were the only witches they knew, living in a shack in the woods.  They practiced magic all the time and did everything they could to teach the children everything they could about being a witch, instilling in them a deep understanding and appreciation of nature.  That includes a respect for life and death - them seeing Thomas alive way after he is supposed to be would have them rolling in their graves. Earliest Memory:  His sister attempting to bring back to life a fox they found in the woods, and their parents having to usher them back and give them a long talk on the respect of life and death. Happiest Memory:  Inventing the first prototype of his watch. Saddest Memory:  His brother’s funeral. Education:  He didn’t have much of a formal education until he found himself at the states - he went to Brown University for a few years and found another witch as his mentor, Arthur.  His education as a witch is very thorough from his family and other magical creatures he has come into contact with in his life.  He’s a big academic, but as a student - not as a teacher.  He was a TA for one semester and hated it.  After a few bad business deals going badly in the late 70s/early 80s, he found himself alone and nearly broke.  He had heard about the Institute from other supernatural beings he knew, finding it as a place to hide and recoup for a bit - his previous degree was super fucking old, so he had no choice.  The world was changing. Past Jobs:  He was a magician in a traveling circus for quite some time, honing in his magical abilities and getting into trouble. Police Record:  Nothing now - those records were from so long ago for petty, outdated laws, and have since been cleared - and because law enforcement believes he’s dead. Major Past Trauma/Illness - Are they still affected?:  The trauma of losing his family to death - the most natural thing on earth - was very difficult for him to get past.  Thomas was always very scared of death and figured as a witch, he could prolong life and essentially cheat death.  His family didn’t feel the same, and they were all very close, so it’s left a hole in his soul he hasn’t been able to fill.  Living life alone for so long has made it difficult to establish connection - he’s just grown to enjoy his own solitude.  Additionally, he spent four years at the Institute in the 80s, dealing with his own various punishments and torments as a slave.  Being here means sometimes he relives those memories, not all of which were exactly pleasant.
First crush:  A young girl in the local village, Brunhilda. First sexual experience - Was it a good or bad one?:  Not until he was in his early twenties with one of the performers from the circus.  It was in a private tent, she was the “psychic” who gave people tarot card readings.  It was quite pleasant. Sexual Type:  Switch Turn Ons:  Teasing, Light Bondage, Light Pain Play, Edging, Cuddle-Fucking, Foreplay, Roleplay, Oral Sex, Electric Play Turn Offs:  Bathroom Play, Blood Play Love Type:  Thomas can be very sweet, but he does have his own personal boundaries.  He isn’t the kind of person that can be around someone 24/7 unless it’s serious - he firmly believes that people need to be by themselves to appreciate who they're with. But he is the type to spoil a bit, because he can, and to him it really means nothing. He pays a lot of attention to what they like or don't like, and is very careful with using that to select activities or gifts or things of that sort. Significant Past Relationships:  Nothing that lays a lot of significance in his mind - though one led to a child (that he has no idea exists).
Psychological Issues/Mental Illnesses:  None Outlook on Life:  There’s a lot of both good and bad in the world, but the most important is your own survival.  The good always seems to come out on top in the end anyway, so let someone else worry about it. Myers-Briggs Personality Type:  INTP Temperament:  Phlegmatic Sun Sign:  Gemini  Moon Sign:  Taurus Rising Sign:  Scorpio Venus Sign:  Leo Alignment:  True Neutral Hogwarts House:  Ravenclaw What/Who do they value most?:  The watch that keeps him alive, and any of his tech. What/Who are they willing to die for?:  Nobody.  He isn’t willing to die, period. Personal Philosophy:  Just keep moving. Biggest Fear:  Dying. Are they superstitious?:  Not really - most superstition, in his eyes, stems from people pissing off a witch, not knowing it, and associating it with random phenomena.   Greatest Strength:  Thomas is an extremely skilled witch.  He is knowledgeable in the different kinds of magic witches can focus on - he’s had ample time to practice, but it is helpful that he comes from a pretty powerful magical bloodline. Greatest Weakness:  He can never stay in one place for too long, meaning he can never form too many meaningful relationships.  He has one in his mentor, but that means he doesn’t have a ton of romance in his life, or a lot of friendship.  In keeping himself alive, he’s depriving himself of a lot of the beauty life can bring. Good Characteristics:  Thomas is very intelligent and, even though he doesn’t want to admit it, he is pretty charitable and kind.  He likes to pretend he’s indifferent to things, but he can’t just sit back and let bad things happen no matter how hard he tries.  He just has to get involved.   Bad Characteristics:  He is extremely competitive, he’s always been.  It started off with him wanting to be the best at magic, the best magician in any circuses, then with the best inventors - it kept continuing on after that.  And his temper is pretty short and strained, as he’s easily annoyed, especially with what he considers idiocy. Favorite thing about themself?  Why?:  He does think he’s pretty witty. Least favorite?  Why?:  He desperately wishes he was more strict, or tougher, or less likely to help others.  It really goes against his “self-preservation” mottos and philosophy, but he’s too kind. Biggest regret:  Not spending more time with his family before they passed away. Proudest moment:  One of his final shows in the circus, essentially as the bigger, main attraction, because of how far he came in his illusions and tricks.  He made a lot of money on it, and was finally satisfied with his magic capabilities. Quirks:  Thomas does not let ANYONE touch any of the tech in his home or in his office.  He’s extremely organized in his own chaotic way - things that look totally out of place to others are a distinct system to Thomas.  Organized chaos is the best way to describe how he keeps his personal spaces.  The kitchen and bathrooms have to be spotless, and the living areas nice, but he cares less about his own bedroom and private quarters. How are they in crisis?  Thomas is horrible in crisis.  It boils down to him wanting to take charge, knowing what needs to be done and not having the confidence in other people to do it.  That, in turn, stresses him out, and it’s a never-ending cycle. What do they wish to change most about themself?:  He does wish he was more organized - it would help get his life together a little more.
Pace:  Typically pretty speedy. Voice Tone:  His voice isn’t very deep, not very high, and fluctuates a bit when he speaks. Accent/Dialect:  Once German, but it’s shifted into English over time because of how many years he spent in the United Kingdom.   Speech Patterns:  Tends to be a bit rambly and gets off topic pretty quickly, with a lot of sidebars and winding anecdotes until he gets to what he really needs to say.  He loses his way a bit. Favorite Words/Phrases:  Usually a swear under his breath, or something that’s not a swear at all that seems to pass as one - when he means to swear, but something different comes out. Mannerisms/Demeanor:  A bit twitchy, a bit eye-rolly, he wears his emotions - mostly his annoyances and grievances - right there on his sleeve.  His demeanor always seems a little bit stressed out and anxious, even if he’s just trying to relax. Posture:  He carries himself well, but he turns into something of a hunchback when he's focused at his desk. Gestures:  The best way he knows how to explain complicated computer systems and magic to others is by using his hands and a lot of sound effects. How good are they at lying?:  He’s not bad, but he isn’t the type to be lying in the first place.  Thomas is pretty honest with people.
Finances:  Thomas is typically good with finance - anytime there’s an issue is usually when it’s outside of his control, like the stock market or companies going out of business.  Alcohol Use:  Not a big drinker, never really was.  He is a big beer guy. Drug Use:  His office at school is always a bit hazy and smells a bit skunkish usually all the time. Morning/Night Person?:  Probably a night person, if he had to pick one. Morning Routine: He hits the snooze button about ten times, then makes two cups of coffee. Showers, then throws on some clothes that make him look somewhat put together. Day Routine: Usually he's floating around the school, helping with whatever they need IT-wise. Installing firewalls and mostly just recovering emails from supernaturals that refuse to get with the times. Lunch he'll grab from wherever, or pay a slave some cash to get him and themself some food. At this point, a joint or a bowl has usually been smoked in the office. He doesn't stay on school property a minute longer than necessary, if he can help it. Evening Routine: Typically, he's tinkering with something at his home, whether it be advancements on a computer, or fixing the place up to essentially act as a giant smart home. If needed, fixes his watch. Eats takeout in front of the TV, unless it's a rare occasion he decides to cook. Night Routine: Sometimes he'll go for a late swim, or a late night walk to clear his head a bit, or just to get some semblance of exercise. Otherwise, he'll stay up late watching movies or just doing some fun magic tricks in the yard, working on his craft. Sleep Habits: When he's tired. Sometimes he's not and just won't sleep for awhile, sometimes he'll sleep all day. Special Skills: Video games. Or arcade games in general - he's all about finding trends and patterns. Pretty good at hacky sack - but that's never really come in handy. Very good at physical sciences. Tech stuff, of course, but that's a given and almost cheating because of his technopath abilities. He's never done anything with it, but he has a good eye for photography. Extremely fast typer.  Pretty good at giving gifts. Unskilled at: Really not the most athletic person. Not good with kids or babies. Bad at keeping still and just taking the time to relax - he always has to be working or doing something to improve on. It's why he smokes so much weed - it actually gets him to the point where he can chill out. He has always wanted to make edibles, but they always come out tasting like tires. Hobbies: Anything related to computers or technology. Smoking. He'll swim, he'll do slight of hand magic tricks to people that need a bit of a pick-me-up. Tries to keep an eye on slaves or guards, or other masters, to see if his help is ever needed (but he'll deny doing this).
Book: Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? by Philip K. Dick Movie: 2001: A Space Odyssey TV Show: For All Mankind Album: Not so much an album but the Serial podcast. Artist: Daft Punk Song: Happy Together by The Turtles Sport/Sport Team: He's a big Knicks fan. Color: Bluish Teal Meal: Good ol' spaghetti and meatballs Drink: Bourbon, neat Snack: Gummy Worms Outfit: Likely a plain t-shirt and denim jacket, black jeans and work boots. Quote: "Some people can read War and Peace and come away thinking it's a simple adventure story. Others can read the ingredients on a chewing gum wrapper and unlock the secrets of the universe.: Prized Possession: His watch.
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forgiatowheels · 6 years
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Widebody G63 on Forgiatos 
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wheelspacer · 3 years
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Mercedes-Benz G500 W463
Detail Listing:
BONOSS Forged Grade 12.9 Shell Type Lock Bolt Kit (Black)
ZITO ZF01 22’’rims
295/40R22 tires
G63+Brabus Bodykits
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gwagons · 6 years
Looks Like Candy
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giovannawheels · 6 years
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More action from @mbokc Grand Opening🔥 G Wagon on 24” Giovanna Bogota Wheels 🔺 #giovannawheels #giovanna #gwagon #mercedes #g63 #luxurywheels #rims #wheelporn
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wheelswap · 7 years
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Thoughts on this big coupe #WheelSwap❙ • • • @94hammy #wheels #rims #wheelwhores #usedwheels #usedrims #authenticwheels #modifiedsociety #hellafresh #amg #mercedes #mercedesbenz #benz #mercedesamg #g63 #brabus #c63 #s63 #thebestornothing #biturbo #gclass #v8 #porsche #g65 #lamborghini #w124 #coupe #s600 (at Randy's Donuts)
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aliexeleros · 7 years
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taevisionceo · 3 years
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TAEVision Engineering 's Posts - Sun, May 16, 2021 TAEVision 3D Mechanical Design ▪ Automotive Agriculture Forest GMC Sierra 1500 PickUp Trucks OffRoad MercedesBenz AMG GClass GWagon G63 OffRoad SUV ▪ Parts AutoParts Aftermarket Champion CopperPlus SparkPlugs ATE PremiumOne® brakes Blaz'N WiredWheels BZ920 ▪ Tools RepairTools RemovalInjectors injectors PSA DW10 RHY RHZ engines 01 - Data 421 3D Design Applications [Auto] [Agri] Automotive Agriculture Farm Farms Farming Forest WINTER SEASON GMC Sierra 1500 PickUp Trucks OffRoad Double Cab ▸ TAEVision Engineering's Post on Tumblr 02 - Data 456 3D Design Applications Automotive WINTER WONDERLAND MercedesBenz AMG GClass GWagon G63 OffRoad SUV 4MATIC 5.5-L V-8 V8 2016 ▸ TAEVision Engineering's Post on Tumblr 03 - Data 089 Parts AutoParts Aftermarket Champion CopperPlus SparkPlugs ▸ TAEVision Engineering's Post on Tumblr 04 - Data 107 Parts AutoParts Aftermarket ATE PremiumOne® - PremiumOne brakes Disc Brake Pads and Rotors DiscBrakePads BrakePads CeramicPads Rotors ▸ TAEVision Engineering's Post on Tumblr 05 - Data 162 Parts AutoParts Aftermarket Blaz'N BlazN wheels rims WiredWheels BZ920 Black Machine ▸ TAEVision Engineering's Post on Tumblr 06 - Data 230 Tools GarageTools Repair RepairTools RemovalTools RemovalInjectors injectors PSA DW10 RHY RHZ engines (Citroën, Peugeot, Fiat, Suzuki...) 60383305 + Suppl 60383320... ▸ TAEVision Engineering's Post on Tumblr
I just updated my Pressfolio: TAEVision Mechanics - Global Data - May 16, 2021 ▸ TAEVision Mechanics's Online Portfolio
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Global Data - May 16, 2021
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tunersource · 7 years
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Lorinser G class widebody • all components are immediately available for G63/65 AMG and G500/550 • 📞Contact us today for all Lorinser inquiries!! We are an official Lorinser importer for the USA, South America, and the Caribbean • ✈️ weekly shipments from Germany🇩🇪 to USA 🇺🇸• 🌎 We ship worldwide! | #lorinser #mercedesbenz #g63 #g550 #g500 #tuning #bodykit #widebody #rims #madeingermany #imported #supported #distributed #official #tunersource #allthebestbrands
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forgiatowheels · 5 years
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Mercedes 4x4 ² on Forgiato Gambe-1 Wheels 
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ivanmodification · 3 years
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Mercedes-Benz G500 W463
Detail Listing:
BONOSS Forged Grade 12.9 Shell Type Lock Bolt Kit (Black)
ZITO ZF01 22’’rims
295/40R22 tires
G63+Brabus Bodykits
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wheelspacer · 3 years
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Mercedes-Benz G500 W463
Detail Listing:
BONOSS Forged Grade 12.9 Shell Type Lock Bolt Kit (Black)
ZITO ZF01 22’’rims
295/40R22 tires
G63+Brabus Bodykits
0 notes
giovannawheels · 7 years
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G-Thang 😱 24” Giovanna Bogota Wheels • Mercedes G63 AMG • by @vibemotorsports 🔥 #giovannawheels #mercedesbenz #gwagon #g63 #amg #giovanna #luxurywheels #rims #wheelporn
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raenwheels · 4 years
♨ БРУТАЛЬНЫЙ MERCEDES G-Class НА ДИСКАХ RIVIERA RF108 ————————————————————— ✖️RaenWheels - Официальный дилер @rivierawheels в России ————————————————————— ♻По вопросам подбора, цены, сотрудничества: ☎️8(800)775-12-16 🔁What’sApp 📞 8981-953-26-86 📪[email protected] 🌏www.raenwheels.ru ⠀ ⤵️Подпишись на канал Telegram или YouTube 📣https://t.me/raentuning 🎬https://www.youtube.com/user/wearenonsense ⠀ #raenwheels #variantwheels #wheels #диски #колеса #кованыедиски #ковка #автотюнинг #fitment #customoffsets #купитьдиски #rims #forgedwheels #tuning #автомобильныедиски #колесныедиски #купитьдиски #mercedestuning #mercedeswheels #g63 #c63amg #тюнингмерседес  #дискимерседес #mercedesrussia #mercedestuning #мерседесклуб #mercedesclub #mercedesspb https://raenwheels.ru/kolesnyie-diski/lityie-diski/riviera-wheels/disk-litoj-riviera-rf108.html (at «Мерседес-Бенц» ОЛИМП Нева) https://www.instagram.com/p/CG5BqzTgsye/?igshid=xzjg4pihufx2
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wealthiesthub · 3 years
How Billionaires Spend their Money Cars
To watch the complete video click here, Wealthiest Hub.
Have you ever wondered how different your life would be if you were a billionaire? If so, then you’ve probably made a list of expensive items you’d spend money on. In this video, we’ll go over the amounts some billionaires spend on their cars alone.
Elon Musk
Beginning with one of the most well-known billionaires out there, Musk made his way to becoming a billionaire by co-founding two, now quite famous, companies: PayPal and Tesla Inc., and founding SpaceX as well. Being the owner of a car company, Musk himself has one of the best car collections. But the fact that he doesn’t own only electric or eco-friendly cars might shock you. Let’s go over some of the cars Musk owns.
1. BMW 320i (1978)
You have a special attachment to your first car, and so did Musk. He got a second-hand BMW 320i for $1400 when launched in the US in 1994. The car was famous for some of its unique features – it had an attractive kidney grill, and a powerful fuel-injected 2.0-liter engine that could do 60mph in approximately ten seconds, with a top speed of 112mph. He kept the car for some years until one of his interns totalled it.
2. Hamann BMW M5 (2006)
You are probably wondering if Musk has a thing for BMWs. I mean he owns more than two BMWs so maybe he does? But this specific BMW M5 is so impressive anyone could fall in love with it. This M5 is tuned by Hamann and has an extremely powerful V10 5.0-liter engine. The stock engine had a top speed of 155mph but Hamann powered it up to 199mph along with 603 horsepower. Elon Musk likely spent $80,000 on this car alone. On top of that, we can say that Musk has a need for speed.
3. Audi Q7
Back in 2010, Elon Musk wanted a bigger car for his family of seven, so he purchased one of the most luxurious SUVs out there – the Audi Q7. Although Musk spent $85,000 on the car, he wasn’t impressed by its lack of practicality. However, owning the car inspired Musk to add falcon wing doors on the Tesla Model S.
Kylie Jenner
Kylie Kristen Jenner is an American media personality, socialite, model, and businesswoman. She starred in the E! reality television series Keeping Up with the Kardashians from 2007 to 2021 and is the founder and owner of cosmetic company Kylie Cosmetics. World’s youngest self-made billionaire, Kylie Jenner, has quite the car collection every person would dream of having. She has a luxury car for each occasion.
1. Bugatti Chiron
Back in 2019, Kylie purchased a $3 million Bugatti Chiron, with a horsepower of 1500 and a top speed of 304mph. The car goes from 0-60 in 2.3 seconds and weighs only 4500 pounds. The star says she got this car for herself after breaking up with Travis Scott.
2. Black Rolls Royce Wraith
After having her one and only kid, Kylie got a fully customized black Rolls Royce for $400,000, with an impressive Barbie-pink interior. She says this Rolls Royce is her ‘ultimate mom car’.
3. Icy Blue Rolls Royce Wraith
The star’s ultimate dream car is this fully customized icy blue Rolls Royce.
4. Lamborghini Urus
One of the two Lamborghinis she owns is a highly customized Urus worth $220,000. The customization includes three color variations: Giallo Inti (yellow), Verde Vantis (green), and Arancio Borealis (orange), which Kylie got, with a matching two-tone interior and other distinguishable accents. The pearl exterior comes with a high-gloss black roof and rear diffuser, and 23” rims with body-color accents to match. Imagine being able to afford a Lamborghini and having enough money to get it entirely customized. What a dream!
5. Lamborghini Aventador
In 2018, Kylie purchased an Aventador for $400,000. This supercar has a beautiful orange paint job, perfect for summer drives.
6. Mercedes AMG G63
Kylie bought this car back in 2018 for around $160,000. Its original paint was black, with black rims and interior. However, the billionaire got it painted bright orange to match it with her Lamborghini Aventador “only for the summer”.
7. Ferrari LaFerrari
There are only 499 LaFerraris in the entire world and Kylie Jenner owns one of them. She said her ex-boyfriend, Travis Scott, gifted her this Laferrari as a push-present. The car is worth $1.4 million!
These were only some of the cars from Kylie’s entire collection. The star has a very unique collection that is worth $5 million. How crazy is that!
Cristiano Ronaldo
CR7’s full name is Cristiano Ronaldo dos Santos Aveiro. He was born on 5 February 1985. He is known as one of the greatest footballers of all time. And mostly considered as the best. Cristiano Ronaldo has won five Ballon d'Or awards and four European Golden Shoes, the most by a European player. He has won almost everything there is to win for a footballer except a world cup. But who knows? The next one might be his. Anyways let's jump into his 24 million dollars worth of cars.
Ferrari Monza SP1
Ronaldo's most recent purchase was a $1.95 million Ferrari Monza SP1. The funny part is he bought it right after his team Juventus had lost to AC Milan. That sure, stirred up some controversies.
Bugatti Centodieci
Ronaldo's most expensive car is a $12 million Bugatti Centodieci. According to SportBible, Ronaldo purchased the motor, one of only 10 in the world, to celebrate his 36th birthday in February. Imagine a car going from a 0 to a 100 in just 3 seconds. That is what this car can do, only better. The car can go from 0-100 km/h in just 2.4 seconds and has a top speed of 380 km/h.
McLaren Senna
Cristiano Ronaldo also owns a McLaren Senna. McLaren Senna is an ultra-rare car. Only five hundred of them are ever made in the whole world. He bought it for 1.06 million dollars, in 2019. The limited-edition supercar, which lends its name from legendary Formula One driver Ayrton Senna, boasts a 4.0-liter twin-turbo V8 engine and can leap from 0-100 km/h in just 2.8 seconds.
Mercedes G-Wagon Brabus
This car is special to Cristiano. It was gifted to him by his girlfriend, Georgina Rodriquez. His girlfriend gifted this to him on his 35th birthday. This car costs 850,000 dollars. The German tuner is a household name when it comes to modified, high-performance Mercedes-Benz vehicles. Its latest masterpiece is the Brabus G V12 900. Photo: Brabus. Using AMG's hand-built, twin-turbo 6.0-litre V12, the team bored out and re-tuned the engine to 6.3 liters, boosting output to 888 horsepower (900 PS).
Ronaldo's other vehicles include a Lamborghini Aventador, a Maserati GranCabrio, and a Bentley Continental. The cheapest car in Ronaldo's collection is a Chevrolet Camaro. Worth under $50,000, he bought the modest vehicle in 2016 as a family car.
Rolls Royce Cullinan.
Rolls Royce Cullinan is his favorite car. He even stated that this car is “perfect” Purchased in 2019 for $360,000, Ronaldo says the luxury SUV, which can accelerate from 0-96 kph in just five seconds, is his favorite car to drive.
Kanye West
Kanye Omari West is an American billionaire, rapper, singer, songwriter, record producer, businessman, and fashion designer. He has been influential in the 21st-century development of popular music, mainstream hip hop, and general popular culture. Kanye sure loves to buy loads of cars.
Maybach 57
The Maybach 57 and 62 were the first automobile models of the Maybach brand since the brand's revival by Daimler Chrysler AG. The concept car was based on the Mercedes-Benz W140 S-class sedan platform, as were the production models. Kanye bought this car with the help of Jay-Z. They got it for their first music video.
Lamborghini Gallardo
This vehicle has gone through quite the chain of transformations, first wearing gloss black, then matte black, finally a matte beige some people hate. A 200,000 dollar car that he bought just because he liked the color on it.
Aston Martin DBS
It is a 316,000 dollar car. He bought it but still I am not sure how he’s resisted driving this naturally-aspirated V12 more again, or if he’s been extra-sneaky and took it out without the press realizing who he was.
Porsche 991 Carrera
It’s not known if the car is his or was a rental since the man was spotted behind the wheel of it just one time here in the United States. Whichever it is, the fact remains the guy definitely likes Porsches. This is a nice car on a 100,000 dollar budget. Kanye West bought the Porsche with his friends and he just lends it off to his friends. This is why I am not sure whether it is a rental or not.
These billionaires have fun with their money. They spend it on luxury items. In this video we told you about their car collections. If you had the money, which car would you buy? Also please suggest to us what would you like to see a video on next, their pets? Their shoes? Also, tell me if you would like a part 2 on this. We would be happy to do so. Share your thoughts in the comments section below.
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wheelcarmier · 4 years
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MERCEDES G55 G63 G550 G65 2009-2018 Factory OEM Wheel 19" Rim 85069 Black/CNC #A https://ift.tt/3cy4BCQ
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