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mytechhubgh · 2 years
How to Track all your Marketing Campaigns with Tracking URLs
Tracking is an essential module in every digital campaign. It helps you measure the impact of your digital marketing campaigns whiles keeping you on track with your goals. Say you want to know how many people used a link from your social media post to purchase a product or how many subscribers read your latest newsletter. It will be impossible to monitor all these goals without setting up…
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The RCMP denies it conspired with a natural gas pipeline builder and a private security firm in a campaign designed to harass Wet'suwet'en people off their unceded territory in northern British Columbia, court filings say.
The RCMP, Coastal GasLink and Forsythe Security, named as defendants in a lawsuit three Wet'suwet'en members launched last June, all deny the allegations.
The $6.6-billion Coastal GasLink pipeline project is designed to carry fracked natural gas to a $40-billion LNG terminal in Kitimat, B.C., for export to Asia. Wet'suwet'en hereditary chiefs say Coastal GasLink does not have consent to cross their territory.
The latest defence filing to the lawsuit comes from B.C.'s public safety minister, the provincial politician in charge of policing, who is being represented by a Justice Canada lawyer because the claim involves the Mounties.
The minister's 17-page response, filed after a months-long delay, says the RCMP acted "reasonably" and within the bounds of a court-ordered injunction prohibiting interference with the project.
Police increased enforcement after an "escalation of unlawful activity" that included a violent February 2022 incident involving mask-wearing, axe-wielding assailants at a pipeline construction site, the filing says. [...]
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thinkitmedia · 17 days
Everything You Need to Know About a GA Link Builder
GA Link Builder is a powerful tool that allows you to easily create trackable links for your Google Analytics campaigns. By using this tool, you can efficiently monitor the performance of your marketing efforts and gain insight into the effectiveness of your campaigns. In this article, we will delve into the features and benefits of a GA Link Builder, as well as provide a step-by-step guide on…
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Do you know Penn Yan?: Penn Yan Oddity, No. 1 through No. 30
By Jonathan Monfiletto
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Anyone who has conducted research either through Yates County’s digitized newspapers or the Yates County History Center’s subject files has likely come across items titled either “Penn Yan Oddity” or “Yates County Oddity.” These items – snippets might be a good word – provide information about various aspects of local history, seeming to answer some sort of question or mystery.
Seeing so many of these snippets – and finding the answers but seeming not to find the question – I decided to scour our digitized newspaper database to see if I could find all of them, the questions with the answers. It turns out the oddities – 90 Penn Yan Oddity items, 52 Yates County Oddity items – were part of an advertising campaign in the 1940s for Baldwin’s Bank, then located at 127 Main St. in Penn Yan, the present-day home of the Arts Center of Yates County.
The Penn Yan Oddities ran in The Chronicle-Express in consecutive weeks from February 20, 1947 to November 11, 1948, and then the Yates County Oddities picked up right away in the newspaper from November 18, 1948 to November 24, 1949. So, for more than 2 and a half years, readers of The Chronicle-Express could learn something about local history each week in the newspaper.
Each item started out as an advertisement for Baldwin’s Bank with the phrase “Do You Know Penn Yan?” at the top of the graphic followed by the question for the week. In the middle, the bulk of the ad, would appear information about the bank’s various services and offerings. The bottom would direct the reader to look for the answer elsewhere on the same page and then look for another Oddity the following week.
In this article, I present Penn Yan Oddity No. 1 through No. 30. Each question and answer has been transcribed exactly as it appeared in the newspaper, which changes made only for typographical errors and not for grammatical style. The only time words have been removed from the items is in the case of references to photographs or other information that appeared elsewhere in the newspaper.
1) Where do autos now park on what was once the site of the village school?
The Maiden Lane Parking station was once the site of the Maiden Lane school where many of Penn Yan’s citizens received their education when they were children during the span from 1842 to ’93. Younger adults will recall when the school house was converted to a hitch barn by the late Owen Hoban, father of Leo and Owen Hoban; later sold and known as McConnell’s hitching barn for many years, finally being razed to make way for parking.
2) Where is there an octagon barn?
At the rear of the residence of John Andrews, 312 Clinton street, purchased from Mrs. Charlotte Becker, is an eight-sided barn, built in 1855 by Myron T. Hamlin. The builder sold the place to Darius Adams Ogden, first U.S. Consul to Honolulu and grandfather of Philip Ogden of Clinton street. Mr. Ogden built the house which Mr. Andrews now owns and gave it to his son, Darius Adams Ogden, jr., as a wedding present. The octagon barn may easily be seen on the north side of Clinton street as one drives along.
3) Where is there one of the old gas street lamp posts in original position?
In front of the Elias Wallace residence, 118 East Main street, Penn Yan, standing in its original position and now serving as trellis for a trumpet vine, is one of the old gas street lamp posts – the kind they have been singing about over the radio.
Can anyone tell us when they were installed, who was the last person employed to light them, when were they abandoned for the old style carbon electric arc lamps?
4) Where did Lake Keuka boats dock at Penn Yan in days before the dam and canal?
Before the dam made the outlet of Lake Keuka navigable for large boats and when horses forded the stream at Indian Pines, the boat dock for the north end of the East Branch was located near what is now Red Jacket park. In fact, the narrow drive which marks the north boundary of the park is a public highway leading from Lake street to Lake Keuka and the old dock. Horse drawn vehicles after fording the outlet would use this right-of-way to gain the Bath road, rather than driving into Penn Yan and crossing where the Main Street bridge is now located.
5) Where in Penn Yan is there still standing an iron hitching post?
In front of the Arthur Putney residence, 121 North avenue, is a metal hitching post – a pair of horses’ heads holding the two rings convenient for hitching. For years this was in Penn Yan’s business section and Park’s carriage works until some 35 years ago occupied the site of Dr. Glenn Hatch’s present residence, immediately next door to the Putney home.
There must be other hitching posts – metal or stone – still standing between the sidewalk and curb in Penn Yan. Where are they? If there is one in your neighborhood phone the Chronicle-Express – phone 123 – and for the fun of it, we’ll see how many still remain in Penn Yan.
6) How many other places are named Penn Yan?
There is only one Penn Yan in all this shrinking world – and that is in little Yates county, New York. Michigan once had a Penn Yan, but that Penn Yan shrank, too, until finally the post office name was withdrawn. In fact, the name has disappeared entirely in that section today. Nearest to “Penn Yan” is Pingyang, Korea, or Penang, an island, just west of the Malaysian peninsula, which the Japanese took in their early hop-skip-and-jump invasion south along that Asiatic protrusion.
7) What street is in the shape of a circle?
Wagener court, which opens onto and lies directly east of Benham street, is circular in shape. Four houses, erected by H. Allen Wagener, are on the street, built in 1918.
8) Where is there a residence in Penn Yan with 11 outside doors on the ground floor?
The residence at 155 North avenue, formerly owned and operated by the Turner sisters, has 11 doors opening from various parts of the house to the outside and all on the ground level. Two of the outside doors open towards the street on the front porch.
Recently this big old house was purchased by Fred Russell. Mrs. Elsie Reed Haney, who is in charge of the school cafeteria, rents the home.
9) Where in Penn Yan is there a tree with two limbs grown together forming a bridge?
A maple tree in front of the Methodist parsonage, 219 Main street, has two limbs which have grown together forming a perfect bridge and loop of wood.
10) Where is there a tree tied in knot?
A horse chestnut tree in front of 112 Benham street is thriving even though its main branches grow in a hard knot, some seven feet above the ground. About 50 years ago the late Richard Danes tied the twigs in a knot as a prank, never expecting the tree to live.
11) Which Penn Yan church occupies the site once used by a furniture factory?
The Curtis Chair factory once stood at the corner of Main and Clinton streets, the site now being used by the St. Mark’s Episcopal church and the late Seward McDonald residence. Samuel F. Curtis, grandfather of late Mrs. John Howard Perkins of Clinton Street, made furniture and coffins there until July 3, 1867 or 68, when the factory burned, along with the several houses between it and Jacob’s creek. The fire also destroyed the chain bridge across the brook. Approach to the second story of the houses back of the factory was direct from the elevated walk. After the fire the Johnson wagon repair shop occupied the location. Later the Episcopal Church moved from Main street, opposite Penn Yan Academy, to its present location.
12) Where are there old canal locks in Penn Yan through which railroad trains pass?
The trains of the New York Central railroad pass through locks of the old Crooked Lake canal near Cherry street, as well as at numerous other places during its eight-mile serpentine route, following the outlet from Penn Yan to Dresden. First used in October of 1833, the canal continued to carry boat traffic between Keuka and Seneca lakes until about 1877. Over two dozen locks were required to lift and lower the boats the difference of 265 feet between the lakes. The mason work of several of these locks is still in good condition and easily seen.
13) What Penn Yan church was once a public school?
The Free Methodist church on North avenue, just east of Main street, was a public school erected about 1843 or a dozen years after the first brick school house on the Liberty street site. After use as a school for a number of years it was transferred to the Free Methodists.
14) Under what buildings would excavators find the remains of an old canal tug boat?
If excavators were to work under the rear of the Armstrong restaurant, formerly Heath’s, and also under the Corcoran hardware they would very likely find the remains of a tug boat, which was sunk there in a spur of the old Crooked Lake canal before the latter was abandoned about 70 years ago. This spur, running a short distance north of the main canal, was handy for loading and unloading cargoes consigned to and from Penn Yan. Local industries along the canal or outlet banks had their private wharves. The waterway carried much traffic from the entire Lake Keuka community into Seneca lake and the Erie canal system to the Hudson and New York City.
15) What Penn Yan residence was once a thriving hostelry?
The Ottaway house at 210 North avenue was once one of the best-built hotels in Penn Yan. Operated by Mr. Pierce, it served guests when the corner of Main and Head (North avenue) streets, was the center of Yates county and Penn Yan commerce. Early in the 19th century there were three inns doing a brisk business there. This was before Vernon township, which then included Milo and Jerusalem townships as well, was named Benton. In 1818 the meeting at which Milo township was organized was held in one of those inns. Until recently a horseblock covered a liberal flowing spring which once supplied a watering trough in front of the building.
For many years the edifice has served as an apartment house.
16) Where did the original outlet leave Lake Keuka?
Before the present channel was dug, the mouth of the Lake Keuka outlet was about 50 feet further west, toward the West Lake road, than now. A little swale in back of the beach shows where the original outlet bed was. The stream then meandered in a wide curve through the present march, which at that time was a wooded area. The delta across the outlet at the mouth of Kimball creek now directs the Keuka water flow into the marsh where it follows somewhat the original stream bed.
17) What Penn Yan apartment house was built for and used as a church?
The dwelling at 300 Main street, now occupied by five tenants and owned by Mayor Mervin J. Rapalee, was originally a Wesleyan church and is shown as such on the Penn Yan map printed in 1854. Another map in 1896 indicates that it was then the residence of C.B. Struble.
Rev. Benjamin Bradford served as pastor of the church at one time. His grandson, Rev. Arthur Bradford, is now pastor of the strong Congregational church in Providence, R.I., and his wife is a sister of Mrs. Walter A. Hendricks of Penn Yan.
18) What house has a front door opening directly on one street and back (or opposite) door opening directly onto another street?
Two or three houses near Five Points have front doors facing on Seneca street and rear doors, at the opposite end of the house, facing on East Elm street. The last village directory lists the Seneca street entrances as the front doors with Seneca street numbers.
19) In what nearby city is a rose garden named for a former Penn Yan man?
Sunday the Syracuse Rose society presented its annual rose show and the crowning of a Rose queen in Mills Memorial gardens of Thornden park, located near the Syracuse university campus.
These rose gardens were originated and managed by Dr. Edmund M. Mills, who served as pastor of the First Methodist church in Penn Yan from 1881 to ’84, leaving the local pulpit to become district superintendent. Rose culture was his hobby and as a plaque in the park indicates, he was a recognized authority on roses. Dr. Mills died in Santa Ana, Calif., March 15, 1933.
20) Were are numbers from 1 up cut in the stones of the sidewalk? And why?
The walk on the west side of Elm Street running along the Lake View cemetery is comprised of stones into which on the inside edge has been cut, about every 100 feet, numbers running from one up. Can anyone tell us when the numbers were put there and for what purpose?
21) Where is Penn Yan’s old steam powered fire engine pumper and the old hand pumper?
The old Silsby steamer, made in Seneca Falls, went into salvage during the last war. It was purchased in the fall of 1872, the year of the Big Penn Yan conflagration.
Stored in a shed on the north edge of Lake View cemetery is an old brake engine, Excelsior No. 2. The Excelsior company was formed in 1854, the year the downtown engine house was erected, and the break engine, the third purchased by this company, was then acquired.
22) Where is the oldest house in Penn Yan?
The dwelling at 105 Cherry street, owned by Miss Ida Caviston and now occupied the past nine years by Mr. and Mrs. Rufus Burley, is supposed to be the oldest residence in Penn Yan. It was built by Samuel Lawrence about 1810 for his bride.
23) Where is the official marker showing Penn Yan’s altitude?
The only official bench marker in the series, running from Dresden to Bath, that is located in Penn Yan is a bronze plate embedded in the limestone water table of Penn Yan Academy. Under the windows of Principal Donald Grants office. The reading on the marker indicates that it is exactly 767 feet above sea level but Owen Hoban, civil engineer and contractor, says recent maps correct the reading for that particular marker to 768.497 feet above sea level.
24) Where is the public drinking fountain that stood at the four corners years ago?
On the side of the Deckerman residence, 127½ East Main street, next door to the office of the New York State police, is a small fountain – rebuilt from the public drinking fountain erected at the corner of Main and Jacob (East Elm) streets just 50 years ago as a community service by the Loyal Temperance legion. The fountain was an ornate affair intended to serve both man and canine. Difficulty with the valve led to discard of the fountain from its conspicuous place at the four corners and eventually it turned up, greatly changed in appearance, as now, in the lawn of the Deckerman brothers.
25) Where was there a movie studio?
The E.R. Ramsey property at 414 North Main street, just acquired by the Soldiers and Sailors Memorial hospital for its expansion program, provided the studios for the Penn Yan Film corporation. Buildings of the pliaduct factory, started in January of 1910 … provided studios for the local branch of the infant movie industry five years later. The feature-length film, “Wheat and Tares,” shown at the Elmwood last fall, was one of the products of the local studio. Several others were scheduled for production when Mr. Ramsey’s death in an auto accident June 13, 1916, halted all plans for future filming.
Students and friends of the old Keuka college and institute as well as the public will have an opportunity to view the 32-year old film showing many Keuka college and Penn Yan scenes as background and numerous present residents as actors and extras. This courtesy screening of the film will be at the Elmwood theatre at 5 p.m. Saturday, Aug. 16.
26) Where is Penn Yan’s subway?
Penn Yan’s subway extends under the sidewalk from the corner of Main and Water streets to the Main Street bridge and dam. It is used only by workmen, but has ample room since Main street from Water to the bridge is many feet higher than when it first spanned the old Crooked Lake canal and outlet and there were no buildings where the Chronicle-Express office and neighboring blocks are now situated. The “subway” is some 60 years old.
27) Where and when was Penn Yan’s first grade crossing elimination?
Before 1883 Hamilton street entered Jacob street, now called East Elm, just east of what is now the Pennsylvania apartments and Market Basket store run by Harold Seager. The crossing over the railroad, built in 1851, was eliminated after some 22 years of use by swinging Hamilton street a bit east, starting at the junction of Chestnut street and making the intersection with Jacob just east of the tracks, as at present. The remaining small section of Hamilton street on the west side of the tracks and station is therefore known as Hamilton place.
28) What was the first street to be paved and when?
Jacob street, now East Elm, was the first street paved with brick in Penn Yan, the work being done in 1906.
The old picture of Jacob street … was taken shortly after the paving was completed. A circus announcement on the Central house porch dates the showing as June 13. Merrill Beach transformed the Central house into the present Universal building about 1920. That forced Henry Ross to give up the open-air peanut, fruit, and candy stand which he had been operating for some 30 years. Frank Wheeler’s tire shop is at present using as an approach the location of this stand, which Mr. Ross took over years earlier from James Lord.
Immediately beyond the fruit stand was Abe Masten’s book store, now the American Legion building and the location being taken over by Deckerman brothers. Careful study of the picture shows that Dr. Frank Sampson had not yet erected the Sampson theatre, now Jewett’s garage, and that the Masonic temple, built in 1914, was still a dream only.
Conspicuous, of course, is the “Toonerville.” Tracks for the Penn Yan, Keuka Park and Branchport Electric Railway were laid on Jacob street in the spring of 1897 and torn up in the fall on 1936.
29) What early Penn Yan school was once located in the business section?
In the Chronicle-Express window is a seat, owned by Henry Carey and used in the Maiden Lane school. The old school is now but a memory. Once, however, it was the mecca of young Penn Yan at this time of year. The seat was found in the cupola when the building, long used as a hitching barn, was razed to make room for the present parking station.
When Thomas H. Lock, a bookbinder, came from New York city to live in Penn Yan, he named the short thoroughfare connected Main and Liberty streets, after the famous Maiden lane of New York. In 1842 the school was erected on the south side, serving to educate many of the early residents during the next half century. In 1893 it was abandoned as the present Liberty Street school was erected.
The late Owen Hoban converted it into a hitching stable, which in later years was run by Ed McConnell. … E.G. Hopkins then bought the barn and razed it to make the Maiden Lane Parking station. The big elm recently cut down was the last of the trees that furnished shade on the school playground.
30) What variety of apple was started and named in Penn Yan?
“Believe it or not” the Wagener apple was developed in an orchard planted by Abraham Wagener, “founder of Penn Yan.” When he built his “palatial” residence, known as the “Mansion House,” at the foot of Main street – the orchard spread from the rear of the home, now the Knapp Hotel, to Elm street. Erected in 1816 as a home, the “Mansion House” later became an inn and was rebuilt into the present structure in 1897 by Oliver C. Knapp.
The State Department of Agriculture in its report, “The Apples of New York,” says concerning the Wagener apple: “in the spring of 1791 George Wheeler brought with him from Dover, Dutchess county, N.Y., to Penn Yan, Yates county, a quantity of apple seeds which he sowed that spring in the nursery upon his farm which he was then reclaiming from the wilderness.
“In 1796, Abraham Wagener, from whom the name of the apple is derived, brought this seedling nursery and planted trees from it upon his place in what is now the Village of Penn Yan. In 1848 it was remarked that the old tree was producing an annual and abundant yield of beautiful and delicious fruit. It continued to bear full crops till about the year 1865. After it was brought to the notice of the State Agricultural society, the Wagener soon began to be propagated quite extensively, and it was since become widely disseminated throughout the country.
“In 1892 Wagener was being offered quite generally by nurserymen throughout the country except in the Northern Mississippi valley, the Rocky Mountain region and the plains from Nebraska to Texas. It is generally known throughout New York but is not planted extensively in any section of the state.”
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newstfionline · 4 months
Saturday, May 25, 2024
This hurricane season could be among the worst in decades, NOAA warns (Washington Post) Warm waters across the tropical Atlantic in May 2005 prompted warnings of an active hurricane season ahead. A record-smashing 28 storms formed, including Hurricane Katrina. Nearly two decades of global warming later, those late-spring ocean temperatures are cool compared with today’s record-hot waters. Government meteorologists issued a seasonal forecast Thursday that predicts that storms could develop at frequencies and with ferocity comparable to some of the worst seasons in the past 19 years. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration forecast—which calls for 17 to 25 tropical storms, eight to 13 hurricanes and four to seven “major” hurricanes—underscores how dramatically the environment has shifted and increased the risk of destructive weather. The prediction is the most aggressive outlook the agency has ever made ahead of the start of hurricane season.
Almost 6,000 Dead in 6 Years: Baltimore, the U.S. Overdose Capital (NYT) People in Baltimore have been dying of overdoses at a rate never before seen in a major American city. In the past six years, nearly 6,000 lives have been lost. The death rate from 2018 to 2022 was nearly double that of any other large city, and higher than nearly all of Appalachia during the prescription pill crisis, the Midwest during the height of rural meth labs or New York during the crack epidemic. A decade ago, 700 fewer people here were being killed by drugs each year. And when fatalities began to rise from the synthetic opioid fentanyl, so potent that even minuscule doses are deadly, Baltimore’s initial response was hailed as a national model. The city set ambitious goals, distributed Narcan widely, experimented with ways to steer people into treatment and ratcheted up campaigns to alert the public. But then city leaders became preoccupied with other crises, including gun violence and the pandemic. Many of those efforts to fight overdoses stalled, an examination by The New York Times and The Baltimore Banner has found.
US gun sellers and Mexican cartel violence (USA Today) A recent leak of Mexican military intelligence shows that over 78,000 American firearms have made their way to Mexico in recent years, providing firepower to the cartels that run the drug trade south of the border. The data is part of a leak of over 10 million files released by the transparency organization Distributed Denial of Secrets, or DDoSecrets. According to the data, most of the guns used by Mexican cartels are shipped south via American big-box stores located near the border—just two stores sold almost 1,000 guns that ended up in the hands of the cartels between 2020 and 2022. Many of these guns are bought by American citizens, who then sell them off for a no-questions-asked profit to cartel buyers. Then these American firearms are smuggled south as part of the cycle of Latin-American narcotics headed north. The violence in Central America fueled, in part, by guns also has contributed to the migration crisis at the U.S. border.
Mexico’s cartels have even infiltrated the tortilla business (Washington Post) Small businesses stamping out warm tortillas have long been a fixture of Mexican neighborhoods. Now, thousands are being threatened by armed groups, part of a transformation in organized crime that’s rippling through Latin America. Cartels are playing a growing role in the region’s economies, from infiltrating seaports to extorting small businesses—and gaining increasing political power. Drug-trafficking rings have expanded so rapidly that nearly every Latin American mainland nation has become a major producer or transit corridor for cocaine, according to the U.N. Office on Drugs and Crime. But criminal groups are also branching out into other illegal enterprises. In Mexico, they’re shaking down fishermen, chicken vendors, builders, trucking companies, gas stations and a host of other businesses, including producers of the country’s staple food—the corn tortilla. At least 15 percent of tortillerías—about 20,000 storefront businesses—are regularly extorted, according to the National Tortilla Council, a trade group. A decade ago, the council said, only a tiny percentage were threatened. Around the country, from rural villages to beach resort towns such as Zihuatanejo, tortilla shops that refuse to pay are set on fire or riddled with gunfire.
Three missionaries from Oklahoma-based group fatally shot in Haiti (Washington Post) Three people from an Oklahoma-based missionary group, including the daughter and son-in-law of a Missouri state representative, were shot and killed in a gang attack in Haiti as they were leaving an event at a local church, the organization said Friday. Missions in Haiti Inc. identified the victims as David Lloyd, son of its founders; his wife, Natalie Lloyd, daughter of Missouri state Rep. Ben Baker; and Jude, the group’s country director. They were coming out of a church Thursday evening when they were ambushed by “a gang of 3 trucks full of guys,” the Claremont, Okla.-based organization said on its Facebook page.
Has Europe already reached its demographic tipping point? (Financial Times) This year could mark a turning point in EU history, with the population of 448 million beginning a decline that is expected to persist, marking an unprecedented shrinkage in peacetime, according to UN projections. The EU population rose in the year to January 2023, helped by an influx of displaced persons from Ukraine, after a temporary two-year dip that reflected the impact of the pandemic. Last year, Eurostat forecast that the population would peak at 453 million in 2026. But the 2023 numbers came in below expectations as EU births fell to levels Eurostat had not forecast for another two decades, suggesting the peak may come before 2026.
In Russia at war, kids swap classroom for shooting range (Reuters) Fourteen-year-old Russian schoolboy David learned something new this month: firing accurately with a Kalashnikov is trickier than with a pistol. With other pupils, he got to try out the weapons as part of basic military training—a feature of the school programme that was dropped in the final years of the Soviet Union but has been reintroduced since the start of Russia’s war in Ukraine. “It’s easier to fire a pistol. And it’s more difficult to take aim with an assault rifle,” said David, a lanky boy with black hair and glasses. He said the firearms practice would “make life easier” for him in the future. Military service is compulsory for young men in Russia, whose war in Ukraine is now well into its third year.
Ukraine makes gains in its other war—fighting corruption (BBC) Ukraine has battled endemic corruption since the first days of its independence in 1991, and government officials and independent campaigners alike say that fight is key to winning the existential war it is fighting with Russia. They have had some success. Anti-corruption organisation Transparency International ranks Ukraine at its highest level since 2006: currently 104th out of 180 countries in its Corruption Perceptions Index. “Most Ukrainian anti-corruption institutions are showing pretty good results,” Andriy Borovyk, the executive director of Transparency International Ukraine, tells the BBC. Ukraine’s task now is to focus on rooting out corruption in its tax and customs services, as well as improve financial oversight, says Mr Borovyk. Corruption has also been a major obstacle to recruiting more men for the war with Russia. Last year President Volodymyr Zelensky sacked all regional officials in charge of military conscription amid bribery concerns. Thousands of Ukrainians also bribed their way out of the country to avoid being sent to the war.
Top U.N. Court Orders Israel to End Rafah Offensive (NYT) The International Court of Justice on Friday ruled that Israel must immediately halt its military offensive in the southern Gaza city of Rafah, dealing another blow to the country as it faces increasing international isolation. The United Nations top court has no means of enforcing its ruling, but the decision places further international pressure on Israel over its conduct in Gaza. Hard-line politicians in Israel immediately vowed that Israel would not comply. Still, the 13-2 ruling puts more pressure on the Netanyahu government over the conduct of the war. Gazan authorities say at least 35,000 people have been killed, without distinguishing between combatants and civilians, and hundreds of thousands have been forced to flee repeatedly to avoid the Israeli bombardment, which has devastated most of the enclave.
U.S. Military Faces Reality in Gaza as Aid Project Struggles (NYT) In the week since the U.S. military and allies attached a temporary pier to the Gaza shoreline, Pentagon planners have come face to face with the logistical nightmare that critics had warned would accompany the endeavor. The Defense Department predicted that a steady stream of humanitarian aid would be arriving in Gaza via the pier by now, but little relief has reached Palestinians in the besieged strip, officials acknowledged this week. Several trucks were looted as they made their way to a warehouse, the U.N. World Food Program said, and the complexity of operating the pier project in a war zone is continuing to slow distribution. The project was always expected to be difficult. For one thing, White House policy does not allow U.S. troops to be on the ground in Gaza. So the Pentagon has the ability to start but not finish the mission, a situation one military analyst likened to having the engine of a car but not the wheels. As the pier project struggles to get going, the situation in Gaza remains dire. More than 34,000 people have died and more than 77,000 have been wounded, according to health authorities in the territory.
In South Africa, a community struggling for clean water reflects wider discontent ahead of election (AP) On days when a municipal truck comes to Hammanskraal to deliver drinking water, a queue of South Africans starts forming early in the morning to fill their buckets. This is not a distant, rural community, but a township on the edge of the administrative capital city of Africa’s most advanced economy. It’s barely 30 miles from the government buildings in nearby Pretoria. Hammanskraal’s problems—a lack of clean water, a shortage of proper housing and high unemployment—are a snapshot of the issues affecting millions and driving a mood of discontent in South Africa that might force its biggest political change in 30 years in next week’s national election. The African National Congress, once led by Nelson Mandela, has been in power ever since the end of the apartheid system of white minority rule in 1994. But poverty, failing government services in many places and a national unemployment rate of over 32% that all mainly affect the country’s Black majority are seen as central to the ruling party’s loss of support.
Gardening Is Good for You (NYT) Last Saturday, I was covered in dirt, my back ached, the scream of a trillion cicadas rang in my ears, and, despite my best efforts, a sunburn was developing on the back of my neck. I was in heaven after a day gardening. For me, gardening is a workout, meditation and opportunity to socialize with my neighbors all rolled into one. And while I’m admittedly biased, research backs up some of my observations that gardening can have real benefits for your mind and body. Shoveling mulch, pulling weeds and lugging around a watering can all qualify as moderate-intensity physical activities. And gardeners tend to report higher levels of physical activity overall, compared with non-gardeners. Gardening also does wonders for your mental well-being. Some studies report that working in a garden lowers people’s scores on anxiety and depression measures; other research has found increased confidence and self-esteem among gardeners. In one small study, spending 30 minutes gardening lowered levels of the stress hormone cortisol. Many people also report feeling a sense of meaning and purpose when they garden.
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receiptbuilder · 4 months
Tips for Creating Authentic-Looking Fake Receipts
In the digital age now, there is a growing demand for fake receipts that appear real. Either for personal or a cool joke purpose, you have to use a handwriting style to make everything look authentic. Nowadays, because of the existence of different online tools, such as a free fake receipt maker and a fake receipt generator, having real receipts has become more make-believe. The authenticity of the campaign must be ensured to prevent the company from any possible legal problems. In the course of this writing, we will dive into five crucial points that will play a vital role in creating false receipts that look real and professional.
Choose the Right Template
Choosing an appropriate template outlines the way the fake receipt will be cogent. Try to use templates with receipts that are quite identical to the displays that are found in popular establishments like restaurants or retail stores. Receiptbuilder.com currently hosts a library of templates, including fake Uber receipt templates and gas receipt makers. This provides one with the freedom to customize these templates to his/her liking. Rest assured that the template contains all the basic info, such as the company name, address, logo, and contact details. This will help make the template a genuine one.
Accuracy is Key
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To have a credible artificial receipt, consistency is of utmost importance. Recheck all the information submitted, that is, the date, time, and shopping items with prices and taxes included. Discrepancies or errors are not evidence of a forged paper, but they can cause the document to be doubted or found unreliable. Pay attention to details that include formatting errors and spelling as they can also expose a receipt’s counterfeit. Input the correct information by utilizing the fake receipt builder editor, then when ready, click the print button.
Embrace Consistent Formatting
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The most significant thing while crafting fake receipts is maintaining the style and composition. This brings a stylish and formal look of receipts. Unify the appearance of the receipt by using one typeface, size, and letter spacing consistently. Do not opt for overly expensive fonts or unheard-of formatting because these can confuse the person who is reading the receipt. Cultivate the same design of the original receipts and keep the layout unambiguous and concise.free recipt builder usually give the users a chance to select the formatting format, and as a result, consistency will still be achieved without any complications.
Quality Paper and Printing
Investing in quality papers and printing supplies is paramount to add a level of authenticity to your fake bill. Select a paper that would closely resemble the banked statement paper as much as possible to avoid suspicion. Furthermore, checking for clear and readable print printouts is as important as reliably imitating the same print quality as of the to-be-reproduced receipts. Exclude low-quality printers or ink that fades, as they can impact the reliability of your receipt face of the customer. Class A counterfeiters can create high-quality receipts that are very difficult or impossible to distinguish from authentic ones by using good paper and printer technology.
The process of fake receipts generator necessitates great care and a close observance of fine detail. The tricks highlighted above and the use of reliable disputed tools like receiptbuilder.com are your avenues for creating fake receipts that cannot be detected as genuine ones. Whether you are a fan of memes or are just a meme lord, authenticity is the key to avoiding any litigation issues. Owing to the appropriate way of usage, counterfeit receipts can achieve their objectives successfully and won’t raise any doubt.
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44gamez · 7 months
Top Racer Collection Review (Switch eShop)
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Captured on Nintendo Swap (Handheld/Undocked) Racing recreation followers who’ve been round because the SNES period are prone to be accustomed to the Prime Gear sequence. Developed by Gremlin Graphics (later Gremlin Interactive) because the SNES equal of its Lotus video games on different consoles, it’s the closest Nintendo’s 16-bit system obtained to its personal model of Sega’s basic arcade recreation Out Run. Now Prime Gear and its sequel are again – although not by that identify – in Prime Racer Assortment and whereas their return will little question be a pleasure for the grizzled veterans who bear in mind it from again within the day, these discovering them for the primary time could also be higher suited to the extra trendy equivalents which maintain up a bit of higher. First issues first, there’s no point out of the Prime Gear identify right here anyplace. Presumably to keep away from points with the BBC and its Prime Gear TV present – in any case, copyright attorneys are much more trigger-happy today than they have been within the ‘90s – the three video games on provide right here as a substitute have their Japanese titles of Prime Racer, Prime Racer 2, and Prime Racer 3000. And sure, we all know there are literally 4 video games on this compilation however we’ll get to that.
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Captured on Nintendo Swap (Handheld/Undocked) All three video games have an identical idea: choose a automotive, begin in the back of a grid of racers, and attempt to navigate your method by means of the ocean of automobiles to succeed in the entrance by the top of the ultimate lap. Longer tracks have you ever working out of gas, which is handled by pitting out or working over on-track components, relying on the sport. In case it wasn’t clear by its title, it’s Prime Gear 3000 – sorry, Prime Racer 3000 – which presents the most important adjustments, as a result of it ditches the fashionable places in favour of a futuristic setting with tracks set throughout 12 fictional planets and has you driving automobiles that go at speeds of as much as 330mph (however which nonetheless look suspiciously like automobiles from 1000 years earlier). That apart, although, when you’ve mastered one of many video games you don’t must undertake a wildly totally different set of abilities to grasp the others, since they’re fairly comparable. This new compilation will get across the lack of Prime Gear branding (to not point out the primary recreation’s annoyingly summary fundamental menu) by presenting its personal bespoke menu system which replaces these of the unique video games. You choose your marketing campaign, fast race, or time trial modes, choose a automotive, select your transmission, and enter your identify all by means of this new menu, and solely change to the emulator when the race is about to begin. It’s considerably jarring and never with out some oddly pointless loading screens at occasions, however it a minimum of works.
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Captured on Nintendo Swap (Docked) What doesn’t work in the meanwhile, nevertheless, is the sport’s on-line mode. Though it’s attainable to create and be a part of rooms for on-line multiplayer races, neither possibility has proved profitable for us thus far and as such we haven’t been capable of take a look at a single on-line race. After all, this will likely change as soon as the sport is definitely launched, however we’re now seven years into the Swap’s life, and builders are nonetheless insistent on spending time and assets including on-line modes to video games that frankly don’t want them and aren’t assured to promote sufficient copies to make correct use of them. On condition that the video games use emulation, there are a couple of fundamental choices relating to display screen measurement and filters you’d normally count on from comparable compilations, however there are some points right here. The ‘Authentic’ measurement possibility, which multiplies the unique recreation’s display screen decision by an entire quantity to keep away from shimmering whereas scrolling, seems to be completely tiny when taking part in on handheld mode, that means the one sensible possibility there may be to make it match the display screen vertically (although fortunately there isn’t a lot shimmering to be discovered right here). The CRT filter can be a wierd one as a result of it provides a bizarre wobble impact to the image that appears extra such as you’re watching the sport on an outdated VHS tape than really taking part in it on an outdated TV.
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Captured on Nintendo Swap (Docked) One other problem – albeit one which’s no fault of the compilation itself – is that each recreation on provide right here has a uneven body price. While you flip in your enhance and hit extraordinarily excessive speeds, the surroundings doesn’t actually fly previous you, it type of slideshows previous you. It may possibly make controlling these sections a bit of tough, however this was a difficulty with the unique video games, too, so it’s not just like the emulation is the issue – it’s merely correct to a fault. One side of blame that can be levelled on the compilation, nevertheless, is the declare that it options 4 video games. In addition to the three Prime Racer video games, it additionally consists of Prime Racer Crossroads, which writer QUByte has beforehand claimed is “model new”. Frankly, that is 661 horsepowers of nonsense. Crossroads is merely a ROM hack of the primary recreation, with the automotive sprites changed by 4 totally different ones from the Horizon Chase sequence. The tracks are an identical, the music is an identical, it’s the identical recreation. Which brings us to our fundamental suggestion. To be clear, this evaluate reads primarily adverse as a result of anybody accustomed to the unique video games will already know the enjoyment available there. They’re nonetheless good video games in their very own proper, and nothing right here adjustments that. When you purchase this compilation, you’ll have a enjoyable time with it. It’s simply that lots of the issues which were added – the odd menus, the pointless on-line mode, the subpar filter choices, the choice to place a pretend nostril and glasses on the primary recreation and faux it’s a brand new fourth one – are disappointments.
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Captured on Nintendo Swap (Docked) When you’re a fan of the originals and simply need an excuse to play them in your Swap, that is nonetheless price a glance as a result of we are able to guarantee you that the gameplay itself hasn’t been messed with. The video games you really liked on the SNES are nonetheless the identical video games right here, and there is nonetheless a whole lot of fulfilling racing motion right here. Anybody else who doesn’t have these nostalgic ties with the sequence, nevertheless, would most likely be higher off shopping for Horizon Chase Turbo, which is the religious successor to the Prime Gear sequence. It prices the identical worth and presents precisely the identical type of gameplay, however the music (which was made by the identical composer) is a lot catchier, it runs a lot smoother, and it seems to be so significantly better.
Prime Racer Assortment is a stable compilation for followers of the Prime Gear trilogy on SNES, however the originals' decrease body price can actually have an effect on the motion at excessive speeds. Nostalgics will discover that the whole lot is accurately, and there is nonetheless loads of enjoyable available, however these with out emotional ties to the sequence will need to go for the newer, higher mannequin as a substitute and purchase Horizon Chase Turbo. Source link Read the full article
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plugchain · 1 year
PlugChain May Monthly Report (05/01–05/31)
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Dear PlugChain Community:
Hello everyone! Today we are pleased to present the monthly report for PlugChain in May. Let’s take a look at the new developments that took place during this month!
1.On May 10th, PlugChain organized a themed event called “memecoin,” where participants had a chance to win 2000 PC coins by guessing the answers to certain questions.
2. On May 11th, Very5 launched its first Airdrop campaign. By following the Very5 official account and replying with the keyword “Airdrop” , participants had a chance to win 5000 PC coins. Very5 is an NFT platform focusing on Web3, built on the PlugChain public chain. It features cutting-edge technology, low gas fees, secure transaction scenarios, and a smooth and convenient user experience.
3. On May 12th, PlugLabs, a subsidiary of PlugChain, entered into a strategic partnership with DreamPad. DreamPad is a trusted and secure platform that supports AI, Web3, and Metaverse projects across multiple blockchains. The two parties will collaborate extensively in community building and ecosystem support, leveraging their respective resources and advantages to provide users and developers with better services and support.
4. On May 22nd, PlugChain organized the “Happy #BitcoinPizzaDay” themed event, where 10 lucky users were selected on Twitter to receive a reward of 3000 PC coins.
2. Technology
Public Chain
Major codebase packages have confirmed their versions. API interfaces have been implemented. Node monitoring is in place.
Blockchain Explorer
Visualized contract invocation after verification. Signature and verification of signed information.
3. Community
1. On May 09, PlugChain co-organized “Web3 Builders Party-Thailand Meetup”, an offline salon in Bangkok, Thailand, inviting many industry practitioners to discuss the ecological development of Web3.0 and their thoughts on the future of public chains.
2. On May 13th, PlugChain co-organized the “Bangkok DAOWEB3” Crypto Party, which aimed at linking crypto resources, providing a better startup environment and resources for cryptocurrency and WEB3 entrepreneurs, and offering more constructive suggestions for the industry development.
3. PlugChain was invited to participate in the “Golden Music Festival” hosted by Golden Finance on May 26th, which was held in Pengcheng, and helped the ecological development of the industry.
4. PlugChain attended Wiki Finance EXPO World 2023 on May 27th — “Wiki Finance EXPO World 2023, Singapore Station”, and met with global community members offline to preach community ecology development. development.
PlugChain official Twitter, 77.1K tweets, 187K personal page visits, 6396 total retweets, covering 265K Twitter users.
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hakesbros · 2 years
Ex-republican Candidate Solomon Pena Arrested In Drive-by Shootings At Lawmakers' Homes In Albuquerque, New Mexico Abc7 San Francisco
Began in early December when eight rounds have been fired on the home of Bernalillo County Commissioner Adriann Barboa, police said. Days later, somebody shot at former Bernalillo County Commissioner Debbie O'Malley's home. Investigators stated that 5 new homes albuquerque folks were concerned in the conspiracy and that Pena was immediately concerned within the last shooting.
Corner lot, brick four-plex, gated, secure gated property. All four units are presently rented up to $850/month every and co... This home boasts numerous rooms with great use of space! The living room has a gas fire with stacked stone which is open to the kitchen.
Texas has executed a former suburban Houston police officer for hiring two individuals to kill his estranged wife almost 30 years in the past. Robert Fratta received a deadly injection Tuesday evening on the state penitentiary in Huntsville. He was put to demise after courts rejected arguments from his attorneys homes for sale albuquerque that prosecutors withheld evidence. An effort to delay his lethal injection over allegations of expired execution medicine was additionally unsuccessful. He was condemned for the November 1994 deadly shooting of his spouse, Farah, throughout a contentious divorce and custody struggle.
Our new homes for sale in Albuquerque are conveniently positioned near attractions just like the Albuquerque Biopark and Albuquerque Zoo. The Sandia Peak Tramway is the longest aerial tram within the nation, transporting you into the Sandia Mountains, in style for snowboarding and snow sports. The climate in Albuquerque provides year-round sunshine so you will new home builders in albuquerque get out typically to benefit from the area's outside recreation. Trek the historic trails at the Petroglyph National Monument or attend the Albuquerque Balloon Fiesta and watch tons of of hot-air balloons fill the Albuquerque sky. Settle into one of our communities in Albuquerque and access it all.
Solomon Pena, 39, is accused of conspiring with four other men whom he allegedly paid to shoot on the homes of two county commissioners and two state legislators, Albuquerque Police Chief Harold Medina said. “It is believed that he's the mastermind behind this,” Medina mentioned, in accordance with NBC News. In the proptech house, there is an increasingly strong demand for good home expertise in leases, and property managers and operators should take note.
Investing in actual property is touted as a nice way to turn out to be wealthy. Many actual estate traders have asked themselves if buying a property in Albuquerque is an efficient investment? You have to drill deeper into native developments if you want to know what the market holds for the year homes for sale in albuquerque nm ahead. We have already mentioned the Albuquerque housing market forecast for answers on why to place sources into this market. Data by Redfin shows that the Albuquerque housing market just isn't that competitive. Only a couple of homes in Albuquerque receive multiple provides.
Prosecutors say Fratta organized the murder-for-hire plot during which a middleman, Joseph Prystash, employed the shooter, Howard Guidry. Investigators received a break within the case after know-how that can detect the sound of gunfire led an officer to Lopez’s neighborhood shortly after the photographs had been fired. The ultimate related shooting, targeting state Sen. Linda Lopez’s home, unfolded in the midnight hour of Jan. three. Police mentioned more than a dozen pictures have been fired and Lopez mentioned three of the bullets handed via her 10-year-old daughter’s bed room. The first of the 4 incidents tied to Pena occurred on Dec. four, when eight rounds have been fired at the southeast Albuquerque home of Bernalillo County Commissioner Adriann Barboa. On Dec. 10, the previous marketing campaign places of work of Raúl Torrez, the state’s new legal professional common, have been assailed by gunfire.
Residents have a variety of recreational options, including the Sandia Mountains, Petroglyph National Monument, and the Albuquerque International Balloon Fiesta. Historic Santa Fe is also solely a brief 45-minute drive away. With beneficiant homesite, as much as one-acre massive, Mariposa Estates offers you extra space to enjoy homes for sale in albuquerque new mexico and discover. Located simply 30 minutes from Albuquerque, this luxury group is nestled within the security, convenience, and ambiance of Rio Rancho. Everal excessive ranking public schools, leisure opportunities, and plenty of local sports activities services.
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June 29, 2021
Heather Cox Richardson
Last week, Florida governor Ron DeSantis became the latest Republican governor to sign a bill making it harder for citizens to shift away from the fossil fuels that are changing the climate. The move came after Miami, which is in danger as sea levels rise, proposed cutting carbon emissions by banning natural gas infrastructure in new buildings. The bill was written by lawyers for utility companies, based on a pattern written by the American Gas Association. Lobbyists for the Florida Petroleum Association, the Florida Natural Gas Association and the Florida Retail Federation, the Florida Home Builders Association, and the National Utility Contractors Association of Florida supported the bill.
Nine other Republican states have already passed similar legislation.
Republican-led states are defending the use of fossil fuels in other ways. News that President Biden’s climate envoy, John Kerry, was urging major U.S. banks to invest responsibly with an eye to the climate crisis, led the state treasurers of West Virginia, Alabama, Arizona, Arkansas, Idaho, Kentucky, Mississippi, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, and South Dakota to write to him expressing their “deep concern” that he, along with other members of the Biden administration, was pressuring banks “to refuse to lend to or invest in coal, oil, and natural gas companies, as a part of a misguided strategy to eliminate the fossil fuel industry in our country.” They accused the Biden administration of “picking economic winners and losers” according to “Biden’s own radical political preferences,” and thus depriving “the people” of agency.
Coal, oil, and natural gas are crucial to their states’ economies, they said, providing “jobs, health insurance, critical tax revenue, and quality of life.” They warned that they would withhold public funds from any banks that refused to lend to fossil fuel industries.
And yet, historically, the government has picked fossil fuels as a winner that outranks any other energy source. While Republicans tend to claim any spending for alternative energies is wasteful, a recent report by the Stockholm Environment Institute, a nonprofit think tank, says that U.S. subsidies to new oil and gas projects inflate their value by up to $20 billion per year. This would seem to fly in the face of Republican complaints about “socialism” in which the government picks winners and losers.
A recent Morning Consult poll shows that 50% of voters say climate change is a critical threat to America. Another 26% think it is important, but not critical. Among Democrats, 75% think climate change is crucial, while another 17% say it is important. Among Republicans, 21% say that climate change is crucial, while another 37% say it is important, but not crucial.
With this support for addressing climate change, why do Republicans appear to be dead set against dealing with it in a meaningful way and instead are propping up the fossil fuels that feed that change?
At the nomination hearing for now–Secretary of the Interior Deb Haaland, who has promised to protect our lands, Senator John Barrasso (R-WY), the top Republican on the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee, told Haaland that his state collects more than a billion dollars a year in royalties and taxes from the oil, gas, and coal produced on federal lands in the state, and warned that the Biden administration is “taking a sledgehammer to Western states’ economies.”
Oil produces the most revenue for Texas, which earned $16.3 billion from oil in 2019, an amount that made up 7% of the state’s revenue. Oil revenues accounted for 70% of state revenues ($1.1 billion) in Alaska in 2019, 52% of state revenues ($2.2 billion) in Wyoming in 2017, and 45% of the revenues ($1.6 billion) in North Dakota in 2017.
But production declines in the past year due to the coronavirus pandemic have hurt these fossil fuel states. Wyoming expects to have 29% less money than it expected in 2021–2022. Alaska expects an estimated 18% budget deficit in fiscal 2021. Without money coming in from fossil fuels, people will have to make up the difference by paying taxes, an unpopular outcome, especially in Republican-dominated states, or by losing even more services.
Reducing dependence on fossil fuels will also cost current jobs, and one of the hallmarks of an economy developed around an extractive industry is that it tends to have little flexibility. The rural American West was developed around extractive economies, with a few wealthy men employing lots of workers, and its limited economy means that workers cannot transition easily into other fields.
Fossil fuel advocates also contribute mightily to Republican campaigns, adding financial interest to party members’ general dislike of regulation. In Florida, utility companies employ an average of one lobbyist for every two legislators. “It’s no secret we play an active role in public policy,” a spokesman for a Florida utility told Rolling Stone’s Tim Dickinson in 2016.
This week, in the Pacific Northwest, temperatures in Portland, Oregon, reached 115°F; Seattle hit 108°. Canada hit its highest temperature on record: 116°F in British Columbia. Roads are buckling and power cables melting. In the New York Times today, climate scientist Michael Mann and climate communicator Susan Joy Hassol warned that the conditions of our earth will only get worse unless we do something. But, they wrote, “A rapid transition to clean energy can stabilize the climate, improve our health, provide good-paying jobs, grow the economy and ensure our children’s future.”
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rjzimmerman · 3 years
Excerpt from this essay written by Bill McKibben and published in The New Yorker:
As I sat on a mound of blazing hot sand and stared up at the hole, I thought of the current fights that resemble the Grand Canyon battle. They are many, from the pipeline that crosses under the Straits of Mackinac to the pipeline that will, if built, threaten both local communities and nature reserves that are home to elephants and other wildlife in East Africa. But perhaps none are fiercer right now than the fight over Line 3, a pipeline that will, if finished, carry crude and tar-sands oil from Canada across northern Minnesota. The line will cross the only American river more iconic than the Colorado—the Mississippi, right at its headwaters. And, like the Grand Canyon fight, it has impacts that are both local and global.
In the case of the Grand Canyon, those global impacts were mostly psychological—the sense that an ancient place of inestimable value would be defiled. A very small percentage of Americans ever visit it: only about thirty thousand people a year make it down the river. But, for many millions more, the knowledge that it exists intact is a blessing in itself. In the case of Line 3, much of the fight has rightly focussed on local impacts: the threat to rivers, lakes, and wild-rice harvests in Minnesota, and to the treaty rights of the indigenous people who are leading the fight. But the rest of us have another reason to stop Line 3: the insane temperatures we’ve seen so far this summer across the West and the North will certainly grow higher if we add hundreds of thousands of barrels of carbon-intensive oil to the world’s supply every day. And so the Line 3 battle, like Brower’s campaign for the Grand Canyon, needs to be nationalized.
There are signs that it is happening. When law-enforcement officials in Minnesota began blockading protesters, demonstrators in Massachusetts backed them up by occupying the regional offices of Enbridge, the pipeline’s builder, outside Boston. (In Massachusetts, Enbridge has built the bitterly contested Weymouth gas-compressor station, whose approval, a Boston Globe investigation found, was a “brute lesson in power politics.”) Protesters, meanwhile, are pressuring President Joe Biden. As Alan Weisman, a journalist arrested in Minnesota last month, put it, in the Los Angeles Times, “Biden could still act. He could cancel the pipeline by executive action, as he did when he blocked the Keystone XL permits on his first day in office.”
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thinkitmedia · 3 months
GA Link Builder
GA Link Builder GA Link Builder is a tool that helps website owners and digital marketers create and track custom campaign URLs in Google Analytics. By using this tool, you can easily add parameters to the end of your URLs, which will allow you to track the effectiveness of your marketing efforts. This is especially useful for tracking campaigns across social media, email marketing, and other…
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sycriptouk · 3 years
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Vitalik Buterin Is Among Time Magazine’s 100 Most Influential People Of 2021 https://bitcoinist.com/vitalik-buterin-is-among-time-magazines-100-most-influential-people-of-2021/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=vitalik-buterin-is-among-time-magazines-100-most-influential-people-of-2021
Stoner Cats’ voice-over actor and Ethereum founder, Vitalik Buterin, is entering the big leagues. The cover of this month’s Time Magazine shows Prince Harry and Megan. It’s been making the rounds. People say he looks weak, like he’s hiding behind her. Among the magazine´s pages, there’s a medium-quality write-up about one of the biggest voices in the crypto space.
Related Reading | Ethereum Inventor Debuts As An Actor? Joins Mila Kunis In NFT-Based Show
Founder of Seven Seven Six and a former executive chair of Reddit, Alexis Ohanian, has this to say about Vitalik Buterin:
“What makes Vitalik so special, though, is that he is a builder’s builder. No one person could’ve possibly come up with all of the uses for Ethereum, but it did take one person’s idea to get it started. From there, a new world has opened up, and given rise to new ways of leveraging blockchain technology.”
Alongside Dogecoin’s CEO Elon Musk, Time Magazine included Vitalik Buterin in the “Innovators” category. The only other cryptocurrency adjacent character is President Nayib Bukele, the man who made Bitcoin legal tender, in the “Leaders” category.
How Did Vitalik Buterin ’s 2021 Looked Like?
Surprisingly, Buterin is not on Time’s list because of his work in the NFT animated series Stoner Cats. He’s in there for some project called “Ethereum.” And in 2021, Ethereum ran wild. Ether prices did a 5X during the year, and it could go even higher in the following months. Vitalik Buterin won, lost, and then won again the title of youngest crypto billionaire. And that´s just with what he has on his public Ethereum wallet.
In 2021, Vitalik Buterin joined the Board of Advisors of the prestigious Dogecoin Foundation. He donated $600K to an India Covid relief campaign, and then 50 Trillion Shiba Inu coins that he got for free. His Ethereum went through with the popular Hard Fork London AKA EIP-1559. They added some deflation to the system. Nowadays, it burns transaction fees.
Adding logs to the fire, 2021 was the year of the NFT boom. Thousands of projects created real-world value and literal careers in the arts. Thousands of people got a system with which to generate wealth from their art. The media got a new buzzword. The world’s got new speculative assets. No wonder Time Magazine thinks Vitalik Buterin is influential. 
ETH price chart for 09/16/2021 on Bitfinex | Source: ETH/USD on TradingView.com
Will Ethereum Still Influence In 2022?
In his so-so write-up, Alexis Ohanian closes the idea with:
“ I’ve never been more excited about the potential of the Internet, and that’s largely thanks to Vitalik Buterin.”
Related Reading | Here’s The Reason Behind The Spike In Ethereum Gas Fees
And, truth be told, Ethereum IS partially responsible for everything exciting happening in the crypto space. Not that the ecosystem is without its faults. The team behind the cryptocurrency hasn’t been able to switch to Eth 2.0 and/or to the Proof-Of-Stake consensus mechanism. And the gas prices have been ridiculously high. And, a few weeks back, the protocol forked itself and existed in two parallel dimensions for a while there. 
Still, the probabilities of Ethereum and Vitalik Buterin significantly influencing 2022 are high. Really high.
Featured Image by Cointribune.com| Charts by TradingView
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SEO marketing as we know it
Search engine optimization (SEO) is gaining popularity and importance. Whether you’re a local business or a website owner, knowing how to get found by qualified and interested visitors is vital to your success online. Many factors determine how well a site ranks in organic search results - visibility, authority, quality content, social signals, and more. However, one factor that often isn't taken into account when builders of local SEO campaigns think about their strategies is location.
Local SEO is a term used to describe efforts to rank for locally-oriented searches such as "Macon chiropractor", "Georgia hotels" and "Georgia dentist". Local search engine optimization (also referred to as local SEO) is the practice of optimizing a business’s website and online assets (such as a blog or social media profiles) to attract more traffic from searches done by prospective customers within the local area.
Local SEO is a newer area of online marketing, but an important one to consider. Local Businesses, like brick-and-mortar shops, need customers who will walk in the door to be successful, which makes local SEO worth paying attention to. These are the benefits you get from local SEO services.
Gives An Important Edge Over Competitors
Digital marketing and SEO marketing, in general, have grown more competitive as more organizations realize their potential and strive to gain a competitive advantage.
Even if you aren't investing in local SEO, the other local businesses in your industry most likely are. This implies they're already one step ahead of you and are getting all of your potential consumers. If no one can discover you, it doesn't matter if you're the best and most unique business in your niche. All the other competitors gain power when they appear on the first page of local search engine results.
Strengthens Your Online Presence
These days, a website with good local SEO can bring in additional traffic from within your local area as well as from users searching for related items on Google. One of the best ways to increase traffic and rank your site higher in search results is to use SEO services. 
If you're serious about your local SEO, you need an agency that not only understands your business but can offer unique strategies and services that will help improve the search engine rankings of local pages. 
A great marketing agency will handle all the work for you, such as writing content for your website and maintaining social media profiles so that potential customers can contact you. Many local search websites rely on SEO services to help them rank better in organic searches for local business names.
More Likely To Result In Conversions
Local SEO is an investment into the future of your business, and it pays big dividends. Research shows that visitors who see a local review have 50% more confidence about what they purchase and are five times more likely to buy something from you. This is because people trust reviews from people they know and follow, and that has a really powerful effect on sales.
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receiptbuilder · 4 months
Tips for Creating Authentic-Looking Fake Receipts
In the digital age now, there is a growing demand for fake receipts that appear real. Either for personal or a cool joke purpose, you have to use a handwriting style to make everything look authentic. Nowadays, because of the existence of different online tools, such as a free fake receipt maker and a fake receipt generator, having real receipts has become more make-believe. The authenticity of the campaign must be ensured to prevent the company from any possible legal problems. In the course of this writing, we will dive into five crucial points that will play a vital role in creating false receipts that look real and professional.
Choose the Right Template
Choosing an appropriate template outlines the way the fake receipt will be cogent. Try to use templates with receipts that are quite identical to the displays that are found in popular establishments like restaurants or retail stores. Receiptbuilder.com currently hosts a library of templates, including fake Uber receipt templates and gas receipt makers. This provides one with the freedom to customize these templates to his/her liking. Rest assured that the template contains all the basic info, such as the company name, address, logo, and contact details. This will help make the template a genuine one.
Accuracy is Key
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To have a credible artificial receipt, consistency is of utmost importance. Recheck all the information submitted, that is, the date, time, and shopping items with prices and taxes included. Discrepancies or errors are not evidence of a forged paper, but they can cause the document to be doubted or found unreliable. Pay attention to details that include formatting errors and spelling as they can also expose a receipt’s counterfeit. Input the correct information by utilizing the fake receipt builder editor, then when ready, click the print button.
Embrace Consistent Formatting
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The most significant thing while crafting fake receipts is maintaining the style and composition. This brings a stylish and formal look of receipts. Unify the appearance of the receipt by using one typeface, size, and letter spacing consistently. Do not opt for overly expensive fonts or unheard-of formatting because these can confuse the person who is reading the receipt. Cultivate the same design of the original receipts and keep the layout unambiguous and concise.free recipt builder usually give the users a chance to select the formatting format, and as a result, consistency will still be achieved without any complications.
Quality Paper and Printing
Investing in quality papers and printing supplies is paramount to add a level of authenticity to your fake bill. Select a paper that would closely resemble the banked statement paper as much as possible to avoid suspicion. Furthermore, checking for clear and readable print printouts is as important as reliably imitating the same print quality as of the to-be-reproduced receipts. Exclude low-quality printers or ink that fades, as they can impact the reliability of your receipt face of the customer. Class A counterfeiters can create high-quality receipts that are very difficult or impossible to distinguish from authentic ones by using good paper and printer technology.
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scotianostra · 4 years
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Vigil Cairn, Calton Hill.
An often overlooked monument on Calton Hill, but an important one.  You don’t have to be a patriot of Scotland, or indeed a supporter of the Independence movement to go and inspect it, the Cairn is the first place I learnt about the Scottish missionary Jane Haining, who, rather than save herself, decided to stay with the Jewish children she was helping in Hungary and was shipped to  Auschwitz II-Birkenau death camp and ultimately the gas chamber......
The following is from one of those that was involved with the Vigil throughout it’s years and was first published in The National in 2018. 
In the 1992 General Election Scotland’s democratic deficit was exposed. Out of 62 Scottish seats the Tories only managed to get 11. But it mattered nothing as the overwhelming victory of the Tories in England guaranteed five more years of Tory rule for Scotland. We were already fed up with the greed-obsessed, destroy-the-unions and support-the -rich policies of right-wing ideologues.
As the results came out on April 11 a demonstration was quickly organised for the weekend. Originally set up by the Scottish Campaign to Resist the Atomic Menace (SCRAM) by the time they got to Edinburgh, they were met by several hundred people outside the Royal High School, on Edinburgh’s Regent Road., at the bottom of Calton Hill.
The word had gone out to anti-nuclear, Green and anti-Poll Tax groups and among the gathered crowd there was a strange combination of anger, resentment against the political system that forced us to follow the wishes of the English electorate and a feeling that something had to be done.
Initially the plan had been to carry on the protest till the following Monday but pretty soon the discussion was around the need for a more permanent protest. People knew fine well that Scotland’s voice was always ignored in Westminster – where the posh-boy ruling elites had always acted as if Scotland had been absorbed into England after the odious Treaty of Union in 1707.
There was a great deal of anger but above all was the awareness that something had to be done. There was widespread agreement and so The Vigil for A Scottish came into being.
From the beginning the plan was to maintain a vigil till the need for a Scottish Parliament representing the wishes of the Scottish Electorate was recognised.
In those first heady days people were sleeping on the pavement outside the gates of the RHS and those few hardy souls were joined by many others during the daytime
This was not led by any political group but was a spontaneous eruption of political activity that throughout all the years of its existence managed to avoid being dragged into the posturing and infighting that bedevils standard politics. Some level of organisation was however needed, especially when a fire was lit in an old oil drum that appeared at the site. This was the symbol of the will for change, a fire that would be kept alight till Scotland’s voice was heard.
And so it was that the organisation called Democracy for Scotland – still an aspiration more than two decades later – was born. A street-level gathering of environmental campaigners, anti-poll tax activists and a wide variety of concerned individuals came together to form what became known as The Vigil.
Basic organisational necessities like finding wood for the fire and making sure there was a rota that ensured a permanent presence on Regent Road – and finding enough people to fill that rota – were the order of the day. Within a few weeks of the start a weel-kent Glasgow singer donated a Portakabin that made life a great deal more comfortable for the hardy souls who were prepared to sit by the fire in all the varieties of inclement weather to which Edinburgh is so prone.
As the political reaction to the glaring democratic deficit developed, other, bigger groups like Common Cause, the suspiciously short-lived Scotland United, the Campaign for a Scottish Assembly and the Scottish Constitutional Convention all began to organise protests and other events, and The Vigil, directly opposite HQ St Andrew’s, variously referred to as Colonial HQ or the Lubianka, became the focus of many meetings.
At The Vigil there was resistance to the idea of The Vigil being dominated by any party political organisation but everyone was welcome to come along to the fire. And people came, from all over Scotland, from the Borders and Gallloway, from the Highlands and the northern isles. Some came once a month to do a shift or two while others living nearby became regulars.
However the commitment of The Vigil to decide everything by consensus was tested early doors as some experienced political activists tried to create a party structure for Democracy for Scotland. Thankfully the commitment to consensus decision-making, by whoever was around the fire at any given time, eventually ensured that DFS never became a “real” political party.
Hand in hand with the idea of consensus decision-making was a sense of fun about The Vigil – and not because it was staffed by young people. It always attracted a broad spectrum not just of political opinion but of age and background. Unemployed labourers and university lecturers, nurses and social workers, waitresses and hotel porters, bus drivers and builders – The Vigil was always a real reflection of the disparate make-up of Scottish society.
In order to publicise the cause, whole series of events were staged over its five years, including history lessons, open-air concerts at The Vigil itself and on Calton Hill, pub gigs, even a Pavement Party in the first year, timed to coincide with the Royal Garden Party at nearby Holyrood. – and some folk attended both! From the start, though there was considerable interest from the foreign and English media, only in Scotland did the media seem to be frightened of what The Vigil meant. Or perhaps they were so hide-bound in their involvement with the main political parties that they could not comprehend what The Vigil signified.
This was shown most forcefully on December 12, 1992 – the date of a vast demonstration for Scottish Home Rule that attracted more than 25,000 people on to the streets of Edinburgh. The media coverage was grudging to say the least, all the more remarkable when this is the equivalent of a quarter of a million people marching in London.
There was then a reluctance to deal with the depth of anger at the continuing lack of recognition for Scottish political dissatisfaction among the media. One point should illustrate this. The demonstration took place exactly 200 years to the day after a convention took place in Edinburgh calling for democratic reform, the result of which was a series of show trials of leading reformers, ending in deportation to Botany Bay for those selected as being ringleaders by the Establishment of the day.
The first group of those transported – known as the Scottish Political Martyrs, one of whom was Thomas Muir – have a memorial to them in the Calton Cemetery on Regent Road, though there is no plaque or other mention of this magnificent obelisk raised by public subscription in 1840.
The fact that so many Scots were echoing the demands of the Societies of Friends of the People in 1792 was not thought worthy of notice!
All of the Scottish media were informed of this remarkable anniversary but through pusillanimity or the exercise of political control saw fit to ignore it.
It wasn’t only the media who were unsure how to deal with The Vigil. The democracy march was strongly supported by The Vigil, who helped to organise it, but on the day we found ourselves excluded from the platform in the Meadows where the march ended.This wasn’t the only time this happened – the dead hand of political party influence making sure that what they couldn’t control they would ignore. The Vigil was kept going and supported by people of all political parties and persuasions but because it would not conform to others’ rules was seen as a threat.The extent of support was remarkable – one day a brand new Mercedes drew up and a well-dressed woman, yes she had blue-rinsed hair and was wearing a twin-set and pearls, came over to the Portakabin and said: “I am a lifelong Tory voter, but I think you are absolutely right that the democratic wishes of the Scottish people are not well served by the current arrangement. I think you people are doing a remarkable job and I wish you every success.”She then put a 20-pound note in The Vigil collecting tin and drove off.
That is an example of what people at The Vigil found all over Scotland. For its first anniversary, pro-democracy marchers came in from the four points of the compass to meet at The Vigil and raise the Democracy Cairn on the top of Calton Hill. The marchers, a handful that grew to a small crowd as they neared the capital, found support and friendship everywhere they went.
For that is the other thing about The Vigil – it survived on the generosity of the ordinary people of Scotland. Sure, there were T-shirts and posters and badges but most money came from collecting tins. Just as the wood to keep The Vigil fire burning was delivered by a veritable host of friends. Builders, joiners, gardeners and DIY enthusiasts all turned up – some regularly, some just once – to make their contribution, a contribution that always made those at The Vigil feel proud.
Famous and not so famous artists created sculptures andbanners, posters and artwork – much of it of a humorous bent – and many musicians and bands played for free at Vigil gatherings and ceilidhs.
I have not mentioned any of these wonderful people by name – because I believe that everyone who contributed was as important as everyone else. One or two people put in remarkable hours at The Vigil through vicious winter months, others tirelessly kept up the necessary logistic support and yet others came only once for a few hours and made their contribution as so many did by simply putting their hands in their pockets.
The personnel changed over the years, though there was a core group who stuck it out for almost the whole five years. Some people put so much effort into The Vigil they burnt themselves out. Others found love and left to build new lives – there were several Vigil babies. Others moved away and yet others found other responsibilities to fill their spare time.
In the years since The Vigil closed – on the announcement that the Scottish Parliament was going to happen – many stalwart Vigil people have passed on but their legacy can be seen in the current resurgence of the Yes movement.
Looking back it seems that The Vigil played a key part in the agitation for our parliament – not by force of numbers or even by argument, but simply by existing.
In the early 1990s the dumbing down of the British media was proceeding apace and increasingly newspaper editors wanted pictures before they would run a story.
The topic of devolution, despite the best efforts of Labour and the Tories, would not go away and partly this was because those editors always knew The Vigil was there – it was a permanent photo-op! The actual site of The Vigil fire disappeared due to road-widening many years ago, but as we carry on the fight to create true democracy, you can find the Democracy Cairn on the top of Calton Hill. And, opposite the gates of the Royal High School, the original choice for the location of a new Scottish Parliament in 1979, there is a small brass plaque.
And this I do know. In the five years that The Vigil sat it was a privilege to work alongside the many individuals who gave of their time and energy to keep the struggle going. The Vigil was never specifically nationalistic – it was about getting the parliament – but the devout wish of all who did a shift or more, that Scotland would in time be a true democratic land, is at last in sight.
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