#gaara is kidnapped once again
hellcifrogs · 1 year
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NaruFox AU Shippuden. Friends from the Leaf are here! After Gaara tried to help and fight on his own he ended up being captured and the village was attacked, similar to how it was planned to happen at the Konoha chrush.
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rayshippouuchiha · 9 months
Hey Ray! Hope you're doing well. Was going through the Uchiha Nip AU again and I gotta say I love those asks with the other jinchuuriki! Like they're pulling off those found family vibes. Also considering they're all famous I know Uchiha Nip AU social media is going wild that these celebrities all know each other.
My two cents is that some of them did know each other before they all came together as a group but not in the way anyone imagined.
Naruto would cheerfully clarify that no Gaara is not an Uzumaki and yes Gaara did try to kill him once. No-one can tell if he'd joking or not.
Utakata and Yagura are low-key relatives but they met each other while being kidnapped by the same group.
Yugito and Fuu met while they were being questioned by the police for two separate cases of arson.
Roushi and Han know each other not because they're from the same hometown but while standing in line for their favourite author's book.
And so on.
Then they met as a group... And Japan was doomed really
You're picking up on the exact kind of chaotic vibes I want them to have in this AU so fuck yes.
Social media absolutely goes insane over this unexpectedly large group of very random celebrities knowing each other but through chance or sly design, Naruto is normally the one taking all of the pictures of their private gatherings.
Also, Naruto is absolutely not joking, Gaara really did try to kill him in a situation that involved a back alley dumpster and a raccoon. In the end they were both bleeding and it cemented their decision to be friends for life.
Yugito and Fuu both got questioned about arson and they're both guilty but, luckily enough for them, they're each guilty of the arson the other one was actually being questioned about so they both ended up getting away with it.
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pumpkin-padparadscha · 10 months
What if I just read "The Art of Losing" by @wafflelate a million billion times because it's my favorite.
Anyway the rest of this post is just going to be me going !!!!! so, spoilers ahead
Things I think intensely about:
-how suna is going to react to Gaara deciding to become the kazekage
-how any detractors of his new position are going to be IMMEDIATELY shut down because the "first" thing he does is "contract with a seals mistress to get the dead wastes converted into arable land" (who is going to prove it WASNT a seal? Sunas sealing sucks lol. And technically it did originate from a seal. Gelels seal.)
-how devastated Gai is going to be upon learning literally everything Kakashi went through
-how pissed as fuck people are going to be upon discovering that root seals can apparently block soulmate bonds? I feel like sealing people without their informed consent is about to become very very illegal outside of emergency circumstances.
-how the fuck is cat feeling. Does he believe Kakashi is dead? Does he hope Kakashi is alive?
-nara shikakunand yoshino are about to fucking eviscerate the elder council. Either they were aware of this bullshit or they were criminally negligent. Oh, what's that inoichi and shibi? Some of your family got kidnapped too? Maybe we should bring torture back to t&i. Just this once.
-kakashi is going to be so fucking proud of shikimaru. In his super repressed way. Maybe in a he deserves that legacy more than I ever did if he's feeling self deprecating.
-do you think temari has to sit through a million drafts and revised versions of kankuros shikabane play the more information comes out. Soul mates who were cut off completely from their connection, one believing the other dead, and the other never even educated about soul bonds. Them still recognizing each other enough that Kakashi was kind to her and she freed him instead of killing him. Please kankuro why can't you make the fight scenes longer.
-shikaku seeing shikakos complete shadow transformation and being like "yeah that's insanely dangerous to so much as think about attempting, I don't want to consider how bad things had to be for her to create that. Forbidden jutsu on account of who the fuck knows how she didn't end up falling into the black"
-does Gai feel like he failed Kakashi. Does he swear never to do so again. Imagine him thanking shikako for saving his friend. Imagine Kakashi being shocked Gai still considers him a friend
-hi inoichi this is my soulmate Kakashi, he did not take thinking I was assassinated well at all, do you have any self help books because he hates talking about feelings
-obviously she knows about seals because danzo wanted his own nara level intelligent seal master. Obviously she hid as much of her skill as she could from him because she isn't stupid.
-anyway here's a book a better storage scroll some medical seals and the seal to get rid of roots evil tattoo of shittyness.
-actually now I'm thinking about what if she DOES join suna because Kakashi has trouble feeling safe in konoha or just because being around a shikamaru who never knew her and idolizes Kakashi is kind of awkward.
-if they share dreams do you think she explains her original world to Kakashi after he dreams of cities he's never seen.
-wondering who was the first person to remember the lookalike yoshino nara missing nin that got mentioned in that one report.
-if I think about how nervous Kakashi is going to be the first time he trolls shikako and how he'll feel when she grins or laughs or goes along with it I experience An Emotion™
-"I don't know if you'll like them, but here's other you's favorite books. They make a good social barrier, and you've been looking a little overwhelmed."
-yoshino is going to cry so so so much. Her baby needed her all this time and she never knew it.
-kakashi learning that he was absolutely invited to shikakos funeral and danzo is just a dick who lies
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[hc] Being Omega!Gaara’s Alpha
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Originally posted: Aug 07, 2020 Re-posted: Dec 29, 2022
Naruto Masterlist
you met gaara on a mission with team 7
your own team mates were all hospitalized in a past mission so you were sent with kakashi’s team to deal with some bandits at the border to the land of wind
during your fight against sand shinobi, your alpha instincts urged you into taking a kunai for the redheaded omega
gaara is shocked
naruto is pissed at you and starts yelling about ultimate defense
you realize later that it was completely senseless for you to jump in front of gaara, seeing as how he is protected by his sand
you and gaara grow closer during the mission, to the surprise of everyone
after the mission is over, you keep in touch with gaara through letters
you see each other a few times on different missions but when he becomes kazegake, this stops
gaara won’t admit it but he misses seeing you, even if it was a somewhat rare occurrence
it isn’t long into his reign as kazegage, that you start receiving letters of him in which he complains about the council pushing him to finding an alpha
really the council had only brought it up like once that he should consider finding a mate soon but gaara secretly hopes that if you think he is supposed to find an alpha, you might come and claim him
you don’t see this though and actually think the exact opposite, that he is trying to politely let you know that he will be finding an alpha in sunagakure and is trying to break contact
when you learn of him getting kidnapped by the akatsuki however, you go ballistic and follow naruto to save your omega
you break down when you find him dead and as chiyo gives her life for him, you are more than thankful to her
she tells you to grow some balls and confess to him when he’s awake since everyone can smell your distressed alpha scent
you listen to her advise and tell gaara of your feelings as soon as he’s able to comprehend things said to him
as he tells you that he feels the same for you and your scent shifts again, everyone around you is cheering
you move to sunagakure relatively quickly since he, as kazekage, can’t leave and you can’t really keep an alpha from their omega for long
now finally getting into your relationship:
this omega is touch!! starved!!
when he isn’t on duty he needs all them cuddles, always
also, get’s super soft if you tell him what a good omega he is
after you move to sunagakure, he asks you to mark him pretty quickly
blushes the whole time tho
if you become a sand shinobi, he absolutely hates sending you on missions
you already don’t have a lot of time to spend together because of his duties as kazekage and it’s even worse if you’re on missions
so he will prefer if you become an instructor or stop being a shinobi altogether but he won’t stop you from doing what you want because he wants you to be happy
he won’t admit it but he loves seeing you get along with his siblings
generally, he isn’t very vocal about his affections
shows it instead by literally clinging to you when you are alone
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Hi! I've just gotten into naruto and I was wondering if you have an fic recommendations based in other villages?
OKAY hi yes. meant to answer this yesterday, oops. Welcome! while currently I am writing and reading in a more DC-focused direction, I definitely still have a lot of Naruto fic recs. because i'm not sure exactly what you're looking for in terms of genre or content, some of these vary widely and might not be what you're after. so! here's some stuff from my AO3 bookmarks. (you do have to be a registered user to read some of these.)
The One Where An OC Moves In With Kakuzu by Tozette is about 10k words and takes place in Ame. it's pretty straightforward, a little cracky, and very enjoyable. this author has a very good grip on Kakuzu's characterization, i highly recommend everything else they've written as well.
a study in demons by saintbedo is 2k words and technically takes place in Kiri. it's a short and bittersweet character study of zabuza.
he wants to be tender and merciful by nithenoel is 40k. it's a time travel fic with Gaara. it's been a long time since I read this one, but i'm certain that at least the majority of it takes place in Suna, if not all of it. i'm a sucker for Gaara-centric stuff, and this fic is all about him trying to repair his relationship with his siblings.
look twice by tciddaemina is about 9k, a soulmate fic with itachi/kisame pre-canon. it's from kisame's perspective, so at least the first part is in Kiri.
denizens of the sands of time by CherShare is 42k, another time travel fic with Gaara but to the Warring States period or directly after the formation of Konoha, i forget. iirc Gaara sort of starts building his own village and adjudicates for the wandering desert clans and stuff, so... technically takes place in early early early Suna? it's tagged Tobirama/Gaara.
To Stay the Tides by TheDroidsYoureLookingFor is 126k and the majority takes place in the Land of Waves. SI-OC and soulmate AU, i think the main pairing is the OC and Kisame. I don't remember how many canon characters come into play here, i think there's a lot of OCs and worldbuilding with Wave and Uzushio and stuff.
I Never Sharpened My Teeth by DrDiabolical is 25k and probably darker than most of the other stuff on this list. it's young Kakashi-centric, in a world where he gets kidnapped to Kiri and experimented on. mind the tags and rating; it's explicit and a lot of stuff happens. But as far as i remember the author tags accurately and clearly.
Steam by Ornery Otter is 62k and it's only on this list because of how much i enjoy it. it's an SI-OC from Yugakure, but only the first few chapters take place in Yu. so this one is maybe disqualified. but i like it a lot so :p
Plasticity by Mixelation is 177k and again, maybe doesn't count? but it's another fic near and dear to my heart. SI-OC gets kidnapped by the Akatsuki, so some of the fic takes place in Ame. this is another author that just writes bangers, and has a killer (ha) grasp on Akatsuki characterizations. i'd recommend pretty much everything they've written too. (there are also nearly endless AUs and spinoffs of this AU that you can find on Mixelation's tumblr, increasing in whackiness and fun as they go).
a dog and a shark walk into a bar by cloudycats is 42k and once more, maybe doesn't count since it doesn't really take place in a village. this is an AU where canon Kakashi wakes up in a noncanon world where he committed the Uchiha Massacre and is partnered to Kisame in the Akatsuki. i really enjoy this one.
Deadbeat. by Tozette is 33k and i just read it today actually. it's an SI-OC who is Kakuzu's daughter. i cannot describe how much i fucking love this fic. whatever youre thinking, its almost certainly better. its on here because it doesn't happen in any big village.
man, i sort of lost the thread with these last 4 recs, they're more like 'doesnt happen in konoha' than 'happens in another village'. anyway! thanks for the ask and I hope these help. feel free to ask for more recs anytime. welcome to the fandom!
Cheers <3
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mayullla · 2 years
Title: Because of one flower
[ - Cottage (Fem!reader) + Rose (Yandere) + Gaara (Naruto) + Tea (storytale of your choosing: Greek Mythology Hade and Persephone) - ] @why-am-i-here-someone-save-me 's Ask
Summary: You shouldn't have touched the flower. Taken away for your lands you were dragged to the underworld cold and alone.
Additional warning/tags: Dark themes, kidnapping, the reader being compared to a small animal, threatening, obsession themes
[ - Fairytale Picnic Event - closed ]
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You didn't mean to take it, if you only knew that touching that flower would have you kidnapped and taken away from your home, away from the things you know, away from your mother, away from warmth that you wouldn't even go near it.
But you didn't know… plucking the flower that you never once saw before only to hear the sounds of horses of thunder and death. A rough hand suddenly grabs you by the waist and take you away from what you knew as you scream in terror
“Why have you taken me away.” You screamed at the man who locked you in a fancy room with no way out. No windows, nothing but a door behind the man.
You wanted to leave and go back to things you were familiar with. Living with the things of the living instead of the wails and cries of the dead. You want nothing to do with it yet here you were locked in the hands of the god of death.
“...” He didn't say anything, the dark aura only gave you fear and terror as he took a step towards you placing a hand on your face. His hand was cold and dreadful but you did not move instead remained rooted in your spot glaring at him.
“Return me back to my home. I do not belong here.” You told him again, your voice that he remembered was full of laughter, soft as the petals of a flower, now cold and sharp. Yet he felt no fear towards it, finding you almost like a small animal scared of something unfamiliar and nothing more.
“You belong here.” He told you, that the moment you took that flower was when you signed yourself here in his domain.
Yet it seems you did not understand that, unfortunately. “I do not. Return me back, for many would be looking for me right now.” You told him again looking at him straight in the eyes, his dark circle contrasted greatly with his pale skin tone as if it was centuries ago since he last slept.
“You have accepted my courting gift for that you will stay here.” It was an order, a demand from someone greater to a lesser being. His voice was harsh, making you flinch but you didn't back away still angry.
“I would rather die.”
“That would only do the opposite of what you wish to achieve.” He wasn't smiling at all, as his hand slowly moved from your cheek to your neck. Softly he held it, mostly lovingly yet all you could feel was fear as you looked at his eyes, so close to obsession and madness. So close to anger that told you to watch yourself that one miss step would lead you to nothing but pain and torture.
Soon that same hand left your neck playing with your hair he let you go taking a step back and giving you space, away from the cold feeling of dread. “Eat. You must eat so that you would not starve.” Moving he took a bow of fruit that was left in your room to eat, moving it towards you.
The fear and coldness of the room brought goosebumps to your skin as you took a step back holding your neck. You glanced at the fruits yet instead of looking at him like you once did you looked away to the ground “I will only eat the fruits and vegetables that belonged to the land.”
For you knew that one bite would trap you here forever.
Many have already warned you about this abyss, the land of the dead. For the moment you ate a fruit that belongs to the underground you will be trapped in this cold unforgiving place.
“You will only suffer if you continue to act this way.” looking back at him you saw his hair red like the blood when you saw a child once poke their finger from a rose thorn bush in hopes to make a present for their mother in the past. 
Or was it the rose that bloomed in that bush, the red roses so bold and vibrant...
“Return me back to my home…” You told him again, your voice was a bit more mellow this time lacking the once fire and anger that you had when he brought you here.
“I cannot, for you belonged to me.” He told you again, and your heart could only turn cold as corpses when he continued “The moment that you leave me I will destroy the land and bring only desserts and sand. Your home will become barren and empty compared to the land that you once lived in. Only sand and dust would greet you.”
“Don't you dare…” Anger soon came back from his words, hatred seeped into your words daring him to do so, yet he was not fazed by it, heartless and uncaring. 
“For my love towards you, the people you care and love would not be safe should you ever leave me.” He dared you to leave, he dared you to leave his hands and arms from this unforgiving place, “and for those who try to take you away from my grasp they will suffer internally without rest.”
It felt like the world had stopped after hearing that, as you have become increasingly scared of the man who ruled over cold death.
“Don't…” was all you could say as the power in your legs gave out and you fall to the floor.
“Then eat, for you are hungry and in need of something to satisfy your hunger.” He glared at you, placing the fruit bowl on the table, leaving it there as he walks towards the only exit in this room “After you eat you will become mine and mine alone and together we will rule over the land of the dead and I will not be alone for now I will have you by my side.”
You cannot hear the sound of the door shut closed, locking you in this room alone.
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mayhemscorner · 3 years
Snow Angel
Gaara x reader
Warnings: shy and clueless Gaara, slow burn, dangerous amount of awkwardness and clumsiness
Summary: coming from the village hidden in the sand, Y/N has never experienced snow until a mission to escort the Kazekage himself to the Land of Snow
The casual pace the kazekage was walking with signaled to Y/N that he was in no rush to arrive, but through silence came boredom… and it was a long journey ahead. She wondered why the man beside her even needed an escort at this point, tensions have calmed but he always warned her it was the calm before the storm. Threats of war had begun, but they do almost every year and Y/N could no longer take it seriously. Luckily through the few days they’ve already been traversing, the rest they received behind the protective gates of the hidden leaf was a nice break before the last half of the journey. But once past the gates, her stomach dropped at the thought of how much longer they had, let alone the whole trip back at this pace.
“Gaara, why do we have to continue at such a slow pace? It’ll be a month before we even make it to the land of snow at this rate.” Y/N huffs, looking through the dense foliage above them, glimpsing at the hidden stars while laying by the fire of their nightly makeshift camp. Gaara shuffled from his spot in a tree above her, scanning the area before coming down to situate himself on the other side of the fire,” I suppose I can entrust you with the truth, you are traveling with me after all… our village is no longer safe. The Akatsuki plan to kidnap me, and to prepare our people and myself, I had to leave and conceal myself until we are ready. I do hope you are prepared for that when we return, Y/N.”
“So, we have no need to travel to the land of snow… we’re just buying time, huh?” She remarks back, slightly hurt she didn’t know before she complained of the achingly slow speed of their journey. Gaara’s face contorts with sorrow as he peeks over at Y/N’s now turned away figure, tucked haphazardly in the bedroll that’s been on every one of her missions. He sighs,” it is only want. I wish to see snow one last time if things don’t go as planned.”
Y/N tucks herself further in at the realization this wasn’t a mission, it was a bucket list, and Gaara was preparing to die. She was angry, angry at the fact it seemed he had no faith in their village to protect him after all the things he’s done for them.
“If that’s the case why even bring me? You could’ve done this yourself. You’re more than capable after all.” She grumbles at him in finality, kicking away her bedding and walking off to collect herself a distance away. She could’ve been back at the village, helping the rest prepare for the upcoming attack. Y/N knew she was almost useless to protect him, if he even needed it during the trip. She still found herself staying a close enough distance to keep Gaara in view, resorting to sinking her incisors in to the flesh of her hand to regain focus and control of her emotions before trudging back quietly to her roll, once again turning away from him to stare at the sky.
Other than Gaara’s movements back to the tree, the only noise present was the chittering of insects and the rustling of leaves around them. The night was restless for Y/N, tossing and turning every so often with no comfort around her, only uneasiness at what lie ahead. Finally managing to close her eyes and drift off, she never realized the silent redhead jumping back down to cover her with his own bedroll and sitting at her feet through the night.
Her eyes crack open, settling on the ashy embers of the long spent fire as the smoke blows towards her. Panic sets in at the sight of an empty tree, and a completely empty camp besides Gaara’s things neatly packed and set in a pile. Y/N fumbles from the bedroll, dropping in to a sprint through the broken foliage to her right, barefoot and weaponless. As soon as the foliage breaks, she crashes into a solid and bent down figure, knocking them over and ready to defend.
“…Gaara. I-I apologize, I thought you might’ve been harmed.” Y/N stumbles over her words, looking beneath her to see his shocked face as she kept him pinned down. His cheeks redden slightly, turning to the left to see the flower he had carefully picked unharmed.
“I-it’s quite alright. As you said before, I’m more than capable of protecting myself… I was just-“ before Gaara can finish, Y/N’s hand clamps over his mouth and puts a finger to her lips before motioning something was nearby. She grips for a kunai from the pack strapped around her thigh, keeping her trembling hand held tight against the grip. They both whip their heads to the rustling bushes, revealing an aloof and lazy deer that makes eye contact before moseying on. Gaara’s muffled chuckle vibrates against her fingers as he wraps his hand around her wrist,” Y/N, could you please at least move a little? I understand the stress of protecting the Kazekage, but you are currently causing me more harm than that poor creature.”
Y/N’s head shoots down to see her knee buried in to his stomach as her other is crushing his free hand. She winces an apology while moving away bashfully, flushing at the thought of her unprovoked and intimate contact with Gaara. She tried to shake it off, how could it be intimate? it was a usual strategy to keep enemies at bay, not something provocative. Gaara’s eyes fall down to her feet, seeing the flower from earlier now crushed and limp as her own eyes follow his gaze. He only sighs,” the region we’re in is known for their wild flowers. I don’t even know why I was picking them knowing we’re only half a day away from boarding a boat and entering the cold winter of the land of snow. A delicate flower as such would never survive the low temperatures there.”
Y/N assesses the smooshed flower delicately, grasping it gently between her fingers as she heads back to the camp,” I know a way it can survive! I’ll press it in my log book, it’s already halfway flattened anyways. Then you can keep it for as long as you desire. It’ll survive anything once it’s dry.”
Y/N never noticed Gaara’s smile at her ambition to save the flower he had meant to give to her as thanks. Through his own shyness, he knew he made the right decision of bringing her along, no matter how oblivious she was of his attempts at affection. After returning his gourd full of sand to his back, they were once again headed to their destination. The final stretch to the boat was quiet, silent even. Civilians and shinobi alike have resorted to only travel in times of need during the rising conflicts with the Akatsuki. At least it was silent until they reached the bustling docks. The land of Iron was a safe enough distance away from most of the threatened or targeted villages, regardless, it’s people harbored no fear. It was neutral ground with no shinobi influence after all. The horns of boats sung into the cold wind as people walked by, laughing and chatting as things were normal. Food vendors stretched all throughout the docks, mouth watering scents wafting in to the salty air.
Y/N’s mind was distracted at all the new senses she was experiencing, the sense of normalcy she was experiencing. Gaara watched in awe at her crooked smile and wandering eyes as she couldn’t seem to make up where she wanted to look or go.
“How about we stop for some food before we board? The captain will return in about an hour.” Gaara suggests quietly from her side. She nods back, slipping against the ice from under her foot when she tries to walk to a dango stall. Gaara barely manages to catch Y/N as he tumbles down with her, smacking against the snowless ice beneath them.
“Hey Gaara, why haven’t you been using your abilities to break our fall?” Y/N winces from underneath him, reversing the compromising position they had been stuck in earlier.
“This is neutral territory. It’s best not to cause a scene in a land of samurai.” He mumbles back quietly.
As they awkwardly look away from each other, a voice barks from behind them, “Hey you over there! With the red hair, what are you doing to that lady?”
“Sir, it’s just a misunderstanding! I slipped on the ice and knocked us both over, nothing to worry about.” Y/N speaks up, looking to see the gleaming swords strapped at the hips of several passing samurai. They stare as the two try hard to regain their footing, sliding and failing multiple times before two samurai help them to their feet.
“A shinobi traveling through here? It’s been a while with the war coming since we’ve seen any of you.” One of them pipes up while guiding them slowly to the dango stand.
“We’re headed on a mission, but I doubt the war is coming. Just tension that’ll calm down I’m sure of it!” Y/N remarks back as the samurai chuckles and slaps her back in a friendly manner.
“At least you’re keeping positive kid. The war will come, just like every time before. You’re too young to know the signs. But, enjoy the dango.” He continues laughing before Gaara finally manages to speak,” you speak as if she’s clueless. Other than my siblings, she’s the finest shinobi to grace our village. The war may be coming but we can still attempt to prevent it. No land is safe, not even yours. I feel your sense of security is too great, and you should remember that when we come to your aid.”
The samurai only scoffs as he walks away, shaking his head and mumbling about the clueless and young generations. Gaara turns to see Y/N’s gaze set to her feet in shame and rests a hand on her arm,” they don’t know what we go through. They have much different ideologies than we do back home so I wouldn’t take anything to heart, Y/N.”
“Why do you speak so highly of me, Gaara? I’m only a Chunin. I’m not the greatest our village has seen, not even close. I was probably the only one available while everyone else prepares.” Y/N mumbles out, tears welling in her eyes and freezing before they can even drop from her cheeks. Not knowing the first thing about affection, Gaara’s other hand reaches for Y/N’s free arm in awkwardness,” you��re rank doesn’t define your worth. Naruto is still a Genin, yet, he’s the strongest shinobi I know. I handpicked you for this mission, knowing it would be a long journey with possible dangers. I don’t know anyone else I could stand for this long, not even my own siblings.”
Y/N taps the tattoo on his forehead gently before smoothing away his red locks from his face,” are you attempting to hug me right now, or just trying to keep me from falling with a dango stick so I don’t jab my eye out?”
“Yes… I mean, y-yes, I think I’m trying to hug you. Or both… Please don’t fall again.” Gaara stutters out, once again feeling his cheeks grow warm for what felt like the millionth time on this trip. Y/N leans in, wrapping her arms around his warm torso and burying her head in his chest. Gaara’s hands instinctually close around her, gently hovering his hands over her back as if he could break her. It was a foreign feeling to him, holding something so delicate that trusted a man like himself enough to even come this close. But he still found himself melting in to her touch, dropping his forehead against the top of her head and finally willing himself to fully embrace her.
“We should get to the boat… the captains probably waiting for us.” Y/N coughs, pulling away after an all too long hug that she regretfully had to break. She made note of his earthy scent mixed with campfire smoke and the wildflowers from earlier.
The boat was small, and smelled of fish. A scent Y/N would not want to remember from this trip, as well as the rocking motions that churned against her stomach. She couldn’t thank the gods enough that it was a short boat ride as her feet connected once again with land. The soft snow crunched under her feet and muted the sounds around them. Y/N turns to see the look of awe plastered on Gaara’s face, watching as the snow that fell from above melted against his fiery hair.
“I get why you would want to see snow now. This is beautiful.” Y/N breathes, watching as her breath clouds the air in front of her.
“There is much more to see. The land of snow is very advanced compared to most places and it’s even better during the day.” Gaara boasts proudly as they shuffle their way to their final destination. Despite the cold, Y/N was warm every time her eyes landed on the man beside her, who was finally smiling openly and seemed at peace. Gaara finally stops under a streetlight that illuminates the road in front of the place they were staying as his smile falters, and looks down to her,” may I hug you again?”
“Of course, why do you-“ Y/N is cut off as Gaara tightly holds her to him and shakes with the hiccup that wracks his body,” I wish there was a way to thank you better than this. I can feel my time is running out no matter how much we prepare for the attack. But I’m glad I can find peace in this trip with you. I can find peace in you.”
Without moving her head from his chest, she stretches an arm to stroke the hair from his forehead and once again presses a finger to his tattoo,” Love. I believe it’s called love, Gaara. And we can do this, together. I will protect you and the village to the best of my skills. I would sacrifice myself for you, not out of respect for being our Kazekage, but out of love. I might come off as mean, but your emotions are so hard to read. And I think I’ve finally figured them out. I’m sorry if I misinterpreted what they are, but I think you might possibly love me.”
Gaara freezes at his quickening heart, anxious at the new feeling and at her hand sliding down to rest against his cheek. His mind blanks as Y/N sways them gently to the soft melody coming from inside the house behind them and looks up into his eyes with pooling tears in her own and a smile,” and I think I might possibly love you.”
Gaara gasps, losing the air from his lungs and becoming anxious again as his knees buckle. If this was the feeling of love, it was scary, but intoxicating at the same time. He wipes a tear from her cheek and lets his own hand rest gently against her cheek, rhythmically sweeping his thumb across her cold and smooth skin. The hands he thought only capable of killing were moving on their own, exploring the sensation of touching without harming. Touching with love.
“Yes, I think it is love... It’s frightening.” He huffs out, still trying to regain his breath.
“It always is. It’s unpredictable. But you should always trust it.” Y/N gasps back, leaning in to his light touches to solidify the fact she wasn’t scared and welcomed it.
“May I kiss you?” She asks Gaara quietly, dropping the hand on his face lower to grasp his chin.
“I-I u-uhm, yes.” Gaara stumbles over his words.
“It’s okay. Just relax and let me guide you.” Y/N reassures him as her hand guides his face down to her and She giggles at his wide green orbs,” close your eyes and put your trust in me.”
His eyes flutter closed nervously as Y/N leans his face closer to hers, finally breaking the distance to place a soft kiss to his lips as gently as she can. Y/N pulls back to see Gaara stuck in the same position, slowly blinking his eyes open in disbelief and staring at her,” Please do that again. Just one more time.”
Y/N huffs a laugh, once again closing the distance. After the kiss, she places another on his nose, then against the center of his forehead as her fingers thread through his hair,” even though you fear love, trust in it. Trust in those who love you. With it, you’ll be unstoppable.”
“With you, we’ll be unstoppable. We’ll see the end of this attack because I’m not ready to give up love when I just found it in you.”
“Love is what keeps us fighting. It gives us hope to see the end.”
“Love is what I see when I look at you.”
“Now I think you’re going crazy from the cold, let’s get you inside Gaara.”
“May I have one more kiss?”
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maryqueenofmurder · 2 years
just another time travel fix-it
Just another generic “Sasuke travels back in time” fic
“Sasuke, eh?  Like my father?”
“Sasuke is a common name.”
Naruto gets to the brink of death and Sasuke activates his Rinnegan/some form of his rinnegan and the eternal Mangekyo Sharingan while holding Naruto.  They land in a forest close to a village.  Naruto bleeds out in Sasuke’s arms and Sasuke takes him to the village and pleads with the healer to help him.  Nothing can be done.  Naruto is buried in an unmarked grave (Sasuke will always be able to find it again) in the outskirts of the village.  Sasuke discovers that he’s traveled back in time to when he was originally five.  Sasuke meets five-year-old Naruto and forms a bond with him.  Sasuke possesses Danzo with his snake summons, all his summons retain their memory because they’re connected to him.  Or he uses a genjutsu.  It’s imperative that no one realizes what he’s doing, as Sasuke doubts he is good enough to get away if they do.  Also, security will go up and another leader will be elected for ROOT.  Sasuke instills himself as Danzo’s successor and then arranges to have Danzo done away with later.  Before this happens, he discovers that Danzo was going to spread rumors about the Uchiha, which would cause them to attempt a coup.  This means that after Danzo is dead, the Uchiha Massacre would never happen, nor would the coup that never was.  Sasuke also attempts to foster goodwill towards the Uchiha.  As soon as Sasuke is instilled as Danzo’s successor, he has Danzo introduce him to the Third Hokage, so it won’t be suspicious when he seizes control of ROOT.  Sasuke ‘doesn't want to worry the citizens’ so the official cause of Danzo’s death is something natural, like a brain aneurysm or a heart attack.  He tells the Third Hokage the “truth” that Danzo was assassinated.  Now all Sasuke has to do is prevent the end of the world, stop the Akatsuki, get Naruto properly cared for, deal with ROOT, save Gaara, keep Hinata from getting kidnapped, and find Team Taka.  Easy, right?  Sasuke gets a seal for Gaara from Jiraiya, probably telling him something about how Konohagakure’s economy would destabilize a little if devastation happened to Sunagakure.  He gives the seal to a ROOT agent in Sunagakure who pretends it was found in some old trunk or something and makes sure it finds its way to the Kazekage.  Sasuke stops Hinata from getting kidnapped, maybe an ANBU patrol?  The Third Hokage makes it certain that if it happened again, it would not be tolerated.  He then realizes that he’s forgotten to deal with the caged bird seals, prompting him to seek out Jiraiya once more.  The two do research for an alternative, drawing inspiration from ROOT agent’s silencing seals, and meet with Hiashi and Hizashi.  Hiashi and Hizashi deal with the elders and work with Jiraiya.  Sasuke prevents the death of Karin’s mother and basically puts them under witness protection.  He seeks out Juugo and takes him back as a bodyguard or something to keep him close.  He somehow manages to send relief aid to wherever Suigetsu comes from.  Sasuke tries to get rid of anti-Uchiha laws then eventually goes to the Third Hokage to disband ROOT and maybe make it into a ghost division or the ANBU.  The Third Hokage suspiciously asks why the ROOT leader would want to disband ROOT and be pro-Uchiha, given Danzo’s opinions.  Sasuke tells the Third Hokage that he started to question Danzo’s ideals after his death.  After finding out that he was a dojutsu thief.  Sasuke explains to a stunned Third Hokage about finding Danzo’s body, about the Sharingan he had implanted in his body.  Sasuke tells the Third Hokage that this knocked Danzo off the pedestal to him, as Sasuke was a blood Uchiha with a Sharingan, and that made Danzo’s action appalling to his mind.  The Third Hokage has a bit of a breakdown, talking about the death of his successor, his student Tsunadae leaving the village, Orochimaru’s actions, Danzo’s death, and his subsequent learning of Danzo’s sins.  The Third Hokage tells Sasuke about how he didn’t want to become Hokage again after the Fourth Hokage’s death but there was no one willing and able to do it.  Sasuke suggested he quit.  Find a successor, train them, then retire and adopt Naruto.  The Third Hokage wearily accepts.  After a couple of months where Sasuke works on reintegrating child ROOT members into society, the Third Hokage offers to make him a candidate for Hokage.  Sasuke says that he’s unfit, and points out that he’s lost faith in the village due to their actions.  The Third Hokage says that they need somebody who sees the corruption and will fight it.  That as Hokage Sasuke can protect the village, and all the people in it (can protect Naruto).  Sasuke accepts, as it would put him in the perfect place to accomplish his last two goals: prevent the end of the world and stop the Akatsuki.
yes i killed naruto off, no i don’t regret it <3
i have like a chapter of this if u want it.
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skykashi · 4 years
Kakashi is the most underrated character in Naruto
1- in the Chunin exams when all the odds “forced” him to train Sasuke and leave Naruto everyone accused him of favoring Sasuke and not caring about Naruto ignoring all the logical reasons..
1- Sasuke was going to face the most dangerous opponent who was so thirsty to kill him (Gaara) so it was Kakashi's responsibility to teach him something so strong to defend himself with while Naruto's opponent was Neji, someone from the same village and not remotely dangerous like Gaara.
2- Sasuke was being chased by a creepy snake sanin and his gang trying to possess his body.
3- Sasuke had an uncontrollable curse mark that not only put him in more danger, it also drew him further into Orochimaru's trap that had to be observed, contained and needed a strong will and motive to be controlled.
4- Kakashi was the only one who can actually teach Sasuke inside the village since he is the only one with a Sharingan and lighting Chakra Nature affinity just like Sasuke.
5- and this is one of the most important reasons, it was Jiraiya's request to focus on Sasuke and leave Naruto to him as we've seen later on a flashback
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6- Ebisu was a special Jounin, the 3rd Hokage considered him to be the best teacher and thus why he chose him to train his grandson but sadly he was always prejudged and was never given a chance to acually show what he can do as a teacher, so Kakashi didn't even abandon Naruto at all.
7- Kakashi went through a lot of trauma with his old team and he vowed to never let his new team to have the same fate as his old team so it was a top priority to him to save one of his team members from getting killed or kidnapped, it's like Kakashi's worst nightmare becoming reality all over again.
2- he was a very exceptional shinobi since he was very young (the youngest Genin ever at 5, the youngest Chunin ever at 6, the youngest Jounin at 9) and was already following his father's steps who Minato stated that he was stronger than the 3 Sannin without a Sharingan or any kind of Dojutsu and yet people keeps claiming that he is nothing without the Sharingan.
3- As I mentioned above while Kakashi was the youngest Genin ever at 5, Minato became Genin at 10 and Itachi at 7… and while Kakashi became Chunin at 6, Minato became Chunin at 11 and Itachi at 10 yet people claim that Itachi and Minato were smarter than him just because they had the top scores in the written part of the Chunin exam, the exam that he took when he was 5 years younger than Minato and 4 years younger than Itachi, give him that same exam when he is as old as them then we can talk and yet his score wasn't even far behind them.
4- he invents his own A-Rank Jutsu at the age of 9, people claims that he didn't and Indra did because of a filler episode that Indra used something similar to Chidori, ignoring every canon statement saying that it's Kakashi's original Jutsu
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5- whenever he does something exceptional that proves how badass he is people claim that he copied it with the Sharingan:
he uses all 5 chakra natures, they say he copied it with the Sharingan even tho the Sharingan can't even copy Chakra Nature
He learns Rasengan before getting the Sharingan, they say he copied it with the Sharingan, HOW? how is he supposed to copy something with the Sharingan when he had no Sharingan?! And Rasengan can't even be copied with the Sharingan
He summons a perfect Susanoo that also can't be copied with the Sharingan, they say he copied sasuke's Susanoo with the Sharingan 🤦🏻‍♀️
He opens a gate that also can't be copied with the Sharingan, they say he copied it with the Sharingan
The Sharingan can only copy movements and hand signs, not everything.
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6- in every debade they downplay him by comparing situations from the end of Shippuden to his version from the first season of Naruto or early Shippuden completely ignoring his development and other feats from mid Shippuden and the end of Shippuden.
7- once he lost the Sharingan everyone automatically assumed that he became weak ignoring all of his history and all of his abilities even tho it was officially stated in the canon novel “Kakashi Retsuden” that Kakashi now without the Sharingan is a lot more stronger than his war arc version with one Sharingan after he trained, learned so many new powerful Jutsus, increased his Chakra reserves significantly plus losing the Chakra drain the Sharingan caused him, invented more powerful Jutsus and made up for the loss of the Sharingan, still has his 1000 Jutsu and still a genius, they don't even try to gather information and look things up and continue the story then judge no, they just assume without even trying to know any facts.
8- he stays a Hokage for about 13 years and does magnificent things as it was mentioned Kakashi Retsuden:
The Fire Nation in Kakashi's reign witnessed a huge development in every aspect, architecture, technology (smartphones, computers, internet, trains… ) and economy.
He invented a system to keep the peace between the nations by exchanging goods, technology and inventions… etc, this system made all nations in constant need of each other instead of fighting each other which resulted in making the fire country the richest in history of all the 5 nations.
He helped Sakura open the first mental health clinic.
He got rid of the Root organization and all the corruption in the Shinobi system that used to truly create all the conflict and wars. Yet still people call him the worst Hokage and claiming that he did nothing as the Hokage.
9- in “Naruto the last movie” the Raikage wanted to blow up the moon and Kakashi stoped him because he believes in Naruto that he can do it yet everyone claims that Kakashi was the one who wanted to blow up the moon, they accuse him of doing the complete opposite of what he did, the man is literally a genius and they accuse him of making such a decision, blowing up the moon while his students, the Hyuga heir and her sister, the head of the Nara clan, the most valuable assets of his Village are up their.
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hellcifrogs · 11 months
Naruto but Backwards
I tried to keep it in short topics, but this still got long enogh for me to need its own post
A war just broke out in the ninja world, 12 year old Naruto has a huge target on his back and doesn't even know why. His father dies protecting him and telling him about the beast sealed inside him. (Other important plot points happen, that I don't feel like really thinking and elaborating now).
The conflict dies out for a while, many casualities and a new villain claiming to have the power of all the bijuus but two, Tobi/Madara/whatever Obito calls himself here, challenges the five nations to hand over Naruto and B. Naruto is sent to a secret island to train and be safe. There he meets his mother who teaches him to use his powers. He and B are rescued by Iruka's team when the big villain's new organization shows up to get them (Kisame from the Akatsuki)
The five kages meet and a little terrorist (Sasuke) shows up by Tobi's orders to disrupt their attempt to reunite forces, the Hokage Danzo takes the responsability for the boy from his village - when in reality he hopes to get another easy sharingan. Sasuke manages to kill him with the Akatsuki's help.
The leaf village is in shambles after the death of their hokage and Tsunade is appointed as the new one (not counting their titles, Minato could've been hokage or not so Tsunade could be 5th or 6th). Her first challenge is an attack from the Akatsuki after Naruto. Again lots of people get hurt, but the boy convinces Nagato to turn against Tobi and in exchange Nagato introduces Naruto to his old master.
After failing his first mission for the Akatsuki, Sasuke has to fight his brother to prove himself (sasuke is 13) nearly dies, but wins (Itachi lets him - doesn't die). And Sasuke is given his own little team (taka) to work. Their first job? Capture the 8 tails - clearly Tobi doesn't value them and is just sending them to their death, they defect, Deidara is sent to stop them and fights with Sasuke. (Bonus- A tracker team from the leaf is after Sasuke)
Team taka, now running from the Akatsuki seeks shelter with Orochimaru and becomes team hebi. Naruto is training with Jiraya, learns the shadow clones because Minato taught him rasengan already.
Kakuzu and Hidan are sent to capture Naruto and he is saved last minute by team Ino-Shika-Cho. Asuma dies in the first confront, but gives Naruto a hint to improve his rasengan. His students avenge his death with the help of Kakashi and his own team - Sakura and Sai. Naruto asks to be trained by Kakashi and joins his team, so he can have more experiences.
Naruto's first mission with team Kakashi is to investigate one of Orochimaru's hideouts, because there are rumors (thanks to team 8 ;)) that he is working against the Akatsuki and if that's the case they could become allies (he is, but he won't lol). They meet Sasuke!! They knew him from the stories, from his attack to the kages, but they meet in person for the first time.
Back to the leaf village, the sand sends an unexpected request for their help - they have a jinchuuriki and they need to hide/protect him. Turns out Tobi lied about having all the bijuu! Team Kakashi goes (though Sai could be busy this time), they save Gaara from Deidara, who had already kidnapped him and was almost at the hideout. Team Gai shows up to save the day! Naruto makes a new friend like him.
New measures are taken to protect the jinchuurikis, Naruto leaves to travel with his master Jiraya, though he is now officially a member of team Kakashi. He learns sage mode in the two years he's away. And returns to the village once there's apparently no risk of the war breaking into active conflict again. Tobi is quiet.
Sasuke discovers that Orichimaru had been helping Tobi and planned to hand him back to him. He kills him and escapes on his own. He's desperate to find a way to protect himself, if Kabuto or the other members of Hebi find him they'll kill him, if Tobi finds him he'll kill him, if the kages find him... He finds Naruto instead.
Naruto and Sasuke fight in the Valley of the End. Sasuke wants to capture Naruto and hand him to whoever offers him protection. Naruto just wants to reach Sasuke and, by the end of their fight, he does. Sasuke returns with him to the village. They become team 7 with the hokage's student - Sakura (Sai is team Kakashi, but has his own job).
A team from the Sound comes after Sasuke and almost take him back, but a group from the Leaf (and help from the Sand, who owe them for their help) save him, proving to him that he's safe now, Naruto and his friends will keep Sasuke safe.
Kabuto convinces Tsunade to use her powers to bring Orochinaru back to life. Probably blackmailing her. Jiraya comes rescue her with Naruto and Sasuke. She gives Naruto the necklace as a thank you, and tells the boys about the founders!
Naruto and Sasuke learn to fight together, joining forces and when, Itachi and Kisame (the first two akatsukis who the boys ever had to face) show up in the village to take them, they are ready. They defeat the Akatsuki and prepare to fight Tobi himself when the time comes. But first they need to officially become chunin lol
Soon after there's a large scale attack against the Leaf village (pretend is Pein level of destruction here). The Sound and Sand seemed to have joined forces, konoha 13 have to work togethee to save everyone (they're all 16/17 now, Naruto with his sage mode, Sasuke with his summons and sharingans, Tsunade is trapped but Sakura has the byakugo and lady Katsuyu). Orochimaru is back, he actually killed the kazekage and manipulated the Sand, as a thank you he doesn't kill Tsunade - she didn't bring him back, but Kabuto still found a way to do it based on her abilities. (Konoha crush)
After all that Orochimaru wants revenge for what Sasuke did, he is not sick anymore and almost does get him, but team 7 saves him and together they finally kill Orochimaru! (forest of death) -> Gaara becomes the new kazekage -> konoha 13 are all promoted to new positions (chunin exams equivalent, but make them jonin and even anbu). -> At this point I almost forgot about Obito, but...
Team 7 is sent to the mist for a mission, to go after the other jinchuuriki they found out about, one that had been actually helping Obito. They pretend to be on a escorting mission and there they meet a pair of mercenaries :) the waves arc goes pretty similar, but with the addition of rescuing Yagura from Obito's manipulation. Finally defeating him since they slowly had been cutting off all of his supports - Kakashi finds out he *is* Obito and they have their dramatic fight. (Them fighting around the three tails ouch)
Haku and Zabuza actually turn to their side last minute and die teaching Naruto the same lesson that becomes his motivation to become hokage.
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animeyanderelover · 4 years
Você poderia escrever naruto
No inicio do naruto clássico o gaara era bem diferente. Queria uma yandere dele, onde ele cresceu ouvindo uma profecia de alguém que conseguiria ama-lo, e depois de crescido quando foi para a vila da folha para os exames, houve uma garota gentil que se apaixonou por ele e tentava chamar sua atenção.
Request: At the beginning of the Naruto Classic Gaara was very different. Can you do a Yandere from him, where he grew up hearing a prophecy from someone who could love him, and after he grew up and went to the chunin exams in the Leaf Village, he met a kind girl who fell in love with him and tried to get his attention?
Appreciation to the wonderful @blwckcat who helped me translating once again.
Tw: Yandere themes, possessiveness, unstableness, vicious behavior, harsh behavior, killing, kidnapping, threatening
The prophecy
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🐼When Gaara was younger, he used to totally love and cling onto this prophecy. As a kid he used to be more innocent and dreamy, really wishing that there would be someone who would love him. So this prophecy was somewhat a light in his dark life, not being able to wait for him to finally meet this person.
🐼However, after the betrayal of Yashamaru something inside of him changed and he started believing that no one will ever be able to love him and that he should only love himself and only live for himself. He abandoned this ridiculous hope of his younger self, instead focusing on getting stronger and stronger, becoming known as the demon of the sand.
🐼His darling was most likely a genin ready to take the exams as well since Gaara didn’t like interacting with people from the village. You could be from the Leaf Village and even better, a friend of Naruto or Sakura, meaning that you probably witnessed the whole accident with Kankuro. Everyone else was most likely shocked and also scared of him since he was at that time really dark and really ruthless. Whilst you were for sure at first also a bit intimidated, you also couldn’t help this thought that he was really cool. And whilst you couldn’t deny that he looked like trouble, you also started questioning yourself if he had always been like this.
🐼Gaara wouldn’t notice you unless one of following options happens. You either prove to him that you’re strong and possibly a threat or approach him. Let’s say that it’s both. You’re strong and approached him, most likely after the first exam. You could have noticed his jutsu he used and wanted to compliment him on it, also starting to notice a crush on him. You didn’t know what it was, your whole team most likely told you that you should stay away from him, but you didn’t care. You wanted to get to know him closer.
🐼This Gaara is nothing like the gentle soul later on. He’s a lot more cruel and harsh, even threatening and he would at first be so irritated with you, thinking of you as annoying. It was such a distraction because you were constantly trying to talk to him and no matter how many times he snapped at you, you always stumbled back. You complimented him, asked him how his day was, if he was fine and even offered him a trip to the village. And at that time Gaara was trigger-happy to say it the most harmless way. So making him snap could have ended with you getting crushed by his sand coffin.
🐼Love is so unfamiliar to him and without his siblings pointing out that you did all of that because you seemed to love him, he would have remained oblivious to it. And at first Gaara would honestly be more than just suspicious and even despising of that statement. He grew up with the acceptance that everyone fears him and that he can only love himself. He didn’t see the need for love and viewed comrades as useless.
🐼It wouldn’t be until he’s suddenly reminded of this prophecy that he would start getting a bit more interested in a more positive way. He most likely pushed this memory somewhere deep in the back of his head. But it would due to the mentioning of someone loving him slowly fight it’s way back, Gaara feeling like he heard something similar somewhere before until it would pop up in his head.
🐼Just the imagination of it is ridiculous to Gaara, he isn’t one to believe in fairy tails. But after his siblings pointed it out to him and with this prophecy in mind, he would suddenly pay more attention to you. He has huge troubles with trusting people, the event with Yashamaru messing him up completely. So he would somewhat get defensive, not willing to get hurt once again. In a way he’s scared of getting attached and having his already shattered sanity and heart broken all over again. And being defensive means with him threatening, mocking and cruel. I think that if he does notice that he starts feeling something for you, he would suddenly panic and it might end with him shortly losing control and attacking you with his sand. He is unstable.
🐼If you still trail after him and aren’t afraid of him, showing him kindness and care, Gaara would be at utter disbelief to say the least. He never witnessed a person who wasn’t scared of him and the moment he catches himself slowly starting to hope that the prophecy is probably true after all, he would get mad. But the fact remains that you’ve woken his curiosity and he’ll act on it.
🐼He would start stalking you to find out a bit more about how you are as a person. Social life, friends, where you live, he’ll watch you with his third eye. At the same time he would suddenly stop pushing you away when you’re with him, observing you and trying to make a judgement on whether you’re sincere or just really good in faking it in which case he would kill you instantly. But the more you give him the feeling of being sincere, coming from him observing and stalking you, the more he’ll warm up to you.
🐼And from that point on he won’t even notice it anymore that he falls into a really deep obsession with you. All of a sudden he stalls you all the time, even at night since he rarely sleeps due to Shukaku. He would also start wanting you with him all the time, always demanding from you to spend time with him.
🐼Gaara would be in this stage possessive, obsessive, overprotective, isolating and the removal kind of Yandere. He wouldn’t be really aware since he would justify all of his actions with the help of the prophecy and also doesn’t value life. He would be extremely possessive, forbidding you to spend time with anyone else and will shamelessly kill everyone who he sees as a threat or who annoys him. You should only love him and dedicate all of your time to him since you are the girl from the prophecy. Gaara will try to isolate you from others so you pay attention to only him. He is very trigger-happy and even the slightest thing from someone else can set him off and lead to the sand coffin.
🐼His siblings do realize that he became absolutely obsessed with you, but no one of them dares to point it out to him, scared that he’ll react violently or start thinking that they’re interested in his darling as well. He will easily misunderstand scenarios and due to his unstableness and paranoia sees everyone as a threat.
🐼To his darling Gaara will become however as nice as it is possible for him, them most likely finding it adorable how awkward he tends to be when he tries to act kindly to them, teaching him how to do some friendly gestures and stuff like this. There’s a chance that his sensei thought that you were at first a distraction for Gaara, but the moment he even tried to point it as careful as possible out to Gaara, he was almost being crushed by Gaara’s sand.
🐼A lot of Gaara’s sanity would start depending on you in here since you’re the only person he opened up to in years, leading him quite literall to absolutely getting addicted to you as well as highly possessive. He will not let you leave him and the more kindness you show him, the more you make him fall.
🐼Kidnapping with him is a very high chance since he’s possessive, unstable and paranoid. It honestly doesn’t matter that you love him as well, he will kidnap you and doesn’t care what his siblings or Baki says. Actually it’s better if they help him keeping you with him because even though Gaara won’t allow them near you, they all know on who Gaara will let his terrible rage out at first if you should escape.
🐼At first Gaara would be really awkward with physical affection since he isn’t used to it. But over time he would start enjoying it and be very keen on holding your hands or having you touch him in general (in a innocent way since he’s twelve goddamn it!!). He for example really likes it if you caress his face.
🐼I think even after Naruto helped him realizing that he can be loved by other people besides his darling, Gaara would in a way become delusional instead of aware due to the prophecy. The whole thing would become even more intense if you would later on decide to move to Sunshine since you love him, not like Gaara wouldn’t have tried anything to get you to move to his Village.
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onedirecton · 2 years
naruto season 5, 6, 7, 8 & 9 ramblings + thoughts about shippuden
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Like boohoo Sasuke got kidnapped or he willingly left whatever BUT my favourite thing about it was how each one of the ninjas squared off with the sound ninjas like that was so cool ahhh
I loved all of their battle episodes so much gjkfdjgldf
Also when DRUNK ROCK LEE fought Kimimaro that was so funny and good omg
Back to Sasuke's though: I do think he is a bit annoying lmao I'm sorry but his backstory is so sad crying throwing up
But wow, that battle between Sasuke and Naruto. Poetic cinema. Chidorgi v.s Rasengan. Happy Pride etc.
Season 6
This season is basically a filler season since the episodes have nothing to do with Naruto finding Sasuke etc however, I still loved watching a lot of the stories. I genuinely really liked seeing all the other ninjas get some more screen time because I love them all sodjsidjjs
My favourite one is the one where Shino, Hinata, Neji & Naruto head out to find that really specific scent-tracking insect so they can use it to find Sasuke. I absolutely loved this storyline because Hinata got some character development and she actually took action for once lmaooo I also just love Shino and Neji in general they’re so cool I just think they’re NEAT sodjsidjdjjs also the way they went through so much to get that one bug only for Naruto to just ruin the mission with a fart was so ?&?!!!????!? like I laughed so much and I just know that 9 year old me would have loved this too
Also, I think liked that storyline a lot because Neji and Shino are two of my fav characters! Did I mention that I think they’re neat?
The Raiga Kurosuki and Ranmaru storyline was honestly quite sad….like bro…. the storylines/plots of characters admitting that they just exist to be of service to other characters because being connected to them is the only way they see worth in themselves is so….so…..hang on…who else cried slsksijdjs it’s just a reoccurring theme in this entire show and Naruto is almost always the one who goes ‘you can’t live for other people. You have to live for you 🧡’ like….so true king so true and then he’s like ‘I’m your friend now. I don’t make the rules. Let’s live our best lives!’ and I absolutely love Naruto for that 🧡
Season 7
Also just filler episodes lmao
'Laughing Shino' is definitely one of my favorite filler episodes because it's just so silly.
Tbh I did watch a good chunk of this season but I don't really recall anything super memorable aside from the episode I mentioned above.
Season 8
I just went through my netflix history and I literally didn't watch an episode entirely or I just skipped it fkdjsfkljds
Again, all just fillers
None of them seemed very appealing to me but maybe I'll go back and give a few episodes a chance <3
Season 9
I'm so glad this season was really short. The entire thing was basically a filler except for the last episode I think. I thought Gaara was involved in all of them but he was only really there for the last 5, so I ended up skipping the first half dfjksdlfds
I ADORED the fact that the entire ninja crew went on this mission and I loved that we got to see them work together (except TENTEN fkjdskfjlkds she didn't go and I honestly didn't realize until the very end when she was beating Lee up for not inviting her fjsdlkfjds) Tenten I am so sorry for not noticing that you were gone
Anyway, that filler was very entertaining and I was just soooo happy to see Gaara, Temari and Kankuro together. My most beloved siblings <3
Like the 'villain' was an awful guy but you could just tell this guy was not going to win hahaha
YOU KNOW WHAT ELSE WAS JUST *chef kisses*????? So in season 5, the Sand Siblings came to help the gang when they went after Sasuke to try and get him back. In season 5, each Sand sibling helped one of the Leaf Ninjas like Temari helped Shikarmu (teehee), Gaara helped Lee & I think Kankurō helped Kiba. Anyway in the last season, it was the Sand Siblings fighting these bad guys individually and when the Leaf Ninjas came to help, the way they split up mirrored the way they helped each other out in season 5 (like again it was Temari and Shikarmu paired off etc). Poetic cinema, the perfect way to end the series. I hope that made sense but it’s late and my head hurts kddjkdjdw
Shippuden Thoughts/Expectations
I know Sasuke and Naruto will eventually meet again, so I cannot wait to see that
Romance....perhaps? Like I personally don't get too invested in ships, but Temari and Shikamaru have mad chemistry so if tHEY DON'T GKFJDSGKLJDFKGJDFL
I feel like there will be more '''villains' in this season and I just hope they are COOL and not INSUFFERABLE like Kabuto. If I see him again, I'm throwing hands on SIGHT because I can't stand him
Super excited to know more about the mysterious Itachi and his crew!!! I have already forgotten what they're called, but they are very cool to me <3
Basically, I am eager to see how all of the kid's powers have developed during over the years and I am rooting for all of them <3
Thank you for coming on this journey with me dkjfieowjfe
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t0wnspersonb · 4 years
Home (Gaara x Reader)
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Word Count: 1,676
Summary: After receiving news of Gaara’s death, you rush home immediately after completing your mission. You were completely unaware of the fact that your fiance was alive until you saw it for yourself. The gentle moments that Gaara provided was something that you desperately needed after being away for so long, and he was more than happy to have you home.
Warnings: FLUFF like hella fluff, my shit writing, shortness of a story
Hey guys! I hope you are having a wonderful weekend!🤗🤗🤗 I know I mostly write for BNHA and Haikyuu but I’ve had this idea in my head for a while and honestly speaking I wanted to turn it into a smut but decided against it. I don’t even know if people still like Naruto or watch it LOL. But I had to write it. Please enjoy the sickeningly sweet Gaara that I wrote, and I hope I didn’t make him too OC😭😭😭 I wanted to try this out because I want to broaden my works just a bit, I will be opening up requests again, I’ll give an update on that soon! ANYWAY. Please enjoy and let me know what you guys think😊😊😊
The door slammed open, startling everyone in the meeting. Your eyes rapidly flickered across every face until they landed on the one that mattered most to you.
 The tightness in your chest lifted instantly, relief rushing into your lungs as you gasped for breath you hadn’t even realized you were holding.
 Tears stung at your eyes; your lower lip trembled as you watched his figure rise from the chair to make his way towards you.
 The hushed sound of voices was drowned out by your racing heart, your blurry eyes stared into familiar seafoam green ones. 
 He was alive.
 He wasn’t dead.
 He was here.
 “Y/n.” Cold, rough fingers reached for your hand, gently grasping them. The familiar touch caused a loud sob to escape your lips, your body all but collapsed against him. You clung to his clean robes, gripping at the front tightly as you buried your face against his strong chest, his familiar scent seeping into your nose.
 You breathed him in completely as you sobbed helplessly against him. The suppressed emotions that you were feeling while on your mission finally released, spilling out of you like an overfilled cup. 
 “Gaara.” You cried. “What - How - Why did you -” you couldn’t even form a proper sentence right now.
 He hushed you gently, his grip on you tightened, his hand rubbed against your back soothingly.
 Both of you were completely unaware of the people leaving the room, shooed away by Kankuro. He knew that his brother would want some alone time right now. After all, you were gone on this mission for months, you had missed everything. 
 The room was all but silent except for your crying that was slowly beginning to diminish, the soft shushing and comfort that Gaara was providing easily soothed your hysteria. 
When your crying had finally turned into soft hiccups, Gaara grabbed at your shoulders, gently pulling you away from his body. 
 “Let me look at you.” He murmured quietly, his eyes scanning over your body. A soft frown began to coat his lips as he took in your battered form. 
 There weren’t any life-threatening injuries, at least not anymore from the looks of it. 
 His expression softened though as he watched you wipe away your tears, sniffling quietly to yourself.
 You were one of the finest Anbu in Sunagakure, and yet you could be reduced to a blubbering mess right before Gaara’s eyes, it was entirely amusing.
 “Welcome home.” he breathed out, leaning down to press a gentle kiss to your forehead. 
 “I got the scroll.” you said quietly, staring at his robes rather than his face, “They said…” tears started gathering at the corners of your eyes again. “Gaara you were dead… I don’t understand.” 
 “I’ll explain everything. I promise.” he said quietly. “Just come here. I haven’t seen you in months.” he pulled you back into his arms, hugging you tight to his chest.
 In the midst of your panic, you had forgotten about that. You had been sent away on a mission, you were gone for four months. The mission had taken longer than you had predicted, it also didn’t help that in the middle of it you had received a scroll stating that your fiance was kidnapped and was dead.
 But as an Anbu, you were sworn to finish what you had started, so you did; with a heavy heart. It had taken much longer to finish everything after the devastating news.
 It felt as if you had died as well, the emptiness… the pain… it was all too much. 
 You had been betrothed to Gaara since the moment you guys were born. Fated to be together, alway by one another.
 Despite the hardships, despite the way that Gaara used to be… you were always there. When he was called a monster, when he had killed countless people, when Shukaku was released… you were always there. Ready to protect and defend him.
 You were indebted to Naruto. He had saved him when you couldn’t, and because of that, your relationship with Gaara bloomed into what it was now.
 The unconditional love and devotion Gaara provided you was something that no one had anticipated. The gentle looks and touches were entirely foreign to you and to everyone else who witnessed it.
 But his gentleness was completely sought after the first time you had a taste of it. This was how it was supposed to be, arranged marriage aside, you guys loved each other unconditionally.
 Gaara knew that too, he was well aware of the pain and fear he had inflicted on you in your guys’ younger years. He hated himself because of it. He had hurt the one person that stood by him the most, the one person that never looked at him in fear, or with hate. When he had finally come to his senses, he had feared that you were finally going to leave him. 
 You never did. He was helplessly in love with you, something that he had never realized until after the first time he was able to sleep in such a long time, and you were right there by his side. 
 “You shouldn’t have sent me away.” you whispered, cupping his face gently after he had finished telling you what you had missed during your mission. “If I had remained by your side then you wouldn’t have gone through all of that.”
 You were personally going to kill every Akatsuki member now. 
 He shook his head, moving his face to press a soft kiss into the palm of your hand. “It had to be you; you were the only one capable of making sure that the mission was completed properly. The Council and I had decided on it. But…” he frowned slightly, gently rubbing his thumb against the dirt sticking to your cheek. “If it were up to just me… I would never have you leave my side. You know I worry.”
 Your lips parted at his sweet words; warmth seeped into your very being as he gazed at you with nothing but love in his beautiful eyes.
 “I’m sorry to interrupt your reunion, but we really need to finish up this meeting Gaara…” Kankuro suddenly poked his head through the door, smiling sheepishly at you. “It’s good to have you back Y/n-chan. Gaara was moody the entire time you were away.”
 A soft smile tugged at your lips; your soon to be brother-in-law was always a joy to have around. 
 “Kankuro.” Gaara said simply, the older male held his hands up in surrender, stating that he was just joking around. 
 “I’ll see you at home,” You said, reluctantly pulling yourself away from the redhead. “I dropped my report off at the front by the way.” you pressed a soft kiss against his cheek, giving him a loving smile before walking passed Kankuro and the Council members who were standing awkwardly in the hall.
 A shower and warm meal were calling your name.
 Gaara sighed softly as he quietly closed the door behind him, today was a long day, and quite honestly, all he wanted to do was curl up against your soft body and sleep. After the encounter in his office, you were the only thing he could think about the entire day.
 His expression softened completely as he took notice of your sleeping form on the sofa. You were curled, your legs pulled to your chest, your hands tucked under your cheek, your lips parted softly as you breathed.
 You were beautiful, and you were all his.
 He hated sending you away on long dangerous missions like this one, fear ate away at his heart every single time. Gaara couldn’t lose you, he couldn’t bear the thought. 
 You were the last thing he thought of before he had died, and the first thing he thought of when he woke up.
 Now that you were finally home, he never wanted you out of his sight again. 
 He sat on the sofa near your legs, gently brushing the hair away from your face before cupping your cheek. You stirred awake immediately, eyes fluttering open as you scanned the room before landing on the man you loved the most.
 “Mmm… welcome home Gaara.” You breathed out, stretching out your body. 
 Gaara’s body warmed entirely at your welcome, a phrase he had missed dearly when you were away. He was home when you were by his side.
 “Let’s go to bed.” he said softly, standing up completely now. His pale hand stretched out for you to grab, waiting patiently as you shuffled to your feet. 
 A soft smile grazed his lips as he watched you flop onto your shared bed; you wiggled yourself under the blankets, sighing in content.
 Your eyes drooped once more in exhaustion before finally closing. It was only when familiar arms snaked across your body that you woke up once more. 
 Gaara pulled you softly against his chest, sighing in content as he buried his face into your neck, breathing in your sweet scent.
 “I missed you.” You breathed out quietly, carefully rotating your body to face your fingers dragged carefully against the side of his face, watching as his eyes fluttered shut at your touch.
 The gentle glow of a full moon was your only source of light as it beamed through your open window.
 How was he so beautiful?
 “I missed you too.” He said quietly, he leaned forward, gently brushing his cool lips against yours before finally capturing them in a desperate kiss.
 You sighed softly, your arms wrapping around his neck as you pressed yourself as close to his body as possible. Your fingers tangled into his soft locks, your lips moving tenderly against his.
 It was a kiss that spoke volumes of the gentle love you both felt for one another. It was a kiss that was long overdue, a kiss that both of you needed.
 Gaara was still getting used to intimate touches, but kisses, he loved those entirely. He loved you entirely.
 This was home.
 You were home.
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madara-fate · 4 years
Okay but if he cares so much about her why did he not react at all when shin took her with him? He literally expressed more interest in the jutsu than what happened with his wife. And I can't really see it being excused with "he just knows how capable she is of defending herself" because naruto's been in easier situations and yet sasuke showed concern even if we know that naruto's powers are god-like. Just sayin'...
Oh my god, this again... Sorry Anon but I’m gonna have to be blunt about this because I’m astonished. Do you know how absolutely ridiculous it sounds for you to say something as preposterous as how Sasuke apparently “expressed more interest in the jutsu than what happened with his wife.” Are you actually serious? So you think that just because Sasuke said something to express the fact that he was taken off guard by the enemy revealing that they had a teleportation jutsu, it means that he cared more about the nature of the technique rather than his wife? Are you actually serious?
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So by that logic, during the scene below, you must also think that Naruto was more fascinated by the fact that Gaara transformed again, rather than being concerned about Sakura and how she was in danger of being crushed correct? Just because Naruto chose to comment on it since it surprised him?
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That‘s just very stupid Anon, plain and simple. There’s no need for me to say anything more about that, I honestly can’t believe I just read that.
Moving on, people always use Sasuke’s calm and collected demeanour as evidence to suggest he doesn’t care, which just shows how little they understand him. There’s more than enough evidence to prove he cares about his wife. I could very easily bring up a plethora of examples showing how much Sasuke cares for her, because this one example doesn't prove anything Anon, but okay, let’s talk about it. Following Sakura’s capture, Sasuke was shown to be in a hurry to get the information necessary to go and find Sakura as soon as possible. He was recklessly rushing through Orochimaru’s hideout because he wanted to find Sakura as soon as possible:
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He was then shown to be very agitated and low on tolerance in this scene because he’s clearly not happy that someone kidnapped his wife, further emphasised by the hiding of his eyes:
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His patience was once again shown to be running very thin during this scene, as he clearly wanted to leave as soon as possible:
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Furthermore, Sasuke actually shouted at Naruto and Sarada here, not just because he was concerned for Sarada’s safety, but also because it was more valuable time being lost:
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But despite wanting to save Sakura as soon as possible, that doesn’t mean Sasuke views her as some damsel who can’t take care of herself. He knows more than anyone how capable she is:
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But just because he knows that she can take care of herself, doesn’t mean he can’t be concerned about her, as any loving husband would:
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Lastly Anon, you say “Naruto's been in easier situations and yet Sasuke showed concern even if we know that Naruto's powers are god-like”, but that’s not true, and there has also never been a time when Sasuke showed more concern for Naruto’s safety than Sakura’s either. The only time that came close, was when he prioritised Naruto during the battle against Kaguya, but that was because Naruto was pivotal to defeating her, not because Sasuke cared more about him.
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mayhemscorner · 3 years
Snow Angels Pt. 2
Gaara x reader
Warnings: death, blood, mentions of death, slightly goes against storyline
Summary: the attack has started, and Gaara is kidnapped. Upon his death, memories flood through Y/N as she wonders if she should make the ultimate sacrifice. (No one asked for a part two but I did it anyways, because Gaara needs more love.)
part one: https://breeofbree.tumblr.com/post/677328327808319488/snow-angel-gaara-x-reader-warnings-shy-and
“Are you ready to return to our village?” Gaara whispers from the warm comfort of the small sleeping mat next to Y/N’s. She reaches for his hand through the dark blue hues just before sunrise, threading her fingers through his own and sighing,” no. But we have to be prepared to protect it. I have to be prepared to protect you.”
Gaara shifts uncomfortably at her words, flexing his hand at another unfamiliar feeling to him.
“Worry about the village before me. I am more than capable to protect myself after all.” Gaara chuckles lightly thinking back on Y/N’s words from the other day. Y/N slowly retracts her hand, sensing the uneasiness in his voice and movements. She stands to face the rising sun that glimmers against the sand whipping in the air a short distance away, a familiar signal they were almost home. They were almost stepping in to an immanent battleground.
“Who all knows of the attack, Gaara?” She questions quietly, seeing the solitary village in a peaceful state, the opposite of what Y/N would expect while preparing for an attack. Gaara shifts behind her, awkwardly placing a gentle hand on her shoulder to take in the natural beauty of the scene before them, one he may never see again. They may never again see their village whole after this, but Gaara was finally ready to make any sacrifice if it deemed his village and the people from it safe.
“It’s not safe for many to know. I believe our ranks have already been infiltrated. Other than the top shinobi of our village, I have only entrusted you, Temari, and Kankuro.” Gaara sighs, gripping her shoulder to steady his quickening heart. He could prepare the whole village, and the results would still be devastating. Y/N places her hand on top of his trembling grip, squeezing slightly to show support as a lone tear trails down her face,” I guess we really are going in blind, huh?”
“Not blind, just uninformed. We still have the will and strength.” He answers, the wave of anxiety causing tears to pool in his own eyes. Y/N can feel his body wrack as he chokes back whatever tears had been left unshed and turns to him,” then let’s go protect our village.”
The moments passed slowly, Gaara paced around his office to distract himself. Of course they would wait until the cover of nightfall, who would attack during broad daylight? Surely it would be fine to step out for some fresh air before the sun set. His legs will themselves to step out to the balcony, seeing the rays sink lower over the horizon behind a lone figure lounging against the edge and looking out.
“Y/N, you should move to position. Once the sun falls, not even shadows will grant us safety.” Gaara calls out to her, but she only turns her head to smile.
“I just wanted to see the sunset one last time. And I was hoping to see you as well.” Y/N sheepishly answers back, rubbing her arm nervously and once again turning away. Both of her legs swing over the ledge as she huffs,” might as well remind myself that even without us, the sun will continue to rise and set, and everything will continue on. We’ll be okay though… right?”
Gaara finds himself encircling his arms around her from behind, dropping his head against her shoulder for a last sense of comfort. Her hand grips tightly against his crossed arms, dropping her head at his silence. After what felt like hours, the last visible rays of sunlight flicker against the horizon, lazily blinking away as the night ushers in. He finally wills himself to speak so low as he tilts his lips to her ear,” I can’t promise we’ll be okay. Even if this sunset is my last, I’m glad I was able to share it with you.”
With a gentle push, he sends her from the balcony, watching as Y/N flickers away to her own position before settling anxiously in his office.
She could only watch in horror as the blinding light from the explosion engulfs the whole village, bracing her arms over her eyes to try and search for Gaara in the air through smoke. Her ears ring as the faint shouting of Gaara’s name from Kankuro registers in her ears. Arrows continued to fly from their bolts from behind, exploding before even reaching the target. Y/N can’t even remember when she fell to the ground or how, she didn’t even realize she was down until Kankuro’s hand pulls her up. Looking up just in time, she watches as Gaara plummets head first towards the earth motionlessly. She couldn’t tell if the scream of his name was Kankuro’s or her own, but she still willed herself to try and make it to him, only to be stopped from Kankuro’s restraint. They both watch in horror as the stark white bird catches his frame in mid air and curls its tail around him. She pulls against Kankuro, tearing and clawing at his arms around her torso.
“Let me go, let me go to him! Why are you stopping me?!” Y/N shrieks out, panic squeezing at her throat and forcing tears to stream haphazardly. Kankuro slams in to the ground, keeping a tight grip around Y/N as she continues to struggle on top of him, even resorting to slamming her back against him to try and break free.
“We need to act rationally here. He may be your Kazekage but he’s MY brother. Why are you so worked up? We’re going after them, Y/N. But you need to get a grip on yourself first!” Kankuro struggles out as Baki yells to them,” absolutely not! You will stay in the village, both of you.”
Y/N’s body froze at Baki’s stern words, turning to glare with all the hurt building up,” do you really think you can stop us?”
It had been days of pursuing the Akatsuki, and they’ve hit rock bottom. Y/N watched in horror as Kankuro was poisoned, knowing she could do nothing to save him. The concerning look on Lady Chiyo’s face revealed there might not be any way to save him regardless. That was until the hidden leaf came in. She was forced off the mission from there on out. Kankuro and Y/N suffered too many wounds to carry on. She sat blankly in a chair against the wall of the hospital room, watching Kankuro’s every breath and refusing to turn to her own bed. Kankuro would be discharged well before her even after fighting off poison. But even with medical ninjutsu, broken bones wouldn’t heal over night.
“Gaara, this is Y/N. We’re training together now so try not to look too mean.” Temari chuckles, introducing Y/N to a younger Gaara.
“Temari please. You’re going to make people scared of him again!” Kankuro groans from the couch in their living room and tossing a marionette arm at Temari who quickly deflects it.
“Lord Kazekage, it’s a pleasure to actually meet you.” Y/N breathes out, glimpsing at the love symbol above his eye.
“Please, call me Gaara.” He says back monotonously.
“He looks at you differently Y/N. Maybe you’ll be the one to show him the true meaning of love.” Temari yawns, stretching out from her relaxed position on the roof.
“He’s just being polite! I’d have a better chance teaching Kankuro genjutsu when neither of us even know the first step of it, besides, he has you two!” Y/N scoffs back, turning to rest her head on her hand to look at Temari, who turns her head in return,” you know what kind of love I’m talking about, don’t act so clueless. I see the way you glance at him. I also see the way he smiles more.”
“Gaara, why me?” She asks, standing before his desk with her bag already packed.
“You’re the only one I can trust with a mission such as this. My faith in you has never faltered.”
“Even if this sunset is my last, I’m glad I was able to share it with you.”
When Y/N shakes the memories coursing through her head, the sun was rising and she was moving down the hospital halls. Watching from the open window at the end there was a gathering commotion. Even with injuries, she could sense the dread as more people gathered. The leaf ninjas and Kankuro were filing in to sight but she couldn’t see what was going on. Y/N braces against the frame, tumbling harshly from the window to sprint down to them. Kankuro gasps at the sight of her crashing down before them,” Y/N! What are you doing? You’re only going to harm yourself more being out here like this!”
“You know where he’s at. That’s why you’re all gathering. I’m coming with you!” She huffs up to the hooded ninja before her.
“No. You can barely walk. You’ll just slow us down.” Kankuro sneers, already working on trying to lift her from the ground. She slaps his hand away, “don’t touch me! I can walk just fine, I’ll even push harder than you if I have to!”
Baki lifts her from behind, dragging her back towards the hospital as she hangs defeatedly with the pain already preventing her movements. She paced the hospital room for several days, watching as those who guarded her from leaving changed every few hours. Getting dressed, she’s determined there’s at least a five minute gap between guard changes to slip out unseen. Y/N quickly slides out the door and through the window, listening as the guards rush after her, but they were too slow. Every shinobi worth anything was on the mission to retrieve Gaara. As she ran blindly against the tossing sand, Gaara’s words rang through her head.
“Yes, I think it is love… it’s frightening.”
“Love is what I see when I look at you.”
“Your rank doesn’t define your worth… I don’t know anyone else I could stand this long, not even my own siblings.”
Y/N blinks back tears rapidly as she heads towards the area she knew they were going. Her body ached and her heart burned. Using chakra to keep herself moving, she wouldn’t survive much longer. But Y/N was prepared to die if it meant saving Gaara. As her legs begin to fall from beneath her, the sight of Naruto’s striking blonde locks ahead wills her to push forward. Blood trickles from her mouth slightly from a raspy cough. But the glimpse of red hair feeds adrenaline through her veins, only to ice over at the sight of Naruto’s own tears falling freely. Y/N’s body collides harshly to the ground beside Naruto, watching as Sakura tries fruitlessly to revive Gaara. She can only stumble forward, before being caught by Kankuro and held tightly,” it’s too late, Y/N. There’s nothing you can do. Especially with the state you’re in.”
“There is one last thing I can do. We can get him back.” Y/N wheezes as Kankuro wipes the blood from her mouth with his sleeve. She looks to Kankuro pleadingly,” let me get to him. Please.”
Kankuro regretfully releases her, walking slowly behind as she stumbles to Gaara’s lifeless form. Collapsing over him to hug him one last time, she sobs softly,” I hope whenever you look at the sunset again you’ll think of me. Eventually you’ll forgive me for what I’m about to do, Gaara. Thank you for showing me the true meaning of love… I hope you can find it in others. I love you.”
With final words said, Y/N begins the reanimation jutsu painfully. Just as the chakra begins to flow, a gentle hand pushes her over,” what do you think you’re doing?!”
Kankuro pulls Y/N aside as Lady Chiyo looks to her for an answer.
“I was… saving him.” Y/N gasps out, once again fumbling weakly to the ground.
“You’re too young, and weakened. It’s about time I did something right dear. I’ll take it from here.” Chiyo smiles, patting Y/N’s shoulder before resuming the reanimation jutsu herself. With baited breath, Y/N watched from the confines of Kankuro’s tight grip. Chiyo didn’t have enough chakra either, at least not until Naruto stepped in. Gaara finally opens his eyes, scanning those around him with shock at the concerned crowd. Y/N only smiles before exhaustion catches up, knocking her out cold against Kankuro.
“Y/N…” Gaara breathes out worriedly, still weak himself.
“She’ll be fine. She just needs some rest. After all, she did just try sacrificing herself for you, Gaara. You must be great friends now after your last mission.” Kankuro relays to him quietly, setting Y/N close by and watching as Gaara’s green eyes scan her meticulously. He watched quietly as Sakura healed what she could and with a sigh she nods herself away from the situation. With Gaara too weak, Kankuro carries Y/N loosely in his arms to the village.
“I know what love now is, thanks to her, Kankuro. It’s frightening, but tender. Just like her. She is a force not to be reckoned with.” Gaara whispers as they trail comfortably in the back of the squad heading home. Kankuro chuckles, whispering back lowly,” so that’s why she tried going after you. I’ll admit, she almost gave me a run for my money while trying to stop her. I’d rather take poison over holding her back again.”
“Upon healing, make note we will promote her to Jonin status.” Gaara coughs as Temari finally makes her presence and return. She laughs, rustling his deep red hair and looking down to Y/N,” I think you should make a note on how you’re going to ask her to be yours, Gaara.”
Gaara turns away, blushing furiously enough to match his hair color,” I-I have no idea what you’re talking about.”
Y/N walks in to the blinding sun, finally able to return home and get away from the all too sterile environment of the hospital. She trudged slowly to her home, alert heightening when she notices the door was open. She reaches for a kunai, stalking quietly in to her house to see Gaara awkwardly shuffling in the living area. Y/N looks to see the pressed flower from their journey encased in glass with sand surrounding it in his hands. She laughs, dropping the kunai to rush him with a hug. Gaara grasps back tightly, using his sand to set the glass frame on the counter beside them.
“I thought I would have more time before your return.” Gaara mumbles in to her hair, relieved at the now familiar feeling of her hug.
“What are you doing here anyways? Don’t you have paperwork to catch up on?” Y/N jokes, burying her face further in to his cloak. He chuckles softly,” there’s more important things to catch up on. Paperwork can wait for one more day.”
Y/N looks up in confusion to see his rosy cheeks as he bites against the bottom of his lip nervously.
“You have a Jonin promotion today. For your efforts in protecting the village as well as myself.” He stutters out, looking away bashfully before continuing,” as well as dinner if you’ll have me.”
Y/N grabs his chin to tilt his head back towards her gazing eyes,” I think someone told me the other day that rank doesn’t define my worth. We can worry about that another day. For now, I think I’d like to spend the day with you and watch the sunset together… if you’ll have me.”
“May I have you… for the rest of our lives? Watching the sunset is quite lonely without you. I think, you might love me. If I’m not wro-“ Gaara’s anxious babbling is cut off by her melodious words,” Gaara. I do love you, and I want to be with you. I will continue to show you love for as long as I live…”
“…I- Can I kiss you?” Gaara exhales gently, brushing the stray hair from her face.
“Please stay by my side. I can’t afford to lose you.”
“Gaara, I’m not going anywhere. There’s many things in love you are yet to learn. Our story is only beginning.”
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gaasaku-fanfests · 4 years
Broken Hearts (Empty Grave)
Title: Broken Hearts (Empty Grave) Author: ofhealinglove Rating: T Word Count: 2,940 words Summary: Haruno Sakura was killed in action fighting Akasuna no Sasori. While Konoha grieves the loss of a beloved shinobi and friend, Gaara is keeping her safe and secreted away until she falls in love with him. He's the one who saved her. He's the one who brought her back from the brink of death. Konoha couldn't keep her safe, so he will. Forever. Trope: Yandere.
Gaara attends the memorial for Haruno Sakura.
He, his siblings, and several council members who want to suck up to the grieving Hokage (they didn’t even know Sakura) travel the two days it takes to get to Konoha and stay for three days: one to rest and settle in, one for the memorial, and one for politicians to politick and Gaara to spend with Naruto, and then leave that evening.
The memorial is enormous; most of Konoha is in attendance. In her work at the hospital, Sakura had saved countless lives and it seems like there isn’t one family or friend her healing hadn’t affected in some way. The flowers come in all shapes and sizes; the mourners are genuine in their grief. ANBU, jounin, chuunin, genin—all of them have something to thank her for.
But it is the Konoha 11 that grieve the hardest. Some stoic, some with tears streaking down their faces, some still standing shell-shocked, like they can’t believe she’s really gone. These are the two blonds of the group, both with blue eyes: one is a Yamanaka kunoichi Sakura’s age, and the other is Naruto.
Gaara watches Naruto closely, a small part of his heart guilty for what’s happened. After all, it’s because of him that this memorial is taking place; if he had been strong enough to defend against the Akatsuki by himself, Sakura would never had fought Akasuna no Sasori—a criminal from his own village, at that—and been injured as she was.
There are other reasons why he feels guilty, but with a clan that has a mind-reading kekkei genkai in attendance, Gaara doesn’t dare to think of them.
The Godaime is one of the stoic ones, but there is more than that: she is furious. Gaara thinks, looking upon her face from his seat in the delegates box, that she has lost one person too many, and knows it when she announces all-out war against Sakura’s murderers.
Sakura’s death could have been prevented. Chiyo had been old and Sakura not ready to fight an Akatsuki with just a retired jounin at her side. They should have had back-up and they shouldn’t have been left alone, no matter what Chiyo said. When the old woman had crawled out of the wreckage of the fight, Sakura’s body lost to the cave-in and Sasori dead (by Sakura’s hand, Chiyo had solemnly emphasized with her head bowed, “I wouldn’t be alive without her,” and “She sacrificed herself for me”), Gaara heard that Hatake Kakashi, her team lead and jounin sensei, had just about killed her on the spot. It was only with the restraint of Maito Gai that Chiyo had been alive to revive Gaara, and Hatake still hasn’t recovered.
Naruto had told Gaara on the day of their arrival that “Kakashi-sensei” was on a two-month-long suspension and had mandated weekly appointments with a Yamanaka psychologist after he had attempted suicide, but Gaara had to keep it a secret.
(Gaara doesn’t feel guilt for that, not like he does for Naruto.)
After the memorial is over, everyone leaves except for the Suna shinobi and council, Konoha 11, and the Hokage and her assistant. They meet in a room in Hokage tower and drink and reminisce. Gaara doesn’t partake and doesn’t say anything. This isn’t a sad occasion for him, it’s a victory. While everyone else grieves over Haruno Sakura, Gaara doesn’t.
He knows she isn’t dead. She’s recovering in a secret room beneath the Kazekage manse, well enough that he was able to leave her alone for a few days.
Temari had said that Konoha deserved to know. Kankuro disapproved of what Gaara had done. But they’re both his brother and sister as well as shinobi of Sunagakure, loyal to him before all, and by the time they’d figured out what was going on, it would endanger the alliance to reveal the secret.
Now that the memorial is over and Haruno Sakura officially declared dead after weeks of excavating the rubble trying to find her body (long gone), there will be war if Sakura is ever discovered.
She won’t be, though. All the world needs to know is that she died a hero killing Akasuna no Sasori.
And Gaara is going to keep it that way if it kills him.
 When Gaara first noticed Haruno Sakura, she had been doing her best to defend Uchiha Sasuke and was going to pay for that with her life. She hadn’t been strong or particularly useful, either; just cannon fodder, likely as her council had intended. She squirmed and fought under his crushing sand but didn’t give up until she passed out from lack of air, but even in her unconsciousness, he had noticed that she still twitched against death like she was fighting to survive even when her mind was gone.
This had intrigued Shukaku and Gaara had hesitated, and then Naruto saved her life and changed his.
Shukaku had seen something in her, something he liked, and that was why Sakura had survived. Gaara had been fast enough even then to end her before Naruto arrived—it was Shukaku’s order to stop that had spared her.
Even moving forward on a different path to a different destiny, Shukaku kept going back to the pink-haired girl and Gaara found his interest piqued, as well. It started with wondering why Shukaku had hesitated, then soon enough, he was following the bijuu down the rabbit hole.
What led such a weak kunoichi to fight for her life like that? As soon as his sand was upon her, she had to know that it was over, and yet she struggled even near death. For a shinobi of some caliber, that was to be expected. To a pathetic little genin who hadn’t even made it past the preliminaries? It made no sense.
Naruto talked about her in his letters, and while Gaara did his best to be circumspect, he learned much about the kunoichi he’d grown so interested in. Shukaku praised every tidbit of information—except for the fact that she was in love with Uchiha Sasuke.
But he was kidnapped and she was killed in action.
After he was revived and Sasori defeated—they had found his body, or at least the splinters left of it—he thought he’d never see her again. Shukaku was gone but the obsession was not, and he had spent his time off during the rebuilding venting his fury deep in the desert.
That was how he found her.
 Sakura had not, in fact, been killed by Sasori’s poison.
When Gaara had found her, deep in the desert between Iwa and Suna going vaguely north, she had been grievously injured by the cave’s collapse, traces of poison flowing through her veins, fever, severe dehydration, and on death’s doorstep.
His first thought was that he was seeing a mirage but he went to her side anyways. Later, he found out she had kept herself alive through complex ninjutsu that she had subconsciously invented purely to survive just that much longer; her Will of Fire, but more importantly her will to live, had kept her going this long, delirious and confused and injured but alive.
She would have died within the day if he hadn’t found her.
Without hesitation, he hurried her back to Suna, but with hesitation, he didn’t take her to the hospital. He took her into the bunker beneath the Kazekage mansion and brought a traveling doctor in to care for her, supplying all his needs with the best money could buy. He hadn’t known what it was he was doing until the next morning when he woke up and realized that he should have immediately sent for Konoha to bring their med-nin to care for their kunoichi before bringing her back home, but…
She was alive—because he found her. She was going to recover—because of the money out of his own coffers. She had been found—because he grieved her.
Didn’t that make her his? And why should he send her back when it was her own team lead’s neglect of her that had gotten her declared KIA in the first place?
So he didn’t say anything, and killed the doctor (quietly, discreetly, no sand coffins or blood splatters) as soon as she was stable and Gaara knew how to care for her.
No witnesses.
 He remembers the moment she first opened her eyes. She still looked sickly and burnt from the sun, but they had opened with clarity and she had looked around quickly, assessing her situation even as her hands and feet flexed and twitched against the restraints holding her down.
She saw him and whispered in a croaky voice, “…Kazekage-sama…?”
He’d hurried help her sit up and drink a glass of water to wet her throat. She drank greedily but not too fast, not needing his advice to not make herself sick. A prodigious med-nin, to be sure.
Once he’d pulled the cup away, she’d blinked and asked in a clearer but still thready voice, “…Where am I? Why… why am I restrained?”
“Safety precautions, Haruno-san,” he’d told her. He would stay polite, even if he wanted to be able to speak the caress of her name on this lips and tongue. He would stay distant for now. He didn’t want to scare her.
“Where… am I…?” she asked again, eyes roving over the interior of the bunker’s main room.
“Safe,” he said.
She seemed wary of him but was too out of it to be outright suspicious, and once he let her drink a second glass over water, she fell back asleep. He laid her down carefully, determined for her to never feel any pain ever again.
It was Konoha’s fault she had almost died.
He didn’t want her to die.
She was better off safe down here in his bunker where he could protect her. He would never let any harm come to her.
 It didn’t take her long after her first awakening to start asking questions. Her memory of recent events was spotty at first, but once she started remembering healing Kankuro, going to save him, bits and pieces of her fight with Sasori before her injury and ‘death,’ their relationship became strained.
He told her what he could, and most of it had to be lies. He truthfully told her that she had killed Sasori in the end and Chiyo had been a casualty of the fight. Gaara had had Shukaku taken from him, but he’d survived. She had been searched for, but only for a few days before her team headed back home. Naruto was going to try to come back for her body, but they all assumed she was dead and he heavily implied they didn’t care.
(Hatake didn’t, sending her in unprotected like that.)
Some of the lies she believed, some she didn’t. It took time and constant repetition to get it to sink in that Konoha hadn’t really cared about her. She fought against the lies about Naruto and Tsunade the hardest; she’d been suspicious of being restrained.
And then she found out she didn’t have chakra anymore because of Sasori’s poison, just enough to survive with civilian levels, and she’d just about broken.
He’d been sad to see it, but it was necessary. It was, in fact, a seal he’d discovered deep in the family’s library, used for subduing dangerous criminals for execution. Archaic and brutal, he’d gotten a sealmaster to bastardize it into being temporary. He was no Uzumaki, but he said the seal should hold. Gaara didn’t want Sakura in the bunker forever. Once he felt she could be trusted, she would ‘regain’ enough chakra to defend herself. Maybe one day, she’d ‘miraculously’ get all of it back.
But that would be after they were married, after they had children, once they were older and there was no chance of her defection. He had to keep her safe.
He made sure to repeat that to her. She was safe, he was always going to keep her safe. Konoha hadn’t kept her safe, and they didn’t care what happened once she wasn’t. She’d been left behind, by her team, by her village. No one was coming for her; no one cared enough.
That was apparently her worst fear and what started breaking down the fastest.
He brought her meals, took her to the bathroom, brought her knowledge and entertainment. He was her only source of social interaction, the only person she relied on for all her basic needs, by design. He needed her, so she had to need him.
It was basic conditioning. He was sad he had to use it on her, but there was no other way to make sure she’d willingly stay by his side. The first time he had touched her, she’d flinched. The day he’d left for the memorial, she had initiated a hug goodbye.
(He knew she would fall for him eventually, just like he’d fallen for her.)
Telling her about his three days away for her memorial service had been very, very difficult. Of course, she hadn’t known it was her memorial service, but she had still cried and pleaded for him to stay. She didn’t want to be without him, she said. What would she do, all alone? What if the food ran out? What if something happened to him?
It was hard to leave her, but he did.
 He’s eager to get back to her more than anything else, but he doesn’t show it. He worries that if he’s away for too long, some of her conditioning will start to wear off and she’ll regress. If she thinks too long, she might untangle some of his lies; after all, he knows she’s extremely intelligent and it’s only been a little under a month. There’s a large margin for error here, leaving so soon, but it would have been more suspicious if he hadn’t come. She’d killed one of his village’s own missing-nin in the conflict to save his life. If he’s not there, barring an emergency, it’s a blow to the alliance.
Gaara needs this alliance, but he might not always. If Sakura were to surface back from the dead in, say, five years or so, Konoha’s reaction might not matter.
(She won’t want to go back anyways. He’ll have made sure of it by then.)
When he comes back to the bunker, Sakura is pacing the room. It doesn’t look like she’s tried to escape and there’s no damage speaking of any fits of pique or defiant anxiety, which is somewhat surprising.
“Gaara-sama!” she calls with a smile once he’s sealed the door behind him.
“Sakura-san,” he replies, finally able to call her by her given name, a small smile quirking his lips. He doesn’t necessarily expect her to run up and hug him, but it’s nice anyways.
His sand doesn’t even try to keep her from him. He thinks it’s a sign.
(A sign that they’re meant to be. He’s doing the right thing, keeping her here.)
“Don’t leave me like that again, okay?” she demands. She’s still got a temper, which is something that is so integral to who she is that he’s glad it’s not completely conditioned out. Still, she hadn’t destroyed anything. It’s a sign of progress. And the desperation with which she’d run up to him…
Maybe he should leave her alone more often, but his heart says otherwise.
(He has to keep her safe. He loves her, he loves her, he loves her.)
“I’ll do my best,” he says. He’s always been a man of few words.
“Did you bring any food?” she asks. “I’m pretty hungry—I ran out this morning.”
No, Gaara had not brought food. He’d been too excited to come see her.
“I’ll go get some for you,” he tells her, and turns for the door. Sakura steps back to give him space—she always does—and he unseals the exit.
He doesn’t see her coming from behind him and his sand doesn’t react when she hugs him again; she doesn’t mean to harm him, if the sand isn’t reacting. “Don’t take too long, okay? I’ve missed you.”
“Stand back, Sakura-san,” he orders her quietly, warmed by the fact that she’s so desperate to touch him, feel him, hold him.
Sakura nods against his back. “Okay…”
In a move he hadn’t expected and therefore was unprepared for, Sakura’s hands snake up under him and grab his throat.
He chokes on her inhuman strength. She shouldn’t have chakra! What is going on?
“Next time you put a seal on someone, you should make sure you know it’ll hold,” she snarls, and her hands clench brutally.
 When Gaara wakes up, it’s three days later in the hospital. Sakura had crushed his windpipe, but Temari found him in time to get medical treatment and survive.
He grieves that Sakura got away, but he swears he’ll find her. She can’t have gotten back to Konoha yet and therefore he still has time to find her and bring her back. He’ll leave her in isolation for much longer this time, a punishment. He’d hoped to never have to do that to her, but Sakura has a strong will (Naruto had emphasized that so often and Gaara had seen it firsthand when she fought against his sand coffin) and it needs to be broken down more… thoroughly this time.
“I’ll find her soon enough,” he tells Temari.
And then Kankuro rushes in with a crumpled missive with the Hokage seal in his hand, announcing with worried eyes that Konoha has declared war.
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