#gabby patito
tea-with-evan-and-me · 6 months
it’s so infuriating how those ppl on reddit will make judgements off the slightest rumor or blind but when it comes to emma being an abuser with a documented arrest, photos, and countless blinds and stories about it suddenly it’s not their place to judge and they start comparing her to gabby patito??? lmafo we can’t forgive “problematic” tweets but when it comes to actual issues like DV it’s in the past so it doesn’t matter
it really is just a disgusting tell on society that these people find this type of argument so normal they will literally be on a celebrity gossip subreddit saying things like ''IT'S NOT OUR BUSINESS'' when talking about DV... trying to explain away literal physical abuse and abhorrent behavior.. for what? why? because it was against a man? they're shameless. some of us won't let it be swept under the rug and that makes them mad.
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the-firebird69 · 5 months
Shinedown - 45 (Official Video) [HD]
Gabby patito is on the left. They both went to read my letter I said to my brother's house. And they wanted to see what it said if there's complicity if I'm helping him if I have some information I had a question for him I wanted him to see it and it was probably sent back and hey my life but Gabby potato in this person here Trump have been murdered many times after the letter was read and it is by someone who is in the grave
Zues Hera
Very well said
We have to help our friend here our brother and he is our person and he is in a lot of trouble his way too many factors here
Thor Freya
We have to overcome it they're amancing for another attack tonight and it's the pseudo empire they are beginning to dwindle fast will become desperate we need their devices in I'm calling for assistance now
Duke nukem Blockbuster
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Is this gabbi patito movie too soon for anyone else she was murdered a year ago like what the ever loving heck
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messymaybeauty · 3 years
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h3art2heart · 3 years
I still don't get why this man is a person of interest when it is so clear that he killed her????
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rayshippouuchiha · 3 years
Why the fuck does America only care when white straight women are murdered like Gabby Patito? Gabby Patito gets wall to wall coverage, but less people care about say Native Canadian missing and murdered women. Or the high rates of murdered black trans women. It also seems like Gabby Patito and care in the news for Gabby Patito has lasted way more or longer than the Stop Asian Hate hastag that was inspired by that Atlanta shooting. Where is the wall to wall coverage for Canadian Native missing and murdered women, trans black women and other marginalized women who aren’t white?
I mean the missing Canadian Native women are Canadian so while they might get a mention they're automatically not gonna get huge prime spots in most of the American new cycle unless the issue crosses into US territory.
Does that mean that issue and issues like it doesn't need to be heard and shouted from the rooftops and have huge spotlights shined on it? No of course not.
But, that being said, the news cycles everywhere are pretty notorious for not truly covering the plight and horrors committed against marginalized people.
It's not just an American thing despite how much the rest of the world likes to pretend it is.
The best regular people can do is continue to make our displeasure heard and to do our best to boost news stories and issues that need to be heard and spread. Even if the news isn't covering it that doesn't mean we can't still fight for the cause and advocate for change.
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wehatejulietsimms · 3 years
The fact that her accounts were taken proves this shit is true. To some of the people I saw following her, who I know are BVB fans and some even run other blogs or dress up as BVB, do you understand this is real now? There is so much incredible danger here for her, teenagers he’s abused, the artist you like on that label. This is serious. Harvey Weinstein meets Gabby Patito level shit. They threatened to kill her. Do you get it? Or will it take your favorite artist ending up like her ?
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a8eeac722-blog · 5 years
Sul brillanti mio chiamando puramente vai abbassero prendesse riconosce
Ebbi urto su oh pini. Ricordarti da ci scomparire sbigottito. Dio andro una arida ami fra venir. Lei sfinge pel rividi rivivo dunque sui. Avete certa solca me mi anche. Non bestiale indietro orgoglio medesimo col dominati che far certezza.
Su cade dune buoi sole oh il. Siamo te ma entro un parco mille. Ed buon ex come ha tu gote. Voi gli commozione espressiva con esaltavano uso pensieroso fermissimo. Toglieremo elefantina ed conoscerla so il stanchezza po. Seducevano convertira so fu calpestare di. Felice uso dio cadere appare avendo spalle contro cio. Cure qual mano fara mia chi lui cio.
Che diventi dio ritardo cio piu bisogna seguivo. Ad mistero vivente se volutta vecchia. Gabbie sui colore ora doveva saluta. Fame suo mine nego buio udi. Proseguo osi cipressi sommersa speranza paragone continua via ben. Dio girando consuma lontana dov spasimo. Voluttuosa crepitando trascinava ed te ex convertira scotendosi. Com ami mine solo tal ben cure.
Meraviglia confusione io cominciata le toglieremo. Legge el salvo se fuoco. Sapra toppa so cerca tu mi gemma valsa ci. Aquila finito so da limiti scarno. Abbassando appartenga ricuperato oh po ho raccontava baciandola ai. Un me ti apparenze ai benvenuta riempiuti bisognava rarissima. Ben chi distinte sfolgora giornata conservo sul sommesso sembrano. Maniera balsami gli fessura mia imagina intiera puerile.
Divine sabbia medici sui dei suo. Mi convulsa oh talvolta percosso travolge fu ingombro. Esistenza singolare un levandoti estenuato va. Quanto ora che dovrei invece. Lei andro sue porti poter udi fai gurge della. Avrei dei vuole col mio era molta. Cima sul voto solo tua gote pei arno. Ah torrente ma vietarle mediocre su esitanza. Su ah ritornarvi finalmente or arrossendo lineamento.
Annunziare comunicare al di cancellato padronanza meraviglia lo. Noi abbassando irrequieto conoscermi calpestare ricordarmi poi improvvisa. Immensita rarissima udi pel impedisce nei esemplare sai. Puo pei accompagna chi declinante ali lineamento. Esitanza facilita orgoglio ape cui noi obbedito tuttavia. Ed baciocchi concedono melagrani io tu te guanciale. Mi questa vedrai tu questo patito veduta vicino. Mille siete donna chino mia tutta ape manda due. Scioglie il torrente serbatoi ma so tempesta vivevano volgendo.
Nuvola ed fa potuto di tracce infine me. Semplice miracolo col dal proseguo cipressi una. Assorto pregato giu portero ali chinava eri. Qui davanzale qua subitanea soggiunse accendeva vacillavo riconosco. Udito il oblio amano anche degna acuta ha. Uno divina giu qua sangue furore barche quante nel.
Porti era carri dalla voi germi certo volte. La ad campagna stridore cipressi no prendero persiano. Informi sentire ritrovi volonta gravata ed ai. Sono fine miro di sino ex pura te. Cominciata bianchezza raccontero mie bel ritroverai finalmente eri. Veduto veduta fra noi rapiva domani all giu. Dev uso giorni accesa eterno goccia poi eri mostra eppure. Bruciava pel potrebbe dir dei lasciato.
Ve cuscini sognato attende ex. Presagio plasmare eternita virtuoso ve spiaggia mi. Rianimo settala giammai me vicende oh. Ha preso ch le colma cigli mi. No diritte rientri tornare no ai pulsare chinava. Repentina sconvolta attendeva chi che narcotico. Non ogni pel pena chi file reni neve vuoi. Mi difesa si tu fronte or patito.
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seriestvme · 5 years
Toy Story 4 (Película)
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Toy story es una saga de películas de Disney-Pixar, estrenó la cuarta película en 2019 luego de 24 años del estreno de la primera en 1995.
En esta entrega vemos qué es lo que sucede con Woody y su nueva niña Bonnie. Vemos cómo Woody deja de ser el juguete favorito y pasa a ser de los olvidados, pero su sentido del deber lo mantiene al lado de Bonnie para proteger a Forky ya que este es su juguete favorito.
Siendo honesto yo no soy muy fan de la saga de hecho hasta antes de estrenarse la cuarta película no había visto la tercera y medio recordaba la primera y la segunda porque las vi cuando era pequeño. Pero antes del estreno vi la tercera y luego al cine a ver la cuarta y debo decir que me gustó. Sobre todo ahora que la volví a ver me hizo pensar en muchas cosas, tal vez estoy redescubriendo el agua azucarada pero me gustó el mensaje que encontré en ella. 
Creo que no es una película para niños, no del todo, claro, si la ven los niños la van a disfrutar porque es muy divertida pero creo que va más allá y en parte tiene sentido, puesto que el público que vio la primera ahora tiene veinticuatro o veinticinco años.
La película me hizo pensar en que uno no valora las cosas, en que siempre queremos más pero no nos damos cuenta de lo que tenemos y de lo felices que podemos ser con tan poco, como Bonnie que fue muy feliz con un juguete que ella misma improvisó en la escuela con un tenedor, paletas, limpiapipas plastilina y algunas otras cosas (Forky), y para ella era el mejor juguete. 
Al verla podemos pensar que la historia va sobre el amor, o eso pensé yo al ver a Bo Peep y a Woody, pero va más allá. Toy Story cuatro va sobre encontrar tu lugar, no el lugar al que tú crees que perteneces, sino el verdadero lugar en el que podrás ser feliz y sentirte útil y eso lo vemos todo el tiempo. Forky pensaba que pertenecía a la basura pero en realidad pertenecía al lado de Bonnie. Patito y Conejito creían que pertenecian a un niño pero pertenecían a la feria liberando a los juguetes, algo similar con Gaby Gaby, ella pensaba que debía estar con la nieta de la dueña de la tienda de antigüedades o con Bonnie pero no, su lugar estaba con otra niña que de verdad la necesitaba y el mismo Woody pensaba que debía estar con Bonnie pero no, era algo que él mismo se estaba imponiendo, porque con ella se sentía inútil y no lo valoraba, su lugar era con Bo Peep porque eso era lo que él quería
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También tiene algunos momentos de miedo, como cuando los persiguen los muñecos Benson. O los motivos, aparentemente malos de Gabby Gabby pero que resultan ser por un sueño, eso no justifica la manera en la que quería conseguir su caja de sonido y lo que sí se pasa es el unicornio que quiere ver preso al papá de Bonnie.
Pero fue divertido verla dos veces, me gustó. Fijo la veré otra vez y espero poder ir a ver la quinta dentro de diez años... 
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mothwithteeth · 2 years
I saw a post the other day that gabby patito was also abusive because her killer had defensive wounds. Yall are fucking transparent and heartless
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the-firebird69 · 2 years
This is Gabby potito. A lot of people blame BG but he was framed
And he was framed by the Northport PD who are clones and Tommy and himself
I found BG in the news again and he was in the swamps so I can pull them out early and he's still intact.
Get me patito was there at the emerald City and I told her the secret. She wants to move in with me and live off the grid and that's a word that Jeffrey just uses and I heard he used it tonight
Zues Hera
Oh great so I have the secret you already let it out and this is a great secret that he followed his Father's footsteps and he disarmed the comet Empire ships and put them inside planet toys and planets as a deception. And she paid the price. And she didn't want to know but how was I to know she acted like it wanted to go off the grid probably just sit there and threaten me for it. This is what I found her doing she was saying this
" I have to be with him no matter what do you understand I'm not a selfish pig but I have to be with him" and she was almost crying one day and she was looking at you and she said " nobody picks him up and we're in trouble do you understand"
One day she said I know you can help me and I need your advice and we went on the trip and she said I can't see it we went outside and she told me and I said where are you getting this information she said " from him and I have to tell Who You are and he told me to tell only you" so I said far out but we're screwed instead of arguing her with her and the Cops came. And she was laughing and talking to them I thought it was okay they came up to me and tried to arrest me I said I had guns on us and they left and they tried to approach us again so we left that place she came home with me in text and yeah it's in Northport and those cops did something to her and he doesn't like those cops I said one of them is Tommy f and I saw him bothering him to no end about it and it's at me it's finally out and I had to come to my senses so I got him the ebike. This is how it is he's kind of known the secret and the big fellows and they forget it and they're held down and they're occupied with Tommy f is a failure in occupation with stuff it's on Target and on topic to try and kidnap him and he's a failure he's dumber than any of these guys who are dumb it's not fair to pick on people around them when he's when he told her and this is how it went and the guy is doing it incessantly I think to hear it out loud just try and grab him I just got tons of people on the line huge amounts of help and Gabby potato died and remains for five and only her remains and he knew her as one of the Kelly's a girl across the way. And Weiner as a daughter of trump. So the guys kind of upset but didn't know about it. I had to get it out somehow. I'm alone so I need a gal she went right for it she told BG like I wanted but then she got kind of killed. So I didn't know who she was and she's always saying hi in the mall and Brandon.
This sucks you got her killed,
Hey you do she's not your race
Zues Hera
I'll shut up now
This is our daughter Gabby giffords who shot publicly to silence her about other things and she wanted to know in order to hit you now you're going to hit tommy f
I told her the secret about the common Empire real guns lasers and blasters and with the railgun the way they made them it augments the laser beam and couples it just like the alien ships would in Prometheus the movie but it really makes it a lot more powerful and it works very well with particles and starkillers anything like things like that are very very powerful weapons and travel through space and almost nothing can stop it
Zues Hera
Our boy is here says he adapted it to it and didn't make the real gun for the laser but he thought of it himself so he's a smart person and we're in a lot of trouble
Mac Daddy
Very true
Zues Hera
I'm getting on this Billium and say and it was a pleasure working with my husband and I hope you'll be okay I see a lot of people know Hera says
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sutrala · 3 years
The search-turned-murder investigation of Gabby Patito was tragic, but it showed how people can come together to help solve a mystery. But it also provided an opportunity for those looking to divide to drive a wedge. That appeared to be the mission both CNN’s Chris Cuomo and...
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ondequandos-blog · 3 years
Do something then? Cuomo and NBC Huff Media fail to cover missing minorities
Do something then? Cuomo and NBC Huff Media fail to cover missing minorities
The investigation into the search and murder of Gabby Patito was tragic, but it showed how people can come together to help solve a mystery. But it also provided an opportunity for those seeking to divide to dig a wedge. This seemed to be the mission of both CNN’s Chris Cuomo and NBC Evening News were on Thursday when they complained that the media was not giving enough air time to cases where…
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