elsawiththegoodhair · 4 years
When: Present Day Where: District X - Mutant School With: Gabby @gabbykinncy​
Bobby had been busy in the days following the Joker’s attack on the city; he’d made the escape bridge after all, he had to be the one to clear it. The job wasn’t exactly hard but it was time consuming. By the time he’d finished Bobby felt he deserved a lazy day at the school grading some papers; after all, the education system didn’t come to an end cause a radioactive bomb had been detonated outside the city. 
He heard a knock on his door and looked up, smiling when he saw Gabby there, “Well hey Baby Girl. Come to visit little ol’me?” he asked, leaning back in his chair and stretching. “I’d offer you food but we’d need to go out and get that.” Which, come to think of it, might not be a bad idea, “Actually, how bout we do that?” he asked, rising to his feet, “You can tell me about all the peeps you saved during out latest crisis.” he chuckled quietly. 
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dxmiurgc-blog · 6 years
I consider myself … a pop cultural pirate connoisseur. / gabby omg
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     ❛ can you even AFFORD to be picky like that? ❜ ━━━ as if he’s so innocent, back before he started claiming ‘ it’s not the same ’ as store-bought and he discovered the WEALTH of a saved allowance. he was ignorant once too.
━☆ @gabbykinncy
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plundyrer-blog · 6 years
in  the  shock  that  followed  stark's  abduction ,  selina  turned  to  the  one  closest  to  her .    so  young .    shattered  glass  crunches  beneath  the  heels  of  her  shoes  as  she  turns ,  lithe  body  still  wound  tight  for  the  fight  she'd  thought  would  ensue .    ❛  ——  are  you  okay ?  ❜
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for  @gabbykinncy !  (  ♡  )
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ancwlife · 4 years
[ @gabbykinncy​ liked for a starter! ]
“Everything is shit,” RJ said, holding out the coffee in his hand for Gabby—even if he was incredibly dour for a teenager, he wasn’t an animal. He knew how to do nice things for people. At least, he wanted to believe that he knew how to do nice things for people; sometimes, RJ felt like he was just a copy of a copy. He felt like he was imitating the people he saw on TV and in movies because that was the only way he knew how to learn how to fucking behave. Most of the time, RJ felt like shooting his way out of his problems, but there was no killing his past. 
He took a swig from his own coffee, his third one of the morning—it was clear he hadn’t been sleeping, and he was running on fumes at that point. RJ spent most of his time just over-caffeinated and under-rested, but at least he was making it through. Somewhat. 
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starcityhq · 3 years
PLEASE UNFOLLOW: the following roles are now available:
@gabbykinncy - GABBY KINNEY
@seawavcs - GARTH
@originalravager - GRANT WILSON
@greatreward - HARRY OSBORN
@electrically - JEBEDIAH GUTHRIE
@wintcry - LEONARD SNART
@aurification - MICHAEL JON CARTER
@kidcable - NATHAN SUMMERS
@primenova - RICHARD RIDER
@speedingly - TOMMY SHEPHERD
@noh-vxrr - NOH-VARR
ACTIVITY WARNING: Please resume activity before the next activity check or contact the main if you’re in need of a hiatus!:
@roryxsummers - RORY SUMMERS
@airen-foxtail - AIREN RAVENCROFT
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wxpnx23 · 4 years
Starter for @gabbykinncy​
When Laura had gotten the news from Gabby that she was coming to Star City, she had been hit with a well of emotions, most of which were extremely positive, hit her. She was nervous, of course, she wanted Gabby to be safe and this city was one of the least safe places in the world for people like them, but most of that was overwhelmed by the simple fact that she missed her sister. A lot. The ball of energy and madness had wormed her way into her heart quicker than anyone ever had and stuck there, and these few months without her by her side had been tougher. Sure, apartment hunting was a pain, but it was worth it. 
When the day finally arrived, Laura found herself in line at her favorite food place in the city, in line to get one of their signature foods they shared. Twenty five’s with chicken. Once she had picked two up, she waited for her to finally show up. She could spot her in a crowd of thousands, her scent was one she’d never forget, so when she finally caught it she grinned, practically running over to greet her. 
Laura wrapped her sister in the biggest hug she could, unable to take the grin from her face, before offering her the food. “I missed you, Gabby.” She looked down at Jonathan with a smile, pulling a piece of chicken out and offering it to him. “You too.” 
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bcastbxy · 4 years
Gar admittedly did have a habit of getting a bit protective of some animals treated as pets when, quite frankly, they should not be. He’d taken care of dodgy circuses, bad and unhelpful animal sanctuaries, and even individuals. Honestly, do not get Garfield Logan started on Tiger King unless you want a whole lecture. So, when he heard of a freaking wolverine being kept as a pet, that was all he needed to investigate.
Admittedly, it was not hard to find them out and about, and Gar had taken time to just watch where the wolverine and its owner ended at night. He was very confused how some girl that looked younger than him was handling a fully grown wolverine, but there it was. After promising he owed about 10 favors to a nearby vet, he borrowed a large metal crate and arranged a wild animal expert to wait for him to bring the wolverine around. Perks of being Beast Boy: if you told someone you needed to save an animal, they were very likely to believe you, and help if they were animal lovers themselves. 
It was 3am when he manages to slip open the lock of a window of the apartment open. When Gar sets the cage right inside and slips in, he takes the form of a wolverine himself, setting about smelling out the other. When he comes into eyesight, Gar the green wolverine chatters softly. He knew that (most times) people would sleep past small chatters if they owned an animal since they were used to it, so he kept things calm, gentle, and soft, so only the other creature could understand. 
“Hey, friend, do you want out of here? I can get you out, back into the wild. You just have to trust me. I want to help you.” [ @gabbykinncy ]
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wxpnx23 · 4 years
closed starter for @gabbykinncy​
This week might just be the WORST one she’d been having in a while. Not even including the high stakes underwater mission they just went on. No, immediately after that she had to deal with the school looking at her like she was crazy for Daken’s idiotic actions with Kurt, she had to bump into her ex in the worst possible time, AND she had to meet with Frost too.
So, overall, she needed a goddamn break. And quickly. Slamming the door of their shared apartment, Laura approached her sister, running her hands through her hair.
“I need a break. And I haven’t seen you enough. So just...pick a movie in theatres, or a trail to hike, or an amusement park, or a place to eat or...something. Because I need to get the hell out of here for a bit, and with someone who won’t drive me completely insane.”
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starcityhq · 4 years
gabby is @ gabbykinncy !!!!
Please FOLLOW!!
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