#gabe doesnt even live a double life but it almost feels like it
vancilocs · 2 years
Can we get some uu gabe and koldun? Anything you wanna answer on the list ^^
fighting for my life with tumblr copypaste formatting
What is their color palette?
Black & white with pastel blue
Reds and browns
What does your OCs handwriting look like? 
Very neat, easy to read
Very bad, he's not very good at writing
What architectural or design aesthetic would best suit them?
English gothic
Timber framing
If your OC likes art, talk about which piece they would love best.
Big fan of the human form, mainly sculptures like Ecstasy of St. Teresa or Guillaume Geefs's Le génie du mal
Likes all things birds, especially little figurines he can hold in his hands
If your OC could meet any historical or past figure, whether in the real world or in their own canon lore, who would it be and why?
He did reconnect with Raven, if for nothing else then to apologize
Did see his dad again after running into him as a toddler, he was really scary, refused to speak to him. He's heard of him and been warned about him his whole life so he was curious but in the end too scary
If your OC were to imagine their idyllic life (realistically or otherwise) what would it be like?
He would claim he's fine where he is because he can help people who need it but he really wouldn't mind being back at home with a partner and a cat without all the bridges burned
He would be a bird, is all
Who is your muse’s muse? (What or whom inspires/drives them?)
He gathers his inspiration from the internet, but also appreciates the hedonism Herah has going on
Mainly birds, when he moves to be with the birdfolk and raise griffins he learns about Wind and thinks he's a swell guy
What is their character theme song and why? If it has lyrics, which line best fits them?
'Cause Jesus made me outta flesh and I'm a fornicator
Is your character bilingual or multilingual? Which language are they most comfortable in or prefer using? How did they come to learn them?
He speaks Trade, English and Estonian
Just speaks common
Do they have an accent? How do they or others think of it?
Very slight Estonian one, hard to pick up and even harder to recognize, people just think it's exotic
Less of an accent and more of a dialect
What is a common misconception about your OC? (Alternatively, what do people assume about them which is either incorrect or misconstrued?)
Some people think his faith is an act he chose for his job but no he's genuinely a former priest
People think he's rude because he's not very talkative and has a resting bitch face, but he's honestly really sweet once you get to know him and a huge mama's boy
What trait do they find most attractive/appealing about others?
Kindness and honesty, generous people
Don't be too chatty, listen to him talk about his special interests
What sort of role do they take on in relationships, either familial, romantic or platonic. i.e. are they a defender, protector, nurturer, etc.
He usually ends up as a caretaker and a therapist to his friends, always asking if they ate and slept, mainly a giver in romantic relationships too
He mainly looks on from the sidelines
What is one thing that they only let those closest to them see?
Crying probably, not keen on showing negative emotions in general
Big emotions, leaves a scene with strangers if it gets overwhelming so they don't get to see
How would their life be different if they had never met their partner?
He wouldn't be dealing with a bunch of guilt from leaving him, for sure
The only partner Koldun has is a partner in crime in Kaede, they're like two peas in a pod
What was the moment at which they knew they were in love, or was it a slow buildup?
Slow buildup for Gabe, less so for Raven but he's got attachment issues
What was it about their significant other that made them fall in love with them? Was it a single eye-opening experience or many gestures over time?
His calm and collected manners, trustworthiness/dedication and how he looked after the other crew members built up over time
What is some advice or guidance they received that had a big impact on their lives or outlook? Was it a positive or negative impact?
His dad built him into being caring and making sacrifices for the greater good, meanwhile Herah has taught him to be more selfish and he's found a balance that works for him
He's gotten a lot of great advice from Mahran, Myra and Kaede that encouraged him to set out and seek his own path, even if they were sad to see him go. He learned the balance of following your dreams while staying in contact with his family and looking after himself
What sort of routines, rituals or rules do they have or set for themselves?
Pretty rigid workout, skincare and sleeping routine, also with meditation and prayers included before bed
Lives by the routine, gets very upset if it's disturbed. You can pretty much tell where he's at based on the time of day because he rarely changes his plans
Is mental, physical, or emotional wellbeing more important to them?
Values the mental and emotional side more, since they walk hand in hand. The whole body suffers from a stupid head etc.
Mental wellbeing, he doesn't really care for his physical health much
If they were to lose the person closest to them, how would they mourn them and how would they handle their grief?
He has good coping mechanisms and would be able to keep it together but if he lost Herah or Ivy he would be devastated and take extended time off work. Would want to lend any hand possible to their loved ones. Powers through it but accepts comfort from close ones
Isolates and focuses on his job, doesn't want comfort, very hard to get him to open up but would accept it from Myra, Mahran or Kaede. Doesn't want to talk about it.
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