thundersyst3m · 10 months
BOOOO, the eeeevil alter is froooontiiing, oh noo!! What is he gonna do of evil today?! GASP!!! He will enjoy something his abusive source also enjoys!! How terrible!! Its not like there's millions of Shadow the hedgehog fans in the world!? Ohh noo!! Now he's making sarcastic comments about the host!! Super evil, never let him front alone again /j /lh /sarc
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thundersyst3m · 9 months
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Christmas is over, guess what isn't over?
My time in front,
SERIOUSLY... This is literally the worst.
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thundersyst3m · 9 months
Give It up for 13 splits!
And apparently its a case of multiple fictional sources! Animal crossing and a weird adult hello kitty vídeo (not adult as in pornographic, just adult)
Which seems to be a first, cuz only cases of mixed origins was with like me (and some others), which my source is both fictive (abuser's OC) and factive (abuser himself)
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thundersyst3m · 10 months
Honestly masking as the host is being tiring, even when I'm around people I don't need to mask as the host i still do it like a second reflex
I'm also really tired of saying "poggers" /lh
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thundersyst3m · 10 months
Good morning comrades,
Apparently we split 10 new alters with how stressful things have been, thats a very high amount than we are used to, 3 brainmade alters and 7 fictives, and worst is that i don't think thats even everybody...
Host apparently is in "metamorphosis" state? Whatever that fucking means,
Anyway, I'll keep you guys updated!
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thundersyst3m · 10 months
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Once again i'm bored
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thundersyst3m · 10 months
I need to give the host some silly pep talk to go through this hell month, so i decided to share It with all of you:
PEOPLE! This year was such a hard year! They punch you down, abuse you to your bone, they said things about you that you can never forget! They tried to kill you! This year was full of people and things who were trying to destroy WHO. YOU. ARE!
BUT! If there's something this year didn't knew about you, If there's something these people didn't knew about you, its that your skin is THICK, and your bones are made out of the most HARD CALCIUM POSSIBLE! You can cry, you can break down, you can relapse, you can be your worst for a day, for a week, for months! BUT YOU WILL GET BACK UP AGAIN, AND YOU WILL FUCKING SURVIVE! You faced so many horrible things already, and you're still STANDING! SO GO OUT THERE AND PUT YOUR BLOOD INTO THE GAME! LIVE EVEN IF IT IS OUT OF SPITE! OUT OF RAGE! OUT OF LOVE! YOU ARE GONNA LIVE MOTHERFUCKER, YOU. ARE. GOING. TO. SURVIVE!!!
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thundersyst3m · 6 months
Favorite Color gabe?
Red and green, reminds me of christmas
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thundersyst3m · 9 months
More headmates split, we found a Ramon fictive, give it up for 12 splits in the month of december
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thundersyst3m · 9 months
I woke up to my name being slandered by the host, this fucker /lh
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thundersyst3m · 9 months
I was instructed to just "let the host do his own thing as long as it is not causing any kind of belief nor behavior that might be harmful to himself, the body, other headmates or other people outside of the system" so... Go entity boy, be entity ig?
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thundersyst3m · 10 months
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The lights on the ceiling are a deep blue tonight
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thundersyst3m · 10 months
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thundersyst3m · 10 months
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thundersyst3m · 10 months
Sorry for being a sarcastic piece of shit lmao
The host just makes me really tired sometimes, he thinks way too much about what other people think of him, and that makes it nearly Impossible for others to fully come out, especially us introjects of their abuser, so yeah, i get to be a bit bitter about It lol
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thundersyst3m · 9 months
Host can't cope normally, i can't believe the coping mechanism that is working with him is being ordered around by a rabbit in a almost parasitic way, i mean, its apparently not hurting him, nor others so he can do his own thing, just... Why
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