#gabriel fife
hxdgins · 2 years
i'm back and apparently it is my thing to come back from lack of editing with a dead as fuck ship in a dead fandom, but oh well.
@michaelpatrickthornton @audramcdonald I AM SO OBSESSED WITH YOU GUYS (sorry it took me over ten years to get here 🙃)
i recently finished watching private practice, started last year, the season 2 finale and 301 was more violent than expected and that was too much for me so i took an unexpected break... didn't think i'd ever continue and it took me by surprised when i did start watching it again last week... even more unexpected is my love for this ship and i know a lot of people might not like them? but they gave me the biggest buzz, the biggest smile...
when they happened it made me so damn happy? like i'm in the biggest brainrot that i've had in recent years and so i had to edit them.. i'm actually, willingly and knowingly ignoring everything that was 613, thank you to not remind me or make comments on 613 because this episode does not exist for me when it comes to naomi :)
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meepminormeme · 2 years
can some private practice people help me find fantics that involve fife or sheldon 👁👄👁
i have checked wattpad, ao3, tumblr and i cant find any, ill also appreciate masterlinks from people 🫡
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elliedearest · 4 months
Gabriel Fife from Private Practice is so hot
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needcake · 1 year
Day 2: 1386
Engport | G | 4.2k
November came with dreadful weather, and Portugal would much rather have stayed in Lisbon beside a warm fire than ride all the way to the Galician border in the cold, in the rain and in the gusts of freezing wind. But a treaty was a treaty, and he was bound to honor it.
On the other side of the bridge, under red, gold and blue embroidered banners that presumptuously also included the Castilian coat of arms, stood the English delegation mounted on their horses, dripping wet and shivering, some looking green with sickness. He stretched on his horse to try to look among them, searching for a familiar face, blond hair darkened with water plastered to a youthful face and deep forest green eyes.
The river Mouro ran fast below them, and the Duke of Lancaster, possibly the future King of Castile if the war went their way, had the musicians start playing once he spotted the Portuguese delegation coming on the other side. The sound of fifes and drums was drowned and muffled under the curtain of rain, carried away by the freezing wind, but Portugal’s new King responded in kind, their white banners carrying their coat of arms in form of a shield standing tall and proud above them, and their King riding at the front, greeting the English Duke with an amicable shake of hands.
“Come, come, we have much to discuss,” the Duke said in faulty, heavy-accented Castilian, making sure to show the extent of his efforts in his endeavor to become the future King of Castile.
Portugal looked around to see if he could spot that one face he was looking for, but as they were escorted across the Galician border along the Minho River towards the town of Ourense, he failed to see him among the English nobles and knights.
 It was only after they had settled in, their horses taken to the temporary stables set up by the English when they first occupied the city, and their immediate needs seen to, that he asked after his friend’s whereabouts.  
“Little King Arthur will not be joining us on this enterprise?” his new King asked him in private after overhearing Portugal’s inquiry and watching with him as the servant Portugal had stopped to ask had shaken his head and scurried away as fast as their feet could take him, making Portugal huff out in annoyance and frustration.
Portugal did a double take at the man beside him, frowning. “Why call him—no, I mean, yes, your grace.” Portugal shook his head, trying to sort out his own thoughts. “In his last letter he said he would come. I don’t understand why he’s not here.”
The King hummed thoughtfully. “That is indeed a mystery.” Then he clapped him amicably on the shoulder. “Perhaps there is no one more capable of solving it than you, Gabriel,” he added with a wink. “But make sure not to do anything that could upset our hosts, hm? The ink is still wet on our treaty with the English, and I’d hate for dear Philippa to have to search for another husband.”
Portugal frowned at his King’s back as he walked away, going down the corridor towards their assigned quarters and leaving Portugal all alone in the cold stone corridors.
All alone with thoughts of mischief brewing on the back of his mind.
As night darkened outside, the shadows inside the stone corridors of the fortress grew longer, cloaking his presence as Portugal silently made his way into the English assigned quarters, coasting the walls and keeping the hood of his cloak over his face to conceal his presence. He followed the servant from earlier with cunning diligence, watching from the shadows as he went down to the kitchens to retrieve a pot of steaming water, then up two flights of stairs, careful not to make a sound as the young man turned a corner and fitted a key that he pulled from under his vests and into the lock of an unguarded room.
Portugal held his breath as he waited. If the servant was perhaps a little careless, he could steal the key once he passed by him on his way back to the stairs.
But as fortune would have it, there was no need. As the servant came out, his pot now empty of water, he let it fall out of his arms and the thing rolled noisily away, clunking and banging, providing a perfect cover for Portugal to slip inside the room while the young man swore under his breath and stomped his way to retrieve it.
The good news, he discovered once inside, was that the room truly was England’s as he had suspected and that his friend had indeed come to wage war following his Duke’s claim to the Castilian throne.
The bad news was that England currently laid on his bed very much dead.
England’s complexion was even paler than the time he died of the plague some years back. He was cold to the touch too, so Portugal estimated he must have been like this for quite some time. But his chest hadn’t yet caved in, nor his eyes seemed sunken when Portugal peeled back an eyelid to check. Perhaps in a day or two he would be back to his usual self, and, while a bother, it wasn’t the end of the world.
“You have the worst timing, my friend,” he told him in all seriousness, hands on his hips and lips crisped as he looked at England’s dead body on the bed.
Portugal, however, didn’t have much time to dwell on his mixed fortune, because the servant came back and he had to quickly dive under England’s bed, clamping a hand over his mouth to quieten his breathing.
“Arthur?” the man came into the room asking, bringing a candle with him and coming closer to the bed to inspect the body. “Did you say something? I could swear I heard something coming from inside the room, have God awaken you yet?”
The servant came closer still and the tips of his pointy shoes stepped on the end of Portugal’s cloak under the bed. When he tried to squirm away, he accidentally jerked his head back and smacked it up on the wooden frame of the bed, groaning on reflex.
“I knew it! You are awake!” the man exclaimed from above, happy and relieved, “I knew St. George would answer my prayers! I need to tell the Duke, this is such happy news!”
Footsteps hurried out of the room and Portugal stood frozen in place.
 “I swear I heard him, he made a sound as if awakening!”
“Don’t be daft, Tenney, the boy has been out cold for days, what you probably heard was gas passing through his body.”
“Don’t blaspheme, Elric, I’m telling you what I saw!”
“You don’t know what you saw, with that weak candle of yours you could’ve seen the devil on that bed and wouldn’t have known the difference.”
“I heard him, Elric, I did! I saw him shift too, jump from his bed as if his soul was trying to come back to his body. I’m telling you!”
“Well, if that’s true then we have to report to the Duke and his knights, they’ll want to set a meeting with the Castilian commander to launch a formal declaration of war. Now that the Portuguese King has brought in his reinforcements we could finally be seeing some action after all this bloody waiting.”
The door opened and Portugal gathered the ends of his cloak away from the incoming light and voices. It would have been really helpful to know what they were saying, but England hadn’t had the chance to teach him his language yet.
Two pairs of long pointy shoes stood at the edge of his vision.
“Well, then?”
“I’m telling you what I saw, Elric, the boy was alive.”
“He looks dead to me.”
The two servants continued to quibble above him and one of them began to impatiently tap his foot, raising dust from the floor and sending it directly into Portugal’s face.
He pressed his eyes tightly shut, clamped his hand harder over his mouth and nose, but it was no use. As hard as he tried, the muffled sound of a sneeze still managed to squeeze through and the squabbling above him immediately stopped.
“Did you see that?”
“I told you I wasn’t lying!”
“Jesus Christ on the cross, Tenney, shut the fuck up! Let me think!”
Portugal held his breath, going red in the face as he did.
“Arthur, is that really you? Are you back from the realm of the dead yet? Give us a sign if it’s really you.”
Seeing as it was impossible for him to hold his breath for much longer, Portugal was forced to let go of his mouth and nose with a distressed sound and gulp down much needed air.
“There! Did you see it this time! I definitely saw him take breath!”
“Calm yourself down, Tenney, Jesus. I didn’t see anything, I just heard some weird noise.”
“You asked him to give you a sign and he did!”
“He didn’t give me shit, bloke’s still dead, Tenney!”
The pair of feet started prancing around and Portugal’s heart was racing, mind frantically searching for a way out, wishing for a window when the two wouldn’t be looking so he could make a run for the door.
“Arthur, if you’re really back, do you want us to call the Duke?”
Portugal hated himself. He hated his life and every decision he made that got him to this place. But most of all, in that precise, exact moment, he hated England with all his might.
“Mmhm,” he intoned weakly, feeling incredibly stupid and supremely desperate, having no idea what he had just agreed to just really wanting to get rid of the two young men so he could jump out of the fucking window and be done with all his problems.
“Well, fuck me, little Arthur truly is back.”
“I told you!”
“We need to make arrangements right away. Tenney, you go to the stables and tell them we need a messenger on the ready, I need to inform the Duke. He’ll probably want to send for the Castilians right away.”
Portugal watched as the two hurried out of the room to fulfill their tasks.
After they were gone, leaving the door unlocked on their wake, he emerged from under the bed wide-eyed, hair in knots and with dust all over his face.
England was still very pale and very much dead when he looked at him.
“You owe me one for the rest of your life after this.”
 “So, Gabriel,” his King started, welcoming him as Portugal entered his room the next morning with unsure feet, looking first at the guards posted by his King’s small meal table and coming gingerly closer to take a seat beside him. “The Duke of Lancaster informs me little King Arthur made a miraculous recovery from his illness during the night and that they have already sent for the Castilians for a meeting tomorrow. That is fortunate, wouldn’t you say so?”
Portugal shrugged, reaching with an unconfident hand for a piece of bread and not daring to raise his eyes from the table.
“I suppose the mystery of your friend’s whereabouts is finally solved then, right?”
“I guess,” Portugal mumbled, nibbling on the bread like a guilty little field mouse.
“And you wouldn’t have anything to do with any of it, right?”
He swallowed down a bite that went scratching down his throat, coughing and choking. His King gave him little pats on his back and served him a cup of water.
“Hey, now, don’t go swallowing without chewing,” the King admonished lightly. “I’m only asking because my future father-in-law asked for our presence this afternoon to go over our joint strategy against the Castilians. I don’t want any surprises.”
“Surprises?” Portugal croaked, voice cracking high at the last syllable, finally looking up to meet his King’s frown and confused stare, squinting his eyes back at him.
He stared back, forcing himself not to blink.
“You’re not hiding anything from me, are you, Gabriel?”
“… No,” he lied, and he immediately knew that the King knew that he knew that he was lying because his eyes squinted further into very thin slits.
“Well, we’ll see how today’s meeting goes,” he conceded, sitting back on his chair. “You may go get dressed.”
Portugal couldn’t think of any other time when he got up faster from a table, shoving the piece of bread in his hand into his mouth and looking down at his own two feet as he felt himself blushing violently, hurrying without running out of the room feeling the King’s and his guards’ eyes on him the entire way out.
 “Come on, please wake up.”
England’s dead face stared back at him, unmoving and unspeaking. Portugal ran a frustrated hand over his head. He had tried everything he could think of. Splashed him with cold water, pinched his arms, peeled his eyes open and blew into them, put food in his mouth, put water in his mouth, pinched his cheeks until they were rosy pink, sat him up on the bed and held his arms up above his head.
All he accomplished was to feel absolutely ridiculous. And kind of a jerk to his friend.
“Come on, come on, come on,” he chanted, moving England’s hands in his in a rolling motion to see if it could warm up his blood. But it only managed to jolt his body until England’s head lolled down and his chin rested on his chest. Portugal growled in frustration and all but dumped his arms down to fall crossed over his lap, his spine slumping forward until Portugal caught him with a hand on his shoulder.
The door opened behind him and Portugal looked back wide-eye at the servant coming in.
It was a girl holding a bucket of water against her hip. She looked just as surprise to see him there as Portugal was.
“Uhm,” she started, looking between him and England, her lips twisted to the side. “They ordered me to give him a scrub,” she said, but Portugal didn’t speak English, so he just frowned at her. She frowned back. “Are you here to help me undress him?”
“You can hold him up while I get his shirt, then,” she directed, coming in and setting her bucket down. “And then we’ll do the pants.”
Portugal watched frozen into silence as the girl proceeded to peel England off his clothes in front of him, baring his naked chest where sparse tufts of soft blond hair has began growing around his nipples and navel. He felt bright hot red rise from his neck and flood his cheeks, eyes falling down to where the girl was undoing the strings on England’s pants with quick efficiency and pulling them off in two, three rough jerks, revealing pale naked legs and—
Portugal looked up at the ceiling and bit his lips.
He dared not to look down until the girl said something else in her language that probably meant she was done.
“He’s quite the heavy sleeper, isn’t he? Slept all through the Duke’s speech.”
Portugal gave a forced smile to the noble knight in front of him. England’s inert head laid slumped down over his chest in his seat beside him, the fresh clothes they had put on him and the pinches Portugal had given his cheeks gave him a livelier look, but if anyone dared to look any closer it would be obvious that he was very much still dead.
“It takes a heavy toll on the body to, ahm, recover from such illness,” he lied through very teeth, but the noble knight winced at the mention of illness and made a face of disgust.
“He’s not… contagious, is he?”
That was an opening Portugal hadn’t expected, but he one that he was quick to seize.
“He could be, better not come too close. I of course can because I have already recovered from such illness and am therefore immune.”
The noble knight raised his eyebrows and nodded in partial understanding. “I see,” he said, but he didn’t look like he saw anything. Portugal was glad when he went away after that.
“And what illness would that be?” his King whispered to him as he leaned down to speak against his ear, and Portugal felt his spine go rigid.
“It’s, ahm… A very serious one,” he said stiffly, cold sweat gathering on the back of his neck. “It’s also very new.”
“That sounds very dangerous,” his King pulled back to say a little louder, so his voice could reach the Duke nearby. “Perhaps, Arthur could be excused from negotiations with the Castilians tomorrow to continue his recovery until he is fit for the upcoming battles.”
Portugal’s eyes rose to look at his King, and in that instant he felt so grateful and relieved he almost cried.
“Nonsense!” the Duke of Lancaster exclaimed coming closer, he clapped England hard on his shoulder and his body jolted, eyelids trembling. “All this boy needs is a cup of strong ale and a good night’s sleep, and he’ll be brand new. I want the Castilians to fear our combined strength.”
England head lolled lifelessly onto Portugal’s shoulder and Portugal forced a smile at the English Duke.
“Ah, friendship! There’s nothing quite like it in this world, wouldn’t you agree, Master of Aviz?”
“Yes,” his King was quick to join in, looking at the distressed call for help written in Portugal’s eyes and putting a hand on the English Duke’s shoulder. “Speaking of which, your grace, do you perhaps have a moment to tell me news of Philippa?”
“Oh, yes, your future bride!” the Duke exclaimed heartily, letting himself be led away. “In her last letter she spoke of reading the latest writings of Chaucer, I must have them translated for you, João, so the two of you will have something to talk about.”
Portugal let out air he hadn’t known he was holding as he watched the two walk away.
He glanced at England’s head on his shoulder, his lips smashed against the fabric of his clothes and hair askew. Gently, he straightened him up as best he could, but didn’t move him away. It felt quite nice actually, despite England being dead.
 How his King roped the English into allowing him to bring England into his chambers for the night was something of a feat. After telling them they possessed a special kind of medicine that had proven effective against that kind of illness but that it could only be administered at night and in the early hours of morning, so it would be more convenient if they just let Arthur sleep in the same chamber as Gabriel, the English had more or less just looked at one another and shrugged, letting Portugal drag England’s unmoving body with his arm slung across Portugal’s shoulder and all of his weight propped against his side all the way back to his room.
He was sweating by the time he got him into his bed, arranging all of England’s limbs on the mattress before unlacing his shoes.
“I’m not undressing you ever again,” he swore to his friend’s dead body, fighting flashes of memories and the creeping blush climbing up his cheeks. Instead, he covered him with a blanket and placed a chair beside him, where he then sat down and crossed his arms, glaring at England on the bed.
“You can’t ever, ever, say I never do anything for you after this. Ever.”
England didn’t respond.
Portugal huffed and slumped down on himself, watching over him through the night.
He dreamt of a battlefield. Castile yielding his sword on top of a horse one on side, himself and England on the other. England laid in full armor on the ground, dead and unmoving, while his own armor was missing, he had forgotten to put it on that morning before battle and he stood now naked with no weapon while Castile charged at him.
Have you tried giving him honey?, France asked, sitting on top of a boulder and inspecting his nails. Honey always works.
Portugal opened his mouth to retort, but when he turned around Castile was right in front of him and Portugal was naked, and then—
“Not my balls!” he woke up exclaiming, hands flying in front of him to secure his lap.
He blinked at the morning light shinning through the window, blinking down at his hands cupping his prized possessions, blinking at England dead on the bed.
And then jumped upright and ran downstairs to grab some honey.
By the time the Castilian delegation was announced, England’s chest had already began rising and falling slowly. Too slowly for him to be awake yet, but Portugal had hope. The Duke of Lancaster had been adamant that Arthur be present for the meeting, and so Portugal held him more or less upright beside him in one corner of the room, one arm firmly wound around the back of his waist, giving his King a shaky thumbs up that the man received with a deep frown before righting himself and facing the upcoming enemy delegation.
Castile came in beside his commander in all of his tall, broad-shoulder, dark-haired and olive-eyed glory, glancing around the room until he spotted Portugal in the corner, squinting at his closeness with England with a snarl. His nose was still very much broken and bent from when Portugal had crushed it during Aljubarrota the year before.
He couldn’t fool Castile like he could the others, sooner or later he would see through Portugal’s deception. If he looked any closer, he would know.
His brother glared at him all throughout negotiations, not even paying attention to what was being said, treating the Duke of Lancaster’s claim as something so easily dismissible he wouldn’t even look the man in the eye to acknowledge it. The Duke in turn took that with great offense, conversation growing more stilted and tense as it went on.
When it was finally done, Portugal could feel the electricity in the air as the Castilians rose and proceeded out of the room with a promise of war having been sealed and settled in no uncertain terms. Castile, however, parted from his knights and commander to make a beeline for him, and suddenly Portugal felt very naked like in his dream. His knees locked to keep England from falling off, with no real weapon on him to protect himself if Castile tried something. Out the corner of his eye, he saw his King get up from the table a moment too late, eying them with concern, but then Castile was right in front of him, grabbing Portugal by the front of his tunic, breathing down hard and nostrils flaring.
“Unhand him now.”
Castile turned first, but Portugal felt his heart skipping a beat at hearing England’s first words in days, his voice hoarse and scratchy, and he looked to the side with a flood of relief to find his friend with his eyes very much open and alive, a hand on the hilt of his sword on his hip, weight better distributed on his feet under him.
The Castilian commander called his brother back and Castile’s fingers reluctantly uncurled from Portugal’s clothes. His brother still gave them one last glare over his shoulder, but then he was gone without a word, leaving the audience chamber with heavy steps.
After the doors closed behind his delegation, Portugal felt so relieved it was all over his knees almost gave out from under him, but a firm hand on his hip prevented him from falling flat on his face.
“Don’t go falling on me, Port,” England said, and Portugal felt ridiculously light-headed and so genuinely happy to hear his stupid voice he felt like he could kiss him right on the lips in front of the King, the Duke and everyone else. But then he caught himself, coughing into his fist and quickly untangling himself from his friend, feeling his neck and cheeks and ears turn pink with embarrassment.
“Yeah, no, yeah,” he mumbled, forcing out a nervous chuckle, running a hand down his arm. “I wouldn’t want to do that.”
From the main table, he heard someone clearing his throat into their fist. “Well, that was productive,” his King said, followed by various murmured assents and a conversation on what the Castilians could do now that the allied Anglo-Portuguese forces had presented their claims and intentions, and how they could fortify their position against a possible incoming attack, his King skillfully averting their attentions from the fumbling teenagers in the corner.
England blinked at the scene and then at himself, patting his own chest and checking his own breathing with a finger under his nose.
“Hey, Port,” England called quietly, and Portugal mm’d in question, watching him scratch the back of his neck in thought, frowning down at his own body. “Do you care to explain why—?”
He held a hand in front of England’s face and made him stop talking, feeling all of his muscles tired and his mind exhausted from the accumulated stress of the last two days.
“Later. I promise. I’ll tell you everything later. All I’m going to say now is that you owe me big time for dying on me like that.”
England’s face split into a broad grin and he laughed.
Portugal felt so damn happy at the sound of it he almost kissed him again.
Notes: On November, 1386, seven months after England and Portugal signed the Anglo-Portuguese Treaty, John of Gaunt, the Duke of Lancaster, went to Galicia with the intent to wage war against the Castilians and claim the Castilian throne on behalf of his wife’s (Constance of Castile) inheritance. He was aided by his future son-in-law, the Portuguese King João I. Despite this, their venture was unsuccessful.
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scotianostra · 2 years
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Alexander Wood was born on 10th December 1817 in Cupar, Fife.
Alexander became a physician and gave the world the first   Hypodermic syringe.
Alexander Wood was born in 1817 in Fife, the son of a local doctor. The family moved to Edinburgh’s New Town in 1821 and Wood eventually enrolled at the University of Edinburgh in 1832 where he studied arts and medicine.
He graduated with the MD in 1839 and established his own private medical practice in the New Town. He also began lecturing at the Extramural Medical School from 1841.
But it's his 1850s invention that would lead him to notoriety.
Inspired by the work of fellow Edinburgh alumnus James Young Simpson around anaesthesia, Wood became fascinated with finding ways to relieve localised pain.
In 1853 his research led him to taking the earlier invention of a hollow needle and adding a plunger. He then developed this idea further into the first all-glass syringe with fine-bone needle that allowed doctors to estimate a dosage based on the amount of liquid observed through the glass, thus allowing for smaller measured doses to be administered.
His first patient was an 80 year-old woman who suffered from a form of neuralgia, which he successfully treated by injecting her area of discomfort with morphia (morphine dissolved in sherry). Wood had invented and used the world’s first hypodermic syringe.
By coincidence, Charles Gabriel Pravaz, a French surgeon who had had no contact with Wood, reported his very similar invention in the same year, shortly before he died. But while Wood's device was made of glass and featured a plunger, Prava's invention was composed of silver and used a screw to push medicine into the body; and while Wood performed his trials on humans, Prava chose sheep.
Wood's treatment by subcutaneous (as he referred to it, the term ‘hypodermic’ wasn’t coined until decades later) injection rapidly became popular in Britain.
His instruments were advertised as "Dr Alexander Wood's narcotic injection syringes", and the needles used in today’s medicine follow the same design.
Wood went on to play a prominent role in Scottish medical politics through his work as President of the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh, including persuading the college to admit non-graduates into its licensing examinations, and campaigning for legislation pharmacy, the registration of births and marriages, and sanitary reform. He also argued for the official rights of the Edinburgh Extramural School of Medicine, which would have later implications for women wishing to study the subject.
Wood was also elected to the Edinburgh Police Commission and chaired the acting committee of the Association for the Improvement of the Condition of the Poor, a charity that provided food and work for the unemployed.
Wood died in his home in February 1884 after a short illness, and is buried in Edinburgh's Dean Cemetery. He left behind his wife, Rebecca Massey (incidentally the subject of a false rumour that she was the first known morphine addict after injecting herself using her husband's invention), and the lasting importance of his hypodermic syringe.
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Opinions about What Instruments Fictional Characters Would Play: SPN Edition.
Dean - guitar, both acoustic and electric. He has the chops to play lead guitar when he jams, but prefers to play rhythm guitar given the option. Loves playing around with pedals and effects, and being able to sit on a speaker and feel the music in his body.
Sam - violin. Child prodigy but quits cold turkey for years until he starts learning how to fiddle and be comfortable playing just for enjoyment again.
Cas - piano. Hard-core classical training, sneaks out to play/watch at jazz clubs and destroy people at dueling piano nights. Can also play harp and english horn to a lesser degree, but piano is his main focus. Comes off as social stilted due to years and years of having to go to lessons and piano competitions instead of getting to play and also the autism.
Jack - Recorder :) He also does colorguard.
Michael - uptight French Horn player
Gabriel - obnoxious trumpet player, but talented out the whazoo so no one can really complain. Also plays shofar.
Lucifer - violin. Obviously.
Chuck - as himself, composer. as God, conductor, but the really annoying egotistical kind.
Eileen - Irish flute and fife. It’s all about that steady rhythm. Also, D/deaf flute players totally exist! [Check it out.]
Claire - saxophone initially, but switched to drumkit and can wail.
Rowena - vocalist. Gets to dress up and be center stage babyyyy!
Crowley - keyboard, but like solidly mediocre at it. Great music producer and arranger though.
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brn1029 · 2 years
Time for your Rock Report
Vault Comics has announced they are teaming up with The Beach Boys, Metallica and several other acts, including Def Leppard and Fall Out Boy's Pete Wentz, for the upcoming new graphic novels imprint called Headshell. According to a press release, the Headshell series "works with iconic recording artists to create unique graphic novels that resonate with artists and audiences. Headshell graphic novels present original stories inspired by artists' careers and music, giving fans an all new way to connect with the artists and music they love." Veteran songwriter, producer and publisher Richard Rudolph will be in charge of strategy and artist relations for Headshell. "The team at Vault are pushing boundaries and are bold storytellers," Metallica's Lars Ulrich said in a statement. "We are excited to partner with them."
Peter Gabriel has announced plans for a 2023 tour across the U.K. & Europe next spring in support of his upcoming album i/o. The tour marks his first shows outside of North America since 2014's Back to Front Tour celebrating the era-defining album So. "It's been a while and I am now surrounded by a whole lot of new songs and am excited to be taking them out on the road for a spin," said the English musician. "Look forward to seeing you out there." Produced by Live Nation, the 22 shows in Europe will kick off in Krakow, Poland, on May 18, 2023, with dates in Italy, France, Germany, Denmark, Sweden, Norway, The Netherlands, Belgium, Switzerland, and the U.K. to follow. The tour will wrap up in Dublin, Ireland, on June 25, 2023.
The tour will then continue in North America in the late summer/fall.
Dan McCafferty, the original lead singer of the Scottish hard rock band Nazareth, has died at the age of 76.
Longtime Nazareth bassist Pete Agnew announced the news on the band's Facebook account.
"Dan died at 12:40 today," Agnew wrote. "This is the saddest announcement I ever had to make. Maryann and the family have lost a wonderful loving husband and father, I have lost my best friend and the world has lost one of the greatest singers who ever lived. Too upset to say anything more at this time." McCafferty was born in Dunfermline, Fife. He became one of the founding members of Nazareth in 1968 along with Agnew, guitarist Manny Charlton and drummer Darrell Sweet. He appeared on all of Nazareth's albums up to 2014 and toured with them for 45 years. He co-wrote some of the big Nazareth hits, including "Broken Down Angel" and "Bad Bad Boy". He also released three solo albums, a self-titled 1975 collection and 1987's Into the Ring, as well as his final solo effort, 2019's Last Testament.
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But the dom vibes Fife has... I like it.
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Naomi's getting MARRIED OMG 😭😭 her and Fife are really cute i support
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hxdgins · 2 years
I just finished watching private practice (for the first time of my life) and I was so attached to Naomi and Gabriel, they were so adorable and they just broke them up? for what?? I do not understand why Naomi ended up with /him/.
Let's be real with ourselves, Gabriel was the best possible choice for Naomi, I don't care what the writers wrote, they made so much sense together, I'm so confused, and now I'm grieving this relationship.
After 422, the only thing that kept me interested was Jake/Addison and the possibility of mentions of Naomi/Gabriel.
I do love charcoop, vicoop and amelia, ultimately they kept me engaged, but Sam? no, absolutely fucking not.
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mellometal · 3 years
For everyone new here, welcome! Glad to have you here. Hope you enjoy your stay!
For everyone who's been here for a while, Y'ALL ALREADY KNOW WHAT'S ABOUT TO GO DOWN.
Yep, this is part two of why I hate Glee so much.
Let's get it. (If there's anything I forgot to mention, go ahead and add them on in the comments or reblogs.)
Obligatory TW: This contains subject matter that may be triggering for some audiences. The following post contains homophobia, biphobia, ableism, underage drinking, faking a pregnancy to manipulate a partner into staying with them, teachers being creepy towards students, mentioned past child m0l3stati0n and invalidation of the victim's trauma, statutory r@pe (between teachers and students), pr3datory behavior....you get the picture.
If anything mentioned above is triggering for you in any way, again, feel free to scroll past this and consume media that's safe for you.
Gentle reminder: This is all my opinion. This is my take on specific moments in the show, plus evidence to back everything up. Not asking for anyone to agree with me or anything.
***If you like the show, good for you. I couldn't care less. As long as you're not out hurting people, I don't care. Live your life.***
Sit back, relax, grab some snacks and drinks, and let's get to this thing.
How about I talk about Artie for a few minutes? He's a character I have a ton of issues with. Not because he as a character is disabled. That has nothing to do with why I have issues with Artie. The issues there have to do with his actor, who I'll get to in a minute. It's because everything Artie says that's considered problematic is excused and/or ignored simply because of his disability. They only focus on the fact that Artie requires a wheelchair to get around and nothing else. Honestly, it feels like they pity him and praise him just for being in a wheelchair. While he has had some rough times in the show, it doesn't change that he's no better than anyone and he's just as bad.
There are physically disabled actors who play roles of physically disabled characters and they never make it about how they require a wheelchair, a walker, or any other equipment to get around. An example of a physically disabled actor off the top of my head would be Michael Patrick Thornton. He plays Dr. Gabriel Fife on a show called Private Practice, which nobody mentions the chair and his character is a lot more than his disability.
Kevin McHale, Artie's actor, is an able-bodied actor who was cast as a physically disabled character who requires a wheelchair to get around. The way that Glee portrayed disabled characters in general was inaccurate, extremely unrealistic (i.e., Artie joining the football team and then being told that his wheelchair would be a safety risk....like, don't you have sports made for disabled people at that school? Because disabled sports teams do exist.), the storylines with Artie made no sense (i.e., his whole backstory, how he was the lead dancer in one episode and was never mentioned again), and it was offensive. There is a term for this that I didn't even know, and it's called "cr1pface". Basically, that's when able-bodied actors are cast as physically disabled characters. This is a reoccurring theme in live-action media and it's gross.
Glee could cast a Down's Syndrome girl JUST FINE. That's great. Love that. YET THEY COULDN'T BOTHER TO CAST A PHYSICALLY DISABLED ACTOR FOR THE ROLE OF A PHYSICALLY DISABLED CHARACTER. SPECIFICALLY A YOUNG PHYSICALLY DISABLED ACTOR. Because I very rarely see them in live-action media, if at all.
There are more physically disabled characters in cartoons than in live-action media. At least younger physically disabled characters. My point about how younger physically disabled characters need more representation in live-action media still stands. Just in GENERAL, y'all.
Artie isn't all innocent. Here are some screenshots of him sex-shaming Mary Sue and Blaine (a.k.a., Diet Br3nd0n Ur!3) for them not being close in their rendition of West Side Story:
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Hey, ummm....news flash, this isn't what directors would actually require their actors to do, let alone request them to do. Unless a director is putting together an on-stage production that has anything to do with sex, they wouldn't do this. (I'm mainly talking about stage productions here, not movie productions. Movie productions are a little different in that aspect.) Also....why would a director who's supposed to be Mary Sue's and Diet Br3nd0n Ur!3's friend ASK FOR THIS? YOUR PLAY WILL NOT SUFFER IF THERE'S NO SEX WHATSOEVER. YOUR PLAY WILL BE FINE.
(I mean it this time. This is your last chance to scroll past this post, click off, whatever you gotta do. This next scene contains mentioned child m0l3stati0n and invalidation of the victim's trauma.)
I want to bring your attention to this scene:
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This is the nail in the coffin for me to lose any respect I had for Artie left...which I didn't have much of, to begin with.
Ryder confides in the Glee Club about he was m0l3st3d by an older woman as a child. The older woman was HIS BABYSITTER. A person who was being paid to watch over him by his parents. An eleven year old child...just children in general CANNOT CONSENT to s3x.
(By the way, pedos, this is your daily, unfriendly reminder that your attraction to children is disgusting. Pedo apologists, the fact that you justify pedos being attracted to children is also disgusting. Get professional help. NOTHING can justify grown adults being romantically and/or sexually attracted to children. Stay the fuck away from kids. Pedos and pedo apologists will NEVER be welcome here.)
He didn't ask to be m0l3st3d as an eleven year old boy by a babysitter. When it's an eleven year old girl who gets m0l3st3d by her babysitter who just so happens to be an older man, people are more sympathetic towards the girl and condemn the man. Rightfully so. On the contrary, if it's an eleven year old boy who gets m0l3st3d by his babysitter who happens to be an older woman (like Ryder), people congratulate the boy, tell him he's "lucky", and they don't take what he went through seriously. Why? Because men are expected to ALWAYS want to have s3x, women are pretty much always assumed to be asexual and s3x-repulsed....you get my point. Men don't always want to have s3x. Women actually have s3x drives! SHOCKER.
Artie's response to Ryder telling him that he was literally m0l3st3d AS A FUCKING CHILD makes me SO angry, and I'm about to tell you WHY. They play it off as Artie being naïve and not knowing any better...ALL BECAUSE HE'S PHYSICALLY DISABLED. THEY TREAT IT AS IF HE'S MENTALLY DISABLED TOO, WHICH I CAN'T RECALL IF THEY HAVE EVER DISCUSSED THIS ANYWHERE IN THE SHOW. Seriously? Can you stop pitying and infantilizing disabled people who use wheelchairs to get around all because they use a fucking wheelchair? Naïveté is one thing (this is ONLY IF Artie GENUINELY DIDN'T KNOW anything about m0l3stati0n), but you know, they could've used this moment to teach him about m0l3stati0n and how it fucking affects people. Someone could have CALLED ARTIE OUT because he said something extremely fucked up DIRECTLY TO A VICTIM OF CHILD M0L3STATI0N! But nooooo! Apparently boys can't be victims of m0l3stati0n, according to the dumbasses plaguing the fucking planet, so I guess fuck the THOUSANDS of Boy Scouts who were m0l3st3d by their scout masters since 1944, right? /s
ENOUGH SAID. Let's move on.
The second character in this part I really wanted to get to is Mr. William Schuester, or Mr. Schue for short. Good GOD, this teacher...if I can even call him one at this point, is a terrible person and creepy as all hell. I will call Mr. Schue "Mr. Pr3dat0r" because he's a disgusting waste of splooge who should be in jail.
We can talk about how Mr. Pr3dat0r doesn't have any friends his own age (except for his fiancée, who faked a pregnancy to get him to stay with her), he was literally in the boys' locker room spying on Gary Stu (Finn) WHILE HE WAS IN THE FUCKING SHOWER because he was singing, blackmailed Gary Stu into joining the Glee Club™️ by planting drugs, he has put on racist costumes on quite a few occasions in the show, encouraged his students to twerk to the song "Blurred Lines", and got off on two of his students shaking their asses to the song "River Deep, Mountain High". He's fucking gross. I'll put down the screenshots as evidence so you can see what I'm talking about.
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Mr. Pr3dat0r shouldn't be a teacher. I don't think I need to elaborate more. These pictures say enough.
24 notes · View notes
mysticalhearth · 4 years
astland - Chicago - 2012 (Pro-Shot's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Jeanne T. Arrigo, Lawrence E. DiStasi, Christine Mary Dunford, Doug Hara, Derek Hasenstab, Erik Hellman, Malcolm Ruhl, Michael Barrow Smith, Scott Stangland, Tiffany Topol, Claire Wellin, Monica West, Lillian Cummings, Doug Pawlik Elegies: A Song Cycle - Off Broadway - April 17, 2003 FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Betty Buckley, Carolee Carmello, Christian Borle, Keith Byron Kirk, Michael Rupert Elisabeth - 20th Anniversary European Tour - February 15, 2012 FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Annemieke van Dam (Elisabeth), Mark Seibert (Der Tod), Kurosch Abbasi (Luigi Lucheni), Mathias Edenborn (Franz Joseph), Martin Markert (u/s Kronprinz Rudolf), Betty Vermeulen (Sophie), Dennis Kozeluh (Max in Bayern), Jens Czernitzky (Rudolf als Kind), Elissa Huber (Herzogin Ludovika) NOTES: filmed by 2 cameras Elisabeth - 20th Anniversary European Tour - March 4, 2012 FORMAT:  MP4 (SD) CAST: Alice Macura (u/s Elisabeth), Mark Seibert (Der Tod), Kurosch Abbasi (Luigi Lucheni), Mathias Edenborn (Franz Joseph), Oliver Arno (Kronprinz Rudolf), Betty Vermeulen (Sophie), Dennis Kozeluh (Max in Bayern), Jonathan Späth (Rudolf als Kind), Angela Hunkeler (Herzogin Ludovika) NOTES: Last show of the tour in Essen. Elisabeth - 20th Anniversary European Tour - March 4, 2012 FORMAT:  MP4 (SD) CAST: Alice Macura (u/s Elisabeth), Mark Seibert (Der Tod), Kurosch Abbasi (Luigi Lucheni), Mathias Edenborn (Franz Joseph), Oliver Arno (Kronprinz Rudolf), Betty Vermeulen (Sophie), Dennis Kozeluh (Max in Bayern), Jonathan Späth (Rudolf als Kind), Angela Hunkeler (Herzogin Ludovika) NOTES: Last show of the tour in Essen. Elisabeth - 20th Anniversary European Tour - February, 2012 FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Annemieke van Dam (Elisabeth), Mark Seibert (Der Tod), Kurosch Abbasi (Luigi Lucheni), Mathias Edenborn (Franz Joseph), Fredrik Andersson (Kronprinz Rudolf) Elisabeth - 20th Anniversary European Tour - February, 2012 (3) FORMAT:  MP4 (SD) CAST: Annemieke van Dam (Elisabeth), Mark Seibert (Der Tod), Kurosch Abbasi (Luigi Lucheni), Mathias Edenborn (Franz Joseph), Martin Markert (Kronprinz Rudolf), Betty Vermeulen (Sophie), Dennis Kozeluh (Max in Bayern), Jens Czernitzky (Rudolf als Kind), Elissa Huber (Herzogin Ludovika) Elisabeth - 20th Anniversary Vienna Revival - March 22, 2013 FORMAT:  MP4 (SD) CAST: Annemieke van Dam (Elisabeth), Mark Seibert (Der Tod), Kurosch Abbasi (Luigi Lucheni), Franziskus Hartenstein (Franz Joseph), Anton Zetterholm (Kronprinz Rudolf), Daniela Ziegler (Sophie), Christian Peter Hauser (Max in Bayern), Aeneas Hollweg (Rudolf als Kind), Carin Filipčić (Herzogin Ludovika), Carin Filipčić (Frau Wolf) NOTES: Pretty good shoot of the Vienna run. Elisabeth - 20th Anniversary Vienna Revival - June 29, 2013 FORMAT:  MP4 (SD) CAST: Janneke Ivankova-van Duijnhoven (u/s Elisabeth), Mark Seibert (Der Tod), Kurosch Abbasi (Luigi Lucheni), Jörn-Felix Alt (u/s Franz Joseph), Gernot Romic (u/s Kronprinz Rudolf), Daniela Ziegler (Sophie), Christian Peter Hauser (Max in Bayern), Aeneas Hollweg (Rudolf als Kind), Carin Filipčić (Herzogin Ludovika), Carin Filipčić (Frau Wolf) Elisabeth - 20th Anniversary Vienna Revival - June 8-9, 2013 FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Janneke Ivankova-van Duijnhoven (u/s Elisabeth), Mark Seibert (Der Tod), Kurosch Abbasi (Luigi Lucheni), Franziskus Hartenstein (Franz Joseph), Lukas Perman (Kronprinz Rudolf), Dagmar Hellberg (Sophie), Christian Peter Hauser (Max in Bayern), Carin Filipčić (Herzogin Ludovika), Carin Filipčić (Frau Wolf) Elisabeth - Elisabeth In Concert - Apeldoorn - June 15, 2017 (Rumpel's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Pia Douwes (Elisabeth), Stanley Burleson (Der Tod), Wim van den Driessche (Luigi Lucheni), Jeroen Phaff (Franz Joseph), Addo Kruizinga (Kronprinz Rudolf), Doris Baaten (Sophie) Elisabeth - Essen - January 13, 2002 (Pro-Shot's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Pia Douwes (Elisabeth), Uwe Kröger (Der Tod), Carsten Lepper (Luigi Lucheni), Michael Shawn Lewis (Franz Joseph), Jesper Tydèn (Kronprinz Rudolf), Gabriele Ramm (Sophie), Claus Dam (Max in Bayern), Annika Bruhns (Herzogin Ludovika) NOTES: Single cam proshot of Pia Douwes's last show. Audio not from soundboard. Includes three bows and an encore performance. Elisabeth - Scheveningen - October 19, 1999 (Preview) (Pro-Shot's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) |  TRADER'S NOTES: NFT CAST: Pia Douwes (Elisabeth), Stanley Burleson (Der Tod), Wim van den Driessche (Luigi Lucheni), Jeroen Phaff (Franz Joseph), Addo Kruizinga (Kronprinz Rudolf), Doris Baaten (Sophie), Nico Schaap (Max in Bayern) NOTES: Multi-cam proshot Elisabeth - Scheveningen - June 2, 2001 FORMAT:  VOB (no smalls) (SD) CAST: Marleen van der Loo (u/s Elisabeth), Stanley Burleson (Der Tod), Antonie Kamerling (alt Luigi Lucheni), Jeroen Phaff (Franz Joseph), Addo Kruizinga (Kronprinz Rudolf), Willemijn Verkaik Elisabeth - Shanghai - December 20, 2014 FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Marle Martens (u/s Elisabeth), Mark Seibert (Der Tod), Kurosch Abbasi (Luigi Lucheni), Maximilian Mann (Franz Joseph), Thomas Hohler (Kronprinz Rudolf), Angelika Wedekind (Sophie), Dennis Kozeluh (Max in Bayern) Elisabeth - Third European Tour - March 7, 2015 (Matinee) FORMAT:  MTS CAST: Roberta Valentini (Elisabeth), Mark Seibert (Der Tod), Michael Souschek (alt Luigi Lucheni), Maximilian Mann (Franz Joseph), Fredrik Andersson (alt Kronprinz Rudolf), Angelika Wedekind (Sophie), Dennis Kozeluh (Max in Bayern), Paul Elias Marxer (Rudolf als Kind), Caroline Sommer (Herzogin Ludovika) Elisabeth - Thun - 2006 (Pro-Shot's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Willemijn Verkaik (Elisabeth), Christoph Goetten (Der Tod), Sergio-Maurice Vaglio (Luigi Lucheni), Jan-Martin Machler (Franz Joseph), Nico Gaik (Kronprinz Rudolf), Manuela Floryan (Sophie) NOTES: ProShot of the show mixed with lots of backstage stuff Elisabeth - Vienna - August 25, 1992 (Pro-Shot's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Pia Douwes (Elisabeth), Uwe Kröger (Der Tod), Ethan Freeman (Luigi Lucheni), Viktor Gernot (Franz Joseph), Andreas Bieber (Kronprinz Rudolf), Else Ludwig (Sophie) NOTES: Proshot of the dress-rehearsal. Multicam proshot. Elisabeth - Vienna - August 29, 1992 (Pro-Shot's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Pia Douwes (Elisabeth), Uwe Kröger (Der Tod), Ethan Freeman (Luigi Lucheni), Viktor Gernot (Franz Joseph), Andreas Bieber (Kronprinz Rudolf), Else Ludwig (Sophie), Wolfgang Pampel (Max in Bayern), Christa Wettstein (Herzogin Ludovika) NOTES: Proshot of a dress rehearsal Elisabeth - Vienna - December 26, 1992 (Pro-Shot's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Pia Douwes (Elisabeth), Uwe Kröger (Der Tod), Ethan Freeman (Luigi Lucheni), Viktor Gernot (Franz Joseph), Andreas Bieber (Kronprinz Rudolf), Else Ludwig (Sophie) NOTES: Single-cam proshot. Emilia - West End - May 29, 2019 (House-Cam's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Nadia Albina (Lady Katherine Howard), Nadia Albina (Desdemonda), Nadia Albina (River Woman), Anna Andersen (Lady Mary Sidney), Anna Andersen (Margaret Johnson), Anna Andersen (Hester), Jackie Clune (Lord Thomas Howard), Jackie Clune (Eve), Jackie Clune (Lady Helena), Saffron Commber (Emilia 1), Lauren Drennan (Ensemble), Jenni Maitland (Countess of Kent), Jenni Maitland (Mary), Jenni Maitland (Bob), Carolyn Pickles (Lord Henry Carey), Carolyn Pickles (Judith), Carolyn Pickles (Priest), Sarah Seggari (Lady Corelia), Sarah Seggari (Flora), Sophie Stone (Lady Margaret Clifford), Sophie Stone (Midwife), Sophie Stone (Man 1), Charity Wakefield (William Shakespear), Charity Wakefield (Man 2), Amanda Wilkin (Alphonso Lanier), Amanda Wilkin (Emilia in Othello), Tankia Yearwood (Lady Anne Clifford), Tankia Yearwood (Lord Collins), Tankia Yearwood (Dave) NOTES: Two-camera archive footage from the show filmed in May, 2019. Streamable from November 10 to November 24, 2020. 3 Versions Available : Without Subtitles With Subtitles Audio Described Emojiland - Off-Broadway - February, 2020 (StarCuffedJeans's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Laura Schein (Smize), George Abud (Nerd Face), Jacob Dickey (Sunny), Lucas Steele (Skull), Taylor Iman Jones (t/r Princess), Natalie Weiss (Construction Worker), Felicia Boswell (Police Officer), Heather Makalani (Kissy Face / Information Desk Woman), Ann Harada (Pile of Poo), Max Crumm (Man in Business Suit Levitating), Dwelvan David (Guardsman), Jordan Fife Hunt (Man Dancing) NOTES: Well filmed from back of the house. A little shaky at times. Heads in the bottom of the frame, but they don't really interfere with the action onstage. Endgame - The Old Vic - 2020 (Pro-Shot's master) FORMAT:  TS (SD) CAST: Daniel Radcliffe (Clov/A), Alan Cumming (Hamm/B), Karl Johnson (Nagg), Jane Horrocks (Nell) Escape to Margaritaville - Broadway - May, 2018 (NYCG8R's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Alison Luff (Rachel), Andre Ward (Jamal/Ted), Don Sparks (J.D.), Eric Petersen (Brick), Ian Michael Stuart (Chadd), Lisa Howard (Tammy), Mike Millan (Jesús), Paul Alexander Nolan (Tully), Rema Webb (Marley) Eugenius! - Off-West End Revival - 2018 (Pro-Shot's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Rob Houchen (Eugene), Laura Baldwin (Janey), Daniel Buckley (Feris), Neil McDermott (Evil Lord Hector), Alex Bourne (Lex Hogan), Scott Paige (Theo), Emily Tierney (Carrie/Super Hot Lady), Simon Thomas (Gerhard/Tough Man), Christopher Ragland (Eugene's Dad/Lord Tough Man), Alison Arnopp (Space Diva/Mrs Truthstretcher), Tom Senior (Stock Jock/Laurence/Flock of Eagles Singer), Mark Hamill (Voice of Kevin the Robot), Alex Tranter, Amy West, Ben Darcy, Dillon Scott-Lewis, Lauren Concannon, Sasha Wareham, Titus Rowe NOTES: Archive footage that was released on their Facebook during theatre closures to help raise money for Acting for Others. Ripped from the Facebook video so some quality loss but not too much. Everybody's Talking About Jamie - West End - August 21, 2019 (Matinee) (wheredidtherockgo's master) FORMAT:  AVI (HD) CAST: Layton Williams (Jamie New), Rebecca McKinnis (Margaret New), Sabrina Sandhu (Pritti Pasha), Bill Ward (Hugo Battersby), Sejal Keshwala (Ray), Rita Simons (Miss Hedge), Luke Baker (Dean Paxton), Alex Anstey (Laika Virgin), James Gillan (Tray Sophisticay), Momar Diagne (Sandra Bollock), Marlon G Day (Jamie's Dad), Emily Kenwright (Vicki), Marvin Charles (Mickey), Luke Latchman (Sayid), Courtney Bowman (Fatimah) NOTES: If you can hear me breathe pretty heavily it’s because I’m trying not to cry. The finale is very shaky because I was clapping and the sound it a little bit distorted because I was holding the camera in my mouth (yes. In my mouth). Includes full audio, which was recorded separately. 16.05 GB in total. Everybody's Talking About Jamie - West End - December, 2019 (Highlights) (queenofthedead's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Luke Latchman (alt Jamie New), Melissa Jacques (Margaret New), Sabrina Sandhu (Pritti Pasha), Phil Nichol (Hugo Battersby), Sejal Keshwala (Ray), Preeya Kalidas (Miss Hedge), Luke Baker (Dean Paxton), Alex Anstey (Laika Virgin), James Gillan (Tray Sophisticay), Momar Diagne (u/s Sandra Bollock), Marlon G Day (Jamie's Dad), Zahra Jones (Becca), Harriet Payne (Bex), Biancha Szynal (s/w Vicki), Alexander Archer (Mickey), Marvyn Charles (s/w Sayid), Adam Taylor (s/w Cy), Daniel Davids (Levi), Tilly La Belle Yengo (Fatimah) NOTES: All of act 2 and 30 mins of act 1 highlights. Act 1 shot around very obstructive heads and about a quarter of the stage is completely blocked, but watchable. Act 2 is much better and only Beautiful is majorly obstructed. Everybody's Talking About Jamie - West End - July 5, 2018 (Pro-Shot's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: John McCrea (Jamie New), Josie Walker (Margaret New), Lucie Shorthouse (Pritti Pasha), Phil Nichol (Hugo Battersby), Shobna Gulati (Ray), Tamsin Carroll (Miss Hedge), Luke Baker (Dean Paxton), Alex Anstey (Laika Virgin), James Gillan (Tray Sophisticay), Daniel Jacob (Sandra Bollock), Ken Christiansen (Jamie's Dad), Lauran Rae (Becca), Harriet Payne (Bex), Kirstie Skivington (Vicki), Ryan Hughes (Mickey), Jordan Cunningham (Sayid), Shiv Rabheru (Cy), Courtney Bowman (Fatimah) Everyman - National Theatre - July 16, 2015 (Pro-Shot's master) FORMAT:  Other video (see notes) CAST: Chiwetel Ejiofor (Everyman), Philip Martin Brown (Father), Paul Bullion (Sound), Adam Burton (Passion/Goods), Michelle Butterly (Sister), Sharon D Clarke (Mother), Dermot Crowley (Death), Kate Duchêne (God/Good Deeds), Amy Griffiths (Vanity/Goods), Nick Holder (Strength), Nicholas Karimi (Smell), Joshua Lacey (Sensuality/Goods), Penny Layden (Knowledge), Coral Messam (Conscience), Nadine Cox (Touch), Itxaso Moreno (Taste), Ira Mandela Siobhan (Sight), Kiribati Stamell (Discretion), Clemmie Sveaas (Insecurity/Goods) Evil Dead: The Musical - First National Tour - September 13, 2014 (SunsetBlvd79's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Andrew Di Rosa (Jake), Callie Johnson (Annie/Shelly), Creg Sclavi (Scott), David Sajewich (Ash), Demi Zaino (Cheryl), Julie Baird (Linda), Ryan McBride (Ed/Moose) NOTES: Excellent HD capture with no obstructions of the 2014 National Tour. Campy slasher musical based on the 1981 movie. A Evil Dead: The Musical - Off-Broadway - February 17, 2007 (Closing Night) (House-Cam's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Brandon Wardell (Scott), Daryll Winslow (Jake), Jenna Coker (Cheryl), Jennifer Byrne (Linda), Renee Klapmeyer (Annie/Shelly), Ryan Ward (Ash), Tom Walker (Ed/Moose) NOTES: Single cam proshot of the closing night performance. Includes Broadway Beat appearance and press reel. Evita - 20th Anniversary US Tour - June 12, 1999 FORMAT:  MP4 (SD) CAST: Natalie Toro (Eva Perón), Raúl Esparza (Che), Raymond Jaramillo McLeod (Perón), Tom Flynn (Magaldi), Angela Covington (Perón's Mistress) NOTES: Nicely filmed from the balcony. Some generational loss. Evita - First Broadway Revival - March 14, 2012 (Preview) (SunsetBlvd79's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Elena Roger (Eva Perón), Maya Jade Frank (Young Eva), Ricky Martin (Che), Michael Cerveris (Perón), Max von Essen (Magaldi), Rachel Potter (Perón's Mistress) NOTES: Great Capture of the due Broadway transfer from London. Elena is a great Evita, the addition of Michael, Ricky and Max are excellent. A lavish and well executed Evita that was due for a date with Broadway. A Evita - First Broadway Revival - July 28, 2012 (SunsetBlvd79's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Christina DeCicco (alt Eva Perón), Ricky Martin (Che), Michael Cerveris (Perón), Rachel Potter (Perón's Mistress) NOTES: Excellent HD capture of the Alternate Eva. Christina vocally commands the score and thrilling to watch. She really should have had the role full time! Beautiful production and stunning Eva. A Evita - First Broadway Revival - July 28, 2012 (SunsetBlvd79's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Christina DeCicco (alt Eva Perón), Ricky Martin (Che), Michael Cerveris (Perón), Rachel Potter (Perón's Mistress) NOTES: Excellent HD capture of the Alternate Eva. Christina vocally commands the score and thrilling to watch. She really should have had the role full time! Beautiful production and stunning Eva. A Evita - First Broadway Revival - August 13, 2012 (NYCG8R's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Christina DeCicco (t/r Eva Perón), Ricky Martin (Che), Michael Cerveris (Perón), Max von Essen (Magaldi), Rachel Potter (Perón's Mistress), Ashley Amber, Bradley Dean, Colin Cunliffe, Eric L Christian, George Lee Andrews, Kristine Covillo, Margot de La Barre NOTES: Very nice video; a couple of short blackouts towards the beginning of the show but otherwise well filmed with good close-ups and sound. Evita - First Broadway Revival - August 15, 2012 (SunsetBlvd79's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Jessica Lea Patty (alt Eva Perón), Ricky Martin (Che), Michael Cerveris (Perón), Max von Essen (Magaldi), Rachel Potter (Perón's Mistress) NOTES: Beautiful HD capture of Jessica in the role of Eva with a fresh take on the character. She brings a great element to Eva, since she is normally in an ensemble track, her dancing flourishes with perfection! A Evita - Nashville, Tennessee - September 13, 2016 (SunsetBlvd79's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Eden Espinosa (Eva Perón), Ben Crawford (Che), Anthony Crivello (Perón), René Millán (Magaldi), Mia Rose Lynn (Perón's Mistress) NOTES: Excellent HD capture of the new production by Studio Tenn & TPAC. This was a huge show with a very large cast. Some terrific staging moments and of course Eden did a fantastic job as Eva, beautiful production! A Evita - Netherlands - May 22, 1996 (Pro-Shot's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Pia Douwes (Eva Perón), Bill van Dijk (Che), Jeroen Phaff (Perón), Frans Limburg (Magaldi), Marleen van der Loo (Perón's Mistress) Evita - Netherlands (2008) - 2008 (Highlights) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Marjolein Teepen (alt Eva Perón), Stanley Burleson (Che), Roberto de Groot (Perón), Paul Walthaus (Magaldi), Loes Worm (u/s Perón's Mistress) NOTES: Highlights: in total 1h 28min Evita - Regent's Park Open Air Theatre - September, 2019 (hitmewithyourbethshot's master) FORMAT:  MTS CAST: Samantha Pauly (Eva Perón), Trent Saunders (Che), Ektor Rivera (Perón), Adam Pearce (Magaldi), Frances Mayli McCann (Perón's Mistress) NOTES: A Stellar Video of this Cast, slightly washed out with zero obstructions and plenty of wides and zooms. Released in 4 MTS Files with a cast list - 13.55 GB Evita - Second National Tour - September, 1982 (Highlights) (Pro-Shot's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Valerie Perri (Eva Perón), John Herrera (Che), Robert Dalton (Perón), Peter Marinos (Magaldi), Cynthia Simpson (Perón's Mistress) NOTES: Valerie Perri (Eva Peron), John Herrera (Che), Robert Alton (Juan Peron), Peter Marinos (Magaldi), Cynthia Simpson (Peron's Mistress). Professionally Shot footage of tech run of tour's opening at The Shubert in Chicago. Starts with "Eva, Beware Of The City" and goes through end of "Waltz For Eva And Che". Does not contain all numbers, but does have most. A- This is a single camera video recording with occasional zooms that is a little over an hour of Hal Prince directing the second national tour of Evita during a final dress rehearsal. It is fascinating to hear Prince give direction while watching the show and a great piece of theatre history. Evita - Seventh National Tour - September 22, 2013 (SunsetBlvd79's master) FORMAT:  VOB (no smalls) (SD) CAST: Caroline Bowman (Eva Perón), Josh Young (Che), Sean MacLaughlin (Perón), Christopher Johnstone (Magaldi), Krystina Alabado (Perón's Mistress) NOTES: Beautiful HD capture with no obstructions. Josh and Caroline do a great job as Che and Eva. A solid tour, great performances and production value! A+ Evita - Seventh National Tour - December 14, 2013 FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Caroline Bowman (Eva Perón), John Riddle (u/s Che), Sean MacLaughlin (Perón), Christopher Johnstone (Magaldi), Krystina Alabado (Perón's Mistress)
Evita - Sixth National Tour - August 7, 2005 FORMAT:  VOB (no smalls) (SD) CAST: Kathy Voytko (Eva Perón), Bradley Dean (Che), Philip Hernandez (Perón), Gabriel Burrafato (Magaldi), Kate Manning (Perón's Mistress) Evita - Village Players, Toledo Ohio - 1991 FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Hunter Foster (Che), Sutton Foster (Perón's Mistress)
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papermoonloveslucy · 4 years
March 8, 1921
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Alan Hale Jr.  was born Alan Hale MacKahan in Los Angeles to character actor Rufus Edward MacKahan, who used the stage name Alan Hale, and silent film actress Gretchen Hartman. His television career spanned four decades, but he was best known for his co-starring role as Captain Jonas Grumby (The Skipper) on the 1960s series “Gilligan's Island.” 
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He made his screen debut at age 13 in Wild Boys of the Road (1933), but his film career did not begin in earnest until 1941, doing half-a-dozen films that year alone. 
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He made his television debut in 1950 in “Pitfall” an episode of “Robert Montgomery Presents.” 
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In 1952, Alan Hale Jr. played a department store mannequin of a hunter in Ellis in Freedomland, a full-length color industrial film for Westinghouse. Lucille Ball provided the voice of the washing machine. 
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That same year he played the title character on CBS’s “Biff Baker U.S.A.” (1952-54), his first principal role on television.  His second title role was the Western “Casey Jones” (1957-58). 
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In December 1959, Hale made an appearance on Desilu’s “The Untouchables” in “The Tri-State Gang”. 
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In 1961 he did an episode of Desilu’s “The Real McCoys” playing a trailer park owner. His wife was played by Amzie Strickland. 
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He was back at Desilu Studios to film an episode of “The Andy Griffith Show” “The Farmer Takes A Wife” which aired on New Year’s Day 1962. He addresses Barney Fife as "Little Buddy" the same nickname he used for Gilligan two years later. The catchphrase was taken from one of his real-life father's school friends.
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In December 1963 he finally worked with Lucille Ball on “The Lucy Show” episode “Lucy Puts Out a Fire at the Bank” (TLS S2;E9). Hale played Captain Burke, who trains the members of the Danfield women’s fire brigade. 
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Around this same time, Hale filmed the pilot of what would become “Gilligan’s Island.”  The character of Ginger, the movie star castaway was described during casting as a combination of Lucille Ball and Marilyn Monroe.  John Gabriel, the original Professor from the unaired series pilot, was seen as “Mary Jane’s Boyfriend” (HL S6;E20).  
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After some casting changes, the sitcom went to series and premiered in September 1964. The original series ran until 1967, with several reunions and reboots from 1974 to 1982.  Like many performers seen on “Lucy” sitcoms, Hale was also featured on “Batman” in 1967. He played a lunch counter attendant coincidentally named Gilligan! The villain was Egg Head. 
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Alan Hale Jr. played Moose Manley in “Lucy and Wally Cox” (HL S2;E21) in 1970. Moose was a friend of Harry’s anxious to fix up his nervous son (Cox) with Lucy. 
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On “Where is My Wandering Mother Tonight?” (HL S6;E23) on  March 11, 1974, the costuming of Dirty Jack (Jack Donohue) resembles that of the Skipper (Alan Hale Jr., inset) on “Gilligan’s Island” (1965-67). 
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Hale made his final screen appearance on a January 1988 episode of “The Law and Harry McGraw”. 
Hale was married to Bettina Doerr from 1943 to 1963. They had four children. When they divorced, he married Naomi Hale, who was with him until his death in 1990. 
Alan Hale Jr. died on January 2, 1990 after a battle with thymus cancer. He was 68 years old. 
“I'm just delighted to say people all over the world, whether I have my cap or not, 'Hello, Skipper, Hello Skipper,' it's like standing in-front of the fireplace, it's a lot of warmth.” ~ Alan Hale Jr., 1985
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scotianostra · 3 years
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Alexander Wood was born on 10 December 1817 in Cupar, Fife.
Alexander would become a physician and invented the first true hypodermic syringe.
The son of Dr James Wood and his wife Mary Wood, the  family moved to Edinburgh’s New Town in 1821 where Wood received his early education at private schools before matriculating at Edinburgh University in 1832 where he studied arts and medicine.
He graduated MD in 1839 and established his private practice in New Town. He was appointed physician to the Stockbridge and Royal Public dispensaries. On 15 June 1842 he married Rebecca Massey. Wood began lecturing at the extramural medical school in 1841, although he failed later attempts at appointments at the universities of Edinburgh and Glasgow.
Wood’s main contribution to medicine was discovering the technique of administering drugs using hypodermic syringe. Wood was inspired by James Young Simpson’s experiments on anaesthesia and became concerned with relieved localized pain. In 1853, Wood used a syringe and treated a case of neuralgia by injecting morphine in the area of discomfort.
By a remarkable coincidence, Charles Gabriel Pravaz, a French surgeon who had neither met nor been in contact with Wood, reported his invention in the same year, 1853, and then died soon afterwards. Prior to both men’s invention of the fine bore needle, others had used larger, cruder needles attached to tubing. The importance of Wood’s and Pravaz’s work was that needles could now be fixed onto syringes and smaller, measured doses injected, but years were to pass before the increased danger of infection was understood and sterilisation developed.
Wood fully embraced mid-nineteenth century developments in medical ideals surrounding a unified, well-educated and duly licensed body of practitioners. He promoted the scientific nature of contemporary medicine and attacked unorthodox forms of treatment, most notably homeopathy. He also played a prominent role in Scottish medical politics through his active participation with the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh. Wood led the negotiations for a new College Charter. The college at this time was extremely active in all areas of medical politics and reforming medical legislation. Wood played an important role in persuading the college to admit non-graduates into its licensing examinations. Wood campaigned for legislation on lunacy, pharmacy, the registration of births and marriages, and sanitary reform. He also argued strongly for the rights of the Edinburgh Extramural School of Medicine.
From 1846 to 1852 Wood was elected to the Edinburgh police commissioners as well as serving on other various committees. He chaired the acting committee of the Association for the Improvement of the Condition of the Poor, a charity that provided food and work for the unemployed. Wood was also involved in debates over the poor law in Scotland. His public work was fuelled by a strong personal faith. In 1843 he joined the Free Church of Scotland. Illness forced him to retire in 1873. Wood died in his home on 26th February 1884 after a short illness and is buried at  Dean Cemetery.
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sleeppaw · 5 years
Sims 3 Names Updated
A: Aaron, Amber, Amelia, Achilles, Ajax, Amphrite, Augustus, Arthur, Anneka, Alan, Arianna, Annie, Andromeda, Alice*, Antonia*, Anthony*
B: Beatrice, Bethany, Bernard*, Brett*
C: Cato, Clove, Cassiopeia, Clara, Cepheus, Carolina, Canute, Cosima, Charles*, Cornelia* Cherry*
D: Daphne, Daniella, Dennis, Dione*, Duncan*, Declan*
E: Ebony, Eric, Emmy*, Elizabeth*, Evie*, Elliot*
F: Fredrick, Francis, Finnick, Florence, Falcon*, Flora, Finch* Fern*, Fife*
G: Graham*, Gabriel*,
H: Harold, Hector, Hebe, Hercules, Hawthorn*, Harriett*, Hadrian*, Helen*, Henry*,
I: Ignoitus, Issac, Iris, Isambard*, Indiana*
J: Janey, Jeremy, Jason, Jasmine, Juliana, Janus, James*, John*, Joshua*,
K: Kazuo, Keanu, Kim*, Kapser*, Kayla*, Katherine*,
L: Lucas, Lavender*, Leah* Larkspur*,
M: Matilda, Medea, Matisha, Marius, Marina, Maya, Marcus*, Matthew*, Mars*, Mabel*, Mavis*, Michael*, Miriam*, Myrtle*,
N: Naomi, Neptune, Neil*, Nigel*
O: Octavius, Orion, Oliver
P: Perseus, Proteus, Promethus, Perry*,
Q: Quentin*
R: Richard, Rhea, Ruth, Robin, Russell*, Rose*, Rosenda*, Ruby* Rusty*, Robert*,
S: Saturn, Summer, Saffron*, Skyla*, Sylvia*, Sam*,
T: Tanusha, Teucer, Tamora, Tania, Thomas, Telamon*,
U: Undyne, Ursula*
V: Virgil, Venus*, Van*, Vincent*, Violet*
W: Wayne*
X: Xavier*, Xander*
Y: Yvvonne, Yvette*
Z: No Z names
Names with an asterik are names I’ll use in the future (Either on Sims I’ll create in the future, born in-game kids and The Oakley Legacy Reboot)
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