#gaetano crocetti
jerrylewis-thekid · 1 year
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Jerry and Dean looked like their respective fathers. But Dean's father gives me a feeling of a weak, submissive character. Tosches wrote in Dean's biography that contrary to common usage at the time, Dean's mother was very free to do as she pleased. In practice, she was the one who commanded the family despite the Italian macho mentality of the time which forced wives to submit completely to their husbands. I wonder if that influenced Dean's personality. And how were the two brothers treated in relation to each other? Dean has always said very little about his family of origin and spoke well. But I remember that the classic Italian mentality (still valid today) is that family affairs remained in the family. I can write treatises on the Italian mentality which is still used today at least here in the small Apulian towns of southern Italy.
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perfettamentechic · 9 months
25 dicembre … ricordiamo …
25 dicembre … ricordiamo … #semprevivineiricordi #nomidaricordare #personaggiimportanti #perfettamentechic
2022: Francesco Silvestri, drammaturgo, attore teatrale e regista teatrale italiano. Formatosi al di fuori dei circuiti accademici di teatro, Silvestri intraprese la carriera teatrale sin da adolescente, producendosi in carceri e in istituti per diversamente abili come animatore. Nel 1980 conobbe Annibale Ruccello, con il quale intraprese una proficua collaborazione: nacque così lo spettacolo Le…
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vintage-every-day · 1 year
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Dean Martin was born Dino Paul Crocetti in Steubenville, Ohio, to Gaetano Alfonso "Guy" Crocetti, an Italian immigrant and barber, and his Ohio-born wife, Angela (Barra) Crocetti. He spoke only Italian until age five. 
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gregarnott · 2 years
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Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis with their respective dads, Gaetano Crocetti & Danny Lewis, 1953
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Dean Martin α:7 de junio de 1917 Ω:25 de diciembre de 1995
Dean Martin (Steubenville, Ohio, 7 de junio de 1917 - Beverly Hills, California, 25 de diciembre de 1995) fue un cómico, actor y cantante estadounidense, también fue miembro del "Rat Pack", conformado por los célebres artistas Frank Sinatra, Sammy Davis Jr., Joey Bishop y Peter Lawford. De este grupo se decía que tenía estrechas relaciones con la mafia e incluso actuaba regularmente en Las Vegas, Nevada donde se les podía ver con mucha frecuencia. De 1965 a 1973 tuvo su propio programa de variedades en la NBC, y cuando la popularidad del mismo empezó declinó forzando su cancelación, NBC realizó el programa The Dean Martin Celebrity Roast, el cual tuvo una gran popularidad hasta que terminó en 1984. En este programa un grupo de grandes personalidades de Hollywood, del deporte profesional de los Estados Unidos e incluso de la política nacional se reunían en un salón del hotel MGM Grand en Las Vegas, Nevada para hacer crítica cómica, satírica y mordaz del personaje de la semana. Su verdadero nombre era Dino Paul Crocetti. Nació en Steubenville(Ohio), hijo de inmigrantes italianos. Su madre, Angela Crocetti (Barra; apellido de soltera), era ama de casa y su padre, Gaetano Crocetti, era barbero. Su padre era de Montesilvano, Pescara, Abruzzo, y su madre tenía ancestros napolitanos y sicilianos. Martin era el menor de dos hermanos. Martin habló italiano hasta empezar la escuela. Asistió a la Grant Elementary School en Steubenville, y de adolescente tocaba la batería como pasatiempo. Era objeto de burla debido a su inglés entrecortado y finalmente abandonó la Steubenville High School en el décimo grado. Empezó a trabajar en distintas actividades, como peón, ayudante en una gasolinera, croupier y tuvo un período en que probó como boxeador. En el cuadrilátero no le fue mal, luchando bajo el seudónimo de Kid Crocetti.
FILMOGRAFIA 1946 Película Vodvil: Art Mooney y Orquesta 1949 Mi amiga irma 1950 En guerra con el ejercito Instantáneas de pantalla: Especial del Trigésimo Aniversario 1951 Ese es mi chico 1952 El Stooge Marinero cuidado Saltos de tijera Camino a bali 1953 Muerto de miedo El carrito Dinero de casa 1954 Viviendo la vida Circo de 3 anillos 1955 Nunca eres demasiado joven Artistas y Modelos 1956 Instantáneas de pantalla: Hollywood, Ciudad de las estrellas Pardners Hollywood o busto 1957 Diez mil habitaciones 1958 Los leones jovenes Algunos vinieron corriendo 1959 Rio bravo Carrera 1960 Quién era esa dama? Las campanas están sonando Ocean's 11 Pepe 1961 todo en el trabajo de una noche Ada  El camino a Hong Kong ¿Quién tiene la acción? Algo tiene que dar 1963 38-24-36 Ven a soplar tu bocina Juguetes en el ático 4 para Texas ¿Quién ha estado durmiendo en mi cama? 1964 ¡Qué manera de ir! Robin y las 7 capuchas Besame estupido 1965 Los Hijos de Katie Elder Matrimonio en las rocas 1966 Los silenciadores Los pájaros lo hacen Texas al otro lado del río Fila de asesinos 1967 Noche dura en Jericó Los emboscadores 1968 Rowan y Martin en el cine Cómo salvar un matrimonio y arruinar tu vida Bandolero! Stud de 5 Cartas La tripulación de demolición 1970 Aeropuerto 1973 Confrontación 1975 Señor ricco 1981 La carrera de bala de cañon 1984 Cannonball Run II Terror en los pasillos
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asloversdrown · 8 years
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Dean Martin with his mom and dad, Angela and Gaetano Crocetti
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tmnotizie · 5 years
GIULIANOVA –  Domani, 22 novembre, a partire dalle ore 10.30 l’Istituto Alberghiero di Giulianova ospiterà il secondo appuntamento di “NutriAMOci”, il ciclo di incontri su cibo e alimentazione tra storia, antropologia, arte, sicurezza, scienza e medicina organizzato dal Gruppo Medico D’Archivio insieme con l’Università degli Studi di Teramo e l’IIS “Crocetti-Cerulli”, sede IPSEdOC, di Giulianova con il patrocinio della Provincia di Teramo e dell’Amministrazione comunale di Giulianova.
All’incontro, con il titolo “ Il buono a tavola: tecniche di cottura e qualità”, dopo i saluti del dirigente scolastico Luigi Valentini e di Claudio D’Archivio, direttore scientifico dell’omonimo Gruppo Medico, il giornalista Sandro Galantini darà la parola ai relatori. Dino Mastrocola, Magnifico Rettore Università degli studi di Teramo, tratterà del tema “ La cottura del cibo tra qualità, sicurezza e salute” e, a seguire, interverranno Mariella Dell’Arciprete, Massimo Di Gaetano, Valeria Lattanzi, Eleonora Nargi, Vito Pepe e Caterina Santacroce, docenti del Dipartimento tecnico-professionale dell’IPSEdOC “Crocetti-Cerulli” di Giulianova.
Interverranno inoltre gli studenti delle Classi terze dell’IPSEdOC.
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apiersanti-blog · 8 years
Un altro video dell'iniziativa Prove d'autore. La maggior parte delle foto sono state realizzate dalla prof.ssa Alessandra Pediconi. “Prove D’Autore” è un’iniziativa degli studenti delle classi 3C, 3E, 3BL, 4BL a.s. 2016-2017 dell’Istituto Gaetano De Sanctis di Roma per il progetto di Alternanza Scuola-Lavoro a cura della prof.ssa Maria Teresa Marsella. In collaborazione con la Fondazione Venanzo Crocetti, il progetto ha impegnato gli studenti su più fronti: dalla personale riproduzione di una scultura del maestro, all’organizzazione dell’esposizione delle proprie opere che si terrà dal 10 al 13 Gennaio 2017 presso il museo a Via Cassia 492. Per info: https://desanctisinmostrablog.wordpre... oppure https://provediautore.wordpress.com/
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jerrylewis-thekid · 2 years
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This man has been driving me crazy for over two years and will drive me crazy for much longer. I can understand Jerry quite well (in some respects I'm very similar to him) but for me Dean is still an unsolved mystery. I think you should start analyzing him from here, from his childhood, his relationship with his mother and his brother. Or rather how his mother (and father) treated both brothers. @potc4life
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jerrylewis-thekid · 2 years
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Dean Martin's parents' wedding certificate
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jerrylewis-thekid · 2 years
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Birth certificate of Dean's father, obviously written in Italian since he was born in Italy. Gaetano Crocetti was born at 3.15 pm on December 5, 1893
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jerrylewis-thekid · 3 years
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Dean and Jerry with their respective fathers.
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jerrylewis-thekid · 3 years
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Dean and Jerry with their fathers
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jerrylewis-thekid · 2 years
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Was Dean Martin's brother perhaps more reserved than he? I only found a photo of them two as adults and three / four photos of their children, then nothing more. Ricci Martin never mentions his "real" uncle in his book (but he always likes to mention "Uncle Mack") and doesn't even write that his father had a brother. Deana mentions her uncle as "Uncle Bill". I only found this little news about him ... Born to Gaetano, Alfonso Crocetti and Angela Crocetti, the older Crocetti brother was born on June 21, 1916 in hard working town Steubenville, Ohio. His younger and more famous brother Dino Paul was born nearly a year later on June 7, 1917. William Crocetti, Bill to his friends and colleagues, was an engineer at North American Rockewell. He worked on the engines for the Saturn rockets, the very ones that powered men to the moon. During the War he was in the Air Force as well. According to Bill's daughter Adri: "My father and his colleagues were Cold Warriors, to a man. They understood the need to be first, and they did everything they could to ensure the primacy of the United States. When I was ten, my dad told me we are going to have men on the moon by the time you are twenty. I didn't believe him, but seven years later in 1969, Neil Armstrong walked on the moon."
Despite Bill's success in the space industry, his had some family tragedy when his mother died on Christmas Day 1966 at the age of 69. His father would die as well the following year on August 29, 1967 at the age of 72. On October 20, 1968 Bill died in St. John's Hospital of a brain tumor. He was only 52 and he left behind a widow and four children. Josephine would die at the young age of 52 on March 13, 1976... They had a fifth child, William Nicholas Crocetti, who died just seven days after birth (4 Mar 1954 - 11 Mar 1954). All three rest in the same cemetery: Holy Cross Cemetery - California. @mydogjudy
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