#Henry Myers
friendlyfatbee · 22 days
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Damn bro what did you say to them
Referenced meme under cut
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mifithemuffin · 1 year
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what if I stole your life dream? Huh? What then? - Henry, probably.
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dog-exe · 5 months
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Got a request to draw Danny and Henry! Just did a little sketch bc I have some other requests to work on :)
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drsunshiine · 2 months
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Danny and Henry if they had kept in touch after university
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perfettamentechic · 6 months
25 dicembre … ricordiamo …
25 dicembre … ricordiamo … #semprevivineiricordi #nomidaricordare #personaggiimportanti #perfettamentechic
2022: Francesco Silvestri, drammaturgo, attore teatrale e regista teatrale italiano. Formatosi al di fuori dei circuiti accademici di teatro, Silvestri intraprese la carriera teatrale sin da adolescente, producendosi in carceri e in istituti per diversamente abili come animatore. Nel 1980 conobbe Annibale Ruccello, con il quale intraprese una proficua collaborazione: nacque così lo spettacolo Le…
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zombbean · 10 months
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Color Wheel Challenge with some of my fave horror characters!
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untitled-writer-013 · 2 years
hey ~ I Love your writing so much! Could I make a request where the slashers witnessing their shy s/o losing their temper because someone hurt or insulted them (the slashers) please?
Slashers x Fem!Shy!Reader, Hannibal Lecter x Fem!Shy!Reader x Will Graham, Henry Creel x Fem!Shy!Reader loses temper HCs
warning(s): slight hurt/comfort, mentions of murder, reader being angry
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Thomas Hewitt:
Thomas had always seen (Y/n) as his sweet, shy darling. She had never lost her temper since they met. If she ever did get upset, she would excuse herself and let herself calm down before resolving the problem. That being said, when he heard his darling yelling at someone, he was ready to kill someone on the spot. He was worried that someone was hurting her, so when he ran outside and saw his darling telling off one of the victims, he was more than surprised. He watched in silence as she lectured them for insulting Thomas, letting out a frustrated breath once she was done. 
Nevertheless, Thomas was very impressed with his darling but would make sure she was alright. He knew that they must have said something really bad to make her so upset, so he’d reassure her that he was alright before offering to make her favorite for dinner. This would help her calm down, and Thomas would have the bonus of spoiling his darling.
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Billy Lenz:
On one of the rare occasions that (Y/n) convinced Billy to go out on a date with her, a few people made fun of Billy for how he behaved and his frequent fidgeting. (Y/n) did her best to ignore them, usually steering Billy’s attention to taking pictures with his camera, which quickly distracted him from the disgusted glares and snickers from behind the couple. (Y/n) asked Billy to keep taking pictures while she took care of something, watching him leave before she turned to the nasty group of teens.
By the time Billy became bored and came back in, he watched as the teens cried while (Y/n) demanded to be left alone. They all either apologized or let out the last of their insults before leaving. Billy accidentally took a photo as everything played out, making (Y/n) turn to Billy in slight surprise. She let herself take a few deep breaths before going over to Billy, a small smile on her face as she reassured him that everything was alright before they went back to eating, Billy making sure to tell (Y/n) that he was just fine.
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Brahms Heelshire:
Brahms had always adored how shy his darling could be at times. She was always so loving and patient with him, which was perfect since that was exactly what he needed. One day, the grocery boy came by to deliver the groceries that (Y/n) had asked for. As they were talking, Malcolm had made a degrading comment about Brahms, making her quickly slap him before she quickly asked him to get out. He sputtered and tried to apologize, but she was having none of it, telling him that she was fed up with how demeaning he was every time he visited. 
She was about to go on another lecture when Brahms entered the room, making both Malcolm and (Y/n) go quiet as he stepped in front of (Y/n), staring down Malcolm with a deadly look in his eyes. Malcolm soon took the hint, letting out a pathetic apology before he left. Brahms turned his attention to his darling, making sure she was alright before he asked her to make him something to eat, earning a small nod from (Y/n) as she let herself focus on Brahms.
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Bo Sinclair:
Bo always took pleasure in teasing his darling. She was shy and polite, which only made teasing her all the more enjoyable for him. One day, when they had a group of victims passing through Ambrose, (Y/n) began to lose her patience. She remained polite for the most part, but Bo could tell that she was talking through gritted teeth. As the day went on, it seemed that (Y/n)’s patience wore thinner and thinner, not even capable of faking a smile as she told them not to mess with the wax figures yet again. Bo was more than confident that (Y/n) could handle herself, but just in case he stood nearby so she could get him if needed. However, she soon proved herself when one of the teens commented on Bo’s scars. 
She immediately turned around, slapping him as hard as she could before she firmly told him to never talk about his scars ever again, otherwise she would do more than just slap him. This earned a smirk from Bo, a mix of pride and anger in his face as he looked over at the teen, knowing he would enjoy murdering him later.
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Vincent Sinclair:
Vincent had fallen head over heels for his darling. He was just as shy as she was, so they were practically perfect for each other. Vincent would always take time out of his day to check up on his darling. Whether it was to bring (Y/n) something to eat, or to simply spend some time with her, he always looked forward to his short visits with her throughout the day. During one of these short visits, he noticed that she was arguing with Bo. He quickly made his way order, ready to apologize to his brother when (Y/n) lost it, yelling that not everything revolved around his brother, while his brother seemed slightly taken aback. 
He quickly took (Y/n)’s hand, stopping her from escalating the argument before he took her to the basement. He helped her calm down, tracing her hands with his own as he reassured her that everything would be alright, promising to be there when things became too much for her.
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Stu Macher & Billy Loomis:
Stu and Billy had never seen their shy darling blow up at someone ever since they started dating. They never thought they’d see (Y/n) yell at someone, but they watched as she chastised Randy for making jokes about the Woodsboro murders. She told him that they weren’t in one of his stereotypical horror movies, to which Randy shook his head as he tried to argue with her. It wasn’t until he made a joke about Sidney’s mother that she slapped him, causing him to flinch when she yelled at him to get lost.
 Stu and Billy had to hide their knowing looks, going over to their darling to make sure that she was alright before they offered to take her out, wanting to get something to eat before taking her out to the arcade. This seemed to satisfy her, making her smile as the three of them left to have a night out.
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Jason Vorhees:
Jason had always adored his darling for her personality, she was always so caring and loving when it came to him. However, that never meant that she wouldn’t stand up for Jason when she needed to. Jason and (Y/n) had kept Camp Crystal Lake open, and usually worked on keeping the camp grounds clean. (Y/n) had been helping Jason with cleaning up the lake when a few of the kids staying there began to make fun of Jason. (Y/n) did her best to help Jason ignore them, but one kid joked about Jason’s looks, and that’s when (Y/n)’s patience ran out. She turned to them, beginning to yell at them for demeaning Jason while Jason watched in slight surprise. 
He tried to get her to calm down, reassuring her that he was alright, but she refused to let them go unpunished for what they had said. After she felt like they had learned their lesson, she let herself calm down before turning back to Jason, a gentle smile on her face before she asked him what he wanted for lunch, making him swoon for her all over again. She had taken the time to defend him and in the same breath make sure that he was taken care of. He made sure to show his appreciation for her, making her a flower crown with some of her favorite flowers so she knew that he would be there for her too.
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Michael Myers:
Michael had never been good when it came to people. He killed people that he wanted to kill, which was usually everyone. All except his darling (Y/n), she was the one exception. She had intrigued him when he had made an attempt on her life, only for her to offer him something to eat. Since then, Michael had been staying with his darling, leaving every now and then to let out some of his frustration. While coming back from one of these outings, Michael overheard (Y/n) yelling at something, and he couldn’t help but become curious. He walked into the home, gripping his knife in hand as he approached the room she was in before he noticed his darling. 
She was yelling at one of her friends, clearly fed up with their comments on their relationship as she scolded them. Michael never understood why she was still friends with this person, but he found it entertaining that (Y/n) wanted to stand up to them. He waited for them to finish up, watching her friend leave as he placed his knife down, making sure he was mostly clean of blood before he pressed a kiss to her cheek, gently massaging her shoulders as he offered to fix her something to eat.
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Hannibal Lecter & Will Graham:
The two men had known their darling for quite a while, and in all of the time they knew her, she had never had a major blow up. They assumed that she was just more quiet natured, and for the most part that was correct. She never raised her voice out of anger, and while she could stand her ground, she never really liked confrontation. But Hannibal and Will absolutely loved (Y/n), and as long as she wasn’t letting anyone use her for her kindness, they trusted that she could take care of herself. Hannibal and Will were picking up their darling from work when they overheard her yelling at someone. They exchanged a look between each other before walking over to see what had happened, watching as their darling told off one of their coworkers. Hannibal watched with slight amusement as (Y/n) continued to lecture the man, while Will watched with concern, hoping everything would turn out alright as she finished the conversation, heading over to the men when she was done.
“Is everything alright, cara mia?” Hannibal asked, making sure his darling was alright before she nodded, asking to be taken home since she was tired. They happily did so, just glad to have her home.
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Henry Creel:
Henry had always loved his shy little darling. She was sweet and more precious to him than anything else in the world. One day, he had come back shopping when he overheard (Y/n) yelling at someone. He quickly made his way inside, prepared to confront whoever it was that had the audacity to enter his home and make (Y/n) upset, but he quickly paused when he noticed that she was on the phone, currently yelling at someone over the phone. She was talking to one of her friends, fussing at them for insulting her relationship. 
Henry let her wrap up the conversation, finally joining her once she had hung up. (Y/n) was surprised to see Henry there, apologizing for her outburst only for him to shake his head, smirking lightly as he pressed a kiss to her forehead. He was glad to know that she was proud to be in a relationship with him, planning on rewarding her for remaining loyal to him later.
~fin~ author's note: these boys love their shy little darling, but they love the flare that she has when she gets angry! <33
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slasherswifey · 9 months
How you kiss
Part 1
Billy Loomis:
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Stu Macher:
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Thomas Hewitt:
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Michael Myers:
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Henry Bowers:
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Patrick Hockstetter:
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Reggie (Belch) Huggins:
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Victor Criss:
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Brahms Heelshire:
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Norman Bates:
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siblingskissing · 15 days
"How can you like that character? They mistreated/abused/killed your favorite!" Simple: These characters are simply the barbies in my closets. I dress them up and they dance for me and have never done anything wrong because its all pretend
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bella-goths-wife · 7 days
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ladydracula666 · 2 years
All of them are my boyfriends. 🥵🥵
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talknerdytome18 · 3 months
Things I hope to see in the AGGGTM show
Since we now have confirmation that AGGGTM will be released in the Spring (in UK I believe this is March-June; feel free to correct me if I'm wrong), here are things I hope to see!
Pip's "Talk Nerdy to Me" shirt - It's in my username! We must see it!
Zach Chen screen time - Since he didn't do much in the book, I hope to see what he'll do in the series. I do worry that they've merged Ant with Zach since Ant isn't anywhere to be seen in the show and I don't think I can handle Zach being mean. Also, I LOVE Raiko Gohara!
Flashbacks from five years ago - Andie and Sal's relationship, the fight with Elliot and Andie, etc.
Pip calling Stanley Forbes a racist intolerant dickhead - Ngl I'm worried that Stanley has been cut since we never got any news about his casting. A part of me thinks that they're saving him for s2 as you literally can't do Good Girl, Bad Blood without him, thus making him an off-screen character that appears briefly.
More Connor Reynolds - This is partly because I'm in love with Jude Morgan-Collie. Also, because Connor is my favourite character (he's just like me ❤️).
Cara and Pip friendship - That little clip we saw in that video from the bbc of Pip and Cara jumping into the lake makes me hope that we'll get more of them in the show.
Mentions of Jamie Reynolds - Since Jamie is a core character in ggbb, I hope we get mentions of him in the first season. It doesn't have to be anything major; it can just be Connor mentioning him in conversation. I JUST WANT JAMIE REYNOLDS ALREADY 😭
Cara and Pip comforting Lauren after her breakup with Tom - This would be so sweet to see. I don't like Lauren because of ggbb but this would be such an adorable scene to include.
Steph/Cara - If Steph isn't in the show, then I'll cry. She makes my girl Cara happy so I love Steph! If we don't get Steph though... I wouldn't mind Lauren x Cara...
Cara outright stating she's a lesbian - this is just to stop the Cara/Connor shippers. Guys, Cara is clearly a lesbian and Connor is in love with Zach Chen. Stop shipping them 🥰
Zach x Connor - this is literally for me y'all. I just think it would be really neat!
Max Hastings slander - EVERY DAMN SECOND I WANNA SEE MAX GET SLANDERED. No hate to Henry Ashton though! Love Henry but not Max (if you like Max then get tf away from me).
No Body No Crime as the theme song - this probably won't happen since Taylor Swift's music is expensive to use, but a girl can dream.
That's all I have so far. What do you want to see in the show? - Em
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Henry’s real motive
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rosalie-starfall · 1 year
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Carol Kane
The Ready Room
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nocturnalzhagreus · 3 days
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Got tempted by my friend's antics and i decided to also make a relationship chart for Florence and Henry!! :D
This cool template is by @justp34chy <3
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