#gag bag
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From Archie's Gag Bag, Laugh Comics #345 (1979).
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marshallpuptales · 6 months
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dear-ao3 · 6 months
nothing more humiliating than gagging on the x ray thing at the dentist
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krebs-gorlon · 7 months
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comic-covers · 6 months
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archerinventive · 2 years
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🧈 Butter Bags 🧈
I have this friend who really likes butter. One day his wife catches him with a stick of butter in his pocket, because who doesn’t carry around their stick of snack butter right? lol
So after hearing about this, I decide to make him the very first Butter Bag for his birthday.
It comes with a detachable divider for keeping your bricks of golden goodness separated, as well as cutouts at the top for easy access.
So what started as a gag gift has now become a permanent item in the shop so that other butter connoisseurs can always keep their butter close.
That is the tale of the Butter Bags, which can also be used for non-butter-related items.  https://www.etsy.com/shop/ArcherInventive
Wishing you all a delightful Tuesday, and many smiles. 💛
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silk-spun · 8 months
in reference to my last rb, i never understood that bullshit. ‘aaron got elle shot’ lmfao no. his coworker was exhausted and he sent her home to sleep the same way he has done with all of his agents at one point or another. it’s not like she was being solely stalked or targeted or like he had ANY reason to believe it would happen, plus he sent anderson with her TO STAY WITH HER and was immediately springing into action when he realised anderson hadn’t done that. it makes zero sense for anyone to blame aaron, including elle herself. she should know better as a federal agent that sometimes things happen and they’re not anyone’s fault but the person who pulled the trigger. cmon girl
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sharedink · 7 months
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Oliver Warner┊HE IS THE GUY EVER
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witchcraftingboop · 4 months
I don't know if I'm just the worst or what, because this man really invited me over to "cook me dinner," proceeded to make two turkey sandwiches (not washing his hands at all, which I noted), and I watched and I waited until he was done and then went, "Yeah, I didn't want to interrupt when you seemed so focused, but so sorry, um, I'm not eating that. Do you wanna come with me to get pho? My treat since you did all ... that [insert vague gesture at mangled, hand-smooshed sandwiches]." And in his defense, he did only then note that his hands were entirely unwashed from just getting out of work and apologized because they were visibly covered in dirt and grease. I was like it's whatever, it happens, I am hungry though so if you don't get in the car fast enough I will leave you to your car oil buttered sandwiches. Later, at dinner, his knee-jerk response to me studying psychology was to declare that we'll build some mega corporation that focuses on psychology and tech and innovation and rivals Elon, and I politely responded "that sounds god awful, no thank you. I don't live to work, and I'm definitely not interested in building a company from the ground up. If that's your dream, that's great though!" And it struck me only then that hustle culture is still alive and well. It also struck me that when a man says "what do you bring to the table and do you ever see yourself having kids" in one breath, it's like birth control getting IV dripped straight into my veins because I don't think I could've been more dry, I swear if it were possible my ovaries would've physically recoiled. Do not talk to me of building companies and tables and humans when you can't even manage to wash your hands. I was disgusted, flabbergasted, dismayed, and stranded before a bowl of soup and a man with not one crumb of commendable traits
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trans-ruffboi · 10 months
you've heard of MotA damsel kink Anders. now get ready for Gamlen's Greatest Treasure damsel kink Anders
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mixelation · 27 days
How about stews/chillis? Do you also taste the reheated meat taste in it?
I get the reheated taste the most in chicken and pork, it tastes almost oxidized?
yep, i get the reheat taste in most soups (when reheated, ofc). sometimes (but often not) store bought soups are okay; i assume bc of preservatives?
the reheat taste is from oxidation so you're right on! however i have never found another person as sensitive to it as i am and it often leads to me sounding unhinged, especially when i have to stop eating food everyone else thinks is fine. the link describes the taste as "damp dog hair" and that's about right tbh
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bughead-in-the-comics · 4 months
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From Archie's Gag Bag, Archie's Joke Book #252 (1979).
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not-psychotic · 1 month
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1eos · 3 months
character with a contentious relationship with their mother but calling her at their lowest moment and her helping them get back up into the fight, metaphorical or literal, does something to me i must confess
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c1nto · 5 months
excuse me what 😭😭😭😭 he actually put his dick in a bag of popcorn ?!;!?!?
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sonic-adventure-3 · 7 months
important to me that you know squabble rocket jumps
she is always doing stupid stunts that involve excessive amounts of explosives. luckily she's basically incapable of getting hurt worse than a skinned knee or bruise here and there cause she defies the laws of physics. it's a very good thing this is the case otherwise carrion would find ways to murder the inanimate objects she gets hurt on
carrion waits on squabbles every whim gladly and will not make any attempt to stop squabble from doing the dangerous things she wants to, but as long as he’s in the vicinity everything will work out conspicuously perfect
jerryjack thinks squabble is incredibly entertaining and would absolutely never remind her of basic safety precautions. they up the stakes constantly
rig is wholly unaware what's normal for a 12 year old to do so instead of interfering she just offers practical advice like ‘that amount of c4 is unnecessary for what you're trying to blow up. using less will make a better explosion’. despite that, she’s super anal about gun safety (though she does not see any issues with giving squabble a gun in the first place)
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