khaosk · 5 years
Love Bites
My late, I know I’m late for everything and should probably stop tell you about it, entry for Gajevy Love Fest 2019.
Did she have them all covered? Levy continued to examine herself in the full length mirror she had placed in Gajeels closet. She was wearing an orange mock turtleneck that stopped just above her belly button, and a white flowing skirt that skimmed the bottom of her knees. She smiled and felt incredibly cute. And covered. Until she lifted her arms to pull her hair back and saw a purple splotch on her ribs.
“DAMN IT!” Levy flung down her arms.
It was the middle of summer, it was hot, and she might as well put on a damn parka! Letting out a sigh she pulled the shirt over her head and tossed it in a corner. As she turned back to the racks of clothes Levy caught herself once more in the mirror. 
At one time she would have scrutinized, examined, nit picked every inch of herself. Wish her chest was larger, that her ass was smaller, and that she was over 5 foot. But now all she focused on where the damn bruises that covered her upper body. 
Bite marks speckled over her pale skin. They circled around her breast up to her neck and covered parts of her shoulders. As she examined them she put her hands on her hips and cocked them one to the side. As her chest jiggled she couldn’t help but smile. No matter how frustrating they were to hide Levy felt sexy with all those little marks. A definite reminder that she was wanted. Every inch of her was 
“Everything okay?” A deep gravelly voice echoed from the hallway.   
Speak of the devil and he will appear. 
“Levy?” Gajeel froze as he stepped through the doorway caught off guard by his small girlfriend standing topless with only a white skirt hugging those beautifully curved hips. Sudden thoughts of her adding a few bracelets and belly dancing crossed his mind. 
She grinned at him through the mirror watching how his eyes swept over her, and a heat that she loved pulled in her stomach. “See something you like?”
“More like something I love.” Gajeel stepped forward, planning on spinning around his tiny woman and kissing her senseless. 
Instead of a soft body Gajeel felt ropes wrapping around his arms and suddenly found himself on his back with Levy looking smugly down at him. Mavis, was that a view. “What are you doing Lev?” He asked letting a growl slip out, he couldn’t let her know how excited he was.
“Getting revenge.”
Levy gestured to her torso and quickly realized Gajeel wasn’t going to focus on what she wanted him to. “These bites?”
“Oh, those.” He smirked and arched his brow, obviously proud of his work.
“Yes, these.” Levy tried to ignore the fluttering in her stomach at the curve of those lips. “I have no clothes that will cover them all.”
“Than don’t”
“Gajeel! Do you know how much crap I’ll get at the guild? The looks I’ll get?”
“Fuck em.” Another growl slipped from him but this one held some anger. “You’re beautiful, you’re mine, and everyone else in the world can fuck off.”
Levy had though she couldn’t love him any more. She had thought that lots of times actually. That her love for Gajeel had reached its limit, that her body couldn’t hold any more emotions for him. But here she was. Quickly she swallowed back the tears that threatened to spill over, and smiled. “You’re right.”
“What?” Gajeel’s eyes widened as Levy popped one over her legs over him and slowly sank down to straddle his hips. 
“I said, you’re right.” Levy began sliding her fingers up his abs pushing his shirt up and enjoying the way the muscles twitched with each brush of her nails. When she reached the middle of his chest she stopped and added more pressure. “But this feels a little one sided.” Five red lines appeared as she dragged her hand down. 
Gajeel immediately started straining against the ropes. “Lev…”
“No,” Levy grabbed his arms. “It’s my turn.”
A small nod was all he could muster as she placed both her hands on his chest to lean down and capture his lips. It was torture. A soft kiss that involved her teeth pulling and nipping as him, her tongue pushing into his mouth slowly. A complete contrast to how her nails were  digging into his chest and scraping down along his abs then back up. He couldn't help the moans that were starting to spill from him as one of her nails caught his nipple. 
It was hard to suppress the giggle that wanted to bubble up as she heard his moans. Levy didn’t do this often and she didn’t want to give away her position. Focusing back on her goal she began to kiss along his jaw and down to his neck, when she reached a spot that she knew he wouldn’t be able to hide she latched on and bit down, hard.
“Fuck! Levy!” Gajeel gasped and involuntarily bucked his hips. 
She kissed his red skin lightly before speaking. “I’m going to leave you just as marked up as you left me.” 
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whereisthefood123 · 5 years
Two words mightier than iron
Setting: Alvarez arc, before the battle against Bloodman, the chapter/episode of "you're under arrest for complaining too much"
Words: 1.8k
Prompt Lovefest19: Day 2- Kiss me
A/N: It's been a while guys! As usual, I'm late for the event lol! This is for day 2 of Gajevy Lovefest 2019 - “kiss me” @gajevyevents. Thank you so much to @ranunculusfox for beta reading this :D Hope you guys enjoy this little thing I wrote! SFW even if it's for lovefest :)
"Kiss me"
It's a whisper and a clamour. It's a plea and a command. It's everything he wanted to hear and yet Gajeel's world is turned upside down by her words.
Figures. Words have always been her power, her domain, her weapon.
Yet, she doesn't wield them to strike Gajeel down, but he's still close to collapsing on his knees in front of her. Her words are always kind but powerful enough to bring down his iron walls, the ones he had carefully crafted around his heart.
Stay away. His walls had proclaimed a long time ago in cast-iron forged with the fire of his hate and cruelty.
But with each flick of her eyelashes that revealed bright hazel eyes, a new crack appeared on his walls. By the time they were on Tenrou Island, his walls were all but non-existent, yet he still believed he had them. Gajeel needed to believe it, he had survived within these walls; a dragon without a castle is a beast without a purpose. What was the dragonslayer without his barriers but a simple man with nothing to offer but iron fists and roars to the most amazing woman in the world?
Time passed since Tenrou, and he found himself sharing a living space with Levy and Lily in the Council's Headquarters. New walls rose around his heart, taller, mightier, sturdier than before. Instead of hate and cruelty, these new barriers were built from self-hatred and insecurities. She was too good for him, and he was a bastard that didn't deserve the love she was offering him so willingly. Besides, he reasoned, it had everything to do with her angelic nature and not with him; it couldn't be that she loved him. She was someone always willing to love everything. She loved every book, every fictional character she met in the lines of ink and paper, she trusted every stranger on the street and believed the world could be a kind place where anyone would enjoy the simplest things life had to offer, like a cup of coffee shared among friends, or the smell of the early blossoms in spring.
Gajeel loved her for this; he loves her for this. She was so simple and yet so amazingly complicated at the same time. A puzzle his mind and heart were still trying to decipher after all this time, and he enjoyed every single new detail he learned about her. Like how she is not a morning person, or how her smile widens when the early stars shine in the night sky; how her eyes light with something fiercer than the breaths of the fire dragons, or how her soul rejoices when a mission is completed with no major injuries involved.
She was everything he had ever wished for in a life partner yet she was also everything he had never thought he needed. He hated himself for loving her so much and his self-hatred only grew when he was reminded of how they've met. But the simplest things like one of her smiles thrown his way or the blush that tinted her cheeks when he was a bit too close to her, made him believe that maybe he was worth it. That maybe this, whatever it was, was right. That he could spend his life by her side, no labels attached, even when he was oh so willing to go down on one knee and offer her the world, a promise forged in an iron ring. He would be content to be by her side as long as she would let him.
But now, with the war against Alvarez looming over them and the battlefield so close to their campsite, Gajeel felt true fear for the first time in his life. Not even when Metalicana left had he lost his sleep like he did this night. Nightmares were familiar to the mage who wallowed in self-hatred since the Fairy Tail emblem was tattooed on his left shoulder. But this night, he couldn't even close his eyes without seeing the image of a blue-haired fairy lying face down unmoving on a flower field covered by snow and her blood staining deeply into the white layer turning it crimson.
He had sought some comfort in looking at the horizon, making sure no enemy would ambush them as the rest of the team slept snuggled close to the small bonfire to chase away the chill of the night. But he had sensed how restless she was since the moment their journey to the North began. It was no surprise when her shuffling steps came closer to him, the snow crunched under her light feet.
What surprised him were her words. Not that it was something uncommon, yet this time, her words lacked the usual breath of kindness and fierceness laced between each letter. Instead, insecurities traced the shape of her words, faintly reminding him of the essence that strengthens his iron walls. She worried about the battle and feared she wouldn't be strong enough to deal with this enemy. Gajeel could still hear her conviction underneath her self-doubt. She wouldn't back down from the fight, even when she thought the enemy to be extraordinary; she would go all out to protect her guild, her friends, her family.
That's what terrified Gajeel the most. The image of the blue-haired fairy on the flower field covered by crimson snow came back to his mind and he shivered.
Not a chance. He wouldn't let that happen. He would protect her; they would come out victorious from this battle. Fairy Tail would prevail so the iron dragonslayer could spend his afternoons at every bookshop in Magnolia accompanying a short blue-haired fairy in search for the latest novels she craved for so much.
He doesn't really know how to convey this though. Words were always her thing, not his. So, he let his magic flow, and it forms the iron pillars that now surround her. But she isn't afraid, maybe annoyed, but not fearful, not from him, not anymore since that day he took Laxus's lightning strike on her behalf. He leans close to her, maybe too close for someone who swears to be content with just spending time with this tiny fairy, with just being friends with her. Then, he makes a promise, hidden among his weird threats of imprisonment.
Thanks to any deity above she gets it, she deciphers the hidden message as easily as she has decoded ancient tomes. Then, she smiles at him, soft lips tilting up and eyes shining impossibly bright and it's all for him. With no one else around, he takes his time to commit to memory every single detail of her ethereal features. His hands twitch, yearning to hold her, to embrace her so carefully, to get tangled in her soft blue waves and rub gentle circles on her back.
As he's willing his hands to still and his mind to lock away his fantasies, she utters two words and his world turns on its axis as if the ground had exploded under his feet.
"Kiss me," Levy's soft voice commands him. She takes a step forward. He can almost feel her warmth so close to his body.
He notices it, of course, he notices it! How her eyes flick from his eyes to his lips and linger there, longing, yearning for something that could be but requires an enormous amount of courage to reach for it.
Gajeel always prided himself of his strong walls and iron hide. But two words, two words from the fairy that could will any letter to life with a flick of her fingers, had his barriers vanishing. They didn't crumble as Gajeel had expected. No, if they had crumbled to dust it would have been devastating, he would have felt vulnerable, exposed, raw to the world to mock the simple man that hid behind these walls. Instead, her words lifted his walls, they went up in light specs willingly and beautifully until they mixed with the stars above and shone in the galaxies hidden in her hazel eyes. His iron walls had kept the entire world at arms' length, Levy included. But the tender breath infused in her words made him see, for the first time, the path that lay ahead of him, where Levy stood with an extended hand for him to take and a gentle smile on her lips. There was no destruction, no havoc, no despair, there was only peace as his barriers lifted, as the blindfold tied securely around his heart was undone and he could finally see the eyes that shone a bit brighter only when they looked at him.
There is no hesitation when he dissipates the distance between them and leans even closer to her. With their breaths mingling together, he waits for a baited second, searching her eyes for the smallest trace of hesitation.
He finds none.
His lips seal over hers in a gentle caress, while his hands find their purchase at the back of her head and the small of her back. He breathes her in and everything, for once, feels right in Gajeel's life. Everything falls in place. A second that feels like an eternity yet too short for him makes him forget their beginning, his mistakes, his hatred and cruelty, his self-loathing and insecurities, the war looming over them threatening their future. Everything feels right just by holding Levy in his arms and kissing her soft lips with such tenderness that even Gajeel doubted himself capable of.
When their lips part, he looks at her with half-lidded eyes, begging to anyone, anything, that this is real and not just another clever hoax created by his mind. Because he had dreamt about this a thousand times if not more. But never, in all those scenarios, had his mind been able to portray the utter joy that radiates from her smile in this moment. She is beautiful, so full of love, of light, of kindness and oh so willing to share it with Gajeel.
He is such a lucky bastard.
Then, he notices something else. Just a quick flick of his eyes to her lips and he sees it. The promise he's made, sealed on her lips. A promise for a future together, for a family, for happiness.
He cannot hide the smirk that tugs at his lips. She is a cunning little fairy, a renowned script mage across all Fiore. She knows the power of words. And she also knows a kiss to be stronger than words thrown to the wind. No war, no enemy, no disaster would be able to keep Gajeel from tasting his fairy's lips one more time, in a peaceful moment, in the comfort of their shared home, in the quiet of the night.
I love you, Levy.
He lacks the courage, or the ability, or maybe both, to utter the words. But by any divine being that is looking after them, Levy understands him. Words were her prowess and she had learned long ago how to read Gajeel like an open book, her most favourite book.
A/N: Thank you for reading! Hope you enjoy this :) leave a comment/reblog if you did! I'll try my best to write more often now that I have a least chaotic semester haha
WTF (Where's The Food?)
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