#Gajeel has a lot of feelings
emile-hides · 2 years
Hey, requesting a ramble; given the chance what singular thing would you change about Fairy Tale as a show?
What would you change about the fandom?
Blessed with the ability to ramble I'm gonna answer these out of order because one I want to actually go off about and the other I'm trying so hard not to be too negative with.
The fandom itself, I'm surprised to find, is still alive. Mostly for the manga, 100 Year Quest, and the Gajeel spin off apparently. Super cool love that for y'all.
But I think the general Fairy Tail fandom is very... Boring?
I don't want to be mean! Everyone has the right to enjoy fandom however they want of course! This is an attack on no one! Live your life! I love and respect you so much!!
Just like. 90% of the active fandom are infatuated with Natsu/Lucy exclusively, which I don't get at all. Coming from My Hero Academia, I saw how big the cast of this program was and really expected everyone to have their little Blorbo guy with their own niche content. Blurry screen caps and low quality images with "There he is the scrimblo!!" kind of nonsense.
Instead the entire place only cares about the Main Guys Smooching. There's no crack ships, there's no Tono Rabbits Stan accounts, there's no Some Gremlin Blorbo from my shows background character lovers and it's Really jarring?? And boring. Y'all boring.
If I could change anything about the fandom, I'd ask y'all to pick A Guy (gender neutral) and go rabid for them. There's so many guys of so many types in this program. Please fawn over someone other than the main 7.
Okay I'm worried about this post being annoying and too long so what I'd change about the show itself is going under a Read More
Really I want to change a LOT about the program itself. The execution, the treatment of most female characters, everything with Lisanna, the lore behind Magic, the Morals behind Magic. There's a lot to unpack here.
But if I absolutely had to pick one thing to change it's be the character's ages.
I found out recently that Mirajane is 19 in canon. Cana is 18. The oldest woman in the Guild before the 7 year time skip was Evergreen at 20. TWENTY. That's how old Bisca is when she gives birth to Asuka!! (roughly. Asuka doesn't have a canon age but she's somewhere between 5-6 based on how she acts)
I'm twirling this show's timeline on a fork like Spaghetti these girls are going to be 20+ and you're going to like it.
Here's my rough concept so far (this is for the beginning of the series, the wiki list their ending ages, after the two different 1 year time skips and the 7 year stasis)
I want to make Natsu the oldest of the dragon raised dragon slayers, but still roughly the same age as Grey. I'm thinking 23 or 24 for the both of them, with Gajeel close behind at 22, and Laxus just ahead at 25 or 26.
Lucy I want to be the youngest current member, so she can stay at 17-18, but I also want Erza to be young compared to the Raised By The Guild squad, so she's 19, maybe? Levy's 20-21, Cana's 23, and Juvia is 19-20, like Erza.
Mira gets the most change because I just think she should be pushing 30, maybe 27 or 28. Elfman about 3 or 4 years younger at 24 or 25, to keep him Grey/Natsu aged. Lisanna has about the same age gap, 3 or 4 years, making her somewhere between 20 and 22.
I really jangled up the Thunder Legion because apparently Bickslow is the oldest at 22 in canon. He's still 22 in this version but now he's the Thunder Baby. I wanted to keep Freed around the same age as Laxus, so 25, and Evergreen the same age as Mira, maybe a tad younger at 26-27. I like the idea of Bickslow being the youngest anyway, he's big but young and it fits with his personality. I'm tempted to make him 18, but your 20's are age of being dumb anyway so it's fine.
Macao and Wakaba are in their mid 30's at the beginning of the series, Reedus in his early 30's on par with Mira maybe older, with Warren, Max, and Mest all near mid 20's I think. I don't have exact numbers for them because I don't really know if they're meant to be Natsu's peers or not, but they all seem pretty young and stupid. Jet and Droy are the same-ish age as Levy, 20-22, with Jet being a year younger than them.
Wendy's hard because apparently she's 12 when we meet her, but she doesn't change at all in the next 2 years, which simply isn't how being on the cusp of puberty works. But I don't have as much wiggle room as I do with everyone else sense she's at the stage where she should be growing a lot so I'll just keep her 12-13.
Unrelated but Sting and Rouge being the same age as Wendy is the reason I hate the 7 year stasis thing. We deserve more age diversity in dragon slayers, I say. They can't all be a brisk 18, that's boring. Also how old is Erik??? Genuine question I cannot get a read on him.
The exceeds are also hard but it bothers me that supposedly they all hatched at the same time when they were supposed to be an entire lost generation (which for humans is about 20 years, cats about 2 years). Unfortunately I don't have a scale for how long they are expected to live, what their incubation period is like, how long their infancy to adulthood is, if Happy and Carla are even considered child bearing aged adults in their society at their canon age of 6, etc.
Still I think there should be a few years or so between them, so in order oldest to youngest of Earthland born Exceeds it's goes; Carla, Samuel, Lector, Happy, and Frosch. Also I wanna add right here unrelated to anything, Nadi is my second favorite Exceed, right behind Samuel. I love them.
I realize this causes a collection of problems with how the timeline reads, but considering the constant usage of 7 years never really came up in a meaningful way I am more than happy to tear that consistency apart.
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kurogane-redfox · 1 year
Underneath the cold November sky I'll wait, for you As the pages of my life roll by I'll wait, for you I'm so desperate just to see your face Meet me in this broken place
Hold me now I need to feel you Show me how To make it new again There's no one I can run to And nothing I could ever do I'm nowhere if I'm here Without you
Even if you take it all away I'll wait, for you Even when the light begins to fade I'll wait, for you I'm so desperate calling out your name Meet me in this broken place
Hold me now I need to feel you Show me how To make it new again There's no one I can run to And nothing I could ever do I'm nowhere if I'm here…
I'm tired, of running And wrestling with these angels I lay down My life and I surrender
Hold me now I need to feel you Show me how To make it new again There's no one I can run to And nothing I could ever do
Hold me now I need to feel You Show me how To make it new again There's no one I can run to And nothing I could ever do I'm nowhere if I'm here Without you
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happilychee · 9 months
fairy tail dragon slayer headcanons pt. 1
♡ what the first gen and second gen dragon slayers eat is pretty self-explanatory. all of their elements are... somewhat tangible. sting and rogue though? they're still figuring it out. rogue wonders if he can eat someone else's shadow, and sting immediately volunteers himself. "for science!" he says. the result is that sting almost passes out. oops. he insists they try on their friends, much to rogue's displeasure. the results are that sting is the most susceptible, then yukino, rufus, orga, and minerva is the least susceptible to magic drainage. sting insists rogue tries to eat an inanimate object's shadow, and nothing happens to it, so they decide that's the way to go.
♡ when wendy eats air, the oxygen levels thin. she has to be careful or she'll cause her allies and enemies alike to pass out. when sting eats light, the area gets darker and darker. this is great for rogue, who starts eating the shadows, and they manage to balance each other out.
♡ sting insists that different types of light taste differently. his favorite is light from golden hour, right when the sun is dipping below the horizon. moonlight will do in a pinch, but it's so diluted that it takes way more of it to recover sting's magic. he also gets sick if he eats too much moonlight.
♡ pantherlily already has transformation magic and enhanced strength, and carla learns to transform so she can help wendy fight. the other three exceeds feel... a little left out. happy learns how to fly faster and for longer (though he still complains about lucy being heavy). lector goes to porlyusica and wendy to learn some stamina regeneration spells for sting. everyone is surprised when frosch, completely on their own, manages to learn an adorable light spell that creates floating pink bubbles. rogue can consume the shadows from them without worrying about draining frosch's magic, and he spends the entire afternoon crying about it.
♡ dragon slayers are a bit like crows. their way of bonding with someone is through gifting trinkets. natsu will bring lucy, erza, and even gray pretty rocks or seashells that he's found on jobs. wendy picks up a new craft or hobby every week, so the members of fairy tail are constantly recieving handmade accessories from her (gajeel helps during the metalsmithing phase). gajeel does not buy cute things for people. he is like a dad in the fact that, when juvia mentions she wants watermelon, he buys her 20 watermelons. walking math problem fr.
♡ laxus has mixed feelings about his more draconic features and habits. he's never loved his magic because of the way he got it, and the memory of his father basically torturing him as he inserted the lacrima will stay with him forever. he tends to suppress dragon instincts more than anyone else in the group, and they all scold him for it. on a rare occasion, laxus will give in and buy something shiny (like a hairclip) for wendy. she has a little jewelry box for them that she guards fiercely.
♡ cobra considers himself more of a flying snake than a dragon. he once drew a picture that sent everyone into a laughing fit. he prefers to stick with the old oración seis crew, but the guild dragon slayers are always happy to see him when he stops by with crime sorcière.
♡ sting, because of his heightened senses and his affinity for light, prefers nighttime. the day can often be overwhelming, and overexposure to bright settings and lots of people leaves his skin buzzing. he likes to sit in the dim guild hall, leaning against the cool stone wall, as the chatter of the crowd quiets down with the setting sun.
♡ dragon slayers all have the Bite instinct. some exercise a degree of control about it, and others go crazy with it. wendy will very gently nibble on erza or mira's arm when she's in the mood, and sometimes she does it absentmindedly. natsu, on the other hand, is an absolute menace. multiple of erza's armor sets have natsu-shaped bite marks on them. he tends to go after her the most because he knows he won't hurt her with the armor. when natsu's more calmed down, he will chomp on lucy's shoulder. gajaeel copes by eating all of fairy tail's silverware (mira starts buying ceramic spoons), but when levy offers her wrist to him he can't help it.
♡ rogue is another one who doesn't really bite people. he, very rarely, nips at frosch's ears, which causes the exceed to giggle. sting is a Biter like natsu, but with slightly more decorum. he really wants to go at it but will restrain himself because most people aren't willing to be treated like a chew toy. luckily for him, gray and cana aren't most people! because they both wear pretty exposing clothing, gray and cana have no qualms about showing off sting's bite marks on their skin. sting always turns bright red when they tease him about it.
♡ laxus and cobra don't really feel the Bite instinct due to being second gen, but cobra is a little shit and bites people for the fun of it. laxus is completely unbothered when natsu clings to him like a koala and gnaws at him.
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captainuranium543 · 2 months
Naming headcannons for the main ship's kids that nobody asked for (no gruvia though I'm sorry but I don't have any ideas for them)
- Lucy would want to name one of her kids Layla I firmly believe that
- I don't agree with most names I see cuz it seems like most of the time it's just a remix of the names natsu or Lucy HOWEVER Luna is literally just nalu in reverse and that is too fucking funny to me not to include
- I think that a lot of the names Lucy would like would be things from story books she read when she was younger, I imagine her kids names would be Shakespearean (not unheard of in fairy tail ie. titania) or from some other famous literature.
- this is kind of a weird one but for some reason I firmly believe all of the names they would like would be 2 syllable ones, nothing more or less I don't know why but it feels right.
-Natsu is a little harder to imagine what he would like as a name but I think honestly as long as it sounded good like was a good sounding word he'd be happy.
I think they'd like the name hana, no reason why I just think they would
- as opposed to the nalu 2 syllable names I think they're kids would all have very short, one syllable, names. It just feels right.
- I think the names for their kids would be made up words. As in names that don't exist. This is because the names they like would all be in ancient dead languages that levy studies or in ancient draconic which gajeel has been learning (in my head its real)
- if they end up having twins like in the mashima art I think.levy would name one kid and gajeel would name the other
- I like the sound of the word Chen, idk what it would mean but it's sounds right so fuck it it means smth cool af in draconic
- this is a little unrelated but honestly I think they'd have the most kids because they adopt almost exclusively, these 2 are building a fucking sports team, single handedly running orphanages out of business.
- also I think they'd keep erzas last name, all their kids would have the last name scarlet because it's special to both of them in a way and jellal likes it.
- oldest kid is def named simon I do not take criticism
- other names would all be star based names that jellal thought of (He is in charge of naming because erzas idea of a good name is like bladestorm the obliterator or smth)
- Rigel, Carina and Juno are some names I think they'd use HOWEVER every single fucking kid has a middle name that is some kind of weapon because erza needs to win at least a little.
- welcome to the world, little Simon double edged Battle Axe Scarlet
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newtthetranswriter · 3 months
Hi! I saw you were wanting some requests, and I was wondering if I could request some fluffy headcannons for Gajeel, Bickslow, Freed, and Gray?? The idea I have is for a female reader who's either as physically strong or a little stronger than them, really well built from training to get to that point. Like a lot of people, sometimes she gets insecure about how she looks, and sometimes she feels like she has too much of a more stereotypical masculine build. So I was wondering if you could do some headcannons about what the guys would do to make sure she knows she's perfect the way she is in their eyes? You don't have to if you don't want to, of course. Either way, I appreciate you even looking at the request!
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A/n: Hi! Thank you so much for the request. I hope I captured what you were hoping for. Anyways enjoy and remember to hydrate or diedrate.
Gajeel does not care how strong you are or how muscular you look, as long as you are happy he’s happy.
He’s not the best with words so if you’re having a bad day he will first offer to do things with you
“Do you want to spar?” or “We could go out?” His goal is to try and get you out of your head by shifting your focus elsewhere.
If going to do something doesn’t work, be ready for physical affection
He will hug you like his life depends on it and if the hug doesn’t work he’s got back up plans
Back up plan number one, placing kisses to every part of your body that makes you feel insecure
Every kiss holds so much love that he hopes you understand just how much you mean to him
Back up plan number two, this is really his last ditch effort because again this man sucks at expressing things verbally
He will stumble over his words as he explains that he loves every single thing about you and how proud he is that you chose to work so hard to be exactly who you want to be
Gajeel over all is just a super caring guy, he’s just not the best at verbally explaining things so bare with him
Bickslow definitely has his moments
He comes off as someone who can’t take anything seriously and so at first he may not realize when you’re having a hard time
His go to is making jokes and trying to lighten the mood, when that doesn’t work he’ll take moment to think
Once he realizes why you aren’t feeling the best he goes into straight comfort mode
Expect hugs and compliments, some compliments may be on the more suggestive side but he’s trying
Also expect his dolls to try and comfort you as well, mostly just floating closer to you and repeating Bickslow’s words of affirmation
Bickslow definitely takes a more silly approach at first, but be patient he’ll figure it out
Freed is probably the most direct of the men on this list
He’s super observant so he would easily pick up on the fact that you aren’t feeling great
Instead of trying to reassure you through physical affection or sweet compliments, he’s more straight forward
He’ll tell you straight up that you are perfect the you are and being strong is nothing to feel bad about
He will also express how no matter what anyone else may say about your appearance  you will always be perfect in his opinion
Again Freed is very direct and straightforward, but if his direct approach doesn’t work well he will fold and dish out kisses and hugs to help you feel better
I think we can all agree Gray is also not great with his words
He would fumble over ways to make you feel better before settling on one of three plans
First plan, offer to spar and express how great it is to be on equal footing with you
Second plan, physical affection. Kisses and hugs that express his love for you
Third plan, words of encouragement. Directly complimenting you and how strong you are.
If he’s going with plan three he is definitely going to use Erza as an example, afterall she is the perfect example of a strong beautiful women
He’s not doing it to compare you to her but just to show you that you aren’t the only one and you don’t need to feel bad about being more muscular than others.
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cecenyss · 16 days
You know people complain a lot about how NaLu never sails but I don’t think that we appreciate Fairy Tail as a series where romance basically never happens.
The only ships I can think of being portrayed as explicitly romantic—even if they never actually happen they’re clearly meant to be interpreted as romantic—are Gray/Juvia, Elfman/Evergreen, Jellal/Erza, Levy/Gajeel,,,, literally wracking my head and I can’t think of anything else. Which yeah four main ships sounds like a lot but there are so many characters in Fairy Tail they introduce new people every arc and most of them come back later. All of them have fans that adore them. And these are the only real ships I can think of.
Maybe Erik/Kinana? But I don’t remember ever seeing that confirmed in the anime. I think it might’ve been said in 100yq but idk I never got very far.
Anyway my point is romance is basically never the main focus and that’s such a breath of fresh air. And the ships that are there never really feel like they’re just there to be ‘in love’ their relationship always has some weight to it
Gruvia is is I think the worst of them and even then Gray means a lot to Juvia in a real way outside of her nonsensical obsession with him, he chased the rain away and that’s significant.
It’s just like,,, idk. Media is always so romance focused and it’s so nice to have something that isn’t. I think that’s why I keep going back to it
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floertoer · 5 months
au where juvia is in love with lucy instead of gray (working title)
warning for juvia being an unreliable narrator
Juvia listens as Master Ivan drones on and on. The Master always got so worked up when it came to Fairy Tail and while most of her guildmates could avoid listening to his annoying rants it seemed like no one could escape them these days. A lot of his rants focused on the Master of Fairy Tail but now some of them focused on a girl. Lucy Heartfilia, runaway daughter of railway tycoon Jude Heartfilia. Juvia hardly has any interest in the world of business but the heiress of one of the richest men in the world running away to join a mage's guild is the type of gossip that hooks anyone. It sounds like a plot to a romance novel. The rich heiress running away to be with her mage lover. Juvia wonders if that's what Lucy did. Why else would a girl give up a life of luxury if not for love?
"Have I made myself clear?!" Ivan shouts. Juvia nods, then looks around to the rest of the Element Four (and Black Steel Gajeel, of course). Gajeel looks bored out of his mind, which is typical for when he's not fighting or scheming. Sol and Totomaru look as out of it as Juvia feels. They all must've heard this lecture a million times by now. Even Aria, the most diligent member of their group, looks tired of the same message. "Alright, and remember you must not mess this up! If you do..." Master Ivan's threat lingers in the air before he takes his leave. He always says goodbye with an "or else".
A few moments after the Master exits. Sol approaches her. "Hello Miss Juvia. Shall we take our leave?"
Juvia nods. She wasn't really listening to what the Master said but she assumes she's been assigned a mission with Sol. Sol peers at her for a moment before smirking. "Do you even know what we are supposed to be doing, Miss Juvia?"
"Ever perceptive Sol. No, I don't," she admits.
Sol chuckles. "Don't worry, Miss Juvia. Sol will regale to you the Master's mission for us, without all the cursing of Fairy Tail."
"I appreciate it," she replies. This is friendly, she thinks. She's not close to any of her guildmates, besides Gajeel, maybe, but being on a team makes you closer to someone. So this is friendly, Juvia decides.
As the two Phantom Lord members comb the streets of Magnolia for the Heartfilia heiress, Juvia wonders about the girl. Juvia has never met a rich girl before but in all the romance books the rich girl is usually the love rival of the main character. Someone spoiled, mean, and overall terrible for the love interest. Juvia wonders if the girl is like that.
"Miss Juvia, just ahead is Miss Heartfilia. I'm not sure how close any of her guildmates are so make sure to take her as quickly as possible," Sol says. Juvia nods and watches Sol sink into the floor.
Juvia is gloom incarnate. "Drip, drip, drop," she chants, as she nears the girl. Wherever she goes the rain follows. When she lays her eyes on the girl her first thought is, "She belongs in the sun." Her second thought is, "She's pretty," and her third is, "Oh no, she's pretty."
Juvia pauses. She's unsure how to proceed. The girl looks confused, she's probably wondering where the rain came from. Her hand is on the pouch sitting on her waist. "Hello?" she asks, "Have we met?"
When she speaks Juvia feels a rush of emotion. Just looking at this girl sickens her to the core. This girl probably has boy after boy falling at her feet. She probably hates the rain, and never has to worry about spending the night alone. Sol pops out of the ground. "Miss Juvia, you are aware this is Miss Heartfilia, correct?" he asks.
The girl's eyes widened. "You're from Phantom Lord!" she shouts, judging from the way her hand hasn't left the pouch on her waist she already knew that. She reaches into the pouch and Juvia clenches her teeth. She lifts her hand up and casts a spell. "Water lock!"
The girl is encased in a sphere of water and drops a ring of keys onto the floor. Sol chuckles, "You know you're a high price target. I suppose it makes sense that any father would pay a fortune to see their child again." Juvia knows Sol is just saying it to rile her up and it works. The girl glares at him and then her. Juvia wonders if she also made that face at her father. She wants to ask why she ran away, if it really was for a boy. She wants to know how many boys she has in her life, and she wants to know how the sun feels on her skin, but she doesn't ask anything. When the girl passes out from oxygen deprivation she releases the spell and watches as Sol catches her body. "That was easy," he says. Juvia looks away from him and the girl.
The next time Juvia thinks about that girl she's facing down her guildmate. Gray is handsome, he's exactly her type, in fact. Cold, beautiful, and someone who doesn't mind getting wet. She doesn't want to fight him, even if she did there's no point. None of these Fairy Tail wizards will beat the Master or Gajeel. She tries to exit the fight, but then he's taking off his shirt, and she can barely look at him. She thinks it must be fate. What are the odds she meets an ice wizard this forward?
But then he brings up that girl, Lucy. He says he'll protect her with his life. Is this the guy she ran away for? Is this her lover? Just the thought of the two together makes Juvia's blood pressure rise. This is every romance novel she's ever read. That girl is exactly who she thought she was and Juvia has decided she hates her.
Juvia fights Gray and she loses but just as she thinks her life is over and she's going to fall and splatter on the pavement like a raindrop, he saves her. Her charming prince saves her. Nobody's ever reached out to Juvia before and this single act fills her heart with so much joy that the clouds part, and for the first time in her life she looks at the clear sky. The sun is warm on her skin and she looks at the one who saved her. He says something about the sky but Juvia can't hear him over the ringing in her ears. Juvia smiles, this must be what love is. She's never been more overwhelmed, her last thought before passing out is, "I wonder how that girl looks in the sun."
Juvia wakes up alone with the sun in her face. For the first time, Juvia's not upset that she's alone, not when she has the sun. Juvia has a new direction in life and it's facing Gray... and that girl. Or at least that's how it feels to Juvia. Gray is a clearly popular person, always surrounded by his guildmates but it seems like he seeks that girl out in particular. It's like he can't stay away from her. It drives her mad how often the two will just sit and talk like they're on a... date! or something. So now Juvia knows a whole bunch of things she doesn't care about, like that girl's favorite milkshake, her aspirations as a writer, and how the sun shines on her golden hair.
It's even worse when another one of the guys that girl has wrapped around her finger brings her tickets to a water park. That girl is going to be taking Gray to a water park, where she'll be wearing a swimsuit. Her in a swimsuit, just walking around, maybe she'll even wear a bikini. Gray won't be able to resist her, not that it's Gray's fault. She is clearly purposefully tempting him. Juvia can just cry thinking about it, who would be able to resist her?
So Juvia follows them to the water park and it's just as awful as she expected. It's like that girl didn't even want to give Gray a chance. It's not fair that some people are just gorgeous. Everything gets a little better when the hotel is attacked and Juvia has a chance to save Gray. As she has Gray safe in her body all she can think about is how jealous that girl is going to be. Juvia watches her fret over Gray for a second before revealing her scheme. "Are you jealous?" Juvia asks.
"Not really, no," she responds. Juvia frowns as Gray pulls himself from under her. That... is not at all what she expected, and she's really disappointed. Maybe the reason she's not jealous is because she knows how Gray feels for her. She's so arrogant she doesn't even view Juvia as a threat! Yeah, that's definitely what it is, Juvia tells herself.
It's probably petty what she does next but Juvia can't help it. It's nice to mess with that girl because every moment she's annoyed with Juvia is one less moment she's interacting with Gray. Although it definitely doesn't help that she changes clothes right in front of Gray. Juvia thought she was raised as an heiress but she has no decorum it seems.
She needs to remember she didn't just come here to stalk Gray, she came to prove that she can be useful to Fairy Tail as well. It's like whenever she's around that girl she's all Juvia can think about it. Just another annoying thing about her, Juvia supposes.
It's just her luck that she ends up alone with her. To make matters even worse an enemy appears. That girl, Lucy, shouts over the music that Juvia should handle it, which she agrees to. "Water lock," she casts.
"Wow, so cool! That's to be expected of a member of the Element Four!" Lucy compliments. Juvia doesn't respond but she preens inside. It's nice to be acknowledged, even by your rivals. The man, Vidaldus, absorbs her water lock.
Juvia steps back in shock. "Wha- how did you break through Juvia's spell?" Vidaldus explains how his hair can absorb all water. How is it possible for Juvia to face the only opponent who can counter her?
He says something about succubi and then points at Juvia. This can't be happening. Juvia wishes she had been unconscious at least because the pain was unbearable. Juvia could only watch helplessly as her body said and did things she never would. Even though Juvia saw Lucy as a rival she never wanted to beat her like this. It was wrong, it wasn't befitting of a Fairy Tail mage. "Lucy, Lucy," she calls, even though she wasn't sure anyone could hear her. "Juvia is so sorry. Juvia never wants to hurt her friends, although it might be presumptuous to call you my friend. Juvia has really grown to love Fairy Tail! Even when it's raining outside the guild is always so warm and sunny inside. Juvia wanted to join Fairy Tail but now... Juvia thought she could get along with everyone but she always brings sadness." If Juvia was in control of her body she would cry.
Lucy crashes into the floor. "Juvia!" Lucy shouts, "Fairy Tail will always accept someone who sheds tears for their friend! And thanks to you I have an idea!"
When Juvia's body goes to attack Lucy once more she plunges a gate key into her body. "Open Gate of the Water Bearer, Aquarius!"
In a flash of golden light Aquarius appears and floods the room. Juvia gasps, as she gains control over her body once more. "Juvia!" She hears Lucy call.
"Over here!"
"Juvia!" she shouts, and reaches out her hand.
"Lucy!" Juvia shouts back, reaching for her hand as well. Lucy grabs her hand and Juvia feels alive. She feels like the sun is rushing through her veins. Lucy's magic mixes with hers in the most intimate way possible. The two girls shout as they pull off a Unison Raid.
When the two touch the ground again they both embrace each other. "We did it!" They cry. As Juvia hugs Lucy she can't help but notice, "You're warm. I think this is the first time a girl has never hated me." Even after all I did to you, she wants to say, but can't bring herself too. She doesn't want Lucy to wake up and realize who she's celebrating with.
"Don't go celebrating just yet!"
The two girls squeal and look back to see the water spirit Lucy summoned.
"Never summon me in a freaky place like that again! You hear me?!" the spirit shouts.
"Of course, Aquarius," Lucy squeaks.
The spirit, Aquarius, scoffs. "I'm going on a vacation with my boyfriend for two weeks. Don't call on me. You should get one too y'know. Although for you it's easier said than done," she says before disappearing.
"Wow. It's not like I'm looking for one anyway," Lucy says.
Juvia tries to not let the shock show on her face. With how many boys that are tripping over themselves to date Lucy, Juvia's surprised her spirit would make a comment like that. "Love's important," she manages to say.
Lucy sits down and lies back in the water. The room's no longer flooded but it's still high enough she can semi-float on the water. "Since we took down that creep this Jellal guy isn't gonna have it so easy."
Juvia's surprised Lucy said 'we'. Juvia had assumed Lucy is the type to take all the credit, not that she would be wrong to do so right now. Juvia didn't do anything except get possessed. "It's your victory."
Lucy looks over at her with a smile. "Nah, it was the both of us. I couldn't have done it without you." Juvia blushes at the, in her opinion, undeserved praise. "Also you called me Lucy back there. It made me really happy that we could be friends."
Juvia freezes. Friends...
The word is dancing circles around her brain. No one has ever referred to her as a friend before. No one has ever wanted to be. Her first friend. Lucy is her first friend. She's someone's friend. Juvia tears up and then starts to bawl. "My eyes... they're raining!"
Lucy laughs, and it sounds like wind chimes. A sound that get carried by the wind and makes everyone smile when they hear it. "That's a cute way to put it."
Cute... Juvia is cute.
"Come lay back. We should take it easy for now. We just won!"
Juvia lays in the water with Lucy. She looks over at Lucy, who has her eyes closed, and watches her face. Looking at her so closely make Juvia realize why she infuriated her before. Lucy is everything she isn't. Lucy is like spring. She's a sunny day, a meadow full of flowers, she's...
Juvia's eyes widened, she has spent a concerning amount of time watching Lucy but this thought has never occured to her before. Lucy being so popular and well liked bothered her. Lucy being liked by Gray even more so. She had thought it was because she liked Gray and Lucy was a rival for Gray's affections but all this time Lucy had never shown that type of interest in him. So why did Lucy make her so upset?
A blush crawls up Juvia's face, the answer seems so obvious now. Juvia isn't in love with Gray. She's in love with Lucy.
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May be weird but- nsfw headcanons about the dragon slayers' kinks?
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Rare to get a solely ns/fw ask. I should reward your bravery.
No, Wendy will not be in this, so freaks should feel welcome to leave. But also neither will Acnologia (because I hate him and never managed to get invested) or any dragonslayer introduced afterward.
Tumblr removed colors like yellow and black from the color text bar, so now I'm experiementing with color change text HTML and you all just have to deal with that. Oh well.
...is a huge masochist. He wants claw marks, he wants bite marks, and he wants a lot of them.
...loves loves loves the motion aspect of sәx. The touching, the fucking, the back and forth. Whether it's with a man or a woman, he loves that.
...adores giving orạl. He and Gajeel are very similar in this regard.
...loves having his nἰpples played with and tweaked. Please please please do this to him.
...likes it when his ass is slapped, spạnked, grabbed, etc. Women should feel free to use it as a handhold, and men and/or women who peg should feel welcome to make it sting.
...is a crazy sadomasochist. He loves getting hurt and he loves giving a little pain, too.
Bite him, claw him, did I mention bite him? But also--make him work for it. He loves a bratty sub and if anything, gentleness and demureness turn him off. That stuff's for after sẹx, not during.
He loves to make a bitch gag. If you've got the mettle, test the metal.
Gajeel treats his body like a canvas and a work of art in one. You don't need to treat his piercings or tattoos as something exotic, but when you explore his body, explore it. Make him feel sẹxy. He's a musclebound death metal punk god, enjoy it.
Yes, he can use his magic to manipulate his own body during the nasty, and frequently will if he thinks he can get away with it. Fingers, tongue, all sorts of things he can do...
If you're a man, everything said above applies double. Gajeel loves to break a bitch in, so to speak, and the more you fight him for dominance, the happier he is to fight back and make you beg.
Of course, if you are the 1% who can top him..........respect that privilege. But also take advantage of it. But also don't you dare disrespect him. But also make him a wh∂re and a sinner.
He, much like Natsu, loves to do orạl. He's especially fond of eating the peach and very very good at it.
...Has a much wider range of topping styles but is still just as much into domἰnation as Gajeel is. That's a big musclebound man with respect issues. What you see is what you get.
Body w∂rship him. Muscle w∂rship him. Do it. Just do it. It goes over very very very very very well.
He's big on kissing. Neat and romantic or messy like a wh∂re, he just likes kissing.
He is the number 1 ass eater of them all. He will bury his face into a fine ass and eat it like a full course meal. His face is the comfiest chair you'll find on Ishgar.
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He loves shower sẹx. Absolute favorite way to fuck, and it can be super gentle and sẹnsual or rough and loud and harsh.
Not the highest libἰdo, not like Natsu or Sting, but he can still get down and go down pretty frequently. Including right after a hard fight. He can be outright wounded and might still decide the bedrest period could use some intimate healing, so to speak.
He will spạnk. He will smack that ass. In public and in private.
Every double-D rack in existence was meant to be fucked. Including his own.
His nastiest kἰnk is that every once in a while, once in a blue moon, he likes to cɥm on his partner's face. Just cover 'em in white sugar. Especially if he can convince them not to wipe it off right away.
He will pull your hair.
...might snap some pics in the middle of the act. With permission, of course.
Equal parts c∂cky flirty top and control freak dom. He's not into bondage, but he makes up for it by being unrepentant in how in-charge he is in the sack.
He's into being c∂ck worshipped. Make it needy and nasty.
He can hear his partner's thoughts, so it's not like they can hide anything from him. But he still gets a rush out of drawing out every last beg and plea and thought they're ashamed to say like it's confessional.
I've said it before, I'll say it again, he bites harder and more than any other dragon slayer. It's a fact any partner has to deal with. He can leave a scar if he's not careful...or if he really likes someone.
Like Laxus, he will also try to cɥm on his partner's face. The difference is, he will make absolutely sure to try and get it in their hair, too, just to make sure they're completely ruined and belong to him after that. And you better thank him for it.
Sting (aka the hoe)...
...Absolutely loves it up the ass. I know that probably doesn't qualify as a kink on its own, but he's so into getting the pipe laid that he is Fiore's number 1 supporter of strap-∂ns and women who peg.
He can deepthr∂at and loves opportunities to do so.
He's fond of anonymity and masks, ironically enough. But he has trouble engaging with this kἰnk because everyone he could indulge it with tends to be into heavy roleplay or time-intensive games, which he doesn't have the patience for.
Maybe he has a brӗӗding kἰnk maybe he doesn't. Shut up.
He's a size queen. Give him the biggest tool you can find and he'll be as delighted as you can conceive.
You know what? He's also into tӗabạgging. Nasty fucker.
Out of all the dragonslayers, he's the one most receptive to multiple partners/xyz-somes. He loves being in the middle of one big h∂rny party.
He has kἰnks for glἰtter, body paint, and neon.
Any place where there's water is a place for two-person pool parties. Tub, shower, pools, beaches, hot tubs. He stays sanitary about it, of course.
The sole dragonslayer distinctly into b∂ndage. He loves being tied up and tying someone up.
He is into subbing, and being used, but not disrespected. His favorite doms/tops combine gentleness and charity with absolutely nasty freakiness.
He loves sẹx in the dark, and not being able to see, having to listen and feel his way through sẹx. He can do it anonymous, like Sting, or just have the lights off. Except...he can actually see really well in the dark, so he has to use a blindfold.
Blood play? Maybe a little bit.
Dirty talk to him, it goes over very well.
Chains turn him on. Doesn't even have to be in bed--if he sees a guy with a silver chain on his chest, or a girl with a silver chain hanging from her waist...he goes crazy.
No place where sẹx can be had will ever offer him as much as the floor.
Leather also makes him go crazy, wear lots of it for best results.
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oh oh oh i’ve got one :D
guild members’ relationships with makarov headcanons!
Omg this is gonna get me so emotional! This post is gonna be so long holy shit
Makarov knows that these kids are super traumatized when they come to him. That's why he dresses like a funny little jester man. He doesn't want to scare them when they first join
He always takes the time to get to know and work with each kid that joins the guild. Makarov will take that child under his wing for the first week just to make sure they are comfortable
A lot of the members genuinely refer to him as their grandpa/dad (depending on which generation).
Makarov was still figuring out how to deal with children when Cana first joined. He feels he didn't do a good job at helping her when she first came
Cana, of course, disagrees and thinks the old man did a great job at helping her out when she joined
Cana has a ton of respect for him so when he asks her to cut down on drinking. She does so without question. (cutting down meaning drinking one barrel of liquor instead of two)
The two of them do regularly drink together tho
Gray goes to Makarov for advice the most out of the guild members. He really struggles with making the right decisions and Makarov is always there to listen with only minor judgement
Gray feels super indebted to Makarov. Even tho Makarov tells him all he wants for any of his kids is to live long and happy lives
Erza gave Makarov the most trouble when joining the guild. He had no idea how to get through to her. She was always polite and listened to him, but he couldn't get her to open up for the life of him
He just desperately wanted to make the little girl smile. The first time Erza smiled at him, he bawled his eyes out
Erza always makes sure to shoot him a smile when she enters the guildhall now
Natsu decides that since Makarov found him, he now owes Makarov his life. Makarov nearly has to beat it into Natsu that he does not owe him anything and that he is not to lay his life down for Makarov
Natsu then decides to live by the rule: 'you saved my life so now I'm your problem'
Natsu has so much respect for Makarov it's not even funny. But Natsu's love comes with a price. And that price is constant headaches
Mirajane actually didn't like Makarov all that much at first. She appreciated him bringing her family to the guild but she thought he was too lax with how he ran the place
The two of them really bonded after Lisanna's death
Lisanna adores Makarov. She's one of the few people who can catch him off guard and tackle him in hugs (it happens a lot. you'd think he'd catch on by now)
Elfman views Makarov as the perfect man. He wants to be like him. Makarov insists Elfman should find better role models
Mystogan views Makarov as his father. He cannot imagine anyone else who deserves the title
Mystogan's biggest regret was not being able to tell Makarov how much he appreciated everything he did for him
Bisca and Alzack were so upset that Makarov wasn't there for their wedding that they ended up getting remarried just to have him be a part of it
Every time Makarov compliments Gajeel, Gajeel has to fight back tears. He worked so hard to earn Makarov's trust and respect so now every time the guy is nice to him its almost enough to send Gajeel into a sobbing mess
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fairy-heart-magic · 1 year
Dragon Slayer Head-Cannons
All of the dragon slayers are extremely creepy, they unnerve the hell out of other people just by being around them. Part of it is their appearance with pointed ears, dragon like eyes, the nails which seem more like claws and strange marks upon their skin but there’s more to it than that. The way they hold your stare, the way their pupils sharpen in the light, the way they hold their fingers-claws ready to slash-, the smiles they hold with razor sharp teeth. Nobody ever knows what it specifically is, just that there is something not quite human about them.
Dragon Slayer biology is completely wild and so different from human biology that they’re a lot closer to dragons than they are to humans.
They can see completely in the dark
They also have scales on the rough of their mouth and in the back of there throat to protect them from their roar’s.
They also have marks which came to be called dragon slayer marks as it allows both dragons and other dragon slayers to identify them, different elements produce different marks. Gajeel for example has black marks which look like welded seems across his body, Natsu has flame like patterns, Wendy has cloud like patterns, Laxus lightning like patterns, Sting has round circles like halo’s of light, Rogue has black patterns like shadows, Erik has what looks like small tear drops under his eyes but are obviously poison.
They have four sets of lungs to power their roar’s and employ a system of air sac’s (Air sac’s ensure oxygen rich air flows through the body when breathing in and out and is used by birds and they think dinosaurs used it to) however this can produce somewhat of a weakness as the second set of lungs are located behind the first and thus are towards the back of the ribcage making their back sensitive to impact. One good hit to the back and they’ll be completely stunned for a short period.
Their claws are razor sharp and can cause serious injury. Though the sharpness of the claw depends on the dragon slayer, Gajeel’s are strong enough to cut through iron and out of all the dragon slayers his are the thickest with Wendy’s being the weakest.
They instinctively fear whatever element they are weakest too. To explain Natsu is afraid of water though he can swim just fine he absolutely hates being in the water more than anything. Gajeel fears magma and extremely high temperature fire as they can melt through his iron (Though the fire has to be well over 2,500 Degrees Celsius as his iron is twice as strong as normal iron and twice the melting point). Wendy dislikes being low to the ground and prefers to be up in the air, she also fears polluted area’s or poisonous gases though she can use her magic to purify the air doing so is dangerous to her. Laxus similarly to Natsu dislikes water along with Earth magic as solid ground doesn’t conduct lightning and is one of the few things that stops lightning dead in its tracks. Sting is afraid of dark and black as they can smother his white-light. Rogue on the other hand is afraid of bright light and powerful sources of energy as they can erase his shadows. Erik is afraid of purifying magic as it can obviously cancel out his poison.
They’re all extremely flexible and agile, with it varying from dragon slayer to dragon slayer. From most flexible to least the list goest as follows. Natsu, Wendy, Sting, Rogue, Laxus, Gajeel.
That’s all I can think of for now though I’ll probably post another one of these at a later date focusing on each dragon slayer individually. As well as specific posts for Irene, Achnologia and maybe God Serena if I get around to it.
Feel free to reblog or use them if you want to.
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sun-stricken · 10 months
Don’t have to answer if it’s not your style, but headcannons for overprotective dragon slayers to new demon slayer gray?
Random person: you’re all dragon slayers?
Slayers: yeah, why?
Random person points to gray: why’s he here?
Slayers: he’s adopted
anon you have no idea how much i love you for asking this, ive been waiting for an excuse to do this, i am a SLUT for anyone and anything being overprotective of Gray
i don’t believe in canon or timelines so use ur imagination
i like to think of Gray as person practically everybody ends up really liking, and a total cat magnet.
And dragon slayers r just big cats. So Gray already had close friendships with them
so when they realized ‘holy shit hes like us now’ their protective instincts went in overdrive
Natsu, Wendy, & Sting didnt even try to hide it; constantly trying to make sure hes comfortable and felt safe and didnt sit alone confused and scared by all these new things he has to deal with
Natsu definitely drags him onto impromptu jobs and fishing trips with Happy, in an effort to get away from people, or just so they can spend time together, the reason is unclear
i think dragon slayers as a whole are like violently touch starved, and thats what Sting focused on mostly.
he would drape himself over Gray when he felt like the other needed or wanted it but wouldnt ask
it helped Gray get more comfortable for sure
Wendy, as a healer and friend, tried to give him every piece of advice she knew, offering remedy after remedy to help ease him into his now heightened senses
Gray tried to explain to them once that his abilities are fairly different from theirs, yes he has heightened senses, but his instincts and needs were a hell of a lot different than theirs; that only spurred them on more, making them try to research everywhere they could about demon slayers
Rogue & Gajeel were more subtle with it (not by much tho), they understood when needed it quiet, when he just wanted company without the talk
If Gray was having a hard time, whether or not it was bc of his slayer magic, Rogue would offer up Frosch and sit with him, offering silence or white noise. whatever he needed
Gajeel probably thought he was subtle but he absolutely was not, like asking Gray if he wants to run errands with him when places theyre at get too sensorially intense
he tried to ask Levy about everything she knew abt demon slayers without being too obvious, when she kept sending him knowing glances he just asked (very resigned) for some books on the matter.
there was surprisingly little
But he made do and probably studied every piece of literature there was on the matter
The others probably found out and teased him even tho they did the same thing (they also probs asked him to drop a list of books for them)
Now, Laxus really was subtle
telling Gray to go home when he was visibly pushing himself
talking about his new sound canceling headphones and then conveniently leaving them near Gray
or little compliments abt how his new magic is coming along, quiet support type shit
also staring someone down to get them to shut up if they’re being too much
i feel like they turned from ‘one of our own’ protective to overprotective when they realized ppl werent as accepting of demon slayers as they were with dragon slayers
Most ppl exposure to slayer magic is limited to dragon slayers, who refer to themselves as dragons. so when a demon slayer pops up, the correlation isn’t pretty, and their actions are even worse
While Gray understands people must just scared or confused, so he doesnt blame them; he has a hoard of extremely protective dragons who think differently
Wendy had to be physically restrained by multiple people after she heard people calling Gray a monster
Natsu genuinely considered burning alive someone who refused to pay Gray after he finished up a job
Gray definitely now had scary dog privileges, the dog being every single dragon slayer he knows
Laxus zapping people who so much as look at Gray wrong, or frying whatever electronic (ik its lacrimas but work with me) device they have.
or both
Them all hyping up (in their own ways) Grays physical demon features when they start showing up
Post joint guild party at Sabertooth: some guy talking shit abt how Fairy Tail could allow a demon into their ranks, how he is gonna hurt someone. They are now guildless and only eating through a straw and a face not even a mother could love
Someone at an event giving Gray a backhanded compliment and immediately getting death stares mixed with a violent increase of magic in the air that would make the gods shudder
Remember when i said Grays a cat magnet? its not just the dragon slayers who adore him, its their exceeds too
if u asked them to list their favorite people, Gray is in the top 5 for all of them
im stealing another hc from someone and saying Gray fosters cats, and Happy may or may not of gotten jealous once or twice over the pets and scratches that were supposed to be his
If Rogue loses Frosch and Gray happens to be in town 70% they’re probs together
The incorrect quote u put is so canon in this universe btw
Gray “Honorary Dragon Slayer” Fullbuster
i have so many more but neither of us are prepared yet
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zaimta · 2 years
parings: laxus x reader, gajeel x reader
a/n- i’m not a big fan of assigning traits to “reader” bc as a black reader ik how this makes the experience un enjoyable HOWEVER JUST THIS ONCE reader has a certain trait and it’s only magic wise nothing else
«────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ──────»
any magic with a metal attribute would compliment his magic very well! being lightning and all that
“y/n! a little help over here!” he shouted over his shoulder as he was flanked around all sides by members from a dark guild.
you sighed “you’re not gonna do that thing again are you? lightning gets all over the place and the static feels weird on my clothes.”
he punched one of the dark guild members while narrowly dodging an attack from another “Y/N!”
“alright alright! LIGHTNING ROD!” you clapped your hands together and produced a rod of metal, you tossed it in the air and watched as laxus struck it with lightning. as soon as the lighting hit the rod it’s magic power doubled taking out all your foes.
“uh you’re welcome.” you teased with a grin.
a metal user could either be his biggest ally or his biggest foe but in this case it would help him out a lot to just have someone on stand by so he can eat a shit ton of metal
the two of you were caught in an intense battle with foes all around, in your eyes the battle was one big royale it was just you and gajeel but against an army.
slowly the two of you were caught dead center of the army, the two of you were standing back to back as they had the two of you cornered all around. at this point you were feeling exhausted, you were covered in scratches and wounds while gajeel was covered in dry blood with only one more roar left in him.
“hey y/n you got any more of that yummy metal?”
you rose a brow and slightly raised your voice in annoyance “what now?! this ain’t the time for a snack!”
“actually it’s the perfect time”
you rolled your eyes and decided to go along with your boyfriend’s plan, you channeled your last bits of energy to create metal for him to consume “metal creation!”
gajeel quickly consumed the metal and let out a final roar, once the foes were defeated you both collapsed from exhaustion, your chests rapidly heaving up and down.
“maybe…we could…rest…for a while” he spoke through ragged breaths
“good idea.”
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sammygems · 9 months
Things I Have Noticed/Remembered from my MCDiaries rewatch
I will be updating this as I continue my rewatch, currently everything listed is out of order, cause I've started writing this as I am on episode 64 of season 1 and I don't feel like fixing it to be in order, so sorry!
What the fuck was Garroth's "plan" he mentions to Zenix in the first episode 😭
Zenix seems to be younger then Garroth in Diaries, considering the way that Garroth talks about him, but I think in MyStreet, Zenix is either the same age or slightly older then Garroth, so far this is like, the only obvious age difference between the series (besides Travis and everyone else of course)
I forgot how entertaining Brendan's character is, he's far less annoying then I remembered
I love Vylad, but I legit forgot how much he was in Diaries season 1, I thought he was in it far less
Currently at the stage of Diaries where there is no lgbt+ people, i'm very disappointed by this (we haven't even reached the queerbaiting)
KC's character is....not as bad (racist) as I was expecting, still not great though. I'm choosing to believe that KC is from Tu'lu and Maid Cafes are a thing there, and "Kawaii~Chan" is just a stage name for her work.
Y'all know how Cadenza went missing and she was actually turned into a chicken? Yeah, the way Hayden, Castor, & Laurance talk about her to Aphmau makes it sound like Cadenza is a small child. But then it turns out she's the same age, if not older, then Laurance and Aphmau.
Aphmau should've just made Joh and Hayden lovers, I'm so serious, it would make the whole Cadenza and Laurance being "close like siblings" in season 1 to I think actually being called as siblings in season 2 and in MyStreet a lot easier to understand and make a lot more sense.
Why does Kenmur have like, some sort of romance with all the girls from Meteli??? He was engaged to Sasha and is stated to have feelings for Cadenza.
I love when the episodes open from Sasha's POV, and she goes and talks to Gene and there's just no voices. I love having to pause to read what they're saying. (this point is sarcasm)
The way literally everyone reacted to learning Laurance was blind was....icky. Like, I understand Cadenza and Aphmau reacting as like "we need to find a way to bring his sight back", but the fact that it was literally EVERYONE who decided he needed to get his sight back was so weird.
I don't mind Laurance ACTUALLY getting his sight back, but I wish it was done differently. Like, personally, I'd have him like, have to wash his face with the water of the fountain of Lady Irene.
Emma & Corey, Dale & Molly, and Logan & Donna are very sweet couples.
After Zoey and KC were able to turn Cadenza back to her human form, Zoey mentions that she "recognizes Cadenza from somewhere", but I don't think this goes anywhere???? I'm assuming it was supposed to hint at like, Cadenza's backstory.
ngl, I kinda wish we got more of Zane and Kiki's relationship, I really wanna know what side of Zane Kiki actually saw.
Anyway, Kiki is currently expecting.
Nicole (my beloved) has showed up. I've decided I won't question the logic behind her iron fists being able to break bedrock, and instead say that her referencing her iron fists just made me think of Ace from One Piece and Natsu & Gajeel from Fairy Tail.
I need to mention that in one episode (before Aphmau went to Scaleswind and learned about Lady Irene), Garroth says to Aphmau "by the seven", which I think she was hurt, but the use of "by the seven" is similar to how the same phase would be used in Game of Thrones or to how irl lots of people say "oh my god", so I'm really wondering if there were originally supposed to be 7 Divine Warriors instead of 6.
The way when Aphmau found Levin and decided to keep him and Garroth IMMEDIATLY decided he would be Levin's father figure.
The way when Laurance found out that Aphmau had a kid, his response was to play with Levin and say to Aphmau "you didn't tell me you had this little buddle of joy/energy".
That's all for now, I'll like, update when I have more to add.
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Your headcanons my good comrades
Pantherlily does not like to be carried like the other exceeds. He's not a kid like the others plus he's got that soldier pride going on. The most he'll do is sit on someone's shoulder if he feels like it. (Plus his default mode for his whole life was being 6ft tall, so being picked up or treated like a cat is,,,,,,uncomfortable for him to say the least).
Everyone's always wary of getting their hands too close to Natsu's face during a guild brawl. He's unpredictable and they never know which days he's feeling like sinking his teeth into someone's arm.
Erza always has some sort of armour piece or weapon on her. Ehe could be wearing jeans and a t shirt but she's wearing gauntlets or paldron. Swimsuit but she's got a small hatchet on a belt with hatchet. Party dress but she's got chainmail on over it. It looks weird but the physical safety helps her feel more comfortable.
Levy loves books but she also dog ears em, or makes notes in em. Her choice favourites have coffee stains on em. Lucy loves her but she sleeps in fear when she has to lend Levy a book.
Aside from the usual mage jobs, Cana gets a lot of free liqour from breweries to sample and endorse their products which especially happened way more often after GMG. This does not stop her from running up tabs at the guild or other bars.
Laxus putting on the gaudiest animal print shirt known to god and man, knowing it'll piss off his team mates-' >:) '
Gajeel sparred with Erza once and only once where he reacted on instinct when she swung a sword at him and took a chomp out of it. She has yet to forgive him for it.
There's like, a gaggle of old ladies in Magnolia who've attached themselves to Gray for some reason. They're just inexplicably fond of him, group assigned grandson and all that. He visits em often despite not understanding why this is happening to him.
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lonleyhumanbeing · 1 year
Fairy Tail 100YQ has been such a treat for the shippers, it’s all I could have hoped for. Seriously, so far we have
• Erza asking Jellal to join the guild to be closer to her, and him saying he has overlapped with her.
• Gajeel and Levy are officially together, and Levy is pregnant.
• Gray has admitted his feelings for Juvia, and has started showing affection towards her. Also she is his ‘power to live’. I almost died from happiness at that.
•Natsu and Lucy… we got a back hug…? There hasn’t been a lot happening there, but it’s to be expected. Them dating is practically a formality now.
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fanstuffrantings · 2 months
Team Shadowgear headcanons/rewrites for fun. Note, it'll be a bit lengthy:
Levy, Jet, and Droy all get orphaned by the same monster attack on their village. Some older fairy tail mages save them from the destruction and one of them keeps the group housed even until modern day.
The trio have a sibling bond and are intensely supportive of each other, capable of knowing which areas they aren't great at and who excells.
The placement of Jet, Droy, and Levy's guildmark was chosen by levy, but the name rather than just being decided by Levy, was heavily debated among them for about a year before they settled on it.
In celebration of them going on their first mission unattended they get ear piercings. Almost like a rite of passage/adulthood. This was a Jet request as he always wanted some. (Note this is why I always draw them with the same piercings.)
They specialize in curse breaking, historical notations, and general collection of knowledge. Very much not a combat based group, often they go with other mages/groups for support and recon.
Levy has a habit of hoarding books. Droy and later on freed are the 2 who help her go through and remake books/rewrite them to help avoid rot that comes with older transcripts she finds.
Levy knows how to cast magic through sign language which is an incredibly complicated skill and can make script magic unstable of the mage isn't practiced enough. It's quicker to cast but trickier to get right.
Jet has to get specific magical shoes that are reinforced and sturdy due to his magic constantly wearing them out. He got so bummed about this that it leads to a decent portion of the guild spending a week helping him figure out how to preserve what he has.
Droy is the only one in shadowgear who can handle spice. He makes his food far too spicy and has learned to make separate portions for Levy and Jet.
Droy is the most friendly and easy to get along with in the group. It's not that they others are unfriendly, more that they get lost in their own worlds at times and aren't as focused on proper human connection. Though there aren't many close friends of Droy in the guild.
Jet has a more questionable sense of humor, he tends to find comedy in really tense and dangerous situations.
Juvia joins them a few months after getting into fairy tail due to a growing friendship with Droy as she takes up gardening as a hobby to try and figure herself out.
Gajeel joins a few weeks later, he actually would've become a bit more friendly with Jet since Makarov would've had both of them working on information gathering. Also Juvia wanting to work as a team with gajeel again.
Juvia bought Gajeel his guitar he always uses and considers herself his number one fan since she supported him even before joining fairy tail. She will fight people on it.
There is a lot of bad blood and tension between Gajeel and Levy at the start. She outright hates the man and doesn't take it easy on him causing him to have to work overtime to prove his intentions to improve and change.
When Lily does join he initially feels intensely awkward due to this hatred and an understanding that he should not involve himself and try to quell things. He tends to just pretend he can't hear or see anything since he knows how best to mind his business after years of politics and service to nobles.
Levy agrees to let Gajeel help her during Tenrou mainly because he's the only teammate who won't take it easy/will push her and it's the first time there's a clear amount of trust between the two of them enough for it to almost be said they're friends.
Juvia gets approached by Makarov before tenrou Island to see if she'd actually be willing to test for S-class, and ultimately, she refuses. Makarov wants his kids to improve but is also supportive of them figuring things out on their own and taking their time.
Droy grows various foods for the guild and guides plants into reinforcing damages the guild sustains. Him and Laki work overtime during the timeskip to keep the guildhall standing and develop a friendship.
Juvia starts a clothing line during the timeskip. Mainly, it's for children, though she also has a fair bit of exceed customers. She also makes custom dolls when requested to match her patrons.
Jet works mainly on infiltration and information gathering over the timeskip. Becoming closer with Warren, Vijeeter, lamia scale and the trimen as they all search out the missing members of the guild. He avidly refuses to accept anyone has died. Chico also assists in the efforts by conversing with spirits and making entirely sure none of the members appear after death.
Droy is naturally fat but was dieting and unhealthy with trying to stay slim, his focus shirting to caring for the guild means he goes back to his natural weight and is the most content he's been in years in spite of his grief.
Juvia post time skip is one of the main mages that keep the guild standing due to just how terrifying her abilities are. While the guild does have squabbles with rivals who want to take over the territory, no one is keen to cross her and she often calls some rain to make a point if people get to bold in their threats to the guild.
Jet started learning languages over the time skip. He and droy had a rough understanding of some prior to tenrou Island due to Levy's insistence, but as he runs more missions he does begin taking it more seriously. He's nowhere near Levy's level or knowledge, but he has a few learned by the time the tenrou crew returns.
Juvia knows how to speak 3 languages. What would be the equivalent of French, Russian, and English.
Droy is able to clock almost any plant and explain it's good and bad effects. He gets very excited about it and often rambles.
Droy, Jet, and Juvia typically try meeting for meals at least once a week just to catch up and keep the bond tight. They meet more often then that when Jet isn't on missions.
There's a noticeable shift in Gajeel and Levy's dynamic post Tenrou. Nothing explicitly romantic at first but Jet, Droy, and Levy see the beginnings of something and start a betting pool on what they think will happen. Most of the guild gets involved.
Pantherlily is fantastic with kids and considered the guild babysitter by most. He's the most easily able to handle being rough and grabbed.
I know I have more but that's my list for now. Featuring a height chart:
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