#gala’s trauma is slowing being ironed out
So the waddle dee I drew a few days back?
Yeah, I came up with lore.
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(I am ignoring any lore given by the light novels as I know nothing of them, apologies)
+ Bonus:
Gala’s traumatic childhood in the making
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my-simp-land · 3 years
My Whole World
Bucky wants to go for a motorcycle ride, and you end up going with him as his "chaperone." A beautiful kaleidoscope awaits you. Bucky x reader. 1954 words. Fluff. Have fun on the ride :))
“Hey Friday? Do we have any grapes?”
“We do not, Miss. We have gala apples, bananas, blueberries, mangos, strawberries, and watermelon.”
“Strawberries and sugar, it is. Thank you, Friday.”
“You’re welcome, Miss.”
It’s a short walk to the kitchen. I’m on hall GERS, so I have to walk through the common area to get to the kitchen. As I approached, I could hear quite the argument. Likely, Bucky and Sam. Or Bucky and Tony. The way I describe it, and it might be my bias, but Bucky isn’t actually the problem. Bucky and Sam were like a married couple; they could fight all day and go home and climb into bed together. Bucky and Tony are something else though. After Bucky’s rehabilitation in Wakanda, it took a while for Tony to accept Bucky’s apology and allow him to stay in the compound without constant surveillance. That was a tense period of times. Bucky always tries to be kind to Tony, but if Tony gets slightly agitated then it’s on.
“It’s just a ride. The bike has trackers. My arm has trackers. I can even be back before dark.”
“I don’t care, tin man. You’re not leaving the premises without a chaperone. You live with the Avengers, and if you run or turn or get captured, what does that say about us?”
“I won’t be turned! Shuri got it out of my head! And Vision and (Y/N) made sure of it! I don’t understa-”
Now is a good time if any. “Hey guys. Have any dinner plans?”
“Well...I’m just gonna grab some strawberries real quick then I’ll be out of your hair.”
It was deathly silent as I arranged my plate with strawberries and fixed a little ramekin with some sugar. It’s usually Sam and Bucky that do the staring contest, but Tony can be childish too.
“I don’t think I need a babysitter.”
“And I don’t care.”
And the bomb dropped. They were yelling over each other to quite a degree. Yelling was never your thing. Or any loud noise in all honesty. Trauma does funny things to you. You could see Steve and Sam at the common room entrance and Wanda and Nat at the other hall enterance. I’m certain we are about to see the beginning of the second civil war.
“i’ll do it.”
Everything seemed to stand still. Onlookers happened to turn to me, and Bucky and Tony were locked in another staring contest. I guess I’ll have to say it again.
“I’ll do it. I’ll ride with you, Bucky. Just- just stop yelling please.”
Bucky sighed and looked away from Tony, losing the contest. “Doll, you don’t have to ride with me. I’ll just put it off. You don’t even like motorcycles. I’ll just hang here.” He tried to do that smile that would make me agree. I coud see it in his blue eyes that he was sad about it though. It seems to him that I’m agreeing with Tony about him needing a babysitter.
“No. We’ll ride. I trust you to drive.”
His eyes nearly doubled in size. I knew I hooked him. It wasn’t often that someone said that to him, even after his rehab. I do trust him though. He’s always protected me on missions, HYDRA and Avengers alike. He’s the most dangerous person I know, but I know without a doubt that he would save me should something happen on our drive.
“Okay. That’s settled. Thank you for riding with Tin Man. I’ll see you two once you’re back.”
Tony turned and left the kitchen. It seems like everyone else cleared out pretty quick too. That just leaves me, Bucky, and my strawberries.
“You can uh, eat before we go. I didn’t plan on being back soon.”
“And maybe something a little warmer. It gets cold on the mountain after dark.”
“Alright. I’ll meet you in 45.”
A quick snack, refresh, and change of clothes later, I was stepping into the garage to meet Bucky. When you stepped in, you could spot Bucky near the back looking at Tony’s father’s car. Tony would keep them out of sight, but Bucky and Steve enjoyed them. It also reminded them of how different they are.
“Hey Buck. Ready to go?”
“Yeah, doll. Just...looking. Steve is letting us borrow his bike. Let me show you some safety stuff on it...just in case, y’know.”
We walked over to the Steve’s bike. It was a pretty bikes, but you’d seen it plenty. Steve loved that thing like it was a child. Bucky however, he was something else. He had his long hair pulled back into a half up half down look. His stubble had recently graduated into a beard. The extra dark hair on his face made his blue eyes pop even more. His outfit though. It was rare to see him out of his usual hoodie, basketball shorts, and slides or his field outfit. He had dressed warm for the occasion. Bucky wore his leather coat over a navy henley. He wore dark jeans and heavy iron toed boots. He was the definition of…
“Doll, you listening?”
“Uh, no.”
“I figured as much. Put your helmet on and we’ll go.”
“What about your helmet? I know you might not have much up there, but it is quite a pretty face.” His eye roll was so hard it probably could’ve detached his eyes.
“Super soldier, angel. I don’t nee-”
“James Buchanan, I will not get on a death trap motorcycle with someone who doesn’t have a helmet on. Do you even have a driver’s license? Muchless a motorcycle license?”
“I’ll put a helmet on if you don’t ask about my license situation anymore. Deal?”
“You drive a hard bargain. Okay, deal.” I handed him my helmet. He slipped it on as I grabbed another. Maybe this was a bad idea.
“Hop on, doll. Yeah, just like that. Scoot closer. Closer. Like right up against- yeah. Yes. Alrighty. Your feet will rest here and here. Keep them there so you don’t burn yourself on the motor. Perfect, dollface. Now, just hold on. Not- no. Doll, hold on to me. You won’t have any stability behind me.”
“I don’t know about this…”
“You agreed. Just hold me like you hold that big green frog marshmallow thing.”
“Yeah, I’ve seen you clutch that thing. I’m honestly surprised you haven’t busted it yet. Now hold on.”
“I hate you.”
He laughed that sweet beautiful laugh. It was rare to get a genuine laugh out of him, so maybe this death machine was worth it. “I know you do.”
And we were off. Back tire skidded and fish tailed behind us. Tony would complain about that. My helmet was glued between Bucky’s shoulder blades. My screams and Bucky’s laughter filled the comms. The wind blew past us, but my arms didn’t let up on Bucky’s torso. My heart felt like it was beating out my chest. I’m certain he could feel my heart on his back. I could feel us turn through the curvy mountain roads. Thankfully I listened to Bucky and got a thicker coat or I would be frozen to the bone.
“Doll, look up.”
“No. My head is gonna fly off if I look up.”
“I promise, doll. Don’t you trust me.”
I would much rather be shot again than lift my head from the safety of Bucky’s back, but he pulled the stupid trust card. “You can do it, angel. It’s so worth it.”
It was slow motion. My head came up, and the wind blew across my helmet and down my neck. I had to blink to get used to the light again. Everything was so beautiful, The yellow-greens of the spring leaves created a beautiful kaleidoscope of colors around us. White blossoms littered the road and fell around us. Sunbeams poked through the leaves and reflected off in a perfect way.
“Yeah. We’ll stop up here to watch the sunset.”
Everything seemed to slow down. I was so enamored by the scenery I didn’t notice Bucky stealing glances at my big head. I definitely looked like a bobble head.
Bucky pulled off the road onto a lookout. We had the perfect view of the valley.
“Wow Bucky. Look! You can see the compound from here! Oh wow. The trees are so pretty. Everything is...golden.”
“Yeah. I remember driving up here a couple times before the war. The first time I came was not long after Becca was born. I was still really young, but I remember the stars sparkling. It was the first time I had ever seen them. Y’know, being in Brooklyn and light pollution and what not. I knew I wanted to spend every night here, just looking at the stars.”
Bucky shuffled a little closer. I could feel the heat radiating from him. We faced the sun as it set deeper into the valley. Everything was turning from a nice green yellow to orange and golden,
“The second time was not long before I was shipped out. I had saved up enough for gas to borrow my pa’s truck. We spent all day here. It was unbearably hot all day. Poor Steve, he was still a bean pole, and I basically had to sell my soul to keep him long enough to see the sunset. It was worth it though. I would do it everyday for him. We stood here, just like us, and watched the sunset. We’d seen the sunset plenty, but his face when he looked up and saw those stars. His face was priceless.”
I could see how much Steve meant to him, and how much he missed his home. Even though he was getting better at fitting in, it still wasn’t where he belonged.
“I’m sorry, Buck. I wish I could take you back.”
“No, no, no. Doll. I didn’t mean it that way.” His hands covered my shoulders, flesh and metal. “I’m trying to say...oh lord how do i? I’ve only brought my best friend here and now you and...I don’t know. I’m not as smooth as I was. Just uh...I want you to know that you’re special to me. In a Steve but not Steve way.”
My mouth was a perfect O. I knew I was daft, but this is a new low. My brain was already short-circuiting, but I shut down when he grabbed my face. I was stuck staring into his ocean blue eyes.
“Can I kiss you?”
His soft lips touched mine. My body was suddenly in motion. Our chests were squished together and my hands found their way to the back of his neck, his hair intertwined my fingers. In that moment, his breath became mine. Our souls were one. Everything I was flowed through him, and everything he was flowed through me. Fuck the sunset, this is something else.
We pulled away. It was like post nut clarity. “I hope you did the same for Steve when you brought him.” Bucky died laughing. The full belly laugh that would hurt if you laughed too long. It was highly contagious because I was leaning into him. “You know Steve is too modest to do something as passionate as that.”
Our laughter trailed off, and we were left staring at the valley. We missed the actual sunset, but you could begin to see the stars poking through.
“It’s like looking over the whole world.”
“Yeah, my whole world.”
yoooo. i hope you enjoyed. i love doing little domestic pieces like this. if you have some ideas for domestic pieces you want to see, please send me an ask. i can't promise i'll write since i'm inconsistent af, but it might motivated me more :))
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irondadgroupie · 6 years
Flying Machine (Up We Go)
Summary: What if the IronSpider suit did not make it in time?
“You gotta let go, Pete. I’m gonna catch you.”
The boy is terrified but amazing at masking it. Tony has spent enough time with the sixteen year old to recognize the signs of Peter being overwhelmed and he can hear all of them over the com.
But the boy had to let go. Tony was about to yell at him when Peter gasped: “I can’t breathe!”
They were getting too high. Peter’s current suit was not meant for places with no oxygen. The iron spider suit was more suited but it was late. Peter did not have it because he wanted the suit to be a surprise.
Tony would never forgive himself is something happened to the boy.
Peter’s breathing got shallower and he could get no intelligent reply from the boy, just moans and slurred one-word-responses. The lack of air was affecting his brain but his hold was strong.
Peter should have let go minutes ago. It would take Tony too long to get the boy to safety.
It hit him: Peter could very well die.
He set more power to the thrusters, FRIDAY was flashing warnings but Tony ignored them all.
Peter lost consciousness and started falling. He was a small dot of red and blue, hurling towards the ground with sickening grace. They were both too slow.
Tony tried to aim and think of the best way to catch the teen. If the drop ended too suddenly, he could risk snapping the boy’s neck and making the rescuing effort pointless. But Peter was already out-cold- maybe his limpness would prevent further injuries.
The man made his mind and caught the boy, turned off the thrusters and let the force of impact spin him in the air. The hoped the that protected the fragile body from breaking bones and other injuries.
Peter’s eyes were closed and his head lolled lifelessly.
“Kid!” Tony shook him and his breath caught at the sight of the boy’s lips- they were dark blue. He could not take of his helmet to check his vitals so he ordered FRIDAY to do it.
“He has asphyxia. His heart is slowing down, currently 15 beats per minute.”
Tony cursed loudly. There was nothing he could do in the border of outer space. Even if he managed to snap Peter back to breathing, there was no air to fill the boy’s lungs. Iron Man suit had air supply but he needed to get the boy’s breathing reflex back first and that required CPR which he could not do with the helmet on.
The Iron Spider suit finally caught up to them.
“Did you stop by a drive-through, what the hell?!” Tony screamed as the suit slammed into Peter’s back and began to form around him. Like by instinct, the mask formed first, leaving his limbs as the last to be covered.
“Karen, air at full flow, try to force it into his lungs. I’m finding us somewhere to land.”
The only place close by was the weird Alien Donut Ship.Tony had wanted to avoid getting Peter into the mess but now, with his protege cradled limply against his chest, there was no way he could send Peter back to Earth alone. The boy needed medical attention and he was the only one who was close enough to help.
He flew through an opening and further into the strange vessel.
“Please let there be air,” Tony muttered and at FRIDAY’s confirmation, retracted the helmet and took in a deep breath, trying to calm his racing heart.
“It’s okay, kid,” He set Peter down onto the ground and ordered Karen to retract the Iron Helmet, not a mask this time. “Let’s get you better now.”
The boy’s face was white and the blue had begun to spread to the area around his mouth. Tony gulped and straightened Peter’s neck and bent down so he could listen for breath sounds.
Iron Spider suit had been too late. There was no breathing.
“Fuck,” Tony swore quietly. “Karen, retract the suit to his hips. I need room for the chest to rise.”
The order was completed in a second and he wasted no time in filling his lungs with air and blowing it to Peter’s mouth. The boy’s cheeks bulged slightly as air traveled down his windpipe and eventually filled his chest.
“Good, that’s good,” He stroked the boy’s windswept hair: it was straight, not curly like usual. “Now exhale.”
The body did so with no conscious thought.
As he worked through the five initial breaths, Tony was thanking the beings above of hindsight of taking a first aid course. Peter had told he had never had the training so as his mentor, the man had arranged for a course and even attended as moral support.
Tony did not want to think how panicked he would be if he had not just had a refresher on CPR technique.
He tried to keep the breaths even and not too deep, the last think he needed was to make sure lifeless Peter started to throw up.
Five breaths did not seem to be working. Peter’s face did not lose the blue tinge and he still reacted to nothing.
“C’mon, kiddo,” Tony begged as he slapped the boy’s face and rubbed his sternum with his knuckles. “C’mon, c’mon, time to wake up!”
Sternum rub usually worked or at the very least elicited some kind of response, be it a frown or a soft moan, but this time- nothing. It was just as pointless as trying to rouse a CPR dummy.
“Okay,” The man tried to keep his panic in control. “We- we can work with this, Pete. So, chest compressions-”
Tony counted the right place, set his hands on top of the other, linked his fingers and started pressing down rhythmically.
“This works, you know this works,” The man muttered to focus on something else than the sound of Peter’s ribs giving away. “You remembered last summer? We went to the beach and you got caught in the tide? You swallowed so much water I had to give you CPR- or, I pressed and Pepper gave you breaths. It took but a minute and you were coughing up.”
Peter’s rib snapped and Tony had to fight his reactions to keep compressions steady and going. The Iron Spider suit was designed to give support to broken bones, it could be dealt with.
But first he needed to get Peter’s breath back.
Tony pulled Peter’s jaw back, locked his lips against the boy’s and resumed breathing. He set one of his hands behind the neck for support and closed the boy’s nose. He tried not to think how Peter’s skin was cold and his lips gave no resistance to the unsolicited kiss. The boy should have been fighting back.
“Kid, you can’t give up now,” He returned to compressions. Air needed to circulate from Peter’s lungs to his brain and heart. “You’ve been begging me to take you on another mission. Well, this is a mission! We’re on a fucking space ship on route to who knows where and I need my buddy here to keep me safe.”
Peter’s sense of obligation, Tony was using his protege’s idolism to his favor. He was ready to do anything to get the boy’s his life back. Hell, he would sell the SI to Oscorp for a penny if it meant Peter would take a breath.
He fisted his hand and slammed it over Peter’s heart.
A choked sound came from the boy’s mouth.
Tony’s heart sank to his stomach. He had heard that sound before Peter had gotten a canape stuck in his throat a a SI Gala.
Peter had opened and closed his mouth the same way back then.
But this time, it was not bad news.
“Kiddo,” The man grabbed the boy’s shoulders and shook them. “It’s okay, we’re both okay, you can breathe now. There is air here, there is lots of air.”
Peter’s breathing was barely there but his eyes opened to slits. Tony straightened the boy’s neck and gave a rescue breath, hoping the act would help Peter’s lungs to remember how to expand. Peter gave another choking sound as warm air traveled through his throat, Tony understood: rescue breaths were not pleasant to the receiver. The first aid course had required both of them to act as dummies and have mouth-to-mouth done on them. Although, Peter had burst into laughter every time Tony had bent down to practice the procedure on him (and eventually, Tony had followed suit).
Then Peter’s lungs took in a breath- it was not a lungful but progress nevertheless.
“That’s it, buddy,” Tony got the boy into a sitting position with an arm around his chest and thumped his back, coaxing the lungs to work. “You’re doing fantastic, just the final step left.”
Slaps kept air coming in and out, it was a very old-school, not-scientifically proven method but Tony was the master of winging it. Soon Peter was simultaneously trying to cough and breathe, his mentors actions had woken his lungs and primitive reflexes took over.
The man did not know who he was trying to comfort, Peter or himself when he cradled the boy in his arms and rocked the shivering, blueish form back and forth.
“Shh,” Tony brought his lips to Peter’s ear, hoping the shushing would lower the racing pulse and help Peter control his emotions. “You’re safe now, Peter.”
Peter grasped at his armor and whimpered, Tony did not know the exact reason why but took a guess it didn’t matter. His boy had gone through another trauma, another milestone that meant he was becoming just as fucked up as the rest of the Avengers, part and present.
“Karen, get him into suit sans the mask and put on the heater.”
The blue in Peter’s lips wasn’t all because of asphyxia. The boy’s eyes were also red, blood vessels had popped but Tony confirmed it was not life-threatening. As adrenaline left his system, Tony found himself shaking too. He turned on his heater too and Peter grasped him tighter.
“You’re okay, kid,” The man hugged the boy tightly and for the first time took a look around. The place was foreboding, dark, everything he did not want Peter to be exposed to.
He buried Peter’s face into his neck. For a few minutes more, he could make the world alright.
“We’ll be okay.”
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