#galactic Starcruiser album
Thank you @lenka-mok for sharing this in the discord 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻
I am emerging from my pile of cough drops and tissues to scream about this 😂
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Is this the album artwork???? Because WOW I am in love!!!
I know we have some night owls in the fandom, but is anyone planning on doing the midnight purchase/stream?
I absolutely will be. Because I’ll be sleeping before it drops so💀 Would I truly be at peace if I didn’t see the full track list and listen to “Rockstar Queen” at least once? No, of course not.
Anyone else hyped? Any particular must-listen tracks?
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peachylyssa22 · 1 year
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This will be my joker.
MAY 4TH 🗣🗣🗣
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twofoxes · 8 months
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Ouannii and Sandro from the Galactic Starcruiser! Yes, I'm very sad about it's closing. No, I haven't stopped on-and-off crying for the entire last week. Yes, I've had Gaya's whole album stuck in my head for days. I'm nowhere near ready to talk about how much I love Ouannii and Sandro, or how much the idea that we'll never see Ouannii again hurts. Sandro, I'm following on Instagram. That's less sad, lol.
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ohthewhomanity · 1 year
@croy-on-a-working-vacation @lenka-mok
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nukenai · 1 year
So I'm completely obsessed with in-universe Star Wars music, like the 2 albums from Oga's Cantina, the Galactic Skylanes jams from the new game, and the newly released album for the Starcruiser of Gaya's music and some other fun songs (even tho nothing matches Gaya's music being performed live ehehehe)
Anyways I sent this infamous song to my sister to remind her of it and she was like "this must be what Oga's music sounds like to normal people"
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jdrespling · 5 years
‘Star Wars’ vacation aboard star cruiser ‘Halcyon’ unveiled by Disney
‘Star Wars’ vacation aboard star cruiser ‘Halcyon’ unveiled by Disney
Star Wars may occur a long, long time ago in a galaxy far, far away, but the experience is coming a little closer to home.
At the Disney D23 Expo occurring right now, Disney has unveiled an all-new, interactive vacation experience set aboard the star cruiser Halcyon.
Read More: Corey Taylor reveals plans for first solo album, tour in 2021
“Star Wars:Galactic Starcruiser will be a new,…
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It’s been forever but I made another one of these ✨
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*We’re adding demands for having to wait so long for this album to drop 💪🏻✨
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It’s a shorter album than the last one which means I’ve listened to each track multiple times already.
Currently obsessed with the pure childlike joy of “Blue Milk Surprise” (my boy is singing his lil heart out 😭💕) and the banger that is “Shakawalla.”
But there’s just one problem with this album. Photo of me examining the track list:
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Where 👏🏻 is 👏🏻 Gaya?
Not even one song from her. And clearly no album yet. That part of it is disappointing but then, also not surprising.
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Better luck next time 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
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May the 4th, Revenge of the 5th…
Such a big week not only for Star Wars, but for Starcruiser! As we speak, content from this year’s May 4th cruise will be posted (and it’s about time for me to catch up on my vlog-watching). We were also blessed with a Galactic Starcruiser album featuring Gaya’s music. Idk about y’all, but I’m still very much entrenched in listening to the album and feeling the feels.
I was surprised that my favorite Gaya songs have shuffled around now that I have the album. “Rockstar Queen” was always my number #1 (I always have a soft spot for high energy dance numbers). Now? I have to say “Gaya!” stole the spot.
I know there’s a huge difference between hearing music performed live versus prerecorded, but I was blown away by the musical complexity of “Gaya!” I mean—the backup singers???? I got full body chills when I first heard them pipe in. And then later in the song when they’re chanting her name brings back some a core memory from my own cruise so 🥹🥹🥹.
This album is like having a friend in your ear. What a gift.
The other tracks on the album are wonderful though I don’t remember hearing them on the ship. I’m tied between “Nesh Godo” and “Stargate Swing” as favorites.
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Happy Star Wars Day to all the besties! And happy listening!
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For reals 😔😔😔 Where is that album???
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Me, after developing an emotional attachment to some random song from the Galaxy’s Edge: Oga’s Cantina album thanks to Galactic Starcruiser:
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It IS a bop, especially when you can picture Gaya herself performing it.
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I really just want to know your ranking of starcruiser characters from Absolute Favorite to “somebody’s gotta be last” 👀
Thanks for the ask, @mothmannerly! Okay, so, here goes an incredibly difficult ask *cracks knuckles* Ranking from Absolute Favorite and downwards:
1. Lieutenant Harman Croy: this surprises no one. When I first started watching Galactic Starcruiser vlogs, I didn’t expect to pay much attention to the First Order. But yeah, no, the minute Croy crashed the party, I was like New Favorite Character, Hello 👁👄👁! What dragged Croy up to the #1 spot was his depth. I suspect this has more to do with the actors portraying him than any original plans for the character, so a big thank you to the Murder of Croys for going above and beyond. Croy comes off at times as (hilariously) incompetent at his job, which we find out is because this is a new role of authority for him (so he really doesn’t know what he’s doing, and I LOVE THAT). He’s ridiculous, overly polite at times, squashes boundaries, and shouts and stands on his toes and just demands attention he obviously doesn’t get back at the First Order. His monster crush on Gaya is the best thing ever. Some passengers have said that he’s had moments of doubt, unsure he’s really doing what’s right, and I’m also obsessed with that too. Y’all know I’m on Team Croy Needs to Defect.
2. Gaya: Gaya has stolen my #2 spot because she’s a brilliantly-crafted character. Yes, her music is fantastic and we’re all dying for her album to drop from the cruiser. But what raised her up this high was 1) Croy’s crush on her and, despite knowing that liking him back is a Bad Idea, she’s a lil attracted to him too and 2) her diva personality when she’s interacting with other characters, especially Lenka and Riyola. I love it when she corrects them—Gaya is always right. I also love that she sometimes refers to herself in third person. Her tight friendship with Raithe is fantastic. Her focus and drive to help her people is such a powerful narrative, and it explains why she uses her power as a celebrity to bend the galaxy to her desires.
3. Raithe Kole: I mean, how can I not rank him high? It seems that every actor brings something different to Raithe, but all of it very, very positive. He’s 100% a scoundrel. Always scheming, effortlessly moving people around like chess pieces while on the surface, he pretends to be carefree and charming and everyone’s best friend. Like I said above, even though Raithe gets in the way of any Croya interactions going too far on the cruise, I do appreciate seeing how much Raithe cares about Gaya, focused on making sure she’s okay while juggling the demands of their plans for the cruise. He’s not Rylothian (srsly his backstory is pretty cool) but he’s become family, and he’ll do whatever it takes to subvert the First Order and anyone else who gets the way. He’s a complex character, and in case you see a trend here, YES, I love characters with a lot of layers.
4. Sammie: Okay, so, with Sammie, I have a favorite actor who plays him, and I need to see more of the other Sammies to have a well-rounded, glowing opinion of him, but I think Sammie’s a great character. He’s got a solid backstory and I do love that him joining the Halcyon is alluded to at Oga’s Cantina if you can translate the message board (love those Easter eggs). He’s awkward, with fantastic comedic timing for one of the good guys, and from the vlogs, it looks like he attracts passengers like moths to a flame. This is probably because he’s just so friendly, bumbling, and as eager to help the Resistance as most of the passengers are. More than any other character on the Halcyon, he’s the one who purely functions as being level with the rebel passengers. Everyone’s learning how to best help the Resistance together, and he’s right there in the trenches. That makes for a compelling character you can’t help but latch onto.
5. Sandro Alimander: Sandro is just adorable. A sunshiny character who just makes me smile whenever he shows up on the vlogs. I’m in awe of improv in any form, but to be able to write songs on the fly and remember the lyrics passengers threw at him, even at the very end of the cruise? Incredible. That’s magic. I love that he’s part of a side plot that anyone can engage in, and since he’s not connected to a data pad narrative, it probably feels more organic when you get pulled into whatever he’s up to. I love the tension between him wanting to connect with Gaya and learn from her while he can, but then also crushing on Ouanni and wanting to win her over. He seems to make a few blunders along the way, but I do loooove that the passengers help steer him in the right direction. Also, I can’t remember now which vlog it was, but the vlogger was exploring the Engineering Room and found Sandro cheerfully sitting in the brig because the troopers had arrested him for something or other. He was just chilling out in there, not worried or concerned at all, except that he didn’t want to use the secret hatch to escape because he might bang up his guitar 😆.
6. Captain Riyola Keevan: I still need to see more of Riyola in action, but I really like her. My favorite part about her is that, yes, she’s for the Resistance and has been helping them in any way she can, but she also has so much understanding and empathy for other perspectives. My favorite moments are when we get to see her incredible patience for the shenanigans going on. You know she knows what’s going on, but she wisely chooses to let it go, or not bring attention to it. She has to stay one step ahead of Croy and the First Order, while also making him feel welcomed and respected, and she needs to keep her eye on Raithe and Gaya, despite trusting them (well, only Gaya) to aid the Resistance during the First Order takeover. I love that she that’s forthcoming with her knowledge, encourages passengers to connect with each other and other characters, and just keeps a cool head in all situations. As someone who works an office job, I kind of see her as an ideal manager that you can lean on for anything. So yeah, she’s just real neat.
7. SK-620: I need to know moooooore about SK, because so far, he just seems like another mischievous droid like R2-D2. I have no issues with that AT ALL. Bring them on. Foul-mouthed sassy droids are amazing. Keep them coming. But I don’t think I’ve learned enough about SK to rank him above some of these other characters. However, SK is this high on the list because I love Star Wars droids in general. They’re adorable. I want to see more of SK’s relationship with Lenka. I love their bond (that moment at the end of the cruise where Lenka rests her head against SK just emotionally kills me).
8. Ouanni: Okay, okay, so to be fair, I’d probably rank her higher if I got to go on the cruise and interact with her in person. But from the vlogs, it’s hard for me to put her up there when sometimes, she’s just kind of does her thing in the background. I feel like vloggers either have to be into the Sandro/Ouanni storyline or not—and if they aren’t, she gets sidelined in the blogs. I love that Ouanni’s a talented musician and has been working with Gaya. I’m not sure about her bio—does she officially work as Gaya’s musician or was she hired on just for the cruise? I like to think she’s been performing with Gaya for a while. And in that case, this is her moment to realize that she can emerge from Gaya’s shadow and start her own musical career. With Sandro, as equals. They’ll take the world by storm if Raithe has anything to do with it, as their manager. I love romance, so yeah, her side of the plot is really fun to watch as well, giving Sandro a hard time (which he probably deserves lol) as he clumsy flirts with her, and figuring out what she wants out of life.
9. Lenka Mok: I want to see more footage of Lenka. I’m sure I’d love her more if I did, but not many vloggers are capturing her outside of the major story moments, which is a shame. I’m intrigued by her thanks to 1) seeing her immediately butt heads with Gaya during Gaya’s pickup and that souring their relationship somewhat for the rest of the trip—Lenka seems to get the brunt of Gaya’s diva personality 2) her close ties with SK. They’re family. Looking out for each other. Spiritually joined at the hip. 3) one of the Lenka actresses and one of the Raithe actors seem to have chemistry, and as small as it is, I’m all about it. Cruise director and scoundrel. I love it. I’ll keep my eye out for more.
10. Colonel Talis: just because he’s never physically on the ship, doesn’t mean I can’t include him here. He’s still an original cruiser character. He’s got shitty boss vibes. Just absolutely terrible to work for. The kind of boss who should make you think twice of staying with an evil organization *cough* Croy, just defect already *cough*. But I love the obvious tension he brings when we see him transmitting on the bridge or on the data pad. Up until seeing Talis, the passengers serving the First Order are having a great time being there for Croy. But then Talis brings the bucket of ice water. He does not make the loyalist passengers feel like they made the right choice in working for the First Order (which is a brilliant move on Disney’s part, actually). But if he wasn’t as terrible as he was—willing to blow up the Halcyon with Croy still on it—then we wouldn’t be getting the depth we do for Croy’s character. So thank you for your service, Talis. Much appreciated.
11. Saja: somebody’s gotta be last! I decided to put the Saja here, because as an armchair cruiser, I haven’t seen too much footage of them, and there are so many Saja that it’s hard to take them as a whole and put them above one of the main characters. At least, that’s how I currently feel. I’m also personally not a huge Jedi fan, so that also influences me ranking them this low. Nothing personal, but I’d rather follow the characters who aren’t Force-sensitive. It’s also hard when each Saja has their own name, and it takes some digging through IG to find out what their names are. On the data pad, it looks like you only get one main Saja represented, called “Saja” so yeah, it does make it difficult to learn their different personalities when I’m watching the vlogs. Is it worth trying to? Absolutely.
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